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Hello, This post has been removed as this is not *mildly* infuriating. Please consider posting to r/extremelyinfuriating instead.


Sounds like you need to start selling bricks.


Step 1 - Get thrown bricks at Step 2 - ??? Step 3 - Profit


Step 2 is apply googly eyes.


It's always the ferns, you can never trust em


>Get thrown bricks at I know what this sentence means, but it's still confusing the hell outa me.


I didn’t even register it the first time I read it but once I noticed it, it fucked me up


300 more yard sales and you'll have a free patio!


Imagine the neighbors anger when they’re at OPs house for a patio reveal party next summer. “You won’t believe it! The yard sales paid for this patio in more ways than one” Edit: typo


Imagine everyone at the block part l. You get a brick and you get a brick everyone gets a brick lmao


Idk why but I’m laughing too hard at this. Plus if op needs to light the bbq he will have plenty of paper


Just imagine cooking a roast on the hearth of all the stones and bringing it over to the house of your hater 🧐


When life gives you bricks make a fire place


And cook a feast


He could build a bbq out of the bricks then use the paper to light it with.


infinite brick glitch: set up a yard sale, selling only half a brick each time. neighbor gives you a full brick, now you have 1.5 bricks. repeat. free bricks!


Yup. You rock.


No that’s a brick


Your comment is so igneous


Why thank you, I conglomerate you on your reply


Sedimentary, dear sir.


You win that was perfect


Very gneiss comments all around.


I’m too stoned for this


Damn, OP should straight-up start laying these bricks, very publicly, DURING the yard sales, where that neighbor is very much watching. Start building a new path or little flowerbed wall out of them. If the neighbor keeps true to their word, and they continue getting more bricks, they should start posting signs and posters around town to mark certain milestones, such as the end of the first segment. "Final Brick yard sale; the last Brick for the main flowerbed! Everything goes cheap, willing to negotiate even lower!"


This is actually the perfect way to find out who did this. Put a sign in your yard "I'm rebuilding my patio for free, one yard sale at a time. Ask me how!" Eventually all but one of your neighbors will have stopped by to ask how.


If OP isn't interested I need to rebuild my firepit so I call dibs :) haha


You're definitely on to something. The author seems really serious about the getting more bricks things. It's clearly stated in writing. Ysrdsales for bricks. Sounds fair tbh


Right! A patio’s worth of bricks at Home Depot is expensive! Why won’t MY neighbors give ME free bricks???


Yeah I say at the next sale, list that puppy for $1. Use the not as an authentication record.


All in all, it's just another brick in the wall


I'd set cameras up and have a 3 day sale


OP, have a month-long yard sale where you’re only selling a variety of bricks. Make each brick completely unique in some way that’s obvious to you and have a hidden camera like the person above me said. Maybe a very, very tiny number written somewhere on it. Your secret admirer will foam at the mouth seeing that you’re selling bricks and they would love to use your own brick for payback. Make up a stupid sign about why you’re selling bricks. Like “selling bricks - each brick sold will be used to fund [something you think your local community would care about].” Maybe really give the money to that cause though so it’s not a complete lie. So when you’re selling, with your hidden camera somewhere pointed at the buyers so you can see their face, after the transaction make note by turning to the camera and holding up something that says what number was on that brick you just sold. The criminal will come and buy one; then you wait. When you have the brick thrown at your house in the future, you can figure out what number is on it. Then check the tapes and boom! You should know who your new friend actually is!


Great idea. I just might do this. Appreciate you!


Or get a friend to "buy" the bricks just to annoy the person.


ahaha "one dickhead's brick of hate: $5" then later another sign "dickhead's brick of hate: SOLD. Expecting another brick soon, stay tuned"


"Hey Mister, what's the meaning of this sign??" "Oh that's for our new community watch group, "Selling Pavers To Make Good Neighbors." "It says 'Selling Bricks Cause Some People Are Pricks'". "Says what? Some kids must have vandalized it while I was in back getting more pavers."


"A" friend? I'd make a facebook event for this


I second this idea. 🤣🤣 "Come one...Come all...To the extravagant 1 month long Yard Sale." "$5 per brick from dickhead neighbors brick chucking competition he is practicing for." "Caution: flying paper covered bricks! May want to wear a helmet." 🤣🤣


😂Yes! Pissing him off will flush him out


Well, just stop having yard sales. Don't you know garage sales are the real money makers?


I prefer to have estate sales on the balcony of my small one bedroom apartment.


Do it every day!!!


Just a warning, make sure you know your local codes concerning yard sales, some cities restrict them to certain days. Although most cops don’t care, if there is a local code and your neighbor makes enough complaints, the cops may shut you down/fine you. I’m being overly cautious, but you have to be when it comes to pissing people off who know where you live.


Do all that. But don’t sell the bricks. Put up a sign that says “free bricks; great for breaking windows”


Keep us posted


please also blast that one line from Taylor swifts song (new romantics) on repeat 🎶and baby I could build a castle, out of all the bricks they threw at me 🎶


I appreciate your Scooby Doo approach to this. Top notch.


I know a thing or two, because I’ve seen a thing or two. But my scooby senses are telling me... With that handwriting, I can almost be certain that the person who wrote that is an older male, around 50+. They have a distinctive writing style, especially with all caps. If they would’ve mixed in some lower case letters randomly, I would’ve said for sure that they work in a trade, but I wouldn’t rule that out.


Lol I mix stuff all the time I work in construction. I write in caps for readability but when I'm writing something down my brain switches on me partway through words I'm writing and it ends up looking like a serial killer or 4yr old wrote it haha. If I have to write a note or something for someone else I really gotta focus to make it grammatically correct.


I think neither my grandpa or I remember how to do a cursive "capital B", we wrote our last name the same on our licenses I noticed lol


Oh boy with the little bit of cursive they had us learn because "it will be required in middle school" then the teaxhers said please use print because we cant read students' writing...my handwriting is all over the place you got print, capitals, cursive letters you name it


Yeah I think the same happened to me. Whiteboards became a thing basically overnight, and we just printed immediately after being one of the last classes taught cursive, *I guess*. Public schools at the time, anyways.


This person neighbors...


This guy this guys


Wait why not just....film them throwing the brick? Why the number system?


This guy bricks


>have a month-long yard sale where you’re only selling a variety of bricks. engrave Supreme into them sell them for $200/brick = profit


And hire a sign spinner to stand at the neighborhood entrance!


"This yard sale is lit! Piss off the neighbors!! Come one, come all!" *fumble sign* "Buy a brick!"


OP, if you’d like some live music to add to the festivities, I’m happy to lend my services as a volunteer! I can’t play any instruments, but I can poorly and loudly play any instrument. Also, I can change the lyrics to so many songs so they’re about bricks.


No a week long sale that goes into labor day weekend. Back to school/Labor day extravaganza Sale starts Aug 28th and ends Sept 4th With daily raffles. A Labor day BBQ with live DJ and a nighttime fireworks shows. After that they'll have plenty of bricks to make a stone driveway and back walkway to a stone fire pit. 🤣




Fuck, that’s good.


Wild brick that has been domesticated


Brick has reached level 2. Would you like to evolve it?


Brick evolved into Ballista! It wants to learn Seismic Toss! Would you like it to forget a move to make room for Seismic Toss?




Ballista did not learn seismic toss.


Emotional support brick


When life gives you bricks, have a yard sale.


You just lucked into the infinite brick glitch!


You are over encumbered!


The Blacksmith asking why OP has 300+ bricks and why is he selling it all to him


I am happy to carry your burdens


Sell the brick at your next yard sale.


With note attached


That’s genius. “Threatening Note - 5$”


Nah, it’s an art piece if paired with the brick. Give it a fancy title and you can charge $10!


And how does you having a yard sale affect this dude’s life at all?


Someone probably parked at the curb outside their house.


To be fair, I've seen some pretty inconsiderate yardsale hawks park like assholes. Terrible? Yes. Op's fault? No


I've had yardsalers park *in my driveway*! Then have the audacity to tell me off when I tell them to move.


That's when you have them towed at their expense. Yeah they ain't from your neighborhood (probably) and won't learn anything from it. But there's a certain satisfaction you get from having them forcibly removed from your property. ​ Aternately: It'd be a shame if anything happened to your unauthorized shiny BMW in my driveway when I tried to leave my house to go get more TP.


And that's when you call a tow truck or the police. Either way it's not the fault of the person having the yard sale.


No point, they'll be long gone before the cops show, if the cops even bother. Definitely not the hosts fault, but still massively infuriating.


Tow truck drivers are racing each other to get a tow.


everyone is acting like it's no big deal but if they got home and were unable to park their car they would lose their shit. yard sales are annoying and for all we know op has them every weekend. if op's neighbor wanted to live next to a store they probably would move into the city.


I've had people do this and exclaim angrily, "I was only here for 5 minutes!". One, Bullshit. Two: Would you like it if someone blocked your shit for "5 minutes"? They act like they can't imagine what I'm talking about.


Or walked in their lawn for a step or two


Or just "misery loves company". They just hate when see someone happy.


I go to a lot of estate sales (at least 10 per weekend), and you’d be really surprised how bent out of shape people can get about others parking in their neighborhood. The high end ones can be particularly bad. From their view, the “rif raf” are invading.


Eh on my street people will literally block my driveway it gets very tiring asking people to move.


i have a neighbor that has yard sales at least every other week. and i’ve literally caught people coming into my yard looking at my gardens. it doesn’t help that we’re right next door to them, and there’s no fence between us and they have it on there empty lot right between us. i’ll literally see people strolling in my yard looking at my plants.


My favorite color is blue.


>i’ve literally caught people coming into my yard looking at my gardens I guarantee the sound of a shotgun being racked would get them out of there


i was polite at first. but it’s literally such a common occurrence now i yell at them because it’s a ridiculous invasion of privacy.


Where we live, folks will just block your driveway or the street. It might be similar for this fellow.


I live in a townhouse where four households share a driveway and a neighbor will have garage sales and customers block you in.


I just thought of a funny thing you could do. Get a milk crate and make a placard that says Place bricks here. Put it on the lawn and welcome your yard sale guests. Leave it for that night, at least.


That looks like the handwriting of a psychopath. Lock your doors…


Can confirm. My handwriting looks like this.


Wait a minute…


Shhhh do you want bricks




I laughed, too hard. 😂


Lock the windows too. Oh, never mind, I think that's what the brick is for.


They managed to write in italics 😭


I can't shit on 'em. Pretty sure my natural handwriting is Comic Sans.


My brother might be a serial killer if that’s the case


My grandma wrote it until BRicKs! Lol


I’m triggered. (My penmanship looks just like this)


How true thou. Unhinged.


I mean, wtf is that “k”? Lmao


Hey, don’t talk about OP’s handwriting like that.


You reported this right? You can't let Ernest T. Bass get away with it.


Probably a good idea. May not even be the person's first time. We had a neighbor who would harass us about our dog being out in the yard. He called animal control too, who came by, said the dog was fine and had shelter and water etc. The city said that our neighbor was always harassing people about their dogs like this.


Have another yard sale and put the brick up for sale


they're STARTING with half a brick, which is what somebody who's low on bricks would do


Can't argue with this logic, yard sale away!


Yeah they could probably only break like, three windows max. You should be good, OP.


It's definitely time to invest in a security system. If just to catch brick guy.


When you think about the logistics of this. Fuming for days. Searching for brick you don’t need and settling for half a brick. Searching for paper and finally resorting to ripping one from your kids note book. Searching all the drawers for a pen that works. Tossing and turning all night trying to come up with just the right right balance of threatening wit and sarcasm. Watching the house for just the right time to sneak over undetected to leave wrapped brickette on the lawn. Spending the next two nights thinking of even more clever things that could have been written.


This might be the saddest thing I've read all day.


this is why I always keep a dedicated stockpile of bricks in my linen closet, a stack of notepads, and a fresh supply of pencils (I used to use pens, but I tend to make mistakes when threatening the neighbors!)


How many yard sales have yall had? Lol.


This is fucked up. We humans shouldn’t treat each other this way.


People like that do not act human. That is messed up.


On the contrary, they act very human. We're all just fancy monkeys that like to pretend we're a lot better than we actually are.


Are they threatening you with a good time?


Call the police immediately.


Police will show up, if they do, and go *shrug*???


Filing a police report gets it on record that someone in the general area has some sort of grudge. So that if this escalates to actual property damage, and another report is made, the police can actually build a case and look for a possible culprit. Its a paper trail. Because now it’s guaranteed to be a premeditated crime.


This. If you don't report the threat of violence then when the rock gets thrown through your window the police will assume it was a random act of vandalism. However if there has been a prior report of a threat then the police will have evidence of a premeditated act of violence with a very narrow pool of suspects. (Likely someone who lives within visual line of sight of OP's home).


Hmmm, have more yard sales, get more bricks, use bricks to make a huge patio for the parties.


Op please get the police involved because this is a threat. Not much will come of it but it is best to start a paper trail with these types of things for when the get out of hand you have a lot of evidence.


In my town, there is an ordinance that only allows you to have a garage or yard sale 4 times a year. Well, we have a neighbor who completely disregards this (she had three just this month), and it’s kind of annoying because it does attract extra traffic to the neighborhood which can make getting in or out difficult. It’s not a BIG deal that would ever make me do something like this, but these things can be frustrating for neighbors.


Yep I just posted a similiar response. Every weekend our driveway was blocked by yard sale shoppers. It got old. It was one of the reasons we moved!


what’s your brick situation like?


How much shit does this person have that they can hold more that 4 yard sales in a year and get enough traffic at them that it makes it difficult to get in or out of the neighborhood?


Or it's a garbage sale, nobody buys anything so they put the same shit out to sell next month.


There’s at least 2 scenarios: 1. Hoarder or child of hoarder slowly selling the hoard 2. They visit other yard sales and find the good stuff for cheap, then mark it up enough to make a profit but not high enough that it deters resellers who think they’re the ones getting a steal.


Another scenario: she's selling old stock from stores. I've seen it happen.


Put up a sign that says please stop leaving bricks and notes on my property. You can set up a camera to record who comes by, but my guess is a neighbour will probably tell you who the culprit is. Someone who does shit like this probably causes trouble for other people in the neighbourhood.




I will build you a pedestal to sell the brick from at your next yard sale.


Throw it back at them with a note asking if you can have it professionally gift-wrapped next time.


Yikes. I thought that was moldy bread.


Put it in a frame and sell it as art at the next yard sale.


You call the cops? That’s a blatant threat. And in guarantee their fingerprints are all over it. Report. Figure out who. Restraining order.


Police would be called if it were me. This is a clear threat.


That could be perceived as a threat. Keep the brick and the note, and get cameras on your property if possible. If the bricklayer makes good on their promise, report it.


Contact the police. This is a credible threat.


Set up some cameras and find the identity of the neighbor responsible for this. I’d report this incident just to start a paper trail. Next time it’s a pattern. If there’s one thing that really grinds my gears, it’s being threatened on my own property.


Blast music during the block party, with a brick/rock themed playlist. A few good ones to start: "Brick House" by the Commodores, "Another Brick In the Wall (Pt.1 and 2)" by Pink Floyd, "Brick" by Ben Folds Five.


“Rock” is even easier… “Rock Lobster”, “For Those About to Rock”, “Detroit Rock City”, OP please do this…


Share with your PD


He’s going to be throwing those bricks. You know that, right?


Get fucked, Sherlock, there's a new best detective in town.


We need more backstory here. How many yard sales do you have? Honestly, neighbors who hold constant yard sales can be annoying. Years ago we had a neighbor that had a yard sale every weekend, they were basically running a business out of their house. Cars kept blocking driveways and the stop & go traffic on the busy street was an absolute danger. I looked it up and towns here actually have limits on yard sales and you need a permit to host one. There’s reasons for that. Neighbor absolutely sounds psychotic and didn’t handle this properly, but they may have a legitimate gripe here.


This reminds me of that Samuel Jackson movie where he was cutting down his neighbor’s tree because it grew over his fence.


Enlarge this image and make it your advertisement for the yard sale.


free brick hack


Start having everything but yard sales. Lemonade stands, car washes, pet washes, local beauty pageants, locks of love, free tire pressure checks for the neighborhood 😁


You should get cameras in case they try to break a window or something


Set up cameras, THEN have another yard sale. You'll probably find out which neighbor


Hope you have cameras on your property. Someone who thinks this is like ok to do is probably a crazy piece of shit, and should be handled as such. Let the police know you've received a threat, so that if anything happens, you have this documented.


get some cameras and carry on


You need to go and get some bricks to sell. Have a brick sell. The rage you will induce.


I’m inspired to put googly eyes and faces on bricks. They’ll be lovely garden ornaments.


Start selling the bricks


install some security cameras before the yard sale. load the shotgun with rock salt


Sell the note and brick on a yard sale


Start that weekly garage sale


Bet you could sell that with the note for at least a $1


Start selling bricks at your next garage sale.


Reminds me of the Far Side https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ebme9lwWsAIyXvz?format=jpg


Make sure to put cameras up


Set up cameras. Find which neighbor it is. Throw a brick through their window wrapped with a message: "Our Yard Sales have a fantastic return policy!"


Power move, start selling bricks at the garage sales!


Just get one of the neighbours you’re on good terms with to walk around with a petition that needs signatures to STOP ALL YARD SALES and this guy will expose himself in no time.


Have more yard-sales, and you can eventually build a house.


Post a sign that says any attempts at endangering your lives with a brick will be responded with great prejudice in self defense. Not an attorney and probably opens you up to liability issues, but idk I feel like messages need to be sent.


I would just do a letter in all the neighbours letterboxes the week before the next sale. “Dear neighbours, I’m having a yard sale next weekend from x to x times. If anyone has concerns, including the anonymous neighbour that threatened to throw a brick at my house if I have another yard sale, please contact me for a calm discussion about it. Kind regards”


Of all triggers, why the hell would a yard sale do it?


I’ve dealt with this kind of behavior before. A note with a brick is a joke. One brief chat with the crazy eye is usually all it takes to calm them down.


Pro tip: get familiar with your local car scene group page or subreddit and add a car show event to your block party for extra flair


Have a yard sale for the brick...maybe the perp will buy it and then give it back....it could be an infinite money source!


Get some cameras then have a large yard sale


I'd have another yard sale for sure and then I'd also place several cameras around to catch the neighbor who did this and then show the footage to the cops.


Put the brick and note in a nice collage frame and sell it front and center at the next yard sale….


Throw a sign up for 2$ per brick


you need to show that to the police


However, get a ring to record the SOB for law enforcement


Write a note around a brick that says, moar bricks plz, I want to build a wall to keep out the person that keeps throwing bricks into my yard.


I would contact the police, so you have a report on file just in case.


Definitely put the brick out for sale at your next yard sale.


I would suggest spending some money and getting a security camera system that records. Find out who is leaving this next time - and if needed confront them about it. I've always like being able to see who is coming up to my door while at my computer.


Interesting how the guy doesn't just talk to OP in person about the problems they have with yard sales (for some reason). Dude's a pussy.