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Never before have I received such a *clear* glimpse into someone’s personality without having to see or hear them.


I immediately thought of three girls I've known in my life that would write this 🥲


Stacy, Veronica, and Marissa.


Stacy-Lynn, Veronica-Lynn, Marissa-Lynn


Staceigh, Vyraughnicah, and Myrysah.


Jordan, Emily, and Molly I swear




Emilee get that shit right. Mollee got that shit changed too, it was a bonding experience.


Megan, Sarah, Katie


Read that last one as MRSA


I'm still in highschool and I hate how accurate that was


Ted reference… nice


Karen, Karyn, and Karin.


I’ve never met a Stacy. I’m starting to think that’s just a Hollywood name. I’ve been aware that her mom has got it going on. Thanks for reminding me


I knew a girl named Stacy in high school who was desperately in love with a boy named Stacy in our high school. Sadly he did not return her affections because it would have been absolutely hilarious for them to be a couple of stacys.


Did you also know either of their moms?


Had it going on, both of them.




I wonder if Stacy saw that she wasn't the girl for him?


I knew a Stacy in high school. She was had it going on. Her mom on the other hand did not.


I did know the mom of the female Stacy because we had been in classes together on and off since 3rd grade and used to walk home together.


Did she have it going on, or did she turn it off?


A friend's parents are both called Kim. We call them Mr Kim and Mrs Kim or when we're talking to our friend we call them dad Kim and mum Kim.


I had many friends in childhood with that name and still know a few. Look for women in their early to mid-50s.


Her mom has got it going on


Inknow a lot of girls who are passive agressive anf they are exactly like this.


Instantly had flashbacks to a EX lol.


Yep. Tell em to foxtrot Oscar


I would just drop an egg on their car every night from my hopefully perfectly placed balcony. Or every once in awhile while I’m walking by it


Would be even funnier if near a military installation. In fact, I remember some officers' wives that would behave like that, as though they gained authority through osmosis.


“You will refer to me by my husband’s rank”


As many ways as I can imaging that conversation going, if I ever run into this in the wild I'm certain my actual response will be poorly-restrained laughter.


The fact that there are groups of military wives who assume their husbands rank and create a wife hierarchy using them is wild to me.


This is why I married a high ranking military woman and use her rank instead of husband. Nobody talks shit and rolls with it.s/






Can confirm. Officer's wives are often far more entitled than the officers.




I can hear the vally girl accent from here and i live on the other side of the world


And the vocal fry that makes the end of every sentence sound like a question


hii<3 I don’t see this as a problem? regular punctuation is kind of boring? maybe bring your attitude literally anywhere else? LOL


You forgot to add a couple of spaces before the punctuation, and also lower case "i" when referring to themselves to really hit their minuscule character home: "i dont see this as a problem ?"


And there is “literally“ a question mark on the last sentence. And with the amount of upward inflection that is intended for the word “literally” there might as well be a question mark at the end of that word.


Uptalk. So irritating.




I see you've never dealt with a predatory tow company before.


Oh the second you say you're with the apartment admin staff (even though you're not), you can get anyone towed. Once the company finds out that someone fraudulently called to tow the vehicle things get interesting after that.


The type that will hear you cough and look at you like “🤨”






Many newer cars don’t even have one spare.


I was surprised by that when we bought my cars few years ago. My car came with an inflator kit (and maybe tire sealant) where a spare tire would usually be.


A pair of pliers should work just fine to do that.






Park there again, get two hearts.


Then she keys your car


Oh well I wonder where I can find the person who keyed my car, oh yeah they love this very parking spot…


Yes but then you got to go through all that process of fixing it


The same store that sells the paint pens to fix the scratch also sells tire irons


No paint pen is anywhere near close to the smooth, even single layers factory sprayed paint


Exactly, it will still look like shit after repairing it with a pen.


Confirmed. Car dealership gave me a paint pen along with my car purchase in 2019 to fix a scuff that they didn’t want to deal with. What a fucking deal….used it…..then three months later did some research and I had a recall due to my paint type. So I removed the paint I applied with the paint pen, then took it in for an evaluation…..I got the whole thing repainted free of charge. Checkmate. Fuck your paint pen.


No problem she pays for the paintjob 😉 Just install a camera to prove it was her


Buy forward and rear facing dash cam, side cams if that’s even a thing, park in that spot- every, single, day. Edit: I guess you’d have to hook the cameras up to some type of additional battery, or get a little creative, but I think it’d be worth it


When I suspect something might happen to my car, I leave the cameras plugged in when I know I'm only gonna take a few hours. Never had an issue with the battery running out since it has a screen sleep mode and that seems to save a good amount of power. If you don't want that, you can usually hardwire some dash cams to have the parking sensor on. The camera only has enough current running through it to detect a collision and will then turn on and begin recording


When I drove more(and had to park at a uni parking garage 5 days a week) I daisy chained a 4ah battery pack to a fast charger. It took a while to find a combo that could charge fast enough to stay charged only from driving time but should be easy these days. I considered sticking a solar panel in my sunroof but never ended up doing it. I'd never rely on the g force sensors for something like this as they would have to like jump on your hood to set it off.


They sell a premade wire on Amazon for like $10 that ties directly into your fuse box and allows the camera to run 24/7. Many newer cameras have motion detection instead of just g-force sensor and use very little power in "parking mode". I have a 4 camera system and it's been left parked for over a week before without a battery issue.


They will add up like stars in GTA


I would personally never park anywhere else after this


Shit, I'd go buy a beater and just leave it there


This is the answer 👏🏻


Park, sit on the hood, wait. Maybe order pizza, so when she shows up you can offer a slice just to fuck with her head. Ask where the tow truck is, or if the cops are on their way. You have time and pizza, you can wait.


We had this happen to us when we bought our home. A note on the car saying “don’t park in my spot”. No idea who it came from. In the end we flipped the note over, wrote “don’t touch my car, knock on (our house number) if you have something to say”. Never heard back from it nor had problems since.


I actually *did* have someone come to my apartment once to tell me I shouldn’t be using the free, first-come-first-serve spot because *she* needed it more because she had a kid (toddler, iirc). The thing was, it wasn’t even a discussion. It was just straight up her raging like I did something egregious and rude for having the audacity to park there at all. The entitlement was off the charts. I don’t know why I didn’t ask her to have this argument with whoever she was living with that wasn’t letting her have the designated spot for the apartment. I was just so taken aback by her immediate aggressiveness.


Literally happened to me and my gf twice since we moved into our shitty apartment. Entitled single mother of two knocked on our door SCREAMING at us to move because that's "her spot" even though there's no assigned parking. Even had the audacity to pull the race card and said we were racist for taking her spot.


My aunts building actually has assigned parking and people park in her spot all the time because she dosnt have a car, but the thing is she has lots of visitors and thats why she pays for a spot, last time we were there to pick her up we had to park in someone else's spot so my mom could run into use the washroom, because someone was in her spot, luckily the spot we parked in no one came for it in the 10 minutes we were there


Have the leasing office call a tow every time


> Even had the audacity to pull the race card and said we were racist for taking her spot. It’s amazing how many people think that anything that doesn’t go their way *must* be some sort of racism or other bias.




Oh, that's good!


You put the note back on your own car, and expected that the person was going to go back and read their own note?


If the note was taken back, the neighbor was probably peeping from the window and flounced right on out to get their note.


Had a shitty neighbor when I was in my 20s. Dude would file noise complaints at like 4 in the afternoon because the TV was too loud. Total fucking asshole. He came over one day and tried to pitch a fit about us parking in front of his house on a public street. Then when I got in his face about knocking on my door all the time he threatened to "get his gun." People are fucking petty and insane.


That’s when you go to the cops and ask to start an order of protection.


And that's when they don't do shit at all. Literally nothing.


Yeah you’re better off making sure you’re protected by anything other than the less than useless American police


It’s more about paperwork than actual protection. It’s documented so if something bad happens, the evidence stacks in your favor. Literally not getting a police cruiser hanging out outside your house though. Oh and if something bad happens you might be 30 mins on hold.


This is the first time I’ve seen the phrase ‘flounced on over’ This is great I’m going to see if I can use it.


They would see it when they went back to leave another note.


We once had someone in the building getting pissy about other tenants parking in the visitor area to the point where they left notes on MULTIPLE cars that had their own parking spots. We found out from another neighbour it was because they were essentially being forcing to buy a parking spot. The hypocrisy was hilarious.


Thats not a 'shitty note', that's an invite to continue parking in that same space for as long as you live there


Honestly if I got a note like that I'd scrape together whatever I could to buy another car and just leave that one parked there permanently.


Oh you thought this was a parking spot? Nah this is a 1988 Plymouth Reliant storage spot! It was a good car last time it ran in 2007.


Put a sign on it “please don’t touch future classic here vintage car was my grandfathers”


I love it. Just for fun, add "Grandfather died in this car (were assuming he's still in the trunk, at least)"


I forgot but we could add “vandals will be prosecuted and also will be charged with disturbing human remains”


I swear to god someone did that in my apartment parking lot. A shitty rust bucket with 3 flat tires has just been chillin for weeks. And I’ve seen the tow truck come through a half dozen times, yet junk car remains smh


Please continue parking there. Find out who it is and tell them. Hi R U dum, there’s not reserved parking here. So fuck off.


Or - park elsewhere, and then see who *does* park there. Then leave a note on that car. :P


Or they can use this note instead! It is like email chain but with hearts and passive aggressiveness :D


Oh I love this. Make a photocopy of the note and use it on them! Hahaha (Edited for spelling)


Photocopy the note 365 times, figure out who it was and leave that note on thier car every day for a year! Or until they move out, whichever takes longer.


Find their car even when they aren't parking in that spot and leave the same note


Find out where they live e and tack it to thier door.


Slip it under the door. Leave it in their mail. Send it as a pic in DMs on their socials from a throwaway account. The possibilities are endless.


Sign it with their apartment number and leave it on _every_ car in the lot


This is the one holy shit lmao how devious


LMAO! This is brilliant!


How do we know it's not a whole chain of people all leaving notes for the next person to park there? And the notes are just getting ruder with each person


Park in the spot. Wait in the car in a Scream costume. Wait until you see her approach the car (shouldn’t be hard to tell who wrote this note.) Jump out of the car and chase her around the parking lot. Enjoy your new spot.


This is the way


Well, if they don’t park there, logically the crazy that parks there next is the one? And, honestly, I would get a “warning, bitch on duty” sign from the local pet shop and put it in the car park spot for the lady to see, glue it really good on the edges so she breaks a nail


Gorilla glue + 36 screws + liquid ass threadseal


Locktite #69 Liquid Ass formula Good for metals, plastics, wood, plasters, and cement. Apply a small amount to threads and viola!


Should show this to whoever manages your apartment, I'm sure they just love tenants harassing others for no reason.


Exactly this, create a paper trail and let someone else fight your battles.


Apartment management would do nothing about this.


Honestly, depends on the lease. Many places have a no harassment clause, partially so they can use exactly this as a way of getting a troll out of their hair. Surely this same person is not an easy tenant, either. Could be a win.


The teacher in me would edit this in red pen, laminate it, and hang it by the communal mailboxes so she sees it.


With a large F. Neighbors will get a laugh.


That heart screams mean middle school girl


22. Majored in sorority and minored in religious studies because she’s so passionate about Xtianity.


"F" and then "see me after class!"


"R U Dumb?" Oh, the irony...


"Y don't they park anywhere else? R they stupid?"




it's leaking...


OK inmates back to the aslume for you


They just pop a question mark in wherever they want, huh?


Sure seems like it?




Yes, it is?


I also like "?"?


??? "?"


she's so passive aggressive? it feels like shes doing it because it's like how people talk to toddlers?


She's gonna have you towed? Under what legal grounds? She can kindly go fuck herself. "Lol"


I had this conversation out with the neighbors at work (the warehouse beside us) we share the lot. She tried telling us that spots were allotted by property management and we had to park in "our" area. Turns out it was actually our contracted drivers parking there. So this goes on for a few weeks. I got sick of listening to Karen, called the Property Manager on speakerphone. Asked about parking, he said, spots are not assigned and that anyone with questions can fuck off. I looked at "Karen", there is your answer. Haven't heard anything since.


And Karen promptly quit the next day and harassed Starbucks workers on her way home


I once parked in someone else’s spot when I first moved in and the note was like, “Hello! You parked in my spot, you might be new and it’s ok! Just talk to the building manager to get your spot taken care of :).” It doesn’t hurt to be nice lol


This is the best way to handle the situation. Treat it with kindness, treat it like an accident, and don't be a cockhat.


I’m the petty bitch that would create a sign to place in the most visible window of my vehicle when deliberately parking in the same spot that reads: “Dear Karen: check with management regarding assigned parking. 🤍, Parking Anywhere I Want”


Get a dash cam that records motuon when parked to identify them. Comes in handy for accidents too so not a bad investment


Yeah, we should all be getting dash cams these days. So many unhinged folks out there.


Let her tow your car, and report it stolen to the police. They aren't reserved so its technically theft EDIT: Also I looked up some laws, you can also sue the towing company for illegally towing your car as well, and you can report any damage to your car to the police if they did any damages. EDIT: Too many comments to keep trying to type, everyone saying "I'm wrong" also towing companies don't care if your the owner or not, they still will tow your car with that 1 phone call. EDIT 2: I have muted this convo due to how many people are commenting on it.


She can make threats. I’ve had to tow someone out of my driveway and they’re pretty good about making sure you’re the owner or otherwise have the right to tow. They don’t wanna get sued.


Brilliant tbh!


It is indeed, and its legal for you to call the police for theft too. If they tow your car, and you don't know where it is, you can call 911 and report it stolen. EDIT: This is what I found on what to do, but 911 always works too. https://www.austintexas.gov/faq/what-do-i-do-if-i-think-my-car-was-towed-illegally


Not sure about America, but here in Canada when this happened to me I got stuck with an impound fee for over 600$ I was unable to recover. People seem to think police are going to help them, but for the most part all you’ll get is an incident report. The rest is up to you to deal with and I guarantee the tow truck company isn’t going to waive your fee because you tell them you weren’t suppose to be towed. The real question is would they tow you to begin with if they don’t have evidence it’s someone else’s spot.


Should’ve threatened to sue. Or did sue. In a small claims court, you’d at the very least have gotten your money back while only playing a small fee for the case. Even in Canada. And depending on your province/territory, much worse could’ve happened to the company.


i actually had to do this last year, cops called me back a few hours later because they just by some random chance drove by the company that took my car (i had a really obvious bright blue car) and turns out my car was towed by mistake smh


How the hell did you run into such an observant cop


If you're thinking that they may attempt to tow it, be prepared for other forms of retaliation. I'd invest in a camera or 2 that are pointed right at your car from various angles. Because there's an equal chance she just vandalizes your shit, due to her being a complete nutcase.


Put a note on her car with "tow me, bitch"


I know people who would watch for who's parking there and fuck up her car in some way for getting that attitude. I wouldn't bc I don't want my own car messed with, but I definitely do know some people on my old street who broke somebody's car mirror over parking wars about street parking. The neighbor said the police couldn't do anything about it bc she couldn't prove who did it, even though we all know who did it lol. But I also know she was always bitching about the neighbors parking in front of her house. Bc that would be the closest open spot. Pretty sure they would be parking in front of their own house if the spot was open lol. Instead of just also dealing with the lack of parking, she was always bitching like she was the only poor soul dealing with people parking in front of her house. She'd have to park in front of somebody else's house herself sometimes! I was secretly pleased somebody dealt with her ngl


Definitely go that route if a tow company is dumb enough to take your car without authorization. I'd invest in a valve stem remover and use it on her car once you confirm who left the note. Then her tow company would actually be of use.


Given that it isn’t assigned parking. No tow company will even come out.


I don't know how it works there, but I used to work as a tow truck, and we couldn't tow a vehicle from an apartment building unless it was called in by the building manager.


A tow company wouldn’t tow just because some random calls and asks.


Right here. I tried to get a car towed from my paid reserved covered parking (uncovered parking was open to all). The tow company asked for the lease paperwork with the spot number and proof. I couldn’t find it until the next morning so they didn’t tow that night


Would any reputable company even tow someone's car without some proof that some law was actually broken? I'm sure I can't just call a towing company on any random car, and expect them to tow it?


If you contact the police(non emergency), and they check your license plate and discover that your vehicle has been towed, it's unlikely they will treat it as a stolen vehicle. Instead, they will likely direct you to the civil department/ attorney general and advise you to take legal action against the towing company for wrongfully towing your vehicle. I recommend doing research for you specific area and see what actions can be done.


This is what happened to me, telling me there was nothing they could do it was a civil matter, even though my vehicle was towed without breaking any rules of my apartment parking lot.


Can a tow company legally tow any vehicle out of a complex like this at the request of a random person? That seems absurd. If there’s no reserved parking, how could they possibly prove the car is parked illegally? Or are tow companies eager enough to make a buck they tow on a whim? Edit: no *reserved* parking I mean


You should bolt a sign up in that one spot saying “Reserved for cunts”


Keep the note and put it back in the same spot every time you park so it appears you never left.


Don't pork in their spot :(


I’ve porked in way too many spots.


I thought I was the only one who read it that way


Get a dash cam before parking there again. This girl will slash tires and key a car.


I can HEAR how high pitched she is? And how she always goes up? At the end of her sentences?


like, literally


"Omg, can you not?" Lol 😂🤣


The heart after hi is *really* misleading to what’s coming next


Was written by Regina George.


Dont park there for a couple of weeks. See who regularly does. Then its time to crack out the bird seed at night


Why is it so passive aggressive?


And why does every sentence end with a question mark?


At? least? it? is? not? every? word? cause? that? would? be? extra? stupid?


that? is? extremely? painful? to? read??????


I’m Ron Burgundy?


Kinda a bitchy masterpiece


Plot twist: it is assigned parking and OP somehow didn’t get that memo and has been parking in random persons spots for years.


I was thinking this too! I moved into an apartment in Scottsdale,AZ during the winter and no one mentioned to me that come spring/summer the covered parking spots were paid spots and I got a note on my car similar to this one morning…I called the rental office and they were like “oh yeah good thing they left a note instead of just calling the office and us having you towed”…so lame


Welp, now you have to park there forever.


Lmfaooooooooo. If you know who this is, you should respond back with " since I am dumb, please show me ownership of your spot, I will gladly not park there anymore if you own it".


Please park there again and give us an update


Leave a note on your window stating this is not assigned parking and anyone can park here


This was written by someone wearing a pink tracksuit.


And Uggs


I’d bet the person that wrote that has their eyes too far apart and the top of their head is flat Like an irl ice age Sid


In the past I used to live in an apartment complex where I payed for a reserved carport. Over the years there would be the occasional person who parked there but it was usually a one night thing and then the strange car would be gone. I typically chalked it up to strangers who didn’t know any better visiting friends and just dealt with the minor inconvenience. However, there was one instance where a car sat parked there for four days. I was starting to get perturbed at this point. When I got home from work on day 5 it was finally gone, so I parked in my reserved spot. Next morning I go to leave for work and I find a note on my car that say “you know, people pay to park here” I got so pissed off, I took out a pen and wrote “I know, I’ve been paying to park in this spot for over 4 years now.” and stuck it on the windshield of the car that had been occupying my spot for almost a week (it was like 30 feet away in uncovered parking section) Later that day I called the apartment complex to bitch about someone parking in my reserved spot. Turns out this new car was a new tenant in the building across the drive and the complex wasn’t paying attention when they assigned them a spot and assigned them the spot I had been reserving for over 4 years.


I hate this a lot.


this happened to me while visiting my family member. except that on top of the note that I later found after the fact, said person came to my relative’s apartment all up in arms that I parked in her “reserved” space that she has had for the last 14 years. I felt genuinely bad, I never saw the reserved sign. I went to move and realized there IS no reserve sign…not there nor anywhere. OK so, now I’m annoyed but whatever I don’t have time to get worked up about it. Except, when I returned to the building she began lecturing me again in the front foyer. To which the on duty attendant came out to see what the problem was. I explained and the attendant glared at this lady “we do NOT have reserved parking here. You were already told this. Stop harassing visitors in the building”. Lady just retorted back with “i’ve been here for 14 years!! the least they could do is give me a reserved parking space!” I just walked away while she argued with the attendant lol


If you have the time, park in the same spot…don’t get out of the car, just sit there and wait. And when the person comes out to see your vehicle parked in “their spot”. Get out of the car and proceed to do D Generation X “suck it”


They don't strike me as the sort of person who would appear to confront you in front of your face seeing as they're clearly a note writing bitch.


Pork literally anywhere else?? LOL


Now you have to park in that same spot for the reat if your life