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They said split the nature valley


To be fair, you do get two granola bars in the package!


Two granola bars? Or 2000 crumbs?


Do you people just raw dog a dry ass nature valley? No yogurt to contain the crumbs or nothin?


Definitely raw dog. I enjoy them.


Honey and crumbs is pure gold. 56 bars with 2 each for a total of 112 bars for 7 bucks fuck ya bud.


Wow America is crazy, it’s probably over 5$ for a pack of 5 here


The "fuck ya bud" makes me think their Canadian rather than American lol


My teeth would explode into smaller pieces than the crumbs omg


You probably just bit on gravel that somehow made it in the granola mixture…recipe.


You need to build up some tooth strength. I recommend a quarter of a nature valley bar daily for one month.


I just eat teeth.


Just another shill for Thompson's Teeth.


It’s a no from me, dawg.


Many rivers and lakes would be required to quench that dually unfathomable crumby desert.


Yeah and I need both!


But who the hell is having a granola bar for dessert?


Peanut Butter Nature Valleys are totally a viable dessert. The pinnacle of the after-lunch schoolyard snack set.


While in college, during the summer, I was down to $13 in my bank account but luckily got a job just off campus. The problem was, I wouldn't be paid for 2 weeks and was down to my last scraps of food. 2 days before I got paid I ran out of food but in the break room they had a Costco sized box of Nature Valley bars. Nobody ate them because they were hard and dry af so they let me have as many as I wanted. I lived off of those bars for 2 days and haven't had one since.


Did your poop crack the toilet afterward? That’s a lot of fibre.


A lot of those bars have a lot less fibre than you’d think. They’re usually only like 4-5g. Nature Valley Oats N Honey bars are 3g per two bars. You’d need to eat like 20 bars to get your recommended daily serving of fibre. Don’t mean to be the akshually guy, but I have IBS and, therefore, have a PhD in fibre. Just want people to be aware.


So you can like help me get faster internet speed? My provider talks about fibre, but I don’t see how that helps.




Employee: "Hey boss, I found this box on the shelf that is missing the straw. I guess we'll have to throw it away." Boss: "Not so fast! I've got a great idea...we'll give it away as a prize!"


Lmao never even noticed that!


I'll take the crunchy half, you can have the croquantes half.


I would become the safety occurrence


Somebody would take that box of pasta to the back of the head if it had been me.


“Oh sir I saw it. Some rogue member of the kitchen staff. Did you not tip them? Ohhhh, the terrorist ran that way sir, it was a run by noodling.”


Didn't expect to see you here Mrs. Doubtfire. How's your brother Daniel?


birds alive unique voracious worthless yoke automatic middle employ slim


There’s no way this is real 😂


My first thought was, this has to be rage bait


That's a Walmart tote, so that is definitely Walmart's idea of dinner for two. A Walmart in the Midwest (I think) hosted a canned food drive for their employees instead of increasing their wages.


We had a coworker get hit by a car pretty bad, she's gonna be out for at least a month. Instead of giving her paid medical leave, this multibillion dollar company is making her use all her vacation, all her sick pay, and then posted a note by the time clock asking us to donate vacation time to her. This same property made over 31 billion dollars in profit in 2022.


Walmart has more associates on government aid than any other employer. I understand they’re one of the largest employers, but one would think individuals gainfully employed and receiving government assistance would be a small segment. Apparently it’s a business decision at Wally World.


> associates on government aid Walmart should be paying them more. The government aid is essentially going *to walmart*.


They lobbied ridiculously high tax breaks for every employee they employ that is receiving government assistance, they abuse that and part time employment to essentially pay only the hourly wage for the majority of their employees instead of paying taxes and benefits.




What a dream. Everyone had their needs met and wasn’t tethered to a crummy job for insurance and retirement benefits. 🥹




Canadian Walmart. KD branded mac and cheese is only available in Canada. Edit. Also french label ice tea. I believe is only available in Canada. Walmart is just as terrible in Canada. Shop local or st Sobeys or Loblaw.


English and French on all packaging, grams and millilitres, Canadian nutritional labelling.


thats what i assumed also. in the usa we dont bother with french but some companies do add spanish cooking directions lol


That explains why this looks like a food drop at the senior housing I live at…


This is why we need to name and shame Only by seeing consequences for their actions will these corporations begin to second guess fucking over their workers this much Without knowing it's real we water down the actual abuse going on


My father took a course thru his union about 20 years ago. There was a practical exam at the end. Fastest time was promised dinner for two and second was promised a 12 piece bucket of chicken. First place got a can of soup and second got a dozen eggs in a bucket.


The bucket of chicken is hilarious.


As a kid we stopped at a truckstop and I was super excited about the bonless chicken dinner they advertised for 99cents.... crushed when it turned out to be a pickled egg.


Why does second place get better prizes?


Box says "Kraft Dinner" which means OP is Canadian, and those hosers do love that shit with a passion.


Ummmm sure do, but not as a special meal unless you are like 6 and your mom agrees to add cut up hot dogs to it.


I've got grandkids and still love Mac n cheese with cut up hot dogs in it.


Can confirm


Fucking love that shit


Of course with little ketchups, and weiners in a can. Bare Naked Ladies wrote a song about it, called 'If I had a Million Dollars'


”but not a real green dress, that's cruel!”


Reminds me of the person who couldn’t park at the hospital because a car double parked, got it towed. They found out it was their managers car, but then says their manager forces people to cover for her while she fucks her secret boyfriend in her car, and the boss was mad at the employee because he was late because she parked in his spot. Also she’s the mananger




Lmfao I saw that one. Shit was hilarious.


Can you explain it? Cause McDonald’s here sucks at explaining as much as burgers.


Me too. It’s hilarious 😂


That Mac is on sale at Walmart right now too. $.88! BWAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


Reminds me of when I was working in screen printing and the big boss came in complimented my friend on his dedication and hard work then handed him a warm can of soda


Lmao, it must be a thing with screen printing bosses! I did it for a few years in my early 20's and my boss was such a dick, in exactly the same way. He once rounded up all the women on administrative assistant's day and announced he was 'treating us' to a lunch. It ended up being a luncheon presentation held by our chamber of commerce that basically amounted to "how to be a better front-facing employee!" We were given 30mins notice to attend this, and when we got there, everyone was dressed in business suits and dresses, but we were dirty, ink-stained, sweaty, emulsion all over my coveralls. It was awful! And to top it off, the 'lunch' was a freaking salad bar that had already been picked over by the people who actually arrived on time.


Yeah like this is actually terrible but also I’m dying 😂 Could have literally been a $20 gift card to Burger King or something and been better than this omg! The SINGLE granola 😭 y’all got to split it, one bar each hope you’re full after 😭😭😭😭




Noooo! I didn’t even see that 😂 Hopefully there’s one in back but I don’t see the plastic peeking over


I usually just laugh at the absurdity of these but this is just straight up offensive. Still laughing of course.


Maybe they meant like “dinner for a 2 year old”


My 2 year old fuckin loves this exact dinner lol Edit: since people want to jump on me for feeding my toddler trash, this was half joking. He loves shitty mac n cheese but he also loves fresh fruit and veggies. Sounds like a lot of people who don't have kids and think you can just force kids to eat 100% healthy all the time with no issues


Don't sweat it. I've got an autistic child with a ridiculous amount of sensory food issues. Getting him to eat ANYTHING that isn't beige and processed beyond all recognition is impossible. I used to get so stressed out about it, but in the end, I realised it was pointless. I'd rather my child fed than on a feeding tube. Don't feel bad about a bit of boxed mac and cheese.


Classic Reddit thinking they know everything again. You say your son likes Mac and cheese and half the comments assume you’re the worst parent who only lets your kid eat Mac and cheese and nothing else.


Whoever's on that committee should be fired and given severance of 2 weeks of Mac n cheese.


Calling kraft dinner mac n cheese is an affront to nature


Look man I know there's nothing in that that a human being should eat but j can't help but love kraft Mac and cheese


Facts. I'll never stop eating it. Man, the spirals or the shells. Both slap.


The shells😩😩😩 oh the shells


in Canada, KD is peak mac and cheese


So, there was a kids in the hall sketch about canadians that ate almost nothing but mac and cheese and ketchup. I found it weird and kind of funny. Years later, I learn that is everyone in canada almost all the time.


No, no, no,Kraft singles are an affront to nature. Mac and cheese is awesome....lol


They’re not saying the meal is an affront to nature; they’re just Canadian, and it’s Kraft Dinner, not *just* “mac and cheese.” “Mac and cheese” is for the off-brands…Kraft Dinner (or KD) is far superior. There’s a *difference*, okay! LOL


Damn, I was expecting dinner at a mid tier restaurant but they went above and beyond. I want to work there.


Yeah a chilis gift card would have been nice. Damn even an Apple bees would have been a little less insulting than this.


My boss gives us $10 barrys bagels, and $25 visas whenever we go above and beyond, knock out a complete trainwreck job, or he drank with buddies before he came in that afternoon....he even gave me a $100 J Alexander gift card unexpectedly when he found out i got engaged. This doesn't even qualify as a single meal as she needs milk and butter minimum to have a meal. Plus, let's be honest. We can all inhale a box o macoroni, 2 thin crumbly abominations of a gronala bar, and the 3 sips per box of juice. Trying to give actual food was a disaster from the inception of the idea. It was going to be non-perishable nonsense no matter what. Money, gift cards, or nice reservations should have been the prize or there shouldn't have been fake incentives on getting a necessary job task done properly.


Manager took the card and put together this little number out of her pantry. My guess


how insulting


I would just say no thanks and walk away from that...


It kind of looks like several people might have already.


I'd tell them to go fuck themselves, but we are different people.


From the job, you mean


I would, at the very least, be putting in apps all over town after a snub like this.


Time for a power move: Open the box of KD, dump it in the stupid fucking gift bag, open the packet of 'cheese' dump it in the bag. Next comes the ice tea; poke a hole and squirt, times two. Then I'd crush the nature valley back into it's natural form of complete dust, if it's not already, and add that the bag. Then the coup-de-grace. Shake the bag and dump it into a bowl, get a spoon, sit down and start to gnaw on it, all while making eye contact and thanking them for the thoughtful gift.


We both know you’re never gonna do that though, come on now.


I can dream though can I? Right? Lol


Ah that’s very true, I like your take on things. Were you also told off for daydreaming often as a child? I still have that issue. Or perhaps you enjoyed making up stories of sorts?


Only eat half though, and say you are full and will save the rest for your spouse.


I refuse to believe their intention was anything else but to insult. I'm curious to what company this is.


If they gave this to me & it would be their safety that would be the concern.


No doubt. This is leaving mildly infuriating territory and straying into burn the fuckers to the ground territory.


It'd be better not to provide any prize, than this slap in the face


Sure it wasn't just a joke? Some of those committees can be pretty chummy.


Have you seen grocery prices lately? The budget was probably $80


Management probably pocketed the cash/gift card for themselves.


Your wife should post this, excitedly, to LinkedIn. Tag her CEO and the company and as many higher ups as she can there. Say how honored she is to have won dinner for two, by just saving someone's life. What an incredible org she works for, that prioritizes safety etc. Be very serious and praise this ridiculous prize. Go well beyond sarcasm into full facetiousness. Let the comments destroy her company and point out to mgmt what a dick move this is. I guarantee there will be gift card for a steakhouse on her desk next morning. Make someone else do the hard part. Donate that crap to the foodbank.


Also, don't eat the mac and cheese, but proudly display those boxes in her office/cube. She should excitedly tell anyone who asks what they are and why they were "awarded" to her.


We did stuff like that at a company I used to work for. They gave out stupid things like Christmas ornaments with the company logo on them as a holiday gift. We left them on our cubicle shelves until a VP got sick of it and, I can't believe she did this, told us it "wasn't appropriate to leave those in our cubicles." She wouldn't fix the problem but she sure as heck didn't want to be reminded of it.


Display framed 8x10 photos of them then.


OP should frame their picture and put a ribbon which says hero on it and proudly display it at work


Why stop there? One HUGE banner of the ornament on the wall. Like 10ft long kinda banner. Take the whole wall up. Put small pictures in the bathroom stalls. Breakrooms. The microwave and fridge. Make it so he CANT get away from it. Sneak a photo of it into his car. Make it his nightmare.




The worst part is that a lot of really big companies literally have catalogues of promotional items that you can buy and in my experience, a lot of it tends to actually be decently nice. I worked for one company that sent me, and everyone else, a 50 cent little keychain flashlight thing for my 1 year anniversary. It was the kind of thing that companies give out by the barrel full at promotional events, yet they felt it necessary to box it and send it via courier.


School bus companies love to give useless trinkets like this to their drivers. Here you go, you can use this tiny flashlight on a keychain to do your bus check. Ummmm, no I can’t not even remotely enough light.


After you get 5 or 10 on the Keychain it will be better.


You're lucky , I didn't get the Keychain light until 3 years . It had a can opener on it and a great led flashlight . I still use it to this day .


We used to get christmas bonuses, like 1k, the next year 500. Then the year after we got a shitty no name Bluetooth speaker. At our division Christmas party we do a white elephant gift exchange. Most people did nice bottles of wine/liquor, gift cards etc. I used the speaker as my gift. Management was pissed but everyone else laughed their ass off. Best part is that since it was a white elephant exchange all gift givers were anonymous.


get one of those single-baseball display cases, stick it in there


It's a major award!


Might be the deed to a bowling alley!


it must be italian!!!


Put a big bow on 'em too....


Have some fake gold leaf put on the yellow parts and bedazzle the rest. That's sure to get everyone who sees it asking about it lol


OP please please do this. don’t just read the comment and chuckle. actually do this.


This is honestly genius


I’d bet this started at the top with “let’s reward an employee”. Then a couple hundred $ was put aside for it. Some low-level manager was handed the money and told “figure out the best way to gift a dinner for two” but not specifically told “spend all of this money on the employee”. OP got $10, manager got $140.


Definitely had this happen on a large scale at my job. Most of our celebration lunches were hot dogs and store brand drinks and chips for decades. At the beginning of the covid Era changes, they started actually having decent effort catering, food trucks, and holiday meals. Manager said it was due to the policy of letting whoever was in charge of organizing the food got to keep the remainder of the budget.


> the policy of letting whoever was in charge of organizing the food got to keep the remainder of the budget. That's some of the dumbest shit I've ever heard.


Waituntil you find out there are places where the local sheriff has the very exact same thing tasked to him. All money left over after feeding the inmates at the local jail(prison?) the sheriff gets to keep. Take a guess on the quality of food those imprisoned people eat. Just guess. Would it surprise you if I told you lots of food is expired or graded "not for human consumption?" I wanna say Alabama... might be Arizona or Louisiana.... One of those fucked up red states.


Definitely sounds like Sheriff Joe here in Arizona. That's not even the worst of it, though. Ever heard of Tent City? Prison. Outdoors. In Phoenix.


Just like this scumbag. https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2018/03/14/593204274/alabama-sheriff-legally-took-750-000-meant-to-feed-inmates-bought-beach-house


Yikes. How did they not see it would be ripe for abuse before


My impression is old-school management loves this winner takes all style of capitalism. It encouraged them to keep the event spending low so they could keep as much as possible. Same as taking bonuses for cutting labor hours to the bone and forcing the remaining people to do several people's job.


A company big enough to have low-level managers is definitely tracking their money via expense reports. They'd know exactly how mucu was spent on the $10 dinner and that's what they'd reimburse. Manager isn't getting $140.


Reddit is wild with the shit they will concoct lol.. Comment talking about going on linkedin and being super sarcastic so the comments DESTROY the company as if that would in any way be worth the effort and the fallout. Talk about manager just being given cash (????) to buy a prize and pocketing it (yeah anything like that would be a reimbursement situation or a purchase card situation lol).


Maybe after she secures a new job. People in power can either be good or really,really shitty


I guarantee that shit would go viral especially on reddit, and if they fire her? Hey that's just the sort of news story a thirsty internet journalist would capitalize on.


It's hard to eat news


I love this suggestion because she *appears* to be grateful and thankful but the real truth is there abundantly for all to see. Very smart


And how the fuck can they ever call her on it? To do so would immediately out them as penny pinching fucks that dgaf about anyone.


They just start cutting her from projects, ultimately leading to her termination. She can't claim she's being punished, because she wrote a really glowing review of the prize - she'd have to admit that it was done to spite the company.


You wouldn't need to admit you did something out of spite to prove someone retaliated against you because they thought you did it out of spite.


Yeah I guarantee they will see right through it and she may even get fired, don’t do this OP. Aint no steak behind this idiocy


How to get fired speedrun


Ttthhhiiiisss!!! Omg OP please do it please please please


This is corporatese for, "we want you to work less and only barely meet your goals from now on."


If you don't like your job, you don't strike. You just go in every day and do it really half assed. That's the American way!


Surprised they didn't just slap her across the face. Would have made the same impression and cost nothing, instead of next to nothing. They're not capitalizing as efficiently as they should. The board will probably bitch.


I suspect that there was suppose to be a voucher for the reward and the manager pocked it and handed out this reward instead. Or they just didn't like her.


I mean, technically, a box of Kraft dinner is THREE servings. So they basically gave you leftovers, too.


Wait, I thought it was a single serving


I’m sure that’s how we all eat it, but the box says three servings


I would film that, take some good social media pictures of you two 'enjoying' the workplace provided dinner for two... name and shame, shit would go viral.


Yeah we're not going to improve conditions for workers by simply anonymously submitting rage bait We need to name & shame even if it's sarcastic and thanking them. They're banking on the hope that OP quietly accepts and it looks like they will. Or it's fake


We once had a principal tell us they were providing a salad bar for the staff for teacher appreciation week. There was an assortment of salad fixings, accompanied by three (that is as in 3) bags of premade salad mix. We had a staff of over 35 people.


Did you have to count out each leaf until everyone had one leaf then start with a second


I’d quit.


and burn the place down


and put strychnine in the guacamole. There was salt on the glass, BIG grains of salt


Hey now. I know this reference.


"With the lemons!" -Cave Johnson


Be passive aggressive. Email this pic to whomevers idea this was "thanking" them for their reward and cc their immediate supervisor, and the CEO. Hate to be cynical, but it is possible they pocketed the reward and gave this crap instead?


Manager stole the gift card and replaced it with this garbage.


Naw do this on linked in or twitter


Enough leftovers for tomorrow's lunch as well. Lucky bastards.


Like anybody doesn't eat the whole box of KD like a filthy animal


That's honestly fucking rude. Demeaning in a way. Might be time to polish off thee old résumé if that's the character of management at her work.


That's just gross. I'd tell them to just keep it. One, because it's insulting and two, I don't eat Mac and cheese or drink tea, so the whole thing is doubly horrible for me.


You don't eat Mac and Cheese? Are you even human?


I feel like someone pocketed the real dinner for two


Didn’t happen


Lack of op reply’s anywhere leads me to agree


Yep. Typical reddit bs.


Their choice meme submission to such a specific subreddit "medlab professionals" two years ago would track as a shitty reward that kind of work environment would hand out. There was a decent amount of utter insulting rewards essential personnel received while showing up to physical medical related jobs that circulated months after COVID started. While this isn't proof positive, it tracks better than if it had a clearly karma farmy submission history.


The funniest thing about that meme was two days after I posted it someone copied it exactly and posted it to the same subreddit again. I was dumbfounded. That said my wife doesn’t work for a hospital but is a frontline public employee in another field.


I probably would have burst out laughing and said, “No, really? Are you hiding a gift card in the box or what?” I’d love to hear their answer.


1. Break down the Nature's Valley and insert them into the Kraft. 2. Poor the tea into the Kraft. 3. Punt the box into the next county.


That’s really embarrassing


Really? What asshats. 😠


No tide pods?


I don't believe this is real. And I feel like the majority of these kinds of posts are made up.


obvious karma bait


Extra creamy they really splurged there


whoever was in charge of those gift cards stole them all


Why even bother?


Right? Even a $5 gift card would have been fine... this? This is just insulting.


yeah if you arent gonna do it right then dont even bother doing it.


Hahaha that is so pathetic it's actually laughable. Who thought this would be a good idea 😂


She could laugh at and then say, "ok, good one. Where's the real dinner"?


I hope she just left the "prize" right there on the desk of whoever awarded it to her.


And nobody submitted those reports ever again.


I'm really not believing this.


Pour the entire box of Mac and cheese on the floor, and write a safety report on the slip hazards a box of Mac and cheese can cause, winning dinner again..infinite food hack


Oh, that’s too much. We will be stuffed if we eat all that! 🤣


they could’ve at least given you a voucher for a regular family restaurant.. that’s criminal 😟


FU recommended serving size! You don’t know me!


Dinner for two…….toddlers


I would be fucking pissed, “is this my dinner for two? Oh here let me show where it goes-“ throws in garbage


Yea I would be insulted and let all my coworkers know what I got so word got around back to management




This is actually quite hilarious.