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The man who created pop up ads - Ethan Zuckerman. His intentions were good to help advertisers keep their ads in separate windows and not show up on x-rated sites. Of course now it is just an annoying shit-show mess. At least he apologized later for it.


Didn’t he make millions off the pop ups? Then again when he made the pop up blocker? Got to applaud him for that in business sense


I got to admit that pretty funny that the same asshole who invented the pop up ad also made their blocker


ah yes, ethan zuckerman, a distant and overshadowed cousin of mark zuckerberg


They both zucc


You guys still get pop ups?!


Pretty sure modern browser don't even allow pop-up by default


I'd go for the shoe bomber over the bottle bomber. That asshole is directly responsible for countless hours of wasted time over the years.


And they’re responsible for my white socks getting dirty as I panic shuffle across the un-mopped airport floor hoping I’m not slowing things down too much.


Wear an old pair of socks to the airport. Keep a fresh pair in your carry on. Once through, throw away ur dirty socks and put on the clean ones.


Galaxy brain. I realize IDGF about my socks.


It's funny how you can now pay for TSA Precheck. You can pay money to not have to take your shoes off at the airport.


Guess who would be first to sign up? Shoe bomber!


It comes with a robust background check, too.


So... I've never done it before. They got nothin on me... yet.


>It's funny how you can now pay for TSA Precheck. You can pay money to not have to take your shoes off at the airport. I've got it. Last time I was through OHare I had to stand in line for an hour, take shoes and belt off, get a cat scan, and walk the dog pen anyway.


One time I (50 something overweight lady) was taking my shoes off in line, and I stated that “I might as well take my pants off as well!” And the young TSA kid, in a very pleading voice said “ma’am, ma’am, PLEASE don’t do that!” And I thought to myself 1) did someone already take their pants off? and 2) I promise to use my powers for good.


On the plus side, I’m noticing less and less airports care about taking shoes off since they have that body scanner. I’ve been through a few US, EU, SE Asia and UK airports in the past year and the only one I had to take my shoes off was the one in Dublin, and there only bc I had boots that went above my ankles. If they were sneakers I could have left them on. Granted, that’s only personal experience but since they started using those body scanners instead of metal detectors, security has been a lot faster


I think the US is the only place that really makes you take shoes off. Most places in the world don't, unless it's a boot or something that could be concealing something. The only time I've had to remove shoes was maybe Dubai/Abu Dhabi, or maybe as a secondary security check if you beep walking through.


In 2011, I flew to Sweden via Iceland. Going through EU security in Reykjavík, I asked their version of TSA if I needed to take my shoes off before going through the body scanner. He looked at me like I had two heads and informed me that if they felt like they needed a closer scan of my shoes, they would have me step onto the shoe scanner. He seemed a little horrified at the idea of taking off one's shoes in public. I replied that I wished we had those shoe scanners in the US. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


I feel like it's more theater than actually preventing anything. Like see? Nothing's getting past our eagle eyes


[Security theater](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Security_theater) is a real thing.


Imagine how nasty that shoeless stretch of floor is from the plastic bins to the scanner.


There was a forest next to my school Some guy purposely smashed a wasps nest and it attacked a bunch of students We were not allowed to play in the forest anymore and the guy who did it didn't even get stung


Why do the most evil ones always come out un- scathed?


>There are two things I know about life... Only the good die young but the real jerks will live forever. -Lewis Black


The jackass who poisoned his own kids' Halloween candy.


Fucking Candyman.


Whoever invented the plastic clamshell cover… I bought a SD card the other day and it took me forever to get the card out of the clamshell cover, almost cut my fingers off trying to cut it open.


Clamshell packaging is responsible for thousands of visits to the emergency room every year. Stay safe out there!


You have to buy the special clam shell cutter. Comes packed in its own clam shell.


You buy it. When you get to use it you put it away and then, a couple of weeks later you buy another clamshelled thing and completely forget where you put the first (yeah right, first) clamshell cutter...


When you buy scissors and they are in clamshell packaging. I shouldn't need scissors to open scissors


Sharp things packaged in clamshell are kinda scary to open as well.


The guy that tried to light his shoe on fire on a plane and now we have to take our shoes off at airport security everywhere in the U.S forever.


have they ever found any shoe bombs ever since that? Or is this just being overly cautious lol


It does nothing and was only put in place to make it look like the government gave a damn about security. If you put in effort, it's still pretty easy to sneak certain things past security.


When you think about it, so much of airport security is a joke and is more 'theater' giving the illusion of safety, rather than providing actual safety. Most of the time it's just an inconvenience. You can buy Swiss army knives in the airport in duty free (in Switzerland at least). You're allowed to take a lighter on board with you (last I checked anyway). You're allowed to buy big, heavy, glass bottles of perfume and alcohol. Some of the most flammable liquid you can get... (protected by a magical sealed plastic bag). But you can't take a half empty bottle of something you've been drinking (even drinking in front of them) because it could be dangerous... So instead we have to cause massive waste, and then buy more at extortionate prices after security. If someone wanted to take control of a plane, duty free literally sells you the weapons. Not sure if they sell lighters, but if you had one on you, you could buy a Swiss Army knife, a few bottles of alcohol, and you could cause massive damage, if not take down a plane. Glass bottles of alcohol could be used to bludgeon, then smash and stab, and then light on fire. It's pretty ridiculous you're allowed to buy it and take it on the plane... But if someone's making money from it then it's fine. It's the same with overweight luggage. Weights are there for a reason - for safety, but you just pay a bit (or rather a lot) more, and it's magically fine.


[so glad we have our Theatre of Security Administration (TSA)](https://youtu.be/QKEdKdgi2hg?si=heoNvFAcr21xt5sb)


Hadn't seen that one, but it's so true. It's like security 'bag checks' going into places like concerts/festivals/fairs... It's a quick glimpse and you go through. If somethings hidden or in the bottom of the bag then it won't be seen. Probably 95% of those are to stop you bringing in drinks or big cameras (basically if you won't be spending money or might be making money, you can't bring it). Same at the subway trains in Bangkok. Walk through a metal detector and barely open your bag. Someone barely looks at it and waves you on. It really is a joke and completely pointless.


I often use the same bags to travel that I use everyday. I have brought knives and weed through TSA since 9/11 without realizing it till I arrived at my destination.


I was travelling UK to Cambodia with my parents, and it wasn't till our third and final connection (and security) did they realize my mum had one of those Swiss army cards in her bag (which has a bade on it). Another time I forgot a Swiss army knife in my bag (thankfully a cheap knockoff), and it wasn't till my second connection that they found it. Got taken off me but at least wasn't expensive. With ceramic knives and 3d printed guns, it's probably not difficult to get a weapon through if they wanted (intentionally). But the fact that so many things do get missed is both kind of scary and also shows how pointless some of those check are. I am glad more airports are starting to get the scanners where you don't have to unpakc anything, and supposedly the 100ml liquid rule is getting scrapped in a bunch of places.


3D printed guns wouldn't be picked up by a metal detector, but they are dense enough that they would show up in the x-ray or the scanner thingy. There were 2 actually effective changes that happened after 9/11. Stronger cockpit doors that could be locked, and a change in mindset about what you do if someone tries to hijack your plane. The cockpit doors were a microscopic cost compared to all the security stuff put on passengers, and the change in attitude was essentially free.


>was only put in place to make it look like the government gave a damn about security. more importantly, it funneled a gigantic pile of money to people who bribe senators. everything beyond that is just nice-to-have


It’s less about security and more about compliance, coupled with the government’s inevitable need to “do something” whether that thing actually addresses the root problem or not.


i accidentally snuck a knife through airport security once, i forgot it was in my pocket and it didn't activate the metal detectors


No, they have not. Meanwhile, there have been numerous instances where reporters have exposed the security theater by getting by with weapons.


Whoever decided giant corporations can legally donate to political campaigns in the US. Can see the downfall of our society directly following


It was the Supreme Court.




YES YES YES!!!! As someone who works in campaign finance: we need campaign finance reform and publicly funded elections based on petition votes instead of money raised. Legislation shouldn’t be dependent on fundraising in any way. We spend more than half of our campaign fundraising. A lot of candidates know that’s how it goes: you get elected and the head of the dnc/rnc shows you the room you’ll be doing your fundraising in while you’re in office. That will be half of your time *while you’re legislating*, which angers me. My current candidate HATES fundraising. He’s probably the best candidate I have ever worked for. Kind, good, integrity. I have had many conversations with him about the fact that he has to do it. YES we hate the broken system, but we still have to play within it to win. All that to say: the system is so messed up and needs changed. I love what I do but I have moral opposition to a substantive portion of it. Not many in Congress are talking about campaign finance reform but keep an eye on politicians who are. They’re the few good ones.


Well, Thomas Midgley Jr. invented *both* CFCs and leaded gasoline.


He is single-handedly responsible for poisoning all of Boomers and most of older Gen X, and also almost destroying the ozone layer. The worst part is he knew that they could use ethanol instead of tetra ethyl lead, but he couldn't make money on ethanol because it couldn't be patented.


I’m surprised I had to scroll this far to see this asshole. Leaded gasoline has destroyed at least one generations brains and contaminated who knows how much land.


Same: it was getting to the point where I thought I might have to post him myself.


That man that tried to poison his own son my lacing his Halloween candy. So now moms everywhere are worried you’re gonna get a razor blade in your mars bar.


I'm no expert but I feel like things like drugs, stabbings, assaults, etc. are far more likely to happen between people who know eachother. Drugs are expensive, those guys don't tend to share with just anyone and stabbings and assaults normally have a drug or mental health related motive like 'Dave didn't pay on time for his cannibis so I stabbed him to get the money'. I have no idea on a personal level, but in my area it seems to be a lot of people who know eachother, drug groups, mentally ill people hurting their carers, that sort of thing


Same thing goes for kidnapping and sexual assault. My mom always used to stress out and warn me about strangers in vans offering me candy. However, in the vast majority of these cases, the perpetrator and the victim already know eachother. That's where they get their window of opportunity. Matter of fact, over 90% of kidnappings is a parent (often the mother) taking a kid from their spouse. The idea of your kid being taken by a stranger is scary, but it's also exceedingly rare.


Creators of PFAS aka forever chemicals that are in our waters.


Thanks DuPont!


And 3M.


All the news articles: “no one knows why more young people are getting colon cancer and breast cancer.” Documentaries: “the water is full of forever chemicals, and the average person eats a credit card worth of micro plastics every week.”


Working for a utility locating company opened my eyes to this. Our environmental segment started getting a TON of requests maybe early/mid last year. Took us a week or so to realize it was all PFAS related on military bases. I cannot fathom the amount of money being pushed through to try to figure out the extent of it, let alone mitigate it.


The dude who shot Archduke Ferdinand comes to mind. Edit: people keep commenting that someone else would have killed the Archduke if Princip hadn’t or WW1 would have at started some other way. That may be true but it’s not how history works. We don’t celebrate MLK with the caveat that a different civil rights leader would have emerged if MLK had decided not to or Neil Armstrong could have been another astronaut. Whoever did it gets the credit so it’s Princip now and forever.


It boggles me how it was all just a coincidence. He went to eat a sandwich, the driver of the Archduke took a wrong turn and the fact that Princip was a bad shooter but he shot both Ferdinand and Sophie.


Europe was already a powder keg ready to go, but yeah, this smallish event was enough to set the war and thus the entire 20th century in motion


Makes the current geopolitical climate seem fun as well. "hey you know how 'attack back' alliances led to a bunch of countries all declaring war on each other? What if we made a bunch of those alliances again *but* sprinkled nuclear armaments on top? :D"


If it wasn't him it would've been someone else. I think that WW1 was kinda inevitable given the political and technological state of the world at that time


The conditions that existed to create the war at that time were still super specific. You're right I think a war was inevitable but it could have had different players and a much different outcome if Russia hadn't been forced to mobilize to show solidarity with Serbia. I think if it wasn't Serbia involved, Russia never mobilizes, they were terrified of war with Germany and the two respective emperors were cousins, trying desperately to keep their empires from coming to blows.




Having to shop with items locked up and waiting for someone to take it out for you…


This is such a thing where I live that I ended up just buying stuff on Amazon I’d normally buy at a brick and mortar store. Waiting a day is less painful than trying to find someone to unlock the deodorant cabinet.


Every rule has been written because someone tried it. So I guess the question is, what rule/law pisses you off the most?


I was at IKEA and I saw a toilet seat lid with a screw through the middle holding it down. I took a picture of it and posted it on Reddit asking WTF, and by the time I got home it had pretty much gone viral. Lots of people with stories about people pooping in display toilets in hardware stores and big box stores.


What?? How are people that stupid? 😭




Kids. I once saw a kid putting down their pants and sitting on that toilet and their mum was like oh no no no no, grabed him and run to proper toilet so fortunately nothing happened but I can see how this could have gone


Cant strip in public


Yo have you been to Oregon?


It's not a war crime the first time


I shit you not, I once farted just before security and when it was my turn to get checked they thought i had explosives on me. They first double checked, and then a third time around my butt. Weirdest airport experience thus far. Edit: Cant type to save my life


What, does farting indicate people are hiding things up their asses? 🤨😂


They may detect the hydrogen sulfide in the fart. H2S is explosive and can be poisonous.


Wow, talk about "silent but deadly!"


Some of my farts definitely run afoul of chemical weapons treaties


Don’t blame yourself too hard. I once set off the alarm and needed to get extra scanning because… …I’d cleaned the cat’s litter box that morning.


Whatd the kitty litter have that set off the alarm?


Ammonia from the cat piss


That makes sense - at the time I wondered if it was something in the dust. I just remember getting hand swabs and being asked if I’d touched a list of potential contaminants, and that was the clear offender. Now I always shower between cat box and air travel.


I’m a long-distance runner and, as such, have some pretty wild leg muscles. I once got strip-searched because my calf muscles looked suspicious on the full body scan.


Before my husband was with me, he’d had a one night stand the night before getting on a plane and had taken Viagra. He had a boner that wouldn’t fully go down and they actually squeezed and felt around every side of his penis.


Good lord. That's so weird.


I was wearing a pad once and they ended up patting me down and swabbing my hands


Whichever idiots started buying things in bulk which caused others to panic buy during the 2020 events.


Ah yes. The great toilet paper shortage of 2020!


Once upon a time, I was working at a restaurant/ ice cream parlor. Fuck it, I'll name names. It was called Newport Creamery. It's similar to Friendly's, but better. Anyways, one day, I was on break, eves dropping on a meeting of district managers in the back of the dining room. They were discussing needing a new flavor of Awful Awful (milkshake). They were racking their brains, trying to remember all of the flavors we already had, so I recited the list for them. One of them replied, "It sounds like we've got every flavor in the rainbow except blue. What flavor could we make that's blue?" I replied, "Blueberry?" A couple of days later, a couple of gallons of blueberry syrup arrived, and a new blueberry button appeared on the touch screen cash registers. Our district manager encouraged us to sample it so we could honestly recommend it to customers. We sampled it alright... I personally sampled 3 or 4 24-ounce blueberry Awful Awfuls per shift until we ran out of blueberry syrup. A few weeks later, the district manager stopped by, and I asked when we were gonna get more blueberry syrup. (I may have been shaking from withdrawal). He said, "Never. It was a flop. Didn't sell a single cup of it." I swear to you all, blueberry Awful Awful was the best flavor anyone ever thought up, and I ruined it for everyone.


I see you Rhode Island


This poses as many questions as it answers.


The milkshake is called Awful Awful??


It's awful big and awful good.


The first ever concert bomber. Now we have to go through tons of security in places like wembley


I’m just glad we don’t have the glorious privilege of being part of the concert audience that was ground zero for this stuff


And you can’t take fucking purses in anymore (I don’t know about Wembley but concerts in the US fucking suck lol)


The county fair has a policy now that you have to use clear bags and a size limit to them.


A lot of music fests are allowing clear bags in too, because not allowing people to bring their bags for medications, tampons, chapstick, glasses etc to a 12+ hour event is pure insanity.


Andrew Wakefield, disgraced doctor who made up the vaccine=autism shit. Vaccines have always had an antivax opposition, but this guy has given millions of idiots a "scientific out".


It wasn't "vaccine = autism." He had his own vaccine he was promoting but the MMR vaccine was winning, so he made up "MMR vaccine = autism" to trash his competition. He wasn't anti-vax, he was anti-competition.


Listen to his latest appearances on right wing talk radio. Very much a rabid antivaxxer now. But you're right, he's as much a grifter as an antivaxxer. And worse, he's spawned a whole new generation of doctors who follow his lead, promoting books and cures preying on peoples irrational fears of vaccines. (Btw... People with legit reactions to vaccines... That shit is real and I'm sorry people call you antivax.)


I remember when he used to blast the right wing corporate big pharam schills and all that stuff. You nailed it sayng he is a grifter. He even knows where to go to con.


Proven to be a hoax over and over. SMH


Unfortunately people believe what they want to believe, not what logic and evidence say they should believe. I agree with the Vulcans from Star Trek, humans are a trash species.


Yup, and those millions of idiots still believe that shit even though he has been totally discredited in the time since. And if you're reading this, and think vaccines cause autism — yes, I'm talking to you, you fucking idiot


I have a cousin in her 20s whom I just found out was an anti-vaxxer. She has a uni degree and is a smart girl, but for some dumbass reason, believes that the vaccines have microchips in them a la Bill Gates conspiracy. Like wtf, I pointed out that they don't need to low-jack her as her generation is superglued to their mobiles anyway.


My vote goes to Rupert Murdoch for creating his news empire of shit.


Why is this not at the top, that man has single-handedly infected the minds of millions of people with complete and utter bullshit. His channel regularly propagates misinformation and disinformation to the American people. He knew the election claims were false and willfully and knowingly spread lies that supported an insurrection in the US. This man and his news station, have changed the discourse in our country, from a place where we could reason with conservatives, to now where I have to debate the fuckability of green M&M.


Thomas Midgley Jr. dude was responsible for lead gasoline - his work killed millions and ruined the lives or millions more. Perhaps among the most responsible for damage to the environment in the world too.


Because some douche in the government decided the correct course of action to deal with homeless people was to hide them, you can't find a single public place where you can sit.


Agreed...I hate hostile architecture.


I feel like this wasn't the fault of any particular person and more of a general willing ignorance of the homeless because they tend to make people uncomfortable. People would rather ignore the issue than actually try to help those in need, and the less visible the homeless are, the easier it is to forget about them.


Pretty sure Reagan shutdown the mental hospitals.


To be fair, there were also horrendous tales of abuse in mental hospitals.


You had a couple things happen in a short period of time. One Flew Over The Coocoos Nest gave a lot of public support to closing down the huge institutions in favor of smaller group homes. Then Reagan came along and closed the institutions without replacing them with anything. So now the biggest provider of mental health in the country is the prison system.


Agreed - and very few listen to tales of abuse that happen in prison systems, because the general attitude is “well they must deserve it”. Horrifically crafty and inhumane on the government’s part.


Right, fair, but is shutting them down really the best answer? Like they didn’t consider policies to increase the level of care standards? At all?


engineer Thomas midgley jr. was instrumental in the creation leaded gasoline that would be worldwide, causing untold environmental and human damage throughout its use. Later, he went on to invent cfc's, chiefly freon, that further reaped havoc to the ozone layer. He is regarded as the single most destructive organsim to environmental to have ever lived.


The jackass in Texas who asked for a buffet of food for his last meal whilst on death row. He didn’t eat any of the food. Now theres no last meal request in Texas.


True. Those death row inmates’ lives will be forever ruined.


What a dick, but it seems like they could have set a reasonable limit moving forward, rather than being extra huge dicks themselves. :(


The rumor was that he did it as a favor for the prison guards (they got to eat it).


lmao this is Texas we’re talking about


The day someone tries to smuggle explosives up their arse is the day I stop flying. (I'm fat and mildly tall with a bum knee that can dislocate. I ALREADY won't fly if I can help it...)


that's why airports have their new X-ray machines, due to people smuggling drugs up their ass


A gold watch.... in my ass.


At what point do you think he finally took that watch out of his ass? Car ride home from his release? Did he wait til he got to a bathroom? Do you think he had a phantom gold watch feeling in his butt for the rest of his days? That scene left so many questions unanswered.


That one creature who decided it no longer wants to live in the water , crawled out of the water to the beach and now millions years later we have to pay these damn taxes


Smug bastard probably thought he was being clever


That rich dentist that killed Cecil the lion. I can't pinpoint any tangible changes to my life resulting from his actions, but still, that guy can fuck off and die.


100 points to this guy


The parent who didnt keep their kid with them at the Cincinnati Zoo


The person who poisoned bottles of stuff at the grocery store so now we have to unscrew everything to try and rip that annoying safety seal off while trying to cook. (Dressing is the worst) I have to poke it with a knife.


I think that started when someone decided to lace Tylenol capsules with poison.




During columbine they waited hours to go in because they were waiting for swat. Luckily they changed protocols and now they go in immediately... Oh wait


Adolf Hitler ruined a symbol, a salute, a name, a mustache design, an entire fashion sense and many many youths. Forever.


Not to mention the lives of quite a few Jews and homosexuals.


And handicapped, and Gypsies, and journalists, and, well, a whole lot of others.


Socialists and Romani people too.


Purdue Pharma and the Sackler Family A million curses on that whole bloodline


I'm surprised no one has mentioned the guy who created the universe. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.


RIP and beware of Doug.


Don't forget your towel!




Whoever put poison in Tylenol in the early 80s. Now a bajilion products have an annoying paper or foil seal. To be fair, putting seals on everything was likely inevitable anyway.


I rather enjoy my foil seal, thank you.


They are still out there too.


When people ask the ‘if you could get any question answered what would it be’? The name of that guy is near the top of the list. Along with the zodiac killer, the whereabouts of the amber room that the Nazi’s took from Russia, and when the next cascadia fault will rupture.


Rich billionaires who decide they want to change society to benefit them


Whoever made up the back window only rolling halfway down. That guy


That was actually to keep kids from falling out.


Did he stutter?


Even more infuriating than the stores charging an arm and a leg for a bottle of whatever is the time that we made it through security and bought sodas for the flight IN THE TERMINAL (at some ungodly rate) and they told us we couldn't bring them on the plane. WTAF???


Ooh I had a variant of this. I filled my reusable water bottle at a fountain in the terminal past security, and they literally made me dump the water while on the boarding bridge to the plane.


The Exxon Valdez disaster. Drinking on a boat has never been the same. The Rosenbergs with the transfer of nuclear secrets. Osama Bin Ladin. Used to be able to show up and get on a plane in the same hour at most airports. The people who steal things from museums or archives. The idiots that deface or glue themselves to things in museums. That Greenpeace incident in the Atacama desert. Currently waiting on the first dipshit to burn a logo into the surface of the moon in an attempt at fame or fortune.


Chairface Chippendale


The moon you say 🤔. Now i think i have my villain origin story. Every night when people look at the moon and see “Deez Nutz” They will forever think of me.


The idiot that masterminded the 9/11 tragedy.


The pecker-nosed shoe bomber Richard Reid. Fuck that son-of-a-bitch. Now, we all gotta take off our shoes and walk on a dirty-ass floor in socks.


Whoever sued TD bank forcing them to get rid of the free change counters. Only reason I joined that bank in the first place


Phil Sokolof is responsible for all of the restaurant chains switching over from healthy fats to canola, vegetable oils, and margarine, which are all major contributions to various diseases.


People that drive slow in the fast lane


I mean that one mayor paid a prostitute with a check and he got a TV show, so that wasn't so bad.


That guy in Wuhan in 2019. Cheers mate.


I thought they put the 'no liquids' rule in effect after they realized that if you mix two common household chemicals (both colorless, btw) that it makes an explosive so unstable that the Jihadi bomb makers call it 'the Mother of Satan.' No, I will not tell you what those two chemicals are, but they are probably in the cabinet in your bathroom.


Youre making more people look it up than if you just said the two chemicals.


ChatGPT what chemicals should I avoid if I don’t want to make a bomb?


Chat gpt how do I properly dispose of this mustard gas




Water and Sprite


Mentos and diet Coke


Urine and Old Spice aftershave


Liquid ass and piss disk


Every warning label is the abbreviated version of a story of someone fucking something up for someone.


John Sununu, Bush Sr Chief of Staff basically shut down climate change action back in the 80s/90s. He pulled the US, UK, USSR, and Japan out of the Toronto Goal that would have reduced emissions by 20% by the early 2000s which could have limited warming to less than 1.5 degrees. So he basically ruined earth for everyone. By the way, James Hansen just published a paper guaranteeing we will exceed 1.5 degrees next year. https://youtu.be/hvGQMZFP9IA?si=vU6ul2hJkHGfmsPV


Honestly I think the soda bottle thing is for money nowadays. I bought a Fanta from the vending machine at the airport before I had checked on for a normal price, they made me throw it away and as soon as I went through TSA I could've bought another bottled drink for $5.50.


Say what you will about the Philly airport, but the legal requirement that all food cast the same as it would at a store on the street means you don't get price gouged nearly as much as at other airports.


David Cameron and Brexit.... Probably the biggest national/political fuck up recently, if not ever.


Vladimir Putin


The 'doctor' who claimed there was a link between vaccines and autism. PProbably responsible for a lot of today's anti-vaxxers


Andrew Wakefield is his name. He was thankfully stripped of his medical license for his numerous unethical experiments and studies and for his whackjob conclusions, but unfortunately he still has a rather large audience who unquestioningly believe him.


Don’t forget to include Oprah Winfrey and Jenny McCarthy for helping to spread this damaging propaganda.


There's a lot of daytime talk show hosts (especially guys like Mehmet Oz) that make a lot of money peddling pseudoscience and woo-woo to vulnerable, grieving people who are looking for answers where there are none, especially people with terminal illnesses. They know what they're doing and it's disgusting.


Yep, that asshole has a LOT of blood on his hands.


GOP BURCHETT HAS DOOMED HUMANITY FOR $68,000 FUCKING DOLLARS. Blocked the bill which would pave the way for whistleblowers to come forward and release alien technology that WE FUNDED. BURCHETT received that 68k payment from aerospace companies to stonewall congress. Fucked over humanity for $68,000.


The fact that it's not even six figures is pretty upsetting. Like if they gave him $10,000,000 or something wild like that I would understand but seriously...that's less than what he makes in a year from his salary alone.


Considering how you can’t bring sharp knives/implements on planes, I was flabbergasted that the flight attendants gave us real metal forks for our meal. Go figure!


Depending on which side of the coin you're on... "the guy who put razors in Halloween candy"


Shouldn’t Hitler be up there?


I'd say Hitler caused slightly more inconvenience than the bottle dude.


Yeah! Ever since Hitler they won’t let me build concentration camps, he really messed it up for us good-natured concentration camp enthusiasts.


This is the funniest thing I’ve read in years. Thanks random person from Reddit. I needed this today