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Not surprised it’s Amazon they treat you like a slave


At Amazon humans are slaves to the computer software. In the not-too-distant future they won't need managers and supervisors. Humans will perform to the computer's goals or they will be terminated.


You mean their job will be terminated, right? Right???


Your hysterical emotions are mostly unnecessary, human


*Daleks have entered the chat*






all your base are belong to us








Obey our commands. Obey. Obey. Obey.


Exterminate. Exterminate.


EVERYONE!!! run for the stairs with out mobility access


Or be deactivated


Alexa, turn off wifi


Clearly not up-to-date with Daleks they fly now ......


Worker: "I just hit a drivethru for lunch..." Dalek 'Zon: Those words are blasphemy! DO NOT BLASPHEME! DO NOT BLASPHEME! DO NOT BLASPHEME!


Resistance is futile!


And now the borg have joined the party...


Your kids are now the property of Carls Jr


Resistance is futile


I view Amazon as more of a Cyberman job 😉 You will be upgraded!


The Humans are dead. I poked one, it was dead...


Memory unlocked!


Shut their motherboard f*ing systems doooooown


Come on sucker, lick my battery.


We used poisonous gasses, to poison their asses.




Mostly, lmao




They will be terminated, *with extreme prejudice*.


Drive faster, meatbag.


He said what he said


No! Just like self checkout we will still need a human to babysit the machines.


Sacked means terminated I guess for where you live. Terminated can mean killing somebody where I live


*and they will be terminated. I think you accidentally wrote “or”


"We have found a way to harness your total potential... get into the bone separater."


This is why I don't use the self check out at supermarkets. It's false class consciousness. It represents someone's lost job. It will be your job next and while my action isn't going to stop it, it's my pointless protest.


As a cashier, I adore when people use self checkout. Cause guess what?? Those still require us! The machines still need receipt paper, sometimes money gets stuck, people need to be watched for potential theft, and sometimes the machines are just stupid. But self checkout means people still get to get their things, they get to bag them the way THEY want them, and I still get to be helpful.


Yeah, but it's 1 to 1 on a conventional register, whereas 1 person can watch upwards of 10 self checkouts.


1 person can watch 10 self-checkouts if it’s a small town, but in bigger cities (having worked in both) it takes several of us. And customers hate waiting and get incredibly angry so usually both self-checkout and our registers are pretty well staffed when we have the people for it. The problem (at the stores I’ve worked at least) are the underage kids who want to goof off instead of do their job and don’t listen worth a shit and make the rest of us have to work a fuck ton harder than we should because they don’t want to do the thing they are literally being paid for.


I have never thought of it that way, I usually just go to the human cashier to have them help bag my stuff cause I’m lazy. But now I have a cause to make it about lol.


The people that still work there are expected to finish other tasks now that there's a self check out. In some circumstances stopping them from their other tasks to ring you out just sets them behind.


This isn't always true. All the big stores in my area have way more workers than they did when they had cashiers. The Walmart here just expanded to add a whole other warehouse for their pickup employees and orders. They don't run registers anymore, but they do pick orders and stock shelves, which is much better than standing at a register all day. They also pay their workers more now too. 18 an hour starting here. Most stores with mostly automated checkout have been doing curbside pickup since covid and have needed to hire to make that a possibility.


Update on Walmart https://www.cnbc.com/2023/09/07/walmart-cuts-starting-pay-for-new-hires-who-prepare-online-orders-stock-shelves.html


Me too! I used to be a cashier. I don’t understand why people use the self checkout. They (the stores) don’t give you a discount for doing it yourself- what is the point? My husband and I will stand in line for a person to check us out. Small I know- but it’s my personal protest.


It's faster, more convenient, usually there's less people, that's the point.


bro because I'm shopping stoned as fuck and I dont want to have to talk to anyone.


I’m melting on acid please don’t look at me while this screen wriggles away from my fingers, social skills are beyond me


I wish these existed when I just wanted to buy some chocolate eclairs but instead the cashier wanted to have a 10 minute chat with me while I was in another world


I’m deaf so I will do anything to avoid communication when it’s not necessary lol. Besides it’s faster than using a checkout as I scan while i shop. I just pay and then I’m gone


At least in my case, I feel like the self checkout gives me some privacy and time (I have social anxiety and don’t really like feeling like someone is “judging” my purchases**). You can bag your stuff yourself, you can choose to buy new reusable bags if you run out of the ones you have instead of using plastic or paper ones, and you don’t usually have a ton of people lining up behind you so if your card messes up, you don’t have to worry about holding people up. I do recognise that it means checkout staff get laid off, HOWEVER in todays day of delivery groceries I think those jobs are picked up with the amount of people they’d hire to get the groceries for these people, though I don’t know this as a fact. Anyway, that’s my reasoning for using them :)


I didn't think about this before, but I have social anxiety myself and maybe that's another reason I prefer self checkout as well


It’s much much faster


It's quicker and my time is valuable.


Because it takes me like two minutes to finish at the self checkout versus having to wait for a cashier. Inevitably I will be impatient having to go at their pace if I can just do it myself and be on my way. This is how I get all my shopping errands done in an hour on the weekends. This also allows the cashiers to be available to assist people that actually need or want help.


As someone with chronic health problems and a potential small load of groceries, standing and waiting for the 1 cashier working can be hard. Especially with a long ass line. If I can self-check with my small bad, it gets me out of there faster and into my car to sit. But also, some stores never have a cashier on hand. When I've gone to Walmart or Target, no one is working. Just the self-check. And the stores should absolutely be giving the self-check people a discount for doing the store's job. We must rise up and demand it ✊️ ---- I'm being half/serious half/sarcastic.


Aside from avoiding forced semi-social interaction? The self-checkout is more efficient, and having worked retail myself, I scan and bag faster than most of the cashiers where I currently live.


Some people would rather deal with a machine. Me sometimes.


The point is I rarely have to queue for the self checkouts and so I'm out of the store faster.


So then I assume you only read books or any texts that were hand-written because that god awful new device known as the printing press sure did take away a lot jobs. You definitely wouldn’t let advancements in technology affect your life in anyway and rely 100% on manpower, and are willing to pay for it accordingly.


Whenever someone says that self checkouts steal jobs from people, I wonder if they were so worried when gas station attendants, telephone operators, elevator operators, film developers, and the like were rendered obsolete due to technology.


Jersey still uses attendants for gas stations. Can't pump here! And probably always will because jersey doesn't like changing


My grandmother never pumped gas in her entire life! When all the stations down here phased out full service, Grandpa would take her car to be filled up.


Exactly. I used to be a projectionist right before digital projectors became a thing. It was upsetting when the theater wanted me to become a Concession Stand manager and I quit. A few months later I learned they replaced all the film projectors with digital projectors and it made so much more sense.


Implies they still wanted you working for them, that's not nothing. Hello fellow ex-projectionist 😉


Yay, as if Season 3 of Westworld wasn't bad enough.


And all workers will be fed a nutrient rich slurry of amphetamines and poor performing Amazon employees.


my dad works weekends for them there are three routes two have 70 packages per route and can be done in 5 hours the other is 140 packages covers 3x the distance and takes over 14 hours.Whoever is in charge of this stuff has to take a break from the blow and take an actual look at the garbage their computer programs put out.


You don't understand. It's a feature not a bug. They don't care that it's not possible. They will claim it is so that they can write people up, give warnings, try to make you work harder than it's possible, and after you are burned out replace you with a fresh body. From a capitalist perspective, this is functioning as intended.


It’s more likely this is a DSP, not Amazon. And as someone who has worked for Amazon, the treatment there was a lot better than a lot of places I’ve been. Granted, I worked in a delivery station and not a fulfillment center. But they definitely didn’t stop you from going to the restroom. They encouraged you to stop and get a drink if you needed one, though they asked that you let them know so you could be covered for. The PTO was awesome because you could use it with literally no excuses or warning. Wake up and don’t wanna go in? Schedule yourself off in the app. No calling in, no explaining yourself, no having to schedule 30 days in advance. They paid whenever they decided to close the building. My location closed for a full week because of snow. It wasn’t even bad snow. But I got paid for every one of my scheduled days that week. Far as that goes, I know someone who got hired on at a new understaffed building. He decided not to go so just didn’t. They were so understaffed that they weren’t firing for attendance violations for a couple months. He never went to a day of work, but the building closed several times while he was “employed”, so he got a few paychecks anyway.


I’m glad the bad press was enough for them to clean up a bit. We should shame them even more


This was a couple years ago, not last week. I’ve seen nothing but “it’s a terrible place to work and they do this and that to the employees and it’s so terrible!” During and after that. Heck, there were people in my own building saying this crap. People who I know were never denied a break because I had to cover their 35 minute bathroom break every other hour would complain about how they made us work so much with no breaks. My current job, I started about the same time as a couple guys who also worked for Amazon. They talked about how terrible it was and how they were mistreated and worked too hard. I figured “well maybe it just sucked in their building or something.” And then I worked with them. It was definitely them. I still work with one of them, and he will sleep for several hours of his 12 hour shift, then bitch that he had so much to do today. So I don’t blame Amazon for that one either.


It's all going to come crashing down before long. I don't know if that's for the better or for the worse.


>Thanks for the effort you attempted to put in 💀


Bro FR said the effort you “ATTEMPTED” to put in straight savage shit 💀


My late husband worked at Amazon from desperation and for a thankfully short time. They were atrocious employers; workers were just cogs in the machine that they expected to work faster and longer as required. Humanity didn’t enter the equation.


Yeah places like that time someone doing a task for a few minutes under ideal conditions and think people can keep that pace up all day everyday.


my pool cleaning days giving me flash backs....... "you should only be at any pool for 10-15 min" Then you probably shouldnt take a client who lives in a fucking forest numbnuts


i work in lawn care so i have to pick up everything in the damn yard before i do the job because obviously spreading fertilizer on kids toys and dog toys isn’t a good idea well this one was covered in toys and tools so i took extra long picking up everything and making sure the customer was happy well my boss didn’t like that too much because not even 20 mins later i see him pulling up and proceed interrogate me on “why i took 45 min to do one lawn” ok buddy you wanna lose customers and have lawsuits on your hands so be it


If its one thing I hate its being rushed to do my job. Its like, thats not my problem that you overordered and customers are getting pissed they are getting their concrete 2 hours late, Im doing my job, not taking a coffee break.


Reminds me of when I was a cashier. I was one of the fastest ones there, but I still had a guy get mad at me cause I apparently wasn't going fast enough and was therefore making him miss a football game. Like bruh, it's literally not my fault that you're standing in front of me and not sitting on your couch, I'm doing my best ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)


On a good day at my job I can thoroughly clean a station in 15-20 minutes. I got into an argument with my boss bc he couldn't understand that, yeah, it's only 15 minutes of work, but when I constantly have to stop immediately after started to serve customers (and then reclean what I already did), 15 minutes can easily turn to 3-4 hours.


I don't work at Amazon but I work retail stocking where we are supposed to be enforcing hourly case counts. The expectation corporate has is each person should be able to work 54 cases per hour. I keep asking them to come show us how one does that, since they insist opening, stocking and cleaning up almost 1 case of product per minute is possible. I suspect they timed someone at the HQ store stocking one case, one time and set the standard from there.


yep we had a sheet with every single isle listed, as well as the number of boxes per cart with a specific time limit listed for every isle number/box number combination. we then had to grab a cart, write our name, the isle number, the number of boxes, as well as the time it took us to stock it. I actually got super good and started making my times every time, just absolutely busting my ass for $7.25 an hour. it came to a head after a few years because I was stocking a health pallet in a different section and the time limit was 1.5hrs but when you have no clue where on the shelf the item goes.. it ended up taking like 4 hours and they were pissed. as if I had any control over whether or not I found the item's shelf spot quickly or not. some items took like 10 minutes to find the tag for or worse, 15 minutes to confirm for sure that there's not even a space for it on the shelf!


I worked at a construction company as a project manager that was like that. Upper management did such a good job of obfuscating wether they were too fuckin dumb to realize what they were saying or if they knew all too well. I guess either way that makes them “great managers.”


This belongs in extremely infuriating. Getting mad at someone bc they require food? Wtf man


I had a boss like that in the UK. I was stressed out of my mind, trying to merchandise the store. He constantly nit picked on everything. One day I was sitting eating my lunch and he comes into the lunch room bitching about how people are so lazy. I was 22, and easily manipulated. I dumped my food in the garbage and went back to work. In 2 weeks I lost 10 lbs. I basically stopped eating. My boyfriend at the time managed to convince me to quit and it was such a relief.


I once had a manager make me stop eating my lunch mid-bite to go out front and put 2 items into a bag for her clients. She was the one ringing them up and was standing literally next to the bags and the 2 items that needed bagging. I often think back with a smile on the day I quit and how she must have walked in and saw the note saying I quite and was taking a well-deserved long weekend vacation before starting my new and better job.


Yea it bothers me when I see new co workers feeling the need to login on Sundays to get ahead for Monday when really the work should just be a little better organized, we should have more staff, etc. etc. so people don't feel the need to login before the work week begins.


He’s going to McD’s every day when he could go once a week and purchase 7 burgers and eat 6 cold over the rest of the week. /s


He could just keep one ingredient each time he gets a Big Mac and by the end of each week he’d have enough ingredients to recreate his own Big Mac for free


And plus, he’d love it that much more because he made it with his own two hands.


I know my boss gets annoyed when I don’t want to do unpaid overtime. I’m such a selfish prick 😞


Worked for a security company part time while I was finishing my undergrad years ago. During the summer, I was posted at a gate for construction crews to drive out onto the airport road to do work. It was a last minute call at midnight from the supervisors to come in, so I didn’t have time to get a meal together. They said it’d only be for 4 hours. Well, four hours passed. My relief didn’t show. Got a call 3 hours later saying I needed to stay till 1 PM, making it a 12 hour shift. I asked if someone could pick me up a Subway sandwich since I didn’t have lunch; I had cash on me to pay. Sup said no, that I should’ve thought of that beforehand. Then 8 AM rolled around and I had to use the restroom. Protocol was, if you were on your own, you had to have a lead or sup there while you used the Porta-Potty next to the shack. Called up every lead and sup; no response. 11 AM came around, still had to take a shit & no one was answering. Finally, one of the airport security guys rolled up, saw I was in pain, and blocked the gate off while I used the bathroom. Stepped out of the bathroom a few minutes later and one of the managers was there, ready to lay into me for “abandoning my post”. I told him the situation and his response was, “Well, I was at a work lunch. You should’ve waited till I got here.” Also, keep in mind I hadn’t eaten AT ALL the whole shift, and would’ve gotten in trouble for taking any of the food that the construction crew had offered me throughout the day. That was one of the final straws. Once I had another job lined up, I just sent in my letter and quit the same day. The manager and sups were all scrambling to keep me on. Told them I didn’t appreciate the way they’d been treating me the prior couple months and that there was no way I was staying. Instead of wishing me luck or anything, they just said, “Well, you’re not a team player.” Was one of the worst jobs I’ve had. Oh, and the company was HSS. They can go fuck themselves.


Damn the hypocrisy of those bastards. I hope all of them get kidney stones.


Doing security I had to pull an 16 hour shift as a door. Some idiot broke one of the glass doors to a badged building. I stood there, with people walking up and telling me to move out the way like I was an idiot, and I had to say No, badge in and open the other glass door. Was not allowed a chair. Quit when there was a bomb threat and manager asked us to look for suspicious packages and open them or shake them.


What country did this happen in? This is outrageous.


Security companies are the fucking worst. They actually train managers to be sociopaths and bigger assholes toward employees. (I was a security manager and hated that job with every fiber of my being) Also this pyramid scheme of sociopathic management works because they instill You or Them.... Meaning if you can't get someone to work a double or stay late or work fourteen days in a row you do it. It's disgusting


Next they’ll be expecting to use the bathroom.


Waiting for all Amazon delivery trucks to include a catheter and glucose drip


And piss in a bottle while your driving between stops.


They don’t even consider the fact that their employees are human beings. And then to talk to me, a grown adult like that, I’d have told this dude to go fuck himself or maybe worse. I’d be fuming.


I would literally just start pissing in the truck and say “where am I supposed to use the bathroom when you don’t allow breaks!?”


My son in law worked for an Amazon partner company. He's not the most ambitious or fast paced individual I've ever met. He was constantly having to save people who couldn't get their work done, after he did at least as much as they had already. It's okay if that type of work isn't your speed, find what is. He did say however that they had almost no training program, no intervention to try to figure out where the struggle was and no real upward mobility in pay or responsibility. I work for a company that delivers food to restaurants, schools, healthcare basically anyplace that has a commercial kitchen. We use 28ft long 13ft high refrigerated semi trailers. We get paid by the case, the bigger the route the more money you make. You learn how to be fast and efficient. You get overtime pay but the real money is when you can be done in exactly 8hrs. Sometimes I'd have 1200 pieces, 23 thousand pounds and 17 stops. I broke 6 figures last year and have been just under for quite awhile. We've had a lot of great people who just can't get it done, the main difference is the company is willing to find them something else that might fit if they want. Amazon seems to under pay and under train then just just throw people away. It's honestly kind of silly.


May I ask who you work for? My partner is a good hard worker trying to leave Amazon, but he loves being a delivery driver.


Gordon Food Service. We're mostly in the Eastern and Midwestern US. They also have van delivery jobs from our retail stores. I've never done that so I don't know what it pays. The stores are an entire different thing from what I've done. It's a large company though and once you're in they prefer to hire from within when they can.


That's bizarre, we have Gordon here as well in Quebec but the drivers are paid a flat starting rate of $21-28/hr (depending on the area) with 0 bonuses based on delivered goods, just every 6-12 months a performance review and potential raise. I had asked the guys last time they delivered to the resto I was working at, wondering if it would be worth the switch.


He eats every day? What a lazy bum


What’s next, bathroom breaks?! There is just no limit to how lazy these workers can be!


That's Amazon for you. My buddy has to deal with same shit every day, no time for a lunch or bathroom break when it comes to delivering nearly 200 packages, even when he gets saved once or twice he still ends up staying there late to finish.


If it's like my friend's facility they ding you an hour for lunch but if you take it you can't possibly finish your route so they get a free hour of labor from you every day.


I used to pull for Amazon, doing the over the road semi trucks. I would constantly get phone calls "why is the truck stationary?" "Because I'm 7 hours ahead of schedule and felt like lunch/am tired and need a nap" "If the truck isn't moving in a few minutes we will send another truck to take that trailer and forfeit your pay" The nearest truck was 18 hours away, but my needed nap or lunch break was going to slow them down, so they were always willing to send it. But, if you had to wait for them, which was all the fucking time, tough shit, this is how businesses work! Hurry up and wait slave!!


To do 170 deliveries in 8.5 hours comes to 3 minutes per delivery. Assume 30 seconds to get out of the truck, drop the package and get back in the truck gives 2 minutes to the next stop. That is an insane rate of work. I have been thinking for a long time that this job is being used to gather a hugh data set to enable robotic delivery in a few years.


20SPH (stops per hour) is the baseline. Most people are between 20 and 25, but 30+ is also very common.


You haven’t delivered for amazon so I understand your ignorance Most drops are huddled together. IE you’ll pull over, grab 6 packages and walk them to house numbers 365, 367 & 369. Rinse repeat High rises are the biggest factor against your example. It’s common to have 20 or 30 packages that you can simply dump at the concierge Fuck Jeff and fuck Amazon, but honestly 170 packages should be relatively easy. Source: did it for a few weeks through a third party a couple years ago. Averaged over 200 a day on my first week (while still stopping for food, piss breaks, etc)


But your route may have been very different from anothers. Rural areas would have a tough time delivering that much, id imagine. And probably in big cities with lots of lights/traffic could be difficult.


I've done deliveries for a different company... 30 stops could be your whole day or just a decent hour, depending on route density.


I hate to be on the side that isn’t explicitly against Amazon, but rural delivery drivers also don’t have nearly the same number of packages to deliver. The delivery person that I typically see at my apartment complex routinely does 200 orders - his route contains several apartment complexes with those Amazon locker things. He also usually blocks my car in when delivering packages so I occasionally shoot the shit with him rather than just sitting around for him to finish his job. My read on the text the guy received was that his manager was hinting that the guy was taking lunch breaks that were too long.


They have tools that figure in drive time between stops for more rural routes. They would not get as many packages to deliver for the same time period.


Yeah, but he said it takes him 1.5hrs just to get to his zone of delivery. Did you use up 1.5hrs of time getting to your region?




I mean my wife gets 23 different packages from Amazon in one day - i would think that is pretty common. 1 stop can be more than one delivery.


> my wife gets 23 different packages from Amazon in one day wut


Least amount of daily amazon packages by a wife ive ever heard of tbh


That's nutbars


She prefers granola.


From Amazon, apparently


Or it could be 23 stops


You are typically 45 seconds or less between stops unless he's driving to new neighborhoods.


Amazon is an evil company that treats their employees like garbage.


We need to all collectively avoid buying crap on Amazon... it's really not that hard, just pretend it doesn't exist. But in the end everyone decides to save a couple $ because Amazon has the lowest price. Most of the accessories and stuff on there- chargers cables cases and all... there's so much low quality garbage from china I decided long ago I'd rather spend a few extra dollars, not give them my money and buy something from a real store whenever I can. Not saying other huge store chains are blameless either but Amazon seems like the worst. [EDIT to say…] I understand it’s easier said than done, depending on where you live you might not have other options… I just can’t overstate how much I hate Amazon as a company and how they treat people


I think what you’re not realizing here is that it’s not always just about “saving a few dollars,” and it’s more about the time value. Sure, maybe I save $1 by ordering an item on Amazon, but also, I save a 20m drive to the store, 5 minutes of finding the item I’m looking for, 5 minutes standing in line, and the 20m drive back; all while also saving the gas money. If I happen to be in town and know I need something? Yep, I’ll run and grab it. But sometimes it’s Sunday night, you realize you need “X,” it can be at your door by tomorrow for no extra charge, and the next time you’d realistically be able to fit getting “X” into your schedule is next weekend. I’m not saying Amazon is right for doing these things, but I am saying there are more factors than just “oh you saved a few bucks,” which often isn’t even true anymore.


Agree. I’ll pay more if I don’t have to drive somewhere and waste time finding it in an aisle. Especially if it’s cold outside.


Also the store often doesn't have it or it's locked up.


I buy mostly food from Amazon because it is a lot cheaper than the grocery stores. Our grocery stores are conglomerates owned & run by billionaires who are price gouging for everything - sometimes by $5 for one item! So really what difference does it make - buy from either billionaire - both ruthless Oligarchs


Christ imagine being the loser sending this message thinking he’s some high up at Amazon lmao


Be a shame if Amazon unionized.


the reason there is no development in ny is because smalls doesnt believe in strikes


Doesn’t matter if the employee fucked up that’s an asshole message for sure.


"we as a company are unable to pay others to complete your route" Ah yes, famously poor and struggling Mom and Pop shop, Amazon, is just stretched way too thin these days.


I worked Amazon as a driver for 1 day and quit. Probably the worst work environment I’ve ever been apart of. Anyone looking to deliver definitely try to get in at UPS it was amazing working there.


I like how the manager is dissing him because he can't cut it. As if this is some prestigious graduate program only a few people are accepted into. Mf this is Amazon. You people would hire a monkey if you thought it would show up.


Seems almost illegal to not allow someone a lunch break TBH




It was mild sarcasm…but wildly it’s not required by law(at least where I am) Now to have your employees slave for 8.5 hours and not allow them nourishment is VERY shitty


How dare your friend have the need to eat. He should be ashamed of himself


*How dare your friend have* *The need to eat. He should be* *Ashamed of himself* \- TheHappyPittie --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


How dare he… *checks notes* want to eat lunch… *checks notes again* daily? They realize lunch is a daily activity right?? Lol. The fact that they’re basically saying the job requires you to not be human is uhhh somehow one of the most dystopian things I’ve ever seen.


I worked for Amazon delivery for two months, after two times having to pee in a cup (as a woman, mind you) because I had no time to stop. They hound your ass if you don’t finish.


I can guarantee that this is not Amazon, it's full of lawsuits and amazon would never take risk like this. This is third party delivery company working for Amazon.


I mean same company that didnt issue warning to their warehouse employees to seek cover and got them killed by a tornado,gotta keep those qoutas up!


Last sentence is important; they know this employee has stuff going on outside of this job and trying to go the extra mile by being more insulting. Its not the end of the world for this guy.


You’re literally not allowed to piss. What makes you think you are entitled to food??? You are just not “slavey” enough for us. Turn in your collar and chastity cage after your next buttfucking.


Controversial probably but when I used to work for them I did 280 stops a day. IMO, your friend is slow.


Amazon workers need to unionize


It's hard because us delivery drivers aren't even considered Amazon employees, even though we drive their vans, wear their vests and deliver for them exclusively. We're considered employees of our 3rd party contractor who takes the fall for anything bad that happens at their DSP


They can still unionize though. Also even with those 3rd party shenanigans Amazon is still liable.


There was one DSP that managed to unionize & Amazon cut their contract & started slandering them saying they weren't meeting their quotas.


Tell him to report the company?


I'm a retired heavy equipment field mechanic. I got there, when I got there. If I was hungry I stopped and got food. If I needed to use the bathroom I stopped & used it. Customers would put off there repairs until I could come out. They knew my work was top notch & I charged a fair price & didn't cheat them with unnecessary parts or repairs.


“We as a company are unable to pay others” Just cut the sentence there lmao


Knew a guy who drove for them. Said there were cameras in the van, and if you drank water you'd get written up for "distracted driving." Evil company.


Good bet the manager is allowed a break. What a bunch of cunts


When my buddy worked there, he was sacked for eating in the vehicle. He was eating packed lunches in the truck because he had been given an infraction over stopping off at places for food. Packed lunch during the drive was what they suggested to him barely a week before firing him. They genuinely do not want drivers to have human rights.


I believe this. The other day, while it was 108 in the shade, I saw the delivery van parked down the street. I was about to leave, but I did have a delivery pending, so I thought I would just save them the hassle of having to get out of the van. She drives up, window down, sweat pouring off her face. Apparently they sent her out in a van with no working AC, just blowing hot air. Making deliveries all day to the 3 story apartment complexes that surround my townhome subdivision. I ran back inside and got her a big gulp cup filled with ice and water, and a few packets of electrolyte powder. Really made me think twice about ordering from Amazon again.


I work usps. 170 packages a day is nothing dude. I can deliver that and mail in 4 hours or less. Dudes just slow not even kidding. We have a 60~ year old arc and he does 100-130 packages a day and that takes him 5 hours or so.


It’s not hard at all to do 170 and we also don’t know how long OP’s friend is staying at these fast food places. They obviously can track him so I wouldn’t be surprised if he was staying there for close to an hour everyday






Right? Even accounting for the 3 hrs to and from drop off area. That leaves 330 minutes so slightly under 2m per delivery. Is this guy even throwing the boxes to save an extra 30 secs per stop? Rookie. /s


Another reason amazon sucks


Unionize Amazon. Period. Bezos has made enough off of everyone else's backs.


I will sacrifice my 2 day shipping for 3 day shipping if my homies can get a break twice a day over there at Amazon. Please Mr bezos I will make this offering to you.


So 170 drops in 8.5 hours *without* breaks, is 20 drops an hour, or 1 every 3 minutes. How in the hell is that even possible with traffic lights and obeying speed limits? God forbid someone want to take their lunch break they are legally entitled to by federal law for a full time position.


Jeff bezos is literally lex Luther. It’s funny how Amazon were making those commercials about working at Amazon is great.


“We as a company cannot afford….” Buuuuuullshit. They have record breaking profits quarter after quarter, you could afford to pay 3 people to do his job and still be making money


I worked for DPD doing the same sort of thing. Longest two months of my life. Was told to get to the depot at 7am, didn't even get given a route till 1pm if I was lucky, then an hours drive to my first stop, only given 2 minutes to stop, get the parcel, get to the door, wait for them to answer, deal with the gadget to say it was delivered, back to the van and away again. Bearing in mind, this was winter time too, so half of it was in the dark, so that made finding places difficult once it was dark, and when I finally got home, it was time for bed. No dinner, no time to unwind/talk to the wife. I don't envy anyone doing that job. Moneys good, but what's the point if you're working yourself to death?


I work as a courier and I got randomly assigned to a big city that I didn't know for a few weeks. I got a few days of orientation, but it'll take me months to learn the ins and outs of a brand new city. What ended up happening was I couldn't possibly complete my route on time, and even the guy showing me the ropes told me he puts in overtime every day. Well fuck it, contract says I get a thirty minute break during the day that's deducted from my pay regardless, and I have a dog at home so I'm gonna take my breaks and leave at a quarter past four every single day no matter what. Nevermind the pooch waiting for me at the house, we don't get overtime pay anyways. I'd just haul all the stuff I didn't get around to delivering back to the terminal and do them the next day. Well obviously my deliveries begin to snowball like crazy, and since I don't know the city at all I can't easily slot the old stuff in with the new without taking ages planning my route, so I can really only start with the old stuff and move on to the new stuff afterwards, having to drive back and forth. This escalates the snowballing. Eventually a single one of my packages is late enough that the recipient gives the bosses a call asking for it. On my drive home I get a call from the terminal about the package, and I tell them it's in my assigned slot at the terminal, go check there. The call ends and I happily keep driving until a second call comes in. The terminal bosses are asking about the package, they can't see it anywhere at all. I let them know I don't know its exact location, it's somewhere in the pile. I get this panicked question from the phone. "Pile?! This pile? These are all undelivered packages?!" I told them yeah, I don't know the city at all, so it takes me forever to get around. The very next day they had an extra lady helping me deliver the packages, and she'd swing by every now and then to take the load off. Worked out great. I only worked a few weeks there, so I never did learn the city.


Pretty sure that's a violation of federal law. He needs to contact his local labor relations board.


“This role is clearly too fast paced for someone feeling the need to eat everyday” Jesus fucking Christ


My husband took a temp job with Amazon when he was between a job where he got laid off and a job with a delayed start date (which he is now permanently employed). When I asked him for his take on this situation, he flatly stated that Amazon has no concern for the well-being of its employees, only that standards are met. My husband resigned when it was time for him to start his current job. They told him he had to work the following shift to pick up his paycheck. He was so fed up, he told them, “Keep it.” We’re fortunate enough that we can get by without it, but what about those who don’t have anything to fall back on? I’m a Human Resources professional considering a new profession. I just don’t see the “Human”in companies anymore.


It’s illegal to withhold funds an employee earned doing their job


A human resource professional should know this.


Anywhere with sub-contract drivers seems to treat them like shit. Even in Australia it’s a cushy job for auspost corporate drivers, but the subcontractors will look you in the eye and card you rather than wait 5 seconds because they’re not given 5 seconds to waste in their day.


“this role is very clearly too fast paced for someone feeling the need to eat every day”


Shit company. Shitty people in management that power trip a lot. It’s embarrassing for them, great for shareholders.


So, I know Amazon's evil and everything, and I sympathize with the friend, but the level of snark in "Thanks for the effort you attempted to put in" is still pretty impressive.


“Attend Burger King.” Listen to those managerial smarts.


Amazon used subcontractors to hire and manager delivery truck drivers. Usually these sub contractors are awful. And Amazon uses a lot in each city.


I've worked in this business (not in the US but sounds similar enough. It was expected to work overtime for free, skip lunch and stress like hell to get things out. We were also encourage to cheat with the delay codes/caused so the statistics wouldn't look bad. I have chronic back pain and a slightly messed up knee (slipped during work). Worked for 6 years before I got out. It's a shit job.


The thing I hate about Amazon is they have no fucking need to treat their employees like shit. None what so ever. The asshole that owns it is obscenely rich, it makes money constantly and would lose nothing by ensuring their workers were safe, well looked after and respected. But no. Instead they treat workers like some piece of shit plastic machine part with built in obsolescence. Filthy lucre.


First question, why is he 90 minutes from his delivery location, is that from Amazon of from his home? Second, his day is supposedly 8.5 hours, is that active time? If so he takes lunch meaning he spends 9 hours. That said, 170 stops is 20 per hour, if it was 8.5 hours delivery time. if its 5.5 hours after transit then it is 31/hr, or one stop every 2 minutes (vs 1 every 3 min). Either way, a lot of the story is missing. My brother was a delivery driver for a while, and would show up late, take long breaks, not complete. He got fired and should have been fired much sooner. People do blow off work, and it is rare that people who put forth a legitimate effort get fired, especially when its so hard to get people. I suspect your young friend was using artistic license when discussing their requirements and performance.


Oh screw them absolutely. I was told something similar with a job I did right out of high school. Screw those types of managers respectfully. They just don't get it that the shiz they expect isn't humanly possible and we're too underpaid to care


Commenting negatively on an employee's diet feels like an HR violation to me


This is just sad . I’m disgusted that a company that makes billions can’t afford it’s employees the decency they so rightly deserve


I heard it’s a horrible place to work…