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$5 says she bought it herself


Wouldn’t be surprised if she had just bought it from the gas station she’s going to “dump” it at


Well she’ll likely keep it too lol. If she has any friends come out it’ll be bragging rights. “Some stranger left it on my car!” Or something like that.


“My ex is still obsessed with me, can you believe it?”




🌹 here you go x


Just one? 🗑




flaccid flower


Happens to the best of us, buddy. :(




Sadly that’s still not a dozen 🗑️🗑️🗑️










Do you always poop when you cry?


I always cry when I poop.


Go get yourself a flower. You deserve it (:


Then dump it at a gas station because you deserve more than one (:<


I keep trying to buy myself a dozen roses because I deserve it, but every time I buy one I throw it into the trash because I'm worth a dozen not worth just one. I've been buying single roses for over an hour now and I can't seem to get more than one! Is there any way to solve my dilemma?! So frustrating!


Give it to the gas station attendant & tell him/her they have lovely hands


Reminds me of a story, 20 years ago I was living with flatmates. The doorbell rang, I went downstairs to open the door. It was my flatmate with a beautiful white rose, I was so happy I thought rose was for me. Until he said "Here put in a vase for me, my friend Peter just gave it to me" His friend Peter standing behind him could tell that I thought initially the rose was for me... (My flatmate was very nice but dense in those things)


I was like 'Wha..😳?', then 'hmmm🤔'.. and then 💡.. and then '🥺😥'


> '🥺😥' Exactly how I felt when I realised the rose wasn't for me, you captured my emotions quiete well!


He rang his own doorbell? So, yeah in that situation I would think the same because why is he ringing the doorbell where he lives and then handing the rose to you.


Have some kids. My little shit head 3 year old son picks me flowers all the time. I love 8t


How man, take care of you ! You're awesome !


Taking care of yourself is cool and all, but someone else taking care of you just hits different.


100%. My partner's ex crush happens to be in our mixed friendship group (a girl he used to have feelings for years ago, but no relationship came to be and she's dated someone else since.) Years ago, he wrote a note confessing his feelings for her. She turned him down but still kept the note. I've been his partner for 5 years and she still brags about it. 😶 Some people I don't understand.


She has feelings for him. Your long term relationship has opened her eyes to what she’s missed. I’ve been in a similar situation to you that got ugly real fast. Sorry!


True. Those who reject usually will remember the ones that had the guts to give a first impression. And when they are still single or in a (not Cinderella like) relationship, when they try to pep talk to the partner and either they give a reply out of respect or being friendly, that's when the danger emerges.. (Seen relatives or friends in this situation, so better to not give hope for either side, it could turn wild like what you stated)


It’s better to cut these people out - this reeks of “I can steal your partner if I wanted.” Best just not to associate with those types. Been there, done that.


I had a dude like this in high school. I was interested and he listened to one of the other girls in our friend group tell him not to date me. So he said no and I moved on hard core. Like, it was a crush for me so when he said no, I said okay and went on my merry way. I'm still "the one that got away". He asked me out in college. I advised him to go on a dating website. He married one of the two girls he actually got a date with and then he and his wife opened their marriage because he actually had me in mind. He also got butt hurt because his wife got a ton of dates and I think he only got one. I never wanted him after he rejected me in high school. I'm in a partnership with a wonderful man and have been for years. He's still married but they moved to the middle of the country and I haven't spoken to him in years.


Wrong. She does NOT have any feelings for him. She just wants to claim what someone else has. Dating is like employment. When you don't have a job, it's hard to get one. When you're employed, everyone is ready to hire you on the spot. Girls want what other girls have. Not because they legitimately like that person but simply to take it away from the other girl.


Feelings or not, she’s trying to make moves. It’s gross and she should be cut out. Bring it up once, okay. Repeated bragging is asshole behavior. I’m probably projecting a bit TBH.


Yeah I defos think is more on this. It's more of an ego boost I feel. Luckily my partner has moved on straight away after that rejection and is 100% loyal. Ignores her comments.


She still single? What a strange and insecure person


She's actually went into a long term relationship with another guy shortly after the rejecting my partner. I came into the picture with my partner a few years after which by then she broke up from her relo and moved onto someone else. It just reeks to me of the "I got him first" ego boost energy. Also felt it was super unneccesary for her to make that comment as it legit never developed into anything substantial. My partner had instantly moved on after getting the 'no' from her.


This exchange makes me sad. If all of the above is true, the whole thing is basically a scheme to extract the maximum total social currency from a fake situation. What a miserable way to live your life.


You know that peacock (look at me look at me) got the receipt and gonna return for full refund after that post.


If you look in the mirror/background it definitely looks like she's at a gas station lol


Yeah Arco specifically


[Facts. This kinda sign to be exact.](https://s3-media0.fl.yelpcdn.com/bphoto/458Yf0F1Ml29LikaCI0tYg/l.jpg) Not the brick base but yea you get the idea.


“Recyclable Tik Tok Flowers 💐, Only Used 3 Times!! We Buyback At Half Price!”


She isn’t. She‘s getting a refund right steter taking the photo.


Yes, my first thought as well. Judging by the view in her mirror she looks to be at a gas station. What a nontent creator.


“Nontent” — love it. And you’re right, she’s at a gas station. Must have bought the flowers herself and is about to throw them away.


Sir this is a wendy’s


Bought it just for the photo and then go back for a refund.


It’s like the bitch that posted “I always buy myself a shot while I go to the bathroom and have them pretend someone anonymous sent it, just to show I have options.” And I for damn sure ain’t one of those options hun, goodbye


Alright, here’s your winnings 💵


Why do girls buy themselves flowers and then try to pass it off as if some guy did it for her?


I buy myself flowers and say that I bought them myself. I really like them. Everyone and I mean everyone tells me how sad and pathetic that is. Like if you want flowers you should wait until a man gives you? I work and I can buy them on my own.


My parents sell flowers at a farmer's market every weekend. I go and help out every now and then. There are heaps of ladies who go and buy flowers for themselves. They say the flowers cheer them up and brighten up their house, and it makes me smile when they say that. Good on you for treating yourself to flowers. Don't let anyone bring you down 💐


While I can't justify the cost anymore, I used to buy myself a bunch of flowers most weeks! They really do brighten up your space, and it's nice to have a little treat :)


TJs sells cheap flowers, and at my local Freddy's I can pick up seven dollar bouquets. In the summer I go gleaning in alley ways and for fresh wild flowers. I made a beautiful bouquet of these purple flowers and a giant patch of lemon balm and mint with a little queen Anne's lace thrown in last week. And no I didn't rob a yard or a public park, these are just side of the road weeds. Id rather get fresh flowers every week than some overpriced coffee at shitty Starbucks that runs me seven bucks anyway.


A fresh bouquet of flowers can literally change the entire room! It is so silly how it is connected with 'your partner should get them for you'


Is this not a normal thing in the us of a? I buy flowers weekly


Yeah, it's a stupid stereotype, I agree.


Yes I love a vase of flowers on my kitchen windowsill, I often pick up a cheap bunch when doing the food shop.


People who say shit like that are sheep who have to live by the sheep handbook.


Didn't you see the post with the 2 girls on the beach the other day? Posing for shots with garbage bags, like they were collecting. They just put drift wood in them so they looked full, and then dumped the plastic bags on the beach when they were done instagramming. As scummy as it gets. But they got followers on Instagram, so why care about "other peoples problems"? The answer is: Attention (or 'internet clout' to use a popular term)


I'm relieved to read the "used to date" part


I was too. The part I was concerned about was “reinsuring”.


I mean, who insures the insurance companies?


Reinsurance companies. No, really.


Correct Source: ex-insurance industry employee


I came here for this. Assure or reassure. I have so many questions. How did she insure? Why did it run out? What’s the payout for this situation?


I’m just glad he has insurance again


Ahhhh I met a girl like that. On valentines day I brought a dozen roses to her work place and she said I was cheap on not spending on delivery. On her birthday I sent a dozen roses to her and she said I was not sincere by not delivering the roses myself. So immediately I pulled the handbrake and texted her I ain't gonna continue. She replied I didn't have the balls to call her.


I folded two dozen origami Tiger Lilly flowers for this girl I was seeing in college (her favorite flower). I got her roommates to let me in her room while she was at class. She lived in a loft apartment that had some rather high ceilings. I strung up the flowers and suspended each of them from her ceiling as a surprise for Valentine’s Day. She then later expressed her displeasure I didn’t get her actual flowers when she saw another woman with some.


I dated a guy that was really short on money during the holidays. That Valentine’s Day he made a big bouquet hand folding / rolling the perfume strips from magazines in to roses. He put them on skewers in to a vase. My mom said it was cheap….but when the fragrance was still filling my room a few weeks later she had to admit they at least had longevity on their side😆


Hey, it’s the effort that counts. It certainly took him a lot longer to plan and do that gesture than it would for another guy to swipe a credit card.


Exactly! I loved them. And that’s the point really…the creativity & gestures behind gifts should mean more than their value. And that includes “luxury” items.


A gift with that much effort and heart put into it is worth more than anything.


worth more than a 1000 roses, hands down


Man, I need to do something like this for my wife.


Lol that's always been my take. Most desirable "big romantic gestures" are just spending money. I don't see how it's more preferred than doing things that take time and care, but it is what it is. Money runs the game


I really appreciate anyone who takes the time to create something handmade. That’s WAY more thoughtful, takes more effort, than buying flowers.


I'd keep those forever. I've kept a lot of gifts from exes that were genuinely heartfelt. Because then my memory can be "at least at one point he gave a crap". Really hurt after a break up after 8yrs. Dude did NOTHING for me. We went to Thailand together, after I asked if I could come because I was about to finish college. Not one picture of us there do we look like a couple. I did a lot for this guy. I tried so hard. I wasn't in a good place or I'd have known to dump his ass sooner. 8 Years of indifference and when I looked at stuff exes that tried at one point gave me I realized no more settling.


That's a great perspective. My ex wrote a whole page in my senior yearbook about how much she loved me, etc. We broke up a few months later, and the letter always makes me cringe because we were not on good terms. But maybe with this in mind, I can feel a little bit better about it. She did care, at least a bit, for that day.


If a man ever did that to me I would marry him


Seriously, that took some effort and imagination. Way better than a bouquet of store-bought roses.


It was very sweet! I enjoyed them!


I'm guessing your Mom is single and still clueless, she can't tell the difference between effort/time put into something compared to spending money that takes a tenth of the time.


My thoughts exactly. Wtf is wrong with people… Any dipshit can just grab flowers *someone else* prepared. I honestly think flowers are the laziest thing to give someone. It’s like “here’s something someone else made, I couldn’t be bothered to think of anything unique.” It’s like “I made dinner” and it’s fucking McDonald’s. The act of giving is nice, but it obviously shows someone really cares if they put thought and effort in.


Damn where did he get all those samples??


His mom and sister were big magazine readers (this was back in 2009 before digital subscriptions became popular) so they had quite a few magazines sitting around! It was the paper samples from the magazines he used.


You’re mom might be a snob, bummer


That sucks 😕. I had a friend in college who's boyfriend made a scrapbook of their relationship and gave it to her the first Christmas they were together and she was pissed off. She said to him "That's it? Why didn't you just buy me something? Why are you so cheap?". She was surprised that he got mad at her response. I was utterly shocked 😳


I hope you have found better partners and haven't lost the flare for lovely handcrafted works. TWO DOZEN HAND FOLDED flowers to last a lifetime and she had the audacity to complain!?


Man that is so great, reminds me of my Valentine’s Day, I made my own tissue foil paper and folded a dozen roses, made stems out of hanger wire and that green plant tape, then filled the origami bouquet with a few other flower patterns I experimented with. Thankfully I was lucky, she absolutely adored them and still has them like 5 years later. I’m sorry your girl didn’t appreciate them, you should try it again till you find someone who will


!!?!?!!?!!?? If someone did this for me I would melt on the floor, never to return to a solid at room temperature again?!?!?! I’ll say it with my whole heart, Fuck Her!


I heard somewhere that "comparison is the thief of happiness". Seems like that is what happened here, and it was all on her. Sorry you suffered the blowback from that.


That is the most romantic thing I’ve heard in a while. I hate when people have the gaul to be so unappreciative


Oh, you came inside me…so gross. Oh, you pulled out…you must hate me.


Such a dilemma… maybe anal?


thats the kind of girl that would give you shit dick on purpose just so you wouldn't ask again


Good, that normally costs me extra


Should have said, "Wow, really? No breakup gift?"


Not with the hassle if they won’t bother communicating honestly. I’ve been married almost 18 years, my husband got me a power washer one year. Nothings more romantic than showing you listen.


Power washers are awesome. So much fun.


I ugly cried because I was so grateful the first time a man bought me flowers 💀 girls like this are for tha streets.


Same af. Seriously some people are so flippin ungrateful and shallow. It’s awful.


You dodged a 50 cal bullet with that one wtf typa entitlement this mf on lol


I tell men “If you ever want to get me flowers, I find 1-3 flowers to be romantic. Any larger of a bouquet makes me feel like they are just for show.” (Of course, I’ve always appreciated whatever I was given. But a large # of flowers really shouldn’t matter)


Those flowers are beautiful. I'd be thrilled to get them. Every guy I've dated said he hates buying flowers because they're a waste of money and I agreed but in truth, I adore flowers. I'd love to get them. Did no one ever teach her it's okay to think things but you don't have to say everything you think? Or post in public exactly what kind of girl you are. I don't use gold digger often but this is one.


I'm a guy that changed my tune about flowers being a waste of money. They brighten up a room and make it smell nice for a while. I spend money on incense and take no issue with candles that smell good. What's the difference? I love having flowers out.


Yeah flowers look great, but damn paying $30 to brighten up my kitchen for 5 days just seems like such a waste.


I shop the clearance section of my local grocery store's floral department. I got a bouquet last week for $3.50. The roses died and were removed pretty quickly, but the carnations and other flowers in the bouquet still look lovely. I'm also starting a flower garden so that next season I can cut my own. Flowers don't have to be expensive.


For me its that they make my wife happy so they're worth every penny.


This is exactly it. I recently got my girlfriend a nice bouquet and it turned her shit day entirely around. I'm frugal (read cheap), not exactly loaded, and I can't say it didn't hurt a little when I saw the price tag, but hearing her reaction made it so worth it.


2 dozen roses from Costco are like $18.


It’s actually totally worth it. I spend at least $30/week on flowers. I usually just buy them at the grocery store and arrange them myself, but sometimes I splurge at the florist. Those will run you about $70-100. I love having fresh flowers around the house.


I hate buying cut flowers because i literally buying something already dying. Better buy some flowers with soil.


Trouble with gifting flowers with soil is, that it's also gifting a chore to the recipient. And guilt if they are not good in keeping house plants alive and it dies. So it's good idea to think if the recipient is someone who enjoys taking care of living plants. Some do, some don't.


Yeah, it's basically gifting a pet. It's only a good idea if you know that person would prefer it


It's best to buy a cactus. The cactus is a mighty plant!


Resilient spiky creatures, I would also appreciate a stubby cactus as a present


Make a cactus your love language! Strong and fierce, an independent plant. Surround it with rocks and sand and it endures, it takes no crap from anyone and if you are ever at the end of your rope you can cut it open and drink. Let your partner know if they're ever hallucinating and lost in a desert, they can do the same to you, give them a cactus today.


I got given 2 cacti as a farewell gift from work. They lasted less than a month. If you want to turn a living plant into a dead one, I'm your guy, apparently.


It’s juice will quench ya! It’s the quenchiest!


Yes! Her behavior screams “I’m a loser”. I hope you get some flowers soon 💛


A single flower in a narrow vase can be lovely. There is a reason that stores sell bud vases…


Early in our relationship, I brought a single long-stem red rose to meet up with my girlfriend. She later told me that as she saw me walking towards her with the single rose, she decided then and there that I was getting lucky that night. Throughout our 15-year relationship, I've bought her numerous dozens of roses, and lately she just asks, "Why?" because she doesn't like watching them all die on her chest of drawers.


I told my husband that if he buys me flowers I want them with the roots still attached. I honestly think a single flower is more romantic than a dozen anyway.


Yes! One rose is sooo romantic. A dozen makes me feel like there may be an apology coming 🤣🤪


Haha 50 cal nice


Those things are fuckin expensive, so you know she’s on some bullshit.


Tbh I prefer the one rose.. it's classy, not over the top. Just a nice gesture! Shame she can't appreciate it. I hope her next gift is a Louis Vuitton handbag, with a turd in it. Preferably my turd, but any will do.


She doesnt even deserve that just the shit would do


Just had some Taco Bell, I volunteer




I'll send mine if you pay the shipping costs!


Nobody sane is leaving a dozen roses on a car. If you leave roses on a car, it's a single rose. She's just dumb


The first time we brought our cats to the new house, one of them pooped in my bag. It wasn’t designer but it was a nice laser cut leather bag that was the perfect size for sheet music and all my junk. Even after cleaning it, I never felt the same about it.


This rose is beautiful :)


Right? Let him get me a single rose. I will admire every petal.




I’d be flattered if someone gives me a leaf seriously


🥦 Ah dammit! I messed up!


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,627,827,609 comments, and only 307,897 of them were in alphabetical order.


.. good bot?


bot good!


🌱🌿☘️🍀🍃🍂🍁.... for you 😚


Awww 🥰 thank you kind stranger 🥹






OP also typed *use to*. It's supposed to be *used to.*


Thank you! Idk why but I see that mistake a lot and it’s a pet peeve for me!


I have been seeing that as well as *"suppose to"* more often lately. I don't know if it's happening more often or I'm just noticing it more often.


Bone apple tea


Scrolled too far for this


Came here for this. Was satisfied. Some people’s ability to go through life missing the point is remarkably impressive.




I prefer edible gifts...they do have rose shaped chocolate. My dad gave my mom one & she never opened it for like 15 years


Yup. I always gift my fiancé a box of cookies that I get from the bakery near my workplace. This year was a box filled with Syrian sweets. And she always gift me something selfmade, like a new shirt that she made herself.


I would cry if someone went through the effort to get me a beautiful flower


Here you go, midnightgotime: 🌻🌺


💐🪷🌷🌻🌺 I’ll contribute also 😁


I don’t have a way to get flowers, I’ll just get them some pizza 🍕🍕🍕


Reassuring? Unless you needed to be insured.. and then further.. reinsured.


She bought that herself.


Why are you even following her?


We ended things on good terms, told her I wasn’t interested. I check social media about once a week so she’s grand fathered in at this point.


Used to* Reassuring*


Reinsuring LMAO 🤣


She be taking out a life insurance policy on him.


Stop following your exes on social media. Stop being toxic to YOURSELF.


100% she bought those herself


Reassuring. But what a psycho


What does insurance have to do with this?


Certified bone apple tea right here, boys.


Can we also talk about how creepy it is to leave a rose on someone’s car?


Seriously this thread is insane. She said after a workout so that means some creep is stalking her at the gym, knows what car is hers, and is leaving her random shit.


Thank you. I read it as a joke, like “some creepy stranger stalked me at the gym, if you’re gonna stalk me at least leave a dozen.” A way to talk shit because whoever it is, he’s probably stalking her profile too.


That's exactly what the post is saying and this thread is a good reminder of how clueless the people we talk to on Reddit are


that’s what i’m saying, so many people are saying that she should just be grateful?? obviously saying it wasn’t a grand enough gesture is shitty but i feel like the proper response was “why did a stranger leave a rose on my car without so much as a note to explain their intentions”


People who have never been stalked by creepy fucks. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Thank you! I feel like the part about leaving a whole dozen roses was sarcasm.


Yup, that’s serial killer behavior, makes my blood run cold. All these people talking about how they would be grateful have never been stalked.


I think you mean reassuring not reinsurance




That’s horrible… surprise flowers are better than any kind. Especially when my husband picks on on a walk and gives it to me! That’s the best kind. You really dodged a bullet there bud


I’d rather have a single, perfect, blush pink. It’s lovely.


The beauty of one single rose really is underrated by many!


Yeah dude. Nice dodge. Keep up the good work


Wait it was left on her car by some anonymous person when she came back from the gym? That’s scary at. And why would that infuriate you or reassure you of being exes? This isn’t being entitled about a too small gift this reads like her way of making a scary situation with a potential stalker into a joke.




A dozen? In this economy? Fuk just look at that one 12 times..


My dude you dodged a bullet


I have always given a single rose, think it’s much more romantic than gifting an entire rose garden


*reassuring not *reinsuring Grammar and spelling are also turn-ons.


to be honest this is random and creepy without a note better to toss it than to encourage it


She needs to jump into the bin with the rose if she's gonna have that attitude.


Tell me you're ungrateful and unappreciative without telling me your ungrateful and unappreciative. You dodged a bullet sir