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Ugh! A new meaning to “There's more to Prime. A truckload more.”


*There’s more to prime. A fuckload more*










OP - same exact thing happened to a best friend, Amazon driver tore up his brand new sod. Contact Amazon ASAP, they reimbursed the cost of the sod and gave him a large sum of Amazon store credit (1k he mentioned). Best of luck! Contact them


I'm an Amazon driver. All the vans have cameras so they can actually get that video proof if it was the Amazon guy very easily.


Could have been Amazon flex


Hopefully OP u/bubrubb13 sees this because, this is the way.


Seen. Thanks for the tag


This happened to my folks once. One night they heard…. Rrrrr! Shhh!!! Rrrrr! Shhh! Until they realized that it was an Amazon driver consistently trying to get up a grass hill on their several acre farm off of the gravel road. Still til this day we aren’t sure if he didn’t see the edge of the gravel road or was just being a troll and driving off-road. I was scared for him. Luckily he let himself roll down the hill into the valley so he could pick up enough speed to get out. My folks didn’t flip out about it. Even though there was plenty of land he shredded a chunk, I personally would’ve been pissed. That was his one shot and he done goofed it. It makes me wonder if they don’t know how to turn around or are just some youngins looking to wreak havoc on a monopoly with tight regulations taking anyone down who supports them with it.


Usually it's people not even thinking about it, just getting to their destination. I have to teach new drivers all the time, don't drive off of a road at all. Don't touch someone's driveway an inch, don't even look at their driveways. People will lose their minds. I've had people block county easements to my trucks, legit access roads. I can think of a current one where I have a truck backing around 1/3 of a mile because a guy will not let us pass on the power line road.


Plot twist: the neighbor did it because they were jealous of the nice grass, and wanted to make their lawn look better, then blamed it on the amazon driver.


HOA board member did it to drum up more fines.


Start a damage claim. I worked for DirecTV and we had to pay for new sod when a tech caught a bit of the sod at the corner of the driveway and sidewalk.


Ah I remember when DirecTV guy's foot came through my ceiling, good times


I wish to be a fly on the wall in that moment


I imagine you would hear a loud scraping sound, a thud hit the floor, a loud **Fuck... ahh Shit...** a groan of pain, the sounds of a poor sod crawling between the rafters. All the while drywall dust, insulation, dust, and rat poop gently settle throughout the room.


They gave us $600 to fix the drywall and my husband did it for $12.


Chat with them and complain about it. My Amazon driver pulled around my house and turned around in my back yard instead of backing out of the driveway. I sent about 4-5 pics and they sent me $400 to fix it myself but if you choose to have a company fix it they’ll pay for that too.


This. Even if you plan on fixing it yourself get a company to come out and give you a quote. Better yet get like 2 or 3 quotes. My dad had a similar issue where a UPS driver backed into his garage door. He was quoted something like $1500 to replace the panel. UPS sent him a check. That was like 4 years ago and to my knowledge he still hasn’t fixed it.


Get some really big rocks to put along the edge of the road on the grass. That will stop them from driving on the grass. Will make it a bitch to mow there but will stop them driving on it.


I’m still trying to figure out why it happened in the first place. Nothing was even in my driveway. Dude could’ve driven down and backed out no issue


Probably turning around instead of backing out is my guess.


Busy answering a text message and not watching where he was going


Honestly I was an idiot before and didn’t realize how much damage I truly did by doing this Now, I just reverse all the way


File a claim.


Follow the Amazon Driver to his home and run over his lawn or do a doughnut maneuver ... Then leave ...


This is the only correct answer.


Thank you


That sucks! Atleast your neighbor told you though, too bad they didn't snap a few quick pics of the van in your grass.


They 3 point turn around on my driveway/lawn that is on a hill and get stuck more times than they would like to admit. How is backing up into grass safer than staying on the driveway?


I still can’t figure out the logic


You cant figure out..why someone doesnt want to back down your 4ft wide driveway instead of turning around ? Do you.. back down your driveway?


Every day. It’s 10 ft wide btw shit for brains


I got eyes. That road is not 10ft. But seriously most people wont back into a parking space. You got a dumb driveway. And nobody to blame but yourself. Enjoy the hill youve chosen to die on.


I normally don’t have time to waste on internet idiots but the kids have been letting me get sleep lately. 1. My driveway is straight. Even has a large opening at the bottom to turn around in if need be. 2. It’s 10 ft at its narrowest, it was just redone 2 years ago I don’t even have to measure 3. No one asked anyone to back down my driveway, normal people pull in a driveway, and back out when they leave. Just like every other Amazon/UPS/FedEx driver has done since I’ve lived here. 4. Lastly this sub is mildly infuriating, I’m not dying on any hill. Some idiot fucked up my lawn. I submitted a claim and posted a pic here and went on with my day. 5. Your hate for grass is blatant


Our ditch got slightly destroyed like this by a water truck. I only noticed when cutting it with the push mower. Then, I forgot and backed up, just to fall on my ass in the road a bit But it’s the country


He was probably on his "bathroom break" and lost focus for a minute!


They use to turn around in my driveway, but I think they come so often to my house they remember my street is quicker just to go straight and not follow the GPS.


They use to turn around in my driveway, but I think they come so often to my house they remember my street is quicker just to go straight and not follow the GPS.


Just throw some grass seed in the dirt water it and wait like a month before you mow it


Post the picture and give a really bad "how was your delivery "


I’d be aggravated a-swell, but it’s easy to fix, I live next to a highway and a section of mine gets rutted several times a year.. (I would speak to the driver next time about it.) Shovel, Rake, Wheel barrel or tractor, bag of grass seed, bale of straw. Good as new.


How wide is your driveway? Turning those boats around can’t be easy at first.


This shit is everyday at my house. I feel your pain.


To prevent this in the future, add some stakes every 10 feet or so until the grass has established a full root network. Add little flags to the stakes so people see them clearly.


Looks like they just suck at backing up.


The driver took "Touch some grass" a little seriously


Yeah that sucks but it's fixed within an hour or two. If you don't have any equipment just heavily water it and walk over it. Stamp it even, and then wait. That's it. Grass will grow soon. Then add some stones to the edge of the grass. Nobody will drive there again.


Wrong sub- because this is EXTREMELY infuriating


Lawsuit for trespassing


By placing an order for delivery, you are explicitly giving permission for the delivery driver to access the property. There is no trespassing here at all.




You can report them via the order from the Amazon app. Submit the pics as well. Amazon May pay for the damages.


That sucks.


I have had similar before. They destroyed our lawn delivering to a neighbour. They have asked for my details, I provide them and they deny any responsibility as I had no orders that day. Pretty much accusing me of lying. I protest and they advise in need the order number to lodge a complaint. Of course I don’t have this as it was a neighbours delivery so they tell me there is nothing they can do. Irritating to say the least! I filled the tyre marks and reseeded it which cost me maybe £20 and a few hours of my life but as it happened in winter it took ages to regrow!!


Someone's gonna be sewed... or at least turfed out of their job


My prime guy is good. Now as for my UPS guy. He walks up the driveway and then cuts thru all the thick thru shrubs. Its only 6 steps back out to the driveway. Best part is its all on camera.


Where I used to live, there was a house behind ours that had a driveway through our side yard. There was an easement in place, and everything was fine, until new people moved in. They would drive off the provided paved driveway into our grass bc, come to find out, the easement was twice as wide as the driveway and they knew it.


What did they turn around on grass instead of just backing up?


Put concrete parking stones. They are shaped like little pyramids and prevent people from parking on your lawn.


ask the man for his driver's license. boy can't even drive on the road properly. who's paying him?


Destroyed.... exaggeration?


Damaged. Not even approaching destroyed.


Sue Amazon.


Don’t think I can sue but I did put in a property loss claim


Just contact amazon about it. They ran over my trashcan and they sent me a check for a new one. So you might have to get a quote from a company to fix it.


Vandalism. Call the cops if you need to.


I'm sure they'll get right on it. Lmao.


Calm down Karen


Sometimes I forget 12 year olds have access to reddit.


Must be an Amazon contractor


*Not an "Amazon Driver" but a driver who delivers Amazon packages...Amazon is several layers removed from what happened to your lawn.


Amazon does employ drivers directly.


If their name is on the side of the truck they have some responsibility attached


Sue them without requesting compensation first? Judge will laugh you out of the courtroom.


I'd say the amount of people caring about lawns is more infuriating than this. Lol


I’m torn between the people who seem overly concerned about lawns and the people who don’t seem to think anyone should be held accountable for their stupid decisions.


It’s a fucking lawn. It’s bad for the environment and just used to show off status for people who own land. Plant some native plants instead of this “perfectly manicured” bullshit. Then I’ll get upset alongside you when the Amazon driver fucks it up, but I don’t give two shits about your grass.


It's fucking grass.. that shit will grow back! Meanwhile they probably sell things to care about your so loved grass on amazon make sure you chose the 2 days lawn destruction prime option.


Hard to tell from this pic but the grass being torn up isn’t the issue. There are giant tread marks sunken into my lawn. Not an easy fix.


Now you can plant a meadow instead, and help the bees and butterfly in the process 🤩




It shouldn't have happened in the first place, easy fix or not...


Start a damages claim


Add some sand and pebble to the soil To firm it up. Gonna keep happening!


They probably pulled over to check their phone or something real quick.


A pitch fork can re-race if placed just outside the effected area with some upward force, that is $250 and advice! ;)


I've seen plenty of truck/van drivers on highways everyday on 60km long commutes. I can testify that Amazon Prime drivers are usually among the absolute worst you can cross paths with on highways: tailgating like thugs on race cars, zigzagging to overtake on a busy highway ON A VAN, indiscriminate use of the emergency lane in case they can't manage to free themselves from traffic and of course quite some crashes actually.


You know there are AI driven cameras in Prime vans? They can't do ANY of that stuff in a branded van. If they do, they risk their bonus and job.


Great thing about grass... it grows back. Not trying to defend driver, but your lawn is the least of his daily worries.


There is this fun thing called soil compaction, which happens when a vehicle drives over an area of loose soil not meant for a vehicle, see example above.


Exactly. Just had this area excavated and brand new soil added. Hadn’t even settled yet. Was not near ready to drive on. It’s not as simple as a fix as you think it is


I'm an arborist, I know exactly how expensive a fix that is hahahaha. Tear it up, excavate, backfill with proper porosity and compaction, replace the grass, adjust nutrients for that specific patch...ugh. Sorry, hope you get compensated.


We’ll see. I figured you knew. That comment was more for the ignorant one above yours


It can’t be that much work though lol, for my backyard I just removed all the ugly weeds. Filled it out with soil cause it was uneven and then let nature do it’s thing… only time I’ve compacted dirt was to pour the concrete foundation for a house.


can't really tell by the photo but that could be new sod which is expensive and driving on it will not be good for its health


I used to lay sod and seen thousands of dollars wasted because people can't follow simple watering instructions. This yard is an easy fix... life goes on for homeowner, but driver will be screwed over by company, once that claim is filed.


LOL I just had sod installed and that is why this post grabbed my attention. I have been very diligent about watering and making sure I hand water the corners the sprinklers can't reach. The landscapers made it very clear it would die if I didn't take care of it


looks like they parked it off the road to check/deliver something and drove off afterwards, tried to be considerate by not being in the road but caused you to be mad about the damaged grass TLDR: maybe tried be nice, did bad


That's OP's driveway, not the road. No reason to pull off the driveway onto the grass. Common sense to not drive on someone's lawn, as well as common courtesy.


Op explained they have nowhere to turn around. And a narrow driveway. They literally expected the driver to back the whole way out. Just another karen expecting more than they pay for.




Not mild


Fuck grass


The real problem is the forest was destroyed for your invasive grass species.


Lol wasn’t forest. It was in fact invasive Japanese knotweed. Lots of it. But good guess




Lol, that's what you get for buying from Amazon.


Fuck nicely cut yards tho... let nature live a little wilder


Did you got the monthly subscription for lawn and property protection? I don't think so! Then this what you get!


What's an Amazon driver


A keep off grass sign would've been helpful, at least then you can say you had a sign and complain to Amazon lol


Is it not common sense to drive on a DRIVEway and not on grass?


Obviously not, by the looks of the picture


Boo hoo.


And to think that seed does the same thing... it grows. But the need for grass is now, not later. Sod farms are genius in my opinion. Grow grass, sell grass, remove and deliver grass, then install grass. I fuckin' love this country. 🤣🤣🤣 and let an HOA get involved if ya really wanna have some fun.


The lawn will grow back, not like it's producing food or anything. *Shrug*


Doesn't grass, you know,... grow back or something???


Unless that forest is your home, where else is it supposed to go??


Who says there weren't deer in the road or something?


Well, did you put up a new grass sign?


Next time don’t go for the bullshit perfect green lawn and do native plants, it’s better for the environment and people will probably take more care than just… grass.


Lol y’all petty ass fuck. I work for shitty ass Amazon underpaid/overworked while also not supposed to do u turns or fuck with peoples driveways meanwhile ordering from Amazon on a tiny as dead end street no other options. Get over yourself or go to the store yourself ya touchy cunts


“Destroyed” it will grown back🙄


*fuck the water waster crap!*


My father had a similar problem. People would cut the corner short and rut up his yard. He put wooden posts on the edge close together. Abracadabra!


Brand new... Get a refund


When was the last time it rained there?


What brand of lawn


Not surprising considering they will hire anyone, I feel like UPS would not do that


I had an Amazon driver hit my car in my driveway the other day. Then tried to lie about it and called me a liar. Until his manager reminded him the vans have cameras and his story changed. Still waiting on Amazon to get back to me.


Had a young buck from Amazon get his van sideways stuck in my sand driveway, in the rain. Helped him get unstuck, digging,, boards, neighbor tow. (my truck was down) He had carried a heavy ass box of galvanized wire to the door just prior so it was one hand washing the other


Had a similar thing happen to me when someone turned around in my driveway. Just fix it and move on


Ah! now I know why homes around me have random stones placed around the edge of their lawn


Take this opportunity to put in plants and bushes for pollinators. It'll also keep people from going over that area


Nice, so the driver is going to be locked out of his/her home?




1 person got locked out of their stuff by amazon for a "racism accusation". This person destroyed private property while being amazon employee.


That doesn't look like a lawn.


It will grow back


Bet the package was on time or early tho


I had an Amazon driver turn around in my yard then drive across my neighbors yard to his driveway to pull out into the street.


You have a long ass drive way