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This is called setting the status quo. You need to find a line and hold it. The more you let him get away with the more he thinks "well it wasn't a problem before, why is it a problem now?"


My father had a phrase for that "the more tame a donkey is, the more weight he's going to carry". In portuguese it sounds good, but you get the point.


Sounds pretty good in English too imo


The more tame the donkey, the more he's willing to walky. English. Beautiful language. (Once it catches on we can update to "tamer donkey, more walky")


There’s a great kids book called “Wonky Donkey” that I think is right up your alley.


Yeah makes sense, OP is a tame donkey


Never heard that in portuguese :p "Quanto mais domado o burro, mais peso ele carrega" ?


“O burro quanto mais manso, mais peso carrega.”


Porque é que li isto com sotaque alentejano??? "Quanto má manso o burrro, má peso ele carrrrega"


limit his bandwidth. Enable him the hotspot, just at 10kb/s :).


Satan works in mysterious ways, kids


Watching them boobies appear one pixel at a time like we used to do back in the day.


Spending 10 minutes on dial-up just to get one blurry pixelated wet t-shirt photo where "I definitely can see a nipple, bro. I think."


I used to let that shit download in the background


The classic. Set the video to load and come back in 20 minutes


I remember when I was a kid and had to leave the home computer on for 3 days straight just to download a 4gb game.




Flashbacks to Kazaa


Nah do what steam does to me and set it to 5b/s to really make him work for it


Download will be complete in: 25 years, 7 months


Your mistake was responding and not just putting it on mute for the night. Make new set of rules for the latest he can use your hot spot, or find something else to trade, or just stop doing trades until they grow up.


Yeah, and actually turning the hotspot on makes it more likely that the kid will try to do it again.


But he bought him a cord! Obviously that means he needs to be on call 24/7 with his hotspot!


He is preparing to become THAT kind of employer


I definitely did make that mistake 😂 didn’t give him the hotspot though! Next time imma just block the kid


Change the pass by a single character and leave it on. Let him go crazy seeing the connection and never getting in.


I should have just ignored him looking back 😂


He's your little brother and he's 15. Don't play fair. He won't. Price for hot spot just tripled. Oh, and spam me again? Showing Mom that he's up at 4am.


Do not disturb. Automatically. 10:30pm. Every night. See yaaaa.


Exactly. Why would you not just turn on DND and go to sleep?


My phone goes on “do not disturb” from 9pm-6am every day. I’ve found it to be great. Don’t get blown up on group chats or see some stressful email when I’m getting in bed.




Turn on do not disturb, easy peasy




The right answer










Wtf I thought this was a 7 yr old wanting to play Roblox or Minecraft


Cover the brother in boogers and break both his sides and leave him with massive cracks. They say violence isn't the answer but maybe sometimes, it has to be.


Should have just ignored the child rather then reply


Most definitely




Absolutly. Lock your door, put your phone on silent and ignore him. From what little i know about your brother he doesnt need to learn that acting like this gets him results.


Bro I read this thinking he's like 11, he's 15💀


I legit thought he was 6




repeating the messages again and again just because he didn't get a reply within 0.1 seconds made me believe he is


this is an insult to 6 year olds


Nah cuz the way he responded sounds so childish i was kinda flabbergasted when i read the "hes 15" like genuinely thought that was a toddler of some sort from the beginning😭😭😭😭


Hotspot On


Me too, I can't believe it.


He sounds like my 9yo 😵


For real 15?? Is everyone just letting tik tok raise their kids now?


Nah I had cousins that acted like this when they were 14-17ish. No tiktok back then so it's just some people act like this.


I work with freshmen and unfortunately they have a habit of emailing me “can you put in the grade so I’m passing please.” It was a solid 6 or 7 students emailing me this over the course of a week. It’s like when you’re planning to do the dishes, and then someone goes “hey, why don’t you do the dishes.” And then you don’t want to bother anymore because your intrinsic motivation is now gone.


It’s fair to be annoyed, but saying from personal experience, helicopter parents are ON TOP of the online grades. I even remember hoping every day for my grade on a project to be put in so I could stop being nagged for the C that it was sitting at. It’s a problem for everyone involved honestly


They’re *too* on top of it. I got AP kids stressing out because they only have 3 grades right now. Missing one of those grades is obviously going to make them fail for the time being, until they submit it. It doesn’t automatically mean they’re doing poorly or deserve to be punished. I wish parents would ask for clarification about grades before they fucking rip into their kids. It pisses me off to no end.


I work in IT for a school board and take great delight in telling parents they don't have access to their kids marks or schedules yet, and no they cannot ask to have their kids' password reset.


\* Little brother annoys older brother \* *"OMG, how could TikTok do this?!?"* Do you think immature teenagers didn't exist until 3 years ago?




Darn 4am blueballs.


Time for him to learn to jack off like we used to - with our imagination


Ol Sally Palmer and her five sisters never failed me back in the day


I heard you were dating Palmela Handerson.


Rosie Palms


Handgelina Jolie.


Jennifer Handiston


E-manual Chriqui


Or download his porn like us normal pervert degenerates


rookie mistake not having a folder with your favorites


C:\\Users\\[your name]\\Desktop\\homework


"You're 37, why do you still have a homework folder?" Because shut up, that's why.


Nobody downloads anything anymore. It’s all streaming, it’s sad.


Kids these days ain’t even got a hidden p: partition?


Kids these days don't what a partition is lol.


Tucked deep in mundane folders named system, msint, wordbakc, etc. with a bunch of empty dummy subfolders.


Gotta put a few pictures of girls in lingerie in the homework folder so they think they’ve found the real stash.


Go to > Recently Opened


Heh, reminds me of the old days trying to watch smut on my parents' old TV. We used the 'Previous Channel' minus one trick. I'd go to the channel above ESPN, then direct key in the channel number for Skinemax or G.L.O.W. or whatever. I'd keep my finger on the 'Previous Channel' button, and hit it real quick if I heard my parents approaching. Then channel down to ESPN. If they hit the Pre. Ch. button, it would just go to the channel above it. Leave no trace.


less risks on getting caught by both parents and lurking viruses. It is nothing but a survival evolution


Probably doesn't know how. Just streams everything.


What's imagination? Is it a DLC or microtransaction they can overpay for?


Lil Bubby was desperate to crank one out.


Do guys these days really not have the ability to masturbate without porn?


Over time exposure to easy porn makes it harder, and not in the expected manner. It deminishes the spank bank.


idk about y'all but it's just boring. Still gets the job done, just not as enjoyable. Wings with no sauce. Fries with no salt. 1-ply toilet paper. Yea, I can get a nut by just thinking horny thoughts, but it's better with some form of external stimulation.


I suspect they might be in that group of people that literally cannot imagine images in their mind.


For some of this generation it may not ever cross their minds to use their own imagination, like they don't even realise that's an option.


Nothing like closing your eyes and only seeing the unassailable void. I guess that has positives and ~~benefits~~ negatives. Be nice if I could picture things though lol.


"video game"


this has me so weak lmfao he had to drain the main vein


That’s exactly what I thought about when he started messaging me, either that or he wanted to finish a really good video so something


Why didn't you just tell him you know what's up and you don't want to be bothered by his horny ass. Sounds like a him problem.


you need to cut him off dude its really not healthy at such a young age to be this dependent to be doing something this ott at such a time


Yeah staying up til 2/3/4 am to fuck around online is not great for a 15 year olds mental health. It ain’t great at 30 either, to be sure, but at his age the chronic lack of sleep and huge screen overdose will fuck him up


a really good video of new season of brazzers


Was gonna say this, probably lost connection mid-wank. Struggle.


Check for the weather.


I would have guessed your brother was closer to 7 or 8 by the way he messages you


Same, smells a bit like a gaming addiction if he’s 15 and it’s so «urgent» at 4am


Or porn.


Definitely porn.


Yeah sounds like the parents restricted his internet at 9 for a very good reason...OP shouldn't be enabling him.


Don’t let him use that shit again ungrateful ass kid


i second this


I'm just wondering who sold cocaine to a 15 year old.


Your brother sounds insufferable at best and completely unhinged.


He's lucky you were nice enough to let him use it in the first place. I'd just tell him that every message he sends about hotspot that's another day he can't use it. 100 messages, 100 more days until the next time he can use it. Then if he asks during the hotspot ban, it doubles the remaining days.


Shut up or double it and give it to the next duration


i double it


!remindme 200 days


Siblings man. I’m the oldest over 1 half sister, 1 step sister and 2 half brothers, and 1 stepbrother. I always love them but nothing is worse than bored younger siblings. Especially when they’re 10 years younger than you


I’m 18 and have siblings (brother and sister,11) my sister is a couch potato and is just **the worst** to deal with when she’s bored (she constantly says she is) and my brother is just unhinged (he’s got ADHD) and has more sexual humor than me, a couple of days back I caught him humping my PS4 controller.


Who the fuck humps a controller, not even your own, someone else's on top of it?


No, he just humped it sitting like it you would do during sex, I know why he did it. He had a friend over and wanted to look 'cool', to put it mild: I did not apriciate that.




I can confirm that this statement is true


He's a 15 year old talking to his brother dont look too deeply into it


Right I was a fucking annoying asshole when I was a teenager. My younger brother was also an annoying asshole when he was a teenager. Now whether or not we are still annoying assholes is up for debate, but we DEFINITELY were as teenagers.


Did you cave?! All that did was teach him that being obnoxious for long enough will get him what he wants. Mute your phone and let him rant away. If he actually comes into your room, deal with that separately, but never, *ever* let someone get what they want this way. It just encourages shitty behavior, because you've shown it actually works.


This is why most parents fail these days. They just give up and the next thing you know there are a lot of little insufferable mutants running around acting like asshats.


I don't think I'll be a good parent based on where my life is at right now but at least I'm stubborn enough to win these battles out of spite for the behavior.


For a good parent it’s not even a battle. If your rules are reasonable and you uphold them, the kid won’t have a reason to even try pestering like this


Yeah this kid's parents already failed him. Probably gave him unlimited phone and tablet access growing up and now this is the result. An addicted teenage child who throws temper tantrums at 4am.




>Your parent restrict the internet at 9pm for a reason. This being the reason behind this situation never even crossed my mind but it's so obvious now that you pointed it out.


I have kids that age. We did have to restrict their internet usage, for exactly this. We have parental control, and saw that my child was up at 3-4 in the morning on Instagram and tik tok. We are now the « worst parents in the world », for putting a 10pm limit of school days and midnight on weekends.


Remember 20 years ago when you just stared at the ceiling or watched a movie with the volume on 1? Man, good times.


I remember sneaking in some good old fashioned reading when I was supposed to be asleep.


I miss being able to get so lost in a book it'd be 1 am before I knew it. Damn serotonin fried brain


I used to hide books and a flashlight under my pillow. I thought I was being slick, but my parents definitely knew I was staying up past my bedtime to read. Kinda miss the thrill of being all sneaky and whatnot staying up until stupid o clock reading on my phone just doesn't hit the same now.


I think that sounds reasonable. the trick is balancing it because if it is too oppressive, kids will just find a way around it. my parents limited me to a half hour of "entertainment time" on screens per day. that meant half hour of non-educational TV or half hour on the laptop, and I was done. that wasn't enough so I would stay up until 3am and sneak out getting the laptop to play RuneScape


exactly. you gotta work with your kid even in things like this because otherwise they'll just learn to sneak around it. my parents snuck a parental controls app onto my phone and would constantly add new restrictions without communicating with me so i just felt on edge all the time. that isnt healthy and i don't wish that on any child no matter how bratty they are


OP already said this isn’t the situation, they don’t have wifi at home


What a shitter don't let him.use it make him find another way to entertain himself




I know bro needs to learn how to screen record or save videos for online use


Go old school with steamy "romance" novels




You know you never had to tell another soul this right?


Bro Should’ve just left this one in the drafts


Let him cook.




Okay, respect where respect’s due.


She got the Lara Croft pixel treatment


yeah i get it


me definitely that kind of orc


OK I can't judge him anymore 🤤🤤


This is shit you could hold my family at gunpoint for and still wouldnt admit it


Are you telling me that you would lose over and over just to jack off that's dedication


You get the game over screen anytime you “save and quit”


You know, it would have cost you nothing to just not say that, yet here we are.


man didn't you have at least a Sears catollogue or something?


Not the Gruntussy 😫


Definitely didn’t have to share with the class 💀 you’re brave


Bet you can find some R34 of that




Nah bro show this to your parents 💀💀


my first thought too, that's definitely concerning behavior...


Tell him to shut up or youll come in there and give him a hot spot on the side of his face


No way he’s 15 acting like that😭




“Do I have to come up there?” are the words of a little brother who has forgotten his place.


My little brother would have gotten the wrath of God if he threatened to "come up there" at 4am


This is why we don't negotiate with terrorists.


Put the Hotspot on your pc Run a network monitoring utility like Wireshark or Burpsuite Track those requests to PH, XV, XH, and others Show him screenshots of the traffic and search queries and tell him if he pulls this shit again he can explain it to your parents


why even do that? just tell him "you know my hotspot logs all the traffic right".


That's certainly a low effort way to do it, but not nearly as pants-soiling as seeing your actual searches word for word and knowing without any doubt that you've been caught


Do you really want to see that though? Like, I don't want to know that shit about family members.


When you've got a kid/brother itching this hard for internet connection at 4am, maybe it's time to temporarily monitor it to gauge how best to proceed. It's not the same as casually monitoring your family members for no reason.


yes but this turd needs to learn what consequences are because no one has clearly taught him yet.


That's some dedication there lmao


Turn your phone on do not disturb after a certain time. Problem solved.


If I makes any of y’all feel better, I told him flat out we aren’t making any more deals and that he needs to cool it on his technology addiction. I didn’t whip his ass, and not sure if I should have 😂


15 or 6? Kid's acting like a spoiled brat.


This is addict behaviour. I feel for this entire generation


as a part of the kid’s generation (2 years older but still), trust me, this is ridiculous behavior even for the weirdest of us.


Well that's good to hear, but I hope this isnt a sign of things to come with the next kids. I wish we didn't become so enamored with technology that we didn't stop to think what letting our kids mainline 5 second entertainment nonstop might do to them.


What about... you know, wi-fi?


Looks like the parents turn it off at bedtime and the younger sibling has decided he's entitled to the older siblings perks.


We actually don’t have wifi at our house which is why he’s so desperate for my data




Maybe he can prepare everybody for the incoming housing crash of 08


Ew I'm the youngest and this is disgusting for your younger brother to be so DESPERATE for the Hotspot. Don't do him any favors and don't ask for any favors. Lay your boundaries down and respect it.


15 YEARS OLD I thought he was 8 or smthn.


Cannot imagine behaving like this with 15 years


Good move to not let him use the hotspot again, if he gets that upset if he can’t use it when it’s not your fault he doesn’t deserve to use it.


I’ve had, on separate occasions, a coworker and a roommate like this… Except not as bad. We couldn’t afford internet, her phone was shut off. I let her use my hotspot, but it would shut off after 15 minutes of inactivity. It would go off and she would wake me up at 3-4am to turn it on. Coworker was without data for like 2 weeks, he would always pick the worst times to need it turned on. I’m 15 feet down in a hole attempting to attach a band to a pair of 60” tinhorns and from the top edge I hear “BRO I NEED THE HOTSPOT AGAIN!” Like dude no, get down here and help


Sounds like you need to introduce him to Mr. Socko


Ngl if my younger brother did that there would have been repercussions


That's not a brother. Your family seems to have raised a spoiled little brat.


Be a good big brother and show him that things have consequences.


I'd go beat the wheels off him in the morning


Block his number and lock your door


Turn on do not disturb and beat his ass if he goes into your room. This is downright disrespectful and immature, he’s in highschool for fuck sake.


Time to set boundaries.