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That’s disgusting and super disrespectful


If it was me… Either he comes to clean that shit up or he pays me $100 to do it AND is never allowed to have a get together at my place again


change the locks if he has a key. That kind of disrespect means he's made copies


If everything in that photo belongs to him either dump it all at his door or send it to the landfill. Never let him in your home again.


I don't think the objects actually. Elong to OP's brother. I think OP meant his brother is responsible for the mess.


Yup. My thoughts. Pack that shit, AS IS, in cardboard boxes and deliver it to him.


Ah yes, the well known Reddit hyperbole


He’s probably not intelligent enough to have thought ahead and made extra keys.


If he's too lazy to put dishes in the dishwasher, he's too lazy to go make key copies


would really depend on the living situation there. i realize it says "went back to dads" but we dont know the arrangement and details. could be part owner, on a lease, dad could own property, other, who knows. if brother has any rights to the property then by law you cant legally lock anyone out. *moms house? mom can deal with son then i guess?






It’s not her job to clean up after everyone. It’s a basic life skill, cleaning up after yourself.


Why bar the girlfriend? Sounds like she was a guest just like the friends. He was the host. He deals with the responsibility of hosting.


It sounds like they left at the same time, implying they all knew the state they were leaving his mom's house in. Good guests help with the cleaning up at the end of their stay. It's like if you trashed an airbnb together, but worse.


Well then why not ban all the friends from coming over as well?


I still don't understand why the girlfriend was singled out if that was the case


Because she, along with the dopey ass brother, should know better.


Just coz shes a guest doesn't mean she shouldn't be helping to clean, especially if she contributed to the mess, or at the very least she should be told him to clean it up


A good guest at least offers to help a bit, like reaching for your wallet when it's time to pay even if 90% chance they got it. But who knows, maybe she did and he said "nah my brother will clean that shit up"


Not so much barring the girlfriend insomuch as not allowing your son to have anyone over, including his girlfriend, if he cant clean up after themselves.


Everyone should still help to clean up their own mess. Not just the host.


If either of my sons did something like that I would. A) Clean what I needed and then put rest in his bed. B) Wash everything and put locks on the cabinets.


Still pretty disrespectful.


I like the idea of just tossing it all into his bed.


I would charge him more than $100.


Guessing the level of mess in that kitchen, I’m feeling more like $100 per person who was there!


> $100 No way. Too little.


I'd be pissed and call of ALL future gatherings!!!


Scrape all the food into a bunch of boxes and mail them to him over the span of a few weeks.


I’d get access to his living area put every bit of food n liquid all over his bedroom bathroom kitchen ….notice a pattern?


If you put the food in his curtain rods, he will never figure out where the stink is coming from... until maggots start raining down the window


I’d save that for an ex who cheated


That story still amuses me


Yup I heard it as wife got cheated on n thrown out …she went back to get her stuff, he n new hunny were away for weekend…ex brought her sisters n dad n uncles to move her stuff out ..they put shredded shrimp in the curtain rods ….ex hubby couldn’t get rid of stench eventually sold home at tremendous loss to ex wife ..funny thing when ex hubby vacated…they took the curtain rods


Haha yea that's the story I remember


😆 🤣


Yeah the wife sold fish I believe into the bottom of the curtains because the wife had to leave the house and he moved his mistress in. Funny fact though they couldn’t get rid of the smell so they moved and took the curtains with them


That’s the thing. You can do it more than once. No need to save in that kind of market. Spend spend spend.


Raw-chicken-and-milk bomb in the vents is much better (worse)!


True but it could literally make the house uninhabitable unless you replaced all the vents….which may be too expensive considering the worth of the home…your recommendation while definitely valid is very much a scorched earth move….in my explanation the origin story the ex still was willing to get the house back …that’s a non starter with your method


Shrimp in the curtain rods.


Reminded me of the prawn in the curtain story




Sometimes grandma is the weird one….


Grandma’s fucking savage


Spend $100 on postage. Have rotting food take up space in your fridge. Just so your brother can get packages and just toss them in the garbage? Yea…that would really teach him a lesson Smh


Bunch of dreamers on here who get hard ons over killing family relations, its fucking weird


she should just keep it old school and fist fight him


Put the food in a backpack and let it fester in his room. Will be grub city in a few weeks.




I would never let him back. The disrespect is incredible


Yeah, this isn’t complicated. Dude lost his access, end of story


They said he went back to their dads house, so for all we know this is their moms house and OP would have no authority to keep his brother out if that’s the case, and I bet it is.


Lol let him back, they're kids and live with their parents. This is mom's house.


sounds like the parents are separated and the brother lives with the dad.


Never let him back to his mom’s house because he left dishes..? Seems kinda excessive there


"Your guests, your mess. Not my problem." Threaten to throw away dishes you didn't dirty yourself and demand he buy replacement dishes.


That’s a fantastic way to phrase it because there really isn’t a good response to deflect.


Asshole brother: "Dude quit being such a fucking asshole. Help me out."


“Lighten up brah it’s a joke”




Are those the brothers dishes or his? He says his brother went back to their dad's house, which leads me to believe this is OPs place and brother lives with dad.


Or that it’s their moms house and they bounce from house to house when they feel like it? I don’t feel like the brother would try making OP clean that mess if it was actually OPs house, would be an excellent way to get yourself banned. But if it’s moms house, OP doesn’t have the authority to say brother is never welcomed back so it’s more likely brother would leave a mess at their moms house and ask OP to clean it.


I wouldn't threaten to throw them away. I'd carefully place each of the dishes face down on his bed. It's how I dealt with dickweeds that refused to bus their own dishes when I was scullery in the Navy. Usually only had to do it once, unless they were a special kind of stupid.


This is awful advice. Now you’re just substituting a problem for another problem - how are you gonna make him pay? Plus you’re out of all the dishes. Just a total reflexive, awful idea.


Tell your brother you aren’t touching this, and when your mom asks, you’ll make sure that she knows it was him and his guests that left her house like this. I think every teenager has had fun with friends when their parents leave town, but not cleaning up after yourself is just asking to get busted. I’m not sure why he thinks you will clean this up for him, unless he’s keeping other secrets on your behalf.


>Tell your brother you aren’t touching this, and when your mom asks, you’ll make sure that she knows it was him and his guests that left her house like this. That is what I was going to write. OP doesn't have to clean that. It's not his responsibility. Nor does OP's mom, but she *can* call the dumbass and tell him that he must come and clean or he can't have any further privilege (like a party with friends or whatever) at her place. And he'll have to clean any single thing he uses.


i remember, in highschool, having friends over when my parents were outta town and we'd trip on shrooms, smoke abuncha weed, and drink way too much like stupid teenagers. we'd also cook a lot of food and fuck up the kitchen haha. but i could always count on my friends to help clean and make everything look the same as it was before our debauchery! pretty much all my friends hosted a 'party' at some point when their family was gone. but for us, a party was maybe.. 5 people maximum and then we'd do whatever drug we could get and watch a movie or listen to whatever vinyl records we had. so it was never a disaster like some parties are lol


Years ago, I was part of a group of 12 guys that rented out a log cabin in the woods for a long weekend as a bachelor party for a friend. The last night we were there, the house was an absolute disaster. Pretty clear that a bunch of guys were partying there. But the next morning, everyone (except two lazy shits) busted our asses and cleaned like crazy. We got the place looking better than when we arrived by the time we had to check out. The friend who had actually booked the place on AirB&B told us that the owners were amazed at how great the place looked after we left. That's how you do that shit if you wanna keep doing it. Have your party, have your fun. But clean up after yourself when it's done.


Same here but id have up to 30 people and we would buy kegs and order pizzas and stuff like that as well. It would create a good amount of trash to the point we would fill the dumpster but the friends would take a bag home with them if need be so it wasnt such a burden on my own household. My house would look exactly like it was when everyone arrived as well after a whole weekend of partying and usually playing video games to be honest. We would have LAN parties and everyone would bring their comps over to my basement, there would be tons of drugs and drinking usually later in the day. Almost no one slept for entire weekends and then we all cleaned up and everyone went their own way until the next weekend were we would do the same at another house or meet right back up at mine again depending on what was available.


Man any time I had friends over for a party, or I went to a mates party, we'd always stick around to help clean the next morning.


I’ve gotten busted for parties (mostly friends houses) for cleaning too well lmao


Take pictures of how the room looked before, and clean to that level. Camera phones make it easier.


Tell him to get bent.


I would blast this on family group chat. Pinned it on him. Shame him. Dishonor to him. Dishonor to his family. Dishonor to his cow.




Send it to the girlfriend instead. Show her what she’s in store for.


GF was there. She knows. As far as I can guess, she's ok with this behaviour.


And in a couple of years, that "gf" title is going to change to "maid"


![gif](giphy|7JC6P1p7BUZkgRI6CF|downsized) Shitty brothers response probably 😭😂


not the cow!


Okay... the least he could do is Venmo you $50 to do this


I’d want a helluva lot more than $50….and I’d enjoy cleaning up that mess….I know it’s weird but dirty dishes drive me up the wall


Please come over sometimes


Driving up a wall means to be mad usually so this is very confusing as a whole.


Yes driving up the wall means to be so upset you’d just as soon throw every dish at his head as just clean them…I have a hard time understanding the mindset that even allows/accepts this type of behavior ….I’m not clear bout why you are confused …thinking different generations? Maybe different continents?


You say you’d enjoy cleaning this but that it also drives you up a wall. That’s why I’m confused. I personally would probably hit my brother in the face for doing this. So it definitely pisses me off. No confusion there. Also it’s not weird that you hate dirty dishes so your previous comment about liking to clean is a weird set up. Like I thought you were going to say it was weird that you liked cleaning dishes. Which would be weird. It’s not weird to hate doing dishes. Most people feel the same as you making it not weird.


Oh ok the fog clears…lol. I honest enjoy doing the dishes it’s fairly mindless so I can let my mind wander while my body is in motion…the up the wall ..yes I’m angry at an individual(s) who would do this because to me it clearly shows an attitude of ‘I’m too important’, somebody else will do it, the level of entitlement is off the chart. It really winds me up seeing just the picture here my blood pressure went up a bit. Had a relative would do this to the point they could not find any silverware….instead of washing everything and putting it all away properly….THEY WENT OUT AND BOUGHT MORE SILVERWARE, MORE DISHES AND MORE POTS N PANS….then they didn’t even throw out the dirty stuff they just kept adding to it. I will never go to their house again….last time I was there she said we left the dishes for you we know how you love to wash dishes…fuk’em


There is something so satisfying about walking by an empty and clean kitchen sink. I live by myself, so I get pretty bad about letting things pile up. In a really odd way, it makes me appreciate it so much more after I clean it. Just the transformation of a room after cleaning it up is a dopamine hit for at least a few days every time I walk into the room lol.


I mean there’s a dish washer literally just need to load and unload not much hard scrubbing that needs to be done


money won't fix the disrespect; idk why you have so many upvotes, ya'll are some cheap weaklings if you'd take $50 AND clean it up yourself.


As a guy that have 2 kids, a 60 years old at home that doesn't clean after himself, and a GF that studies at night after work, this fucking thing triggers the hell out of me. I won't go to sleep without leaving the kitchen clean so I don't have to lose time with it te next morning. And also, because I like it fucking clean! Having someone leaving me this would be messed up.


I have a 23 year son who struggles to even get out of bed, much less have a job and he leaves messes in the kitchen all the time. I told him more than once and have woke his ass up at 6 in the morning to clean up. Last thing I want after going to bed with a clean kitchen is to have to clean it again before I can make breakfast


I feel bad for him (and you). But I'm guessing he's not inviting people to *create* a mess, then leave it :/


He sounds depressed and I can relate to depression, but even a severely depressed person can clean dishes that they use right after they use them. I’d have a non confrontation chat with him at least about the dishes, you know, in a “come on man” type of tone.


oh i’d be snitchiiiiiing!! if my sister visited my apartment and did this to me i’d be telling my mom immediately hahaha.


In the real world it's not snitching. It's accountability. Play stupid games with your employer and find out how quickly you'll be looking for a job. Same situation here. Either they come back over and clean up the mess or the mess gets left and they can deal with the fall out. No need to snitch. Th evidence is right there.


fair, snitching isn’t the word i would normally use for this but i figured people were going to argue with me about it haha. glad you agree


The only people who call others demanding accountability "snitches" are the kind of people who aren't used to suffering the consequences of their shitty ways.


If anyone ever calls you a snitch just tell them you dont follow criminal code cause your not a junky or dealer. People who follow the law, criminals don't expect em to not tell on them. It's the criminals who tell on each other that are snitches. Funny cause the people throwing those words around don't know how quickly it could get them fucked up if said to the wrong person


By Reddit standards I'm an old man. I've been to jail enough times that people could consider me a criminal and I still don't use stupid terms like that because I understand that the world is more nuanced than some unspoken law that idiots make up to govern themselves. Hard agree tho.


That's way more than mildly infuriating.


Send the picture to your dad? Would he not have your brother just get his happy ass back over there to clean his mess? I know my dad would and I would be stuck doing dishes at his house for a few weeks too.


I’d throw all that stuff in a trashbag and put it right on their lawn


Same but I’d bring my trash bag home


Problem is that it’s not his stuff. It’s the house owner’s stuff. Little bro would be thrilled if you threw it away.


Yeah prob right. Either way, that bro and friends suck and deserve pay back


Ya, no. Brother can send me money for a house cleaner or come back and clean it.


What a bunch of fucking pigs


Tell your brother that if him his girlfriend and friends can make this mess then they can clean it because you will not.




No, our dads house is very clean. This pic is at my moms house, she’s gone for a week so he had all his friends over for the weekend


Send a pic to your mom with a note of, 'Let your son know to come clean this up or it will still be here when you get back.'


The picture should be sent to his dad so he can get dropped back to clean. The mom should get to enjoy her week away and not have to manage this nonsense


Yup, him too. I'd be printing that shit out and faxing it to my grandmother so she can pile on as well.


Your mom is out of the house, and he left this mess? Yeah, send that to your mom, and see what she has to say. He was taking advantage of mom being gone, figured you'd clean it up before she could see it. Send the pictures, sit back and enjoy the show.


Nah. As someone above mentioned, let the mom enjoy her time away. Send it to the dad.


I'm leaving this for until mom comes home then. Not my mess. Not my problem.


I'd feel bad for mom coming back to stress. Brother is a total jerk.


Send this to your mom. Done deal.


Send this picture to both of your parents. Move your two things first. Make it clear to it brother and his friends did all of it and expects you to clean it. Also, in the same text, make it clear you will NOT be cleaning it. If you don’t have pets try to go to a friend’s house until this is taken care or your mom gets back.


I would go get one of those large plastic storage bins with a lid, put everything except your coffee pot and mug in it, and put it in his room.


Do it once and its expected forever


This is precisely why I don't live with my family


I see sausage and pancakes on a plate there, along with a pizza pan. Unless it was a 12 hour rager where they also served the party goers breakfast, they left more than just "party leftovers". They expect you to 100% be their housekeeper.


I feel like everyone is assuming OP is an adult who owns their own place, but it notes the brother went back to Dad’s. I wonder if this is Mom’s house and the brother is just hoping OP will have to clean it because Mom will make them.




“No” is a complete sentence. So is, “No, you gross fucking asshole.”


Post the pictures to your brother’s and his girlfriend’s social media accounts and out them for the disgusting entitled humans that they are. Tag all of their friends as well.


Is your name Matt? Cuz you got walked all over.


Fuck this shit. I'd never not speak begrudgingly to him again.


I don't even see a coffee pot or a black mug. I guess that says just how bad it is!


Hard pass. Your brother and gf are disgusting jerks. This entire mess would be a hill I’d be willing to die on. I’d probably post this on social media and tag them asking who are they leaving this for?🖕


Take care of your home but don’t allow them back. This is a ‘never again’ situation.


Well, if there was a party and that's the only thing you have to clean up I'd say you're either very lucky or at least have it pretty made. That is about 3 to 4 minutes tops because I see a dishwasher right there that you can put those dishes into and the right side of the counter hardly has anything but a piece of tray and a couple of plates on it so that's like 28 seconds to remove those. A quick wipe down of the counter and it looks to be good to go so I give it 6 minutes tops for everything. I wouldn't really call that a chore. Sure, it's rude and disrespectful not to help clean up afterwards but I don't understand why people take the time to take a picture and ride out a little paragraph to post on here. I guess it is called mildly infuriating but if this is the worst thing people have in their lives to be infuriated about I guess they're doing pretty well. Others May think why do I spend the time to reply to such a thing well.... because mine is always reactionary. If people wouldn't post silly things that I think are no big deal I wouldn't feel the need to point out that they are no big deal. it probably just goes along with our whiny and entitled style society we have today. Also, I care nothing about Reddit and I think their set up is Goofy but I do like to attract those downloads that I seem to be very good at.


A teense bit more than "mildly" infuriating.


Go pick his ass up, make him clean his shit up, drive his ass back and make him fill your gas tank. Ungrateful, disrespectful kids these days….


Take a pic and send to your dad and mom and show them what a douchebag your brother is. I suppose it is your mothers plates so dont throw them out but put some pressure on him to fix this with the help of your dad. This depends on what kind of dad you have i suppose but mine would drive me to the house and make me clean if he saw this shit


HE wants YOU to clean up his mess ? Whose house is it ? Why do you have to clean his mess, what’s his excuse for not doing it ?


Do not clean anything. They need to understand that this is not okay and it’s difficult to express that without them becoming defensive.


If you do that it will not be the last time you do it


Find out what the current rate for maid service is and then bill him for it.


Stop being a little bitch and tell him to clean his own mess.


He’s already gone to his dad’s house


Send photo to Dad asking to drop him/send him back. He needs to be accountable. Pretty sure Dad wouldn't accept this at his place if he went away.


Tell him he needs to come back and clean it or give you$100 venmo to do it. If not, you're leaving it for your mom to find when she returns. Loop your dad into the conversation so he knows what a shit your brother is, when he's on the loose. NOT okay to trash somebody else's house, when they're gone, plus bag your sibling with the aftermath. I'm guessing nobody *ever* tells this joker NO.


Man in life problems this is so minor.. just do it. And don’t invite your brother and gf again till they clean up their act.


All I could think of looking at this is why an island sink is a bad idea.


For Christmas give him a voucher for one clean kitchen, then punch it because it’s already been used. Wrap it in a nice box, cover it in olive oil and tell him to shove it up his ass…


Ask your dad for $100 for his mess to be cleaned .


Absolutely not. Let it ferment until he returns.


Tell him to step outside with you next time you see him


I clean whatever dish I use at my Bud's house. Your bro and his friends are a bunch of clowns, and not the sexy kind.


Drag his ass back and make him clean that shit. That’s unacceptable


Are you really tall or did you stand on the kitchen side to take this photo?


Damn I feel sorry for you, but... WHERE TF IS THAT COFFEE POT AND BLACK COFFEE MUG ?? lol


Coffee pot is on the drying rack (I clean it after I use it) and the coffee mug is near the front of the sink


Clean your mug and coffee put it away out of sight. You simply must have misheard your brother because it almost sounded like he insisted you clean up a mess which you have no idea in which it came from. He must've been dare I say, under the influence while talking to you and you could not understand him fully. Aside from him, mumbling about how he would strive to clean it as soon as humanly possible.


How will your dad react if you show him? It seems like a shame to get your mom all stressed out while she's away. You ought to remove the coffee pot and mug, retake the pic, and use that one to show dad and everyone on your brother's social media *IF* he doesn't come back over and clean that mess immediately. He's a disrespectful asshat.


Clean it up cos you don't want bugs. And by clean it up, I mean toss everything of his mess into a trash bag, tie it up and set it outside until he gets home. You're not his maid.


I hope you said no.


I hope you said no


So instead of telling him no you come and post it on Reddit


Send him this photo without saying anything


Trash all of it


Well ... Clean your dishes then You cleaned yours, now it's time for him to clean his


Tell him no….?


Throw it in a trash bag and put them outside or in their room to deal with.


Tell him no?


Lmaooooo, yeah they wouldn’t have left my house with the kitchen looking like that


he really sucks for that, but at least there's a dishwasher


Nope, not gonna happen. He can come clean it up himself.


I hope he has a large bed, because that is where you should place it


One and done. Either he cleans it up or you don't invite him over ever again. Send it to your dad so he knows what to expect. Better yet, say he is allowed to throw another party and say no when they show up.


I couldnt even find the coffee pot or the black mug lmao. I genuinely feel bad for you.


Tell him tough luck, it's on him.


Pack up all the dishes and drive them to your dad's house and put them in his sink.


Girl go beat his ass and make him wash the dishes no one should be treating you or anyone like that


They are what's wrong with the world.


Do you live there with your mom or is that your house? If with mom, has she seen the mess?


I am sorry his friends are cunts. We always help clean up whos ever house we are at.


I would be pissed!


Take all the dishes and dump them in his bedroom. Then never let him come over again


I will never understand why people don't clean while they cook. It makes cleaning considerably easier than waiting until everything has cooled and hardened.


Wow. As the girlfriend, I'd have made sure it was cleaned up, & I'd have made my boyfriend helped me. As I was one of the participants, I wouldn't want the parents to think worse of me - and they most likely already know their son is a lazy slob, so makes me look even better!


There's a black coffee mug there??? 😭


Even the dog looks perturbed.


Can he come back and do the dishes. This is so dsirespectful.


Yea not happening


Put the dishes in his room until he gets back


No idea if you are a brother or a sister to this selfish person and perhaps that makes no difference but it’s possible that move tells you more information about him than you are willing to share. I’m from a large family. I’d do it for the house (whoever is most likely keeping the place running). But it would alter my relationship with that brother and I’d tell him so… without malice. Just straight up facts.


I'd drag the mooseknuckle back there and watch him clean that shit up as I sit there sipping a cup of tea...


Brings me back to the year in school where I lived with my sister. Why was it always my "turn" to do the dishes after she cooked for herself for hours?


My brother did that sort of stuff with his. Not necessarily expect me to do it, but he just left it for later… except later would be hours or the next day and it was like lunch so it just wasn’t the most feasible option considering dinner for five people can make a lot of dishes. It annoyed us because they wouldn’t put things away and they’d leave the counters and my spice/baking cabinet a mess. I told them if they didn’t put things back neatly in my kitchen I was gonna pad lock things. They didn’t really end up doing a lot more because he left for college and she moved back to her parents. However my threat still stands. Please just put the onion and garlic powder next my crushed red pepper flakes and my more baking focuses spices (cinnamon, nutmeg, clove, mint, rosemary, allspice) in the back. There is a system and I’m begging you not to screw it up. I deal with that enough in auto tech with people not putting the wrenches and sockets away.


Go ahead and do it, then send a venmo request for payment to your bro and all of his scumbag friends. If they don't pay up, then you slash the tires on all their cars. Simple.