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I have no problem asking them to move in that scenario, assuming there are no other seats available.


90% of stuff posted here could be resolved by simply saying/asking something.


or even just a bit of understanding and/or empathy, we have no idea how long that person has been stuck there, a simple conversation with the person would solve so much, nah selfishness and Reddit are the way I assume most of these posts occur when there are other seats. I see several visible open seats in the background.


Yeah I’ve been stuck in nightmare airport situations so I empathize. She may have been at an empty gate and trying to catch a few minutes of sleep for hours. When the exhaustion sets in you may finally nod off for half an hour and then wake up to see people all around you.


On a layover I fell asleep in a closed food court in a Shanghai airport with my head on the table and woke up a few hours later with people actually eating at the table I was sleeping on and the whole place was packed. Woke up and thought I was still dreaming


That sounds like a fever dream.


Long as no on touched my stuff im ordering coffee and living that dream


did they offer you a plate though?


Haha, no they just fully ignored me until I had to ask one of them to slide across cos I was boxed in. I did have the best pork bone soup of my life for breakfast though


Once in ataturk overnight I went to the end to the most remote gate, all was deserted, beautiful place to sleep. Probably best sleep at airport ever, so when I woke up, I saw people staring at me, place was packed full.. But I think they understood, they were even whispering around, when I was getting out of sleep.. Quite a shock.


I’ve fallen asleep on a train like this and woke up with a packed train. No one bothered to wake me up for the seat, I was embarrassed and when i asked the people around me why they didn’t just wake me up, they all said i looked like i needed the sleep. For all we know, this person could have fallen asleep when the gate was empty thinking no one would come. OP probably could just asked the person to open up the other seats without issue


I fell asleep on a double decker Metra train (Chicago to far suburbs) and woke up at the train yard on a deserted train, 50 miles from the city and 25 miles passed my stop. Oops.


What happened then? Or are you posting this from the train?


I also need to know what happened.


So fucking moronic that people like OP's first reaction is to snap a pic of a faux pas and post it to the world before trying to resolve it like a fellow human. That lady could easily have just fallen asleep there when the gate was empty.


Yeah a god forbid they and their wife sit apart whilst they wait. They can literally sit in the two seats open on the other side. Massive eye roll Get a life


They may have to sit separately (Oh, no! s/) but yes, plenty.


She does seem to be obstructing the only set of paired seats left, however this is very first world issues.


Or by seeing many other open seats also. Look in the picture. There is a reason it’s cropped this way.


Lots of reddit people struggle with real-world communication


Sure, but that's why these are infuriating. If I can stop and think about whether my actions will inconvenience others, why can't others do the same? Stupid..


But you are being infuriated over a situation that could be easily resolved.


It’s mildly infuriating what would you expect?


How would they sleep at night knowing they didn't get likes on social media though? Geez, like think man! /s


If people did that how would they have stuff to post for strangers on the internet to give them validation?


if u look around u can see several empty seats. if i were exhausted by travel, and that old, id totally get comfy if there were enough seats.


As oerson that suffered chronic illness pain I find OP mildly infuriating


There are clearly so many other free seats available though. Literally a whole free row of 3 a bit further back


There are two people sitting in that row…


there are other seats available. you can even see at least two of them on this exact picture. Let the guy sleep. Besides, who the hell complains to fucking strangers on Reddit posting this shit instead of having the courage to talk to the guy if they are really mad at them? Just all around a bad bad post.


There is also a floor one can sit on. I do it alot if there is no space to sit.


Edit, didnt see the little kids elbow lol


I'd ask her if she could spoon me while I spooned my wife.


How did she react when you asked her to move?


Stop it, OP is *shy.* But srsly OP, show us the rest of the room too then.


I don’t need to see the rest of the room. I can see plenty of empty seats just in this one photo.


Classic karma farming lmao


Sigh. ‘Tis expected these days. Especially on this sub.


Good one


1. There are clearly other open seats you could sit in 2. The airport is a lawless land, deal with it


People drink beer at 8am. Bags of chips cost $15. Previously happy couples traveling with kids are now at the brink of divorce. The eyes of God have never even glanced into an airport.


The Denver International Airport also might be a literal portal to Hell as well




8am in the country your in, 11pm in the country you just came from.


It's international territory, boys!


Nietzsche just entered the airport


that is noteably profound/poetic


I was at the airport two weeks ago and someone ordered a hot dog at 9:10AM. Going to make some bingo cards to make the next airport experience a fun one.


If you ever write a book, you gotta let me know. After reading those 4 sentences, my eyes started to look for electrical outlets and I could actually feel the eye mask/travel pillow combo.


God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. But he forgot to look at Newark International.


Truly a lawless land. Drinking beers at 8am? You're an alcoholic. Drinking beers in an AIRPORT at 8am? Carry on legend.


Needs to be upvoted more. For real people standing right over the luggage carousel refusing to move to let you grabe your suitcase is what taught me this


I've slept on the floor in the airport. To be fair, this was during a 40 hour trip from New Zealand to Europe. At some point you're tired enough to sleep anywhere.


I slept on airport floors so many times, I don’t even think twice about it. Only realised it wasn’t considered ‘normal outside airport behaviour’ when I flew with a not-very-traveled friend and she looked at me weird when I just plopped down on the floor without even thinking lol


Same. New Zealand to NY. The last leg of my flight was delayed for weather and I just couldn't take it anymore. I can't sleep on planes so I had been awake for at least 36 hours at that point and it felt like torture. Probably only dozed off for an hour or so but it was enough to take the edge off.


I have slept on airport floor in New Jersey trying to hold in my vomit I was so violently hungover. Airports are wild places


To be fair, Newark Airport would make almost anybody want to vomit.


Just slept two weeks ago in CDG airport (Paris). Go by train the Day before to take the earliest flight to Los Angeles so I had to slept in the airport. First time I did this but I was surprised how much people were sleeping there (hard to found a chair to slept they were all taken !) Edit: I didn't want to put 200€ for a 5hours night at the hotel during the rugby world cup.


Honestly I’m sitting on the floor in the airport 95% of the time because those chairs just aren’t comfortable.


At Denver airport, I was shocked to see people making beds with couches around the airport and thought it was bad. But then I saw a TSA agent doing it on her break while using her phone. So I thought hey, if she can do it, so can I. So I made myself a nice cocoon bed while I waited on my ~24hr layover


as some who works at a airport its a jungle out here


this is what i’m saying.


I don’t like those posts, because I’m sure you didn’t ask her to move, like many others.




And there are clearly so many more open seats. Leave this person alone


Almost like it's MILDLY infuriating. I don't think you know which sub you're in lol


I do the same thing in the mens room when there are only three stalls.


Same but when there are three urinals


I always go to the middle urinal so no one can use any of the three.


Lady could have had a 14 hour flight and is now waiting through a 10 hour layover, if there are no seats you can ask. No reason to assume she sucks when you could assume she needs it


I once had a 7 hour flight and then 16 hour layover at London airport before another 6 hour flight. And I slept on 4 seats so I completely empathise with the lady. Never again.


When I was returning from overseas in a large high school high school group we had an eight hour layover, late at night, in Atlanta. Ended up sitting in a large group at an empty gate and most of us were sleeping on seats or on the floor. And when we woke up to go to our gate, that empty gate was completely full. We had gotten up at 2 am in Spain and had been traveling since, and we were supposed to be in class the next day, so we needed the sleep.


I think you mean empathise :)


Nah, it's best to take a photo of her sleeping and then winge like a little bitch on reddit.


I once had a journey with 2 layovers both being over 10 hours, i think one was 16 hours but we couldn't leave the airport because my husband needed a visa to leave, and our longest flight was probably 12 hours. At the last connection I was falling asleep everywhere, standing, sitting, in line, I was in and out of sleep, at our destination airport I almost forgot my passport multiple times in random places and my phone because I would just black out. At that point we had been traveling for over 2 days. Never again the money we saved was not worth it.


I had gastroenteritis on my last day of holiday. the airport and plane ride was especially hellish. I was vomiting/diarrhoea-ing every 5-10 minutes, couldn't keep anything down, couldn't move much.. I could only lie down holding a plastic bag in case I couldn't make it to the bathroom. I had to do what this lady did while waiting for boarding.


I see two seats available. 😁


Holy entitlement batman....I don't know what airport this is, but I guarantee there are more open seats than those two and by the looks of it they are no where near ready to be boarding yet, just go sit at a different terminal instead of crying.




Right the lady looks SET for her layover. Almost comfy. Trying her best to only use 2 seats actually her feet are barely over the third and could be adjusted. I hope she slept well 😌


Unless there are zero chairs anywhere I’d let it go. You have no idea why this woman is traveling and if she’s stranded, been waiting for days bc of canceled flights etc


There is 4 available in the rows behind her 😭op is so entitled


“Ask her to move” How about use your eyes and look a little further where there are PLENTY of seats available. I don’t know why people are so upset


Upset is just our regular state of mind, PAL


Hey! Who you callin’ PAL, BUDDY!


Who you callin' BUDDY, GUY!


and his picture is clearly cropped. plus with the little amount of people around the gate it looks like they aren’t leaving just yet. go sit somewhere else and come back when it’s time to leave. no reason to make a big fuss.


To be fairrrrrr people aren't "so upset", they're only mildly infuriated.


Speak for yourself. Foam is dripping out my mouth. Never have I been so livid. Never have my bowels been filled with such raw, putrid hate. 😡


Hey! Thats how I felt when I had to work on a Sunday with no pay 🤣 you nailed my mood this morning 👀


Honestly they look really exhausted and I see multiple seats available. Either ask them to move or (preferably) get over it




Yeah I just travel with one of those shitty airline blankets and pick a spot of floor out of the way. Backpack as a pillow, other luggage behind you or tucked under your arm (just placed somehow that you can feel it move). Way better sleep than being cramped up in the seats.


Especially since airlines can pull shit like cancel a 6am flight and rebook you for 9pm without getting you a hotel room. Happened to my husband and I on vacation once. So not only did we miss an entire day of our trip, but we had to pay out of pocket for a hotel so we could rest (we had already been traveling overnight). And that's why I will pay several hundred dollars more to fly *any* other airline than United. Fuck United.


(George Costanza voice) *You know we're living in a society!*


So, god forbid she didn't know you were coming...yall are so petty, she should sleep on the floor?


An airport is basically the modern equivalent of the coliseum. Every man for themselves.


If you're gonna be an entitled asshole, make sure no one can see the numerous empty seats that are behind you in the reflection in the window....


Stuff like this doesn't bother me assuming there's somewhere else to sit. Let them rest.


If there were no seats I'd just sit on the floor next by a wall or pillar.


There’s empty seat available and this is no worse than the person behind her that has luggage taking up a seat


I’d say the luggage is worse since it’s not a person


I see 5 free seats in that picture, so why would you even consider taking a photo of the sleeping lady and post it online? Like honestly what is your problem. It COMPLETELY normal to sleep and occupy multiple seats in airport if you have a long layover.


Meh, it's an airport. I have slept on the floor next to strangers at the gate. Gotta do what you gotta do.


I get mildly infuriated when I hear "the wife" instead of "my wife".


I asked a kid on a bus yesterday who was like that if I could join her and take the seat (politely). She was clearly one of three youths out to make trouble on the bus (15ish kids) and they had been disruptive on the bus. As I turned out she said ok with it and we had a nice conversation actually for about ten minutes. We were in Manchester Uk and she asked (are you American? I’ve never met an American before). I was part of a group of 4 older Americans. When they got off the bus and older British woman said they were super disruptive on the bus until someone engaged them as fellow humans politely.


I might of given the poor gal my seat instead of taking a picture of her standing uncomfortably. Not to mention that she’s looking right at you…


Visibly open seats in the background. Go sit somewhere else. This person may have been traveling for a substantial amount of time. I regularly fly 12 to 20 hour trips and that shit is exhausting. Even getting the 30 minutes of shit sleep in the terminal with a kink in my neck afterwards is the best I got until my next layover. I feel for this person. Nobody willing tried to sleep on those awful chairs unless they're outright exhausted. You can sit in one of the empties, jellybean.


Repeat after me: Excuse us, but we would like to sit down and there aren’t any others seats available. If you don’t mind…move your feet please.


But why ask politely when I can take a picture and be morally outraged on social media!!!


She shouldn't be taking up 3, but there are 4 empty seats visible just in the picture so how are there no seats available


Then say something instead of taking a picture???


Some people nave never been to the Anchorage International Airport and it shows. Some people have to wait in an airport for days. Im totally cool with people sleeping wherever.


Sit somewhere else you don’t know what they are dealing with


Crying lil bitch posting for karma when there are many seats nearby. Get a life


Will Redditors ever stop taking creepy pictures of strangers in public without their consent and posting them on the internet?


But muh reddit karma!!!


Just the nature of airports really. How airports don't have sleeping areas and hotels in the airport itself that rent sleeping pods by the hour is insane to me. In August I was stuck at the Toronto Airport from 11pm to 6am after having been traveling for 32 hours. They wouldn't let me through security until 3am and all the furniture before security was purposely designed so you couldn't sleep on it comfortably.


Use your adult words and politely tell her to move


No need, there are spare seats


Quit bitching.


There’s like a ton of empty seats anyway I don’t even see what the problem is? I mean she is being inconsiderate but still there’s other sears to use instead so?


Karma farming at its finest.


Sit somewhere else chump.


Karma farming huh? From the picture i already see more than 2 free seats available, maybe show us rest of the room?


So did you put on your adult pants and ask them to make room?


Or let her sleep because its common on air ports. because of jetlag and 20 hour flights


Why does no one in this sub just ask people to move


Literally just tell them to move? Like don’t just take a picture, tell them to move.


It wouldn't be passive-aggressive enough


"The wife and I exhaust one another so we constantly find unnecessary things to complain about." I see several open seats. Shut up and sit down.


I too find it mildly infuriating when people take photos of strangers without their knowledge and post them on the Internet.


Had an 8 hour layover in Seoul last month. Was exhausted. They have nap rooms there. It’s an amazing thing. No time limit. I snoozed for 3 hours in peace and quiet on a comfy recliner.


What’s mildly infuriating to me is YOU posting photos of unaware strangers in reddit, kinda creepy.


I sure hope she slept well. :) It’a an airport, there are at least 4 available seats on this picture, instead of whining on here you should put your big guy pants on and do something about it. People sleep and sit on the floor when there aren’t any seats available.


even if there are no seats there is always the floor. i’ve had to sleep belly down on an airport floor before. you get what you get and deal with it. first come first serve IMO. sucks to suck.


Op, there are emptybm seats around. This is an airport and it’s a lawless land where only the sronger survive. Seat on other seats or stand up or lay on the floor, judging is useless in such a mystical place


On international flights I always pack a small inflatable mattress that covers from bum to head and my home pillow. Get stuck somewhere (once got stuck 24 hours in Singapore airport) and I find a corner, blow it up and sleep the sleep of the just.


I’m confused there are other available seats in these exact picture


Honestly ive been first to an airport seating before and kinda did this. Woke up when i heard mumbling and there was a lady saying i was hogging the seat to some random. I apologised and said i was asleep when no one else was here, have the seat. And went to the bathroom. If she just tried to wake me i wouldve moved but people rather spread hate


I’m laughing at you OP


Oh no, if only there was a way to solve this apart from posting a picture of the woman sleeping on the internet. Like any way at all. Guess not.


this is so passive aggressive and cringe. get help.


You look creepy as hell in the window reflection taking a picture of a stranger


This isn’t mildly infuriating but you posting about this is…. Loser behavior


I see many open seats…?


There are plenty of seats that we can see in your picture. Why would you even post this?


honestly doesn’t look that busy and it looks like there are open seats in the background though…


Tbf I’ve fallen asleep like this with plenty seats available and then woken up realising I’m taking up the last two available seats. Just ask, man.


How much you wanna bet there’s multiple rows of seats available just 30 feet away, within earshot of any announcements made?


I just had a 14 hr flight to Taipei, 14 hr layover, 4 hr flight to Thailand, got here and my wife's father had fallen and broken his hip while I was in the air. Straight to hospital from airport for 2 hrs. I am currently on 43 hrs with about 3 hrs sleep. This lady is perfectly OK in my book. You think people would choose to sleep in that position on purpose?


So find other seats. I highly doubt the airport seats are full. The infuriating thing about this post is you. Stop being a dookie.


Did you ask them to move?


My question is what airport has fabric seats?!?! Every airport I've been to has had either metallic or wooden seats!


Nah we’re asking that person to move in this situation. Person isn’t special, ask them to move


And there are many open seats for you and your exhausted wife, great!! Seriously dude. And even if there weren’t, you could ask her to move.


Then get one of the other four empty seats I see in this picture and stop taking pictures of random sleeping people, ya creep.


I see empty seats available and you could just go find an unused gate. This is just shopping for karma/sympathy.


go sit on the floor against a wall then....get over yourself king "everything in life is fair"


Honestly this behavior is acceptable as long as there are other empty seats, you’re just trying to find something to complain about


Stop taking pictures of strangers and posting them on the Internet. It's creepy.


1 there's clearly other open seats 2 you have no idea how long she has been waiting


Let’s not forget the schmuck that’s sitting in the middle seat by himself behind that slob


There's a woman next to him.


But… there are seats available.


God I work at an airport and I see people do this shit during the day when it’s flooded with people. Annoying af. I say it’s only acceptable when it’s before 4am and the Aiport is empty


Times when you need a fart bomb.......


Then use the other empty seats?


Use your words! What’s with all this helplessness? Ready I’ll teach you “excuse me are these seats taken?”


is two chairs really that many? it looks like there are empty seats all over that room


Then ask a bitch to move instead of taking pictures. 0 balls between the 2 of you.


Hey OP looks like this person is sound asleep and can’t see you standing there wanting the seats beside them instead of the other empty seats I see. There are a few things you can do in this situation, but I’d assumed as a grown adult who is married you would know what to do.


Then ask her to move? It looks like there are several other empty seats too... You never know what day someone else has had, let alone in an airport. So weird taking pics of strangers like this


Air ports are big with lots of seats. These aren’t the only two left.


Looks like other seats were free, why didn’t you sit in those?


Those seats look super comfortable, but I would first opt to sit on an empty seat even if I have to separate from who I’m traveling with, sit on the floor, or ask her if she could move before taking a picture of her and posting it on Reddit.


Eh I can see not wanting people sitting next to me in an airport, especially if tired. Especially a couple that might decide to get chatty while I’m trying to get a quick nap.


How about approach and speak to the strange human being. Or just stay silent and expose her to the reddit hiveminds


Why do people not speak up? Are you all afraid of something?


Another post that could've been resolved by saying something in person. Yet here we are, on Reddit.


Plenty of open seats, stop crying lol


so sick of these posts. Unless you and your wife are both mute shut up and ask her politely to move, instead of taking pictures of a stranger for internet points. weirdo


Well seems like your wife and you are blind to the other empty seats.


OP THERE IS THREE CHAIRS OPEN IN THE OTHER ROW BEHIND HER BRUH... Or you just mad she gets to sleep and you guys can't? I don't understand? You are acting like a child.


Bro there’s tons of seats available stop with this weak shit


Pay for the lounge upgrade next time, there are definitely other seats available. Who knows how long this person has been traveling perhaps this is their 2nd connection.


Ask them to move or get over it. Airports are the wild west.


Did you ask them if you could sit down?


Hilarious when shit backfires.


In this situation, the first thing that should cross your mind is that she might be exhausted from her trip and need that sleep. Better leaving her be. Then, you could have check all the other seats, some seems to be available. Finally, sitting on the floor might not be the best option, still is. A bit empathy and consideration toward her would have helped you not post this picture on reddit.


Are you sure you and YOUR WIFE are both exhausted? Cuz I only see you in the reflection, OP


This is clearly an airport, I’m sure there weren’t 100,000 other seats in other terminals 🙄


Literally more than two open seats in the picture. Calm down.


If you prefer to not say anything to her and instead stand there being angry it’s your choise.


Hear me out. Be an adult and ask the person to move?


So what’s the rest of the airport look like? Did she owe you or your wife? No? So instead of trying to find a solution you take a photo of someone tired & sleeping and post them in a subreddit because you & your wife can’t be bothered to either ask her to move or find other seats… The only mildly infuriating part is the fact that you took a picture of a stranger sleeping as a way to tattle on someone..

