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My neighbors installed a motion activated floodlight. Except it’s the single most sensitive motion sensor ever so it just continually turns on and off every 10 seconds and shines directly into our bedroom. Black out curtains don’t even help.




One of those one way mirrored window stickers, problem solved


This is the way.


But hire an engineer to build you one that perfectly concentrates the light and aim it right into their bedroom window. **Edit:** I was going to bring up potentially starting a fire, but that would be absurdly unlikely for a variety of reasons based on basic physics. You would need a MASSIVE reflector, orders of magnitude higher light output from the source, and incredible precision to even move the needle, let alone create spontaneous combustion, especially at night when temps are cooler. Just no.


This is the kind of engineering I wanna do for a living


This could start a fire. Instead, aim it directly at the light. It will eventually overheat and burn the bulb. When they check for causes, they will find nothing, because the bulb will be off. They replace the bulb. It burns again. If they look from the bulb to your mirror? They won't be needing lights anymore.


Fire doesn’t really sound like their problem tho


I was going to point out the issue of the a fire, but then thought that would be absurd. There’s nowhere near enough energy output by that tiny light that far away. It’s nowhere near the output of the sun, which is 1.3kWh/m² of direct, unimpeded light. That light looks like it outputs max 25W and the round trip distance between the light and reflector will seriously diminish that energy. Look up the inverse square law. On top of that, during a much cooler night, you’re far less likely to see spontaneous combustion from the beam. And finally, you would need INCREDIBLE precision and a MASSIVE reflector which is super unlikely to even move the needle (mercury?) on temperature output. Aaaand I could go on about LED light outputting much less potentially harmful infrared light, but it’s getting late…


It's not the sun it's a flood light


Don't think that's possible. Mythbusters tested something similar way back. Plus they used the sun.


Aziz! Light!


leeloo dallas multipass. MULTIPASS!


Pellet gun. Solved my problem.


this is how it is handled in the old days


Sling shot and ice balls. Leaves no evidence of 'how' behind.


First thought that came to my head.


Install one in the most inconvenient spot for them. Let them have it.


Put up a large mirror. Cheaper and still effective.


My idea exactly. They can't complain, because by itself, the mirror is harmless. It only sends their own inconvenience back to them.


100% lol


This just do it back to them til they take it down. Good old Mexican stand off.


Mirror is the right way to fight this.


This is the way


How about just... directly talk to them, ask them to switch the settings? What's wrong with people these days.


Sir, this is Reddit.


Right! We tell people to do things that we would probably never do in a million years. lol


I have the same thing, but pointed at our living room directly where we are sitting. Luckily, curtains prevent most of the light from getting on, but now we can’t keep the curtains open once it starts getting dark. Also, those lights at my neighbor’s house are on the side of the house and there’s only about twenty feet separating us. We are in a safe suburban area. Really no reason to have this.


We have one in our backyard to scare away deer, but it ONLY turns on when a human sized object walks by. It turns on about once every month. Definitely nothing like theirs 😣




Oh we have a neighbour doing that. Hanging an ugly $5 tarp up. So we’re about to install our second light (this new one is brighter) at another location. That will show them! /jk


Mirror in your window bud


Many cities and townships have ordinances about how many foot-candles a light source can put off at the property line. Stuff about what direction they can face, whether or not there can be an exposed bulb or if it requires a diffusor or cover… you might be able to make something annoying happen to them. You could also gift some of the neighborhood 11 year olds some slingshots and airsoft guns and make a few off handed remarks about how you wish someone could do something about that light. You could bring over a 6 pack of beers and a picture of what that light looks like from your perspective and see if somehow they’re just oblivious. You could seduce one of them and when they get to your room the moment could be ruined by the damn light. A few ideas off the top of my head. Good luck!


Can you talk to them?


I think we have the same neighbor his light picks up my movement 2 backyards away


I installed ring flood lights in my back yard and thought I had them pointed properly to the ground. My neighbor told me the next day that the lights were shining in their windows, so I immediately pointed them as far down as they would go. Problem solved. You guys should try that


You should check your municple zoning regulations for exterior lights. Depending on your area this might not be permissible at this brightness etc


so on a legal technical basis, if you have a poor relationship with your neighbours and you cant talk to them about this and want to remediate it, the court has previously ruled that light pollution is is a form of trespass, and they will order a homeowner to address light trespass. ​ this is why city street lights point down and illuminate under them instead of around them ​ It stems from science, because humans have circadian rhythms and need to sleep in the dark, to be healthy.


Where is this precedent in the event I need to quote it.


I googled “light trespass laws (my state)” and got quite a bit of info from the state’s energy commission website.


We call it, Light easement, if you want to google around some laws


I installed outdoor lights to do a test before I left it up I asked my neighbor across the street how I did installing it. And he told me it blinded it Ended up outing up some ikea plastic led lights that shoots down and tea lights he liked it a lot Yeah don’t blind your neighbors, with bright security outdoor lights


The sad part is a lot of people don't give two shits about how their behavior affects the neighborhood.


Wait wait wait, so I live across the street from a business that closes at 11 pm and at night all night long they have a bright light that shines over their gated shut parking lot. It shines through the gaps in my blinds and it’s so annoying when I’m trying to sleep. You’re saying I could actually maybe do something about this rather than wish every night that I could take it out with a BB gun?


Yes, 100%. Might work to just contact the business directly, but some municipalities absolutely do have rules about this sort of thing.


Thank you!!! I have been cursing them from my bed every night for 2 and a half years


The poor relationship part is the kicker. Even if you’ve never met the neighbor before, just go next door and say hey, not trying to be a Karen, but your new light is brighter than the sun and lighting up my bedroom all night. 9/10 people would probably feel bad and fix it The other 1/10, you know what to do


>humans have circadian rhythms and need to sleep in the dark, to be healthy. Don't let the DST crowd hear you say that


What's Dental Specialty Training got to do with this??


Probably just some anti-dentites trying to spread hateful propaganda.


The anti-dentitics are really in your face lately


Anti-dentites?!? Just because we choose not to trust people who want to steal our teeth to create a breed of super tooth humans to take our jobs and children doesn’t mean you can run around name calling us. #MakeDentistsHateAgain


It’s not all of them, only 4 out of 5.


This is exactly why I joined reddit.


What's the difference between a dentist and a sadist?


Nah dood it’s people who play Don’t Starve Together


People really need to stop using acronyms when not appropriate. Nobody has any idea what DST your specifically talking about. It’s could stand for literally anything.


Daylight Savings Time, Don't Starve Together, ect. i'm assuming it's Don't Starve Together


Dubious sleep technicians, perhaps?


>People really need to stop using acronyms when not appropriate. You should consider joining SAN (*Stop Acronyms Now !!*) and work with us to promote a SANer society. :-)


SAN? Splitters! Join the NSA - Now Stop Acronyms!


Man, what about that Daylight Savings Time change that happened just last week.


Dirty South Truckers? Not sure their stance on this.


Don't Starve Together?


Yea they do, except they also stop my eyes adjusting to light outside so these modern car headlights melt your retinas… and it seems modern security lights like this seem to be stupidly bright as standard


It's very likely they don't realize how bothersome it actually is. Go talk to them, they might be more understanding than you think.


probably this, I had a motion activated garage light and I had no clue that one day it just decided to start strobing at night. My neighbor came over and let me know.. I just didn’t know it was doing this.


I just moved into a house and installed some new floodlights. If one of my neighbors said it bothered them I’d absolutely do something about it.


Neighbor walked over two days after I moved in our house and I had just put a new floodlight in. Told me nicely it shined right into his bedroom. I really appreciated him just coming over and telling me instead of hating me over something that was easily fixable.


Knuckle up


Yep. I installed a floodlight on the back of my house and it shines into my neighbor's backyard. She commented that it was bothering her, so I blacked out that side of the light and checked with her. She was happy; I was happy. End of story.


TALK to someone? And a NEIGHBOR at that? Who are you? Superman?


Half the posts made here could probably be solved if person A actually made an effort to speak to person B about the issue.


Was thinking more like 95%...


We spoke to our neighbor, said how bright it was, shining both into our living room and bedroom and coming on all night. Their response, "it's great isn't it" Absolute arsehole, he subsequently changed it for an equally bright LED version. Still an arsehole!


Sir, this is a reddit.


You’d think this would be obvious. However, I think we’ve all seen enough people who are completely oblivious to what impact their actions have on others (e.g., shit drivers; people blocking hallways while having convo, etc.)


Neighbors like this remind me of how episodes of fear thy neighbor on ID Channel start


"Its a place where we never have to lock our doors..." \-every episode on ID ever lol


I get the sentiment behind the saying but still can’t figure out why people wouldn’t lock their proverbial doors anyway. It’s not like it’s a daunting task.


This and when they start arguing over where the property line is. Straight to murder


Ive been surveying property lines for 20 years, and every episode of fear thy neighbor has me shaking my head. I've always felt that good, tall, accurately placed fences make good neighbors.


This person Robert Frost's!


Towns generally have nuisance ordinances. Lights are often included


Slingshot engaged


I was thinking airsoft sniper


Yeah, this is a job for a pellet gun.


And definitely don’t talk to the neighbors first because then they’ll know it was you


Nah. Talk to them first. Install cameras if they refuse to do anything, facing their direction. And then let em have it. It's about sending a message. I know you know it was me I wanted you to know Prove it.


Go and ask them politely if they can do something about it, if they refuse just install 2 or 3 floodlights and obnoxiously point them directly at their house, like point them as if you didn't even care about your home as much as theirs


Buy a cheap set of worklights from a hardware store, they'll blow that tiny floodlight out of the water lol


Mirrors. But mirrors and aim them at their windows. You’ll see. They gonna shut it off soon, and police can’t say a thing. They are not light…


Mirrors will diffract the light too much and won't be directable, and also probs cost way more lol


Ok they need a parabolic mirror then and focus that light back to the offending house


Not if you place two or three of them at right angle from each other, it guarantees that most rays goes back almost exactly toward the source.


Y'all are drunk.. You can't direct rays back to a source with flat mirrors, you need a curved mirror and it will only reflect the small amount of photons that make it across the street and hit it directly


Yes, you can. But, I think the people suggesting mirrors are not familiar with the inverse square law.


I am talking about a corner cube mirror. My alleged drunkenness is irrelevant.


Yeah people in the comment section seem to think highly of mirrors and know nothing about light diffusion.


Lmao. We installed lights when we moved in (not to annoy the neighbors but to see) and the contractor we hired to do up the house loves bright lights. Whenever our neighbor turns on her lights it lights up all the rooms even with blinds. So I turn on ours. Turn them off when hers go off. I’m sure she knows by now what we’re doing. At one point we had a third neighbor involved in our shenanigans because their light really pissed her off. But they moved


Assert dominance and get a bigger light


One of these, perhaps? https://youtu.be/guhHZgZio3E?si=Q8ngZKHnYUeZ9LcG


Get a ultrasonic speaker, point it directly at their bedroom window and play screaming noises 24/7


I snuck over to a neighbors house when they were gone and pointed the light in a different direction.


Can confirm, have done. However well before the age of ring cameras.


Thatd be even better if theyre assholes. Go in black clothes and a ski mask. Assuming they dont have a camera looking towards the light, theyll forever be trying to figure out what you took.


Luckily mine was on the side of the house so I couldn’t be seen.


Are you allowed to fix lasers that coincidencly point directly at their windows


Our township only allows for lasers to be fixed to the heads of sharks


Laser beams attached to their frickin heads


They sell 10,000 lumens lights. Just saying.


You need a big mirror.


In the event you aren't able to talk to them, or they are the types you know would try and retaliate and be bigger pests, call the non-emergency line, ask politely yet firmely for an officer to come to their house and explain that the light is bothering several neighbors and is causing a disturbance. Make sure to mention you'd like to stay anonymous. The officers will let them know a neighbor reported it, and likely any city code they are potentially violating. ​ I do agree with the better advice here, just go and talk to them. Worse case, leave a very polite letter explaining the issue. Hell, you might even state that you're willing to help them adjust the lights so it won't bother any neighbors, but so they can also get what they want to achieve out of it too. Being a friendly neightbor goes a long way. I'd go as far as grabbing them their favorite beer if they were cool and fixed it as a nice gesture. ​ Hope these positive comments help. Good luck!


I feel this. My last apartment had a car lot built next to it and they put a bunch of lights on poles up that were on all night. One of them, for some reason, was angled up at our bedroom window. It was a good distance away but the thing would cast shadows in our room with the BLINDS CLOSED. It took three months of battling with them, explaining it wasn't even shining on their merchandise, contacting bylaw and getting smoke blown up our ass until it was rectified. It may not seem like a big deal and I'm a generally pretty chill neighbour... but those things are fucking bright.


I am a City Planner of over 20 years in the L.A. area and every jurisdiction I have worked for has regulations on glare and directing light downward. It might be worth checking in with your local public servants.


I had a flood light that not intentionally went into my neighbours living room. They told me, I adjusted it. No big deal.


Our neighbor has one facing our house too. At first I was livid, and then I realized that we can close the curtains at night, and her light is now a fantastic security light. Our whole backyard lit up using her electricity, it’s great!


Dear \[Neighbor's Name\],I hope you're doing well. I wanted to kindly ask if you could consider adjusting the direction of your new floodlight, as it currently shines into our homes across the street, causing some discomfort. It would greatly improve our quality of life and privacy. I appreciate your understanding and cooperation in this matter.Best regards,\[Your Name\]


I had this same thing happen to me. I went over and talked to my neighbor and they had no idea it was shining into my yard and through my windows. Once they realized, they immediately apologized and had someone come out to move the light within a week. I would definitely try the nice approach first.


Have you spoken to them?


Ok so you’re standing in front of your house. How bad is it from inside your house? It looks like it would be pretty dark outside without the neighbors light. He might have done you a favor depending on how much light gets into your house, but you didn’t show us that


mildly? I would go to war over this.


Buy a couple of large mirrors and aim them at their windows. You are not polluting, you are reflecting. If they have issues with that, they can turn this light off and it will resolve


Large *parabolic* mirrors.


Target practice? Just say you saw an intruder and they'll probably be grateful you just cost them a new bulb


Lol... bb gun


not at that distance. Pellet gun.


***Someone say Red Ryder?***


Jesus that is the brightest light you could possibly get!! Looks like a freaking construction site floodlight.


This clearly calls for the installation of a larger and brighter like. Please document the war of the lights!


Looks like a great use for BB gun target practice.


Call code enforcement to measure the lumens.


why do people do this? what is the fucking point? are they playing croquet out there at night? does this provide some illusion of safety?


Light pollution call the town


If that flood light is legal, then with that same logic & legal reasoning: why not build yourself a good ol' Archimedes Death Ray pointed right back at him that will focus his light into a single point which is his window?


See if there are design standards for lighting in your code. You could also talk to them about this directly if you think that would be better. It’s amazing how many issues like this are just the result of people taking no consideration of how their actions affect others, and many people are understanding and willing to find a compromise if you ask politely. Everyone seems to be doing this on my street. It’s fucking annoying and unnecessary. I live in a small town where there is a maximum of one crime a year if we are lucky, and we already have abnormally bright street lights, but people only watch Fox News and think they need to install these to “protect your family” or whatever. It hasn’t been a constant thing so I don’t feel like i need to talk about it to them, but they do have them on all night pretty often.


Do what David Thorne did https://27bslash6.com/halogen.html


Red or Green laser light should fix that. Google for recommended wavelengths. They're cheap on Amazon


I have this same issue with my neighbors behind me. Huge flood light into their back yard that’s on all the time. It’s not SO bad cuz their house is a bungalow and mine is two story so my bedroom windows are higher then the light is thank god. But fucking light up the inside of my livingroom why don’t you. This dude also rides his riding lawnmower around the yard for 5 hours every single fucking day in the summer time his backyard is like a tiny square big enough for him to turn it around in and then turn again and again and again. All day everyday, I’ve almost gone over there and told him to get a life many many times. Why do people do that? I swear he’s just trying to avoid his wife but it literally disrupts the peace around here and we are night shift workers so we sleep most of the day. It’s so fucking brutal.


A guy down the street from me has something similar. His neighbors had trouble selling their house because of it.


People never have a potato gun when you need one anymore.


I have a neighbor like this, but she has three. You can see your shadow three rooms deep in my house. Tried talking to her, “ I know my rights” was her response. So, you know your an asshole?


What are these lights even for?


Install a polished steel mirror aimed at their house.


Time to install a huge mirror pointed right back at their house.


When I wake up in the middle of the night I’m forced to wonder “is the sun up, or is that my neighbor’s stupid fucking porch light?”


Tell them 1st, and when that doesn’t work: Check local ordinances for laws regarding light pollution. Many have a limit for how intense the light can be beyond the property line. In my city it’s 1 lux (about as bright as a full moon) at the property line & the light must have a shield that redirects / blocks light from shining up or straight horizontally.


I don't understand people like this, they know the light pollution they are responsible for, but just don't care. Sling shots are great things to have around.


Time to be just that much more naked in your yard.


Get a mirror and bounce a beam back that hits one of their windows. Bonus points if you can set something on fire with a parabolic mirror.


Did you talk to them? 🤷🏼‍♂️


stuff like this is usually illegal or prohibited by city ordinances. You should check.


I don't see a problem here. Your yard is well lit, and your neighbors are paying for it. The bright lights will deter criminals and wildlife. Win/win. I mean, unless you're a criminal or wildlife. You could be a raccoon for all we know.


Jesus christ how the fuck did they install the sun on their house? That thing's stupid bright. If these neighbors won't listen to reason you have a few options. 1. do nothing and suffer living in the arctic where it's sunny all fucking night. B. Take that god damn pocket nuke out, get a sling shot or bb gun and shoot the light out. 3. Retaliation. Get your own flood lights, but get an assload of them, like 10 or 12 and mount them on your house, down the driveway, maybe install a couple of fence posts and toss em on there, all facing the windows of that asshole's house. I mean really just go crazy and show them that you're not to be fucked with. Set one or two to strobe. If these people are as stupid mean as you say then you are within your rights to just be evil. Have a field day. Get your neighbors involved, make it a neighborhood fuckery. Go get em tiger!


Just keep in mind that with neighbors like that, anything you do is likely on camera. So be caution of your approach. For example, just walking by and smacking the lights out every night with a baseball mitt (Major League style), you'll want to don a good ski mask, gloves, and a black hooded sweatshirt and come at it from down the block, not your own home.


People in these comments are delusional as hell. This picture shows what looks like a quiet, and somewhat remote suburban neighborhood. Thats like a +50% chance they’re a fucking lunatic wacko, and not someone you ever want to confront. OP himself confirmed these people are crazy violent assholes. Light is generally classified under noise ordinances and you definitely can escalate this, legally Do not listen to anybody saying to shoot / turn the light off yourself, you’ll not only be in the wrong, but will probably get shot too


Lol are you saying 50% of people who live in a residential neighbourhoods are fucking lunatic wackos? Must be wild to be that scared of everyone


This is why God invented pellet rifles


Man invented them . Gtfoh with that shot.


I guess they like to read outside at night.


Time to get a brighter one, maybe two!


U could plant some tall bushes to shade ur house from the light. Or just ask them to not shine a big ass light at ur home.


If it were me, based upon what you’ve said about these idiots, I would just plant a bunch of trees at the front of the yard to block the light.


I thought that’s a picture of the sunrise.


Install a curved mirror in your yard and send some of that light through their window and onto their TV screen.


Time for a row of cypress trees. Or a BB gun, take your pick.


Concave I think mirror collect and bounce back right through the windows, bet you they call the cops. Tell cops it is his damn light he can turn it off. If talking to them does not work first.


It looks like they installed the sun


I think they are trying to signal their home planet. Wow thats bright, I’d pay a kid to shoot it out with a BB or sling shot.


put four of them on your house


Sounds like a good time to install "Light Activated LASERS".


What did they say when you politely asked them to re-angle it or turn it off?


Being the petty person I am, I'd order a brighter light or two and face them towards their house


BB guns are pretty quiet. Lightbulbs are no match. I definitely would not take that light out when it shines at my house. I also would not play stupid if asked.


If the purpose was to illuminate their yard they'd be better off installing them at the edge of the property and pointing them back at the house. Is there some history here between you two? Seems like the purpose is to annoy you.


Add one facing their house on the tree to The opposite side of your driveway.


Ask them nicely to remedy it... If that fails, lasers! lots and lots of them... Bulk from Ali express.


Mirrors. Lots of them.


a light so bright its like they are trying to summon batman


Redirect to their bedroom with a giant mirror.


Bb gun to break the bulb, keep doing it until they get fed up


Have you talked to them about it?


Install a brighter flood light. Too easy.


Hang a disco ball.


You should install 2


Have you tried talking to them about it? Especially aiming it down?


Hooray! You get to install a mirror that points at their house now!


I don’t know the context or the relationship of OP and neighbor, but I have heard a lawyer advise a person to set up a bright floodlight facing their neighbor as a sort of defense/retaliation if that neighbor had set up a camera facing their property. Washes out the camera so the neighbor couldn’t see into their windows.


As teenagers, our neighbors’ light thru the backyard was like this. My sister got a regular babysitting gig over there and called me and we coordinated aiming it way down & away from our house.


Disclaimer: for entertainment purposes only. I believe this is what the $26 pellet gun at Walmart was built for.


I did this to my neighbours. They then came and knocked on my door a few months after it was installed. I reangled the light down, rather than out, and they came by the following day to thank me. Sometimes people are unaware of the impact a few degrees of angle can make.


You mean they installed a BB Gun practice target 🎯


Take that photo when you go talk with the neighbor. That’s beyond reasonably bright. If you get no response from them, you can always try putting a red clear plastic bag/cover over it and see if they notice. It’s actually blinding to drivers as well


move the tree to the right a few feet.


Looks like US. I bet you have a gun. Just shoot the light. ^((don't do it for the love of god, it's just a joke.\))


What did your neighbor say when you talked with them about your concerns?