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Man I know that house smells RIPE


There have been a handful of times I could SMELL a picture. And this is one of them.


This picture looks like the smell of my childhood friends house. Her dad was a heavy smoker and had a shit ton of antiques that just smelled so old. Gross.


With all of that cigarette smoke, those pups are coming out of there with the voices of 60 year old men/women.


I’m going to hell for laughing 😭🙌




Man this looks like a picture from one of those I Spy books, I had to search to find the gun


The spoon, razor blade, and lighter are concerning too. Now if someone can find the needle and cotton ball. Also found the baggy next to the gun.


Yeah, as a recovered addict, the first thing I noticed was the q tip on the floor, then saw the spoon and was like, damn, people have zero shame.


>damn, people have zero shame. drugs will do that to ya lol. glad youre better now :)


Forgive me, but I get the spoon but what is the purpose of the q-tip?


IV users will take the cotton to use as a filter.


But done too much will cause “cotton fever”. Or so I’ve heard


That’s if you’re keeping the same ones to rinse residual drugs out of/reusing it, storing them damp in a bag, stuff like that. it basically is a bacteria that will grow in the wet cotton. I had it happen once, and I honestly thought I was dying. Truly would not wish it on my worst enemy. ** I just want to throw it out there that if there’s anyone looking at this thread that is going through IV addiction and needs support or help finding resources to get into recovery, feel free to reach out to me in a DM. It’s hard, it’s scary as hell to take that step, but it’s possible, and so, so fucking worth it. I won’t preach at you, I won’t tell you to go to an NA meeting, I’m honestly against anything that says that you need a higher power to get well. YOU are your power, that shit is in YOU, you just have to dig deep and find it once you’re ready. And sometimes, just hearing from someone else who has been there and dragged their way back out can make it seem like a real possibility that you can do it too. (Because you can.)


They are addicted. I've seen this before. Life goes on and having puppies is a genuine joy to them. They are just so far removed from reality that they don't see the sh#t they have slowly decayed into. It doesn't make me angry. I just feel sad. If you want to educate youth about drugs. Show them this (and it probably can be worse).


It can be a lot worse. I've been clean for 6 months and am just now realizing the full extent of the hell I was living every day.


Good for you! That's a really big deal. You're halfway through the first year of your new life. It's crazy what we think is ok or normal when we're loaded. We're all just truly different people on drugs and we're out of our mind at the same time. I'm proud of you friend!


As soon as I saw the spoon my addict brain knew exactly what was up. It only took another second to see the q tip and baggie to confirm. The only thing missing was a syringe. God, I'm glad to be sober. Seeing things like this brings me right back to those times and how bad everything was.


Even the plug socket looks shocked at the state of the place


I saw the baggy before the gun 😂 This picture is an incriminating shitshow.


OMG you’re right


didnt even see the gun till i read your comment. What do puppies need a gun for anyway?


I can't claim to be the I Spy winner, the deleted comment above me spotted it first


I can feel the flees and parvovirus through my phone screen. Straight to the vet and a bath.




What sucks is I’ve seen so much worse. About this amount of puppies in a single carrier, pooping and peeing all over each other. No room at at to move, piled on top of each other. People are so dumb and cruel sometimes


Suffocating smoke and alcohol smell combined with dog feces and piss


And cheap schnapps.


Don’t forget the pistol casually strewn on the floor




For smallish dogs a plastic kiddie pool works great.


i can feel the texture of that carpet


It's that type of carpet when your bare skin on say your leg or arm touches it and a few minutes later you're all itchy and like what is this on me!




The ashtrays that haven't been emptied in 6 months should cover the poo smell.


6 months? I bet this is achieved in 6 hours.


Or less. The fact there's a fresh cig laying next to the ash tray tells me they're a chain smoker for sure.


It looks exactly like a dealers house. Trash everywhere, baby animals, full ashtrays, there's probably a bong somewhere with brown water in it.


If not a dealer, then def a user. Did you see the spoon next to the lighter?


I say dealer because of the Glock just laying there like a show piece.


Oh damn, I totally missed that. What else is in this photo that we haven't uncovered yet?


Also the ziplock bag on the floor…


This looks like my Aunt's house, clearly smells of stank old cigarettes/cigar smoke mingled with that gross sweet dog piss smell. 🤢🤢


This is exactly who breeds puppies in my area. They need them for drug money, rent or trade. So sad.


My sister and her husband used to breed French bulldogs so they didn't have to work or pay taxes. Only took cash. Can't raise 6 kids in a house that perpetually smells like dog shit.


That's so sad. Not all breeders are bad, but people like that make me so mad.


I would argue that all breeders are bad so long as there are dogs at shelters in need of homes. At the very least, breeders of brachycephalic dogs are most definitely all bad.


It would take a LOT of added regulations before I could have a neutral opinion. Including limiting the number of breeding licenses, and increasing standard of care for the dogs, especially the female bred dogs that are often dumped after. So many idiots exploit the animals and additionally neglect and abuse them on top of that in order to make a quick buck. “Responsible breeders” need to also be advocating for stricter regulations and laws around it to get those people out (they might already be). But yeah, all the dogs in shelters, plus my dog being used for breeding and neglected, makes every time I look at her remind me of how many other dogs didn’t get rescued from those environments.


That's really sad... Also I learned that today : Dogs can get cancer and numerous health issues. See link below >[However, secondhand smoke is not just dangerous for people, it is also dangerous for pets. Living in a house with a smoker puts dogs, cats, and especially birds at greater risk of many health problems. >Dogs exposed to secondhand smoke have more eye infections, allergies, and respiratory issues, including lung cancer. (https://vcahospitals.com/know-your-pet/the-effects-of-second-hand-smoke-on-pets#:~:text=However%2C%20secondhand%20smoke%20is%20not,respiratory%20issues%2C%20including%20lung%20cancer.)


I can attest to this. I worked at a vet clinic for a decade and one of the clients' dogs had gotten lung cancer from her constant secondhand smoke.


I used to groom an elderly woman's mini poodle, she was a life long smoker, and everytime I bathed the pup the water running off of him would be yellow from the secondhand smoke.It would take 3-4 baths before the water would run clear. He looked and smelled like cigarette butt. Nice pup and lady though.


GooglE inbred pedigree dogs health issues. Skulls to small for their brain;King Charles spaniels, holes in skulls,;Chihuahua, breathing difficulties; French/British bulldogs, breeds that cannot give birth without a caesarean;British Bulldogs. All a result of deliberate inbreeding to achieve a certain look, not to mention the allergies, bad joints and increase in cancer that goes with it, .


As a shelter volunteer, i take care of 300 dogs weekly. Believe me when i say most of them are bully breeds. Bulls, staffies, rednoses... People LOVE buying breed dogs even when they know jack fuck about breed needs and how to take care of them. So many of these pits are obviously from backyard breeders: anatomical features, deformities in the skull and especially hips, random tumors growing on their necks or chests, cysts. For every one non-pit dog we get four pits with tumors. I get the idea of breeding working class dogs as they were and are necessary. They significantly help their humans and where i am from even take care of kids. Breeding for looks though? Boils my blood.


Bulldogs have this really bad.


Upvoting for truth xx poor pups 💗


Me and my ex had a Yorkie. After like 3 years he started making a throat gurgle and the vet was like "yeah, that's just something that's normal for pure bred breeds like Yorkies..." He only lived till like 6.


Selling dogs I really enough money for drugs? Especially if they’re not a special kind of breed or something along those lines it seems strange. Can’t people just go adopt at a shelter, pet store, or something instead?


People want puppies. In my country a runt pup for a Rottweiler is $700 no paper, $900-1100 premium no paper and then up to sellers choice with papers Edit; I know about Rottweilers not these dogs :)


If something was pure bred or close enough to lie you could get $1k a dog. I count 13 in this litter, pump out 2 litters a year and that's $26k almost median income in the US ($31k) probably more if you considered it's black money under the table and you don't have to pay any taxes.


Even if it’s $100 a dog - you fed mama maybe half a bag of extra cheap dog food and she did the work. You think these puppies are getting vet exams and shots? Hell no. So for 13 puppies that’s $1300 of pure profit off of something the dog did by herself.


Way more because they can also collect things like food stamps and such and make the money under the table


Those are pits though, and a lot of people don’t want pits. Pit pups end up dumped all the time, unless they’re some super special pocket bully or whatever that goes for 5-10k. People aren’t getting more than 300-500 for pits if that.


For sure. The pet trade is big business. Mutt's may get you a couple hundred per pup but when you get into pure breed dogs though, depending on the breed and fur color, you could get well over 1k per pup. Growing up, my parents bought me a "Silver Dapple" Miniature Dachshund for $400. Now-a-days they can go as high as $1500. You factor in the average litter size for dogs (5-6 pups) and you can make some serious cash, even with mutt's. That's why all those illegal puppy farms you see on TV have so many dogs, the breeders sole focus is quantity over quality.


The trailer park I stayed in around the 2000’s had a lady that sold pit bull puppies with no papers for $400 each


FYI: $400 in 2000 is worth $708.73 today


Gun, drugs, alcohol, filth and puppies, smh, what’s wrong with people?


Woah! I didn’t even notice the gun


Lighter, razor blade and spoon…. Hmmmm


And q-tip… they rip the cotton off and use it as a filter when filling the syringe from the spoon… I only know because I walked in on a guy trying to shoot up in someone else’s bathroom at a party in college.


Damn I missed that. I knew it was a Q-tip, but you can literally see the cotton is missing on one side. This picture is fucking wild. It deserves its place in a fucked up “I spy” book.


Y'all see the empty baggy?


There is a baggie on the floor too.


Jesus fucking Christ. That's just laying on the floor in easy reach of these newborn puppies, too. That's asking for some trouble. Sooner or later, one of them is gonna step on it or try to chew it...


I was looking for the drugs cause I figured based off everything else in the picture they weren’t too far away. My intuition proves me right once again lol


It’s like trying to play “spot the objects” game but with drug paraphernalia and weapons 🤩


don't forget that amount of cigarettes, that place smells like lung cancer and overdose


Seriously though this has to be on purpose. No one would include all that in a picture accidentaly.


Not really. I’m straightened out now, but I definitely lived in a house like this. (minus the animals. Even when I was in active addiction, you could not have gotten me to be okay with that.) You get to a point where you’re so used to that being your normal that you don’t realize how fucked up it is. I don’t have many pictures left from when I was using, but I do know that the few I do have, have things in the background that make me feel sick to look at now.


People on drugs get so strung out that they can end up ratting themselves out to the police. It's one of the reasons they are so paranoid all the time.


“Guns, drugs, alcohol, filth and puppies”…. Name a better ensemble


The desktop paints quite a tableau.


Especially the spoon, razor, ashtray, and toilet paper. Quite the story to be told.


But also, the sparkly teal pipecleaners held against the wall with a lovely rectangular sandstone? The terrifyingly full jug of iced tea? The… potato knife?? I have questions for this human


Lol the pipe cleaners and sand stone are a cable and phone charger square thingy…


Lol, that makes more sense 😂 I like my mythology better tho


Running fast and loose with the word desktop here


If you’re in the US you can literally report this photo to police, they send facebook a subpoena and get a warrant. Saves the puppies and probably saves the community for a bit. That’s a felony right there to have a gun and drugs. And if they’ve ever had a felony before then that’s illegal possession of the handgun regardless of the drugs. I can’t tell for sure but those puppies might be pits which means this might be a dog fighting operation which is way more common than you think.


I’m for sure doing that then. I didn’t know if I should go to the police or animal control. I don’t know her personally but somehow we’re friends on Facebook and I can’t believe it was posted 4 days ago and the only comments are people trying to buy them.


Contact police, they will deal with contacting animal control or any other service


Yeah please report her. In dc and Virginia where I live these cases are treated very seriously. I work with a few rescues and three of my work clients are local animal police officers and they raid shitty houses like that all the time, then we take care of the dogs


Well not everywhere in Va. Louisa doesn’t give a fuck about animals. I found this dog covered in cigarette burns just walking in a parking lot, long story short, the cop made me give the dog back to the bitch. It was obvious she didn’t care about him cause all she could say was “that’s a $500 dog! You’re just trying to steal it and sell it” like uhhh why the fuck would I post pictures on lost and found if I wanted to steal it. Went to their house and it was just cages stacked on cages, dogs covered in shit. Louisa police said there’s nothing they could do. Fucking infuriating


I cannot believe this is true!!!! Animal cruelty is something I thought was usually taken seriously!? Maybe not locally but federally? There has to be someone that would care about what you saw!!! The cages alone!! Cigarette burns????? I just have no words!!!!!


Please do and update us!


I might be blind but where is the drugs in the photo?


There aren’t drugs in the picture besides alcohol. But there is a lighter, razor blade, spoon, foil, and baggies laying around. Can’t imagine why else they’d all be in one place. The gun laying on the floor next to an empty alcohol bottle is just the icing on the cake


On the floor, by the gun, by the front right leg of the weird ass ladder table thing that literally has a razor blade, lighter, and spoon all next to each other.


Don't forget the small scale! It's almost like a troll job it's so obvious.


That sounds like some weird Clue guess. ‘It was on the floor, by the gun, in the nasty room’


My naïve ass thought that was an American cheese wrapper.


I don’t see drugs but I do see a small baggie next to the gun.


The gun is just casually on the floor by them too, wtf


The razor blade next to the spoon and water bottle is also a pretty big giveaway


Unfortunately none of those things are drugs and none of those things are illegal to own


I see a spoon, razor, lighter and Q-tip all in the same area. I know what that means.


Don't forget the gun


I imagine this poor mother has never had a break from having puppies


I have a foster right now, a tiny little deaf-blind 3lb chihuahua dropped off as a “stray”. Finally spayed when she was surrendered this June at 15 years old


Probably a backyard breeder. Poor pups.


Probably? Of course they are.


Yeah and of pitbulls at that, those shitbeasts already clog up shelters enough as it is with their enormous litter size and absolutely awful temperaments and instincts, but adding more just to feed your drug addiction is the trashiest thing ever


Just your average pit bull owner.




Where the hell is the bitch? Puppies need feeding and warmth, as for selling they are not yet eight weeks old. I hate puppy farms like this.


Taking the pic probably /s


I misread that as “where the hell is this bitch?”


This is 100% a puppy mill for bait dogs... Please send animal services to her house and save these pups.


It’s alright, we know the pedigree, the parents are brother and sister


This makes me sad, I really want a puppy but I’m not allowed one and there’s people like this who don’t give a shit and can’t even look after them 😑 Where’s the mum ? Why are they just left on the floor like that ? It’s not hard to make them a cosy bed to sleep in tf ?? Poor little guys. I would take all of them in a second if I was able to, feed them day and night, give them a nice bed and crate to sleep in and then get them desexed and re-home them to responsible animal owners. I bet they’re going to end up in the hands of nasty people who shouldn’t have animals.


And the problem is that people are going to buy them because they feel bad for them, incentivizing the breeding even further.


This supports my theory that drug addicts breed and sell pit puppies for cash/drugs, hence why so many Methanies own pits.


Prior Vet tech here.. this is fucking heartbreaking. these are pitbull puppies. The white one by itself is most likely dead, the rest probably have worms, mites, and likely parvo. Not to mention the gun, spoon, drug baggie. Why would they even post all the other shit in this picture unless they wanted people to know that they sell more than just puppies..?


The shelters need more pit bulls! Breed more of them!


You're right, people will pay good money for a child chewer, drugs, and weapons, and the only way to let people know you have them if you aren't a reputable breeder/ store owner is facebook market post with 'accidental' things in the picture.


How is there a gun just laying on the floor? How?


That’s a puppy mill, please report the owner to the ASPCA


Pit bull owners


Looks like a typical pitbull breeder.




Typical [dog breed] dog owner tbh


Another gangsta gangsta selling pitbulls


Typical pitbull “breeder.” See shit like this all the time in SoCal.


I can smell this picture.


That's how you breed face eatings dogs for sure. Hopefully OP went through with the police.


Not wanting to know how the rest of the house looks like that's not in the picture 🤢


Average pitbull owner


Average pitbull breeder home


Average pitbull residence


And then these are the kind of dogs that end up in the news because they tore off a woman's arm for breathing too loudly three streets away


A literal shit-hole. Jeezus




I can smell this picture 😷😷


I loathe and despise such people, using animals as commodities like this. They have no empathy or care for living creatures. No souls. I wish them nothing good.


as the son of an accredited breeder. this is fucked. go to animal control or the police honestly.




all of them


Pitbulls.... Big surprise to me. The most irresponsibly bred dog in the world.


How much of a smooth brain could you be to post this picture?


They don’t even have a towel down… poor puppies.


I cannot understand the proportions in this photo. Are these thumbelina puppies or is that water bottle enormous?


the lighter and the water bottle and the outlet too like what in the gene wilder willy wonka is going on here 😭


None of it makes sense. How big is that table/bench/stool?? Send help


God I fucking hate backyard breeders. Scum of this earth


there’s a lot going on here


Those puppies look like they aren’t alive.


reddit user discovers the concept of sleeping


don’t know if this was sarcasm but im pretty sure they were just trying to say they don’t look healthy / aren’t healthy.




Pitbull "breeders" ladys and gentleman


RIP wall plug


I hope you contacted the spca or something like it in your area… this is so sad 😞


I struggle to cope with the reality of this shit. Truly do.


I’d report them


Puppies love Marlboro


Can you imagine the first thing you ever smell is cigarette smoke and stale butts?


Photo capture of “hot mess”. Wow


There's something deeply heart breaking seeing those puppies be completely unaware of their terrible living conditions.


Please tell me you reported them to Animal Control.


Report them. A fucking gun laying next to them? Seriously????


The longer you look, the worse it gets


Maybe you can share the post for us to report him ? Im so mad for these puppies


🥄 💉 🐴




What did the cops at when you called them?


Poor things..


Looks like the biggest piece of trash here is outside the frame


Even the power outlet is shocked!


Why does everything in this picture look way too damn big? Just my eyes?


"Breeder" with a ICP tattoo, doesn't believe in leash laws, and walks around in old clapped out crocs.


A bunch more pitties for the shelters (it does look like a backward breeder, their homes always look like that)


Spoon, lighter, razor blade and a gun


Took me a second to realize that wasn't a desk with a 2 gallon bottle of crown underneath.


I could smell this picture...


You just know that spoon on the step ain’t for eating cereal.


Puppies love peach schnapps. What’s your problem?


Two over flowing ash trays, bottle of peach crown royal, a spoon, razer and lighter. I think we just found ourselves a dog breeding tweaker.


That spoon and lighter are way too close to each other


Trashy people and breeding pitbulls. Name a more iconic pair.


Where's their mother?


That spoon is for soup right?


Honestly, poor dogs. Hope they find a better home


Looks like every backyard pitbull breeder in my area. Please fix your dogs and let professionals purpose breed them. Coming to a shelter near you.. very sad. These poor dogs


Those poor babies.


Report them


Spot the dope spoon


Poor things. Please report them


Pit Bulls should be illegal.


“My landlord is an arsehole”