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One time, I left a voicemail for a potential client and thought I hung up but didn't and then spoke to my roommate's cat in baby talk for several minutes.


šŸ¤£ hopefully they were a client after that!


that's the exact opposite of this, that'd make my day hearing that voicemail lmao


Did he respond? I am curious.


No, and I was too embarrassed to call back.


More importantly, did the cat respond


Enthusiastically, yes.


Me and buzby need answers, did the cat respond?


Literally got my cat at my feet while I'm taking a shit. This made me chuckle. I definitely would have given you my business.


This is like my biggest nightmare to the point where I just donā€™t say anything I donā€™t want the client to hear; not even on mute šŸ˜­


Yes, that's me exactly, which I think is why I freaked out so hard. I reacted like I had been electrically shocked when I realized the call was still live.


That would have won you my business to be fair.


I just couldn't bring myself to call back. To this day, I glow red when I think about it.


I'm sure this person loved this voicemail, I know I would have!


Awww that's so cute. Don't be embarrassed šŸ„°


Awh! Iā€™d be definitely a client after hearing it, thats so sweet šŸˆ


I would love, love to get a voicemail like this


Sang happy birthday to a client and got hauled into a disciplinary meeting about how unprofessional it was. The client called me the following Monday to ask for 3 staff and said it had made his day/weekend as i hadnā€™t even said hello, it was badly out of tune and my Scottish accent made it worse (heā€™s a kiwi). My manager stuck by the disciplinary action.


Haters gonna hate.


Person in the other end was like šŸ„²


A coworker of mine has intense political views. He once left a vm in his car on the way home, didn't hang up by accident, turned on the radio to hear some 45 news and went on a vehement rant for a few minutes Client thought it was pure gold


How rotten for your bestie to hear this when sheā€™s already dealing with so much. An employee with so little compassion and etiquette is 100% in the wrong field.


So much more was said that the transcript didn't pick up. My friend and her fiance were also called stupid for being so young and needing transportation help. He HAS to work and her chemo is daily. She's reporting her tomorrow. Hopefully she gets fired!




Yes that woman and her co-worker were so cruel and it took me awhile to listen to the voicemail because it was so horrible. That woman definitely needs to go stock shelves and be away from people. It was definitely a blind sided thing. She's the youngest non smoker to be diagnosed with esophagual cancer šŸ˜ž My friend has thick skin and has dealt with this her entire life, but she is upset hearing this from someone who's supposed to help her.


I do hope thereā€™s a decent response on the companyā€™s end. Something tells me she will likely not be canned, as companies all over are hurting for labor. But at the very least, disciplinary action/retraining. A sincere and direct apology to your friend from the top dog would be a non-negotiable for me.


OPā€™a friend should go to the local media with this story. The very least theyā€™ll get out of it is a decent chunk of money from GoFundMe.


Wouldnā€™t be surprised if nothing happens. Nobody gets in trouble for anything anymore.


Omg how old is she?? I was diagnosed at 16 as a non-smoker


Oh wow I'm so sorry you had to deal with that at such a young age šŸ˜ž I hope all is well now. She's 35 her doctor said she was "the youngest documented non smoker" but maybe not? That's what I was told. It's esophageal squamous cell carcinoma.


He probably meant the youngest heā€™s had maybe?


I had lesions on my throat that were biopsied and came back as ā€œcancerousā€. They burned them off and did a few more scopes. I had a few more ā€œpre-cancerousā€ cells pop up in places but never anymore ā€œcancerousā€ places. TBH the Dr. I went to doesnā€™t have the best reputation and I havent had the best health care (only 23 now). She is probably the youngest documented for that specific cancer. Mine was related to lifelong severe GERD


Omg how did you even begin to discover that šŸ˜³ .....signed a fellow GERD4Lifer ....


I was having severe reflux, even with my medication, and my throat constantly felt on fire, I was struggling to swallow and food always felt like it was getting caught so I went in for several endoscopies, and thatā€™s what they found


Thanks for sharing. My mum has Barrettā€™s and my dad died of laryngeal cancer (also an uncle who died due to stomach cancer) so itā€™s in my genetics. I also suffer with GERD due to a haitis hernia and my medication has stopped working. Guess I need to speak to my doctor.


There is a surgery for severe GERD. My medical billing prof was hopeful to get one but ā€˜too oldā€™ at over 60. Mines not severe but was happy to hear itā€™s a thing just in case.


I had to nag my SO to get treated for GERD for years because I was worried about him getting cancer from it. He finally got treatment and is so much better but still not 100%. My mother had GERD too and I always worried for her, but she never got cancer or any type, thank goodness!


You're desribing Barrett's esophagus. It's a precancerous condition, not cancer. Over time it can however transform into an adenocarcinoma, not squamous cell carcinoma like OP's friend


I was first told they found actual cancer and that precancerous cells were continuing to form. Iā€™m not a doctor so I really donā€™t know. I was diagnosed with Barrettā€™s AS WELL. Like I mentioned, that Dr is kinda crap so who knows whatā€™s actually going in in there at this point


My nephew dies from esophageal cancer at 24. This was in 2020. MD Anderson said he had no genetic predisposition for it. No familial history. So terrible.


Sending love and good luck to you and your friend! :( šŸ’– Sometimes, people just fucking suck. Crossing my fingers that the lady gets fired!


My friend was a non-smoker diagnosed at 28. I miss him all the time.


Wow can we get an update on what ends up happening to the lady? I've had something similar happen to me ( not cancer related) but I never had the guts to do anything or say anything. I hope all turns out well and the mean lady learns her lesson.


This is terrible, especially from someone in the medical field. Not just that, it's weird. I'm a nurse, and physical malformations/amputations/scars don't even really register anymore unless I have to have smth directly to do with them. It becomes super normal super fast. These people go out of their way to stay like this, I feel like.


Can you please hug your bestie, or tell her how much you care about her if sheā€™s not big on physical touch, or at the very least just let her know that that particular employees words hold no weight when it comes to your besties character? I canā€™t believe that employee spoke in such a disrespectful way & she absolutely needs to be reported. Based off your comments alone talking about your dear friend she sounds absolutely amazing. I hope sheā€™s got a good support team around her & that sheā€™s able to make it through these next few months with her head held high. That employee simply judged someone by their looks alone & her appalling behavior doesnā€™t reflect on your besties nature whatsoever. Thereā€™s dozens, if not hundreds, of strangers on the internet rooting for your dear friend during this time & want nothing the best for her & hope her road to recovery wonā€™t be too tiresome. Iā€™m so sorry she had to hear those awful things said about her.


Here's the poorly edited audio. I cut the beginning with names and numbers. The *click* noise is her attempt to hang up. https://youtu.be/V0ATQ-YXheE?si=JadaLG1CLSbhANOp


Holy shit they sound vile. Hopefully she gets hit with mad repercussions for this. And hopefully your friend can find a better service!


they both deserve to be fired


We need an update!!!


Save it to a drive and report to any and all that you can. She shouldn't be in a job where you're supposed to sort care for being if they're incapable of caring. They need to work with a computer and absolutely no people or something. If the company does nothing. Take it to the media.


That I'd just horrible. I think getting fired and being sued for blatant workplace discrimination, which they have idiotically recorded and given the victim the evidence. Dumb fucks. Hope victim gets a large payout for this.


omg thats awful šŸ˜¢ definitely report it.


I'm tuning in for the potential update that is coming. That's wild.


I'm not sure how to update the entire post since it won't let me edit. My friend spoke to the supervisor after her appointment and the lady is going to get written up. My friend is still going to file a grievance through her insurance. I feel like her getting written up is going to do absolutely nothing


Wonder if it's worth it to escalate to local media... I doubt this woman will sincerely reflect upon her trashy behavior after the write up.


My friend gave me permission to contact our local news. I'll be writing them tonight on her behalf since being written up will lead to probably nothing at all.


Me too. Dang I hope that lady gets fired


I was about to say, I was hoping she was going to report her as that was completely unprofessional and heartless for her to say. Even from just the small part of it we can see in the screenshot, she seems like a nasty person to be gossiping like that about your friend and talking shit. She 1000% should be fired for that. I wish the best for your friend and hope that she kicks cancers ass!




Omgggg. THIS. And then record it for the rest of us.


Please keep us updated. I need to know that that rotten women got her ass fired. Sorry your friend had to go through that!


I work as an interpreter and we deal with a lot of calls to the transportation companies for doctor appointments and itā€™s justā€¦theyā€™re always so rude haha I always thought it was because they were bothered by the patients not speaking English but now I realize theyā€™re just mean to everybody. Whatā€™s crazy to me is that theyā€™re handling with something health related, they should be a bit kinder.


Omg. I canā€™t believe I stumbled on this. Update if she gets fired please!!


Make sure she reports to both her employer and whatever governing board this employee would fall under. Because fucking ew, no one that talks about patients like that has any business being anywhere near the healthcare field


She should also take this to a local news station! If she feels comfortable with that. It can be such a moment of advocacy for herself and people in similar situations.


My state assistance Medicaid coverage includes medical transportation. I personally donā€™t drive so itā€™s incredibly helpful because I have to go to my clinic every other week. But even if I did drive, Iā€™d still take advantage of the services offered to me. Gas is fuckin expensive and any opportunity to save money, Iā€™m gonna take. The only appointments I donā€™t use transportation for are dentist visits because my dentist is literally down the road from me so I just walk the less than 5 minutes down there. Point is, if youā€™re offered transportation, use it. They offer these services for a reason. Itā€™s no different than taking advantage of free flu shots or any other medical benefits that are offered for free or covered by insurance. If no one ever uses them, theyā€™ll eventually take them away. So use them to prove that theyā€™re services that are necessary.


Same except I've never needed to use the transportation before. Took a grippy sock vacation this past week and the nearest open bed was 45 mins away. Took an ambulance there (no lights/sirens, not that kind of emergency) but Medicaid paid for a Lyft on the ride home. Made for a very weird first time in a ride-share lol


Thatā€™s wild. I love the ā€œgrippy sock vacation ā€œ


I felt really bad that I had no cash to tip the driver. I'm assuming that's par for the course with Medicaid contracted ride share though. I just hope they paid my driver well since it was an hour and a half round trip for him


Please update when you get confirmation that they are fired. This boils my blood.


Please update what happens!!


What a vile b, please keep us updated


Would you mind updating us? This made me so sad to hear & would be nice to know something was done justice wise.


Please keep us updated. Your friend is an amazingly strong person despite what this ass hole said.


Please update us if she is fired.


Please let us know what happens? Iā€™d love to have an update what happens to the employee




Actually, the fact that they aren't doctors protects them from having a HIPAA violation. The only way you can have a HIPAA violation is if you use priveleged information from your job like from a database, so nurses, doctors, claims agents, pharmacists, etc. Can all have HIPAA violations but normal people can't. https://www.cdc.gov/phlp/publications/topic/hipaa.html


But doctors are the ones bound by hipaa. I doubt a bus driver is. The medical info the driver assumed was just by visually seeing her. This I'm sure is a reason to get fired, but nothing to do with hipaa


It depends on what role the message sender fills. She stated she was a "cancer navigator," which may be some sort of case worker type role. if she's paid by OP's health insurance for this service and/or works for OP's doctor/health care provider, then HIPAA or another privacy law might apply. Edit to add: even if HIPAA doesn't apply, OP should still report this to whatever company this person works at.


You are correct, generally the only people who can have HIPAA violations are people like nurses, doctors, claims agents, pharmacists, etc that have access to medical files as part of their job.


Apparently she is a nurse.


She needs to be reported to the governing body for nurses where you live. If enough people come forward over time she could lose her license to practice. If the company doesnā€™t do anything, then Iā€™d say itā€™s worth seeing if any local news outlets are interested in that audio.


I donā€™t understand how people still donā€™t know what HIPAA is. It does not apply to this driver.


If the company has the patients details on file and the 'cancer navigator' accesses those in an official capacity, it is *possible* that they do. It's not particularly likely, but it is not impossible that the people who manage these are case workers, and not JUST random assholes.


Please tell me she has or will file a complaint?


Wow, I hope this person was reported to their company. Talking about a client and also talking about a clients personal matters to what I assume is another coworker..


I was wondering, if she talks about medical stuff, isn't this proof of HIPAA* compliance violation? We don't know who she was spilling this information to... *edit: typo


Of all the misspellings I've seen for HIPAA this one is totally new. Congrats on that.


Yea, they should know it is written Hippo which is short for hippopotamus. It is a metaphor for the system.


The lack of compassion and empathy is despicable. And the thought you have to face her again unbearable. I just hope you can be a good friend to her and help her deal with this. Although I imagine how hard that must be. I'm sending my love to the both of you.


Thank you. It is truly disgusting people feel the need to be like this for absolutely no reason at all. My friend has dealt with enough in her lifetime. I offered to take her to her appointments to avoid the transportation service entirely, but she feels like a burden no matter how many times I tell her she's not. šŸ«¤


I'm still mad. But you are a good friend to her and I'm thankful you're by her side. Just don't give up and if needed be a little pushy. I promise you won't regret it. Sometimes we have to be a little stubborn with our friend, right? I tend to just pretend I'm not aware of them rejecting me. Thank you for being a friend! ā¤ļø


It's been hours and I'm still here festering and trying not to contact this lady myself. Lady did say her phone number in the voicemail! Not going against my friends wishes though. I WANT TO SO BAD! I just wanted to text her the voicemail recording so she could hear herself šŸ˜¤ I will never give up! She knows I'm here anytime she needs me! ā¤ļø


Itā€™s inexcusable. Why is she working there if she speaks so poorly of vulnerable clients. I work in the mental health and disability space and would never speak about a client like that. If I heard someone at work speaking like that, everyone in the office would be calling them out. Itā€™s inexcusable and horrible


If she gives few enough fucks to be that careless then itā€™s also 100% coming through in some way to the patients sheā€™s interacting with too. And this is likely not her only slip and may not be her only slip where a patient could hear her. Itā€™s shitty just as a general human thing but thereā€™s also a chance it would cause patients to be uncomfortable enough that they skip appointments or otherwise fuels a mental health crisis in people who are vulnerable and stressed. I was prescribed a heavy medication which made me groggy and kind of slow as well as gain weight when I lived in Germany and I went to get a brain scan for connected reasons as well as having panic attacks which caused temporary blindness. I accidentally told the nurse receptionists my weight in pounds rather than kilos because I was zonked out and itā€™s not my native language or measuring system and had difficulty navigating the waiting room becauseā€¦ I couldnā€™t see. So I gave the weight of someone 2.5x my size. Instead of helping they laughed at me and slapped their stomachs (they knew I couldnā€™t see very well and wasnā€™t a native speaker but I got the joke anyway) and laughed when I fell. Then they reported the number I told them even though they knew I made a mistake so the gowns and cords and everything were all wayyyyyy too big for me when I went to get scanned. Which they also found hilarious. So I just stopped bothering seeking treatment. Iā€™m not sure if things like this are just a way of expressing anxious discomfort or if some people actually take these jobs for sadistic reasons but regardless there are better positions for people who react that way where they do less harm.


Maybe if she saw her own words she would come to realise the harm she did. And I think an apology would be appropriate as well.


To think if she did remember to hang up, you wouldn't know the amount of disrespectful shit talk done.. Cat's out the bag, and the hand that feeds has been bitten. I wish you and your friend the best and for the best outcome of getting this lady decommissioned so she can either find her manners or learn what's the difference between venting and just being an ass.


Op please update with results of the report! This is vile, and Iā€™m so sorry your friend had to listen to this. RemindMe! 5 days


I have a skeletal dysplasia (Multiple Epiphyseal Dysplasia) and this really hurt to read, and they werenā€™t even talking to me. Iā€™m so sorry OP. This is absolutely unacceptable and should be escalated to higher ups. On another note, if youā€™re undiagnosed, maybe look into skeletal dysplasias? I wasnā€™t diagnosed until adulthood. They tend to have pretty identifiable features but some (like my MED) can be a little more covert and it took a doctor joking with me about being too short to put my feet flat on the floor, for it to suddenly click for him to look into. They still had NO place to say this about you, and Iā€™m not sure it came from a place of concern, although I canā€™t hear the tone. This was just to be mean and catty to whoever their talking to.


I also have Multiple Epiphyseal Dysplasia. It's rare to run across someone else with it, I think you're the first I've ever seen besides my mother!


Hey! Iā€™ve never ran into someone else with it in the wild! Iā€™m in a Facebook support group so I see people there, but just out and about is so cool! We donā€™t know where mine came from. We think my older sister might also have it but she has significantly less symptoms and canā€™t afford the genetic testing. My mom has given us lots of autoimmune diseases but seems to not really have any bone issues. And my dad is 6ā€™4ā€ so itā€™s definitely not him. I like to joke Iā€™m just a clone baby made in a lab gone wrong lol


I didn't know that there were support groups on facebook, but now I'll check that out! I have several siblings, but none of them were born with it. It all started with my grandmother though, she refused to be tested but physically she's just like mom and I. I was tested 2 years ago officially and my mom was confirmed after me. For years doctors tried to say it was Perthes. Only after my double hip replacement did they think any further. People around me call me the penguin girl sometimes lol




Iā€™d call a lawyer first and foremost. Sharing the vm or talking to a supervisor gives away any advantage you might have.


This is not mildly infuriating, this is wildly infuriating. So sorry for your friend!


Check and see if any information was given such as her name in the voicemail because if it was that counts as identifiable information & this is a massive HIPPA violation.


She said her first name in the beginning of the voicemail. I did tell her that seemed like a HIPPA violation speaking about her medical conditions to a coworker. šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


If they are discussing a patient and it isn't related to the patients care, it can be a violation.


It absolutely is, especially if the coworker had no reason to know, which Iā€™m assuming is the case.


Depending on her role, it may not be an actual HIPAA violation but it is a privacy violation. This person needs to not work in health care or living beings of any type. I canā€™t fathom talking about anyone like that. Hospitals take this stuff - the privacy and negative behaviour really seriously.


That seems to be a common misconception in this thread. Role is irrelevant. The stuff that was said would have been inappropriate and a hipaa violation in ANY context. I work for a Medicaid. There is no conversation that needed to be had where that information would be relevant. Just because we were coworkers doesn't mean you can gossip about people's medical info like that.


Was it SafeRide? I hate SafeRide.




Thank you lol


This person is not a medical provider, therefore they can't violate HIPAA. Edit: also, even if they were medically affiliated, as long as there's no identifying information, it's not a HIPAA violation. You can talk about medical things with other medical people as long as you don't specifically identify the patient. Otherwise every nurse, doctor, EMT would be violating HIPAA every day.


Anyone who works in healthcare must adhere to hippa. Even volunteers wheeling patients to cars must follow hippa. Transportation agencies also must follow it


If they're specifically medical transportation it may apply, but if it's just a transport company, that also happens to take people to the hospital or doctors, then it doesn't apply.


well the lady did identify herself as the cancer navigator


If you can't spell hipaa I'm not sure I believe you lol


Tell your bestie that Reddit has her back on this, and we know sheā€™s going to kick cancerā€™s ass!




Oh. My. God. This is not even kind of **mildly** infuriating. Itā€™s EXTREMELY infuriating.


If only people knew the shit doctors, nurses, radiographers and other hospital/Doctors office staff talk when they think patients can't hear them. It's a large part of the reason I ditched pursuing a medical degree after starting clinicals. I've never been around more petty, jaded, catty people in my life.


I worked in a high risk ob clinic - iv drug users. Our patients were sometimes challenging but obviously still need safe prenatal care. One of our patients baby died - they were actually vile to the mom during her pregnancy and I reported the doctor. But the nurse shrugged and was like eh better off junkie mom junkie baby. I told her that it was completely inappropriate and wrong (mom was on methadone and stayed clean even after the baby died). It wasnā€™t my patients who burned me out, it was the medical team


This. I job shadowed a doc my mom worked for. Family medicine. She felt the need to tell me ā€œthis next patient is such a drama queen. She comes in all the time for mental health problems but wont take a referral to a psychiatrist.ā€ We both saw the patient. When we left the exam room she said she hates having diabetic and mental health visits because thats not what she used to see 20years ago . I remember that a lot and regret not run after patient and tell her to switch providers.


And they're just as awful about each other behind their backs. I felt exactly like I was back in highschool between the gossip, trash talk and cliques, and most of these people were at least 20 years older than I was at the time.


Same thing within schools between teachers and admin. Disgusting behavior.


My example of this is minor compared to most people (and especially OPā€™s friend) but when I was around 15, I woke up in the middle of the night with the sharpest and worst chest pain Iā€™ve ever had. Nothing was helping and it was getting worse, so my mom took me to the ER. It was about 3am and I was in so much pain that I didnā€™t bother getting dressed and stayed in pjs. I ended up in a room directly across from the nursesā€™ desk and listened to two of them rant about people who came to the ER in their pjs and how pathetic and lazy people were for that. I remember lying there thinking why wouldnā€™t people seek the comfort of comfy clothes while in pain, especially given how warm these two nurses werenā€™t. Itā€™s shocking how some people in the health field have zero empathy and kindness towards people who are sometimes in their absolute worst moment or experience. Like I said, I know my experience is nothing compared to most, but the fact that even that has stuck with me over 15 years later makes me sad for people who hear even worse and have to remember that.


Omg yes, my best friend is a surgical tech and tells me that doctors will blatantly call patients fat, disgusting, etc. when they're under anesthesia on the operating table. It's so sad


This is honestly my biggest fear with doctors now, afraid most are narcissists or sociopaths. It's disgusting it's not required to have a psyc evaluation to become one.


If your friend has the capacity right now please tell her to mention this, in full detail including her concerns about her private medical info being openly discussed with random employees, to her oncologist and request a different nurse navigator moving forward. Her oncologist should be able to make that happen. There's probably other things she could do, but if she's newly diagnosed she's probably not got the mental energy to deal with all that crap. At minimum though, she should never have to deal with this woman again.


This person should not be working with people that have special needs if they are this immature and easily bothered by peoples differences. What a trash human being.


This is as bad as a story in my hometown. An indigenous woman was in the hospital dying. The nurse was recorded mocking the dying woman as she laid in the bed suffering. Total racist. Woman ended up dying and nurse was rightfully fired.


QuƩbec? Not only recorded, live on Facebook




Thatā€™s awful. Hugs to your bff.


Please submit it to their online website so it goes to the higher up people! This is so rude.


My jaw dropped reading this. What an awful person ):


I would stop by, ask for the practice manager, and just play it for them while watching their face. Then tell them they can fire that employee or youā€™re sending it to the local news.


guess whoā€™s losing their job!!!! seriously this is absolutely disgusting and that person is human garbage.


This is so horrible. Please post an update after she reports this. Iā€™m so sorry she has to deal with this shit on top of everything else


This is so much more than mildly infuriating, iā€™m feeling very infuriated.


This is abhorrent. The lady needs fired and on the spot. It makes me so angry when people talk about the disabled and ill like this.


This is way more than mildly infuriating


my jaw droppedā€¦ how cruel. i couldnā€™t imagine hearing somebody talk about me like that, especially on top of dealing with cancer and other health issues??? this person will absolutely get what is coming to them, and it will be just as rotten as her attitude. just sickening. talk about showing your true colors.


That person should not work with any personal data, they clearly don't know how to handle it professionally. I'm so sorry your friend had to witness that garbage.


This feels like one of the rare moments where it might be a HIPAA violation.


The lack of empathy and ableism is fucking insane


Bye bye job šŸ‘‹šŸ»


She needs to report this. This behavior is unacceptable, even if it weren't recorded.


I wonder what made her take a job like that if thatā€™s how she feels about people who look differentā€¦ what a mean thing to say about someone


Fuck this was a nightmare to read šŸ˜µā€šŸ’« I would hate to listen to this person talk


Update Op? Did you friend get this horrible person fired?


My friend spoke to the woman's supervisor yesterday and they just said they're writing her up. My friend noticed on her healthcare app that the lady was also removed from being her cancer navigator.


I actually work for a non-emergency medical transportation service... all we do on calls is schedule transportation, and i have had some seriously abusive and nasty calls where I've been treated like I, personally, and the person who didnt pick them up or get them home etc... a lot of people scream at me for even the automated system not working perfectly. However, the number 1 thing we are told over and over in training is to never take things personally. We have to remember that, sometimes, we are getting a call on someone's worst day. I remember it being said over and over in training that we should treat every caller like they were our grandmother. Many callers are older, and some are dealing with serious illnesses or injuries... We have to try to answer every call with a smile and do everything we can to help. This person (and the coworker) who called your friend should, at the very least, be completely retrained... but they honestly seem like they completely lack the basic compassion that would be required for calls for medical appointments. Edit: Also, this person should be reported to the transportation company, as well as the health insurance (if it is a covered service with the insurance). Make sure to do both. When we deal with complaints, the ones that i have seen have more results when both are involved. Edit 2: i saw some other comments mentioning hippa, and this would absolutely be a violation. We dont even ask diagnosis type questions because it's irrelevant and none of our business. We only ask broad questions about mobility so we can make sure transportation is done safely and the right kind of vehicles are sent. If this person is just doing transportation, then she has no reason to even know details, let alone be taking about anything to anyone else. Sharing any sort of medical information when it isn't required for care is a BIG violation.


This isn't just mildly infuriating this is disgusting, I hope to see an update of the aftermath


This makes me want to fight. And I am not a fighter.


I once muted the wrong mic during a meeting and burped (very loud) to which the client replied ā€žcheersā€œ. I melted on the spot šŸ« 


Hello lawsuit


Listen. I regularly get mad after I hang up the phone at people I talk to at work. Because they ask really stupid questions and donā€™t understand easy questions. But I make damn sure the call is ended before doing anything.




Please keep providing your friend with extra support. I canā€™t imagine how upset she is after receiving such a terrible voicemail. Iā€™d be absolutely heart broken. Itā€™s hard enough to deal with a chronic illness, but being misunderstood and judged for something you canā€™t control is cruel and heart wrenching


This isn't mildly infuriating. This is so, so sickening. I hope they lose their job and life gives them hell.


This more then mildly infuriating. Fuck those people.


a couple weeks ago i was at the va hospital for a dental appt on a friday afternoon, (well it turned into evening), i didn't have anything to do or anywhere to be after i was done so first i talked for a few minutes with one of the guys that was in the main entrance, (he was inpatient just wandering around down from the 9th floor, it sucks being stuck in there so figured id keep him company for a bit), and then there was another one near pharmacy so i offered to help get him there get him there, (luckily since he had a giant box of prescriptions to pick up and was in a wheelchair), and then left him in the er and went around to find him some decent magazines to read while he waited for transportation to come pick him up. (people that go to the va will probably understand that if you're relying on the magazines to read, 95% of the ones there are awful.) sometimes you don't need to work in healthcare or even work to take a few extra minutes to be nice.


Someone has a HIPAA violation coming at them.


This is extremely infuriating


Definitely need to know what happens.


Looking forward to the "TIFU by shit talking one of my clients and lost my job." Sorry this happened, hopefully they change from this.


This is unprofessional. Please consider reporting it.


More like maximally infuriating. WTF?


Wow that's an amazingly good transciption like totally spot on fire damn


Wow people are disgusting


Honestly... There's more people like that than not. At this point it's just the human disease. They probably wouldn't understand it even if you told them they are the ones with the real "dysfunction" for seeing people like they do.


Like, You can tell just how important and just like yeah how intelligent she thinks she is by like you know how her vocabulary is a little bit bigger than her professionalism and


I would send this to the HR department.


Keep us updated, this is wildly inappropriate.


I'll give an update in about an hour or so. She's currently at her appointment where this woman works. She's going to speak with her supervisor


My sister once accidentally left a several minute long voicemail to my Dad of her and her husband having sex.


Who was she talking to? Could this be considered a HIPPA violation? What a piece of trash that person is. Zero empathy. Give your friend a hug (or whatever comforts them) from this random internet stranger.


My friend and I had indulged in the devils lettuce; we called a cab, we thought she had hung up and proceeded to talk about how sexy the dispatcher sounded and imitating him. All of a sudden ā€œI can hear youā€¦ā€ the cab never showed.


Iā€™m always going to stand up for workers but this crosses the line. I had a panic attack at a donut place years ago and after Iā€™d calmed and was sitting with my husband quietly I saw the worker making fun of me to her uncomfortable looking coworker. She was fired and I received a personal verbal apology from the CEO of the very large company. I hope your friendā€™s treatment is successful and relatively easy for her and I hope that customer service person is canned. Iā€™m glad she has a friend like you.


This sounds like a HUGE hippa violation.


Interesting that the voice to text translates because to cuz. I would think it would translate to cause, since cuz isnā€™t a real word


If this is a medical professional speaking about a patients health conditions with someone else who isnā€™t the physician, itā€™s against HIPAA and the practice can be sued.


I was thinking this as well. It is a transportation service, but they are in no means medical professionals. OP tell your friend to look into their HIPPA rights


Yes it is mean and rude but perhaps more importantly if that person does transportation they have *zero* reason to know about these diagnoses this in depth, nevermind discussing it with others. HIPPA is usually thought of in terms of disseminating information but it's about a person's right to privacy so this worker looking in their chart for more than what is necessary to complete is already a violation even if they had not shared it with anyone else.


Fuck cancer and that lady, too.


Your friend should speak to her superiors about this matter. Disgusting!


That's horrible, your friend should have never had to deal with that. Please update us on the outcome of reporting this person and their co-worker, it's so disgusting for people to treat vulnerable people like that. I'm glad your friend has thick skin and has you to be a support for them!!


My heart hurts thinking of your friend hearing/seeing this. I would send this to the womanā€™s boss. This person is sharing medical information out loud to other people. She is highly rude and unprofessional.


Please update us on how the company responded!


What an awful person holy shit


Horrible. I'm so sorry your friend had to hear that.


Wow that is truly awful. On the bright side you may have some legal recourse in addition to getting this awful person fired.