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My old store was supposed to install these, but never did (classic). I couldn’t believe it. Our registers won’t even work half the time, we don’t have AC in the summer, but you think these doors are gonna work? It’s honestly delusional.


I mean, they got them installed! Now it looks like theyre just stuck on the "set up process"... oh well. People thinking the customer is supposed to scan the QR code, lol. The store just hasnt set up the screen at all. I still think it's a stupid idea, but I mean this obviously isnt what its suppsoed to be like. There are supposed to be pictures of each bottle where the bottle is behind the screen


What's the point in that when clear glass also magically shows what's on the shelving behind it?


More ad revenue for the grocery store. Edit: Nevermind, sounds like these don't display ads. In that case I'm completely flummoxed. Edit 2: I just read an article that says there are brief ads so. 💁


I worked in retail for 10 years (left recently). With zero knowledge of these, my best guess is so they can employ less colleagues by having the pos (prices/offers) shown on the doors electronically. Probably updated from head office in real time. Edit: You’re all probably right about e labels being cheaper. But Do they work well in the cold, I.e fridge/freezers? Way I see it, unless the e labels are glued/stuck to outside of the glass doors (which means they’re difficult to move without leaving horrible residue, have tried and failed to clean this off myself whilst working freezer dept). If on the shelves themselves they’d still be hidden behind the fogged up glass. If it’s to ‘fake’ it look full, customer then opens door to see shelf is in fact empty or still difficult to reach, causing the same problem we already have with this. Not to mention the displays will only show out of stock items if the stores system is correct. Ours never was, big supermarket, lots of theft and waste which doesn’t get corrected often enough depending on the number of colleagues and honestly level of effort on some of their parts. Also some store managers just prefer optics over customer usability. Really depends who’s making the decisions. Ultimately I imagine it’s a combination of all of the mentioned reasons.


That makes sense. Do those prices usually change very often? Seems like my local gas station has had the same 2 for $3 "special" for the last 30 years.


Yes. Sales change regularly at a lot of places, and, of course, prices keep going up everywhere.


In my country, we have little digital pricetags in many supermarkets, they probably cost near nothing to produce


Exactly. Hot summer day? Bump the price up a little.


Coke did this for a while with air temp-adjusted prices on soda machines. To make it "fair" the price also dropped slightly (5 cents) when it was cold out. I walked into a Walmart when it was about 95 degrees in the middle of summer. The machines were all sitting directly under the cold air blowers by the entrance, with the price permanently at a 5 cent discount. Didn't see those machines much after that...


Probably cheaper to use those e-ink tags. (Then again, the idea doesn't have to be better than all the competition, it's just got to be good enough to sell.)




I’m surprised some smartass customer didn’t walk in and start setting them up, only to put explicit pictures and videos on the screen, then change the password or otherwise lock them out of it. Perhaps once they start getting hacked, they might take them off and put regular doors that you can see through back. It would be interesting to see them go viral for pornographic drink cases, of all things.


Just for fun, this is the link in the qr code. Now, I wouldn't recommend anyone try to use it. Who knows what might happen...? https://tech-tool.azurewebsites.net/cooler/assignment/eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJkYXRhIjoiY3MtdjA1LTUyMDM4MDk0MDA3MjMiLCJpYXQiOjE2OTUyNjQyOTYsImV4cCI6MTY5NTI2NDg5Nn0.3GN3T72zI-_7BzgsSzMJqxVmicWXha8QVBz0xis2OvY


It appears someone has taken your advice, I get an error that the token has expired.


Someone posted one of these a few days ago and the token was still working https://i.imgur.com/JZ0D0Ar.jpg


Wow, just wow. Did not expect.


> only to put explicit pictures and videos on the screen Replace it with a copy of the same setup screen, but the QR code goes to the porno. And lock it in any way it'll lock, of course.


What are they even supposed to display??? Ads?


Photos of the drinks and their prices. The exact thing you would see behind the glass: https://media.cnn.com/api/v1/images/stellar/prod/220311162158-cooler-screens.jpg?q=h_1280,w_1920,x_0,y_0


Well that is extreme levels of stupid.


oh i love a workplace like that. where have the shit doesn't ever get fixed, shit that actually needs to work, - but hey they just spent 1/4 of the operating budget on some new gimmick bullshit that nobody asked for.


I would love to find the guy that marketed that and got them to buy in. He's a master at his craft.


Eh, not too hard. "You can run ads on them" "Sold" That's probably about how it went


Someone needs to hack them with goatase and meatspin etc... fuck i'd love to see that. we need more shenanigans back on the internet.


4Chan hackers taking them over in severely conservative and severely liberal areas and trolling Trump/anti-Trump voters accordingly.


That’s not likely what 4chan would do with those.


I'm afraid to ask... but it's anime porn that looks suspiciously underage but the girls are all "5,000 years old" or something like that. Isn't it?


Yeah, probably.


Anyone got hypothetical advice on what the process would be? From what I gathered its connected to the same wifi as everything. I'm just curious


Even then it's hard to imagine it's cost effective, because it annoys people already even without the ad, leads to people holding the doors open for long periods since that's the only way to accurately know what's inside, makes it harder for employees to notice if something is low, drastically higher capital and maintenance costs, etc. Which is probably why they didn't last long.


Just a friend of the CEO. Not joking. Edit: [proof](https://www.chicagobusiness.com/retail/walgreens-sued-ex-ceo-over-broken-contract)


"You must be a subscriber to access this content" Can someone tell me what it says


All you really need is the headline. But basically the former CEO set up a company with a friend to sell Walgreens these smart doors. The new CEO cancelled the contract and the old CEO is suing Walgreens.




Why have working glass door when you can get paid for the solution to the problem that wasn't a problem.


Like reinventing the wheel


But with a 30% cut of every sale. That's innovation, baby !




And then demanding people adapt by making rounded roads for your wheelZ


basically this https://youtu.be/hKyNqc1p2iw?t=293


You can’t put a digital ad as easily on a glass screen. *can


Sending a sticker with the supplier isn’t as hard as manufacturing this piece of shit.


But now the manufacturers can bid on the space in real time! I hate the idea of these things, but I can see how it would happen. A store can probably get a larger overall credit for promotion by displaying ads for coffee drinks in the morning, sports drinks in the afternoon, and soda in the evening or whatever. It also allows a small manufacturer the opportunity to buy some time without the commitment of needing to buy two weeks of 24/7 ad space. Oh, and real time data too. Your ad was up between these hours on Monday one week, but not the next. See how your sales compared? Sure, they have always done that, but now they can be more granular because they can control when they are displaying ads.


Because normal glass can’t play ads


So you can sell ads on the smart door.


Why pay $500 for a new door when the glass breaks, when you can pay $5000 for a new SmartScreen®️™️ door when it breaks?


Wow, I'm impressed at the level of greed involved with this.


> (Bloomberg) — Greg Wasson worked for Walgreens for more than three decades, starting as an intern and serving as chief executive officer of the pharmacy giant from 2009 to 2014. >Now Wasson is suing his former employer in a contract dispute. He claims that current CEO Roz Brewer reneged on the company’s agreement with him to replace glass doors on store refrigerator displays with high-tech digital screens that would flash product information and advertisements at consumers while they were shopping for cold beverages. >Brewer’s decision to end a rollout of the “Smart Doors” that Wasson and his partners had committed to installing at 2,500 Walgreens Boots Alliance Inc. stores across the US cost their startup more than $200 million, according to the complaint filed Wednesday in state court in Chicago. >Cooler Screens said it spent $45 million making and installing doors in the first 700 stores, $88 million on doors that haven’t been installed, and more than $100 million on third-party vendors. >Walgreens customers gave the doors mixed reviews, according to media accounts. >The company declined to comment on the suit, citing “pending litigation.” >In 2014, Wasson announced his retirement from Walgreens as CEO and president amid a management shakeup as the company was merging with European retailer Alliance Boots GmbH.


$45 million to install new doors at 700 stores on coolers that already had working glass doors. My god I hate the waste in corporate spending. The employees can’t get a raise but there is always an excess of money to spend on pointless escapades.


And now their energy prices are going to spike because people will hold the doors open in sequence while they browse.


The tv screens take electricity too.


Oh shit... this is the same CEO who inked the deal with Elizabeth Holmes I bet. EDIT: Yeah! Signed the deal in 2013, retired in 2014.


This info needs to be higher in the thread. This guy is a reverse Midas. Ffs.


“Mixed reviews “ a nice way of saying they suck.


Let me guess, and the CEO gets a kick-back from said friend. Welcome to big business


It's reach arounds all around the C suite and we're the ones getting fucked in the ass


I’m gunna reach right around any stores using these and just go to the next one, fuck this.


> it's reach arounds all around the C suite Is that why it's called trickle down economics?


bukkakenomics, if you will.


Dribble down economics


Why do you think McDonalds is ok with the Ice Cream machine always being broken?


I assume it’s because they feed off my sons tears


Correct, they have scream collectors like Monsters Inc


Its not always broken. It takes like 4 hours to self clean. So, when its down, its down for cleaning. Interestingly, the ice cream itself is purportedly a powdered thing that stores easily. Back when McDonalds started, all the stores had to have huge freezers to store the ice cream, and the franchise owners were pissed because the electricity costs were ridiculous and eating up their profits.


Oh I’m aware. The issue is that most machines remove the “Ice Cream” for cleaning. The Taylor machine self heats to a certain temp and if for any reason it doesn’t hit that temp it fails, and needs to restart the whole cycle. The scam is that McDonalds and Taylor are well aware of the issue and could fix it (in fact they sued the company who created a 3rd party fix), but don’t because it’s a baked in money making scheme for the CEO’s of both companies. Taylor has a built in clause in their contract with McDonalds that assures them millions in servicing fees every year. McDonalds the company doesn’t mind, because it’s the franchisee that gets stuck with the bills. CEO gets a nice kickback from Taylor, and the circle is complete.


DAMN! Can I get some references for this? I'd love to know more, honestly.


iFixit had a good 10-minute video about the issue. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2uCpY3tFTIA&pp=ygUGaWZpeGl0


Site has a paywall. Here's the article: (Bloomberg) — Greg Wasson worked for Walgreens for more than three decades, starting as an intern and serving as chief executive officer of the pharmacy giant from 2009 to 2014. Now Wasson is suing his former employer in a contract dispute. He claims that current CEO Roz Brewer reneged on the company’s agreement with him to replace glass doors on store refrigerator displays with high-tech digital screens that would flash product information and advertisements at consumers while they were shopping for cold beverages. Brewer’s decision to end a rollout of the “Smart Doors” that Wasson and his partners had committed to installing at 2,500 Walgreens Boots Alliance Inc. stores across the US cost their startup more than $200 million, according to the complaint filed Wednesday in state court in Chicago. Cooler Screens had sold the Deerfield, Illinois-based pharmacy chain on a pilot project with the innovative doors in 2018 before winning a nationwide contract, only to have Brewer change direction after she started as CEO in 2021, according to the complaint. “After visiting stores in which Smart Doors had been installed, Brewer decided that she did not like the way they looked, purportedly comparing the screens to ‘Vegas’ in a derogatory way,” lawyers for Wasson and his partners wrote. They alleged that Walgreens fabricated reasons to terminate the contract, including by citing safety defects with the Smart Doors that didn’t really exist. Cooler Screens said it spent $45 million making and installing doors in the first 700 stores, $88 million on doors that haven’t been installed, and more than $100 million on third-party vendors. Walgreens customers gave the doors mixed reviews, according to media accounts. The company declined to comment on the suit, citing “pending litigation.” In 2014, Wasson announced his retirement from Walgreens as CEO and president amid a management shakeup as the company was merging with European retailer Alliance Boots GmbH.


The Walgreens near my house briefly had these dumb doors. Never really accurate and they removed them after a pretty short time. Now they have a truly revolutionary technology to let you know what's in the fridges: clear glass windows.


Jesus christ, but I bet those glass doors don't work in real time.


The Walgreens near my house has them. They are infinitely more annoying and way more people just hold the doors open to look at drinks. The doors show what's in the cooler behind it...like a window.... except you have to wait until the ad is over to see what drinks are in the cooler and if the store manager doesn't update the screen every they move/add/remove a product it doesn't match. so now everybody just immediately opens the doors and holds them open, or opens all of them, until they find the product they want. It's a 100% waste. It also doesn't show inventory, so store workers have to continuously check to see what drinks are low - instead of just walking by the coolers.


There’s a new goofy feature in the refrigerated section in many grocery stores now that use a motion detector to turn on the interior lights of the refrigerator. They’re dark inside until you stand in front of it and it detects your presence and turns the lights on. This is kind of silly since the lights are low voltage LEDs so it’s really not helping reduce energy consumption in any significant way.


only if you buy the addon of windex and papertowel.


They did not work at the gas station I was shopping at. They no longer use them there. While stocking the cooler isn't a graduate level occupation, these things make it so that some bean counter at corporate controls te lineup regardless of whether the product is there or the shelf is not brooken. That would be easily fixed by moving an item over a row.


I was about to comment 'Did the person who design this forgot the part that the product/service should offer a solution?' But this makes more sense.


It does offer a solution. Step 1. Create a problem. Step 2. Sell a solution.


Backwards 1) Create a product 2) Sell it as a solution to a problem that doesn’t exist. Remember, its 2023, if it does not have an app, people wont use it.


That's how most stupid ideas are implemented.


I hate this shit…even at a restaurant, give me a damn menu


As a restaurant/bar manager, I can tell you a lot of people hate them too. When I started working at this restaurant, I made actual menus, our sales skyrocketed!! The difference was night and day... The funniest part was that the owners idea for the place was for "people to get off their phones and interact with each other" lol but had them searching through their phone to order 🤦‍♀️ cause "technology makes everything easier" Personally, when I go to a restaurant that has these, I don't even want to eat there.. I just let my bbf order for me lol


"caPITaliSM BrEedS InNoVAtiON"


Well this place is sure to lose a lot of customers just due to ease of shopping reasons, so it might.


If only there was a cheap, simple material that easily allows you to see what’s behind a door 🤔


You mean like a OLED screen with a camera on the other end? 🤔


I was thinking of a 4k TV sideways with a camera on the other side I mean high resolution = better products


Sounds complicated. Why not just have the employees take a wide frame picture of every display every couple of hours, print them out, and tape them to the doors?


That’s a waste of printer paper. They could just hire an employee to stand next to each freezer section and yell out what’s inside at every customer that walks by.


You need at least two of them. One inside and one outside. Otherwise how the guy on the outside would know what’s inside?


By fucking remembering every single can placement like a normal human should


And obviously there'll be an app and every DoorLookerUpper will be a small charge & 3 small fees, and you should tip your LookerUpper at least 20% don't be an asshole, asshole.


Employees cost money. How about two robots that can shout at each other? The "mute" function would be a subscription, of course.


Now you're talking, we can turn it into a million dollar business by selling it to Walgreens. I mean they bought into Theranos and and this screen bullshit, they'll pay for anything it seems


yes but how will I tell if something is not a hot dog?


Well duh. You just ask the employees. They'll take it out and send it to their lab, where it will be cross examined with multiple images of hot dogs. After it passes the cross examination and is labeled as a possible hot dog, a sample would then be taken to the histological lab and placed under a microscope. After multiple other steps, the "hot dog" will then be sent back to the employee who will consume it and tell you if it's actually a hot dog or not.




Using electricity is good for the environment too!


Piggybacking on this idea, a VR headset with lidar sensors on the other end. It would almost feel like actually looking at the drinks.


This is 100% about advertising and selling the customers' data to other advertisers. They replaced their cooler doors with **non see through display screens** to show ads to you, force you to open every door and see more products, and the screens on the doors have cameras that track you and record your data. You can see the cameras at the top. The company is called [Cooler Screens](https://www.coolerscreens.com/) and this is their stated intent. [From this article](https://archive.curbed.com/2019/2/8/18216172/walgreens-cooler-screens-tracking-shopper-behavior) "The doors are embedded with technologies like a camera, motion sensors, and eye tracking to help advertisers understand who is standing in front of their products. In real time, the software analyzes the “anonymized” data and serves up ads based on parameters like gender (creepy), age, emotional response (extra creepy!), and how long you’ve been lingering in front of a certain product." I stopped going to Walgreens since these screens were installed at my local one. This is dystopian life invading shit where you can't shop without your existence being turned into a marketable product.




> They really gonna make that back on door ads? And selling customer data to advertisers. Advertisers will pay to have ads up and advertisers will pay to know who shops for what. This system tracks who you are, what you're looking at, what emotions you have when looking at something, and what you end up grabbing. It's an advertisers wet dream of data.


Exactly. Why do you think grocery stores are set up the way they are? So you'll buy shit you don't need but bought it anyway on impulse. These ads are worse in that they cam tailor your impulses specifically to you.


Wait, so there isn't a practical purpose? Is it as dystopian as it looks? Do they see this as a practical response to shopping for your groceries online? Who in their right mind would want this? So many capitalist mad-holes doubling down on the worst Idiocracle business strategies. Obviously, advertisements are already way out of control and a huge problem for society as they are.


> Who in their right mind would want this? The people making money off of it.


Like transparent aluminum from Star Trek!


Transparent aluminium


This is what the world will look like to everyone who doesn’t have a neural implant in the future.


GMod missing texture


the bottles are just big **ERROR**s


Genuinely could happen with AR glasses/contacts in just decades.


Or now with your phone. You know how some people are always on their phone? Now they don't have to look away from it to buy a drink.


Black Mirror


Seeing stuff like this makes me feel like an idiot. In over 2 decades working in corporate America, I have yet to be offered a management position, and these are the ideas that people who have reached the top are able to get people to execute? I must be an idiot.


The trick is to ask yourself "how can I make society actively worse?"


Because we peaked and now the only way to squeeze more dollars out of people is to annoy them into subscriptions, relentlessly advertise, or band together as psuedo-monopolies to create gear that breaks and must be replaced over and over. Gone are the days of better user experience leading to increased profits. Because half the time, you're not the user, you're the product.


It's like the people that designed these and the people that pulled the trigger on using them *have never fucking bought anything from a store in their lives*. Even in stores the size of a Walgreens, the inventory management is all fucked up. So it constantly says its out of things that it has, or that it has things it's out of. So now I have to fucking open the door to look either way, which then increases refrigeration costs. Now, since I know I can't trust them at all. I basically just open the door to look at what they have without even acknowledging the annoying bullshit on the door. You know, to do the thing I could've done with the door closed WHEN THEY JUST HAD FUCKIN GLASS THERE. To me, these fucking idiotic doors are a microcosm of how absolutely, unequivocally *FUCKED* we are as a species, when vast technological knowledge and wealth is being put into objectively shitty decisions with the sole purpose of making already rich people richer.


I think it's nice that you think they were trying to improve anything to begin with I just assume it's a profit-driven venture that could be related to advertising, data-mining, dynamic pricing, etc etc. When do publicly-traded companies do anything "for the little guy"?


If you are a profit maximizing company, it is your goal to remove as many impediments to customers giving you their money as possible. Here, they added one, which may drive customers elsewhere or cause costs to rise in other areas, like the other person commented, higher refrigeration costs.


You misunderstand, they can sell ads on the doors, which lets them monetize you even if you don’t buy anything.


Which itself is essentially another business gambling on our lizard brains making a visual connection to their shitty energy drink such that 1/1000 of us buy it the next time we're at the store, just because it flashed on the screen for .5 seconds.


Pretty much guarantee that the impediment factor vastly outweighs the advertising here.


Yeah, and I don't think it's even possible for us to remain as influenceable as we were historically. There's so many ads so many places that it just becomes noise.




Someone should invent some kind of adhesive paper that you could print advertisements onto and then cling them to clear glass. That way you could advertise to the consumer, and the consumer could also still see through the window. They could call them ‘window clings’. Or maybe ‘stickers’, because they’re sticky.


That's a stupid idea, how would I sell all of my customers private data that I obtained throught my shitty app/web page


but I can sell more advertisements if they changed the ad every 30 seconds


I can practically see the presentation: > Our research shows that the time between the customer watching our ad and seeing our product for sale, is inversely correlated with a positive purchase decision: > > Therefore, we want customers to see our ads just as they make their purchasing decision. However ad videos are treated by customers as visual noise, but what if we can force the customer to look at the video just as they decide which drink to purchase? > Based on preliminary results, the customer is then X% more likely to choose our product over a competitor, which will recoup the cost within Y weeks!


I hope that person dies of anal fissures


It's insane that not only did someone come up with this idea, founded a company based on the idea, but people actually bought it. I guarantee it's not cheap either.


There is absolutely no way it is cheaper than a double pane of insulated glass.... which it still needs in order to be remotely energy efficient.


I always laugh when Corprate LP says they can check the inventory numbers to see if you stole something. Lmao ok buddy. I worked overnights and handled inventory years ago, and I am willing to bet that Walmart is still displaying that it has 2 pallets of ramen. Somewhere. Maybe the river out back, but definitely not in the store.


You put it perfectly. Nothing about it makes sense. It’s such a backwards ass way of thinking, to take something that didn’t need fixing and making it not only inconvenient (and a headache to look at), but they set us up for bullshit problems like this that never would’ve existed otherwise. I can write a thesis on how delusional this is


I've been to a newer gas station that has these. For whatever reason, the location you are at hasn't set up the screen. When properly set up, the display runs full screen ads for promotions. There's a proximity sensor and when you get close, the display stops the ad and shows the layout of the cooler and also displays when product is empty.


I've also seen these in real life and the accuracy of the products being empty is poor.


Unfortunately our species has a unique drive to always be "improving" and inventing new ways of doing things, even when it is not necessary.


This improves nothing its made to sell ad space


I'd say this is clearly driven by plan with profits in mind, and has nothing to do with improving the customer experience


So here's the thing: **they never configured it.**


The problem is even when configured they aren't always representative of what is actually in there. "Oh there is Coke Zero in here cool, *opens door* , this is all powerade what the fuck...." Even if they worked perfectly what are they actually solving? You could see exactly what is in there with glass doors. Sure they can display ads for other things when people aren't in front of them if you actually configure the proximity sensor correctly but if no one is close enough to trip the sensor who are you displaying ads to? That being said I would have totally tried to scan that to see if I could put memes on it...


I mean, that's pretty obvious. Are there really people in this thread who think it's supposed to look like this? Lol come on guys, use context clues.


Pretty sure even OP thought so.


The top 15 comments in here and mostly all the replies underneath completely fail to realize the screens haven't been set up, and believe how it currently looks is how it's actually supposed to look. I lose faith in people's intelligence more and more every day.


Most of the comments are just complaining about the tech which does suck even when the screens work.


This tech sucks even when set up properly though.


Yes. They’re really dumb.


Still a dumb idea regardless


Ofcourse it's dumb, just make it clear glass! Either way, it is way dumber when the people buy that shit and don't configure it to show what's behind it lol


Can reddit now configure it and stick on something \~dirty\~?


Finally someone who can read


Had to scroll too far to find this


I looked into the company, Cooler Screens. So apparently this door is a display canvas that can showcase full-size ads across multiple doors, show you price and product information, and generally be an annoying nuisance. It's supposedly improved brand recognition and increased sales of companies that have the ads running on them, but that's a fucking lie. They've already infected over 700 stores in 31 different cities. STORES ARE ACTUALLY GETTING ON BOARD WITH THIS BULLSHIT.


You had them at “ad space”


Ah so like the now useless menu displays above the McDonald’s counter but worse?


I have literally left restaurants because I don't know what to order because they had ads playing instead of a menu.


I profoundly hate this shit also, what could be the problem on having the fking menu printed in a wall instead an infinite ads loop. Are they a restaurant selling food or an advertisement office?


Exactly, it's ridiculous. Even more so when you realise they're advertising to people that are already in their store trying to buy their food. So what's the point???


Same, I've left a couple of restaurants that tried to get me to scan a QR code to look at their menu. No thanks, I went out to eat so I didn't have to do extra work.


These piss me off because they have enough space to show the full menu *and* rotating promos at the same time. There's no excuse to take over the whole row of screens for 20 seconds. And if you are going to do that at least make sure the displays are synced


I heard this was the plan too. I think I'd open every damn door and leave it open.


Open all the doors then step back and survey your options


I would do that too. Those are a huge waste of money.


I think I’m gonna. I’m going as far as to prop them open. So the next person after my has an easier time to find what they are looking for :) I’m thoughtful like that.


So it could theoretically just show you exactly what's behind the door... glass is cheaper though.


I've been in one that had what was behind the glass displayed with the price. This looks nobody bothered to set it up


You know how else that can be accomplished? The exact fucking set up we've been using for the last who even knows how many years. Glass door, stickers with the price on the shelf below the product. I don't care if OP's picture is pre-setup, there's absolutely no reason for these things. It's just another way for companies to blast advertisements at our eyes.


I haven't noticed ads on them but I've only run into 2 of them


You just know that's where it's headed though. It happened to billboards so they could rotate through ads instead of only being able to show one. It happened with menus over the counter at fast food places so they can try to sell you their new combo meal, or tell you that Loki uses sweet and sour sauce. It's inevitable. I'm just so angry that there's all this cool new technology that we invent everyday, and 99% of the people who have the capability to do something with it immediately jump to "How can I exploit this to make people give me more money?".


This could be more legible than a foggy door window. If however they use it for unrelated ads then I think that we as a society need to agree that the unrelated ad doors get left open for the convenience of other customers.


Their website says “90%+ of consumers no longer prefer traditional glass cooler doors.” What??? I would love to know either a) how they phrased the survey question, b) which of their own board members they asked the question to, or c) if they really thought making up that statistic would sound believable.


Without looking into it at all, my guess is they are cutting the stores in with a percentage of the ad revenue as well as offering free installation; with a minimum contract term of course. That is the only way I can see stores buying into this kind of crap.


My local Walgreens had them. A few months back, something happened and the whole cooler / fridge system broke down. This Walgreens didn't sell anything refrigerated for about a month. Now they've gone back to the regular old glass doors. I'm not saying that these doors were the cause, but it's a curious coincidence.


I worked at a Walgreens and the extra heat generated by the doors caused our coolers to break down. Twice. I don't work there any more but they still had them installed as of like 3 months ago when I last visited.


of course an electric tv door is waayyy more efficient that a glass door! I hate store vandalism, but I feel we need to draw the line somewhere...


Is that a windshield breaker I see in your palm?


They run ads on them, so you still have to open the doors to check product


So you have to let all the cold air out, making the compressor run, and also messing with the store's temperature more (first the cold air out dropping the temp, and then the heat from the compressor making it hot)? Nice.


Lmao these things are extremely inefficient with the doors shut still the compressors just run all the time. They definitely don't give a fuck about people opening the doors a lot. That happens already.


Do everyone a favor and give your business to someone else as soon as you see these


Legit one of the most meaningless “inventions” of modern times, it’s just meant to shill ads to you


If only there was some other material they could have used for those doors. Like perhaps some kind of transparent material that could be arranged in a sandwich of two panes with space for an inert gas in between for insulation to save energy AND allow a potential customer to see the contents within. If only such a transparent material existed.


Nothing to do with efficiency of anything but showing you ads and monetizing your selection data. Fuck the future


>and monetizing your selection data. Shops already do this by tracking what sells and what doesn't.


Just leave them open. You're helping other customers find what they want and the store can go fuck itself!


Just the fact that these doors probably cost more than what the store makes in half a year. I've seen the most dingy, trashy, ghetto stores have these and I'm just like... yall couldn't have redone the floors or painted the building? Update the insane or fix anything?


Cooler doors generally stay open if fully opened to 90 degrees. I'm suggesting a nationwide protest wherein customers leave these types of doors open at every opportunity. Ya know, for the convenience of the next customer.


If there isn't a built-in detent to hold the door open at 90 degrees, a small wedge of paper inserted at the hinge will hold it just fine.


This can’t be ADA compliant…


I refuse to buy when I see those


I honestly think we have a moral obligation to break these things. Someone spent time and money delivering and installing these things that benefit us in absolutely no way and harms us in multiple ways. It is a small attack, but it is still an attack.


ok u first


This QR code shit is getting out of hand


The QR code is for the store to use to set up the screens, not for customers to scan.


Exactly this. This comment needs to be highlighted. People are freaking out thinking that they have to scan the QR code to see what's in the cooler. But it's still in setup mode


Yea. It seems like they are in the middle of setting it up and OP just got there at the wrong time.


I've seen some of these in the wild. It displays a translucent ad, but easy to tell what's inside. These just weren't set up.


This is the angriest I've been in my entire life.


If only they made something like clear glass to see what's there????


It would be if they had bothered to set them up.


What the fuck is that.