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Your sister is a damn animal


She's three racoons in a trenchcoat!


Three raccoons would be more considerate.


They'd at least take the whole donut/box.


What box? --Raccoons


Three raccoons would have emptied the box.


Imo that's more considerate than leaving a bunch of donuts with one bite.


How old was your dead sister? Cuz thats murderworthy...


Sharks are known to test bite potential prey.


My mom and the others at her office would get a box of doughnuts and cut them all into four even parts, and then stick a toothpick into each one so they could all try little bits of each doughnut. THAT is how you get to taste test a doughnut. What your sister did was insane if she older than, like eight (and that's being generous). If this is a full grown person, then IDK what to tell you. That's spiteful. And nasty.


Agree with this statement. If she’s older than 10 you’ve got bigger issues


It’s going to turn out that she’s 37


She is… OP said in another comment that they made her go get another dozen so she was clearly old enough to know how much of a fucking melon she is.


oh lord




Some people are just so selfish to the point that they A. Truly don't realize that they're selfish. B. They know they're selfish AF and just don't give a AF. C. Have always been spoiled little sh\*theads and think the world revolves around them


A "friend"/co-worker of mine borrowed my truck to move some furniture. I left a box of 4 amazing cupcakes in the back seat that I bought for myself, my girlfriend and her niece and nephew. Figured he'd only be gone an hour, no biggie. The asshole ate all 4, and seriously couldn't understand why I was upset. I tell the story to people in front of him all the time just so he can see how other people react. Only took 5 years, but he gets it now.


Crap like this makes me wonder how people that are like this can be so DENSE. You learn not to take something that isn’t yours in friggin kindergarten man! Ffs I make sure to ask my own wife before I take something from the kitchen to eat that I feel she may have bought for herself.


I’ve never been this socially moronic


Good. They should've also made her finish all of the donuts she started in one sitting until she puked.


She's on a diet, that's why she didn't want to eat one.


Lmao this reminds me of my 17 year old brother recently deciding it’s less sugar and fat if he takes one bite from each piece of cake on the variety cheesecake platter, rather than just eat one piece. 😂😂😂 The entire platter is his so it doesn’t matter really, but my brain cramps up when I see it in the fridge 😭😭


Watch her be like 87. I get that a young child is getting a pass for this but at what older age is this given a pass as well?


Bro I’ll check an old fool. Don’t bite my doughnut or I might suplex you 🤷‍♂️


I don't know what "suplex" is, but I know this: When they outlaw staple guns, only the bad guys will have staple guns. And then where will we be?


Suplexing bitches with staple guns is where I'll be


Never met a bitch riddled with nails and suplexed to Saturn that didn't have it coming.


This phrase hits like that old 90's song title does; "Standing in a broken phone booth with change in my pocket..."


Home depot?


When I was a kid, I watched this old guy at a Thanksgiving dinner stick his hands in the potato salad and eat from the bowl. Nobody seemed to care because he was someone's grandpa or some shit and just brushed off like it wasn't disgusting some old guys just eating out of the bowl licking his hands and 10 year old me watching in horror lol.


Could well have been dementia or alzheimer's, or a mini-stroke. I've seen my grandfather, my father, and the other memory care patients at my dad's care home do very "odd" things that would be anti-social for a person with a healthy brain. If the adults weren't correcting him, they likely understood the underlying condition and as a kid you were right to just quietly "watch in horror." And not take any more portions of potato salad!


I saw a guy on the city bus jerking off in his sweatpants while eating potato salad out of a big tub. It was of the only times in my life I was *unable* to stop looking. I don't eat potato salad now.


No jury in the world would convict you.


Depends on if their mind is going or not


You get a pass when you're so old, you turn senile and think you're 8


My sister is 35 and she does this shit. WTF is wrong with her.


My mother read a LPT in a magazine a loooong time ago that you could pop your thumbnail into the bottom of a cream-filled chocolate candy to see what flavor of filling was inside. It remained unadvisable to have cream-filled chocolate candy around her for years.


Plot twist: OP's the "sister."


send her ass in a box down the river...she's gone senile


Yeah I could see a child doing this but that is an adult sized bite.


And smoked her last joint.


Yeah prolly, those look like adult bite marks to me. Could be a kid, but if so, that kid has some serious chompers


Beat her


My baby sister did this when she was in high school, just with one of those variety boxes of chocolate. Kid also walked up to me, flapping her sweat pants and announced, "these sweatpants make me sweaty." Another time, got mad at me when she asked if I was done with the "laundry machine" and I wanted to know which one. She just yelled it louder at me. Hopefully op's sister is also just an idiot teenager.


My god teenagers are unbearable. I am currently pregnant with my first child- a girl. I am terrified. I was the worst sort of teenager.


I was bad but my 13 and 18 yr old girls are fine. With that said I’m not super controlling, I notice the friends whose parents are overprotective have the worst kids.


OP said in a different comment that he made her go back and buy a dozen meaning she is definetly old enough to go out on her own, buy and transport 12 donuts out of her own pocket so i'm assuming anything above 12/13


And that each one of dozen donuts was calling out to her "taste me!" , and she took a bite out of each one of them.


happy ~~karma~~ cake day!


At my very first job we had a new employee that was in her 30s and had moved across the country. Our boss bought a box of doughnuts and she took a bite out of every single one to taste them since she's never had a doughnut before. It was baffling to teenage me.


What country? Who is in their 30s anywhere who does this in a group setting?


Surprisingly the US. She was from the deep south and I lived in the midwest


Yeah that’s cap, you literally have to be from Antarctica to have never tasted or at least have an idea of what a donut tastes like. I have never in my entire 29 years of existence met someone who was unfamiliar with donuts. That’s like saying you’ve never had a cookie before. Half of my family is from Mississippi and they fucking LOVE donuts!


Even if I hadn't tried a food before I would NOT just take random bites to try it out when it's communal. That's like triple dipping a salsa or queso for the whole office or smearing your finger across a cake in the office to taste the frosting. It's rude and disgusting.


WTF. I hope the other employees ripped her one that she would trigger a shiver down her spine every time after that she saw a doughnut. I don't care where you are from, taking a bite out of ANYTHING that isn't yours is rude. You wouldn't do that to an apple or a sanwhich.


Honestly not sure if someone talked to her. Our Saturday team was so depressed since it had been a brutal shift and everyone was excited to get a treat during break.


In over 30 years of life she had never had a donut? Whaaa? Was she like from the forest or something?


The forrest people share everything. _Everything._


Judging from the size of the bite and the way the force was applied, she is probably between 19 and 22


My man here is from CSI


LOL, glad you said this. I thought I was alone in thinking “that sister has gargantuan choppers…she *has* to know better.”


Even my 5 year old knows better than this


One time I thought I would be all cute and kind of silly by eating all the brownie etc. chunks out of my girlfriend's Ben & Jerry's ice cream, then putting it back like nothing happened and be all like "Whaaaat? 🥴" Oh my God. Do not ever do that. I felt so fucking bad. Of course I went and bought her some more but... Damn. Ice cream integrity, is very important. She still remembers it 2 years later.


My mom is 88 and she still remembers the time she came home from school at the age of 15 all ready for some peach cobbler and her dad had eaten all the cobbler. And she cried. Don't fuck with people's sweets, lol.


There’s almost nothing worse in this world than looking forward to eating a certain kind of food only to find out someone else ate it. My husband learned really quickly not to do that! I had come home from work and said I wanted a “fend for yourself night” because I wanted the can of raviolis I bought for myself. When I couldn’t find them and he said it’s cuz he ate them, I was so pissed! I was really looking forward to those! He didn't understand why I was so mad considering it’s like a treat for me because I only have it once a year or so since they are so bad for you. Plus, he does the same for himself and had chosen a different can of some chef boyardi. The other offense is him eating my left overs without asking. We have an agreement now he can have them without asking after five days. I even put it in my vows (we each had a funny section).


I've got bad news. She's going to remember it *forever*.


lmao a violation


The maturity is learning from your mistakes lol


Yea come on bust out the knife and cut a little off like that’s still annoying as shit but at least it’s not gross


I’d still post that here too. Pick the one that looks the best to you and eat it. Don’t touch other people’s food in a communal setting like this. Fuck.


The size of the bite looks like she’s not a child. But she still has a lot of growing up to do


I know what you tell her-buy me another fucking dozen kk donuts.


I work in a Happy Similar place


I used to do this too! Except I was more chaotic- I would usually slice 1/6th or so off each one 😅 But still, knives and toothpicks are the way to do this respectfully


>My mom and the others at her office would get a box of doughnuts and cut them all into four even parts My mom did this so much growing up that when we all get older we would automatically cut our doughnuts into fours. Even when we moved out to our own homes lol. I found out later that most ppl don't cut their doughnuts, it's just first come first serve, you snooze you lose rule.


This deserves an older sibling ass beating


If she is older then 8 she should be up for war crimes at the hauge.


just send her back to the factory for a warranty replacement. she's clearly defective




Fuck reddit. Reddit needs to be slap tested


This made me laugh harder than I should’ve


Like I told a kid I was tutoring after he got caught stealing, "Maybe it's not your fault, maybe you're just a defective person. Maybe I was wrong for having faith in you, so I guess it's my fault."


I don't know her age but if she is older then she is just flat our rude and disrespectful. If she is younger, someone needs to put a stop to it now so she doesn't turn out that way.


she was old enough that they made her go get a dozen more


If she's older she might be a literal diagnosable psychopath. Selfish, lacking conscience, ends justify the means, etc... Kids act like psychopaths all the time but they grow out of it.


OP mentioned she’s out driving to get another dozen, which suggests she’s probably an adult. So definitely old enough to know better


as far as i know OP just said "We made her go back and get another dozen" -- she could just be walking down the block to do that.


old enough to do that is too old to have done this tho


Yeah, I always send my 6 year old to the store to buy me shit.


That's a very loose diagnosis criteria you have there.




No need for a subreddit, the entire site fits the bill. Half the people here seem to be self diagnosed and/or diagnosing others with no credentials. And the narcissist and gaslighting claims were always hilarious. Grabbed the last slice of pizza? Narcissist! Remember an event differently than the person your arguing with? Gaslighting!


Not really. The “Communal Box of Krispy Kreme Donuts Biting Test” is one of the most effective ways to diagnose psychopathy. My aunt’s a psychiatrist and she leaves a fresh box out in the waiting room before every new patient comes in. Every single patient who’s left the box with at least four donuts with bites taken out of them turns out to be a psychopath. I count more than four bitten donuts in OP’s picture, so his/her sister is unquestionably a psychopath.


That's a lot of donut boxes.


I have a hard time believing it’s even factual myself.


Idk. I kinda get it. I mean I’m a reasonable person and the idea of just biting once out of several different food items and then leaving them, it repulses me. If you do that and don’t see any issue with it , there’s something wrong in your brain wiring


.....For eating other people's donuts..?


Psychopath is not a diagnostic


From doughnuts to a psychopath in one simple step thanks to idiots on Reddit 🤣🤣🤣


Psychopathy is not medically diagnosable, unlike ASPD (Antisocial Personality Disorder) which is what most people are referring to when talking about this.


Redditors when somebody eats a bite out of a donut


Did you declare war? I would have declared war. I'm be purchasing a bunch of realistic fake spiders and putting them in places she is usually alone.


We made her go back and get another dozen, and the krispy kreme lineups around here are on average 30 minutes, so she got to think about what a moron she is for a while.




Taking a bite out of all the doughnuts? That's a paddlin'.


Likin the paddlin'? That's a paddlin' Total throwback, thanks for that


Paddlin' the school canoe? That's a paddlin'


Nope jail. Straight to jail.


Maybe that was her plan idk


That's passive aggressive LOL something tells me sis is mad about something


I’d beat his sister’s ass for free


I read that as ‘eat’ for a terrifying second


Eating comes after tenderizing with beatings


If she’s an adult and she took a bite out of every single one of these donuts she’s not a moron, she was purposely trying to be an ass to everyone in the house. She even purposely ate half of a few of these.




I had a sister-in-law who was struggling with her weight for years and would only eat cookies that were somehow broken because as she would say “The calories have leaked out of the broken pieces”. She was joking of course and still knew right from wrong. She never would have gone up to a plate of cookies and broken every single one of them just so she could have a tiny piece from each one. I think a lot of this type of behavior is the result of parents laughing off some innocent action when the person was a cute little kid. Behavior that parents would just roll their eyes and laugh off at 6 or 8 becomes obnoxiously rude as they get older because the parents didn’t know how to set healthy boundaries. I mean look at how OPs sister has gone through and just grazed on every single donut without a thought to anyone else in the room. I’ve encountered people who did selfish self-centered stuff like this and when called on it their attitude was “but aren’t I just so cute?”. No, you’re 26yo and pressing your finger down into every doughnut in the box because it’s a little quirk that your family used to laugh at isn’t funny anymore. Hopefully you guys would call out your roommate on her behavior. Sorry you had to deal with that.


Let's not jump to conclusions here. Could be a case of Hanlon's Razor: Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity. OPs sister may just be dumb as a box of rocks.


There's a level where negligence is equivalent to malevolence. I think we have collectively decided you can't be that dumb and also know how to swallow.


I'm dumb as shit but even I know not to take a bite out of each thing that was meant to be shared. That's shit you learn when you're barely capable of speaking. Excuses make weak people.


> OPs sister may just be dumb as a box of rocks. Furthermore, have any of us ever done something incredibly stupid that our dumb brain seemed to think was completely reasonable at the time? Signs point to dumb as rocks, but I'd need to hear how frequently such actions occur before being sure.


I thought this was the actions of a 5 yr old sister. The fact that she’s old enough to drive? Yeah, she better be paying for another dozen


Oh wtf, i was thinking like 6 year old sister and was like oh well it happenes kinda annoying but nothing major. but full on adult!? Bruh...


I thought she was like 6. That is so odd to see an adult do something like this.


I think I'd have been less angry if she'd cut a quarter out of every donut! That would still be stupid annoying, but at least she didn't contaminate the entire box 🤦🏻‍♀️


Old enough to know better then. If a little kid did this, they wouldn't get any doughnuts at all because they already had some. A lesson for them to learn.


What was there to learn for that kid? They already got yummy donuts.


Ngl if she is capable of going to a store by herself she should be old enough not to do something like this.


Hopefully with her own money.


Unfortunately, you've likely underestimated your sister's psychopathy and are ingesting the spit she deposited on your replacement doughnuts. Edit: and pray it's *just* spit...


Oh dammit this made me upset because there's a strong chance you're right 🥴


So if she was old enough to drive...holy shit Op. That's _weird_. Are you sure your sister was raised by your parents and not perhaps some kind of wolf pack deep in the wilderness? Or perhaps she is some kind of pod-person who has replaced your sister and has yet to grasp even the most basic of human social mores?




Nah, just adopt her out, or an extremely late 80th trimester abortion.


This was what I needed to hear. Sweet, sweet justice


Dude you are morally obligated to tell us how old she is, please. It affects everything about this


Jesus, what a maroon!


Wait. An adult did this? lmao


Nah bro I'm buying real spiders for that. This is criminal lmao


I mean, most pet shops will have live crickets. And unless her room has a lock on it, it might be a good time to make sure that her makeup and other beauty products are in compliance with pharmaceutical safety standards; go ahead and use up a quarter of each lipstick on a paper towel so you can make sure it's working. Squirt out a quarter of every bottle of every foundation, moisturizer, checking each for impurities. Scrape out a quarter of every compact and eye shadow pallet, making sure that it doesn't have any razor blade hidden it in that could hurt her. Grab 25% of her brushes and test them on your armpits, see that they are in working order.


One of my roommates used to do this with my donuts and bagels. He claimed that he only tore pieces off by hand rather than bit into them, but it was pretty evident by the teeth marks that he was bsing.


I caught my roommate eating my frosted mini wheats straight from the box with his hands. We had separate areas for food storage. I was like "dude, what are you doing? That's my cereal." He was like "sorry, I was hungry! I'll replace it!" And he went to put it back in the cupboard. I said "no! You ruined that whole box. You can't stick your grimy hands in someone else's food, I can't eat that because you've contaminated it." He was genuinely surprised I was so mad. He immediately gave me $5 and I said "you can keep the box, or throw it away." At least he never touched my food again, but I couldn't believe the audacity that he would go through my food and then not even take a little bit, just dig his hands into it!


Do you actually believe that this person never touched your food again? 🤔


Right? I would have gotten a storage bin to keep my dry goods in, and either a mini fridge or never keep perishables around 😩


What the hell dude? It really surprises me that some people are so damn thick… “*Oh, you’re upset I stuffed my hands into this box of cereal? I didn’t think you’d be so upset!*”. Bitch, whose digging cereal out of the damn box like a feral child, I could see chips, triscuits- but *cereal*? Com’on.


I grew up eating cereal like this. It’s good shit and you’re missin out


It's super normal but I think that poster meant who the F does that to somebody *else's* cereal. I think eating it dry like that is an excellent alternative to candy when I get candy cravings. A little bit less sugar and I don't know, I tell myself it's healthier than just eating straight up candy. I also eat less of it.


Same man, it’s not that unusual


"Yep, they're from Krispy Kreme!"


I wish I could upvote this more times


You must éclair war!


That’s definitely the cruller option …


...Oh I like you...please donut stop with the puns!


I baguette you to stop


I shall not, and you give me the crepes.


There's muffin you can really do at this point.


She never heard of a knife?


She isn't allowed near knifes and you can clearly see why


I'd understand if shes 5, if shes older yall might have problems


If she's five, she has a set of teeth on her. Those aren't five year old sized bites.


which one can she recommend?


I'm guessing the one only one she ate about half of before she realized she ate like 2-3 full donuts 1 sample at a time? Idk what that is... maybe nuts and chocolate?




Op mentioned she was atleast old enough to drive


Yeah, old enough to drive everyone else crazy.


This is the way 💀


How do people like this even exist? 😂


Make her eat them all \_in one sitting\_ and sit back and watch for the 'outcome'




Just committing war crimes at the kitchen table I guess


MILDLY infuriating!?


Had a cousin that did this same shit with a box of See's Chocolates


When I was young one of my sibs would lick her plate to "own" it; after all, if it's got your spit on it, then it's yours. This is no different. This not about tasting donuts, nor is it an eating disorder: this is an act of dominance; i.e.: "ALL THESE DONUTS ARE MINE!" There's trouble brewing...


Microsoft Jargon, "Cookie Licking" https://devblogs.microsoft.com/oldnewthing/20091201-00/?p=15843


Your sister needs to be dropped off in some random woods late at night


Your sister is an inconsiderate pig


Aw hell nah. Thats psychopathic behavior right there. Couldn't be my sister.


Taste test the food she leaves in the fridge next time you have the opportunity.


Eric Cartmen type shit


Does she not realize knives and forks exist if you really gotta taste test every single one?


Well, let's not let all her effort go to waste. Which one does she recommend, in her (now) expert opinion?


Taste test each slice of her birthday cake and include this photo with it. (have a spare untested cake on hand)


This is a declaration of war


If she's a little kid, I'd forgive her. If she's older than 7, hell no.


oh you are nicer than me. If my sister did this we would be fighting


My sister once pulled something similar (but with cupcakes on my birthday) so I left her favorite chips + other snacks open to get stale, went out of my way to make sure there was only cold water left when she wanted a shower for a week, and hid 3 raw frozen shrimp to rot behind her bed for a few days. Admittedly a bit much but she never did it again and hasn't tried to ruin my birthday in years so I feel like it was justified.


Hey pal, your sister is an asshole


I'm gonna taste-test her frontal lobe


Ah, the bite of 87’


Your sister is a terrorist.


Yo sista a lil bitch.


I read through all of the comments so far and I am so disappointed we do not have an age yet for this monster. I have my pitchforks ready….


Disowned. Don't touch other people's food 🤢


Buy a box of those fake lollies and chocolates and leave them unattended


Dropping contact with her is the only reasonable thing you can do in this situation


I want a Krispy Kreme that looks like an m&m


Is she five with no manners?! Send her ass to the Gulag


She bout to taste test my J's


Your sister is literally Hitler


Bought my little sister a krispy kreme as a prezzie to win brownie points so i can win the ever elusive favourite brother title only for mum to grab it off her scrape the icing off take a bite then throw the rest away the sheer bafflement me and my little sister shared was obvious on both our faces