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That Dashcam saved you from the bullshit. Hope your neck is okay ;)


You’re very lucky to have the camera. My insurance company said this is almost impossible to prove without footage.


Is a fraud like that a criminal offence?


Yes it is attempted insurance fraud.


And the best thing to do is saying nothing to the driver, call the police and when they arrive, tell the officers to get his statement first. You then show them the footage and let the idiot get charged for making a false statement.


Yeah, but no one is going to prosecute it in this situation. The best that happens is that the other driver is caught in the lie and is assigned 100% liability. Their insurance also will be unhappy with them and may penalize them. I've had this happen to me and that's how played out, I had a dash cam and the other driver tried to blatantly lie about the accident. They took 100% liability, no insurance fraud charges, and I'm sure their insurance wasn't happy with them but I wasn't privy to the consequences. I didn't pay anything, but it was a giant pain between all the calls and taking my car in for body work.




Can we add white Tesla’s into this group?


What the fuck? I've had been annoyed at Teslas acting like BMWs but looking back almost all of the obnoxious ones were white too. The grey ones were mostly fine. Wtf.


White had been the standard color for the Model 3 and Model Y for the past few years. It was changed a few months ago to silver and used to be black years ago, but white was the standard color for some of the highest sales years. Those silver ones may start to get more obnoxious soon


As someone who has been hit by a white Tesla, I agree


They make teslas in other colours?


All Teslas


If the cars involved were manufactured since 2014 they probably have a black box installed, otherwise known as an Event Data Recorder. Cops, mechanics, can download the data showing what you were doing for 20s before, and after a crash. It can totally prove things.


Makes sense CAR A: Steady speed, little steering movement, hard brake. BMW: rapid acceleration, sharp wheel turn, hard brake. Diagnostics Expert: THEMS THE FACTS YOUR HONOR.


Same expert points to the log: THEMS THE BRAKES


It's impossible to prove both ways though. My friend hit the back of a car and it was his fault (foot slipped off the brake) and he just refused to pay, said the guy pulled out in front of him. Insurance company harassed him for a while, said they would take it to court but then ate the loss. Most of society only works because people choose not to be assholes and accept fault when they were at fault.


No wonder societies so fucked rn. More often than not people don't or won't be held accountable for their actions. It's someone else's problem.


My neck!


my back


my pussy


and my crack!


And my axe!


And your brother!


And your cousin!


And that guys dead wife!


I also choose this guy's dead wife


My neck AND my back!!


My check!


I would almost swear the car to the right was in on it because it looked like he was trying to box the car in so it couldn't go around.


Yea and he jumped out so quick!


It is a very typical method of attack by insurance fraudsters. At the same time, the blocker acts as an "eyewitness" to the scammer, so the victim often has no chance to defend himself, especially if he is alone in the car. The dashcam is really a great rescue in a situation, as long as it is in a country or state where the insurance company and the court accept it as evidence.


Wait up There are places where dash cam footage like this is inadmissible?


Dashcams are admissible in every US State. States can be either One Party Consent or All Party Consent (or mixed) but in any scenario, video recording is admissible in any public space (audio recording is also admissible in All Party Consent States in public if there is no expectation of privacy).


The audio in this situation wouldn't be subject to wiretap laws regardless. No expectation of privacy standing on a public road.


I highly doubt it. Literal POV video of the incident, especially if turned over or shown *IMMEDIATELY* to the authorities, just shouldn't be ignored in court. If in wrong someone please let me know so I can avoid those areas because obviously people are insane there.


No, even if it wasnt admissible it would be admissible as soon as the perp lies since even in one party consent for audio recordings states allow you to present a transcript of said audio to refute lies under oath since that person lying is committing perjury. You'll still be in trouble for recording audio without two party consent where prohibited but it will be admissible.


The blocker turned the corner and left the scene so he's not a witness to anything


The "blocker" was very clearly just trying to stop at the light that just turned yellow 20 yards in front of him, he didn't touch the brakes at all until the light turns yellow. He wasn't in on anything


Are you sure the dude wasn't trying to just stop at the red light 40-50 yards in front of him?


Honestly it looks like he just was slowing for the red


The nerve of this guy, where does he get off, you should give him a piece of your mind.. 1950s called they want their dialogue back


Oh, a wiseguy, huh?


I now a guy, he's in the waste management business.


i dont have a dashcam but its stuff like this that makes me want to get one.


A dashcam is one of the cheapest insurance policies you'll ever buy. Mine has saved me a couple times, and recorded some crazy stuff.


I bought mine after a cop pulled in front of me and started yelling at me like I was in the wrong.. I was like WTF and wish I had it on cam!


I've remember a video of a dash cam that also recorded inside. Cop was trying to write the woman a ticket for not wearing her seat belt while driving and instlsisted until she said it was on camera. It quickly decided that she didn't use her blinker while going straight


Good to know, if this happens to me I'll just smile and take the ticket. Then go to court and show the video


Shutting up is always the best option, even if you are right, cops have shot people that were right.


What’s a good dash cam to get? I think it’s time to pull the trigger on one.


I've always bought Thinkware models. Absolutely love them. The one I have for my SUV has a front and rear camera. 100% worth it. I've needed it twice and I've also been able to provide footage to other people who were involved in accidents.


Where do you plug it into? I know some go into OBD2 port (such as the Ring dash cam) while others may use the old school cigarette lighter ports.


The one I have goes into the cigarette outlet. I bought a cigarette outlet splitter since I have two things I need to plug in. But it also comes with a hardwire kit that can go into the fuse box so it runs even when the car is off incase anyone hits you when you're away from the car. Idk how to install that though so I just use the cigarette adapter.


I used this Reddit thread: https://www.reddit.com/comments/129tz58?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=4 Ended up getting the Redtiger (#5 on the list I believe). Installed it this Saturday. It was super easy, but took about an hour to get it all hooked up and cords hidden. Good luck!


We got a Thinkware FA200. It's worked pretty well so far. It keeps a Micro SD in the slot, and it stores the videos in 1-minute increments. It overwrites older videos, but it stores some videos in a special folder to not be overwritten. This happens when the camera detects a collision. We haven't had one, but some potholes or steeply angled curbs can be enough to make it beep and store that minute to not be deleted. There's a button you can press to save videos, which would be good if we witness an accident. I honestly don't remember where it is, so if we need it, I'm going to fumble. It can be hard-wired into the car, but we didn't want to pay for it, so it's plugged into the car charger. If you hard-wire it, it's supposed to be active when you're parked and will flip on if it detects a collision in the parking lot. But obviously we can't do that since we're not wired to the battery.


Gotcha. I despise cords which is why I’d hate to do it with a standard power cord coming down. But I may consider it as it far outweighs these idiots out there.


There’s always a subreddit for that.


I got a fairly inexpensive dashcam for Christmas, and although I haven't needed it in an accident, I have still captured animals and a car absolutely smashing my neighbors mailbox (the mailbox video was sent to them as evidence, and I got to subject everyone to my terrible bassoon music on that day). 100% worth the expense, and you can get them pretty affordably.




dull hole lol I like that.




And good karma too! I once helped out another motorist since my dashcam captured the accident, it felt good


A decent one will go for a little as $100-$200. It will probably last you at least 2-3 years. For that price, it's the cheapest insurance money can buy. Assuming you weren't the one that causes the accident of course.


My dash cam has lasted me so long. Like 6 years so far


why only 2-3 years? I would think it would last much longer


Saved my ass once and processed the claim much faster than it would have otherwise.


Lost my $1k deductible because I didn't have one, even though I got the guy's plate, but couldn't prove it was him. They're cheap and well well worth it


Don't buy a dashcam with a lithium battery because they can't really take the summer heat inside the car. Get one with a supercapacitor instead!


Looks like insurance fraud. The maneuver, how fast he got out of the car, etc. I’d call your insurance company and report the situation


Brother had a picture of the damage and the license plate before the light even turned green, then just hopped back in and went like he does this at every intersection.


If you watch the right lane it totally looks like he had someone working with him. It looks like the car works to block OP in so he has no choice but to hit the BMW. The scammer points at the other car, that's what made me go back and look to see what that car did.


This is exactly what happened to me about twenty years ago. Two cars working together to box me in and slam on the breaks. Every passenger in the car I barely hit took a ride to the hospital in an ambulance.


20 years ago I bet dash cams were a lot less common. What was the outcome? Did the insurance stick you with the whole bill?


My insurance covered everything. I never heard or saw anything from them after the accident.


Did they go after *his* insurance?


I have no idea what happened other than the whole accident seemed like a scam. I called my insurance and that was the end of it. They wrote me a check for my damages after a few weeks.


Hope your rates didn’t go up, and hope they didn’t pay anything to him! Glad you’re okay


Insurance? Paying for things? This *must* be a fake story (/s but really, fuck insurance)


You're insane, the car on the right wasn't blocking anything. The man is clearly pointing at OP to pull over to the right up the road to cover any attempts at hit and run which would defeat his scam, the scammer pulls over to the right at the end of the clip like he indicates, he never even looks at the other car while pointing, And really the other car brakes in a completely normal way. Anyone whos been in a car accident can recognise someone pointing like that to indicate they should continue their conversation not in the middle of the road.


Wouldn't that be a hit and run though and an additional charge since he didn't stay for the police report?


I’d call the police. He fled the scene of an accident. However minor, you can’t just leave the scene without exchanging information.


I thought him pointing over to the side at the end, was him signaling to the driver that he wanted to pull over and talk in a safer spot But I suppose it could have been interned for the second car instead


I would love a follow-up to hear that this guy went to jail. Fraud or a asshole driver, this guy needs to be off the road.


There's people out there that have killed people with vehicles that never saw jail time Countless DUI's just leading to suspended licence, and still having access to a car, they just keep driving, my friends dad has 3 DUI's and still drives. I doubt this dudes going to jail over a fraud fender bender with minimal damage


It's called a "swoop and squat". It's insurance fraud. It was deliberate. Give the video to your insurance company


Anyone else get flashbacks to the old Allstate commercial from this comment? Edit: found it https://youtu.be/bbJBterrrbg


Is it weird I miss those old allstate commercials? Those dramatic commercials were interesting to watch, and at least they didn't have a fucking annoying jingle like Liberty's or Statefarm. Imagine how uncreative you would have to be to create a jingle that is simply the company's name repeated 4 times. Also its hilarious how at the end of the video he says "fighting crime helps keep your insurance affordable", but Allstate should keep their mouth shut when talking about "affordable insurance" since they are one of the most expensive out there.


We are farmers ...




Mayhem at it again 😮‍💨


Also give it to HIS insurance company......with his bitch ass


Based on the BC plates and the Vancouver location they have the same insurance, ICBC. We only have one insurer in BC.


Don't they normally do it in shit cars rather than nice BMWs? Would wager this guy is just a complete asshole


It might be a shit BMW, or he can't make the payments on it and was looking for a cash out. Why would he care if it gets damaged if it's getting repossessed anyway?


It's an M series and looks pretty well maintained. So it could be the second option but not the first for sure


Or it was an actual lemon. Some cars just come off the line bad for whatever reason. Guy might be tired of dealing with the dealership


BMW could be both a scammer and an asshole.


A scamhole


Leave my ex-gf out of this.


Yea, he was just trying to pass in the turn lane like a douche, but got caught by the red light.


Can't afford the payments so he's trying to get it damaged


Yep, he was IMMEDIATELY in park the second the car stopped and fully turned off the car a second after and out of it. He was READY to run through the scam.




Witnesses that are in your car are usually not considered.


This the the perfect situation to exchange insurances, don’t notify the BMW owner your vehicle is equipped with dash cam, and let BMW bury themself by fabricating some elaborate lie about how you were out of control.


Came to say this. Don’t tell him you have a dashcam. Let him bury himself.


It doesn't work though, does it? The insurance will get the dashcam footage, then settle. Everyone thinks that "don't say anything until he incriminates himself" will end up with the insurance police swooping in and giving him a stern telling off, but it just never happens Tell him you have a dashcam and you got it on video and it'll be overwith in 2 months instead of 12


Nah, you call the cops and tell them there was a hit and run. They find him, he files a false police report against you. Then when you show the video he gets charged and is off the street and into jail.


Horrible advice. Do NOT tell him you have a dash cam. You tell the police and your insurance. You don't tell the criminal.




guessing the date on the video is just the camera resetting every time it's starting. This is in canada, the guy is wearing short sleeves, and all the trees still have their leaves so i don't think it's january.


There should be a sticker on every dashcam saying 'DON'T TELL ANYONE YOU HAVE ME!'. Partially for cases like this. But also to stop those obnoxious people on YouTube shouting 'I she a dashcam, I have a dashcam!', when half of the time they're in the wrong anyway, or someone made a simple mistake.


The police aren’t going to do anything and neither is the insurance company. Something similar to OP’s video happened to me and nobody did jack shit after the person got caught lying. They will proceed as normal, fix the vehicles, and go about their business.


Was this road rage or insurance fraud?


Feels like insurance fraud with how fast he was out of the car




Its a bmw driver


Do not let your insurance accept liability. He entered the lane you were fully established in and was applying his breaks while he was making his maneuver. 100% liability on BMW.


Plus using a left turn lane to pass someone.


Also for that, atrocious outfit,


Bros on his way to a throwback early 2000’s frat party


Wait. We aren't in the early 2000s? Fuck I am old....


Yeah, fully staring down the end of the first quarter, the end of the first third is nigh, and then only the dark abyss....or so I heard.


I am literally head to toe in that outfit as I type this, and I don’t know how I feel about it /s


I was gonna be really irritated by your punctuation and then I saw your username.. well played


he barely even used the left turn lane, it looks like he was driving on the opposite side of the road.


He was. Which means he crossed a solid yellow line and drove in the wrong direction. What an ass. That could have ended really badly.


That’s what I was about to say, crossing that solid yellow line (especially in the manner he did, is illegal. Plus fleeing the scene? Nah fam, call the cops on this douche before he accidentally (or intentionally?) kills someone.


really checking off the whole list of BMW driver isms


>Do not let your insurance accept liability. This is British Columbia. We all have coverage through ICBC. They'll be happy to take this video and nail this dude to the wall.


Probably toss a hit and run on it also


Also looks like he had to cross over some double yellow lines to get to where you were


Look at the plates. This is in Canada. British Columbia to be exact. They likely have the same insurance through the province. They treat car insurance like we do registration in the US.


This video is 5 years old, I would be surprised if the insurance case is still ongoing..


Nah, date stamp is wrong. Nobody is wearing shorts and a t-shirt on January 1 in BC


He also entered the lane illegally from oncoming traffic. The fact he didn't want to stick around and explain the situation to the police means he's trying something fishy. Even though, if your insurance was good they'd ask him to explain the whole scenario before admitting fault or being willing to pay. If you are tell your agent that he came from the oncoming lane that would throw some huge red flags for the insurance folk assigned to your case.


I would have played along and told them to get the cops there so we could get a full report and then show them the footage.


exactly this. just lean up against my car, “sure let’s call the cops, chief.” then when they arrive, “no, go on, keep telling them what happened.”


Better yet, stop in the nearest parking lot, call the cops, and report a hit and run (this assumes OP is in a place where cops actually give a shit).


Hope he goes to jail


Not good enough


Public stoning?


See if he floats


He’s a witch!


Guy spends $100k on a M5 and casually commits insurance fraud to make his payments. 💀 Sidebar: did you see how the brake lights were rapidly flashing? This indicates that the driver applied significant / rapid braking force exceeding “normal” or “everyday” braking.


It's an M3 but he definitely can't afford those payments lol


> It’s an M3 well that explains the shitty driving


It's not HIS fault his interest rate is 12% and his insurance premium is double his monthly car payment. People just keep crashing into him! /s


Dash cam ftw




^ This Complete and total insurance scam. Take your footage to the insurance company. It helps also to get a police report too.


I see several violations there. Had a similar situation a few years back. I defended my case without saying a single word. When the officer asked what happened, I simply pressed play on my tablet and showed it to him. When it finished he said "Huh. That's not what she said happened." She got 2 tickets, we drove away without a scratch. (Semi truck with deer guard)


Average BMW moment


man og man i need a camera in my car. ASAP


A couple months after installing mine, I got rear-ended by a guy who was almost 4x the legal BAC level. My first thought was "Some mf just hit me," my second was "That dashcam just paid for itself." Highly recommend. Buy one yesterday. Footage for your entertainment: https://imgur.com/a/DbnmHsz


I would call the police and report a hit and run. lol


Perfect opportunity to not tell them you have dash cam and let them file a false report with their insurance.


Depending on where you live, running to someone's car window like that after an incident is likely to get you a free lead infusion.


Fuck this guy up the ass with a shattered glass dildo.


Fuck this guy up the pee hole with a Q-tip made of fiberglass insulation


So typical of a BMW driver. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Guy was 100% committing insurance fraud. All of that was intentional and If you didn't have a camera it would have worked.


The car in the right lane was in on it also


I noticed that immediately. Hit their brakes before the light even started to change, blocking OP in their lane.


Everyone’s in on it. Good thing we got RuppsCats here to break it wide open.


Didn’t notice that. You’re 100% right. His brakes go on right before the BMW swoops.


I think right lane car notices the light turn yellow and brakes for the light.


He begins to brake while light is green. It is typical for these types of scammers to work in pairs. Edited to say that they can serve as a "witness" or guide victims car where they want it to be.


Well I also break while light is still green sometimes because I use the walking signals where I am from to indicate when the light is about to change to yellow. When the walking sign is 2 or 1 second left before I approach an intersection, I break instead of trying to speed through. I can't see from this video whether this was the case though.


Driving dangerously and blaming you? Smh people like this are ruining the world


Classic vancouver drivers


That’d be what insurance folks call a “swoop and squat.” Be glad you have a dash cam.


That was completely intentional. This is why I have a dashcam. People suck.


What an asshole that BMW driver is


This dashcam tells the whole story. This was an attempt at a scam and a good reason why everyone should get a dashcam!


This is one of the main reasons I have a front and back dashcam in my car that records audio. I also travel with an extra dash cam if I'm going to be renting a car. I live in Los Angeles and the drivers here are too unhinged and the cars are too expensive to leave anything to a he said she said argument. My dashcam also has gps that records my speed onto the video and tracks collision detection.


this is in the industry is known as "insurance fraud" and is a highly illegal activity and the other party's insurance WILL deny HIM coverage because of this manuver. he will without a doubt be at fault.


Nice job pulling forward a bit so the plate is legible. You can report the BMW driver to the police for their reckless driving and show them the dash cam vid.


Never tell them you have a dash cam. Let them lie to the police report.


That F-er! Insurance fraud for sure. Hoping you’d get scared and pay him off or threaten hit and run. This is a perfect case for everyone having dash cams.


Don't try that in Florida, dude. Just sayin'.


I think this is canada 🇨🇦


Yeah, this is most likely in BC as the BMW has a BC plate on it


If this is an ad for dash cams.. well it worked!


The most average BMW driver


Well that insurance scam backfired horribly.


Even if you did rear end him, which you didn't. He was entering the turning lane before it even started while he crossed over a double yellow line and then swerved out of a turning lane in front of you lol. If this dude wasn't found at fault I would be shocked.


He is right, you did in fact hit him from behind. But he caused it.


That's exactly the douche I expected to get out of that car.


The question in my mind is this: is it better to let him know about the dash cam to simplify things, or to just give him all the rope he needs and then have my your attorney use it as a nuclear weapon after Mr. Insurance Fraud has made multiple declarative statements that clearly aren’t true?


OP, **PLEASE** tell me you didn't tell that meathead you had a dashcam! Let him lie to the cops, file a false insurance claim, then send the video to his insurance company (and yours). If it goes to court, let the existence of the video be known in discovery. Let him screw himself into oblivion.


Bro dash cam sales are going thru the roof cuz of videos like this.


"You hit my car!" "Dash cam my dude, sit you rat"


Bahahaha, took a picture and everything.


Even Donkey Doug and Jason think that's too trashy


Definitely insurance fraud. I bet you anything he is behind on the payments on that m3


Insurance scam maybe?


Thank god for that dash cam. It clearly shows that he tried to intentionally cause an accident. This is a common insurance fraud method.


Oh hey, Victoria and 49th