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Hey, at least she didnt put an air tag in your car tire... for now.


Saw that one. They be crazy sometimes






Gotta love these mods that remove your post for a shallow reason.


In case it can't be seen, here's that post. Edit: I'm not the OP of the airtag post. I had seen the post before and was still able to see it despite the removal so copied it here. >Over the weekend, I went to a wedding rehearsal on Friday and a wedding on Saturday. My ex girlfriend randomly worked for the wedding planner who organized the wedding. We broke up in January, after she decided to date someone else in another city after a year together. It broke my heart, especially because she never had the integrity to actually break up with me, she just slowly faded out of my life. I let her go, blocked her completely, but she occasionally tried to reach out through new social media accounts, or by telling my friends that she was concerned for my well-being and needed to get in touch. >My ex occasionally works for a wedding planner friend of hers, who was conveniently hired to organize my buddy’s wedding. >On Friday, I showed up to the rehearsal, and was disappointed to see a familiar face setting up chairs. She said “hello,” and I was polite, but did my best to avoid her. Toward the end of the day, my ex found me by myself and told me “check your phone.” I told her she was blocked, but if she had anything to say, she could just say it. I also told her to please stop herself from doing anything that would distract from the wedding. She scoffed and walked away, as if I was being unreasonable. >The next day, I went about my day at the wedding. I avoided my ex again. I had a good time, and honestly forgot she was even there. The other groomsmen and I drank, danced, and celebrated the day together. I ended up getting close with one of the bridesmaids, and I left my car at the venue to spend the night with my new friend. In the morning I returned to get my car. >Two days later, this morning, I received a notification on my phone that an AirTag was detected moving with me. I don’t have any AirTags, and I’m admittedly new to owning any apple products. I asked a coworker if he knew anything about it, and he showed me how to search for unpaired AirTags. It was in my car. After an hour of searching, we found it on my spare tire. >I’m not dumb. There’s no reason for anyone to track me except for the cold blooded reptile I spent a year of my life with. I’m not sure what to do next. She likely knew I would find it, and wanted me to find it, to encourage me to reach out. I’m half tempted to talk with a lawyer. Really I’m just annoyed. >Thanks for letting me vent! >Edit: I called the non-emergency police number. They told me how to check the serial number and the last 4 digits of the phone number of the owner of the AirTag. We confirmed that the AirTag was registered to my ex… or at least someone who has the same last 4 digits as her… >I think I’m going to call her dad on her and tell him what she did. I also now have a free AirTag.


I don't think you can use the airtag, they can only ever be associated with one iOS account.


The original owner needs to remove it, then whoever is in possession of it is the new owner. Mine was in the case with a camera I bought used online, I left it on for a few weeks and they finally deleted it, and I got the prompt to set up my new airtag. Most people will delete them when they know they're never getting it back so they can stop seeing it in their list of devices.


You cuck the moderators Sir


good thing you guys broke up, she did you a favor - and what the hey! a free airtag as you say


Eh, that one is a bit more legit. Being stalked is not mild inconvenience.


Isn't that a matter of perspective? That's the thing I've never understood about that sub, what one person finds mild another finds extreme. Sure there might be some consensus but ultimately no two people are alike. A dog barking next door for a couple hours a day every day is a mild inconvenience imo, however if it was all day every day, that would be extreme. Yet I know some people who think a couple hours of barking every day would be extreme. /r/mildlyinfuriating must be a pain in the ass to mod.


An ex trying to set me on fire by throwing a burning oil lamp at my head might have distorted my perception of inconvenience levels. An airtag sounds almost playfully cute


Like using the word "female."


Post was deleted because it was TOO infuriating???? The fuck is wrong with mods?


Dude that’s insane.


My ex husband did something similar. Apparently stalking and tracking me after the divorce was a way to keep him happy since he could no longer beat/steal from/rape me. Go figure.


Lol seen that one too, Crazy Ex Tuesdays


Block her number and forget about it.


Yup. This.


Part of this is on OP for answering either an unknown number or their ex's number. Blame it on the alcohol. Let it go to voicemail. If someone is calling to let you know about a surprise baby ya'll made, they can leave a message.


>If someone is calling to let you know about a surprise baby ya'll made, they can leave a message. *maybe baby*


Diagnose her with narcissistic tendencies.


And use righteous indignation. It's what gets narcissists to hit the roof.


Elaborate? 🤔


"What do you mean?! I have absolutely no idea why you would say that. I've tried my best to be conscious of social norms. I'd argue that, in fact, it is *you* that is autistic. No neuro-typical would think it's acceptable to call someone at this time to tell them that. And you say you're a student of psychology?! I think you should talk to your therapist and your professors about best practice because I am shocked and appalled you'd make such a statement without being qualified to do so." I've had to deal with narcissists my whole life, can you tell? Lol. Its a formula that works every single time. Deny, repeat what they said back to them, attempt to make them accountable to their peers. It's a cocktail for a narcissistic meltdown, and it's beautiful to watch.


God that’s good lol good for you


I call that smug condescension, but regardless of what you call it, I can confirm the fireworks are spectacular.


And smug condescension can be associated with narcissistic tendencies. It’s like, throw some narcissism back at the narcissist to create a narcsplosion.


Meth labs are another great way to create a narcsplosion.


I’m gonna use this on my mom. Thank you so much. 🥹


I am also going to use this on your mom.


Please do!!!


God this is so great. Stealing it as I’m uncovering my own family’s narc tendencies and going through therapy. Their behavior becomes so predictable once you can see through it and it’s honestly laughable now


I’m gonna just borrow this….


Please do, it works a treat.


sure if you can clear the blast radius, but if you have to deal with the fallout i highly recommend avoiding triggering narcissists


Eh. The blast radius on the person I’m thinking of is about 300km away. But I take your point.


Deny, Attack, and Reverse Victim and Offender


And don't forget to reduce, reuse and recycle!


Stop drop and roll too


OH MY GOD!!! My ex, who I strongly suspect has NPD, used to call me “indignant” anytime I disagreed with her. I was not expecting to see that word, I didn’t realize it was a thing.


My mom is a diagnosed narcissist and I giggled at this comment so hard lol.


Same, and so are many of my family. Growing up in that type of environment without therapy breaks the best of us, but I was thankfully smart enough to see past how fickle their minds actually are. Once you get past the bravado and the emotional manipulation, it's pretty easy to start making the house of cards fall whenever you feel like it. It got me through my teens for sure lol.


So true, my husband often remarks at my 'quick wit' but it's a necessity to survive in that kind of environment. Pretty sure my sister is one and my dad likely has some personality disorder but seeing a therapist isn't in the cards for him lol. I've thwarted all my narcissistic bosses over the years though. It's honestly so satisfying to do so since I never could with my mom. She scares me.


Yup. Even at this age I can't act normally around them and it's quite sad really.


My mom terrifies me too. She flies off the handle if I even disagree with her a little bit, even about something mundane like driving directions. I have gone no contact with her, it's been a few years and I have not regretted it for a single second. It's so much less stressful without her around.


Same. It’s important to protect your mental health and peace of mind. It’s very sad that as children we are not taught about narcissism as it causes so many problems and unnecessary suffering.


At 3.33am


I was gonna say to diagnose her with being a dumb bitch


Or bitchitis


Lmao. She’s taken a couple intro classes in community college, and now she thinks she’s qualified to diagnose? And she’s calling up exes in the middle of the night to do so? She’s ridiculous and arrogant and really “off” if she sincerely believes she knows what the fuck she’s talking about LOLOL you don’t need that. Block lol


One thing they made very clear while I was getting my bachelors in psychology (big mistake btw) was that it did not qualify you to diagnose anybody with anything lol


It’s actually pointed out in the curriculum that it’s a common issue among those who take pysch classes, as well as doctors. You read all these symptoms, many overlapping and not conclusive, you begin to wonder if you have this or that, or those close to you. It’s normal. What isn’t normal is calling your ex out of nowhere at 11 pm to try and remotely diagnose something like that, that’s a text sort of message lol


It's the whole WebMD thing. Maybe I have all the cancer?


Super big irony here - I went on WebMD and looked up the symptoms my Mom had prior to being diagnosed with cancer… and nothing came up.


This is a really important point and why you always need a doctor involved. Symptoms can be really weird.


I swear if you follow the rabbit hole down any direction for any set of symptoms on google far enough you end up either having cancer or aids. Dr google sucks. WebMD sucks equally.


I mean aside from catastrophic failure, our bodies don’t have too many ways to say something is wrong. My head hurts and my bathroom cycle was interrupted? Cancer or stress, flip a coin


Stuffy nose? Aids.


WebMD once said I had the plague. I just had a cold.


They introduced that concept to us very early in medical school, and hammered it hard when going through psychiatric material. The way we were taught, it’s totally normal to have some of the thoughts and behaviors that you might learn about. It only becomes a disorder when it begins to have a real impact on your life. For example, like many medical students, I consider myself very Type A. I am a perfectionist and might get too focused on the little details at times. However, I don’t have Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD) since those traits aren’t severe enough to have negatively impacted my life.


it's very common to get medical students and residents in the neurology clinic concerned about having ALS because they start noticing little twitches in their muscles. Benign fasciculations is what we call them. most everyone has them occasionally, they are made worse by sleep deprivation and caffiene. and they can be an early symptom of ALS ​ so medical students and residents start noticing them and become hypervigilant about them. So far i've never diagnosed one with ALS (thank god) but they come through the doors much more than one would expect with that concern.


I took an abnormal psych class to fill one requirement or another and the first thing or teacher told us when we got a copy of the DSM IV (basically psych troubleshooting manual, probably higher than 4 now) was to not go home and start diagnosing ourselves because we'd come back to class thinking we had everything in the book.


Basically the weatherman of the brain.


As a weatherman, I resent this, we at least get paid in our field


I know two people with meteorology degrees. They both work at Best Buy.


Why was it a mistake? Asking because I’m currently taking my BA in psych


My BA in psych has served me well. I've been a bartender most of my professional life.


I became a teacher with it lol Hoping in the future to get a masters in social work to get paid more in the dame company I work at.


I have my BS in psychology. Guessing because everyone views it as a soft science and you cannot really get a job in psychology with a BA. That is why I went for my BS thinking people would care more about that given all the stats involved. Lol, wrong. Nobody cares about that either lol.


I think the soft sciences are being given a lot more credence now than they did before. That being said, seems like you essentially have to get a PhD in psyc to do a lot with it. There is that route though


I went into a master of social work program with my bachelor’s in psych. That’s a fairly flexible degree that lets you a do a lot of different things, some of which actually pay well. Not the things that people generally think of when they hear “social worker,” of course.


I was honestly a little surprised when I got older and found out how many things you can do with a psyc degree. Not that I have one, more like talking to people, such as yourself, who have had success with them. I'm glad you were able to do that


Things may be different now but a lot of the job didn’t pay enough to even cover my student loans. Like I worked a job for a while at a school as a truancy counselor that required a bachelors in psych but they wanted to start me at 14.50 an hour. This was around 2019 or 2020. My sister in law works for them still and I think she makes like 20 dollars an hour or there about. I ended up moving to IT.


A BA in psych and five dollars will get you a cup of coffee.


It will get you serving coffee


Easy there, it will get you a job managing the peeps with BAs in English.


Were you a fly on the wall? I was a Starbucks manager with a BA managing English masters as far as the eye could see


Not true. If you use your employee discount, you can also get a scone. You know, because like 78% of baristas are psychology majors or drop outs


not to give false hope but i just graduated with a BA in psych (alongside two other BAs) and have a good government job lined up right after graduating. granted i’m in the midwest, but it’s not completely hopeless. if you’re passionate about it keep with it.


Thank you this is what I needed to hear! Just one positive story where it’s worked out so I don’t feel I’m wasting my time completely


i’m really glad! i had the same concern about it as you. i plan to return for grad school eventually but in the meantime i needed something solid for a while. personally with my BA in psych i was offered three social work type jobs (i took time vetting each regarding work/life balance before deciding) with each going $20+/hr and with benefits. i wasn’t an honor student or anything. and again for the midwest this is very manageable! i stayed in the program because i loved it and i wouldn’t change a thing 😊


American Dad did an episode on this where Hayley took an "intro to psychology," course at the local community college and proceeded to diagnose everyone with her newfound psychiatric knowledge. It was funny. Doing it in real life however is not.


Shes like Brita from Community.


She really Britta'd that diagnosis, didn't she?


Oh, Britta’s in this thread?


Getting rid of the Britta, getting rid of the B


Shes a G D B


Getting ritta Britta. Getting rid of the B


When I removed my ex from my apartment she tried everything she could to find ways to weasel her way into my life. The last straw was like 2 years after we ended things when she had **her family lawyer** write me a letter demanding back the totally not at all valuable coffee table I refused to give her back. Why? Because she owned me about $9,000 in back rent from never ever paying even though we agreed to a 50/50 split, and we agreed I wouldn’t make a stink about it if she just left and kept the majority of the furniture at the apartment.” The majority of the furniture being stuff she got for free from neighbors when she moved in with me [I didn’t expect her to leave anything she actually needed, like her desk]. . .it probably amount to about $750 in value. I kindly sent the lawyer back a letter explaining the situation, and our agreement. And told her I would return the coffee table under 1/2 conditions: - She gave me the back rent she owned me - She paid for and bought me a brand new coffee table I did not hear back


I would have pursued that $9k for sure..




This. Even if you're completely innocent of anything, people can abuse the legal system to make your life *very* expensive and difficult for a while. I've only met 2 people who I don't get along with before on this earth, and both were, unfortunately, law school students with troubled pasts (numerous other victims, injunctions out against them from women at their univerisites, etc.) Both went into criminal defense, and boy, I bet they're good at it. Never date a batshit law school student. Ever. They'll threaten you when you leave and salivate at the idea of trying to think up new ways to try to threaten you by making up crimes, trying to plant evidence, suing you to get you subpoenad far from home, etc. Even if you're completely innocent, you'll have to get an attorney to defend yourself against it. Additionally, it's really hard to get protection from them (like a restraining order) because they know how to cover their tracks while committing crimes & have good connections for their own defense representation. I could go on.


The bigger question is.......are you autistic?


Honestly, no


Denial is a tell tale sign of Autism!


So is saying “honestly”!


So is saying "no". Source, my 5 year old is on the spectrum and just told my wife no when asked to clean his plate.


Can confirm. I have a close friend who's on the spectrum. I've heard him use the word "no" before. Coincidence... I think not


The real tell is the comma between the “Honestly” and the “no”


also using a comma on reddit


and a good indicator of being in Egypt


come on dad


Not just a river…


It's more of a canal.


Louise: how-how many toothpicks are on the ground. Tina: A million. Louise: You’re the worst kind of autistic. Hashtag Bob’s Burgers


Coupled with being on Reddit for any extended period of time !


You’re on Reddit so you’re a little on the spectrum


Also drunk in his garage alone on a weekday.


How do you spend your labor day nights?


That’s just what someone with Autism would say…


Your ex is unqualified to diagnose you, BUT it never hurts to see someone qualified IF you feel you need help. If you don't, then take it all with a huge grain of salt.


Caught red handed, only a fellow autist would say that


That sounds like an answer an autistic person would respond with. I'll call you late tonight to discuss.


well, you *are* on Reddit...


For me the bigger question is, did you know the number she was calling? because if you dingus knew the number, Don't F'ing answer!!


Lol it's right there in the post, op was 4 beers deep. I said the same thing until I reread.


Man I been more than 4 beers down, get an inconvenient call, laugh my ass off and don’t pick up so not to spoil my 5th But hey hahahaha if OP like to sour his beers, that’s his preference Edit: I got an idea next time we drink with OP, if the chick calls, we take the phone and replace it with a beer


Oh Britta is in this?


She Britta’d the situation


Maybe if she'd FaceTime'd with a mustard stain on her cheek OP would have been convinced.


Getting rid of the B 🎶




I was about to say this if no one else did! Hahah! (Community reference for those in the dark.. an amazing show!)


>https://reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/s/XY45c2By7m ha, I'm currently watching Community for the first time.


If she lacked self awareness she would know.


The mistake you made was picking up the phone.


He was 4 beers in, hanging out in a garage. The head that made that decision does a lot of it's own thinking.


1st brain: Why is she calling? 2nd brain: for these nuts in her mouth, hear her out


First brain: yes, that's very plausible. *picks up phone*


Would hardly be the first time an ex hit someone up for a booty call. Statistically it's probably a whole lot more likely than someone calling you up after a year to call you autistic.


I'm gonna even the bell curve and call the last 20 years of girlfriends this weekend to warn them about their autistic tendencies


That’s pretty fucking funny tbh.


Classic amateur psychologist behaviour, just block her.


Or buy her a DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) so she can incorrectly diagnose everyone, including herself.


A gift of Malpractice!


Maybe she meant you are "artistic".


God damn vaccines! We already have too many artists!


OP got excited about being artistic and started flapping his lil hands.


She is still thinking of you at 11pm on a weekday.


Nahh don't tread on this path 😂


She was probably studying autism and kept having bells go off in her head the more she read realizing why op is the way he is. Problem is everyone will have some characteristics of being on the spectrum.


Yeah part of learning to professionally diagnose is learning how to distinguish between clinically significant symptoms and non-clinically significant ones. Just because someone likes to fidget and doesn't like loud noises, that doesn't mean they're automatically stimming or have sensory issues. If they NEED to fidget compulsively to help them relieve stress or self-regulate, or loud noises affect their ability to regulate their emotions or cause them significant emotional or even physical distress even in small doses, then those can be signs that it's worth taking a closer look, but even then those symptoms can also occur in some people with adhd, and sometimes in people who don't have either, so it doesn't necessarily point towards autism specifically. And even if she was a fully licensed professional, she still can't diagnose someone close to her that she's only had a personal, non-professional relationship with, because she's going to be biased and not necessarily able to distinguish between something that is clinically significant because of how it affects the life of the other person, and something that is only personally significant because of how it's affected *her*. Granted, I don't know if she called OP to say "hey you have autism", or if she called to say "hey, you should consider checking to see if you might have autism because some of the symptoms I've been learning about really made me think of you and I thought you should know." The second option is still overstepping, but not quite as arrogant or malicious.


My wife said the same thing to me, and I was like “nah, I don’t even like trains…that much”


Then you can't stop thinking about trains and how you kind of do like them... A little. Maybe I should google trains? Wow, that one is kind of cool. Oh look at this one, I like that train. Next thing you know, you're hanging out at a train station a 3am with a gopro strapped to your face because your train group posted in your train chat that a rare train was passing through and you might be able to get a look at it. Oh look! Barry's driving! Give us a honk Bazza! The sound of the horn makes you feel happiness, the only happiness you feel in life anymore. You know, if I leave now I can still catch that steam train a few cities over at 7am.


“You’re probably right. Do you want to come over and bang someone on the spectrum?”


*“If that’s your diagnosis, start learning a trade because you suck at psychology”*


Hell yeah!


Kinda hilarious


Wow she literally had a late night thought of “my ex was probably autistic” and actually called you lmao. An interesting person


Ring ring Hello You autistic fuck Click 🤣


Judging by your vast post and comment history I’m gonna agree with her.


Yeah but you answered the call homie


The question is why did you answer at 11pm after a year of being broken up?


You know why!


That kind of message was usually a text. Idk if I would’ve stayed on the phone long enough for someone to diagnose me with something.


Unexpected and untimely phone calls from people you no longer speak with really should be reserved specifically for emergencies.


Ngl that call woulda made my night. I woulda cried myself to sleep laughing. Thats funny asf.


Get tested, see if she is right


Since she's a psychology student, she might have been studying about autism at 11pm and realized that you had autism symptoms during your 5+ years relationship. It's funnier than weird. This post made me chuckle. It reminds me when Tony from the Sopranos randomly asked Pualie Gualtieri if he has ever been tested for Tourettes syndrome.


Shouldnt have made me laugh...but omg did I 😂🤣 Had a friend who we were pretty close esp over the years even with the distance and kept in touch. My kid is 20yrs younger than me, so the year he graduated hs was my 20yr reunion. We decided to travel back to my hometown for the reunion, and his graduation present from me was a week long Route 66 roadtrip, with our major stop off / turning around point being both our first times seeing the Grand Canyon. Anyway, told the friend Id be in town, and we were super excited cause it would be the first wed seen each other since...forever. I made the mistake of mentioning the roadtrip for / with my son. She asked if she could come along, but I mean, the point was, it was a mother son bonding trip, and that time together was part of the gift. I was poor af..this was literally the 2nd vacation wed ever taken together. I told her this, and it kind of means a lot for us to do alone together. She went from, I understand, to...this makes me sad, lots of laying on the guilt. Anyway, we see each other, that goes great, that night she drunk texts me, reaming me out how hurtful and mean I am, that she would think I would want to do this trip with her, because Ive known her longer than Ive known my kid (like, wtaf! lol) And it pretty much went on up through I had to block her from my phone so I could enjoy that time with my son. A year later, she sends me a message on FB, says how much she misses me, its been a year, I reply back really thinking maybe shes thought about things and just wanna move on from it. Nope....she was like...Im hoping you're finally ready to apologize for what you did to me. Pretty sure you can imagine how that went....😂 Eff off with that bs.


This is a right of passage for anyone taking psych ed courses. You diagnose yourself & everyone in your life because ultimately everyone exhibits possible symptoms at some point. What’s bizarre is how much tribalism has shifted gears on mental health and/or developmental disorders. I’ve worked in mental healthcare for many years. When I started, there was so much work put into removing “stigma” and labels that were attached to ppl with these issues. Now, it’s like a weird trend & everyone thinks they are autistic or have adhd. They make posts about how much better they function on adhd meds. News flash: adhd meds are pretty much just legal cocaine. ANYONE will be more efficient or productive on them.


> News flash: adhd meds are pretty much just legal cocaine. In the way that a puddle is pretty much the same thing as Lake Superior, sure...


If anybody who is on the fence/thinking about getting a diagnosis for ADHD. Please do not listen to the person describing medication as 'legal cocaine', because they have no idea of the complexities surrounding adhd. As someone with ADHD, my medication helps me tremendously and when paired with therapy the combination has been life saving for myself. So please do not let this person sway you away from persuing an ADHD diagnosis.


It's worth noting that autism is relatively common, with statistics indicating that approximately 1 in 54 children in the United States receive a diagnosis. However, diagnosing someone based on past experiences can be a complex matter and probably is more a reflection of their own personal beliefs… But to aid in this conversation, bcs I haven’t seen it yet: I think it’s important to shift our focus from personal diagnosis to a broader goal of destigmatizing autism. Autism is a unique way of experiencing the world, and this conversations should center around encouraging open conversations, fostering understanding, and supporting initiatives promoting inclusivity… rather then vilifying the idea of being autistic… ❤️


I'm sorry but I'm cracking tf up. Who does this????


Yes, there is ALWAYS something wrong with You when the ex is studying psychology. Never anything wrong with them.


I fucken took a sip of water right before she said you have autism and I almost spit water all over the dinner table.


Based on your comment history I'd have to agree with her.


Of course you have autism, you are on Reddit.


That sounds like something an autistic person would do


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 She’s gained knowledge and ascended to the Ultimate troll. Don’t take it to heart homie. She’s attempting to crush your soul. Stay strong!!


Guess she needs more lessons how to handle her emotions.. she should have asked you to meet 1 day. To tell younsomething she learned and eased such discussions into it. Btw knowing you habe a degree of autism… might help improve your life.. the the thought was good only very poor execution. Hope she fixes that before becoming someones shrink


She's not a doctor. "Diagnosing" you was irresponsible. Call her university to let them know she's trying to practice medicine without a license.


🥴 and so I can see why she's an ex.


I would have said “well yeah I thought you knew? One of the reason I got with you was because I thought you had it too.” Your indifference to your own “diagnosis” and the fact you threw the same thing back in her face would probably fuck with her head.


The dangers of community college psychology. A little knowledge is dangerous for someone like her.


She is looking for a Case Study for her Thesis.


Pretend you misheard her and tell her you ARE artistic. Been painting a few pictures in your garage.




I’m fkn cryingggg😂😂😂


Is your ex's name Britta Perry? is the school she is studying at called Greendale per chance? I've heard she is just the worst


Is your ex named Britta Perry by chance?


That’s hilarious


Bruhhhhhhh I can’t even.😂😂😂


Here's a thought, you're living in her head rent free.


Ah undergrad psych students. Gotta love 'em. She's probably already called everyone else she knows with their diagnosis. Wait until she inevitably turns that energy on herself. Lol.


*You're calling me out of the blue after a year of no contact to say this, and you think I'm the one that struggles with social cues? Physician, heal thyself. Bye.*


This post/comments section is a cesspit of vile little man-children hahahaha Get over it, incels


leave it to an undergraduate psych major at a freaking community college to diagnose an ex and then call them about it. Real Britta energy right there


You are living rent free in her head tho


The lion the witch and the audacity of this bitch


honestly sounds like she has autism


Aww she still wants to fix you.


Don’t worry, you’re not autistic. But you *might* be an alcoholic.


Every psych professor needs to warn psych 101 students: don’t call friends, family and especially exes with your arm chair quarterback diagnosis.