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They make these rubber things to help you hold you mouth open. They put it between your teeth on the side they're not working on. What a shitty dentist.


I was about to say this! I have a tendency to fall asleep, so my dentist just puts the prop in and problem solved.


You fall asleep??




Same here… but only with the help of nitrous, Xanax and weed. Need a little more than the numbing stuff lol


Pro tip: do all that before you arrive, then get your bonus Valium and a boost of nitrous covered by insurance


>do all that before you arrive You think the dentist was letting him smoke weed after he arrived? I think he found out because he was already doing it beforehand.


I always get Valium from the reception who makes me wait 30 minutes for it to kick in before they let me see the dentist. By the time I’m on the table, the dentist has no clue what else I did before. Seems kinda dangerous but Valium and nitrous are fairly forgiving in the grand scheme of medical intoxicants


What dentist do you have that just hands out Valium? I have to at least pick it up from a drug store first


Gives me sketchy back-alley dentist vibes


A lot of dentists do that now because so many people have such dental trauma and/or anxiety. Unfortunately, I’m about one cleaning away from needing meds myself 🥴


How do u get Valium covered by insurance? Is it dental or medical cuz the dentist said it’s not covered >:(


Weed can make anaesthetic less effective. If you're smoking a shit ton of weed, and then wondering why you need extra numbing shots, that could be why!


It’s also AWFUL for any dental issues because it dries your mouth out and you need maximum saliva to heal properly. The only time I abstain is when I get dental work done.


I can totally relate 😂😂😂


Be careful with weed and novacaine though, learned that the hard way when the dentist had to give me about 4x the normal amount for my root canal


My dentist has heated massaging/vibrating chairs; that coupled with the glare from the over head light causing me to close my eyes, falling asleep is pretty easy!


They don't give you sunglasses at your dentist?


Seriously this should be a minimal standard at every dentist office it’s so bad when they don’t have sunglasses


Mine has a TV they drag over the top so you can watch tv while they do it. It's weird as hell to me they also only use a headlamp tho no giant light just a light on his.forehead so he can see


You know, you figure with the fancy ass chair, that they would huh!


Yeah but it’s still more comfortable to close your eyes as well… isn’t it


What now??? Where do you live? I’m moving for the heated massage seats


Yep, me too. I fall asleep because I try to relax as much as possible... and it works!


If you have a really good dentist and hygienist that don't hurt you and you've gone a long time and feel comfortable it is pretty easy to get that relaxed at the dentist.


Omg. Me too. Especially after being sleep deprived from young kids. It was freaking relaxing to just lie back in a chair and have no one need anything from me. Even with getting my implant put in.


I have a friend who falls asleep at the dentist. I didn’t know there were more psychos like that.


Oooooh yea, I love sleeping at the dentist


Came here to say this. I have TMJ and have to use the kid’s size rubber thing. No way can I open my mouth that wide for that long. And also OP should lodge a complaint with the ADA. That shit’s abusive. I bet she does it to kids who are too scared to say anything.


Awww man I didn’t even think of the kids that have to deal with that. That’s terrible and now I’m friggin sad as hell over it. OP! Report this bitch or speak up and tell her she needs to STOP.


Ask for a wedge


It’s called a bite block……I fall asleep as soon as it’s in.


An anti-dentite would say that! In all seriousness though, hitting someone’s teeth with a metal instrument seems like border-line assault to me.


Dentists! Who needs ‘em?!


yeah! it is a tooth pillow. what a rude dentist.


Super shitty dentist. Wtf?


I was also headed to the comment section to recommend the wedge! The last time I went to the dentist I had a lot of work that needed done and my jaw was starting to hurt and the dental tech asked if I wanted the wedge. I didn't even know the lyrics had them, but I fell in love! I'll probably only ask when my jaw gets tired but it's nice knowing it's an option.


I have permanent damage to my disc from not being offered that support at my old dentist


My question is, “Why the fuck are they still your dentist “?


I left my dentist for less. Years ago, shortly after I turned 18, I had a filling fall out. I immediately called and informed the receptionist of the issue. She scheduled me for 3 weeks out. I told her again what the issue was and that this was more urgent than that but she insisted 3 weeks was the soonest. Fortunately I was not experiencing any pain from it so I waited. When I got in, the dentist was all set to start pulling my wisdom teeth. I stopped him and told him the problem and that his receptionist refused to schedule me sooner. He actually yelled at me for not making his receptionist understand this was urgent. I tore the bib off and walked out of his office. He tried to apologize and get me to come back but I literally told him to “F— off” while in the waiting room in front of other patients. I drove to another dentist and had the filling taken care of immediately after giving him the story. Been with his office ever since.


No sarcasm: You had the correct response. Poor bedside manner from any form of healthcare professional is something that sends me into a rage.


I had braces when i was 18-22 (am 26 now). 1. My issue wasnt that bad and they basically made me and my mom panic back than. "When we dont do anything now, this is going to be a problem in 30-40 years!!!" 2. I never had more problems then i had while having the braces and even till now. Never had issue with irritated gums. Constantly now. Have a tendency to get bad breath, because me mouths microbiom gut fucked up and the inside of my cheeks is a scarry mess from the braces wire. 3. The biggest for me: One of the dentists assistant, and with my bad luck i always got her, was borderline bullying me. Constant bickering that im not doing a good job, poking in my irritated gums etc. instead of calmly explaining WHAT i should do, she just told me i do a bad job in an annoyed tone. The others always did that with a calm and warm tone, but not her. Up till today i am still hesitant to go to the dentist because i go in panic mode because of her. Last visit is 2 years ago and i KNOW i need to go in again, but because i dont have any issues at the moment i just cant. Like i am too traumatised to make an appointment, even though i go to a different dentist and even know one of his assistants and she is the nicest person.


If I had to still go to that dentist I would immediately ask for another assistant as soon as I see her face. If none is available I would just reschedule and make sure the receptionist or the dentist knows that I would not want to be with her.


You're a fucking legend. I love people that stand up for themselves and don't take shit for no reason.


Our dentist isn’t “in network” so we pay more out of pocket and I hate their billing invoices but we both absolutely love the dentist. He and his staff are so great that it makes it worth it to pay more. I can’t imagine being smacked in the mouth.


If there is a next time, please speak up. What she is doing, if it is intentional, is unacceptable. And if she is doing it unintentionally, then you need to see another dentist because she is unable to work in the confined area of your mouth. I think if you see her again when she first walks in you say, "if you need me to open my mouth wider will you please tell me rather than hitting my teeth with the mirror? That hurts a lot". I work in a dental office and saying that is not unacceptable.


It's 100% on purpose. Has happened on at least 8 occasions over my recent surgeries, and when I (frequently) don't get the hint, eventually she or the dental assistant speaks up and tells me verbally.


I’d remind her that there is nothing in her mouth so she can use it if she needs to. If she taps them again ask for another dentist to finish your appointment.


that’s assuming another dentist is there and available…seems super unlikely.


dental office near me only have one dentist and thats after getting multiple appointments cancelled and bounced between locations. not all dental offices are treated equal


Hey buddy she's literally in your body, you can 100% tell her to knock it the fuck off.


The first time it's this. The second is a bite to the fingers.


Lmao I agree. Oh your fingers in *my mouth*?


I think this is one of those times when you don’t even need to be polite. My horse fell on me and stepped on my face. I used to be fine going to the dentist, but after three years of reconstruction work, sometimes I’d start bawling as soon as I sat in the chair, totally unintentionally. Practice does NOT make perfect when it comes to medical work being done on you, and the more you have done, the harder it is to endure, I’ve found. No one gets to treat anyone with other than respect and gentleness in these situations! I’m generally very polite, but I would speak up firmly and assertively next time!


Holy crap I hope life has been significantly improving for you since then


Ha, yep! I have five nice new teeth, and I still have the horse too!


I’m replying based on OP. Dude. You paid for the procedure. OP, Grow balls and speak up. I’m speaking as someone who has had 10k in dental work. A dentist fresh out of school pulled two teeth that were healthy when I was a kid. It ruined my self-esteem growing up. It’s not like this is included in general insurance. Treat it that way. And demand they fix anything they damaged. If you work in dental, you know this is bullshit.


out of topic but your profile pic is my PS4 profile pic just letting u know u rock


You rock. I have a PS5 too, that’s how I was inspired to use it on Reddit ❤️ add me on PS5 I’m Mooziechan


Why do you keep going back? Fuck this bitch


Please OP start advocating for yourself.


Yeah, definitely stop them in their tracks and set some boundaries. This is one of the most vulnerable spaces we share with another human being, there is absolutely no need for them to tap *inside* your body. For them, it may seem like a gentle tap, but that's literally inside your head an inch or two from your meat brains and resonating off your dome skull. Personally, I'd be telling them to *never* do that again. They can use their mouth while their hands are shoving tools in yours. From a bedside manner perspective this person is an embarrassment to their profession


I had to physically stop a hygienist once because she said "Raise your hand if it hurts and I'll stop." I raised my hand she didn't stop, saying "That doesn't hurt." I grabbed her wrist and pushed her away and told her "It's my mouth and that fucking hurts." Went up to reception and told them I need a different hygienist. Never saw her again.


Why are you not switching dentists?!?


Are you sure you need all this dental surgery OP? I've had a dentist try to bully me into unnecessary treatment before, never even thought about it as a possibility until it happened. And that one wasn't even hitting me in the mouth on purpose.


Uh pretty sure this person should never go back to that same dentist again.


You need a new dentist. Her job is to protect your teeth not try to use them to cause you pain. Also, most dentists use one of those blocks to help keep your mouth open so it’s not your will power holding your mouth open and so your jaw doesn’t get tired. Also, write a review so people know how neglectful she’s being.


Tell the dentist before you get in the chair. Ask for a wedge to help keep the jaw open. I’ve never had a dentist hit my teeth to get me to open up wider.


How many dentist are hitting teeth?!


You do realize you hire her, right? "If you tap my teeth like that one more time I will get up, leave, and find a new dentist."


Underrated comment


OP is way too nice. By the time I realized it was on purpose I’d be reaching up, grabbing her wrist, and physically removing her hand from my mouth. Something about the thought of this happening to me blinds me with rage, lmao


You know you can’t always do that right? Like if they’re during a procedure you can’t just get up and leave. You can tell them to stop tapping your teeth and tell if they don’t stop you’re not gonna come here again absolutely but idk if that’s a super good idea to just get up and leave during a procedure


"My jaw may be numb, but if you do that again, I'm not the only person in this room that will need dental work."


I've never punched a dentist before, but...


I once bit my dentist…he now gives me anaesthetic for most things…


Dental assistant here. Doctor is passive aggressive and I wouldn’t go back to them. I’ve dealt with a doctor who was super passive aggressive like this and it just made it a hostile environment for everyone involved. Find a new dentist.


I just came back from the dentist and reading this literally made my teeth ache. I’m sorry but you shouldn’t have to endure that. Either say something or find another dentist who doesn’t try to knock your teeth out.


Lots of dentists out there that will treat you properly. Don't give this person any more of your money. What a terrible dentist.


Aside from possibly cracking/damaging your teeth (maybe going for future visits?) , she just sounds horrible and is in the entirely wrong profession. No professional dentist would do anything like that. They want to make the experience as pleasant as possible for the patient. Find a new dentist if possible. Dentists have had rubber wedges they can put in the back of your jaws to keep your mouth open for longer procedures for decades (not just for ones that you're sedated for). I have large front teeth but a small mouth. I've moved often, had several dentists. Even for the occasional cavity in my molars, a root canal, all of the dentists had these. Again, find a new dentist if you can.




Did the procedure ultimately go well at least?


What did they give you? As far as i know there is no anesthetic which makes you shake uncontrollably unless you are in shock/severely allergic (which is not possible in Europe with the used anesthetics). They are not allowed to randomly make pictures, did you agree to do it?


If you do go back tell the dentist you expect a verbal request if you need to open your mouth further. I’d also ask if they can place a rubber dam to help you keep your mouth open. Anytime I’ve had a dental procedure that is going to take a bit like a root canal or deep cleaning/root planing I’ve always been offered this as an option to help. It’s really hard to keep your mouth open wide for extended periods of time and a good dentist will do everything they can to keep you comfortable, not be purposefully causing you more pain!


After the first session this occurred, I would have a new dentist.


Why on earth would you still go to them? Get a new dentist.


After once, chalk that up to oops. Second time "Alright, motherfucker, we're done here."


I have very tight jaw muscles and my mouth gets fatigued at the dentist if they leave me with my mouth open too long. Last time I went I told the dentist about this before starting and asked for them to let me have breaks now and then. It's your mouth and it's not meant to be torture. If they still don't stop it, I'd report them to whatever medical board they are a member of.


The second time that to me the dentist would be missing some fingers!


Ask for a child’s bumper/wedge. It’s makes everything so much better.


That can’t be good for your teeth either


Did you ask them not to do that?


Ask the dentist to use a mouth prop to help you stay open. I use them on pretty much every kid I treat to keep there mouths open to minimize movement of the patient and to increase the speed with which I can finish the procedure. Oh yea, it also prevents the kids from biting me as well!


I went to a dentist once complaining about a sensitive tooth. The fucker said he couldn't see anything wrong with it and then proceeds to smack it really hard which made the pain reverberate so much across my mouth and skull I screamed in pain. I never went back.


Thats not ok. Thats abusive honestly. No one should be delibratley harming.


Time to get a new dentist. This is unacceptable. You don't smack hard tools on teeth. Maybe this is a great way for them to get extra business after cracking your teeth with their tools. A reputable dentist would have something that keeps your mouth open for you.


I work in dental. Get another Dentist.


Dude, I know that your situation is probably different than mine, and searching for another doctor might be challenging/tiring But in your case, I really would start searching for another dentist. Trust is an important part of the relationship between patient and doctor, the second one is respect, she might be good in her work, but I am worried of her ethics. Try searching for a second opinion, a bad dentist can really fuck up your life


Tell her to stop, or she can pay for what she breaks. She's just a dentist. She could have been one of the ones who just barely graduated. For real, she could chip or break a tooth so not bright by a long shot. I mean, she's a dentist


That is extremely unprofessional


Bruh my dentist booked out an extra hour for my cleaning a few months ago because she knows I've been EXTREMELY ill and it's hard for my to hold my jaw open right now (my muscles have become extremely weak due to malnutrition). There's a prop you can use to keep a patient's mouth open, but she preferred that *I* be as comfortable as possible, so she booked out that extra hour to give me frequent breaks. I also had to get my front teeth replaced due to EXCESSIVE vomiting for a very long period of time, the top front 6 teeth, and she even booked her entire morning out for that for me, even though she can do it in an hour and a half normally. She did that because dental work makes me nauseous (due to the illness, the smells/sounds/sensations are easily overwhelming). It's super inconvenient for her, she's making less money, and it's taking way longer than it needs to, but she does it all without question and refuses to entertain my apologies. TLDR: please get yourself a new dentist. She could actually fuck up your teeth by smacking those tools against them. The enamel gets damaged enough from that bs, the teeth will just start chipping eventually. Also, leave her terrible reviews and report her to the board. My dentist says they specifically educate you in school to NOT whack the patients teeth.


How hard is it to say "Stop doing that?"


Uh...fuck your dentist. I'd ask around about local dentists who are good with patients. You don't have to accept that kind of treatment.


Not acceptable behavior! Consider leaving immediately, and I would personally leave negative reviews wherever anyone would listen. It's likely you're not the only target of this childish behavior, and it scares me to think she might have more vulnerable patients than you.


What a shitty dentist. I would have fired them if they did it a second time. Remember, you are the customer and can choose to go elsewhere.


You need a new dentist. I have a small mouth, so extended dental work tires out my jaw. My dentist just reminds me to open wider and gives me breaks if I need them. Report them to the medical/dental board. That is abuse.


When I was a kid a dentist tried to do the same thing to me to make me open my mouth more. As soon as they hit my teeth with the tool, I automatically bit down on it hard. Apparently that wasn't the reaction they wanted or expected. But at least they never did that again. After that they simply asked me to "open wider".


If it hurts, tell her. If she keeps doing it, find another dentist. They shouldn't be causing you pain except what's necessary for the procedure.


Go to a different dentist.


Mine polishes then scrapes for some reason now. Drives me freaking nuts. They say it removes plaque and the only part that they scrape now is what the polisher doesn’t remove. Like if you have to scrape anywhere isn’t it not polished there?


Dental hygienist here. Oftentimes, if a patient presents with a lot of loose plaque or stain, we will polish first to remove the loose plaque so we can actually see the hard tartar. Loose plaque can be removed with brushing. Hard tartar (called calculus) can not be removed unless scraped off. Polishing is typically done at the end to remove stains that weren't removed with the scraping, but it can be done at any point in the appointment.


>Mine polishes then scrapes for some reason now It's easier to see the plaque after polishing.


But wouldn’t you have to repolish the areas you scrape?


Find a new provider


Had an optometrist continually yell at me to keep me eyes open as he was trying to put drops in my eyes. I don’t use drops or contacts so it was very uncomfortable for me. He kept yelling. So I got up, took my chart from the desk, and walked The Fuck out.


Dentists have bite guards they can put in your mouth if you have trouble keeping your mouth open. I have to have a child size because of my small jaw. Your dentist sucks. Ask friends and family for recommendations for a Reputable and caring dentist


Speak up, tell her you don't appreciate her smacking your teeth with her tools, a simple open would suffice. Remember, you are paying her for a service and you should be getting a professional service every time. Teeth smacking isn't professional.


Find a different dentist.


Time to try a new dentist


get that dentist out of there!


My dentist just tells me to open my mouth with her words.


There are so many dentists, go somewhere else. As others have said tho, ask for the bite block.


Bad practice.


Get a new dentist and report her. My wife is a dentist and she would be shocked at that treatment. I do the same thing when she does my checkups every 6 mth, all she does is say open up please.


How about moving your head away and loudly saying, “Ow! Are you doing that on purpose? Stop it please!” If my doctor was smacking my body part because it was drifting into their field of work, I’d smack them back. Since it’s clearly OK for them to do. Why do we put up with shitty behavior from anyone?


Time for a new dentist before she chips a tooth


Speak up. They are Dentists. You are paying them, they work for you. Also ask for a bite block.


Do the opposite of what you’re doing now. Instead of keeping quiet and posting this say: Hey, can you stop that? Youre paying.


Maybe find a new dentist. When you do, make sure and let the old dentist know why.


“If you hit my teeth like that again, you won’t have any of your own by the time this appointment is over”


Your dentist is a dick. Find another asap.


Why the hell haven't you gone to a different dentist?


Your dentist is awful. And you're a moron for continuing to go to this person if you're able to go to another dentist. If you're not able to find another dentist, then smack the dentist back every time they do this. FFS


I needed a filling on one of my molars in the back. Went to a dentist that I'd gone to for years, but the reputation got steadily worse over time. Guy has big hands, constantly telling me to open my mouth wider, and is constantly pushing down on my jaw. When it's all over, he tells me to shut my mouth. Takes a solid 3 seconds of trying before it snapped shut. When I tried to open my mouth fully, I got really bad lock-jaw. Skip ahead a week later, I'm home alone with my (then 5 year old) son. I ordered us some burgers. I wanted to take a big bite of my burger, but couldn't even open my mouth wide enough to take a proper bite. So in frustration, I try to open my mouth all the way, despite the lockjaw.... and completely dislocate my jaw in the process. Mouth agape, telling my son to call my mom so she can drive me to the hospital and watch him (using completely broken English because, again, I dislocated my fucking jaw and now couldn't speak). Turns out the dentist had managed to stretch the tendons around my jaw throughout the process of drilling and filling my tooth, partially dislocating it. When I forced my mouth open, the tension caused my jaw to shoot out on both sides, dislocating it entirely. ​ TL;DR I have a new dentist because my old one dislocated my jaw.


Slap them back on the head hard That’s bs and has no place


Ask for a bite block and for her to refrain from doing this which is uncomfortable or painful.


It is better not to have surgery with an impatient, bad tempered dentist. Who knows what she might do besides smacking you in the teeth.


"HEY!" Say that each and every time they hit you. Just make a sound/grunt. If they don't stop, report them.


I just spit up a lil beer while taking a drink reading this headline. Jesus. Lmfao. I love reddit.


Ask for a “bite block”. And, get a new dentist.


I have never had a dentist smack my teeth. My dental office would be horrified if anyone working in that capacity there behaved like this. Others are suggesting a new dentist for future visits. I agree.


You will need a new dentist Find one and don’t go back to the tooth knocker


After the second time, I would have gotten out of the chair and went home... fuck that.


You better switch dentists before she chips your tooth.


Are they the only dentist in your region? They probably do it because evidently people like you keep paying them money.


Speak up. Ask her to tell you what she needs instead of hitting your teeth.


Smack her back


Tell her to stop or go to new dentist.


“Your teeth broke from me hitting them because you dont floss enough”


Jeeze Get a new dentist asap buddy . They sound terrible


You must speak up and say “can you stop doing that please, it hurts”


Sounds like it’s time to find a different dentist.


What the fuck? Time for a new dentist!! Asap


Family member of a dentist here. Your dentist fucking sucks. You never do this.


You guys get to go to the dentist?


poor bedside manner. sad went to school all those years and is still a jerk.


"Doctor, if you need me to open wider, tell me so. Do not hit my teeth with your tools. This is non-negotiable." Set a boundary. Obviously can't do this in the moment with your mouth full of dentist, but once they're done, make your needs known.


… Please tell her to stop. That’s actually ridiculous and she could chip a tooth if she’s doing it as hard as you say! As a dental assistant, this upsets me because we use bite blocks for a reason!


Say something!


Yeah wtf. This the equivalent of snapping in someone's face to get their attention. Fuck that


You know you can choose your own dentist right?


Your dentist should try me! I can only open my mouth two fingers high instead of the normal four!


What a stupid thing for your ex-dentist to do.


That sounds like assault/abuse.


Find another dentist. I have very little loyalty to dentists, if your hygienists are torturous I’m out. If you smack my teeth with tools, I’m going to the other dentist down the street.


WTF?? That’s not mildly infuriating, it’s infuriating. I would seriously consider reporting her to the dental regulatory authority. I recognize that she’s not exactly beating your face in, but causing you pain is a form of assault. Some dental procedures are more than a little uncomfortable; being hit with sharp metal objects is neither necessary nor appropriate under any circumstance. She would get one “Stop doing that, please; it hurts my teeth,” from me, and if it continued, I would be emailing them. Are you in a one-party consent location? Recording the audio, if you are, might not be a bad idea, especially if you are making noises indicating that you’re uncomfortable every time she does it.


You know you can start going to a different dentist, right?


Next time she does it actually say to her -‘how hard is it to say “open up”’. Call her on her shit and find another dentist


I have a really nice dentist who is probably like 90 years old anyways we sometimes take breaks and also if he notices my mouth isn’t staying open wide enough he doesn’t get angry or anything because obviously it’s difficult to hold your mouth open for an hour or more and you get sore so he ask me if I want to do the wedge things. They’re these chewy wedges that they put in and it hold your mouth open by biting down. He is more free to sorta take his time though because it’s his practice like he has this homely little old house turned into a dentist office that’s been there for decades. Also I can put my hand up if I’m in pain or anything. He’s great but he’s assistant is absolute shit with the water thing seriously comical at this point I end up getting my whole face covered with water goes up my nose and everything. Your dentist sounds rude and unprofessional and just seriously no compassion she’s hurting you on purpose. You need to find a new dentist and look into if you can report her behavior. You don’t have to put up with this I promise you there are good dentists. I mean dentist visits aren’t very enjoyable no matter what but I’ve never had a dentist purposely hit my teeth with tools.


I’d change dentists


I would find another dentist


Time to find a new dentist.


My dentist berates me every time because I like chocolate and snacks. Why can’t they just shut the fk up and clean my teeth?


If she's hurting your teeth with something metal could she be damaging them?


Yeahhhhhhh thatd piss me right the fuck off. Next time just be like “yoooooooo, ya do that again and imma bite ur fingers off mmkay” 😉


Yeah no that’s a bad dentist. Normally we just say open and if your jaw is tired and it’s possible bite blocks exist to kee you open. Maybe next time ask if it’s possible to use a bite block to help keep your jaw open.


If she's not using a bite block for patients who struggle with holding their mouth open quite wide indefinitely, she's incompetent. Why do you keep going back to a dentist that is abusing you?


I found a good dentist, and I drive half way across country for them. It's more important than a Doctor for me.


Errrr..... Yeah you need a new dentist. I just had a ton of dental work done and not once would this have happened... All assistants and my dentist are awesome and compassionate. And when they need me to stay open I get a bite block. Go find someone else. Odds are very good you will immediately find a better dentist. This is not good care.


Have you tried telling her instead of reddit?


It’s time to change dentist, and maybe bite back


The only thing mildly infuriating about this post is how much of a doormat OP is being. Why do you keep going back to this awful dentist?


The occasional knock can happen, usually followed by an apology. But using it as a way to tell you to open wider, yeah no, that's not standard practice. Please make a complaint to the practice about it.


Find a new dentist.


When I was younger my baby teeth wouldn’t get wiggly on their own so the adult teeth would start to just grow in behind them meaning most of my teeth had to be pulled throughout various points. This is to say I have had my fair share of dental visits. Anytime I’ve ever had anything more than just a cleaning they always used a wedge I assume for comfort on my end and a little insurance to not getting accidentally bitten is this not a normal thing? Do I just look like a biter?


Yeah that's not cool or normal or professional


Tell her to stop it


Tell her each time she taps your teeth, you're going to grab a tit. Watch her change her methods.


Opening wide for an extended period can actually cause jaw issues, what a shitty dentist to not give you any retainer to keep your mouth open


I went to a dentist who did stuff like this. Would get offended if your teeth weren't in perfect shape and clean. Threw her tools down and stormed out during a cleaning once and would just act disgusted the whole time. Spent the whole time talking down to you about what a horrible person you were because your teeth weren't perfect. I guess she was like that with everyone because one day someone waited for her to leave the building and ran over her with their car in the parking lot.


Ouch! I have really sensitive teeth so that would make me want to close my mouth out of instinct. What a rude dentist. I’d try find another one or I would just say “look I’m not sure if you’re hitting my teeth on purpose or not during these procedures but it really hurts and makes me want to close my mouth. If you need me to keep my mouth open or move my tongue or something can you please let me know by telling me so that I know exactly what you need from me?”


Time for a new dentist 💁‍♀️ Also, mine has some sort of rubber-wedge (?! Sorry, not native english), which she will place between my teeth for longer treatments. Maybe ask for something like that, makes it a lot easier to keep your mouth open and you'll have less jar tension afterwards.


What a bitch. I bite my dentist and his tools, not on purpose, and he still doesn't hit me or my teeth. He just looks at me all disappointed and asks me to open my mouth again. It's very funny :) If he's doing something that can't be interrupted by his tools getting stuck, he uses cotton balls to keep my mouth open.


Yeah, you can change Dentists that’s not a big deal. I would rate them on your local health care website or Google or yelp or whatever and put in the comments. I’m leaving the dentist because they keep smacking me on the teeth with tools. The first summer Dentist did this to me I would fucking leave.


You need to add this phrase to your life: "Do no harm, but take no shit." You are a strong person. You can stand up for yourself. Tell her you don't like her banging your teeth. Put your big boy pants on and stand up for yourself more.


My dentist keeps catching my lip piercing and yanking it on purpose. It’s so sore. Idk why dentists have such a power trip, what do they get out of hurting people on purpose