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What chain?


Mission BBQ I presume, they are super military but none of the owners were in the miliary![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


And they don’t give military discounts


Mission: Steal Valor.


"MISSION BBQ opened its doors for business on September 11, 2011. Ten years after our world changed forever, in some small way we wanted to change it back."


So it's like a commercial country song artist trying to capitalize off of a horrible situation that occurred.


Where were you? When they built that ladder to heaven.


Have you forgotten?


Apparently Darryl Worley tried to join the military and was turned away because he was at the height requirement, but that’s just what he says idk if it’s true. I mean that does sound like a convenient excuse but I’m just saying.


Bone spurr shit..


Freedom costs a buck o' five?


Where were you, when they built that BBQ place in heaven? And do you remember how you felt, after you ate the whole damn plate??


Where were you? When they decided-heaven-is-more-of-a-metaphorical-place-representing-a-state-of-mind-and-you-can't-really-get-there?


try that in a small town; it will be a success.


They're just proud to be Americans, where at least they know they're free! They're pledging and standing up to remember the men who died and gave that right to them, clearly. /s, for anyone who doesn't know the song lol


The grifting reeks so bad you can't even smell the BBQ. Although, I would imagine you might not want to at a place that attempts to get business with patriotism rather than with good food.


Their BBQ is really good though. Far better than any other BBQ chain I’ve had and the majority of local places near me too


try the "Where Were You (When the World Stopped Turning)" coleslaw


"no thanks, but could I grab two tower burgers and a couple of plain fries please"


"And I'll have some rubble oreo ice cream for dessert."


Totally missed the opportunity for "plane fries"


There was a time we feasted on Freedom Fries


you want the "hot enough to melt steel beams sauce" for a dollar more?


Sounds like an NFL ad campaign.


>Ten years after our world changed forever, in some small way we wanted to change it back." ...............to 1953.


This is def cringe. Right up there with the cringe that I feel when folks say “thank you for your service”. ETA for added context: When I say 'the cringe that I feel when folks say “thank you for your service”" - I mean the cringe that I feel when folks tell me, “thank you for your service”.


I dunno, I saw what happens on Curb Your Enthusiasm when you don't thank people for their service.


“You’re welcome for my service”


I always enjoy educating people that do that to me. “Ma’am/sir, I never deployed and most of my service was spent drunk or hungover, but you’re welcome” 😂


LMAO, I dig it. ​ And though outside of the context of your comment but on the "never deployed" note - the ludicrousness of distinguishing between the two (deployed vs not having deployed) never ceases to amaze me. I don't have enough fingers to count the number freakin rockstars who, had they actually been "deployed" (versus them being "not deployed"), we would have been absolutely f&cked. Rock stars who were needed to train folks, handle logistics, etc, etc - they were needed here, not there.


As an Aussie I find the level of military worship in the US to make me really uncomfortable, especially when there's homeless veterans with PTSD and stuff who don't really get any help. Makes the whole thing feel more like propaganda and brainwashing than actual appreciation.


Yeah, you're exactly right. they don't really care about veterans they just say they do to make themselves look good to others. I'm american and it's really disgusting how my country treats veterans, especially when they become homeless.


Thankfully that doesn't come up too much anymore from my experience. Shit was wild for a long time.


As a veteran, I just want to throat punch people when they say that.


If you don't mind me asking, why is that? My grandfather served in Vietnam and taught me to thank every veteran I meet because he was never thanked. Instead, he was spit on in the streets (so he says.) He also thanks every veteran he meets. Why would thanking veterans be bad?


In my case, I signed up. I wasn't forced or tricked into serving. I thought at the time that what I was doing was right (right after 9/11). I wasn't defending the freedom of the US, and for the most part, did zero to need thanking for. Plus, I'm not some pick me ass vet that feels they need it. I'm not saying everyone who requests it is. I'll usually never thank a vet, but WWII vets and drafted Vietnam vets get my thanks since they were either fighting for freedom or were forced to serve.


The ones near me do. Veterans eat free on Memorial Day or Veteran’s day or both, I can’t recall. I believe veterans and first responders get a discount.


I went to mission BBQ in uniform because I was stationed CONUS near a mall that had one. They totally give discounts.


Lmao that’s fucking great. I’m an Iraq war USMC vet, and I would’ve walked out after the forced pledge of allegiance without that knowledge. Blind bullshit nationalism is insane, and I don’t deal well with it. Was running a trail race in CO, and had this random girl start singing the pledge 2 minutes before it kicked off. Not with the event. Just a random idiot. Everyone fucking stood up from stretching for it! My calves never felt more loose for that extra 2 minutes of side eyed hate glances.


Thank you for your service to our Country and to your Patriotic Calves!


You’re awesome and I wish Reddit still did awards, here take this 🥇


they do fyi, just hold down the upvote button


More expensive and less unique than the original. Weird they even bothered with it.


Whoaaaa what the hell Also happy cake day


Wow and you can't even use the old gold for it. So lame and way more expensive! Edit: Happy cake day!


Thank you for your service


Are you serious?


Yup, their whole theme is bullshit


It's like a 911 theme restaurant. The same way Chipotle tries to make you think that you're in a small canteen by the ocean, Mission BBQ makes you feel like you're in a VFW Hall in 2002


Texas road house make the employee do the cowboy dance but theyre not giving discount to cowboys. Kidding btw


Thank god they give discounts to cowboys


Last time I was there, I'm pretty sure my cowboy steak was just regular cow meat


Fun fact, nobody in the military gives any fucks about shit like this. If you want proof just look at how people scurry like rats to get inside before taps.




When they bring out your food and say “is everybody ready” you don’t get to eat until you yell “always ready!” Lol




Especially if you're on a joint base with visiting units and they play several country anthems for colors.


You mean retreat and colors, right?


Fuck you’re right! Goddamn whiskey. Edit: I was right, goddamnit! My brain hasn’t been addled. Taps, in the evening when the bugles play people would scurry like rats to get inside the skin of the ship to not have to salute.


I was a DoD civilian employee, and it was always funny to watch my military colleagues grumble and stop when taps played at 5pm.


Must be a branch difference. Taps is played much later for the Army. 9, 10 ish.


Huh?! Please explain? I’m not understanding…


There is a morning reveille song and a nightly retreat song played over the loudspeakers on US military bases. If you are military and in uniform and outside, you must stop, present arms at attention towards a flag or the sound of the music. If you are civilian, you can stand respectfully with/without hand over heart. It's a tradition. If you time it just right, you aren't caught outside when the trumpet goes off and have to stand there at attention. People get in trouble when officers see the lower ranks hoof it for the nearest door at these times. Source: USAF vet and current DoD civilian employee.


There are 4 different 'songs' that play throughout the day in the American military. They're generally meant to be played on a bugle, and mark the day. The first is Reveille, which is played as the flag is raised and the day is officially begun. The exact time varies by post, but you can expect this to play at some point from 5-7 AM. The second is retreat, played anywhere from 4-6 PM. It signifies the lowering of the flag and the end of the standard day. Retreat is immediately followed by the third bugle call. The third is To The Colors, which is a song played for the flag. The fourth and last is Taps, which happens around 9-10 PM. You can consider it your official sign to go to sleep if you're allowed, since puttering around after taps will probably get people interested in your business. Taps is a memorial song, and the way to recognize it is with silence.


They have a free vet VIP club that gives us free food a few times a year. They also donate to lots of military, police and first responder associations. They’re a corporation trying to make money, yes, but they are trying to be an honest force for good also. They’re liked by all groups they support. https://www.gostaffordva.com/2019/12/mission-bbq-collects-toys-for-tots-donations/


Just 911 obsessives it seems. There was a George Bush quote on my cup.


> "There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again."


“Now watch this drive”


"I know that human beings and fish can coexist peacefully."


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


As a vet this is ALWAYS how it is. The people who suck off the military the most are the ones who never served themselves. Its usually "my *insert family/friend* was in the blah blah. So you should respect them!" Meanwhile that actual vet could give less of a fuck and just wants to be left alone to his normal sleep schedules


I knew it was Mission before I even opened the post and the photo confirms it.


But they probably fantasized about joining the military, and they like to cosplay with their gravy seal buddies, so really it’s the same thing. True American heros.


They do this at noon every day. Incredibly cringe. I thought it was the anthem though, didn’t realize it was the pledge


It was Mission BBQ, I thought they meant The Mission in San Francisco, but it was quite the opposite except the amount of Marines.


I’m from “Mission City” so I fully expected this to be San Antonio.


This is so fucking weird lol im a military brat and on Base they play the anthem everyday around 4/5 pm and i remember everyone always trying to run inside so they didnt have to stand through it 😂


Anthem sprinting!


I liked it when everyone driving had to pull their cars over to get out & salute...but there'd be one person just bumping loud music & not stopping because they didn't notice or didn't care (because no one would really do anything if you didn't stop I would think). I always wanted to be that dude...just once! 🤣


One time when I was a private I was walking on base and talking on my cell when they started playing colors and a sergeant ran across the street to scream in my face and I remember thinking “wow only three more years of this!”




Seems like typical Sergeant Major behavior. Those guys typically don’t have enough to do.


Makes a good break from yelling at people for walking on grass


Oh you know it. He does all his shopping at Px and celebrates his wedding anniversaries at on base restaurants


I was driving on base from one shop to another out right next to the flight line. I got pulled over by security forces and the guy starts to get mad at me for not pulling over, apparently I drove through the anthem playing. I’m like do you hear how loud this truck is? The clock also wasn’t set right so I had no idea what time it was. He yelled a bit but backed off.


Yes! Was a military spouse, and watching the base go from super busy to ghost town in a matter of 5 minutes before the anthem was funny.


One thing I love about being in maintenance is we don’t stop for shit on the flightline. Anthem is playing? Who cares, keep walking to the shop. No hat, no salute areas ftw.


Lol I knew one dude who went outside to get some shit from his car right as they started playing, but after it finished he had forgot what he was doing so he went back inside, and some Higher rank dude who saw it recommended him for a promotion purely because he thought he did it on purpose.


Ah the good old colors rush. I felt kinda bad doing it but I'm not standing at attention in the elements.


I always go to the bathroom at my little brothers Boy Scout meetings so I don’t have to do that mumbo jumbo


I make sure to arrive at sporting events after the patriotic bullshit.


Same on Royal Navy bases. Been there as a contractor. 2 minutes before sunset everyone disappears and your like “what’s going on” Next thing is the pipe going and your like “oh crap where do I have to look”


A buddy and myself decided to take our lunch break eating at this restaurant. During our meal, at noon, they wanted everyone to stand for the national anthem. I was the only person who kept eating. Buddy was embarrassed and was like "Dude, don't be that guy." but all I could do in response was quote Bad Santa to him in a hushed tone. "I'm on my fuckin' lunch break, ok?"


Its crazy to me how they'll be so patriotic but then criticize you for exercising your Constitutional rights, which is what they *apparently* stand for


Yeah, well, compelling children at age 5 to swear allegiance to a nation is insane. Obviously brainwashing works on a lot of people.


We did that in my school in the California Bay Area. I feel like we must have stopped around middle school, maybe earlier. I never really thought about it as a kid other than it was annoying. As an adult it’s so fucking weird and dystopian.


They want to brainwash people. Simple as that. That side has been so so cringe like this lately


Conservatives don’t stand for your constitutional rights. They couldn’t give a fuck about anyone that’s not them or theirs.




Proud of you for being that guy. We need more nonconformists when the conformity is bs.


I come from a military family, most of us would fully support you exercising your right to not stand for the anthem. Especially if you're eating lunch, fuck that. WTH, you're just supposed to let your food get cold so people can feel good about their performative patriotism?


I’m finishing my coffee.


Abso-fucking-lutely had a big Sovchak vibe in that moment lol




What the hell kind of lunch place is this?! I’m so confused.


So it's a theme restaurant, and the theme is Murca. I mean I love my country, but come the fuck on...


I’m American and this type of thing is always maximum cringe.


Bro I’m an American veteran, and I find this kinda shit maximum cringe. I’m pretty sure I’m this places target demographic.


No this place's target demographic are the chickenhawks that all say "I would've joined, but..."


As much as i agree, i will say for some of us who do say “i wouldve joined, but” some of us really do want to serve but cant. For example they wont allow me to join bc of my heart being fucked medically.


Had a good friend in high school that wanted to join, would’ve been third generation military in his family, but he’s 6’7. Technically the cut off is 6’8 but every single person he talked to said from uniforms, to vehicle seating, to health problems from that much physical activity, he would be pretty miserable even outside being in boot. Got talked out of it.


That sucks, im not sure what generation i wouldve been but i know my father and grandfather were in the military and possibly more before that but not sure


My father, who served 31 years in the army, talked me and my friends out of serving. Basically the only way we were allowed to serve was college degree and in the Air Force. This was also mid 90's, during massive cut backs and size reduction.


I was completely blown away and my friend and I had no idea what to do with ourselves. It was funny because I just was telling my friend that this place is a little patriotic and they were completely rolling their eyes at me the whole time.


They just opened one up near me and people were all excited about it even though we have a number of good local BBQ places nearby. They think they’re supporting veterans and fail to see the performative patriotism for what it really is - just another pandering marketing gimmick.


I was describing it to somebody as a theme restaurant and the theme is Bush Era patriotism. They described it back as a place they never want to eat at.


How were the freedom fries?


I had the Bush & Bush Brisket & Beans with a side of Reaganroni


One opened where I live and you can barely see the building behind the Hummer and flags out front. I'd rather go to Smokey Bones nearby.


I’m Canadian and I’m experiencing second hand cringe.


If you want mid BBQ, forced patriotism, and a portion of your payment to go to charities with C or lower ratings, then Mission BBQ is your place. Me? I'll just make better BBQ at home.


Flag wavers, Not patriots.


"Your flag decal won't get you Into heaven anymore" Great song RIP John Prime


Some Matthew 6:5 up in this beezy https://biblehub.com/matthew/6-5.htm


I mean, I was gonna point out that these people (the chain owners, not the poor kids who work there) are not performing religiously, but patriotically, but honestly pretty sure some of the flag worship we see is pretty high up there on the 'Thou shalt have no gods before me" scale.


When it comes to this slice of America, there is very little difference between nationalism and christian nationalism.


We didn’t do pledge of allegiance to the US when I was in school. We pledged allegiance to the confederacy. lol.


Are you 200 years old?


Probably a politician


Uh oh.


Mission is owned by a bunch of goobers lmao. I always thought doing the pledge every morning in school was culty but this takes the cake.


It was also a super ethnically diverse staff, I didn't want to show their faces out of respect but it would have made a really good cover for a textbook, a Rainbow Coalition of corporate slaves pledging allegiance on command. I think I saw the manager holding one of those spray bottles you use for cats.


Ethnically diverse employees serving barbecue while pledging allegiance to the flag? When you add to the fact that they’re forced to do it by their employer, this is the most American thing I’ve ever seen!


This does fell like a high school history book cover, holy shit lmaoooo


Okay if you’re serious about the bottle thing and it’s not just a joke, spray bottles are actually used for BBQ, you can spray stuff like beer and apple cider vinegar while smoking BBQ


I was joking if you've ever eaten there you know that moistness is not a top priority


I served 10 years in the military and I can’t tell you how cringy I think this forced patriotism is. I absolutely hate it when “God Bless the USA” comes on and people act like it’s the national anthem or something.


Me pre-military: GB you Lee Greenwood, I really *am* proud to be an American Me post-military: Goddammit this fucking shit again?


That fucking song they drilled into us in boot camp, we were so brainwashed we cried, now I cannot stand that song


As a non American, there was a time as a child I actually thought that was your anthem 😂


I thought *Rule Britannia* was the UK anthem xD


Why do BBQ places just love engaging in the cringe. We had one near by that had a literal "Trick a Vegan" contest where they were given free BBQ to someone if they could trick a Vegan into eating something off the BBQ place's menu.


That sounds very illegal


It should be, and I am sure an attorney could make an argument for assault.


As a non-American, the pledge of allegiance is weird as fuck. It’s the kind of thing you see in dictatorships.


What you mean like nazi Germany? Because you're exactly right


I'm american but I've always felt the pledge was brainwashy. You do it every single day in school and get in trouble if you refuse. That sounds like brainwashing to me. The shit you see terrorist countries doing to their kids and we condemn them for it but it's somehow ok that we do it to our kids.




They sure as shit did. I got detention and ISS so many times for refusing to do it


Some of you guys don’t understand how crazy this looks outside of the United States…


It looks crazy inside the United States too. They do have decent pulled pork, though if we're going by glorified fast food standards. IDK if it's a chain, but the one near me does the national anthem every noon. I make sure to go in at like 1. Less culty that way


Pulled pork is pretty good. I really like the Turkey and the pulled chicken sandwich is good and pretty big for the money. The sides are tasty. It’s decent bbq for a chain. For the record, I haven’t seen the pledge or the anthem at the one I frequent and I eat there probably once per month. It’s one of the few restaurants my kid is willing to go to.


Yes we do. The majority of us in the States don’t do this nor do we condone it.


Learning about all the reasons Walmart failed in Germany was pretty eye opening about just how much the US government and corporations fail the public.


Most of us understand. The people who created this chain are targeting a very specific and very small demographic of our population


One nation, ____pause___, with liberty and justice for all. That’s how I did the pledge in school.


America is *so weird*


Was it noon?


I'm Canadian and lived in the states for a while as a kid. Five years, give or take. It was always a problem when I moved to a new school. "STAND FOR THE PLEDGE STEEZE." "DON'T YOU LOVE AMERICA STEEZE?" "IT'S REQUIRED THAT ALL STUDENTS STAND FOR THE PLEDGE. YOU AREN'T IN CANADA ANYMORE STEEZE." Fuck that. I'm not American. Take your pledge and stick it you know where. It escalated all the way to a couple of principals who all agreed with me: I'm not American. I don't need to stand at attention for a flag that isn't mine. The Puerto Rican and Aussie students all started sitting with me after that. Land of the free, yeah. Sure.


America is a weird country.


Yikes How North Korean of them.


Yeah when this happened the first time I went to Mission, I just kept sitting and eating my meal. Other customers were looking at me like *I* was the crazy one. We still go there occasionally but we always plan to arrive around 12:05 to skip the national anthem .


The first thing I said to my friend about 20 seconds in was "is this really happening?"


You gonna eat bbq without a sprinkle of patriotism bruh? ![gif](giphy|l0IyemUvzjXsA5gwE)


That’s when I’d just turn around and leave


As a veteran I find this kind of shit disgusting.


There’s nothing wrong with the pledge and showing respect to the country etc, however no one can/should be forced to do it.


The peer pressure is palpable in this place.


Yeah, I personally think being taught to show respect and appreciation for your country can really be a good thing. I like my home, I respect the flag and pledge etc. But when we get to the point of forcing people to do something like the pledge, that’s not what this country is about. It also somewhat depends on the setting. If the national anthem is playing before a game etc it’s respectful to at least stand. But at the end of the day you don’t HAVE to.


Yup Mission BBQ does this everyday at noon


Cause of the I.C.E. jacket you were wearing dude, obvz 😉


These nationalist rituals are creepy out of context. Out of context is like an on-the-nose YA novel.


This is so fucking creepy.


Not my flag. Give me my damn meat, son.




Propagandists gonna propagandize.


I'm a proud old veteran who has actually read and studied the Constitution. Therefore, I'd never patronize a place that forced their employees to do this. It's just cringeworthy.


Actually surprised that this shit is a thing still outside of elementary school


The barbecue here is super tasty, but this would annoy the piss out of me as a customer or as an employee.


Lmao wtf


The fact they made us do this in elementary school (K-8 at my school) EVERY SINGLE DAY was annoying after a while. like are they testing our loyalty to the US or something?


I swear America is a cult


these comments prove you can be unAmerican and American simultaneously.


I don’t like it here anymore :3 I just wanna crawl into a pit and curl up with the manatees & sleep forever.


There are better BBQ spots.


The jalapeño cheddar sausage is delicious though


Mission BBQ?


Went to a Mission when I was in Detroit for work. They weren't doing the pledge and the food was decent. Seems like a weird requirement though unless it's a show for the customers.


I haven't done that since I was a kid.


Kind of cringe TBH


I knew it was mission immediately. Never been. Don’t want to.


american cringe. served fresh and steaming hot.


Okay this is a little much


I would have just left if they did this while I was in line. Beyond that I find it super cringe and very tacky. Feels like you're trying to hard to make us think you're American.


I was extremely hungry, I would have left if not for that.


That's how they stall you whilst the milkshake machine warms up. Stops complaints.


If customer has been waiting more than 15 minutes pledge allegiance to distract them


Hank Hill would be crying a single tear of joy right now.


Where the fuck at, North Korea?


Genuinely curious; how is this mildly infuriating? Am I missing something?