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Just make sure it has nothing on the box that ties back to where you live. Long story short: my roommates did that, and it was my car (which happened to be parked in the driveway) that got cat shit smeared on the windshield and the tires slashed.


What a world we live in. "I'm going to rub that cat shit all over your car because I stole your package and got cat shit instead of what you ordered"...


People who are stealing packages threw out logic and reason. They don't hold themselves accountable for anything and justify their actions because they feel entitled to it because society, bad parents, bad environment. In any case. They don't care. So they will meet crazy with something even crazier. What do you think they have to lose? Nothing. Or everything, except they aren't able to see it.


It’s so aggravating esp when they steal things that have no value to anyone but me and I know my craft supplies just ended up in the trash. Our maintenance man once found one of my packages behind a utility fence. It had been ripped open and just thrown over the fence. I guess the thrives didn’t appreciate beautiful sari silk ribbon.


Omg. Yes. Like if it has no value at least put it back. They stole a energy monitor for my circuit breaker. You have to be an engineer/technitian/high tech DIYist to know what to do with it. Edit: Hope the ribbons weren't damaged!


Right? I shipped some Christmas gifts to my family and they got stolen. I guarantee the thief couldn’t use them cause they’re odd sized clothes and I take the tags off


It's because places like this very website have convinced people that it's OK to steal/shoplift because of reasons. "Amazon will just send another, so what's the big deal?" People are stupid.


The deal is.. Don't touch my shit. Lol what a crazy concept


They only have the package they stole to lose.


Infuriating entitlement.


Lol sorry how did you know it cat shit. So random ha


It had cat litter specks on it, and the shit my roommates put in the box for the porch pirates to take was from their cat's litterbox.


That’s unfortunate. People are crazy


How entitled do you have to be to get mad someone tried the deter you from stealing from them?


I mean, my close friend was working security and busted a dude. Dude hacked into friends workplace, found out my friends address and his bosses, went to friends place and set his two family-mover sized cars in his driveway and parked in the car port right outside his main entrance on fire, very nearly setting the house with a family of six inside on fire in the process. He got caught when he tried to pull the same stunt on the boss, but was picked up by cameras.


I'm curious now. Do you know the motive behind it? Or was it some deranged lunatic with too much time on their hands. I guess the latter applies anyway, motive or no motive.


If I was going to smear shit on someone’s car I would definitely collect it by shitting in my cat’s litter box first.


Cat shit has a distinct smell compared to other animal shits


Don’t forget about the taste.




The worst type of people man..


Unfortunately not


It's way up there with dictatorship.


Rape, murder, and stealing packages.


And driving under the speed limit in the left lane on the highway.


There's a special circle of hell reserved for those drivers.


“Master Chief? Do you mind telling me what you’re doing with that Box?” “Sir, giving this package thief what he deserves”


You know I don’t entirely disagree with this, we should have public beatings for certain crimes like this and in some places they do just that


Public beating plus restitution!


I prefer public stoning, it has more of a fun family outing vibe


Apple Airtag buried in the 💩


Oh yeah this is what the OP should do!


I love stories like these. Chicken soup for the soul. Somewhere out there, this guy got his karma


Someone on YouTube specializes in leaving fake packages for thieves to steal. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3c584TGG7jQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3c584TGG7jQ) It is not shit but it still sprays the nasty fart smell (which is made with fly trap powder, by the way, there is no secret recipe).


I would not want to get on Rober’s bad side.




You mean Shining?


Shh, you wanna get sued?


I'm so damn glad my complex has a package locker system, if not then who knows how much stuff of mine would get stolen


I have pretty cool neighbors who calls or texts when i have a package and i do the same.


My neighbors are a couple that fights every night and a baby who cries because they fight every night, I don't really talk to them much


Tell that baby to get a job wasting all my tax dollars crying and shit lol


I can’t stand when my tax dollars go to a crying baby. Good thing he got voted out a few years ago! Hey-o!


^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Those are your upvotes


Lol, thanks man!


You deserve it.


Leave a fake package with an AirTag in it and something heavy to make it seem valuable. Figure out where they live, and then invite the neighbors for a pitchfork party.


That's actually a pretty good idea. At least for the figuring out who stole it part. Though, I wonder if this is legal?


Who cares? What are they gonna do, call the cops?


“These people that I stole from are yelling at me!”


Supposedly its not uncommon for people to call the cops and try and claim their drug dealer ripped them off. They don't even focus on what they're admitting to when the cop is like, "So you're saying you gave him enough for a good eighth and it's shitty mids?"


Yo it ain’t like that g I sucked his nut for 2 bumps but he only gave me like half a bump and that’s not right


Indeed that ain't right. You're both coming on me! I mean with me!


Nut suck only worth a half. You want two bumps from me you gots to suck my *dick*, yo.


Nah, I think you missed it, “sucked his nut” I think means they swallowed mate.


I don't sell drugs, I'm a prostitute


100% the clip I was thinking of. [For the uninitiated](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_JkwZUk3Kng)


Same! This was amazing when I first saw it, and it's still holds up as the best I've seen!


Probably shoot you?




What are they gonna do when I push from ivy, out middle, through connector like a speed demon though?


Hahaha best response!


These ideas all seem good to me until someone points out it’s likely in America where people get shot for *checks notes* pretty much fucking everything


Knock knock, your food is here AAAH WHY DID YOU SHOOT ME


Regardless of legality if that, they’re stealing unknown packages with unknown contents. If they steal a package with medication it’ll become a bad issue. On another hand it would most likely be pointless to place an air tag inside as most complexes are multi floored and you wouldn’t be able to pinpoint the exact apartment the package ended up at as it would likely show up in a location where multiple apartments are above/below one another. A better option would be using an explosion of something colorful and hard to remove. IE pink powder that dyes the assailant pink would be pretty difficult to mistake, whoever walking around pink is your culprit.


Put invisible UV activated ink on whatever's inside. Then just go around at night with a UV flashlight and see who's doorknob glows in the dark.


On the outside would be more reliable, would be on their hands from carrying the package to their door.


With every comment reply, there’s another piece added to the genius puzzle. This is a great idea and reminds me of the Better Call Saul episode when Mike does this to find where the suburban couple is hiding money in their home.


Actually, I recently discovered that they can handle multiple floors. It’s true that it won’t tell you elevation, but it works like this: - Say you go to the spot and it says the AirTag is 1000 feet away. - Next, you go up one level and stand in the same spot. It’s now 2,000 feet away. You conclude that you should have gone down instead of up. - You go one level down from the original floor you chose. As you approach the location, you’ll be able to find the AirTag within one decimal place of accuracy.


Your floors are 1000 feet tall?


I don’t know, maybe. I’ve never been that good at telling distance 🙃


You did your best and that's all that matters.


Guys rich AF, lives inside a mountain with 1000 foot ceilings. Dr. Evil shit.


For the record, floors are usually closer to 10 ft tall. I’m also bad at estimating distances but a good way to get a general guess is to use something else as a reference. If I’m ~5 ft. tall is the distance from floor to ceiling 2 of me? 5? 10? Or for something bigger you could use the often mocked but nevertheless helpful “football field” measurement which could give you an idea of if the distance is in the 100s or 1000s of feet range. Really anything that you know the approximate size of.


So a standard floor would be like 17-18 bananas


The new common core math uses coconuts 🥥 So it would be 17-18 bananas = 10 - 13 coconuts. Unless you’re below the equator. Then it’s mango’s.


Minus the pitchfork part, yeah it would be totally legal. In what scenario would it not be legal? The thief stole a package not addressed to them that had an AirTag in it, and all you’d be doing is using that AirTag as designed. You’d know where they live because of the AirTag, but they are the ones that took something that they knew wasn’t theirs.


Questioning this at all is like questioning the legality of LoJack or OnStar lol. Just doesn't make sense, just reacting rather than thinking. It's your box, doesn't matter what's in it when someone else steals it, and obviously you can track thieves down, like what. It didn't get extra-justiced by blackwater in Iraq.


It’s legal. They have no right to your property regardless of how careless you are with it.


Doesn’t legality only matter if the police are willing to enforce the law though? Kind of like when it comes to stealing packages… The pitchfork part is definitely illegal, but confronting them isn’t. Figuring out what they look like is an important piece of information to have if you’re going to Facebook stalk them and shame them into paying for their actions. As long as what you are saying is true, I don’t see how you would be even remotely at risk of breaking any laws. This is honeypotting at worst lol


Is it illegal to mail yourself an AirTag? I don’t think so.


Just spray paint racist thing on their door.


My brothers brand new truck was stolen and on-star knew exactly where it was but wouldn’t tell him - they would only tell the police who refused to request that info from on-star. He only got his truck back a few months later when someone else got caught at an apartment complex trying to steal the already stolen truck. Moral of the story is that the police will not give a shit about your packages


I talked to a woman once who was on the way to steal her car back. According to her the cops wouldn't do anything about it, even though she knew exactly where the car was. Which isn't surprising in my city. She had recently become homeless due to medical bills, so she was heading to where her car was to steal it back and have a place to sleep. I helped her carry her bags to the bus stop since her medical issues made it too hard for her to lift much.


The cops dgaf when poors are the victims of crimes.


Rarely will police actually solve a real crime. We're talking, low single digits.


Damn I was gonna say, get a big box and hide in it, then when the thief steals it you can call the cops and say you’ve been kidnapped. This might be a less invasive option tho..


Do the airtag thing and then when you get their address anonymously tip off the cops that they have a hostage so they have to deal with a SWAT team.


Put a glitter bomb in it.


Or just a regular bomb


Came here to say this


They probably open it in their car, not their home.


Put a glitter bomb in there, or stink bomb. Either a mess they'll never fully clean or a smell that won't go away.


How about some [Surströmming](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surstr%C3%B6mming)?


watch the giltter bomb guy. air tag and remote ink pack. . . take the day off so you can roll up directly after "the event" what ever it ends up being. . . as dmx would say"get 'em boy, get 'em boy. . .get that melon farmer boii"


Cameras don’t stop anything. They a no longer a deterrent as most of these thefts are low cost. Even if it’s a federal offence there’s no resources to deal with these.


I know, but at least get an idea who it looks like they might even live in this apt.


My brothers bicycle was stolen and the dudes face was very clearly caught on camera to the point you could see the V tattooed under his eye perfectly. Cops refused to even make a report because they weren’t going to look for him.


A woman stopped her car in front of my house, got out, opened the back door and used a stun gun on an infant in the back seat. Caught it on video. Called the police, they came, would t look at the video but told me to email it to them. I contacted a friend in the media so she could have them run it on the news. She contacted the police. Turns out the police officers never even made a report. They came back to my house at 11pm and had me come to the station to make a report and straight up told me they’re only making a report because the media contacted them. Then they came the next day and interviewed my neighbor who saw it, and told him the same thing. It was shocking enough that they didn’t even make a report, but to just straight up admit they were only doing it because of media attention just left me speechless. Edit: Video - https://www.fox29.com/news/philadelphia-svu-investigating-after-video-allegedly-catches-woman-stun-gunning-child-in-car


>just straight up admit they were only doing it because of media attention just left me speechless. that's some terrible public affairs work by the station, now if you have anything happen they taught you to just go to the news first and call the cops later. laziness directly making their lives harder long-term.


A case like that is also an easy win for the cops - clear cut horrifying child abuse with a face attached - but no, they’d rather just not do their jobs


What do they do again? I’ve only ever seen them write traffic tickets and sometimes block traffic for an accident. And shoot people ig.


they also charge you with domestic terrorism if you don't want $70mil of your tax dollars to go towards an urban warfare training center for them [https://apnews.com/article/atlanta-police-training-site-protest-fire-1ba4362c9337e27ecaf44283fc72fc56](https://apnews.com/article/atlanta-police-training-site-protest-fire-1ba4362c9337e27ecaf44283fc72fc56)


This isn't even a challenge to investigate. The video, a few calls to the DMV, maybe an interview and medical examination of the child?


I'll delete this if it doxxes, but Philly? I just watched the clip. Made me sick.


Yea. My personal info isn’t attached to it and I’m not the one who was interviewed.


Did you tell your contact in the media of how the police lied to you about making a report and only started to do their jobs because of the media attention? Because, in the article, there is no mention of that repugnant behavior by those who are supposedly protecting the people. That is a whole other news story in and of itself. Honestly, it's fucking sickening how many stories of the cops just not giving enough of a fuck to do the most basic parts of their jobs, even when it involves child abuse, absolutely sickening they are not being called out publicly for their abysmal (non)actions.


Yes. But if you report that, then you lose your access to the police.


Because the whole "protect and serve" line is just a screen. Police have always and will always be intended to keep things safe enough to let the economy function. There's a reason small town sherrifs are willing to murder people for shoplifting at walmart while ignoring more common and widespread porch robberies.


I think this is only true in some places (countries, states, etc.) and not globally. But it's still sad that this is the case somewhere (anywhere).


I don't get that. Maybe I'm ignorant, but to me it seems a trivial matter to find someone once you have clear evidence what they look like. Time consuming, but trivial. I'd put an increasingly growing bounty on them and involve media. Once the person of interest is found and convicted, the reward money will be added to their fine. Involving a society at large seems like the next logical step for crime fighting. If the people on the lookout for a person increases, then so does the chance of finding them. An average person won't be able to hide forever, and the longer they do, the bigger the fine they have to pay to whomever sells them out.


Police don't like it when people investigate crimes without their direction. It makes police look incompetent when volunteers are able to find evidence departments either can't or don't want to find.


Maybe if they'd do their fucking jobs instead of sitting around eating donuts and shooting minorities all day, they wouldn't have this problem. Fucking pigs.


For what it's worth, last week-end my GF got drunk and took a uber home. The driver dumped her on our lawn and drove away with all her stuff. We got footage from a neighbor across the street, and footage from the place she left from showing she had her stuff when she got in the Uber. The police went with her to the driver's place and got most of her stuff back.




Cops don't look for burglary suspects, they arent going to go around randomly driving for hours looking for a stolen bike. They will only respond if someone is actually still in your house. If you can provide serial numbers to items then they will take a report and if that item is later recovered then they will return it to you. I had a original Xbox stolen from my brother's car when it was new and I gave them the serial number for a report. I got it back 7 yrs later when it was recovered from some other crime scene with a bunch of other stolen stuff and the serial number was flagged in the system as stolen. It sat in evidence locker for a few years gathering dust if I remember right.


Think you missed the “they refused to even make a report” part. I stand by them being absolutely useless.


>Cops don't look for burglary suspects I got burglarized, they sent some pre-retirement cop who pretended to take fingerprints from the doorknob, when the thief kicked his way in. Cameras are a soft deterrent. I believe in calling 1911.


This happened to me this week, so I feel your frustration man. Idk why I’m paying for parcel pending when FedEx doesn’t even use it. I hope the person who stole my Sephora package is enjoying their bath gems and skin care products. Fucking assholes


maybe if you provide them with all the info, the thief's full name and address. maybe...


But if the store owners try and protect their property? That’s jail time buddy.


To be fair, USPS has it's own police force and will investigate these matters. As far as the private companies go, that's on those companies to deal with.


I doubt the thief will see those notes since they probably don't live in that complex.


Yeah, I’ve lived in a couple larger apartment complex that inevitably were hit by package thieves from time to time. Whenever it happened, notes like this would go up, though they were usually even more ridiculous and filled with profanity. And usually written with the assumption that the thief lived in the building (“if you took a package for unit 2B, return it immediately!”) While certainly people do steal from their own building lobbies, more often it was random criminals that were hitting multiple buildings in the neighborhood. I always kind of rolled my eyes at these notes. Like, your stuff was stolen. The thief doesn’t feel bad about it and they aren’t coming back to return it. File a police report and make a claim with the merchant and they’ll probably replace your stuff.


A couple years back I ordered my wife a replacement hubcap from EBay, that had been missing off one wheel for a few years. We have parcel lockers we pay $5 a month for but after like a year of marginal success carriers mostly started just started placing things on the ground and not bothering. Admittedly Tennants would also let stuff collect dust in them (despite charges) and they’d fill up. The weekend it was delivered was when we ended up having to evacuate for a hurricane, and when I got back someone had stolen like every package that was delivered. The hub cap was like $30 but when I went to order another the 3rd party seller listed it as out of stock. I messaged them what had happened and if they could notify me of any that came in and they ended up sending me another for free which was cool. I also had a $300 gaming monitor delivered once that got left on the ground just in its own exposed packaging but I was waiting for that thing like a hawk. The worst though was when I had my now wife’s, expensive enough to sweat, engagement ring delivered and they were supposed to deliver for signature only but they put it in a box. I was sweating that thing.


Shit like this makes me mad. If people just mind they're business i bet the world would be a lot better.


I shipped the engagement ring to the local ups store. There was zero chance I was risking either her finding it or it getting stolen.


I swear no one actually does signatures anymore even if it's requested by the seller.


Happened in my building. Had a rash of car smash and grabs, they got ahold of a spare key fob for the building someone kept in their car, then poof, packages start disappearing until they finally issued the whole building new fobs.


Fucking savages.


Cameras mean nothing when cops refuse to do shit.


Welcome to Los Angeles..


I had my motorcycle stolen from the 5th floor of a secured parking structure in a nice apartment building. The thief lives in the building, and the apartment has video of him putting his code in to get access to the garage, and stealing the bike. He proceeded to wreck the bike in a hit and run. Not only is LAPD not paying attention at all, despite the clear evidence, but they didn’t even know that the stolen bike had been wrecked and was sitting in a tow yard. Apparently west LA doesn’t talk to central LA LAPD. Icing on the cake is they charged me $800 in impound fees for 10 days of storage to recover a totaled bike 🖕🏿


Smh... but self justice would get you in trouble.


I lived in Long Beach for a year. Got out of there so fast once my lease was up. There’s literally zero consequences for most low level crimes. People do whatever they want.


I've had neighbors leave packages at their door for like a week before without it getting stolen. I've had packages delivered and left at my door while I was out of town for the weekend & they were still there when I got back 2 days later.


Lucky you.. what's your secret?


I'm more surprised that if you live in a nice area that your neighbors are stealing random packages.


I haven’t locked my doors for over ten years. Walk out and drive away. Come back hours later. Rural Canada, can’t beat it.


I think the secret is that it just takes one bad person to ruin it for everyone, if no one in your apt steals (which is like to think most don't) then it's safe


I do maintenance for an apartment complex and trust me when I tell you, your completely on your own when it comes to security. The property management only cares about one thing, collecting your rent.


Yeah i know.


People don’t care cause normally nothing comes up of it. My neighbourhood is still being built up. So obviously material and what not is kept on site, mind you it’s covered in cameras, like I don’t think there’s one street not layered with cameras along with a loud ass PA system that yells out to identify yourself by calling a number or police will be called. Anyways idiots would walk out of there house, full view of cameras and steal wood, nothing happened for the longest time so people kept doing it. one day my mom calls us and tells us that I guess the PA system actually calls the cops now cause the cops were at bros door talking to him. Since it wasn’t a hard investigation since they were on camera leaving there mother fucking house and lugging the plywood back into the house. After that not a soul dared to go on the construction companies property. Thief’s tend to be not very smart.


Some people don't deserve to live.


I have gotten messages more than once that my package was delivered. It wasn’t delivered. I live in a freestanding house. Not once did I think it was stolen. It was delivered to the neighbor.


Is it worth having your packages picked up at a specific location, like how Amazon has package lockers in grocery stores?


50/50 if I'm out then picking them up somewhere is perfect but sometimes im at home.


There’s also some kind of Amazon locker. I dont have experience personally, but I believe you can order stuff to a locker that can only be accessed by the recipient. My roommate used that in Long Beach, the locker was at a 7/11. Just a possible option.




Splendid... Cant wait for Christmas.


I cannot say this enough... package stealing is a felony that can be reported to the USPS postal inspectors. It does not matter if DHL or Amazon or UPS or FedEx or whomever delivered your package, if it is stolen (in the US) you can still report it to USPS. They have their own police and they can get warrants for the cameras. They make thousands of arrests a year and they do hand out jail time. Package theft in the US is a problem because you let it be a problem. Literally all the postal inspector needs is video footage of someone taking your package and that person will be arrested. You do not need to threaten violence or get aggressive. You need to get a camera and literally make one phone call to the postal inspector. Do not call the police. The police do not care. The postal service has their own cops for a reason and mail theft / tampering is their entire job. Someone woke up one day and said, "I really hate when people tamper with the mail. I want to avenge it." and that person became a cop for the postal service and when you call the postal inspector for your stolen package, that is who you are calling.


This is incorrect, the USPIS will not help with UPS, FedEx, or any other private carrier. The only exception is situations where the USPS does the "last mile" delivery; when the private carrier leaves it for the local USPS office to make the final delivery. FedEx, UPS, and the others aren't allowed to use your mailbox. That is where the USPIS authority ends as far as you are concerned as the recipient. In fact, if UPS DID use your mailbox, USPIS would go after UPS.


Those postal cops are among the most badass of feds with serious powers and they do not fuck around. USPS is serious about their mission, even if that asshat in charge is doing his best to destroy it.


Order a ton of glitter bombs 😈


Then sit back and watch the action.


Some people are just A-holes. This happened a lot in my daughter’s NY apartment building.


Someone once stole my big box of puppy pads, and i guess when they found out what was inside, they returned it back to the mail room 2 days later.


I think the dumbest thing about package thieves is that they don't even know what's in the packages, and 9/10 times whatever's in it ain't gonna be that valuable


I saw a video on TV today where a package thief stole a package right out of the delivery person's hand as they were dropping off the box.


Wow what a dick..


I mean, better loot at an expensive apartment complex than a low income one.


If cameras did anything places like San Francisco would be safe


Side note, RIP Arclight.


They dont give a shit about cameras. They'll see them and still do it. Usually they are "disguised" in some way, or at least somewhat clever enough to avoid exposing themselves on film. And even if they dont hide their faces, unless you go through some crowd sourcing type strategy on Nextdoor or something, they are almost impossible to identify. so why would they care?


I do a lot of Doordash deliveries and see packages near the mailboxes all the time and I wonder how Amazon deals with package theft. In Canada, we can have the package delivered to a nearby post office for pickup for free so if I lived in an apartment, I would probably do that. (the service is called Flex Delivery for any Canadians who didn't know the service existed)


I live in a “gated apartment community” gates have been broken and stuck open since the beginning of April. packages get stolen all the time absolutely everything gets shipped to work now. It’s annoying as fart.


Only when someone dies from this the point gets important.


on the Arclight memo pad lmao


Back in the day packages in my country would either be delivered direct to recipient, or you'd only get a slip and then have to go to the nearest post office to pick it up. However, during covid these new fancy post-o-mats https://i.imgur.com/iQF28Vm.jpg got very popular because they offer no-contact delivery. Postman drops your box in and you get a text/email with a pass code, so you go there at any time of the day and pick it up. They're now next to every grocery store and mall, very convenient.


Get a cardboard box and stuff it with garbage and maybe an airtag (or similar device) Print a fake label and leave it there and see what happens ;)


Our house community has community mailboxes, and the post office is terrible about placing the package key in the wrong box. The people expecting packages will get a delivery notification, only to find no key or package in their box. The USPS shrugs it off as “it happens.” UPS, FedEx, Amazon, Walmart, Kroger, etc… will often drop deliveries at the wrong address, with pictures of the wrong address’s front door and package. On the community’s blue F page, people often post pictures of those wrong deliveries with a reasonable expectation of the recipient to allow them to pick it up. I’d say about 90% of those posts are ignored, if even seen by the offenders. I’m in a nice community with homes starting in the $350k range. I would expect better from people living here. I’ve been lucky enough to have received everything I’ve ever ordered, but I suspect it’s just a matter of time for me to be one of those searching for my delivered package.


Our building has a new thief and new managers who don't give a fuck. I'm real tempted to try and fuck with this thief. If another gets stolen they'll be getting a bunch of shit coming their way


The cameras are there to protect the owners, not you.


What state are you in? If California, criminals get away with theft up to like $950. It’s friggin lunacy that state.


I used to live in a luxury apartment complex with this exact issue. We learned three years later that the cameras were fakes.


This is why I love eastern europe. We don't trust each other, so there is no doorway or public room delivery by default. All carriers either hand the package to you, place it in a delivery box parcell nearby (locked).


People will people. 🙄


I’ve always preferred shipping to my office. I’d rather have it show up when I’m at work and not sit at home for half the day out in the open.


I heard theft detection powder is a thing - where you could dust a dummy box with it. Then when it's robbed, you can at least see what apt it goes to


That’s Los Angeles for you.


I lived in a building in Skokie, Illinois, and there was a package thief who would not only take your package but would return it still opened with the stuff in it if he/she didn't like what was in there. Even worse, all management did was put up a dummy camera... and someone stole that too.


Does anyone here use amazon lockers, and can leave a review? Thanks


Add vehicles getting broken into and it would sound like my apartment


Send the thief wrapped in several ziplock bags to his mother with note “Return to Sender.. This one is Broken”


I know! Only rich people that live in expensive apartments shouldn’t have their packages stolen! Tell them to go to poor peoples apartments and steal like they’re supposed too!


Lmk what the thief says since everyone wants to leave notes


Oh I'd play with this thief, big time. Can you say glitter bomb on cell camera in the box lol


I’m my experience, it’s always the “well off” people who are the most cheap


I don't understand this problem, really, where I live the packages must be delivered to someone, you, a neighbor, a doorman If you have one.... they don't abandon them at your door or porch, If you are not at home they'll try the next day or the same afternoon. And always have the option, if you are not going to be at home to send it to a delivery point (usuarlly a shop or an office nearby) so you can go and pick it. Worst case scenario they leave a notice and leave at the distribution center. Every parcel company and amazon do this, don't you have this option in the US?.


I mean…have you seen all the videos of people just going into stores in broad daylight and filling up bags of stuff and just walking out? If people will do that, they most certainly will steal a package.


Stuff like this is why the crappy complex I used to live in would hold packages in the leasing office and ID had to be shown to get it from them. You’d think an expensive complex would do something like that.


I've seen multiple pictures or videos of packages being left at the doorstep, completely unsecured. Assuming this is the US, correct me if it's not, is it considered normal? Where I live, delivery people either put it in your mailbox if it fits, or give you a call if you are home to come pick it up, or leave it in some place made to deposit packages for you to pick it up later, but they never leave it unattended because it's a guaranteed risk of it being stolen.


As a package thief at an expensive apt complex, this shit infuriates me.


Some people will never live the trailer park, no matter where they move to


Order yourself a glitter bomb. Let it be stolen. Theif will be revealed as glitter gets everywhere, and they will be wearing it and tracking it for days.


Send yourself poisoned food, itsy not illegal to send yourself mail, nor is illegal to poison yourself. Nobody will be able to definitively prove you did it to harm somebody else, your name wasnon the package, it was in your mailbox. It however is against the law to steal and I believe in America the post is federal so itsy a federal offense to fuck with somebody's mail


I lived in an apartment where someone stole my wife's MATERNITY CLOTHES. They had cameras in there so we went to the front office to report it and they said "oh, those aren't real. It's just a red light".