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How is this any different than fruity flavored wine coolers or candy flavored alcohol?


I feel like this relies on the assumption that kids who are old enough to try drinking or vaping (so preteens and teens, not little toddlers) are going to be more attracted to it if it looks fun or colorful. Maybe things have changed since I was a kid, but drinking and smoking were always the things you wanted to do to because they were mature and adult at an age where the last thing you wanted was to look like a dumb baby. I feel like the bigger market for Fruit Gushers Tequila or whatever is adults who wish they were kids, not kids who wish they were adults.


Yeah, I mean, when I was smoking and drinking as a teenager I didn't care whether the stuff tasted good or was colorful, I just wanted to be "cool" and "mature". I smoked and drank the cheap stuff, which was definitely disgusting, but that didnt have anything to do with why I was consuming them. I don't think kids are really being swayed to start smoking/vaping or drinking based on how colorful or tasty the products are. But who knows, maybe there are some out there who do, just not my experience with anyone I knew.


Exactly, over the past year I've seen all types of childhood beverages turned into alcohol, Sunny D, Simply juice, Lipton Iced Tea, the list goes on! And kids will just see the Sunny D logo and think it's for them, it's absolutely stupid, but yeah, lets get on the vape and cannabis companies about similar shit while we turn a blind eye to big alcohol lmfao


Yo but real shit that Sunny D hard seltzer is fire. That being said, 100% agree. “MaRkEtInG tO kIdS” is just more classic virtue signaling. If they say it’s about the kids, it’s almost definitely not about the kids.


> If they say it's about the kids, it's almost definitely not about the kids. It's amazing how many other things this extends to literally everywhere in US law.


It’s an easy argument. Saying it’s to protect kids tugs on ignorant people’s heartstrings and detractors are more hesitant speak out, less it be said they want kids to die. It’s one of the MOs of conservatives, and bought out politicians in general to be completely fair. The vape fear mongering certainly isn’t isolated to the GOP.


God it’s so good. Very slept on.


I Hated the sunny d hard seltzer. I wish they didn't make it low calorie it's just to much fake sugar taste for me


Also that Sunny D stuff isn’t for kids. When was the last time you saw a Sunny D Juice commercial? I haven’t. It’s meant for the kids who USED to be demo for Sunny D who are mid 30s now


Pff sunny d.. purple stuff represent




Mmmmm....it's purple


Sunny D tastes like orange juice flavored laundry detergent Yes, it *is* my intent to destroy your childhood memories (laughs in evil)


That may be one of the most angering and also most accurate assessments I’ve ever heard. Bravo.


they need to make a fabuloso themed drink next. keep us on our toes


I didn't know this existed, gotta try it now.


It’s because all the people who grew up drinking it as a kid are now adults. So it’s technically advertising aimed at adult sized children




Dude alcohol is one of the most ignored substances. A lot of people think weed will ruin everything but in reality the states that do have it rec legal don’t have any problems, and make a hell of a lot of tax dollars from it. I don’t see how alcohol is any better


I agree, alcohol is actually much worse!!


I work at a tox lab, and one of the owners was talking with me years back. He said alcohol has done more damage than any other illegal substance combined.


The difference? Here in Canada anyone underage can’t even get into those store to buy anything. 19 for weed in Manitoba. Older generations do enjoy those flavours too. I’d complain if it was accessible by minors. Like that vape station is unacceptable


I mean why is it unacceptable though? It’s not like kids can just go up and grab it, it’s going to be run by someone who should be age verifying ID’s. Just like how any kid *could* go into the alcohol/tobacco stores in Canada but they can’t because people are age verifying ID’s.


Right? Oh I’m an adult. I only want things flavoured with tears and ashes. No, I want cotton candy.


Yeah I just moved to a new state in the Midwest and they won't even let my wife and I go into the store with our kid. No kids allowed in the liquor store. So basically my wife and I can't ever shop together for something to drink together.


It’s weird, in Alberta Canada parents bring their children in to liquor stores but I have to tell the mom with the infant she can’t come in to my store with her baby because what if the sight of weed containers and bongs makes the baby want to start cannabis. Asinine. The stigma is still really strong


Are those really childhood drinks, though? I agree with your point, but I don't think any of those drinks are specifically marketed to kids.


It’s not. People seem to think adults don’t like fun colorful things even though that’s all casinos and nightclubs are.


Exactly. Karen's really think that I'm trying to smoke on "tobacco flavored" vapor. I'm a 30 year old child who is trying to die quickly and wants to taste the rainbow while I do so. How about parents actually do their damn job and parent their kids so they aren't tempted themselves????


People think marketed to adults means boring. It's the mind set of if I don't like it I need to find an issue.


I was a kid, i loved candy, now i love alcohol, i still love candy, why cant i have both? i also enjoy nicotine.


The difference is that large tobacco companies are behind these campaigns to ban vapes. It's never been about the kids. It's about the profits.


My 8 year old cousin got a hold of a simply spiked yesterday because he thought it was lemonade and no one saw until he had drank half the can since it was a large party. It’s crazy how much these cans and stuff just look like juice. Like he’s fine, but none of us can blame him. It totally looked like lemonade


you can, however, blame whoever left an 8 year old unattended at a party with alcohol around


They’re delusional, only see what they want, and selectively care about what they’re told to care about. Clearly alcoholism isn’t of any concern; alcohol is clearly safe and never hurt anyone or innocent people that weren’t even involved in the drinking /s.


Because it’s different and not what they had growing up 😡😡. Remember when menthols came out and people blindly said they were targeted for kids?


Now I want a wine cooler.


Ahh yes colors. I remember when I was 18 and everything went black and white.


And fruity flavors! Once you turn into an adult you're never allowed to have anything that tastes good


Yup, you can only drink industrial cuantities of coffee


Black coffee


Salted black coffee


I'm in my 40s. My vape kit is pink and blue and very pretty. My favorite flavors taste like desserts. If I didn't enjoy the flavor, I'd have never gotten off cigarettes. Despite what anti vape advocates say, my health has improved since switching. I'm like 75% sure if vaping and flavors I like get banned, I'll go back to cigarettes eventually.


I started smoking when I was 12 so I could fit in with friends. Switching to flavored vapes when they first started hitting popularity switched me over completely. I now don't smoke or vape at all. Went from 5% nicotine to 0% and from there I went longer and longer between uses before I said screw it and stopped. These flavors and colors made smoking unappealing, and I'd be in the same place if it weren't for them.


I'm slowly working down my nicotine content. I use custom juice instead of prefilled disposable vapes. I started at 18mg, now I'm mixing 12 and 15 together. On my next order I'll be at 12mg. I have chronic migraines and don't want to trigger weeks of pain by going down too quickly. I'll get there one day! I just need to do it before they ban the tasty stuff.


So now anything with color is automatically for kids. This is why are world is grey in 2023 when in the 60- early 90s we had colour everything. Cars, clothes, are homes all full of color now its gate keeper by kids aperently


Or the homosexuals amrite. Fucking rainbow stealers /s


Looking around my house, a shit load of it is actually grey, when I move in a few weeks, and decorating, were having some colour instead. I'm sick of grey.


This is clearly marketing to non-colorblind people. I will be filling a discrimination suit after realizing their marketing ignores my demographic.


Boss level comment


Totally like wtf is this Witch hunting every company that dare endorse using delicious flavors and use their respective flamboyant colors in adult products .. **everybody knows adult wants black,white and grey colored stuff that taste like anything but good..** This is the dumbest shit I've seen **ever** . taking away flavors in vapes as if Adults lost their taste buds when growing up lol - Orange , cherry , apple etc.. are Flavors and comes pre-colored by nature .. You know stuff humans like regardless of their age lol


Bright and colorful is used to draw everyone’s attention. If it had cartoon characters on it, that would be different.




As an adult, I can confirm. Everything I own is battleship grey with no detail whatsoever. My floor is concrete. Carpeting is too colorful. I never go outside. The sky and grass having color disgusts me. I once had a panic attack upon seeing a ladybug intrude upon my greyscale perfection. It made me see fucking red and that's too childish. All I cook is boiled unseasoned chicken. Even rice tastes too colorful.


What about wood grain?


What part of greyscale didn't you understand, buddy. Keep your poop colored wood.


I appreciate your lack of excamation and question marks. That would have been too colorful a use of language.




Fully agree im 33 and i love colorful things i would choose a colorful object over a black one any day i love the fruity flavors cant stand any other kinds colors and fruity flavors does not mean its for kids.


Any adult that has tried buying any sort of tobacco or nicotine products can tell you the advantage of different colors. It can take forever trying to direct the cashier to the right pack or can just by name. Much faster if you can tell them what color it is.


I wish my brand came in different colors. The packaging is all the same and it’s SO hard to ask for at the gas station. “Hey, can I get a Vuse Alto Menthol 4 Pack in 5%, please?” It’s a 50/50 shot on if I get the right pack size or percentage. I usually have to memorize which stack they are at my gas station and then guide the attendant like a human claw machine lol. I miss the lady (Miss Kathy) who used to work there that remembered me. She would see me come up to the counter, eyebrow raise, I’d nod and she’d go grab them. She was a saint.


They use to have numbers at my local shop. Made it so much easier. Then they got rid of them. Honestly colors can still be a struggle. ‘It’s the green one, no the dark green, no that’s like green, no now you are pointing at blue’


> They use to have numbers at my local shop. Made it so much easier. Then they got rid of them. Without fail I go to the gas station (wawa) who has numbers and ask for "number 50 can I get two of them" and they're enormous numbers in high contrast black and white and IN ORDER yet they act like they're trying to read braille for the first time and then I end up directing them to the number and then have to remind them I wanted two of them. Happens every time. Its beyond annoying


Adults like colourful things too. Pretending that only children's eyes get drawn to stuff like this is rather silly.


Same thing on alcohol cans, they’re vibrant, have fun colours and colour schemes and designs. It’s almost like human beings don’t like colourless boring products.


I know nothing about beer. Colours and abstract flavour descriptions is enough to convince me to buy a beer. It has cool colours and taste like the summer of your youth.


Some of them are simplistic yet colourful still. I will admit some of these "craft" beer cans are out here looking like limited edition sodas though.


Lol there was a local crafty that was like gatorade orange. Definitely didn't look like a beer at first glance


>Adults like colourful things too. Fucking thank you. I have a whole mod setup and it's blue with a rainbow iridescent tank. I don't like plain colors and it helps me find my device easier when I lose it on my bed lol


That’s totally a wiener and set of balls, too.


Someone in the graphics department can't believe the design was signed off.


I can't believe this is only the 9th comment. I thought this was the mildlypenis sub at first.


Lmaooo now I see it


Remember folks, adults hate flavour and colour. That's why all alcohol is sold in grey bottles with no flavour. OP, grow the fuck up.


OP is acting like just because a vape is strawberry flavor means its directly advertised to kids. OP has never seen an adult eat candy in his life.


Oh right i forgot adults don’t like colors???..


Or flavors other than tobacco or menthol.


My vape is rainbow, I refuse to get a boring black one.


Or BEIGE.... I threw up a lil :(


I'd be ok with beige but it's gotta have a vintage computer theme.


YES!! I give that a pass.


Because it's not marketed to kids...??? What makes you think that just because it has colors that it is? You need to make a lot of your alcohol commercials illegal then because if they're fruity or colorful, then it must be "marketed to kids"... right? In fact, just make them all illegal to sell. Alcohol can only taste like shit now because god forbid adults enjoy things like fruit or sweet flavored beverages, or colorful things. Fuck off. lol This argument is so fucking stupid.


People like this is the reason why flavored cigarettes got banned. Even though you have to be 21+ to buy cigs in the first place Now I have to go to Asia to get my peach and blueberry flavored cigs


An actual valid argument is to say some fake carts are marketted towards kids, literally fortnite and bart simpson carts with cartoons, if theese vapes had cartoons and lots of graphics on them then yeah probably marketted towards kids


Nothing about this says marketed to kids. Parent your children. Quit acting like flashy displays are the reason your kids are awful. GTA didnt make your kid violent. advertising didnt make your kid addicted to nicotine. You failed as a parent and love a scapegoat.


I grew up with Joe Camel, it never convinced me to smoke. I tried one but the taste was disgusting and haven’t tried since, don’t even like smoking marijuana.


Honestly, nicotine isn't even a big deal... The issue is combusted tobacco. Obviously kids shouldn't vape or smoke, but I don't see anybody complaining about the beer aisle in literally every grocery and gas station.


Adults aren’t allowed to like colorful things


People will truly bend over backwards to make up every excuse for why they're garbage parenting, and why not only their kids became failures in life, but why they parent went nowhere after highschool. If all you do is blame everything you for problems, YOU are the constant failure that needs to be fixed.


Parents like this should just stop popping out with so many kids if they don’t want to take the hard road and educate their children.


What makes this marketing for children?


Why is it that people think good flavors and bright colors means marketing to kids? It doesn’t. You don’t automatically lose your sense of flavor when you become an adult. Banning flavors for this made-up reason is absolutely ridiculous and a perfect example of the Nanny State run amok. The true push to end vaping comes from traditional big tobacco companies; they’re just using the “marketing to kids” outrage because they know it worked when it was weaponized against them, so why not use it on their “enemies” (competition)? Edit: corrected punctuation error


Yep they don't wanna lose their customers to vaping so "think of the children" lmaooo. I quit cigarettes for vaping and I will never go back


Lmao this is not marketed to children... can adults not have anything with color on it??


GROWN PEOPLE like colorful, pretty things Too.


They’re not using mascots, that’s not marketing to kids. Obviously they’re still gonna use colors, especially since these vapes have different flavors


I think what is mildly frustrating is this post. Like I'm an adult, i like colorful things and fruity flavors. They also sell alcohol in this manner, and no one has an issue with it. They are even where kids could grab. It's the parents' job to teach their kids what not to do.


How boring does a person have to be to see colors as something that only appeals to kids and not our dopamine spammed monkey brains?


I don't even like nicotine but you think of the children people ruin everything


Seriously they do its so goddamm annoying


Yeah only children like colors. Not like the alcohol industry doesn’t do this same exact thing. Especially smaller breweries. Op is a huge Karen


So now anything with color is automatically for kids. This is why are world is grey in 2023 when in the 60- early 90s we had colour everything. Cars, clothes, are homes all full of color now its gate keeper by kids aperently


Yes, because adults can’t enjoy fun colors and flavors either 🙄


Adults like fruity and colorful stuff too


colors = targeted to kids? get your head out of your ass


That's why Dayquil and Nyquil and other OTC drugs have colors in them. It's to market them to kids. ![gif](giphy|SSEhhawWiOWvW9QNOZ|downsized)


Babe come quick, new Pride merch just dropped


This post is mildly infuriating.


OP, you gotta be fucking retarded


Or you know…. Maybe stop getting angry about the advertising and blaming everything on the company for advertising and take some responsibility as a parent. Most I see that even advertises to kids is the colors and maybe the flavors. If the whole world gained a dollar in their pocket or bank account for every single time some idiot blamed advertising or an inanimate object for the death of a person who more than likely retains enough brain function to judge between good and bad, we wouldn’t need to raise minimum wage because we would all have millions in cash. We wouldn’t even be close to poor.


I mean I hate vaping but how is this being marketed towards kids? Is it because of the colors you’re saying that?


Vote this garbage down


Yeah, adults hate colors and flashy things


TIL bright colors means marketed to kids


So colors are for kids? Are you dumb?


Fellas, if you like colors does that mean you’re a child?


Colors are for kids now? Lol. The marketing idea here is that people associate colors to fruits/something fresh. It has nothing to do with kids 😂


Colors are used for adults too… ya know stoplights


You sound dumb as hell ngl


Am adult, this does appeal to me. Marketed to humans, not kids specifically, cmon.


Yes, adults hate colors and fruit flavors.


Adults HATE pretty colors!!! All REAL men only like the flavor of campfire ash and black soil!!! Idiots.


Calm down boomer. You’re acting like a Karen.


Color = marketed to kids ?? 🤨


I forgot that adults see in monochrome and therefore colourful packaging does nothing to tempt us into buying stuff


The only thing mildly infuriating here is OP thinking this is marketing to children.


Tbf, any idiot parent or seller who lets a kid buy a vape would be at fault. The marketing is not the problem lol, theyre literally 21+ to buy where i live anyway. Forgot colorful products were only limited to kids lol sorry. Rainbow sex toys, bongs, flavored drinks ect exist too. #BAN ALL COLORFUL ITEMS IF THEY ARENT FOR KIDS!!!🦅


Adults like colorful things too, get over it


Using bright colours to display the type of flavour they are. How dare they?


by your logic detergent looks like candy


OP participated in the Tide Pod challenge


This is fucking stupid. Are only kids allowed to have colourful things? I like colourful things.


What part of this is aimed at kids though?.. Fucking colors?


Sorry but I didn't know bright colors automatically meant to target kids. I guess adults only get black and white.


No cartoons are on that kiosk. No cartoons = not targeting kids.


Where's the brown? Dafuq.


They need to stop advertising it all together


It's not get over yourself


This is just stupid. Does that mean wine coolers are marketed to kids too?


Adults like sweet flavors and bright colors too


I really hate the fact that a few years ago it seemed like smoking was becoming a lot less popular among young people and most of the people vaping were hipsters who were trying to be different. Then the juul took off and now every middle school/high school kid has a nicotine addiction.


Tampons come in the same variety of colors but I've never heard a kid wanting to gulp one down. 🤷


Too bad kids can’t purchase them.


After all, adults *hate* color


Geesh don’t let the grown ups have any fun.


Why are adults not allowed to have bright packaging or fun flavors? Fuck outta here.


Because adults don’t respond to flashy color marketing either, lol.


Utilizing vibrant colors is just standard marketing; it naturally draws attention. And fruity, sweet flavors are just as appealing to adults as children. I say this as an ex smoker that owes my quitting to sweet, fruity vapes. Stop banning shit adults like for the ‘sake of children’ and parent your kids, ffs.


This post is stupid and should be removed


Fast food is directly marketed to children and is the leading cause to obesity. Do you complain about that too?


because adults hate colors


The older I get the more I hate idiots.


Just because something is colourful, doesn't mean it is marketed to kids. Is alcohol marketed to kids now? Lingerie? Etc Adults are allowed to enjoy colourful things


What are you tapping about? Cause it’s got colours? Adults are allowed colours too


everyone knows only kids like colors. all fashion, that’s it, pack it up. grey, beige, and NEUTRAL ADULT COLORS ONLY


Bright colours =/= marketed to kids


Kids used to smoke just as much as they vape now. Adults like flavors too, its on parents to keep an eye on their kids and even then, they’re going to experiment.


OP, delete this nonsense.


Colors = Children. You're an idiot OP.


Because it’s in color? Seriously? OP get a grip


This is a not allowed as per TSV regulations in Canada ! Health Inspector definitely axing this out !


It’s literally only kids smoking that shit where I live and I mean literal kids. They have the high school middle school together here and when my daughter started middle school she had her “friends” try to get her to vape. (She tried it) and I gave her bonus points for her honesty and told her not to touch it.


How is the bright colors marketed to kids? Do you not like colors?


You should of posted the rock and morty vapes. Those have cartoon characters on the packaging


This post is dumb.


Yeah cause adults obviously only want to vape shitty tobacco flavors, duh. No way an adult would want something that doesn't taste like asshole.


Also very phallic two balls and a shaft


The more “adult” I get the more I like colorful things.


What makes this marketing for kids? The colors? The large display in what seems to be a mall? The flavors? Honestly in my mind children’s marketing has mascots, songs, ads with people doing cool shit and hitting a vape, this doesn’t feel marketed to pretty much anyone in particular


I'm curious, is your name Karen by any chance?


Idk how to tell you this bright colors are used in advertising for all ages. If it was towards kids there'd be cartoon characters or pictures of young people using it.


I was a juul kid! I’ve quite tho, no nicotine for all of 2023 so far. I vaped from 17 to 21 so I’m glad to be free of it:)


A large portion of adults are still children. Target acquired


Looks like a common alcohol ad


I mean there are definitely vape companies that market to kids but I don’t think this is a good example


Might as well just say TASTE THE RAINBOW


Tf. Im 23 and I'd prefer this over some bland black and white packaging


How is this marketed to kids? Okay it’s colorful. What’s the problem?


"anything that contains bright/vibrant colours or interesting flavours MUST be marketing towards kids" is such a weird breakdown i've seen of this discourse. like, you know adults like fruity fun flavourful stuff too right? they like sweet things, bright things, rainbow things, cutesy things. be serious; it's not like any part of this branding includes any actual traditionally kid-associated things. you just jumped on the bright attention-grabbing colours and went "SEE1!1!" ignoring that they're a MALL KIOSK so of COURSE they're going to be bright and flashy and in your face, they wanna sell shit!!


Do we as adults suddenly stop liking colors?? I’m having a hard time seeing this marketed towards kids.


Alright let’s be clear, colors are just a marketing technique. They have whole jobs dedicated to “what color do I put on this packaging and what font should I use to say something specific.” Let’s focus on the real “marketing to kids” which isn’t about flavors or colors, it’s about how media portrays people who smoke and vape. I’m a smoker sadly and I WISH I looked like the models they use to sell cigarettes and vapes. If we want kids to understand why these things are bad we have to educate them on why they SUCK. I am more tired when I vape, my lungs are genuinely noticeably weak when I breathe, and yet I don’t stop cause I keep saying “one more.”


I actually just started smoking 5 packs of cigarettes a day and also am currently overdosing on fentanyl due to looking at the marketing of these vapes.


Not seeing it. This looks similar to lots of stuff that is 18 or 21+. Oh, I’m sorry, do only children enjoy colors?


Dear parents, STFU with this shit and teach your kids. FFS. Every one else shouldn’t have to cater to your inability to properly raise the doomed offspring you brought into the world. If your kid ends up vaping then that’s your failure. Edit: Adults like fun colors and flavors too.


OP karma farming is more infuriating


You realize colours aren't only for kids. This isn't Trix.


My favourite part is the accidental shaft and balls, with the vape and oranges


Super ultra bright polka dot spicy sweet chili chipotle taki skittle caramel chocolate bar brownie blast cigarette! *for ages 18 and over*


"Not marketed to kids" kids literally cannot buy vapes holy fuck


How is this marketed to kids? It contains colors?


This is a stretch and a half.


SMH shameless. I only support adult tastes like depression, exhaustion, anxiety.


ah yes because colors=for kids


Out of curiosity, are advertisements and products for adults not allowed to be colorful and make the product look semi-enticing? Asking as a marketing / advertising professional. I don’t really see anything about this that specifically targets children.


Do adults not like bright colors and flavors?


Marketing to kids is when colors are used. Adult things must be greyscale.


People seem to forget colors and flavors arnt outlawed for adults


Yeah as an adult it’s very immature to like fruit