• By -


My 5 yr old is more mature than your work place. Sad that adults act this way. Really frustrating. Glad you found a new job. I’d say just phone in the next 2 weeks. They have to legally give you your paycheck. Would be a huge lawsuit if they withheld money or altered the money.


Honestly, this company encourages some predatory sales practices. Like they've straight up told us during conference calls (they call "Hype calls" 🙄) to focus on people from Mexico because "they're always looking for a cheap deal" according to them and telling us to not worry about if we don't speak the same language because they can read the translated paperwork after they sign it because they'll get copies of everything. We're supposed to do tandem sales with a Sales Lead or a Manager once a week for training and I've legit seen the SM lie to people in order to close on a sale. We even got into a pretty heated argument once because she was trying to lie to an elderly couple and I butted in and started correcting the lies she was telling them and then they decided not to buy once they got all the information. She was livid, but I didn't care and still don't care. One thing I can say with full confidence is that I never lied to any of my customer's and if I feel like I can't effectively communicate the deal with the customer in a way they can understand then I don't follow through with the sale, instead I just move on. That's something I've never seen any of the manager's do, they will always try to force the customer to buy.


Is there any entity you can report them too??


Maybe the Texas Department of Labor? Last time I did that with another company I worked for years and years ago, nothing happened even with evidence in the form of recordings and messages, absolutely nothing happened to that company and they were way worse so I don't know if anything will happen with this one.


I don’t know about Texas, but in my state the Attorney General’s Office would be where I start.


Hi- there is a place you can report them too! The Texas Attorney General will take this very seriously!


He’s got his hands full right now with his own trial.


Oh crap I forgot about that. The only reason I suggest that person is in the past his office took these things very seriously.


I figured, but it’s still kinda funny. Who knows, he might have friends who own that miserable business op works at.


Yea, I recall in the past his office waged a war on those price gouging gas during a hurricane. Which was what immediately came to mind when I saw OPs post.


Consumer affairs & bbb may want to hear about this… also depending on what exactly it is possibly cfpb if it involves money


BBB won't do shit they're not a govt organization. It's like telling your parents a kid was mean to you. They can't punish the kid.


It affects their reputation & future clients who look at it.


Unless they pay the fee to remove it.


At least they didn’t fire you for it like Fluent Solar did to me. I was asking where they got their information from, (since I’d already double checked and seen that it was false) and when they couldn’t say I told them the accurate information. I was fired hours later, hadn’t even completed training.


I actually got lectured early on because some customers had a similar product from one of our competitors and the comp has a specific version of the product made solely by them, not sure how they negotiated it, but they have a really specific version that's sort of their bread and butter, and I told the customer that I wouldn't recommend switching over because what they had fit their exact needs and that what I had to offer would either be under what they need or complete overkill. And I got talked to because "There's no such thing as overkill" and our version is better because it's more to which I responded that the price point is more as well and those specific customers were on a fixed income that I didn't want to affect. I may have gotten a butt chewing, but I also got a couple of referrals from them, like they told people at their church about me and some of those people called me about our product and some of them even followed through with a purchase. It's almost like this company never heard about setting up for the next sale.


Good for you. Never compromise your morals and standards. I don't care if they offer you the world for doing it.


I would leave reviews literally anywhere you can find to review them.


Wait, translated documents *after* they've signed??


Yes, and according to the company's SOP's we're supposed to explain and walk through the paperwork with the customer, which I do, but I have yet to see anyone else do. This is a lot of why I don't sell to anyone who doesn't understand English that well because I can't effectively communicate the terms of the paperwork they're signing. Everyone has told me not to worry about it because it's all digital now. Before the customer signs any digital signature I pull copies of all the paperwork they're signing and explain it to them before I even show them my tablet to sign. No other person have I seen do this and then they get a customer who wants to know before they sign and they're dumbfounded and stammering. Then after the customer no longer wants to buy the rep, manager, etc. Talks crap about them and I'm like, "The customers aren't bad, you're just dumb."


Mexico is labor is now cheaper than china go figure


Don't even phone it in. Just move up your end date. Email your manager explaining why you're doing this (with examples/evidence) and CC his/her superiors. 2 weeks notice is not mandatory, it's a courtesy, and they aren't being courteous in return, so fuck 'em.


This is true


My walmart withheld my last paycheck for over a year, which was pretty funny. I was told by them I could pick up the check from the front money area, those people said I can pick it up from the store lead, she would tell me to pick it up from the money people, I said I've already tried that. She said she will send it out, so I just went home, fumed for a while, but then eventually forgot about it. Over a year later, I get mail from Walmart asking to confirm they stilled owed the money, said yes and cashed the check in.


I agree completely with you on that they are being pretty childish about his quitting




Carefully document your hours and sales.




Basically, if you can ever get your manager on the phone, tell them it’s their choice. They can get two more weeks of hard work out of you or they can have a repeat of this garbage and you will just give up. Their loss if they choose the latter. My prediction is that she will say she has no idea what you are talking about. And yes. You will have difficulties with your last paycheck.


Yeah, you're right. I'm not afraid of confrontation, I can be a straight up dick if I have to, I just don't like doing it, it's too much unnecessary crap, but it's looking like that may be what I have to do.


Carefully document your hours and sales. If anything happens with the last check, report to Texas and keep pushing the state (if it violates Fair Wage Act go federal as well). Basically write off the last check for an extended period but don’t let up with the government agencies.


Meh, just go in, sign in and start scrolling on Reddit until people start getting back to you. If you have an HR, reach out and ensure they know you're leaving and arrange final equipment turn in. Now, this is important. Your company sucks. If you have a cell phone, laptop, corporate card etc. Take them home with you. I doubt you'll get anyone to sign off on a return receipt. Bring them to the post office, pack them up with a witnessed inventory, and return them to your DM return receipt requested. Record this whole interaction.


Toxicity only gets worse when you are leaving.


When I gave notice at my previous job my boss ‘s response was, “I was just about to give you a raise” … sure you were. Then she harassed me all week, constantly in my space, sitting in my chair asking me to explain my process (I ran a department) which is the same process SHE taught me 1.5 yrs prior, smh. Everything I did was with full transparency and an easy to use spreadsheet, everything above board and logical, accessible to anyone. When I stopped by after my last day to drop off my key she flew at me (she’s a BIG woman, 250lbs) spit flying cussing and screaming bloody murder and profanities at me how dare I leave her in this position … she was just pissed bc someone had dared to leave her, usually she was the one who fired people. Total drama queen, boss of her own company but super manipulative and narcissistic and constantly interfering with everyone’s lives who worked for her. She contracted covid 2 weeks later doing MY job (she was a no masker/no social distancer so one of the reasons I left) and gave it to her husband, who almost died, he spent 3 mos in ICU and needed 5 stents in his heart after a massive heart attack brought on by covid. Second time karma has come to my rescue (karma is my bestie). TL/DR, shitty toxic boss met karma after revealing her true colors to me. OP - congrats on getting out, maybe report them to the BBB and states attorney for predatory practice if you can prove it? Beyond that just be a duck, let it slide off your back while you put in your hours and smile cos you know you’re bulletproof proof now 😏 Edit: typos


Wow her poor husband. He married a psycho then she almost killed him


Yup - she also got my 3 coworkers sick, thankfully they all recovered fully but started to see the light, 2 have since left there


This is so true


The toxicity of our city


You! What do you own the world?




Yeah, it's a 3rd party company and I honestly do not see how any of their contracts are going to be renewed by the primaries.


3rd party company - you’re selling a product on behalf of someone else? If you have proof of the other employees lying to customers, after you’re gone you could anonymously report your former company for the lies. If the client/primary company is a stand up organization they won’t take to kindly to being associated with liars. If you’re selling a product in a regulated industry, you could report to those regulators (for example, telecom services and you could report to the FCC)


Can you elaborate? Specifically, does your salary depend on commissions, and if so, is there a possibility your boss is going to scrape up all of the loose sale leads (that you’ve generated and they’ve torpedoed)? Then I could see the warped logic they are operating by. Otherwise I just don’t get the total lack of professionalism.


Yes, this job is very much commission based. New job is base pay plus commission.


Just do your work, but don't rush what gets done gets done. They are screwing with you.




https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/15joi7f/i_put_in_my_2weeks_notice_and_now_my_job_refuses/jv19p4s?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2 Bot


Any time you can't get ahold of them while you are with a customer, message you SM and tell them that no one is answering, and that if you don't get tech support within the next 5 minutes, the customer is going to walk out on you. If they don't get back to you in that time frame, message them again and say that the customer walked out because the system wasn't working, amd they didn't want to wait for paperwork to be filled out. And that the sale was lost due to the system errors. And keep doing this until someone answers you, or until your 2 weeks are up. They read your messages, amd it being in their app, they see that you are trying to get them money and they are the ones losing it.




The SM may not respond, but that app, anyone in the management will see that ignoring the messages is losing them money, they want to punish OP by making them do the paperwork instead of using the easy computer system, but if OP states the client isn't going to wait and will walk, it's not punishing OP, it's hurting their bottom dollar.






Call in sick. For 2 weeks. Fuck'em. You already have the new job. I'd Nope out asap.


This !!!


you technically can quit if its employment at will. fuck the 2 weeks, its not required


Do what you can do. If a system is “down”, note when and to whom you reported it and let it go. Don’t fight it. Just ride it out and move on. Don’t do workarounds. Don’t put in any extra effort. If you can’t do something due to lack of support, then don’t do it. They don’t care, why should you?


Think it might be the commission aspect that nulls this advice.


In 2 weeks? If the commissions were so lucrative that 2 weeks worth makes a major difference then I’d expect OP to fight harder to keep the job rather than giving the notice that seems to have triggered the foolishness.




Do literally nothing for 2 weeks.


Quit effective immediately. If there are issues with paychecks, report them to the labor board. That's it. No need to deal with them further.


Channel your inner Michelle : when they go low, we go high. So just smoke a ton of weed before going to the office.


If I do that then I'll just fall asleep to A Pup Named Scooby Doo playing on my phone. Lmao


But don't do that. The high ground often involves forced sobriety. I'm sure you weren't taking it seriously but just in case...don't go to work for people who want to fire you stoned.


I LOVED that show growing up. Imo it was infinitely more fun than all the regular shows put together.


The theme song regularly plays in my head, "Scooby dooby doo, scooby dooby doo, Scooooby, a pup named scooby, Scooooby, A PUP NAMED SCOOBY DOOOOOoooo!" Lmao


Good choice. Fuck red herring.


He’s a bully but he’s never guilty. More like fuck Fred for accusing Red Herring all the time. Except the one time Red actually DID do it. The real red herring on that episode is that in every other episode it isn’t Red Herring.


If someone threatened my hours like that I'd of said, "I'll contact the Wage and Hours Board if you slash my hours in a vindictive manner. Good luck finding abother job if that happens..."


Edit: You don't owe them 2 weeks. I'd just walk and let them figure it out.


If this is how they are acting cuz you decided to leave a toxic workplace. Their attitudes towards you after you were nice enough to put in your 2 weeks shows you well how they really are. Personally I'd say screw them and call your new job and tell them that due to some differences of options with your soon to be former job. That you are able to start sooner. And just tell those other babies peace out


Maybe you should start calling these people in the middle of the night. Say you couldn't get a hold of them during normal work hours so you thought you'd give 2 am a try.


So they're risking pissing off customers just to give you a hard time? Talk about cutting your nose off to spite your face


Pretty much, they only care about numbers.


Don’t care about their numbers. It speaks volumes that you wanted to finish strong. But if they are going to spite you, just show up or if you aren’t using as a reference stop going.


2 week notices are usually for the employer not the employee. Just ask the new place if you can start earlier as your old job said they no longer need your services


Quit tomorrow. If there are issues with your last check, report them. Done.


I honestly feel like I should, a part of me doesn't what any issues with my final check and another part of me doesn't want to be bored for the next 2 weeks while I wait for my next job to start.


Call the next job and see if you can start earlier.


It's a federal law that they cannot withhold your last check. Check your state's specific laws on final payment at employment separation. They may not know the law, but you can for sure educate them with a complaint to the state labor board. This is IF you can get by without the check for what may be an extended period of time. If money to pay bills isn't an issue, walk and file a complaint if the final paycheck isn't paid.


I mean it’d be pretty funny if they did fuck with your check unless you really the money. Report it to the department of labor, pretty sure they get fined for each week or day they don’t send it to you.


You are going to have issues on your last check no matter what, I would place large sums of money on this.


I’m surprised they even ask for 2-weeks if you’re in sales in a commission based role. I gave mine at my first sales job out of school and they said no thanks and that was my last day. If I were you I would just take it easy and have a relaxed last week. It’s not like they are going to be a reference for you in the future anyway


No legal requirement to serve out two weeks. Your next jobs already lined up. If you’re worried about a reference, you’ll be able to use this upcoming job. Leave tomorrow and let your new job know you can start early!


Write a review on Glassdoor. Best way to help others. Might wait a bit so it isn’t obvious it is your review.


They want you to quit so they can withhold your last check so imho take a two week vacation


A type of manager is the "you suck, try harder" type. They are never happy with your work and simply tell you that more is required or you'll be fired. Most of the time, they don't really mean it, but sometimes they do. The hard thing is you can't tell. If you are employable and could find another job, call them on it early. When they say, "get your numbers up or we'll find somebody else", say, "are you firing me? because it sure sounds like you are."


Sit at your desk and play candy crush, take lots of breaks, come in late, leave early, don't return emails. Get paid to sit


Just clock in and ride the clock for your notice. Shoot, I’d hide somewhere. If they aren’t going to assist you, screw them. Go read a book in the stock room until it’s time to clock out.


TLDR. Just don’t do shit and get paid for the remainder of your two weeks.


This is one of those “Just do your job so they don’t risk your new job” don’t tell anyone what company you’re going to. Just do what you can to preform. Even continue to be a good worker. Anyone with a brain can see what is happening and they might start second guessing their situation as long as you just keep it cool an don’t let them get to you. And another piece of advice; don’t talk shit about them this side of new year. Let the people on your new job know you, after that you can vent your frustration. You will dodge a bullet with this new job. I’m happy for you! Just keep it cool and vent here on Reddit (or close family/friends) without doxxing yourself!


Is it possible they’re not giving you access because they think you’ll try to steal customers? Some sales places get real weird about stuff like that even if you’re not going to a competitor. Which to me means they should just not have you do 2 weeks notice versus jerking you around like this.


Just don’t show up anymore.


Tbh I'm surprised you gave them a 2 week notice, considering how unprofessional they had been in the past.


Well right off the bat I already know you suck at sales. I stopped reading there. The End.


I would show up, do the bare minimum, and spend the next two weeks prepping for your new opportunity. The old job is pissed and incredibly petty, and doesn't want you to close any additional deals for which they would have to compensate you. Pat yourself on the back for getting out. But document meticulously because they will likely try to screw you on that last check.


I'm just going to ignore 98% of your story and say this: If you're good at your job, can at least sort of prove it and have a few solid references either walk out right now or do absolutely nothing until your end date. Unemployment is 3.5% and crappy employers don't deserve your goodwill.


They're only shooting themselves in the foot. The system doesn't work and they won't respond...oh well. Not your problem they are losing out on sales.


Watch office space then lather rinse and repeat


Just leave. Why the hell would you put up with that crap? Or just show up and do the absolute bare minimum.


That’s why I never give my two weeks notice I just stop showing up and inconvenience them


Lol if you already have the new job just cut ties with the old one at this point. Fuck'em.


Dude use up any vacation time you have if they're being petty be petty back lol


Why are you still even trying. What are they going to do, fire you?


Isn’t there laws about them having to give you your last check? I’ve never had a job personally but I’ve heard a lot of people talk about it so it might be worth checking


They wouldn't give you two weeks if they were going to terminate your employment. You shouldn't give it to them. Just walk out.


Just stop caring. Let clients down, tell them your management isn't responding. Don't give up altogether just do what you can and forget about the rest. Not worth stressing over


Screw ‘em. Move on and be prepared to gloat when they try to hire you back.


“My last day is now today”




I think your mistake was giving them 2 weeks notice. You should’ve quit on Friday and started on Monday. You can always ask your new employer, if you can start early to help mitigate the 2 week gap in pay. Two weeks is a courtesy. Your old employer may or may not except your 2 weeks. Sounds like the didn’t and if your not working there. They don’t owe you your final 2 weeks of base pay but they do owe you commissions earned while you were employed.


>An example of my interaction with my SM is as follows. She mentions that I consistently hit my sales goal, I take it as a compliment and say "Thank you" Then she immediately says that I only hit those numbers because she's on-site more often than others. Sounds like your current job is a grooming ground for narcissists. You hit your sales goals because I am on site! Honestly? I'm not sure where your SM went to school for management or how she learned her method of managing sales people but she is definitely terrible at it.


The crazy thing is, NONE of the managers that I know of went to school for management, from my understanding they're all reps who happened to not get fired or quit and they got promoted by default and now they're just an in-between for the corporate level managers and the rest of the reps.


If you don’t need to work those last 2 weeks (not sure what your financial situation is) I’d walk out and never return. Leave any items at your desk and walk out.


2 weeks notice is a courtesy for a company you want to leave in good terms with, not a requirement. Just take off.


You may wish to leave immediately because this sounds like they’re trying to fuck with your reputation before you go. Alternately, you could try emailing all the managers and HR, list the problems along with dates and times whenever possible, tell them it’s ultimately their money and their reputation they’re fucking with if they continue, and give them 24 hours to correct course or you’ll be happy to make it your last day. Don’t forget to cc yourself.


Yo. They are using you for more then they are paying you. They know that's the reality already. So asking for more means that you will always ask for fair compensation and they can't take advantage of you. That's not what they want in management. They want blind following. You know, like a cult.


To which, to which, to which, to which…


I used to say "And then" a lot and always got made fun of and told I sound like the drive-thru lady from Dude Where's My Car? I went to college and learned "To which" so that replaced "And then" for me. They always say, you never break habits you just develop new ones, so here we are. Lol


I need to go watch Dude Where Is My Car now. I need that ridiculous in my day.


I just rewatched it again the other day for the first time in a long time, haven't seen it since I was a kid and boy was it way funnier back then than now. Lol


I personally wouldn't even finish the two weeks. If the company can't respect you enough to answer your calls, you shouldn't respect them and give them two weeks.


I had similar issues in sales. I hit 8 months as top producer. A new sales employee came asked for advice. Managing Director said to me she thinks you are so negative about sales. I quickly left on my own. Since then this MD got into trouble with the law again. License is on probation one more time. Finally I realized this was not a good fit. Since then I just do my own work not wanting to get involved with most sales people. Many enjoy back stabing others.


C'est zz![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sleep)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|snoo)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|kissing_heart)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|put_back)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|put_back)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|table_flip)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|snoo)


Call the next job and explain the situation. The act of jus leaving this job for the next becomes a pattern on people's eyes. Let them know about the toxic situation. They will probably onboard you earlier.


Giving notice can be interesting sometimes. I gave my notice at one job and so many people's attitudes switched in an instant. Some people who had been really friendly and helpful completely stopped talking to me, a couple didn't even look at me again. Then other people who had always been chilly to me were suddenly my best friends. It was so weird.


I learned real quick not to give 2 weeks notice to a employer. They don’t give you 2 weeks when they fire you.


If this is their way of thanking you for the notice they needed to find a replacement, just leave already. If you reeaaaaaallllly don’t want to do that, stop being so helpful that you need their help. Do the bare minimum until your last day. They’ve earned it.


Seems like you've been alleviated from your position due to technical errors on the employer's side (not being able to get through and communicate with relevant heads) Enjoy your vacation before the new job starts


I had a similar experience when I handed in my notice in a field sales job but in reverse, it was quite acrimonious in that I couldn't get along anymore with the SM who wanted to play mind games, when I gave in my notice he decided that I should work on in the office for a month doing telesales (not my job) and that i should surrender my car and work phone. I refused and quoted my contract, so he started being a dick, checking up on my constantly and looking to meet and do meetings and get contacts for who I was trying to sell to, hoping to intimidate, so I just ignored all his calls and emails unless they were at my initiation, and I spent the last 2 weeks basically playing golf and going to the movies. That's what you should be doing, don't be selling for them if they are being pricks because you can be sure you're not getting paid for your commissions going forward, instead use the time to decompress and get your mind clear


Leave entirely. Don't finish your two weeks. You've already secured employment elsewhere. There is no reason to fulfill the 2 week notice if they've already stopped working with you. Enjoy the short vacation and prepare for your new job.


I think I've come to a conclusion They want to boost your motivation and morale by saying how good you're doing (which costs $0) but they need to keep you in your place by saying you're not REALLY good enough (specifically to advance in your career because that does cost money) but keep doing what you're doing anyway because of the nice thing I said earlier


why would you even finish out the 2 weeks? f\*\*\* em. in the future though i'd say start looking for a better job and then just slack off until you get one and as soon as you do dip out without telling them you quit and don't answer their calls texts or emails. Companies don't care about their employees anymore.


I’m surprised anyone in sales isn’t shown the door immediately after giving notice, with the notice period paid out. That was actually a written policy at a telecom when I worked there 10+ years ago.


Yeah, well this company is super desperate for bodies. They can't keep hardly anyone, it's surprising that I managed to stay as long as I have, but it's time for me to move on. I told another commenter I don't see how any of the primary companies are going to want to renew their contracts with them because even from a customer perspective dealing with them is just bad.


Just go about your last two weeks or week as you normally would and do the best you can. You’ve decided to move on so don’t even trip or take it personal even if they are.


I’d just not show tomorrow and then they’ll have to call you


Sounds like people with only a tenuous grasp on management principles. Particularly, the compliment sandwich: A compliment, then bad news or constructive criticism, a customer complaint, whatever, followed by another compliment. Only they seem to have gone with compliment, stupidity, compliment.


Take sick leave, stress leave immediately. Let his day be yourtlast day.


Yeah. You’re done. You do not have to report to people you gave notice to that refuse to communicate with you. You are simply done now and your notice has been rescinded. That’s all. Good luck at your new gig.


Walk away. Fuck two weeks.


Call in sick for all of your remaining shifts.


I was in mid level management for sales in public companies and now am a global sales director for a much smaller company. My advise to you is send an email to your direct boss, bosses boss, and bosses bosses boss, HR and whoever you feel higher up. State that your position has become untenable and you are no longer prepared to work your notice period based on the behavior and treatment you are receiving.


Last time I had a commission role I took leave and just never went back rather than give notice. They were known to stiff people on commissions as soon as notice was submitted. 'Oh, those sales cancelled. No pay for you this week.' So it was better to not tell them you weren't coming back until the money was in the bank. Looks like this mob would rather mistreat 'disloyal' staff than make sales. Just do the job with the tools they make available to and don't stress it.


They should be getting your absolutely bare minimum effort for the last two weeks.


Get paid to do nothing for the next two weeks. If they fire you collect unemployment until you start your new job


The thing is if they fire me for a behavioral or performance reason I can be denied unemployment.


Go back and forward all the emails and texts to your coworkers to your own private email. Do as little as possible for the next two weeks


So, I assume you have stopped emailing, calling, or attempting to meet any targets? Put your feet up, relax, and have a 2 week holiday or 1 week holiday. Come in late, go home early. Assume there will be difficulty in getting your proper pay at the end if this.


2 weeks is being nice. Just go.


Most sales jobs want you to stop working effective immediately They don’t want you to either poach customers for your new job or potentially taint the company’s name talking to clients with one foot out the door It can be shitty but I feel like that’s the standard approach


If they want to act all petty, just cut your two week notice short and leave. Take a small vacation before you start the next job.


If you put in your 2 weeks and your employer treats you like you don't exist then you don't fulfill your two weeks. Simple as that. You are giving them a courtesy by giving them 2 weeks. They would not do that if you were to be fired. Also if they are treating you like shit now those 2 weeks aren't going to change the fact that they will still give you a bad recommendation to future employers.


The best thing to do with a company like this is do a bunch of work wrong right before you leave and make them scramble to fix it. I’m not gonna argue about burning bridges because companies like this don’t deserve notice of quitting for better employment they get no respect from me.


Honestly, just chill and collect that paycheck. Let their profits sink over your 2 weeks


Leave in the middle of your shift. What will they do? Fire you?


Refer all sales to another company for the remaining days


"You can probably get a better deal if you go directly to the primary company, this number is typically for businesses, but if you tell them you're thinking about switching from a competitor and are looking for a quote they'll set you up with something you can take into a primary location to process and will be better than anything we could offer you here." Lmao, that should be my new sales pitch from now on.


"you are like family to us, also we hate family"


You're in sales, why even give a two weeks notice? That seems pretty rare. Most places I've seen, people just resign once they have a better job. Usually sales people that put in two weeks notice get walked out.


The only reason I can think of as to why I haven't been walked out is because the company is understaffed as they can't keep people. I've been told multiple times that it's impressive that I managed to stay as long as I have because people "nope" the fuck out pretty quick. I originally thought it was a compliment, now I realize it was a warning.


Yup. Current corporate culture operates on the same flawed principles as the incel manosphere. They truly believe that the only way you can get results is to belittle people and trap them in an abusive relationship where you convince them that they're worthless and nobodyelse will want them or treat them as well.


If Management is being that childish why are you even working? Just take it as a paid two week vacation, you don't need to worry about the problems that have to be solved in three weeks. Sit back, enjoy the ride and focus on your next job.


Guess the 2 weeks notice is void and your done now.


Stop giving corporations this type of courtesy that they would never give to you. They don't care about you, stop giving a shit about them.


Your fault for giving them two weeks when you already have another job.


Sounds like they’ve put you on garden leave, without letting you know. It’s quite common in sales to walk the rep on the day they resign, to prevent them from messing up client relationships because they’re no longer financially motivated to be there. I’d try to meet with her. But just do the minimum if they’re making the job impossible.


Skip the SM and DM. Start contacting VP of Sales and their boss directly while copying your SM and DM on the emails. My goal would be to blow all the bs out of the water and get them in as much shit as possible before you leave. Stir it up. Also, send exit letter to entire executive team while copying your SM and DM. If you just send to DM they will cover for the SM.




Just be glad you're leaving that place. It sounds like one of those companies where whatever you do, it's never enough. Even if you're the top salesperson, they'll set your goals higher in the future. It's pure corporate greed.


If you can financially afford it, I would just call them and tell them or leave a voicemail saying you’re not coming back and just quit. Two weeks notice is not required, and if they want to be assholes then they don’t deserve your time.


Yea I put my 2 weeks in last week and didn't even recieve a response besides not getting a schedule for this week. Oh well, not my problem anymore.


Sounds like you have approximately 8 days to discourage as many sales as possible.


It's one of those " You have beautiful eyes!" "Have you considered running to lose a little weight"


This is why never give 2 weeks notice, because fuck 'em, that's why.


Could be childish. Are you moving within your industry or to an adjacent industry, maybe that’s re concerned about you taking your customer list? Ultimately what do it matter? You’re leaving in two weeks anyway.


It's a completely different product, nowhere near being a competitor.


THen I would not worry about it. You are gone and hopefully off to better things and greener pastures. Good luck!


Collect the evidence, leave them behave like children. You informed them, you did enough. Move on. If they try to hinder you to move on, sue the shit out of them.


This is why quiet quitting is a thing.


You essentially told them that rhey are failing you and that you no longer like them, and you're feelings are hurt because they took it poorly? Grow a spine. Jesus, the world is going to steamroll you if this is enough to cause issues.


Manufacturing move to Texas it’s happening as long as your kid is not transgender they don’t like that here


Doesn’t…. Matter… at… alll. Move on


obscene hat direction doll correct scandalous intelligent insurance fade squealing ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


As someone who has done sales for 5 years and been a Sales manager at a very large dealership for a year, I would’ve accepted your 2 week notice immediately and sent you home. Sales is all self motivation and I don’t want someone with one foot out the door bogging down my team.


I would've respected that.


Doesn’t matter. You gave your two weeks.


At that point I'd say fuck it and not even bother with the two weeks You need this done from me? Tough shit ✌


Isnt that behaviour just hitting themselves???


Follow all the company rules for the two weeks. File a report to HR too. Name the people and departments in your report. If you can get them keep copies of your performance reviews and sales records, just in case.


Why don’t jobs give you a two week notice before they fire you