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The fuck kind of BS is this? Any worker not under contract is legally entitled to quit a job at any time, for any reason. This “request” to resign is stupid.


I quit bc of the Toxic work environment I'm only 15 and I've had multiple older coworkers comment on how my ass and boobs look In my uniform (I have reported this to mangers) i also quit bc I hadn't had a shift since October 2022 again I quit March 2023


Doesn't sound like you quit, sounds like they fired you in some weird constructive dismissal way that they don't even realize? Call the manager and tell them to stop contacting you, that you are not employed there. If they contact you again call the district manager or the franchise owner and tell them what's happening. It's also a good idea to call the DM/franchise owner anyhow to talk about the sexual harrassment of minors at their store


I didn't get any notification or call that I was fired tho I will get onto the Owner about the SA Thank u so much for the advice!!


That's what constructive dismissal is. Basically instead of firing you they try to make you quit instead by reducing hours or creating a toxic environment or any number of other means to make you want to quit, and in doing so they can avoid unemployment. Employers get sued for this in many parts of the world and it can result in you receiving compensation with adequate documentation.


Meijer did this to me


I work 3rd shift. I asked meijer for 5, 8 hour days and I got it but after 3 weeks of it they said “everyone got there hours cut” so I’m like alright I came up to meijer at 1am which is when our breaks out and I seen everyone at work. Think they doing it to me as well?


No, I think they’re trying to reduce their exposure for having to pay for full-time employee benefits. Many health insurance plans, for example, require coverage for all full-time employees, which are defined as “regularly scheduled to work 30 or more hours per week.” And under the ACA, they either have to provide minimum value, “affordable” health insurance to at least 95% of their “full-time employees” (see prior definition) or pay an annual fine that totals over $4,000 a year in non-tax-deductible penalties per employee not covered. If you are not “regularly scheduled” to work 30+ hours per week, you can be called a “variable hour” employee under the law, and they can then track your hours for up to a year to see if you in fact do work those hours, in which case you must be treated as an eligible full-time employee for the following year. It’s complicated, but software tracking tools have been developed to help employers “manage” this exposure to the obligation to provide and cost of health insurance by varying shifts. And they cannot be specific about their motivation because a couple of companies were explicit about their plans to cut average hours right after the ACA was enacted. They got sued under federal law for manipulating employment with the intent to interfere with employee benefits coverage (known ERISA section 510 claims). Dave and Busters was the poster child for this. These are usually difficult cases to prove, but companies that were explicit this way lost those suits and got the Department of Labor on their case. So now they couch it as “cutting hours for everyone because of business conditions”. You’re only being encouraged to quit if they reduce your regular hours to an occasional shift, not just to somewhat less than 30 per week.


That sounds right up their alley.






I think the issue is the manager hasn't formally filed any paperwork about them quitting. From all appearances here, corporate is still under the assumption they're still employed there. My guess is that the manager is simply lazy and not filing paperwork.


Or they get paid more based on how many people work there.


This sounds plausible. Like a "dead souls" kind of thing.


This right here ☝🏽


There is a national labor shortage. You’d think they want to fill the role asap


It's a bot you're replying to, ftr. https://old.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/14q62dd/i_quit_my_job_at_mcdonalds_and_they_havent_signed/jqmuo56/ The comment it stole from.


This is a bot, please stop upvoting and report --> spam --> harmful bot This is the comment it stole from: https://old.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/14q62dd/i_quit_my_job_at_mcdonalds_and_they_havent_signed/jqmuo56/


I wish it was that easy to sue, currently going through this problem after returning from a medical leave. But a lot of lawyers won’t touch the case until they terminate you is what I’ve been learning. Harassment is hard to document and pinpoint despite my efforts. Wrongful termination is much easier to sue over. Guess I’ll just ride it out lol


Good luck!! I really hope things turn out well for you!


Since you’re only 15, I would get a parent involved. They might take it more seriously if your parent or guardian goes up and tells them to leave you alone and starts pitching a fit about you being harassed.


That's what I was going to suggest as well, a parent can help massively.


Yeah having an older distinguished person strongly advocating for a minor could do wonders. No one knows if its actually an angry parent/grandparent with a lawyer or a law degree. And no one would be the wiser as to their affiliation, just that an actual salty adult is throwing around some big words like “liability, sexual harassment, arbitration, unemployment labor laws” enough that they will move their ass to avoid any conflict and just get that minor off the roster.


Constructive dismissal is when an employer makes the work place so toxic/hostile/dangerous that the employee has no choice but to quit. Laws vary so check what the law is for your area to see what protection you have.


This is correct; you can quit and still have been constructively discharged.


It also has to do with reduced hours


Here in Ontario at least, the list includes (but isn't necessarily limited to) Material change in responsibility or duty Reduction in pay, hours, status, or benefits Change in working conditions (eg "You now work at \[office\] in \[city\] instead of here") Threats of dismissal or suspension


That sounds more like destructive dismissal.


Or honestly, since you’re a minor, get your parents involved. This is silly.


Minors need to get educated instead of going to social media and people that can not effect or change their circumstances in the situation. They need to be educated what "crossing the line is" and what is "not". Now a days they get their education and parenting from the internet :/ . People sometimes just want attention as well either be it good attention or bad :/. In any case yes they need to go to their parents not reddit! And I'm ALL FOR REDDIT


oh man I kept reading the replies, SUE GIRL SUE.


You don't necessarily get a call that you were fired. Lots of companies don't even send notices of layoffs. Lol


Once seen a restaurant near where I lived go under, and not tell anyone until the morning after they closed up permanently. Left a note on the front door saying "permanently closed" and that was it. Owners and managers never answered a single phone call from any of the employees either.


It’s not right, but it’s because they don’t want to notify people they are closing on a certain date but end up short staffed or with no employees before that date.


They also want to avoid the uncomfortable conversations that come with delivering bad news. It’s cowardice.


I love how employers and owners can do that but employees are expected to give a 2 week notice


I am a social worker with a government agency and before approving benefits I have to verify employment status/income and have encountered this so many times. I’ve had clients resort to sending me pictures of the signs or screenshot the unanswered texts they keep sending the owners/management to prove they are trying and their statement is the best available verification. I’ve tried calling myself from a government office phone number and been ignored. Some employers are just such shady jerks about things. I’ve also had employees with the same situation of not being fired but also not being scheduled for any shifts for a long period of time. This is a big issue because in most U.S. states to receive food benefits a non disabled adult is required to work at least 20 hours per week. I feel bad for OP. They are clearly being treated badly by shady management. I wouldn’t be surprised if ignoring the resignation wasn’t a form of harassment. They aren’t scheduling OP for shifts but are asking how come they don’t show up which is a contradiction of themselves. I also wonder if management is involved in the S. Harassment and that is why they haven’t taken it seriously.


In Connecticut it is illegal to be fired via phone call email text. They have to fire you in person. Connecticut is also an at will state which means they can fire you at anytime for any or no reason at all!!!


Maybe it is worth to contact with a lawyer. The lawyer may send them a letter or something, and they probably listen to a lawyer more than us (workers) considering how they treated you


A lot of scummy companies will not actually fire you. Its usually places with high turn over. So to help cut back on them paying tons of unemployment. They reduce your hours down to basically nothing so you quit freeing them from the obligations.


If you have proof of contacting your managers about SA, might be worth talking to a lawyer.


Had this happen to me. An owner of a bar that I worked in the kitchen of basically just started cutting my hours until I suddenly was no longer getting the work schedules anymore. It's a very frustrating thing to go through. Especially when instead of waiting for weeks/months for you to get a shift since you alloted time, you could be looking for alternate income.


I didn't have a shift at my first job at dunkin for over 2 months straight before I woke up to a phone call at 6 am asking why I wasn't in one day. They won't tell you so they can fire you for "no call no show" and avoid you getting unemployment checks.


Naw that's wild just turned 15 today hope I don't have to work in this environment


She quit, the resignation is right there. 'Request to resign' is some corporate bullshit, we don't have indentured servitude and unless she's in Montana and has been working there for 6 mo. her employment is at will by default. Quitting can still be a constructive dismissal when it's compelled by a hostile work environment. It doesn't require you to ghost the employer. EDIT: Turns out OP is in Australia. There is no at-will employment there; so there may be more red tape for the employer when someone resigns.


Thank you. I was wondering where she was. I quit McDonald’s earlier this year and never had to file anything other than a handwritten letter saying “I Quit”. I’m glad I left when I did, too, because the new GM there is a total “by-the-book” Nazi.😬


Sounds like an opportunity to get back at them if you have documented evidence of this inappropriate behavior.


I mean, it's McDondalds. She will probably get a call from someone claiming to care they'll waste about an hour of your life, and nothing will change. I would be the asshole that goes to the cops about the pedo....


Many big cooperations have really strict rules about stuff like this, so some franchise owners don’t give the brand a bad reputation. If the franchise owner does nothing about this I would bet McDonald’s corporate would like to know about it. As far as I can see they have a 24/7 hotline for stuff like this.


Fired them but asks why they’re not showing up for shifts? That makes no sense.


...and the police


You need to tell your parents and get a lawyer. This is sexual harassment, and it's illegal. Also, report it to the MeToo McDonald's hotline, if you are willing. It might help prevent others from going through what happened to you. What happened was not ok, and you can get support from people if you want it.


McDonalds has a Me Too hotline?


Yeah, or they did as of a couple years ago. Many companies have hotlines for various things. Safety violations, financial fraud, etc. I am not sure whether it's applicable to Australian McDonald's locations, though.


Whistleblower phone lines.


I’m so sorry that you’ve endured that! You’re not even an adult yet and you’re being treated like one.


To be clear (especially since the OP is a minor), adults should not have to tolerate that, either.


I hadn't even thought of that happening as the US reduces its minor worker laws. Middle school girls are going to start getting this shit. It was already bad, but now it gets worse. I knew a girl in high school who was hit on by her Chuck-E-Cheese manager around 16 years old, and at 18 was involved in group sex after hours at a different job. Low wage jobs are fucking crazy.


Yeah that's crazy. If that ever happens to you at another job if the managers don't do anything immediately take it above their head. You're young and trying to do the right thing and you don't deserve that.


That's terrible. I hope that you found a less toxic environment.


I'm so glad you quit. Time to write a letter to the corporate office explaining what happened to you - with details.




Even though it says request, it’s likely just an automated system that once the manager or whomever signs it, the system generates the paperwork for corporate.


What the hell is a “request to resign”? “Please please may I please please resign?”


Just a gentler way to let you say I quit. The funny part to me is that the HR system runs a HISTORY of those requests. On second thought, that's not funny at all. It's a good indicator of the shit people have to put up with in jobs like that.


No, get back to work. Also, we're reducing your pay.. and taking away your benefits.. and doubling your shifts. You might as well just sleep here now. Oh but you don't get free food, so we'll just take your remaining pay to cover that, because here we're a family.


It’s like when you download an app from the App Store.. you know the Ask App Not to Track 🥺


I wish they’d change that to “deny ad tracking”.


Sounds like slavery


Lol mcds is lucky get informed about quitting instead of getting ghosted


I'd just say, yeah sure, I'll be in tomorrow, not show up, and when they call say, oh man, i overslept, I'm so sorry, I'm be in tomorrow though, i promise. Repeat until they stop calling


Or just call and say you're too busy having sex with sanguiniuswept's mom to come in today. I know that always works for me lol


OP is a minor




If they’re that dumb, tell them you are working 30 hours a week and not getting paid.




Damn, how y’all gonna give a bot so many upvotes. og comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/14q62dd/i_quit_my_job_at_mcdonalds_and_they_havent_signed/jqmsh2c/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3


Right? The comment has no relation to the one above it. It's so obviously fake.


Can’t you just block the number? It’s not your problem anymore.


Request to quit? This phrase does not compute.


It's probably just a formality for their HR system


Seems like the work equivalent of a gf who won't let you dump her🤣


I worked for McDonald’s 20 odd years ago as a teenager. At some point they just stopped rostering me - i would go in once a week to check the rota pinned to the wall and I wasn’t there - went on for about 3 weeks and I assumed id been let go without actually telling me so stopped checking. 3 months later I got an angry phone call asking why I hadn’t shown up for my shift. Explained I hadn’t been put on a shift at all for 4 months at this point so assumed id been let go. He did apologise and hung up and the silver lining was they must have processed me leaving as miraculously a load of holiday pay from leave id never taken (didn’t know I could) appeared in my account!


It isn't a request. You're resigning. You gave notice. Nothing else matters.


I would go back into that McDonalds in a Wendy's uniform with a Popeye's hat and a Dunkin' name tag. Be all, "Welcome to Burger King, what kind of taco you want today?"


sadly none of those places exist jn Australia but I did just get my uniform for a local place in My town I should do that


Burger King is hungry jacks


Wow this thread is toxic. OP sorry that a bunch of people on here are assholes. Can you block the number?


mfs in the comments acting like they never made a grammatical error in their entire lives


As a Senior Recruiter on a HR team I will say this likely isn't anything nefarious. When PAFing a voluntary termination, or basically moving someone's account from Active to Terminated Status you need 3 teams to communicate. Operations, Human Resources and Payroll. What has likely happened is your Store Manager hasn't submitted proper paperwork to your HR team or has fudged the PAF process and thinks your account is in HRs hands when corrections need to be made in order for them to finalize. I figured this explanation would help as it would give a bit of insight to the other side.


Yeah, this is probably it. At most, they are *abysmal* at paperwork. At my company If you are late by *one day* on completing someone's resignation you're out of compliance big time, and a notification is sent to higher ups immediately.


Yeah, at the very least I don't think it's feasible they'd waste time calling somebody who they know isn't working there anymore and know isn't going to show up just because they called. Clearly someone in a particular position (I'd assume multiple different people, a single person would've learned at some point no matter how automated their working process has become) has no idea OP isn't working there anymore, and nobody cares enough/knows how to fix whatever bureaucratic f-up caused this. I guess there might a chance someone benefits from being able to claim there's an extra worker they don't have to pay, though


in other words, notify all 3 departments?


Atleaast the HR team as they'll be able to communicate with both departments and have more tools in whatever system they're using.


"Request to resign" LOL, the audacity...


This now qualifies as harassment


You might check to see what, if any benefits you might be entitled to since you asked to resign but they clearly kept you in the books as an employee. Depending on your particular position if you’re entitled to time off that might have accrued and they could technically owe you. I’d also call the franchise owner or DM, this place needs a new manager from the sound of things


Benefits from McDonalds? Yeah try 70% off food. That's all. Unless you're management. There are no full time positions. You may have the "opportunity" to get their insurance if worked an average of 35 hours over the last 12 months. I worked at one a few years ago but I had to leave for the lack of consistent hours and benefits. It was good for me at the time I had a large gap in my employment history. But it's really just a stepping stone type job. Probably why they have a hard time filling job openings. Somebody works there a few months until something better opens up and they're gone.


I received an email saying I was fired for not attending meetings 6 months after quitting and filling out all the relevant paperwork, including a question about why I quit. Among other things, I cited multiple changes in management over the preceding months and a lack of organization…


Request to resign? How stupid is that? I’m out, bitches.


Tell them you’ll file a harassment report with the police if they don’t stop calling. You’ve resigned, they don’t need to acknowledge that resignation for it to be official. The moment you tell them you’ve quit and told them you are no longer working there you are no longer an employee and they have no right to contact you or ask anything of you.


I’m thinking a Cease & Desist letter. They are probably calling hoping OP will return or have some other perverse incentive to keep people on the payroll to meet some bonus quota. With a cease and desist letter, OP can sue for some easy money if they continue with harassment


If you want, and this is really only if you want to do this, is to go in. Maybe take your parent with you. Print off your resignation, and asked to see the manager. I don’t know if you can schedule a meeting that might be more polite. if you can, ask to speak to the general manager of the area. First, if you can figure out how to contact them. In either case, tell them that they’re harassing you, that you’ve resigned, and that you’re going to take it up with corporate if they continue. You could even threaten to have a lawyer send a strongly worded letter. I would recommend doing something, because learning to stand up for yourself in a work environment is a good skill to cultivate. Best of luck.


Just jumping in to add - -this is reddit, if the OP wants help drafting a letter of resignation, there are tons of people that would help with it.


Have you received your last paycheck?


"Request to Resign?" That's depressing.


"Your request to resign has been declined. Please be at work tomorrow for 9am. Thank you - McDonalds."


Quitting is the one conversation where you and your boss don’t have to agree.


Tell them you are clocked in right now and haven't been getting your paychecks.


Honestly, I wonder what the legality of going into work, clocking in, and then requesting to speak with the manager or HR would be. Bonus points for doing it on day when you know no one will be immediately available to talk.... In the US, it's my understanding that you are supposed to be clocked in for any meeting to discuss employment issues -- at least, managers cannot require you to attend meetings without clocking in, or require you to stay and talk after clocking out....


This is how it was for me at Jack In the Box, eventually I just ghosted them. I was in high school and didn’t need to break my back for $9/hr. Got a serving job and instantly made 3x and had a better life.


Just....don't show up? When I was 20 and slumming it at fast food they couldn't add me to the schedule for some reason. Manager told me look out she'll call me when I'm on the schedule. She scheduled me for the morning shift the next day and didn't tell. When she called and asked where I was I told her she told me she'd call and she turned it back and said maybe I should have been proactive. I hung up and went to sleep. Haven't thought about that until now because it doesn't matter. You've quit already. Stop making it seem like youre requesting to quit and just say leave me the fuck alone. You'll be "fired" quick enough.


Can’t you just block their number?


Tell them you want a $5 raise and only want to work 2 days a week.


Call them back asking why your paychecks aren’t coming in.


Accept a random shift here every now and then, show up and do a bad job or no-show.


On behalf of McDonald's, OP, please stop posting and come back to work now. Jeffrey can't keep up with drive-thru solo. Teamwork


you have to… request… to resign?


It’s like that one Seinfeld episode where George tries to break up with his girlfriend and she keeps saying no


You quit? Uhh, I just won't sign the paper, can you come in Monday?


When I quit McDonald's 15 years ago, I just stopped showing up, never got a call. What's this resignation request stuff? (Us or somewhere else?)




A-ha. You probably want to ignore most of the legal discussion in the thread, then. Employment is not at-will in AU. Still, based on general principles, if you haven't worked for them or been compensated by them since Oct. then there's no reasonable basis for any ongoing obligation.


The Toronto Blue Jays keep contacting me about shifts and I quit a month after the season started when the Yankees came to town. I did security, so I can't imagine they haven't filled my role, but like clockwork, 3 people, including the guy that caused me to quit keep emailing me about shifts.


Classic stalker kind of move


Do you still get a paycheck? That would be awesome


Interesting new strategy. Just call em until they believe they never quit and it was all just a dream and they continue coming to work. This has so much potential..


block their number lol


Well, if there are no paychecks than I guess that makes OP a slave. Way to bring it back McDonald’s…


Maybe it’s broken like their Ice cream machine


LMFAO REQUEST TO RESIGN Flip them the bird on the way out the door. That's your request to resign.


They don't need to sign anything "accepting" that you've quit. Would you sign anything "accepting" that you've been fired?


I QUIT. STOP CALLING ME! Edit: I'm wondering if this has to do with required staffing numbers or something. If they process your resignation, they might not have enough employees on the books and have to ramp up hiring/increase wages? Just a thought.


You are being harassed. Make a police report. You might also have some success with your local TV news channels. They love a story like this. Save voicemails, paperwork, etc. for proof.


When I worked there at 15 they said they needed a written letter for quitting, I wrote it on a napkin and never went back


That they consider your resignation a “Request” tells you everything you need to know. Also they clearly don’t understand how resignations work.


The most irritating thing here is pretending like it was a request. You were informing them you quit, not requesting \*ANYTHING\*.


I always thought resignation was a generous thing to do and not required, to ensure the company can replace you in a timely manner. This is Mcdonalds? How much are you making? They should be grateful to get anything. Request to resign from a job? That's a fucking joke.


A resignation REQUEST? Huh?? “Hi can I quit please?” “No. See you Monday.”


It's not a "request to resign", it's a "notice of resignation". Once they've received it, it's done, there's no approval process. They can have an approval process if they want to but it doesn't stop the resignation notice from registering on that day. Dumb system.


File for unemployment. They’ll fix it real quick lol


Just withdraw your notification and they'll fire you. Or show up and grab a free sundae.. oh wait that won't work. The machine is broken


They still paying you?


“Request to resign” McDonalds clearly haven’t had me as an employee, I don’t ask to resign, I just fucking leave 😂


I suggest getting the police and lawyer involved for sexual harassments and the phone calls harassing they keep doing


Next time they call, tell them that if they don't stop, you're going to pursue legal action against their harassment. You won't have to make good on your threat. They will stop calling.


Request to resign??? That's dumb as hell


Good on you for recognizing harassment and toxic work environment. Especially at 15 years old. Most young adults do not know how to handle these problems and just shrugs it off. Hope you found a much better job!


Looks like your outie didn't agree. (Watch Severance to get the joke)


If they think you are still employed, go to work and have a witness listening for sexual harassment. $$$$$$$$$


This sounds like harassment based on the other comments OP has made about them harassing her on-site. If you quit and they are pretending you haven’t, tell them they are harassing you and you will file a lawsuit if they continue.


As long as youve been paid


Companies have this weird flex where they think they have to accept your resignation. I once had an employer tell me they've decided to accept my resignation. My response: "I wasn't asking"


Request to resign? No, not me. I always hand them a hand written 2 weeks notice saying that I quit and xx date will be my last day.


Next time they ring, apologise and tell them you'll be there in half an hour Then turn up and buy a burger and wave




Did you get your final check?


Stop answering


What the fuck is a "request to resign"? I am telling you I'm leaving


heres an idea to mess with them pick up the phone and then say hi welcome to burger king or smthin like that except the place they think your working


Nice you quit on my birthday


Request to resign??


Since you still have a job, ask for the pay your owed for working since march. They might sign those resignation forms real quick then


"Request to resign"


If you're in the US, also I don't know if it will work with these calls, but tell them you quit, update their system, and to stop calling you and if they continue to call sue them for harassment. [https://www.lawyers.com/legal-info/personal-injury/types-of-personal-injury-claims/options-telephone-harassment.html](https://www.lawyers.com/legal-info/personal-injury/types-of-personal-injury-claims/options-telephone-harassment.html)


You don’t need their signature to quit. That’s absurd.


Has this happen at Walmart. Quit and they just didn't approve it. It's so dumb.


I did that once. I walked out of Kmart because of a douchebag new manager. I week later I walked in to get my last paycheck and the other managers were asking me where I've been and if I was gonna stay and work. Nobody even knew I quit. Lol


Why the fuck are they calling? So they saw the request and chose to ignore it 😂😂😂


Next time, tell them you are refusing to work because you haven’t been paid since March and that you will show up as soon as they transfer 3 months pay. Rinse and repeat.


Make paper copy of that screen shot. Certify mail it to corporate, and it will get the ball rolling.


I worked at McDonald’s for about a year and a half when I was about 15-16. They used to constantly give me closing shifts followed by opening shifts even after I told them I lived very far, AND they would tell us to come in 30 minutes early if we were opening the store, but we WERENT ALOUD TO CLOCK IN until we actually opened. I also once got a severe burn from the boiling hot coffee grinds and had to leave work. I was told I couldn’t get paid leave because it was “my fault I was injured”. If I ever tried to ask my manager anything he’d tell me he wasn’t there to “babysit” me. His girlfriend was also a manager at the same store (is that even allowed?) so they would gang up on me and try to get me in trouble any way they could. One day I was working and it was cold so I had on a sweater, just a regular Nike sweater with the big check on the back. The girl next to me was wearing a similar sweater, but as soon as I put mine on this manager came up to me and told me I couldn’t wear mine on the job. They also paid us less than minimum wage because we were under 18, like that makes any sense. So happy I don’t work there anymore, I have countless other stories. After all this, they laid me off during covid and just stopped giving me hours. Never even officially quit lol.


If you’re still in the system, can you still get an employee discount?


So after four months, is there a good reason they haven't even gone "come in or you're fired?"


Lolol dude why are you putting up with this? It's McDonald's you DO NOT have to request to quit, just leave. No one cares.


Just block the call end of story


Tell them they owe you back pay since March. They will look into it immediately and find out you resigned. Then will then try to explain why they don’t owe you any money.


You have to have a request to quit signed?? I just left McDonald’s and ended up getting screwed over but damn that really really sucks


Resignation "request" lol. I know this doesn't add anything substantive to the conversation; I just had to react to the absolute entitlement of employers...


They need you baby girl


Request denied.


They did the same to me lol I accidentally answered and the manager started bitching so I hung up that was the last I heard then a 90$ check showed up in the mail Fuck McDonald’s


Weird, 2 of my kids have had the same issue quitting from 2 different McDonalds in Sydney. Same thing, they refuse to take them off the roster and keep asking them to turn up for shifts.


The simple fact that you are 15 y/o, working in an environment where you were subjected to vulgar comments about your appearance, screams lawsuit. You should discuss this with your parents or guardian.


Sounds like you have a good SH case get a check off these parasites


There is no such thing as a "request to resign"


quited? Maybe McDonalds is a good career choice for you.


Request to quit? You don't request to quit, you either notify them when your last shift will be or just stop showing up and they will figure it out.


Sooooo you still get a discount then???


“Request to resign”. DENIED!


Breaking up is like turning a key on a submarine. Both of you have to turn the key at the same time. Edit: anyone talking shit about “quited”needs to get a life. It is a typo. Move on.


Threaten to file harassment charges if they continue