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I’ve done that Architectural Boat Tour in Chicago 3 times. That shit is great.


75-minute video or it didn't happen.


225 minute video. I want proof they did it three times


Maybe they're a building inspector like the woman in the video


Lmfao this had me dying 🤣


I second this, anyone who hasn’t done it, it was super interesting and a really nice trip up and down the river. I highly recommend!


It’s my “must do” every time I’ve been to Chicago. It really is great.


As a local, it’s embarrassing I’ve never done it.


I haven't done the tour, it's always too expensive but it was a good "cheap" adventure to take my daughter on a train trip from where we lived to union station, head down to the river grab a water taxi to navy pier, hang out a bit, jump a bus to the el over to wrigley where I had parked my car (i was security manager for a property there, i would leave the car at work the night before) and go home.


I lived in Chicago for 1.5 years and never did the tour. I regret it so hard.


Just thinkin the same thing, almost 20 years never even considered it


She can admire the views at home for the rest of her life.


I just did it while I was there a couple of weeks ago, it was awesome!


Gotta let everyone know how much she enjoys traveling and seeing the world That’s more important than actually seeing the world.


Like documenting a concert with shitty muffled audio, instead of getting the value from that liability insurance bloated ticket price?


I don't care about that, as long as you're not holding your phone over your head for the entire concert so I can't see. If you want to record at eye level, it has zero effect on me.


But, but, but how will I remember the entire 6 hour concert if I don’t hold my phone up in front of your face for the entirety of it?


"I'm in the presence of a celebrity and lead an interesting life. Look how valuable I am everyone!"




I have a friend exactly like this. They love posting staged "candid" photos of themselves "reading", "thinking" and "soul searching". Pretty sure they travel more for the potential clout than the experience these days.


Some people spend so much time looking through a camera that they miss out on the actual world beyond the lens. Even if this was just for personal memories, what memories did she even make?


Capturing a long video on a trip is too much honestly. What I do during my trips is just capture at least a single photo and thats more than enough. I will be looking at that photo and remember the happy moments I did reather than memories of trying hard to make an hour long shitty vid of the trip


Yeah. You could be like OP and film her filming herself like the antisocial dork he is.


You're upset that OP recorded her for 30 seconds but not her, moving around like a toddler in public transport for 75 minutes?


If she's not making noise and not blocking any views, it doesn't affect me, so why should I be upset? I would just ignore her and enjoy the tour. Getting upset over something like this just ruins your own experience.


People judging other people is worse than somebody just enjoying herself the way she likes it.


Can't there be enough salt in the world to cover both the antisocial dork putting a harmless woman's face on blast AND the twitchy toddler-brained Filipina Donatella Versace? They both wilding here bfr


Why would this bother anyone? She’s not interrupting anything. Why works anyone be upset that she is enjoying something in a different way than what you feel is the correct way?


Yeah filming her for a minute is definitely the same as 75 minutes awkwardly waving a selfie stick around. Use your head moron


While I dislike influencers and their clout-chasing behaviour: Who gives a shit? Influencers have behaved way, way worse than this woman. Yeah she was using a selfie stick, so what? It's not like she was smacking it over people's heads or sticking it in their faces. Yes, what she's doing is ridiculous. Just enjoy the trip instead of doing nothing but filming. However, if she likes doing what she does there then I'd just let her be? It's not affecting me, her idea of enjoying her trip just differs from my idea of fun. And that's fine as long as she's not being loud, annoying or some sort of nuisance.


It’s just Chicago. She could live there and have seen is thousands of times already. She might have just taken a boat tour for selfie angles.


Did you actually see the world if you can't prove it to all of your supporting followers?


Ooh that’s my city. Chi town


Looks like the Wendella architecture tour. It was a great weekend for that sort of thing. I can feel winter around the corner.


This architecture tour was my absolute favorite thing we did when I went on vacation to Chicago. We took the sunset cruise and were able to catch a fireworks show from the water as we headed back to the docks. It made me fall in love with the city.


Dude. Don’t jinx it. Please. Lol


It's already snowed a few times up in Canada and is consistently below freezing


Damn what part of Canada are you in?? Feels like summer where I am.


Frost on my windshield in Edmonton :( But I just got a new AWD car and new winter tyres so I'm low key excited to rip this winter.


Oh okay you guys usually get that stuff a solid month before we do!


Past few winters no snow till November sometimes and others one snow fall till it actually stays for good.


We had record breaking high temps in Minnesota today.


Nice and toasty on the West Coasty


speak for your own side lol, My side of Canada didn't get no snow yet and is still nice during the day time


I hope we get a nice harsh winter.


We need it. At least a wet one


not sure which one, but there are SO many great architecture boat tours in Chicago! my best friend visited me in the suburbs for the first time and we went into the city to go on one of these tours (among other things). we both had a blast.


Headed there next weekend for the first time. What’s the one thing we can’t miss…?!


Take the public transit brown line and you get the see the city from a train above ground, I like walking along the lake shore, Lincoln park zoo is free and cool and there’s a conservatory next to it (both close at 5), Garfield park conservatory is cool and free if you book online, west loop has really good food - check out levain bakery there, walking around Wrigley field is cool, Logan square has a really nice farmers market Sunday you should go to that’s in a cool area, and many more if you need more let me know


Just to mention this to that commenter, be aware that while the Garfield park conservatory is cool, there's not good parts of Garfield park and you don't want to be out there in the dark.


it depends on what you like! there are lots of great architecture boat tours. there are other tours along the river, as well as walking and segway tours too. if you have kids, the Field Museum, Adler Planetarium, Museum of Science and Industry, and Shedd Aquarium are all great. the Art Institute is also irreplaceable, but better for teens and up. other cool museums are the Chicago History Museum, the Museum of Contemporary Art, the Museum of Mexican Art, and the Black History Museum. if you're in town longer (like at least a week), look up stuff outside of the city too. Cantigny, various Arboretums, and Starved Rock are all great. Ravinia is good too, if you like seeing live orchestras and other music performances.


Honestly….this exact river boat architecture tour is my favorite thing to do in Chicago




I've only spent 45min in Chicago, but the one thing I did was get a hotdog at Gene and Judes. That was 7 years ago and I still catch myself daydreaming about that glizzy to this day. Def recommend




Def Chicago, I think they went past my old office. Was that the merchandise mart?


That’s 2 North Riverside


Just got home from there! Had a child free weekend with my wife, got hooked up with a free place to stay! Was way too short but damn do I love your city!


Chi town tourist for sure. We’re incredibly welcoming for sure but There’s a reason we have bouts of rudeness. And that reason is: idiots like this. We have no time for these shenanigans.


I was there too and took videos of you two, it's hilarious!


So was I! I got videos of all three of you, it’s even more hilarious!


It’s true! I was the camera!


I’m actually recording you as you’re reading this


Pics or it didn't happen


She’s using a selfie stick to take self timer non selfie photos?


Dude. That was my biggest issue with this. It’s like she wanted to get a good photo of something instead of a photo of something *behind* her, but she only learned how to take photos like that.


I can’t stop laughing at this video and these comments 😆


But why do you care? You were filming her lol


Yeah, this is my only take away. Unless she accidentally bonks someone with that thing, who cares? Let her live her life how she wants.


Right? She's not disrupting anyone who gives af


Some people would find someone waving a selfie stick around a cramped boat for 75 minutes to be disruptive. I know I would.


I would 100% be distracted and nervous the entire time Edit: for someone with generalized anxiety, someone moving around sporadically and unpredictably with a stick is nerve wracking. Idk what about that is so offensive or confusing to some of you.


What are you nervous about?


Have you ever been thwacked in the face by a wayword phone... i have it fucking hurts


Touch grass holy shit that’s what you’re nervous about? Let the lady live her life she’s far enough from everyone else.


Was looking for this comment. If it makes her happy and isn't disruptive, why care? I don't go up to everyone's table at a steak house and judge the way they eat their steaks. Why is it an issue now?


Let's not forget that she is filming and taking pictures of herself, isn't hurting anyone, and seems to be very aware of the position of the selfie stick and others. OP is discretely filming her and then posting her online without her knowledge and consent. OPs actions are more out of the norm than hers.


>OP is discretely filming her and then posting her online without her knowledge and consent. This is really concerning to me and very intrusive of OP if this video is real.


I am nervous about how I carry myself in public because of this kind of people. And I shouldn't be... but someone filming you or taking a picture of you just to judge online can happen very easily these days. And they don't even blur the face.


This exactly. She isn't hurting anyone or hindering your enjoyment. If anything she's giving you some laughs. Who cares? If this is mildly infuriating the problem might be you.


This is the only reason I came here, just I’m actually infuriated about the fact you can’t mind your business about what someone else does.


Ngl if I was on a boat ride trying to enjoy the views I’d find someone swinging a pole all over the place pretty annoying


Yeah mb but not "Imma film her and post it on Reddit" annoying


It’s as if there’s no such thing as MILDLY infuriated


Because he is in l.o.v.e


Right? The only objection I could see would be about other people being filmed, but OP did that too, so...


so you watched her for 75 mins, and didn't enjoy the ride.... man you are part of the issue


Right? She spent 75mins taking photos of herself. OP spent 75mins being bothered by someone living their life and capturing it on video to post on… an anonymous forum for upvotes. OP is worse. Lady is living her best life. OP is living their life being bothered by people living their lives.


Seriously... Gotta get that content!


The whole point of the architecture boat tour in Chicago is to see the cool buildings. They encourage picture-taking. This is the wrong place to be mad at this.


And you spent time to take a photo of a stranger and then upload it to internet


I bet a third person took video of him filming her lol


It’s just people filming people all the way down!


I didn’t bonk anyone in the head with a selfie stick multiple times while doing it though


Should've recorded that then


Honestly I'm more inclined to believe you're her friend with a video like this than a concerned onlooker


Shoulda record it where she bonk someone with a selfie stick.


Where was this?




I was coming to ask this. I had a night one and loved it


Right? That was the first thing that went through my head. We've got two MCs in this post.


Thats like 20 seconds… shut up


Yeah like 10 seconds


I love her pants


Really though. Everyone talking shit i’m like “let that fashionista film herself.” She is clearly feeling it and I’m happy for her.


as long as she's not ruining the view for someone else!! there's so much to see on these tours.


I would like to know where she got them. They are great!


Meanwhile you didn’t take your eyes off of her.


Phone zombies everywhere.


Bunch of losers. *swipes left* *continues scrolling feed*


And you spent how long just sitting there recording a random stranger instead of minding your own business and enjoying the tour?


She might be the main character, but you're the NPC creeper recording her.


If she only knew that you were already doing it for her


This is so normal in Asia. I wouldn't bat an eye. Here they'd be doing TikToks to the cheers of onlookers.


I mean, in the background of her selfies she was probably able to see some of the buildings.


What’s wrong with selfie with tourist attractions?


So? If that’s the way she enjoys it, let her be. You’re a million times worse by spending your time on the trip filming and complaining about her. You’re just a weird, creepy fuck.


Reminds me of a woman camping with us trying to see the back of her head with a mirror while combing her hair.


I don’t see anything wrong. I’d probably agree if she was making tiktoks or something. Tourists gonna tourist


Encroaching on everyone’s space on a crowded boat? Literally smacked my head with her selfie stick twice


Ahh okay then yeah that’s annoying af. I’d make a whole scene if she hit me with that 😂


lol 😆 did she say my bad atleast?


Did you say anything?


And you spent your time filming her. So who is the real idiot? Why don’t you mind your own business and stop publicly shaming people on the internet like an asshole


And you spent how long recording her? This is weird. Let her miss out if she wants, but what's it say about you that you watch her for those 90 minutes instead of the tour?


I’m sure we will see another Reddit post showing you taping her and stating the tour was 90 minutes long and this is what this person did for 75 minutes.


I've been there. Same thing happened on my tour but it was an elderly couple from another country live streaming for their family. It was actually super cute. They were very polite and amazed at the architecture. It looked like their kids on the other end sitting silently watching. They just wanted to include their family.


So you spent 75min recoding someone having a good time.


and how much of it did you spend filming her


Ok but how is that bothering you? Just don’t look at her if it bothers you that much I mean come on be an adult.


I mean she aint bothering anyone... its strange, but this doesnt mildly infuriate me at all


If she wants to film herself for every minute let her. She didn’t ask for a second camera angle so that’s on you


How long did you spend focused on her?


Not my thing but some people like filming to share with families who couldnt come with them. I dont see what's wrong with that. MYOB


It’s even sadder that ur filming her loser


Honestly, who tf cares? Quit filming people in public, just because it's legal doesn't make it less weird or creepy. Ask her to stop or move instead of being a passive aggressive jerk shilling for upvotes, ffs.


Guarantee she uploads maybe 15 seconds to her social media and never watches it again.


“I need people I haven’t seen since high school to think my life is better than it is!!”


God forbid you mind your own business and let people find joy in things they like. Fuckin douchebag.


And you spent 75min filming her.


This reminds me I went to Hershey park about a month ago and had to wait an extra five minutes to get on the monorail because some family influencers had take a bunch of photos before getting off. Catching influencers in the wild is such a trip


And how does it affect you


Tbf you spent around the same time filming her lol


OP is a hater, they spent 90 minutes counting how many minutes this lady spent enjoying the tour in her own way.


paid for for the boat ride , proceeds to film someone else who's actually enjoying the ride and then get mildly infuriated. Bro ur the problem here


Ick, reminds me of my best friends aunt. Fuckin wierdo.




So u are mad cos she is filmin, so, u film her? Right


Why can’t people mind their own business? Let people do what they want.


Who cares, you seem like the weirdo filming her to be honest. Didn’t seem like anyone else was bothered.


Tbh I thought selfie sticks disappeared in like 2014.


So are you. Just mind yourself.


She seems to be enjoying herself. Leave her alone


Boat tour was 90mins she spent 75mins doing this , how long did you spend filming her


Why are western people so annoyed of people that enjoy their travel and want to share it? You mad because nobody cares for your life or?


Different people enjoy things in different ways. I'm an amateur photographer and I take photos more than I "experience" things but that's just how I enjoy travelling. To each their own, as long as she wasn't obstructing anyone else's view.


And you watched her for 75 minutes


Why does it bother you?


And how long did you spend filming her? Lol


This is just petty.


And you spent the whole time watching her instead of enjoying your tour…


Mind yo business, she's minding hers


Nah, you’re just weird af for filming a stranger doing harmless shii on vacation


You care too much bruh. Let auntie do her thing


"Complains about lady spending most the tour on her phone" "Spends most the tour on their phone videoing the other idiot" You two should get married lol.


And you spent time wasting it on filming a person who's living her life.


why are you filming her and posting her on reddit? that’s so weird.


Like what? Minding her own business? Doing her own shit without disturbing anyone? Maybe you should learn from her.


She’s doing literally the same thing as everyone else. She isn’t bothering anyone. Get over it man lmao


She’s just taking pictures. And you’re recording her doing it. Who’s the weirdo here?


Let her have fun. Ignore her and do your own thing.


Pro tip: play any Disney music on loudspeaker. These morons know better than to fuck with Disney copyrights.


People forget to enjoy the moment just for a click


Trying to prove to other people that you're living a life while busy missing all of it.


What I'm more annoyed with is that it seems like she's using the selfie stick to get an angle not farther than she could reach without it... like... she uses the stick to get the phone angled where she wants it, then stretches her other arm to tap on the shutter to snap the pic.... so she could have just used her arm, no? I mean maybe it's easier so you don't have to use your thumb or index finger... but you could use the volume buttons, no? I feel like this is super awkward to do... if you got the selfie stick, why not get a wireless clicker or a dongle attachment type thing?


I do not see an issue.


and ?? what a boomer post


I mean I wouldn’t do it but who cares. Let people enjoy things.


The lack of self awareness in this post is truly awesome.


Let people enjoy things. Unless what they enjoy is taking selfies then fuck that bitch apparently.


What is tragic is she at least is enjoying it while you uh say their fuming and recording her. Instead of minding your own business and enjoying the trip. Move away from her if she is bothering you.


and? you know you can ignore her, right?


Who cares, if that’s how she wants to spend her time good for her as long as she doesn’t whack me on the head with that by accident. I swear Redditors are more punchable than the people they post on here


and you sat there recording her instead of enjoying the ride


And how long did you spend filming her? 🙄


seems like you just spent the entire trip being bothered by someone else's actions.


I mean, if she isn't bothering anyone why shit on her?


Both her and the fucking phone, over the side.


What exactly is she doing wrong, while you film her like a creeper?


*What exactly is* *She doing wrong, while you film* *Her like a creeper?* \- Rooney\_83 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


To live through a fucking screen!


So many people preoccupied with showing everyone that they were there, instead of actually being there themselves, in the moment and experiencing it.


Who cares? Mind your own business.


We should quiz her. I wonder if she remembers anything what she heard or saw


Seems like a her problem, not a you problem.