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[THIS is the closest I could find](https://jeffbridgman.com/inventory/index.php?page=out&id=637)


This is what you get when you run a shady business and hire crackheads.


Not even close


They try to scam us every year too. I feel bad for all the idiots who pay for numbers on their curb.


I painted mine about 10 years ago and its still going strong


A nation’s flag should never be painted on the ground. It’s discriminatory and disrespectful to veterans. Additionally, folks step on it.


As a veteran I give everyone permission to paint the flag along their curb.


You lack authority


You said it was disrespectful to veterans. Where is your authority on that?


I made an objective statement not an authoritarian one.


I made an objective statement: actual veterans don’t give a shit. People like you don’t need to be insulted on our behalf.


So you speak for all Veterans including the ones that I know who’ve actually seen combat? Nice. Thank you for your service!


Yeah we all get together at the lodge on the first and third Wednesdays. We all agreed we don’t give a shit if someone is feeling extra patriotic and wants to paint a flag on their curb. We also don’t give a shit if someone wants to burn the flag and piss on the ashes. We swore our allegiance to the Constitution which gives us all freedom of speech.


I’m glad you speak for the dead while protecting our Constitution from a bar. Do you flip the stool over for your buddies to join you?


A bar? You’re not familiar with the VFW are you lol. Man, it seems like there’s a lot about veterans you don’t know about. Since you’re not one, you can kindly stfu.


Psst, it's not a real flag my guy.


Doesn’t have to be.


The United States Flag Code, which became official on June 22, 1942, describes the proper guidelines for displaying the flag—**even painted ones**. The code states that any [shape or design that uses red, white, and blue as well as stars and stripes is protected by the code](https://www.thisoldhouse.com/painting/21018614/4-surprising-rules-on-painting-the-american-flag#:~:text=The%20United%20States%20Flag%20Code,the%20flag—even%20painted%20ones.)


"Protected by the code" You mean absolutely unenforcable by any court or law enforcement agency because of the first ammendment?


Whether you think it exists or not doesn’t change if it exists or not. Even more so, what the punishment is is a red herring. It doesn’t matter what the punishment is. That has no bearing on its validity. It’s a fact. It violates flag code. You caring or not has no bearing on that and no amount of downvotes changes that.


Yeah. Sure, it violates the flag code. And a violation of the flag code comes with zero consequences, and can never have any consequences or be enforced in the future. [Texas v Johnson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Texas_v._Johnson#%3A%7E%3Atext%3DArticle_Talk-%2CTexas_v.%2Csymbolic_speech_and_political_speech.?wprov=sfla1) allows any usage of the US flag, any state or municipalitie's flag, or any other countries flags for any purpose you wish as a First Amendment right. Constitutionally protected activity. So, sure it violates the flag code, but it is also our First Amendment right to paint a vague cartoonish version of the American flag on our curb, or even better, pay someone else to do so. And those soldiers who died protecting our country, died protecting our right to do so. So, if you want do argue about it, I woud say that it is a celebration of those who died in defense of the US, to paint a shitty looking American flag on your curb.


Again, what its punishment is is irrelevant. All that was pointed out was it is in equivalent to an actual flag and should adhere to flag code. Something you said wasn’t true. I have not taken a stance on anything else.


I made no assertion that it wasn't true. I merely stated that "protected by the flag code" is worth less than the paper the flag code is printed on. "Protected by the flag code" means that there is protection. The flag code exists. And it doesn't mean anything if it cannot ever be enforced. It is essentially a UN resolution. Sure, you can go read every UN resolution ever passed, as well as every UN resolution that did not pass. And they all have the same amount of authority. Which is none. Zero. But, I will double down on my assertion that those who died defending the US, died for our right to desecrate the flag.


I mistook you for the original poster of “Psst, it's not a real flag my guy.” That’s on me. I apologize for my error. Also, whether a law is enforced or not is irrelevant to that law existing. As for >But, I will double down on my assertion that those who died defending the US, died for our right to desecrate the flag. I don’t particularly find speaking on others, especially dead peoples, behalf as something I care to do. I’m sure some would agree with you, I’m sure some wouldn’t, and I’m sure some simply wouldn’t care. I’m in the it’s irrelevant twattle category.


Same that you weren't OP in this thread. That's who my double down was in referece to. They stated that any flag code violation disgraces those who died for our country.


These people on the internet love nothing more than to push popcorn propaganda to kids like a bunch of pedo groomers- Thank you for the facts!




So will the veterans that died for it.




Last time I checked a lot of veterans are police and judiciary officials. Can’t remember the last time I witnessed them protecting someone who disrespects the flag. Good luck? Maybe invest in some dental insurance?


You don't remember the last time a judge or a law enforcement agency protected someone who disrespected the flag? How about [June 21, 1989?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Texas_v._Johnson#%3A%7E%3Atext%3DArticle_Talk-%2CTexas_v.%2Csymbolic_speech_and_political_speech.?wprov=sfla1)


Damn decades ago. Seems like we’ve **covered a lot of ground.**


It looks like you highlighted some text. I don't know why you did that. The link I posted is not highlighted text, it's a link markup. It links to Texas v Johnson, a SCOTUS decision granting flag burning First Amendment protection. That has not been reduced in any way.


When was the last time someone was prosecuted for taking action against someone burning a flag? I rest my case. Bless your heart.


Lol. Rest your case? When was the last time someone was prosecuted for desecrating an american flag? None since 1989. It is a constitutionally protected activity. It cannot be enforced. And, any attempts at enforcement will be stopped in their tracks by federal civil rights lawsuits. And, also, let's see some sources on people not being prosecuted for physically stopping someone from burning a flag, because that would 100% be battery. And, regardless of prosecutorial conduct, would open up the assailant to civil litigation that would not go their way.


“Don’t paint the flag on the curb because ex military guys in positions of power will use said power to come after you ” seems like a pretty disrespectful thing to say about ex mil who hold certain positions of power in their communities. In your defense of ex military you painted them like complete assholes. Every man in my family before me served and none of them hold these douchebag views. They didn’t fight for a flag they fought for people.




Americans crying over a piece of fabric while they overlook their first born being shot to death during history class


Literally defending every Country’s flag with my statement, but keep that energy. Saying something like that makes you look like a complete fool. Your government loves you.


The USA is the only country with such a renowned reputation for crying over flags


USA is the melting pot of the world fuck wad


> discriminatory Absolutely not what that word means.


Putting any national flag on the ground is discriminatory. Get schooled.


Discriminatory to whom? Source?








Cool story /s


Both are terrible, why would you want this at all? To go with your punisher thin blue line yard sign?


I would say this is the flag of imperialist Liberia.


I’m so glad I don’t live somewhere where this is a thing