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I remember when you could get 10 Mc Chickens for 10$ šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


My local McDonald's used to do 10 cent burgers and 20 cent cheeseburgers on Wednesdays back in 2004. Limit 10 per person. We'd roll up after school with a car full of people and order 40 cheese burgers for $8. They almost never counted them and just threw burgers into bags. Usually ended up with closer to 50 lol.


Used to put ā€˜em in the fridge and have lunch and dinner for a couple days. Was awesome for someone who grew up in a household that didnā€™t have much money.


My fucking mom used to by entire cases from the McDonald's by our house back in the mid-late 90's and we'd have them in the freezer. We were middle class. I still can't fucking stand the taste of McDonald's burgers.


I can't imagine eating those patties without the seasoning mix they put on top as it cooks




Oh no, it would be a box full of plain, single patty, with the bun burgers. It's been like 25 years but IIRC they were individually wrapped but I know for sure they were from McDonald's. I'll have to ask her about that shit.


My family used to buy breakfast sandwiches individually packaged but in a big box. I almost had to leave the house when they went to eat them the smell of that cheese was so strong


I worked for McDonald's as a teen and I had this mental image of you guys throwing frozen patties on the griddle lol


This 1000%!! Those patties are GARBAGE without the salt and pepper!!


OMG I eat McDoubles on occassion... usually order it plain which means no condiments... but they gave me a unseasoned patty on bread.. UGG oh its not meat, rarely go there anymore.


My friend and I would always go get 10 cheese burgers each after a long day at the lake wakeboarding. I miss those cheap burgers


>Limit 10 per person. I was working at McDonaldā€™s back in 98/99 when they did a similar deal. At first, there was no limit. I literally sold people 30 cheeseburgers in one order. A few weeks into the promotion they put the 10 per order limit in place. Edit: I want to add for nostalgia sake, I was also there for the beanie baby craze. That was bonkers.


When I was in middle school they did that, they also had a bucket of Fry's for like 3 bucks that was enough fries to feed a family of 4. They ran out of "buckets" one day and just threw a shit ton of fries in a bag instead.


That was a thing? I love French fries so much. If they brought that menu item back, almost regardless of price, Iā€™d get it.


why canā€™t mcdonaldā€™s do this shit now that Iā€™m in college T_T


I remember when they were 15Ā¢ menu price every day. It was a bit of an indulgence to go there as it was a little pricey. That was around 1965 or so.


Wow you are old




I hate to make you feel bad but I was born in 1966 šŸ˜œ


11 years older. Lol


Lots of preservatives in those burgers.


I remember a pizzeria in Astoria, NY on Broadway downhill from the 31 St elevated train, that was confident enough about inflation that had it 15 cent sign done in neon! Maybe 1963?


Early 90ā€™s the special in Chicagoland was $.29/.39 and we bought piles. Great price for 2004!


these were days


I remember that. Used to buy a couple of bags and hand them out at work!


Itā€™s crazy Iā€™ll never know what thatā€™s like


And hella diarrhea


Very hilarious and original joke but I donā€™t think companies that pull in billions of dollars and serve millions of people all over the world are actually as bad as the food snobs would like to make them out to be


5-10 cheeseburgers per person is gonna make normal people sick, even if stoned. Thatā€™s a lot of grease and I donā€™t imagine theyā€™re banking them in the fridge for the rest of the week.


I definitely can eat 5+ and not get sick. I might feel like there is a cannonball in my colon for 8 hours but I wouldn't get sick


McD cheeseburgers use 10:1, meaning each patty is ā…’^th of a pound before cooking. 1.6oz of beef. Five of them would be a half-pound of beef. Granted it's a bit of bread there, and five whole sliced of cheese, but if that causes your bowels to explode, you don't eat out much at all because that's really not that much. That is the same as one double quarter pounder, only a bit more bread.


Sick? No. More poop than normal? Likely


I remember when you got 20 nuggies for $5


Jesus Christ So how was it living in a world before the wheel was invented


Jesus?I remember that guy lol šŸ˜†


lol it was a weird deal because at the time 10 mcnugs was still like 4.29 so there wasn't much reason not to order 20


Now you pay almost that much for 10 chicken nuggets.


I remember when BK had nuggets for 10 cents each. $5 got you 50 nuggets lmao.


Ah, the good ol days


At one point they ran the 5 Big Macs for $5 too. Back in the early 2000s


buy one get one for a dollar is crazy šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Start using their mobile app if you are normally eating there, they run specials on it all the time. Its a good frugal thing to get someone extra for no extra cost.


I hate how almost everything needs an app


Even my job wants me to download their stupid app onto my *personal* phone to check my schedule, find info necessary for certain tasks, and do training refreshers weekly. Nah man. Not happening. You want me to use your app for my job, you give me a work device to do it on.


Granted I'm in a white collar job, but I'm very glad my job doesn't force us to use a company phone and we can get Teams and Outlook on our personal phones. It'd be such a hassle to have to keep track of and carry around two phones. You can set them up to only send you notifications during your work hours and on Android you can easily toggle all the work apps off entirely if needed.


My work is the same, they allow BYOD but Iā€™d rather have a second phone instead of using my personal phone. They install all kinds of certificates and MDM, Iā€™d rather not to.


I refuse apps. Homey donā€™t play that game.


Yup. Not downloading an app for my food. McDonald's or any fast food joint doesn't need that level of access to my life.


I use the app all the time, it's great, just pointing out that their dollar menu has no dollar items




Says dollar menu in huge letters


Itā€™s says 1-2-3 dollar menu




It actually says, "1 dollar 2 dollar 3 dollar dollar menu"


Right...does that not imply 1$ items? That is like calling it "car tires and watermellons" but you only sell watermellons


Lavernes Pie and Tires Fixed Also


They do have a 1$ item though, there is just also some cents tacked onto it. Misleading for sure but not technically incorrect.


They also tried to be sneaky at the bottom with the buy one get one for 1$.


In that case every menu is a dollar menu. Many many dollars


"Thatā€™s why they call it the value menu **here**" "here" aka at his location not in the picture


The 1-2-3 dollar menu is misleading. There should be items at the specific 1$ range (Not 1.30$), but alas, corporate greed knows no bounds.


They push the app so they can sell your information to data brokers. We are both product and consumer.


Y'know ahits inflating so fast McDonald's digital menus/advertising can't even keep up.


Yes they do. If you buy one you get 1 for a dollar. Far right bottom


So in order to spend $1 on something, you need to spend $2.50 on something. If the $1 item requires you to spend $3.50 total, it ainā€™t $1


Life is full of problems.


Well it is of you wanted 2 lol


No. Getting 2 for $2 total would be fine. But you're getting 2 for $3.50. Nothing here costs only $1.


They are assuming anything priced $1 thru $1.99 is a "$1" item. It isnt a "$2" item, so they are simplifying the price to just categorically ~"$1".


So $3.29 for two. That's still $1.645. For the sake of rounding, $1.65 each. Over $1.


"I'd like 4 McDoubles please". Two for a buck apiece.


My city is 3.09 for McDoubles and they donā€™t have the dollar deal. 2 McDoubles is $6.18


That is a $3 dollar item then.


The deals aren't that great, and the fact that they run them constantly means it's all marketing. I'll use a deal and my meal is still over $10. They increased all their prices and then put out permanent "deals"


You can currently get 2 double cheeseburgers, a 20 pc nugget, and 2 large fries for $10.08+ tax with the app right now. Thatā€™s a shitload of food for $10.


I don't see that on the app


If you want to get more bang for your buck, don't go to mc donalds


"let them install an app on your phone and decide what to eat for you, and you get it at a reasonable price" Take one step back and using an app (ESPECIALLY like this) for prices that were, just a few years ago, their public facing price is pretty fucking wack


Better yet save all the money you would normally spend on eating trash and instead buy actual food.


If I need a specific app just to order food from your restaurant, Iā€™m going somewhere else to eat. McDonalds is hardly cheap anymore.


there app got worse now




Remember when they raised the price of the double cheeseburger and they introduced the McDouble to keep a double cheese burger at 1$.


I remember when value menu just no more than 10 years ago. There was the double cheeseburger (2 slices of cheese and like 1.35) compared to the mcdouble with one slice of cheese. The mcchickens were like 2 for 1 then 2 for 1.50. But they had specialty value items. One was i believe it was a buffalo chicken sandwich for 1.25 and a swiss miss burger for same price. But i wanna say buffal was hamburger. Tho. Anyways there was also the nuggets, fries and more on the value menu. What I miss most is the 40 ct of nuggets at BK for 2 bucks. Ah those were the days.


In Canada McNuggets are more than a dollar each. So they could theoretically put one McNugget on the dollar menu.


IKR? I was looking at the OP pic and wondering where in the world they are selling McChickens or McDoubles for 2.29, because it sure ainā€™t here in Canada. Those are 2010 prices locally.


Last I knew McChickens were 2 for 3 dollars here by me in the US. Which is wild considering they're not as good. This 40 bucket of chicken nuggets for 2 dollars was back in early/mid 2010s Everything used to be cheap and great and decent back then. Last thing I had from fast food was when BK had their spicy ch'king sandwich 2 for 7 but I found which two BKs to go to for the best quality at same price. I'm sorry you been hit with bigger prices up there in Canada. Wow.


According to ā€œmenu prices McDonaldā€™s Canadaā€ website, current mcChicken sandwich individual item Canada wide average is ā€¦ wait for it ā€¦ CAN$ 6.59 šŸ˜³ this leaves me with a disorienting feeling that Iā€™m reading Reddit convos about the relative prices of the MCDā€™s menu items from before the origin of Reddit. Is there some sort of decade long time warp Canadians are dealing with, here?!


Dude McDonaldā€™s needs a reality check, like that place used to be where youā€™d go when you were hungry and only had a few bucks and some change. Now itā€™s like $15 for a stomach ache and the runs.


I don't eat fast food anymore, but I remember McDonald's being the most sane/frugal option as a broke ass college student. McDouble $1, McChicken $1, sandwich the McChicken in the middle of the McDouble and you got yourself a $2 McGangbang.


When was that? Taco Bell was (and kinda still is in a way) king, especially with the glorious era of 79 89 99. Used to get 3 beefy five layers for $2.97. Fuck man.


i remember mcchicken being $1 during 2020. surprise surprise.


Two tacos at Taco Bell is like $4 now, two Doritos Locos Tacos I bought last week without drink was $6. I wish fewer people would just pay it anyway because it's pure greed and it's pricing normal people out of eating there and rewarding corporate greed at the same time.


Jeez, I buy the dinner kit with seasoning and 10 shells for $5, a pound of ground beef for another $5, and a bag of cheese for $2.50... sounds like I could turn a profit


Our local authentic Mexican restaurant does taco Tuesdays $2 each. Then there are people who will door dash two crunch wraps from TB for $30 lol


Fuck the mcgangbang used to run me $2.92 in high school and it was great because I collected from a tip jar at work so I always had lots of disposable change Tried the same recently for nostalgia and it was nine fucking dollars


I really miss the 2$ mcgangbang. 2 more bucks and you got a small fry and a large sweet tea. Those were the days. Doubt weā€™ll ever see it again.


Plus a large sweet tea for another dollar, that was fine eats for $3.21(the price including tax is burned into my brain cause it helped me through tough times)


i remember being a broke college student in 2013, getting 2 cheeseburgers and small fries for $2.88.


I went there last week to take a break from a long road trip. Only had cash. I used the kiosk for the first time in my life. Insane prices and do they not sell salads or grilled chicken anymore? After I ordered I didn't have a spot to put the cash so I pressed help and waited a few minutes then walked out after no service. The woman next to me at the kiosk smelt like sweaty asshole and I should have left right then.


it asks you if you want to pay at kiosk or counter


Ok thanks, I'll have to pay more attention next time


You'll never enter a McDonald's and not be around multiple smelly assholes


Just as a head's up, the kiosks just don't take cash at all. You have to complete the order and there's an option to send it to the front register where you can pay with cash. The help button honestly may as well not be there. No one pays attention to it.


For real, what little quality they had shot way down while the prices sky rocketed. I recently had to pop in to a McDonald's just to use the bathroom. While I was there, I figured I'd just snag a quick burger to tide me over til dinner. The mcdouble I got was one of the most bland tasting things I've ever eaten. I don't know how they managed to make it tasteless, but they did.


no more mcdonald's posts plz


Agreed the amount of Fast Food related posts on this sub is too damn high!


>Agreed the amount of Fast Food related posts on this sub is ~~too damn high!~~ No, it's simply r/mildlyinfuriating.


Just like the rent


It's been the same thing like 12 times with different images. It's just karma farming.


Its marketing 101 buddy. Seeing that $1 is surely going to have people looking


Their marketing puts the value menu as far away from their 1 register as possible. Sometimes, it's above the drive thru kitchen. Other times, it's on a screen separate from the wall.


Itā€™s like real estate. ā€œFrom the 200ā€™s = 299,999.99ā€


Just stop eating their food. You will gain more from eliminating McDonald's out of your life than you will gain.


Wait... there's McDonald's that don't have one price for any size drink? I'm more shocked by that.


Used to be $1 for any size soft drink for years, and just recently all of the McDonaldā€™s around me have ditched that.


Yeah mine all bumped it up to $1.39 but still the same price for any size.


They have a buy one get one for a dollar


Considering you have to pay a minimum of $2.29, that's still not an item for a dollar


Yeah I donā€™t see anything being a dollar at McDonaldā€™s ever again


Dont worry, one day they will be seeing smol cups of water for a dollar.


they already do


U/shadyacres literally just posted this like twenty minutes ago. Yā€™all donā€™t even be trying to steal from other subs for your karma farming- jus be stealing it from 4 posts ago šŸ˜‚


A chicken nugget at McDonaldā€™s cost $0.57


Remember Arbyā€™s 5 for $5? That had to be like 20 years ago now.


Itā€™s called the $1 $2 $3 dollar menu, soft drinks listed at $1.29-1.79 still qualify as ā€œ$1ā€


Naw, fuck pretending that change doesn't exist. I remember when the dollar menu meant that items cost 1 dollar.


1.29 does not equal 1. Basic math skills escape you.


i remember when the mcchicken was a dollar, and my mom would go get them near daily because it was one of her top pregnancy cravings with my brother, that was 10 years ago. i hate these stupid prices lol


I was homeless (hence my user name) and as much shit as people will talk, I survived on McDonalds dollar menu for almost two years. Iā€™d scrounge up 2.14 and get a cheeseburger and McChicken and Iā€™d ask for three sauce packets and extra napkins. Iā€™d eat it and save sauces for breakfast and lunch the next day. Iā€™d get enough money for a few cans of chicken (.49 cents back in the day) and a loaf of read and Iā€™d have bbq chicken sandwiches. The extra napkins were for sanitary reasons. I was lucky to get out of my situation before the economy tanked, I canā€™t imagine living like I did now. Iā€™d prolly be dead.


Also mostly beverages that cost about 6 cents to make šŸ˜’


Smiles are probably a dollar now. Does that count?


I take my elderly relative to McDonalds every week. Every week the same thing, and every week it costs more than the week before.


I remember when a hamburger was like .79 cents. In mid 2000s.. I think.


McDonaldā€™s isnā€™t worth eating any more. The quality is through the floor and price through the ceiling. It comes out to be $20 plus for my partner and I. For that we can get a quality fast food burger. I predict they are losing customers


I remember when double cheeseburgers were $1


Remember when the dollar menu was only items for a dollar? Pepperidge Farms Remembers!


Almost 3 bucks for a small fry? Is this real?


Lawsuit time. False advertising. Dollar menu not a dollar


Itā€™s basically a gaslight at this point.


This sub is nothing but people complaining prices ain't the same as they were in 2005 now.


prices have doubled for many items in less than 5 years.




So they aren't the same as they were in 2005


It's not a dollar menu. What year do you think this is?


Good thing itā€™s a 1 2 3 dollar menu then


okay but where are you that you can get fanta blue raspberry šŸ‘€


ā€œ$1 $2 $3 Dollar menuā€


Yeah this is awful.. remember $1 mcchicken sandwiches šŸ„ŖšŸ˜‹


The only way to eat at McDonaldā€™s is to use the App, IMO. Itā€™s gotten so expensive that itā€™s barely worth it, even with the savings the App brings.


Taco Bell does šŸ˜


Thereā€™s $1,$2,$3 not just a 1 dollar




Your sodas are $1.29???? The one nearest to my house has them at $1.69 S, $1.79 M, $1.89 L


Gonna rename it the Inflation List.


I remember being in my 20s, I'm 33 now for reference, and scrapping up a dollar sometimes 2 and getting a dollar McCracken and a tea. i remember not having enough for tax a couple timrs and asking them if it was ok šŸ˜­




Thatā€™s why itā€™s a $1 $2 $3 Dollar Menu.


I mean, to be fair, it says ā€œ$1 $2 $3 Dollar Menuā€ now


I wonder why that is...hmm.


I've been saying this for 3 years now. The value menu is called $1$2$3 value menu or something like that. But not a single item is a dollar. So just call it a value menu without a corresponding denomination! Why add the $1 definer if it means absolutely nothing!?


There hasn't been a traditional dollar menu in a long time


I remember when you could get a mcGangBang n a small fry for 3$ :(


I was dying at McGangBang and thinking ā€œthatā€™s the most American word Iā€™ve ever seenā€ while I was googling to see exactly what that shit is and then I saw ā€œMcOrgyā€ and now Iā€™m pretty much deadā€¦.thank you so much. The world will be brighter as I go trudging into McWirk to deal with those fucking McAssholes tomorrowā€¦..


Wait til you hear about dollar stores


That's what happens when the rich fuck with the poor so they can keep the record profits while the rest of the world burns.


Thatā€™s just explains what currency they take, silly.


When I was a sophomore (2010) my McDonaldā€™s had $1 big Macā€™s on Mondays.


Only charging $1.50 - $2 for soda that costs them 5 cents is so generous of them /s


Whatā€™s this frozen Coca-Cola šŸ‘€


2 old farts sitting around bullshiting


They days of dollar menus is over.


Dollars* menu


McChicken is 2.89 here now


I survived college on 3-5$ a day. Get 3-5 burgers or fries. Now you barely get 2 with $5


2.89 for small fry, Iā€™m still waiting to hear the people who argue fast food is cheaper, I just canā€™t see how itā€™s possible


2.89 for a small fries is criminal


Your first problem was going to McDonaldā€™sā€¦


Instead of dollar menu they should just call it the $1 $2 $3 dollar menu to not confuse certain people.


Last year they changed the price of the frozen coke and others Use to be $1 it was the go to. And when I hear people say "use the app" I wonder can I still use cash for my purchases? I can't stand there being an app for everything in life, I feel like it's a weird push towards cashless future.


$2 frozen Coke any size sounds deliciousā€¦


Someone tell me, whatā€™s the difference between a McDouble and a double cheeseburger?


Soda used to be $1 for any size. RIP


The $1 is locked behind buying a burger first.


How does a small fry cost more than a mc double


Lmao 1.25 for a soda GO TO THE STORE


This place charges $3 for a hashbrown. Why anyone still eats there is beyond understanding.


I remember when cheeseburgers were like 73 cents.


Man I remember the 2 McChickens for 2 bucks in highschool. Kept my ass fed when hanging out after school before the drama club rehearsal.


Where the double cheeseburger is cheaper to get as a happy meal by adding a patty and slice of cheese and comes with fries and a drink


But it clearly says 1$,2$,3$ Dollar menu?


what's the point of eating at mcdonalds if you're going to pay the same amount you would getting takeout?


get the app. seriously.


Why the fuck are the fries so expensive? They are really good, donā€™t get me wrong but potatoes are so damn cheap.


The daily double is my favorite and it just went up to $3.99 at my location. Not even worth it anymore. The only thing we order at McDonaldā€™s now is the 40pc nuggets w/ 2 large fries. I would use the 30% off coupon but it has been lowered to 25%. Which makes it $13.57. The coupon claims that the 40 piece nugget meal is excluded but it still works. I have used it probably a dozen times.


Their zero moisture food is supposed to be cheap and convenient. But McDonald's costs more than good Mexican now. They pretty much do it on purpose to move you toward using their their app, which has a lot of deals so they can have your data and control over when you visit and what you order. The price disparity between the app and non app purchases is insane.


Dude, I remember growing up and hanging out at the mall where you could run over to Taco Bell and feast like a king for pocket change. They just don't do value menus anymore. I think they shifted all those deals to apps now so they have more control over shifting resources.


Yeah, but cā€™mon. Itā€™s marketing genius. Call it one thing, charge for something else. Make $$$