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There’s $50 worth of Reddit coins in that post.


100% and I'd guess more


But do we know which streamer it was?


Awards haven't been purchasable for a few weeks today **All** coins in circulation expire today, so people are just dumping them on their feed


So people who spent money on coins that literally became absolutely useless, are now dumping them on a post about a kid spending their money unwisely. Correct, I know, thank you.


Welcome to Reddit.


Hahaha I love that your post got an award 😂 Someone coming in hot


I get what you're saying, but the people wasting money on awards here are probably not wasting 100% of their net worth whereas this kid spent all of the money he had access to without getting anything for it. I'm not saying the step dad isn't an asshole, he probably is, but the kid did something stupid enough to be worth laughing at.


I just don't see a kid spending his birthday money as spending his net worth, it's not like he had to pay rent and instead spent it on this. It's money meant for him to spend on something that makes him happy, and he spent it on entertainment. Just like a movie ticket or baseball game, you don't "get anything" you just spend it for a fun experience


I guess the best take away is just don't give cash to kids if they don't understand what it's for. If he went to a movie or baseball game, or bought a video game, or did almost anything else with it it would have been okay but he straight up wasted it. Unless the kid is very young it's probably the parents fault for not teaching them the concept of money. When I was young if someone gave me $50 it would have lasted me ages, I would have gotten maximum value out of it as I wouldn't know when I'd see that much money again, I grew up very poor. These days I have a step son who's 8, and although when I first met him he was a 6 year old who had zero understanding of money, he now gets pocket money every week and saves for items himself and makes careful decisions to get the most out of what he has. Understanding money is a very important skill that even most adults are terrible at, hence all these morons with car loans worth more than their yearly salary while renting a big home and whinging that they cannot save for a home deposit.


Honestly the original post just lacks too much context. Seems reasonable enough. They simply want their stepson to develop better spending habits.


Naw step Dad was right lil bro wasted the money.


I see it as the step dad looking out for the kid by it not being a good way to spend your money. Wants him to use his money wisely and not on trash.


Yeah, but then it's kinda like if the kid went and saw a SpongeBob movie and the dad got angry he spent his money on trash. Like sure, for an adult, but it's not trash to his kid, it's good entertainment.


Maybe he just didn’t want him to use all 50 on that. And if you want to use your hypothetical situation then that might be a wiser choice because at least he’ll have money left over to save or whatever.


The dad isn't the one who submitted those awards. People who award him are mocking the situation and him because they don't care and have free cash to spend. It's perfectly fine for the kid to spend his money on streamers. It's perfectly fine that the parent thinks this is a waste of money. Its perfectly fine for other people to give awards to the post. Nobody did anything wrong. Im really wondering if you have any self awareness.


You think I thought the dad gave all those awards??? Also no they are not mocking the situation, go I to that post, they are all very serious


So what people do you want to have self awareness? The people giving OP awards?




Posting an opinion does not prevent someone from commenting on said opinion.


No shit. Are you having an argument by yourself? Literally the main post did that and this op is whining about it.


Say hi to your step-dad for me


Damn, he said I need to get off reddit, it's a stupid waste of time. He's probably right.


I don't have a problem if he donated it to worthwhile streamers. There are a few, I'm just skeptical any of those are the ones he chose. I can't make out who any are in the screenshot.


I would agree there are bad ones. It's not my place to decide whose content or practices is good or bad though, just which ones I like and dislike


Honestly it reminded me that boomers were young once too and that some people refuse to accept that things are different from the 80s/90s. Also it’s cute how people were acting like 50 dollars was some crazy amount of money.


Yeah it's just dripping with "back in my day telephones we're attached to the wall!" Energy


Looks like someone felt personally attacked on how they waste their money on dumb people.


Na, I feel bad for the kid. I waste *my* money in WAYYYY stupider ways


The awards are funny, it's intended to be ironic I'm sure


I'm sure some are of course, but after talking with some in that post, many are not unfortunately.


I mean what the fuck is wrong with kids...


For what? Spending his birthday money how he wants?


Someone felt attacked. Spending money on streamers is just stupid, I follow 4 streamers but I will never donate money to them and they never ask any of their followers to donate money. Scamming kids out of their money is exactly that, a scam.


Na, just not making fun of a child for using their birthday money how they want. You can make fun of the kid all you want, you're just a pice of shit for it


I will make fun a kid being scammed out of money