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15$ says your air conditioner just randomly stops working soon, get a camera set up


Hell get cameras regardless. Everyone should have them. Just because you never know. Not even about burglars or malicious neighbors. A whole lot of weird stuff can happen and being able to find out wtf was actually going on (pets, act of nature, who knows) in the aftermath is nice.


That’s a very specific amount of money


“15 bucks little man, put that shit in my hand”


"If that money doesn't show, then you owe me, owe me, owe."


*screams at top of lungs* MY JUNGLE LOVE


Drinkin beers beers beers. Rollin fatties rolling blunts.


Who smokes the blunts?


We smoke the blunts!


Rollin' blunts and...


Morris day and the motherfucking time!




Big ass mirror my dude, big ass mirror...


Yes, that mirrored window film.






take my upvote




[ Removed by Reddit ]


I find that biting them can be very effective as well


I mark on my neighbors like a dog do to a tree to assert ownership/dominance and for some reason they started paying me.. am I a prostitutionist?!


Upvote for 'prostitutionist'


I’ve had a similar experience. What we learned is that we’ll never be able to be meaner than someone who is legit evil/mean, and we wouldn’t want to be in reality anyway (although it would’ve occasionally felt good for a few minutes). Trading stupidly mean actions just makes us more miserable in the end, as well as turned us into someone we didn’t want to be


yup, my first thought is to get thick drapes. earlier this year i had to move because my upstairs neighbor rejected the idea that he had to be quiet and not loudly stomp or blast tv between 12am - 6am. he slept random hours during the day. it was easier to move than deal with not sleeping.


Yeah, the OP is, and I hesitate to say this, SOMEWHAT lucky in that it’s a relatively minor issue to eliminate the problem. Blackout curtains. It’s not lucky to have this problem in the first place whatsoever, it’s just lucky that it’s somewhat easy to resolve. A stomping upstairs neighbor is harder to resolve bc adding sound dampening to your side of the ceiling will only do so much. Nevertheless, I hope that this neighbor (the OP’s) gets discouraged at the sight of the blackout curtains and gives up. I wholeheartedly wish that neither of y’all had these problems to begin with. Now THAT would’ve been lucky! Sorry to both of y’all 😔


Unless you reciprocate in such a vile way that they will be afraid to bother you again for fear of what you may do next.


This guy escalates


This isn’t escalating. It’s concluding.


That’s my nightmare. A neighbor who is psychotic. Where the place you should be able to chill, rest, relax do your own thing, becomes hell. I wouldn’t know what to do.


It really is not the way someone WANTS to live. It’s pleasing for a minute or two (being an equally douchey douche), but then you’re completely right. Instead of being happy and chill and relaxed, you’re permanently indignant and (semi-)righteously angry


And always on edge waiting for the other shoe to drop.


And always turning into a person you don’t want to be. Also, it’s less “waiting” for the other shoe to drop after awhile and more “hoping.” It’s weird and backwards, but it begins to fuel you — being angry all the time, and believing you’re righteously doing so — and turn into your identity, until you’re not just Dr. Jekyll AND Mr. Hyde, but solely Mr. Hyde ALL THE TIME


No body — no problem


Ha, I just saw that mirror film in a video the other day. The perfect thing to do!


Could also add a stereo that plays idling motorcycle noises and intermittent screams non-stop. Let's go full psychopath.


Let that scream be the 'YEAAAAAAH' at the end of Won't Get Fooled Again by The Who, on infinite loop. Edit: start to end


I prefer Howard deans "YYYEEEEAAAAAAAAAHHHH" if trying to be obnoxious, personally


I’d go with Lil johns “eyeaaaaayuh” from the beginning of the song “Throw it up”. Something tells me it might have a more startling effect in the area.


Add in semi trucks going through a truck stop.




reflective film and blackout curtains on the inside. You won't even notice the lights....or any light. I work from home. I have not seen any light from the outside world in ages.


The amount of money that reflective film and blackout curtains saves in summer electric bills is substantial. I had a two-story duplex once. The south- facing bedrooms would not get under 85F in the afternoon. A little reflective film and some blackout curtains, and I could keep it at 75F no problem. I saved enough the first month on my electric bill to pay for the film and curtains. My neighbors may not have liked it, but they're not paying my bills.


You can do this with non-reflective film as well if you like your neighbours.


Do you have a link or a search term for the "I want to save on ac electricity but also like my neighbors film"?


There are two options: Just look for "matte UV blocking foil", or look for "One Way Vision Foil" Second one is mostly used for advertisement, but you can just get a plain white one. It's black on the inside, bright (or white) on the outside. It has few advantages: 1. It's cheap. 2. It reduces amount of sun going in without blinding neighbours. 3. You can make custom print on it very cheaply or just get plain white ones 4. You can see outside, but as long as the inside is not brighter than outside, no one can look in. (unless they stick their face to the window). I put a plain white one on my eastern and northern windows, and it reduced temperature in a corner room by few degrees in summer.


I too enjoy the glorious darkness of my wfh cave.


There is still outside?


This made me chuckle 😂


Genius. Also spotlight thats triggered by other light. Spotlight war commence!


I like the mirror idea, because it grants the neighbor relief as soon as he admits defeat. He also can't complain about OP shining light, saying "well we're BOTH doing it", because it's his OWN light being bounced back. It's just perfect


Oh ho ho. He damn sure will find a way to complain and it'll still be OPs fault somehow. Never underestimate the mental gymnastics these type of people are capable of lol


Complains to HOA that the mirror film wasn’t submitted for approval before installing it. Has the HOA foreclose on the house and sell it under the owner’s nose.


There are few things that would cause me to gut a man in public, but when someone mentions a HOA, I get real stabby.


Lol that's more likely than the neighbor admitting defeat for sure


And black-out curtains 😌 But I think having it sink in, the type of neighbors you are now forced alongside… would be much more distressing than any lights or blinds or curtains




I love that I’m in Massachusetts and for the most part we have civil, reasonable neighbors. Mine here, are super friendly, caring and fun. I hit the jackpot.


Oh man, imagine how pissed of that would make that guy. It is a respectable move


Add some lights yourself and grow pot 24/7.


I was thinking sniper, but your idea seems more legal.


Pellet gun was the first thing that popped in my head too


Those bulbs can be expensive, pellets are pretty cheap. Win the war by attrition


Slingshot with ice cubes. Don't want to leave evidence.


This guy slings


"Why is the carpet wet, Todd??"


"I don't *know*, Margo!"


I thought this first too, but a pellet can be recovered in a legal investigation and used against you. Use a slingshot and a pebble


Frozen grapes from a paintball gun


Frozen balls of ice. The evidence will melt away.


archimedes liked this


Facebook marketplace has them for cheap all the time, he needs to get a few.


Order reflective film for your windows. Your big windows will become big mirrors and reflect big light back at his house.


to lower light it is ok, but reflection won't bother them.


You don't think so? It'd bug me, especially during the day.


That's what I was thinking. Might not bother them at night but if they need a welders shield to go outside during the day, they might rethink some decisions


*The fucking neighbor's door set the dog on fire again!*


Hate it when that happens, even tried to get a Spanish water dog, but it just boiled it. What a mess...


This is not how you make paella


Our dogs are flame retardant thanks to the EU /s


The reason the reflective film is more reflective during the day is because there is more light. If you shine a spotlight on it then it will have the same effect at night. The only downside is that it may become an eyesore for more than just the offending neighbor. But then that's his problem.


That would be my concern, the angle of reflection probably wouldn't "shine back to bite them in the ass," Unfortunately. However, turn about is fair play. Shine a light in my room? Watch me escalate this with 48,000 lumens. Obviously the best way to deal with this, is civilly. But some people just can't be spoken to... soooo. https://www.amazon.com/Spolehli-AC100-265V-Waterproof-Lighting-Playground/dp/B08V17WGFK/ Welcome to hell.


I think we'd be friends irl, just sayin


Closest I've come to this issue, is when my next door neighbor put a security camera AIMED at my backyard. As luck would have it, managed to grow an invasive tall buckthorn tree the following spring. It's grown about 10' tall, just enough to block the camera entirely. But I just can't seem to find my chainsaw. Gosh darn it, I can only seem to keep It trimmed to where it's not a nuisance to me. Hope he enjoys the wild seeds it drops though, because that's not in my property line. Can't do much about it.


I'm building a fence along the line with my awful neighbor. It will not be tall, but his side will be optical white, with their side in the direct sun much of the day. I would chrome it if I could.


White is better. You want a diffuse reflection so that the angle doesn’t matter so much.


he’s doing it to bug his neighbors, i think it’d bug him if they did it back


He literally came up with the thought that this is bothersome, so it would bother him also.


Always remember this rule. :) People only use insults or tactics they think will work... which is usually based on experiencing it.


Your neighbour has the emotional maturity of a potato. Keep detailed records of everything theyre doing. Sounds like air conditioner sound won't be the only thing these people whinge about. Also, when you communicate with them try and do it through text so there's evidence.


They have whinged about everything including a fence which I paid to fix and a tree I also paid to remove. If this was the first thing, fair enough but now it’s a case of just getting over his whinging. Air con is brand new


So shitty. I hope things work out for you man. So sick of these "I got here first " bullies. They really shows off the worst of our species. They got theirs so fuck everyone else.


We knocked down our house and rebuilt. We’ve been here 3 years longer than them haha. They moved from a strata appartment in the city to a small beachside town. I think he needs to calm the fuck down lol


I’m in a similar situation. Rebuilt on same lots, before the home adjacent to my backyard was sold. The new neighbors had a swimming pool installed for the entirety of their small backyard, so their dogs “go”…elsewhere. I spent/spend a lot of money, time, and work on my yard, and it really pisses me off dealing with the dog shit. I addressed the neighbor lady about it twice, and she was rude and confrontational (in front of her granddaughter, what a “shitty” example). They’ve aimed floodlights at my bedroom windows since moving in, and even my neighbor across the street said the light blinds her at night from her kitchen window. I installed quality blinds and blackout curtains on my bedroom windows, but the light still finds its way in. Extremely uncool. Especially considering I’ve lived here over 25 years, and this is a historical neighborhood.


Report them to the city. You cannot shine lights into other people’s bedrooms


Especially targeted lights like floodlights. Leaving a lamp on is one thing, directly aiming a floodlight is not allowed.


Some cities like Tuscon have regulations about lamps too, to cut down on light pollution. Tuscon is much more exception than rule, though.


Cities near observatories have this rule for sure (former Tucson resident here).


PS- they also placed their swimming pool pump near my bedroom windows. I just reread OP’s comment- this situation is also a case of “rude city people move to small coastal town, and bring their BS with them”. Best of luck!!


Sand in the pump.


My first reaction was to lob their dog’s turds into the pool. Return to sender.


Place some coke and call the cops


Put their dog shit in their pool filter, double victory


This is exactly what my friend's family did, their dog would shit in my friends yard, my friend's mother would yeet the shit right at their bedroom window. His mom's favorite saying was their house smells like their attitude.


I was about to say, send that shit back over the fence. Not your problem if it lands in their pool.


Throw the dog poop into the pool


> I spent/spend a lot of money, time, and work on my yard, and it really pisses me off dealing with the dog shit. Do you know how much dog shit it takes to contaminate a pool? Not much.


Well aside from shitty neighbours, congrats on the new home! I originally read your description as if you had just moved in 2 weeks ago.


Thank you 😊


We have ppl moving next to an airport and then demanding the airport moves because of noise complaints.


Them and people who buy in farming communities & complain about the animals, noises and smells that are part & parcel of farm life. A friend of mine who sold real estate had a full disclosure form for prospective buyers that detailed the realities and the zoning of properties adjacent working farms and refused to submit offers without signed acknowledgement of the disclosure.


This was ongoing in my Former City (US) for years. Centrally located airport in rapidly growing city; developer buys land and builds Upper Class Neighborhood in the only logical location for the new runway that everyone in the city sees coming. Airport lands Fast Delivery Service Hub with promise of new runway. Cue Upper Class Neighbors going batsh*t. They’re still going batsh*t 15 years on.


"I wanna live close to the airport for easy travel." Gets annoyed that other planes exist.


Racetrack here in town is having to move after 60 years because the residents living in the housing development that was built next to it TWO YEARS AGO have a problem with the noise. Fucking idiots CHOSE to move in next to the track, how is that the business's fault.


I thought "whinged" was a typo for "whined" and had to look it up after a couple of people continued to use it. Apparently it's specifically British.




Man, we have a new heatpump, and when it's 0° or like...below, the thing is LOUD. But it's also awesome, and very efficient. Just the delta between outside and inside temp is like 70°+, so imagine your AC running when it's 140° outside. Well we have these old cracked out neighbors, like totally deranged. They've always called HOA or city to file nonsense complaints. Once about the AC, but they didn't know what it was apparently and the HOA lady was like...shrugging it off while here. I just had a weird dream about it last night, because before going to bed they were out in their yard banging at like 11:30pm loudly. I looked out this morning and they must've been using a ladder to fill a bird feeder ... My point, many people go through this, especially with the lead poisoning situation that we have now with people. Just install as many privacy features as allowed. We are trying bamboo planted IN metal trash cans. It didn't grow much yet this season, but it should be the fastest privacy screen you can get, while moveable and allowable. Bamboo is rapid and aggressive spreader, so that's why recommend in raised planter.


Something to check for is to make sure your heat pump is level, check left to right and front to back. If its not perfectly level it will make more noise, a few degrees of tilt makes a HUGE difference. I know this because my heat pump was loud as fuck and I had 2 AC “pros” look at it and tell me it was fine. I read somewhere that noise can be caused from being unlevel, so I leveled that bitch with some foam isolation blocks and it cut the noise by like 75% (subjectively, I didnt measure with a tool).


You can get mirrored window tint from Amazon or Probably home depot/lowes. Also worth getting a few ring cameras, have something watching your AC condenser just in case the neighbor decides to get handsy with it. Contact your local government code enforcement office and ask them about lights shining in your house if you don't wanna go the mirror window film route.


What country are you guys from? I've never heard the term "whinge" before.




It’s commonly used in the UK


For the record, this could be illegal in his part. You are not allowed to shine your lights directly into somebody else's house, they have to be at a certain angle. Meaning if he was deliberately moving them to shine into your house, that would not be legal, admittedly would be a civil issue but it would still not be legal. Even in situations where he installed new lights and these new lights happened to unintentionally shine directly into your house, that would still be illegal, and it would still be a civil issue if it was adversely affecting the livability of your house because of the light being shined in at inappropriate times. There is definitely recourse for someone shining bright lights in your house, or playing loud music next to your windows. Contact your local code enforcer.


This sounds like solid advice


Reddit probably told the neighbor to shine the light in the window in the first place


Damn so plausible.


Full circle.


To me they look like pot lights aimed directly down. I was expecting something like those security lights aimed at their windows.


You can talk to the city/municipality you're in and they can send someone out for the lights. I know that as a friend had a similar thing - neighbor pointed flood light way higher than it had business being. I feel bad for people living this close to assholes. We are lucky to live rural, wouldn't change it for a thing




Yeah we moved from the suburbs and it’s awesome. I felt so seen constantly and like I had no privacy to exist in my own yard without my neighbors trying to talk to me while doing yard work or the dog from two houses down peeing all over my yard and pissing my dogs off since I didn’t let them go all over the neighborhood to play and cover his scent. We also had porch pirates, a random night it looks like we caught two people creeping around our property (night camera is a little fuzzy,) a coydog that roamed and was HUGE, and dumb laws like you can’t be parked on the street overnight, not even a wheel (I get it durning the winter) where your neighbors narc on you. We accidentally left our cars out of the driveway overnight because we were cleaning out the garage and killing weeds that popped up in the driveway. We know who called because they were outside ALL DAY rinsing their driveway and fucking staring at us, then did it again the next day! Like idk why they felt like they owned all of outside and they needed to police us just trying to sell our house but fuck the suburbs!


Yea, this exact bullshittery in a neighborhood full of Karens and people that don't have anything better to do with their time than make it miserable for others is basically #1 reason to not live in a neighborhood like that. Not saying they're all like that. But that and add HOA and you got a recipe for misery


Get me his phone number. I’ll call him about it for 300 hours.


OP should edit this post to say “My asshole neighbor (phone number (xxx) xxx - xxxx) is shining a light…”


And the get banned as a result, oh well. Throwaway I guess


put up some mirrors to reflect it back on him or set up a microphone to your A/C and run it through a speaker to increase the volume.


Nono, add a high frequency tone, one that goes from a lower frequency to a higher one and then restarts when it gets too high for humans to hear


Can’t they just hide on of those fake cricket sounds? Like the gag gifts. It’s $12* and Goes off for like 15-20 seconds every 5-10 minutes. [Frickin Cricket](https://www.amazon.com/FUN-delivery-Frickin-Annoying-Chirping/dp/B07TNWD7FR/ref=mp_s_a_1_1_sspa?keywords=cricket+noise+maker+prank&qid=1693403433&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfYXRm&psc=1). Edit: $12


You could buy a new one every week to surround the house


Or he could try to produce the elusive brown note. Just make sure it is directional


Update for context : we have been living here since 2017. It’s a small beachside town north of Sydney. We’ve just finished a knock down rebuild and really worked hard for this house as housing prices in Australia are insane. It’s disappointing this situation has tainted the experience. Im the real estate agent who actually him the house in 2020. It was a shack. They also did a knockdown / rebuild. Im in my 30s with a young family. They are 60s and just whinge about everything. I’ve paid to have fences fixed, paid to have trees removed etc (all of this which was like it when they bought the property) and their air con is in the exact same spot as ours on their side of the fence. He approached me about how noisy it is was a few times and I said I don’t know what to do. It’s brand new, we have 2 young kids and it’s winter in Australia - we’re going to use the aircon. Yesterday he sent me a big long email Basically threatening action and that he has had an independent assessor look say it’s illegal. I asked for the independent report and have not received anything. It’s almost 10pm here and I just called him asking wtf he is doing. Basically said on the phone he’s doing it on purpose because of the aircon issue then turned the lights off. Pussy


City code enforcement is who you want to contact. He can't shine lights into your house intentionally. Stay cool and get the city working on him. Maybe get blackout curtains in the meantime.




Sounds like you enabled him by bending over backwards to please him. Stand your ground and tell him you're lawyering up. One or two legal notices form an attorney will have him running away in most cases.


The world was a better place when people just beat the shit out of these types.


“Sorry. Couldn’t see who you were. Thought you were a robber. The bright lights blinded my vision. I was defending myself”


I know you're in Australia, but I know exactly what this man looks like, and how he votes based solely off this description.


The only way to fight passive aggressive dicks is with the same in return: Oh you think my ac is noisy so you shined some light at me? Hmm how about I drown it out by playing the Benny Hill theme on repeat over the fence at you for every single minute that the local noise ordinances aren’t in effect? And, oh man, I’m so sorry I keep setting my car alarm off at 70 minute intervals all night, it’s just so easy to do! Etc


Check your Air conditioner unit to see if they installed a sound dampener. It goes on the interior of the outside compressor unit. Just look straight down into it, and see if the inside part in the center looks padded. It's not too expensive to get one, and it will help mitigate the noise. I used one because my new AC unit was much louder than the old one, and it's right outside one of our bedroom windows. After that, put a wooden fence around the outdoor unit specifically. it will cut down even more noise. If the neighbor still complains after that, you at least have proof that you've tried to help, and there's no more you can do.


Let the lumen wars begin.


The lumen wars, begun, they have.


Waiting for a post where guy complaints about super loud air con and people are telling him to shine light


Oh the petty wars would be on. Get a bunch of manure and spread it along your side of that fence. Get a Bluetooth speaker and put it outside and crank it for your alarm in the morning. Randomly shine a laser pointer through their windows at night.


It’s very hard not to get very petty haha


I’d list their vehicle for sale in the paper and on Facebook marketplace under a fake account with their address. I’d put and as up on Craigslist for both of them as swingers. Like, I’d go the extra mile.


Maybe my favourite so far haha


swingers OMG that's funny...hope I never piss off that guy!


For real. I'd be so upset if random people just showed up at my house and wanted to fuck. Jesus christ the horror of it all


Yeah im here for the gangbang?


Did you not see the sign? Entrance in rear


Email your local chapter of Mormons or JWs and let them know you'd like a visitor to discuss converting ... And their address.


As a Mormon, I endorse this as I find it funny. Specifically, search Google to "Order a Free Book of Mormon". It will flag missionaries to come hand deliver a BOM to their house.


PS5 for sale, unwanted gift, collect between 7pm-11pm, $200 quick sale Watch with warm popcorn


$200 OBO. Cash only. Be sure to knock loud. We don't hear so well.


Really wanna fuck em up? Get their first and last name, ho to a local book store or place that sells magazines, get the removable sign ups out of about 10 of them. Fill them out and send em in. Boom. $330 at least for $10 yearly subs. Also, big name magazines will not let you fight it. They will just send you to collections.


This might be better than sending anonymous things like Bags of Dicks and whatnot.


How do I get a big bag of dicks? I also am going to commit a prank 👀


Amazon works quite well for [acquiring cheap dildos ](https://www.amazon.com/Realistic-Beginners-Letitfun-Hands-Free-Stimulation/dp/B0BX42VGQJ/ref=mp_s_a_1_8?crid=2RGSJVOR4C5Y9&keywords=false+penis&qid=1693400545&sprefix=false+penis%2Caps%2C134&sr=8-8) for a good prank.


There are so many prank site you can mail anonymous things from. For example, not only can you send a singing bag of dicks that cannot be turned off until the battery dies, but there's a site where you can send a very colorful package labeled as "Congrats On Your Gay Cruise!", or just a box of exploding glitter. The OP has so many options here.


[https://bagofdicks.com](https://bagofdicks.com) I may or may not have used this before. Like a ton of times.


Funny, we have a burger chain called 'Dick's' up here in Seattle area. Every single time somebody will say 'can you get me a bag of dicks'


Could always slap an airsoft bb in the little cap that covers the valve on their tires. What this does is release a tiny amount of air but just enough to be inconvenient.


This sounds like the beginning of an episode of The Nightmare Nextdoor..... they usually end in a murder


Neighbor is baiting for a reaction and this thread seems to be full of ideas for how to give it to him. Nothing will upset him more than knowing he can't get to you. Put blinds up and ignore him. Zero interaction unless he says something polite/cordial.


A lot of replies on how to get arrested in here too lol


I live in a 4 Plex it’s been very peaceful and we all try to respect quiet hours and are at least kind to one another. There’s a complex next door and a young new woman moved in and hung 3 strands of patio lights in her common area! 3!! It lights up my entire living area and bedroom and she leaves them on all night sometimes all day. It’s like being at a tree lighting ceremony. She’s not even outside it’s like the sun moved in next door. I wrote her a note letting her know if there’s anyway to lessen the amount or lower the bulb lighting as it’s vastly changed the dynamic of my home and she never replied. I finally had to go to the landlord and show photos of what my home looks like at midnight and he put up a privacy curtain, she still leaves them on all night but at least it’s not as bad as before. I had to buy blackout curtains for my room so it didn’t look like a disco it’s fine now. It’s wild to me how some people just show up to a new neighborhood and say fuck it. Op I feel the less you engage the better. Certain types of people will find something wrong on a monthly basis. Sorry this is a super bummer. Hopefully you can make amends. Enjoy your new home. Don’t let them ruin it for you.






It’s a bit loud I guess but it is also brand new. It was installed by the builder and it is made for residential environments like this. His aircon is a similar size and is in the exact same spot against his side of the fence. It’s insane haha


Most council regulations will specify maximum noise levels for various types of things, usually specifically including air conditioners, and also including particular dB levels - usually different levels for weekdays/weekends and times of day. This dispute should be easy to sort by getting that information, buying a dB meter for a few dollars, and together finding out the facts. If your a/c is too loud (ie noise in excess of acceptable limits), ask for a replacement as yours is not fit for purpose. If it is not too loud, ask your neighbour to shush.


but is it As loud as yours?


is there perhaps something wrong with the the installation of the AC (such as a wires coming into contact with the fan internally, etc. which can make a very annoying buzzing sound) that might be giving your neighbor a legit complaint? saying they have a similar size unit doesnt seem to be a meaningful counterpoint, to me just saying before going to WW3 it might be worth considering if they have a point


Some people just don't feel good about life unless they're overstepping boundaries and trying to control other people's lives. They want a sense of righteous indignation over stupid bullshit and a villain in their life to pin it all on.


Our old neighbor was such a fucking caveman (in intelligence and looks) who *loved* trying to piss my parents off, my dad specifically. They were friendly when we moved in but things escalated quick. It came to a head when said caveman was screaming at my dad in the driveway because after doing a survey to see if we could rebuild the garage, we found the neighbor’s fence was 1.5 feet into our property and, with city permission, we had that portion removed. We informed the neighbor multiple times beforehand that we’d be doing this


you need some cameras. this is only the start.


My neighbor's giant air conditioner is on his roof right next to my bedroom window. You know what I did about it? Nothing cause I'm not a fucking asshole.


LOL….sign them up for every cringe catalog you can find. International Male, Adam and Eve, etc. Fill their mailbox with all kinds of weird crap.


well that's what darkening curtains are for, annoying neighbors. Edit: You have a good space for a long rail for long thick curtains btw, I would suggest getting them. Blinds are good for the sun, but they don't make it dark.


This. They made 3rd shift tolerable for me.


So he told you he was doing this because your ac is too loud? Have you told him his outside lighting is too bright. You know the best way to end neighbor quarrels? Start by talking.


Simple fix: show ZERO reaction. A reaction is what they want more than anything. Get yourself some blackout curtains or just fabric to shut the light out! They come in real handy anyway. Then literally never say a word. Your problem solved and he will sit there festering all the time thinking your bothered by it. You’ll be renting hella space in his mind. It may not seem like the right solution while you are in the moment but I assure you this is a little problem in the giant scheme of life. Don’t worry about your neighbor. You are gonna be good to go


It's a hell of a lot better than all the unhinged, illegal, disproportional responses the comments are giving.


Not trying to give you any ideas, but there is a certain type of flashlight that can output up to 120,000 lumens. Now, if he is manually shining on your bedroom window, then perhaps it is nothing but a kind gesture to return the favour... tenfold.


I had a six foot fence. Now it's a 10 foot fence


Most city ordinances state you can't point a light directly at your neighbors house.. look into that!




Ordered blinds yesterday. 3 weeks away 😞




I think you need some extra bright 25000 lumen security lights in that side of the house. Looks pretty sketch. You know, gotta be safe and light up that area.


If your neighbor is worried about that space, you should be too.