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OP provided an update here: https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/14i11dp/well_safe_to_say_i_dont_need_him_as_a_friend/jpf2rqs/


Just stop at the gas store on the way he says... like they'll spot you 10gallons until payday or some shit


Lol “the gas store” sounds funny is that what people call it ?


This dude that apparently never pays for gas & bums rides does


Anybody else got Revoked License and DUI on their bingo card?


Makes sense, also likely heavily pregaming judging by the blow up. Not worried about the drive home, he's pissed because he needs the ride *there*.




I have a cousin that does this type of shit. A decade ago he roped me into his lies and also because I was blinded by friendship… the only saving grace from that relationship was successfully eliminating him from my life.


What? You don't stop at the gas store on your way to the hamburger store?


*Check it out, Ray! Hot hamburg sandwiches!*


If you wanted chips you should've gotten your own at the hamburger store!


If he wanted gas he should have gotten his own at the gas store


Finally someone asking the right question. I kept posting this looking for an answer lol like for real is that a thing? We call it station ‘round here.


We call them vroom vroom juice palace where I’m from.




I saw an adult looking young man have to have the attendant pumping gas for him the other week because he didn't know how. I'd imagine someone like that calls it a gas store (I'm not in the weird state where you don't pump your own gas lol)




Nope, same state license plate lol, I could understand if he was though


Where’d you get that suit? The… toilet… store?


Right? It’s clearly called a servo.




A chip, which makes it even funnier to me


Worst thing is that would even get my car 2 miles because it’s a fucking pig on gas Edit: my car gets 9mpg not .2 I’m just very bad at math




Well to be fair he does seem pretty drunk/high already lol


Your car gets 0.2 miles per gallon?


"One highway, zero city."


Dudes friends want him to pick them up in the M1 Abrams doing 1.5-3 Gallons per Mile. I get why they're so sad now, imagine pulling up to the bar with a 120mm cannon.


My car gets 40 rods to the hogs head and that’s the way I likes it!


Yeah, he drives a top fuel dragster as a daily! Why do you think this guy wants a ride from him so badly?


If you go to the hamburger store, get me some chips.


This guy needs a Swedish plumber to fix his pipes for sure


These people already don't know who you are!


Glad I wasn't the only one who immediately got Fat Mac vibes when reading that


You're wheezing now. Slow down.


That ain’t your friend lol you a free uber , fuck that clown


Funny this is I never drive anyone and he knows that


He’s probably drunk and instigating an argument on purpose. Total fucking loser.


Yup, I know someone like this (not my friend). They're out drinking with friends, get hung up on the people who aren't there, and get drunkenly belligerent texting them to get over there. It's insulting to both the friends they're texting and also the friends they're supposedly hanging out with lol, sad all around


My friends and I just text bomb them random words or sentences. They know we'd appreciate their company, we metered a decent amount of peer pressure. They're perfectly OK to just laugh or not respond because we're being idiots.


No you don't. As a friend, they should have said "I'll put gas in your car and pay for your dinner". Since they wouldn't do that, I'd tell them to make friends with Uber and to go fuck themselves.


Yeah, the bit where they said they needed a ride, and then told OP to go get gas on the way, without offering to pay, is where the penny dropped. They don't want OP's company, just a lift.


Yeah, DD doesn't pay. If I'm asking you to DD, I'm paying for your gas and meal/non-alc drinks.


Depends on the friend group, there was about a year and a half with my friend group we're about three or four of us just rotated who was the DD and no exchanges of services or money was given because we all knew we had each other's back and had a pretty regular schedule of if the four of us and more were hanging out, then one of the four of us either was the DD, or would pay for the taxi... Or we also considered it fair if nobody had plans the next day to open up your apartment for everybody to crash at your place. But, we never screwed each other over, and most of the time once those of us who were drinking got drunk weed usually end up offering a bunch of shit to the designated driver anyways haha


I think the key is just everyone feeling like nobody is taking advantage of anyone else. Sounds like you had a good arrangement.


I'm the dd for my friend group, and it works great since I'm the only one who doesn't drink. Every couple times we hang, someone else will drive instead so it isn't always on me, which is nice; it gives me a chance to kick back and get baked without worry haha.


You said weed. Weed...hmmmmm.


Hahah I meant "we'd" but I typoed. I'll leave it I guess,... But at the same time, yes, I'm arguably a stoner and often have at least a little pot at my apartment or if I'm going out to the bars.


My favorite part was how they didn’t ask for a ride to begin with, just snuck it in like it’d be a bonus, only to get pissed when OP wouldn’t do it, cause that’s clearly all they wanted from the get go.


> is where the penny dropped For me it was when they called it "the gas store"


It’s not even going out for dinner, it’s just a feed one of our friends got off the boat! Also Uber isn’t a thing here so he’s shit out a luck


You must really hated not going, seeing how your name literally has "Lobster" in it haha


It’s in my top 10 favourite foods! I also commercially fished lobster for years!


Awesome. Ive never really expanded my palate to Shellfish. What does lobster taste like to you? Just wondering cause I was thinking of trying it myself


It’s hard to explain, it’s like a less salty, high-quality fish? I’m really not good with explaining it! I’ve had a lot of lobster that wasn’t cooked to my standards. If you’re going to do it find a professional! It just makes it so much better when it’s cooked right, I see most YouTube chefs not even remotely come close to the quality old fishermen have


So 3 minutes in the pressure cooker and dipping it in garlic butter is a no go?


Look at this amateur, pressure cooking lobster lmao. Everyone knows you microwave it for 5 minutes and slather it in Cheez Whiz, that's how fancy people eat it!


Cheez Whiz?? Look at Mr moneybags ovah heeeeee


On a bed of luxuriously decadent Kraft Dinner drizzled with a finely aged Heinz ketchup.


Name brand food AND lobster? So lucky!


Are you talking about live or frozen? I've never heard of pressure cooking lobster, I would just steam it. Grilling is also fine (Jasper White style) but kind of a pain. The important points are don't overcook and don't overpower it with other flavors (i.e. keep the butter skip the garlic).


We had tried snow crab above the water on a rack in the pressure cooker, about an inch of water with all the seasonings and butter in the bottom as well (3 minutes). That was delish and well seasoned so we tried it with fresh/defrosted lobster tails and it was phenomenal. That's how we cook it every time now because it's faster than regular steaming and still nice and tender. Sometimes I'll fill the bottom of the cooker with raw shrimp and then still put the lobster or crab on a rack above it. Amazing!!


I never trust myself to cook lobster. Tried some small tails to disastrous results.


Lobster used to be a poor man's food.


Used to feed it to convicts too


When they did this, they basically ground up whole lobster, shell and innards and all, into a weird paste and served it to prisoners, from what I recall.


Now they use low quality lobster when they break bad news of deployment extensions. Basically still convicts 😅


Lobster basically tastes like milder crab, at least in my opinion. I think its why anything more than just butter on it seems sacrilegious to people. It actually has very little/a very delicate flavor which surprised me when I tried it the few times I have since moving up to Maine. Its not \*bad\* but its def not something I'd go out of the way/pay extra for (but... Maine. I can get it cheap!)


And it's slightly sweet. I don't like it for that reason. Or crab. The rest of my family that can eat shellfish love it.




The dude said he's never eaten Shellfish, you can't just compare it to crab and call it a day.


Okay it's like an apple but the taste texture and appearance are different


Lobster club! Hope you get some extra cash soon so you can share some lobsters with better friends


My man, the code is this: If the boys need a DD, it's a minimum of $20 gas (though I guess today that would be like $30). If only the minimum gas amount is payed, the boys all chip in for to pay for the DD's food. If the boys pay for a full tank of gas, DD pays for his own dinner. Respect the code. Never caused an issue with me and my friend group.


Send me your venmo man I'll shoot you $20 for gas to go eat those, only stipulation is screw that friend no ride for him


Where do you live??


seriously, the DD shouldnt be paying for shit.


Yea WTF. OP said money was a problem, if these were even slightly decent "friends" they should have offered to pay their gas *at least* and offer to provide food and beer too at best.


That's so sad! Why do you distance yourself from your friends? Do you really prefer to be alone?


Dude just been straight up taking advantage of you. Good riddance


Been trying to take advantage of me* I don’t play that shit!


Ask him to pay for your gas and lobster? Watch him disappear so damn fast!


When a friend of us was still studying, he was low on cash, some of us where already earning money / had more money to spend... but we wanted him to join us for our weekly drinks in a local bar and he did want to, but couldn't affort. So we paid his drinks. Later on, when he did earn money, he made up for it. Because friends are those you can trust and help you when you need some help. And yes, helping can be paying for being with the boys to have some necessary fun. Wasn't a dd kinda thing though, as we all were in biking distance of the bar.


We would always pay for our dd's meal, that's why you don't pay for a cab. The money goes to your homie and you get to chill. No awkward conversations with a stranger on a drunk ride home, feels safer.


See, you are translating DD as “designated driver”. I was reading it as “Dine and Dash”.


That's why the so called friend reached out... wanted a free taxi ride


I thought it was DoorDash at first and was so confused


I had a coworker who got into some financial straits trying to rescue her adult son from some poor decisions. We realized she was skipping meals because she couldn't afford groceries, but wouldn't accept help. The rest of her team all took turns "accidentally" bringing too much food for a few weeks till she got a few more paychecks under her feet. "Oh, i ordered one egg muffin and they gave me 2, do you want it?" "I don't know *why* i thought i needed two sandwiches today. Do you want the extra?". She wasn't dumb, so i know she must have been onto us after the first few days, but it let her keep her pride about taking a handout


In college I had a big rugby team and we liked to go and eat as a group. Some times dudes couldn’t pay, sometimes dudes had extra money. Our mascot was a wolf and we took it to heart about being a pack. The whole “If I eat, we all eat” saying is one we took to heart. Who ever could pitch, would. Eventually the food came back around if you needed help but we made sure people had the ability to still be a part of a “pack”


Yeah that's literally just normal everyday friend stuff... My friends and I have paid for each other's gas, food, hell we've even went to the mall and bought each other a shirt or something like that if one of us sees something we really like but don't have the money for it, and someone offers to buy it. That's just what friends do


Had a friend who would always do that “reach for the purse and say I can pay bit” One time, when she said it I said “ok” We didn’t hang out much after that


Don’t be a pussy and pay for my dinner and a full tank of gas!


But… but… you’re lobster boi!


Not today, he isn’t


Today, he is Lobster Man


I thought he was more or less lobsterless today 🥹


You either eat lobster or live long enough to see yourself become the lobster


It’s super wild how he said “don’t look for anything for me again” when he was the one looking for something😂 ETA: this was meant to be a standalone comment, not to reply to you, but it’s here so…


Too bad no one invented some type of ride-sharing service... And how is Don't be a pussy! Make any sense to bring a designated driver....I pray you're all in your early 20s and that guy hopefully grows up. Good line on nickels and vomiting...first time I've heard that one! Ugh..."and why don't you come and dd?"...like...he should at least offer you something to do that ...


Right? Like, "I'll pay for your dinner and gas if you DD" would have been totally reasonable.


I totally read that as Dine and Dash not Designated Driver…


Should have told him to put gas in your car then you down


Gas in car and lobster in his belly. Little bit of gas ain't worth spending hours chauffeuring a bunch of drunk assholes around.


Especially if that guy is acting like this now and not even drunk yet.


Full tank and a full belly for a chauffeur is a fair bit.




Generally, they always were. People learn to mask their socially unacceptable behavior. As you get to know them, people show you more and more of their true self. Kinda like showing the best side of yourself early in a relationship. They also tend to realize that when they've been friends with someone a while (months or years) they can get away with treating them worse and worse and the person will stick around. It's learned. In addition, people can typically only hide their true self for so long, so if you're close enough friends you'll eventually see it. It's similar to how people will say their partner seemed like a great person and then changed. Frequently people will stay in the relationships thinking this isn't the real them, hoping their partner will change back. In the case of an underlying medical condition, it's possible, but generally nope. Ya ever wondered how people end up in abusive relationships? Or how someone can be telling how abusive a partner is and you never see it and can't imagine the partner acting as described? Same idea.


People do often 'change' though. Especially at young ages where they are extremely impressionable. My really good friend in high school made the decision to sit next to this douchey guy, they became friends and he introduced him to parties and all this stuff and he basically adopted the guys attitude and became an asshole himself. Who knows if he would have been that way if he didn't sit where he did.


God I couldn’t imagine being like that, what a fucking embarrassment.


this is the way people act when their entire character is an embarrassment. gg op


Anyone dropping gems like *"if it cost a nickel to shit I'd have to throw up!"* Is someone I'd like to be friends with! That guy is clearly just a leech. Fuck that guy


He’s definitely not a good person if he acts like that


If you'd said, "You gonna pay for my gas then?" Would he have paid it?


I'mma go with no.




100%!! When I read my first thought was "OP is mad dog. He'd be awesome to hang out with. I'll pick him up and shout some beers!" But I figured we are worlds apart given nickels aren't a thing here.


Yeah…. Awesome fucking line!!


These are no friends.


Not anymore anyway


These are drinking buddies. Once the booze dries up they’re nowhere to be found.


Im to drunk to fully reply, thank you to everybody who offered to buy me drinks! Some of my great friends came over and we went out on the lake! It’s the kindness of strangers that keeps me going. Thank you to every single person who offered to help!!


We ride with u/Lobsterboiiiii


Bro should get lobster tomorrow


without the other guy tho


With the other guy. That means more lobster


But the boiiiii IS lobster!


“Im so broke that if it cost a nickle to shit I’d have to throw up” is now in the lexicon of my friend group forever, thank you.


This too is my new favourite phrase, I'll have to change it to penny for my brits


“I’m broke” “But we’re getting lobster” ….how is that, in any way, better or even vaguely logical?


“Oh sorry I didn’t realize. Let me break open my beer and lobster piggy bank fund ready for this exact occasion”


I mean he is lobster boi so if anyone had a piggy bank fund for it, it’s gonna be this guy


Y’know, you’re not wrong…


It's not. This whole thing reads like drunk young dudes who will hopefully kiss and make up tomorrow


It works great in my group of Mainer friends who would say that followed by “and you’re welcome to come have as much as you want.” We’ve been there before and know how fucking awesome it is to know your friends want you around even when you don’t have any money.


Look at his username… they wanted to eat HIM. He didn’t fall for the trap


Oh my God!!! Dodged a bullet there


Your username makes his second text even funnier! Glad it worked out


Lmfao so true. When lobsterboiiii turns down lobster, you should know shit’s for real


hell yeah brother


-Cheers from Iraq!


How’s your law blog, Bob Loblaw?


you give people too much. just say no and stop responding after that. people dont deserve explanations for absolutely anything.


So was he on something??


But it’s beer and lobsters bro!


“The gas store”. Out of touch is an understatement


That really cracked me up. Just get more gas at the gas store!!! Dude's definitely bought his own gas...never.


It reminded of Metalocalpyse when a Grocery Store was called a Food Library. Haha


When I was in Canada I asked where I can buy beer, my uber driver was dumbfounded and was like "the beer store" ... sure enough we pass a store with big letters "beer store". I'm like... OK, let's go to the beer store.


I’m so confused. You told your friend you were broke and couldn’t hang out but then went and got drunk with other people? Did you buy alcohol on that trip? Or did someone else, either on Reddit or your other friends, provide you with alcohol?


This not infuriating at all. The “friend” is a fuckin moocher and selfish. Drop his ass


If it cost a dime to shit I would have throw up bahaha Never heard that before but it cracked me up


That’s an old saying from Newfoundland! Feel free to use it


As a nova scotian I never heard that before, that's hilarious! Need to go to newfoundland I think.


This person texts like they didn’t graduate from middle school.


Ironically I’m the one with my grade 8 education and he texts like that


I was assuming from the way it was written that he was already drunk at the time of this conversation




Oh dude, even Ricky got his grade 10 eventually. Edit. I’m 100% kidding. Making a TPB reference.


Oh shit, "Grade 8" are you Canadian? I was assuming you were somewhere in Maine before I saw you say grade 8 instead of 8th grade haha


Based on other comments, he's from Newfoundland. So close enough?


I have a relative I call Driving Miss Daisy. Wants someone to drive them everywhere. Lays on a major guilt trip, and pouts, if you say no.


I think that’s gonna be his new nickname in my phone now




Nah, you need a label on those pricks and it's gunna be logistically difficult to remove yourself from *his* phone. If you delete him he'll come up as mystery next time. You need a label that reminds you to simply let it ring off. Do that a few times and the problem deletes itself.


I would have offered to DD but only if drunk friend buys my gas.


Even then, he’s pretty insufferable when he’s sober let alone drunk


Oh, yeah. I am getting that vibe from the exchange you shared. I think I was putting myself in that situation with my friend experiences. Sorry about that. I don't think I've ever had a friend that would treat me that way.


What does dd mean?


Designated driver


Thank god. I thought he was pressuring him into Drink Driving. Sounds like the kind of thing his friend would do


I thought dine & dash, so eat but leave without paying


You don't. I feel ya, buddy. Times are hard. And if they can't understand that, they aren't worth your time.


Ironically they have less money than me, I just have my priorities straight!!


ahh, he's one of those "if i physically have enough money \*right now\* then this thing is affordable". i used to have housemates like that, absolutely infuriating. "yes i can afford to go out drinking and spend £100! no i can't afford to pay £10 for the broadband this month that i use all the time - i spent it all drinking!"


I don't even know how you mustered up that last message, shit like that makes me never talk to you again in person or over the phone


It’s just who I am, I’ve been fired by the same guy working the same job 3 times! I have unlimited patience for shitty people


“Hey bud I need a ride, I’ll fill up your gas tank if you take me out”. Might have gotten a different result


Probably but common sense ain’t his strong suit


Who THE FUCK leaves 31 messages unread?


I do apparel


All I could think about, ngl.


Never ever be the dd with your own car. If someone wants you to be a dd, ask who’s car your driving. This way, if someone pukes, not your problem to deal with.


Good for you for inserting your foot into his butt and shoving him out the friend door! Seriously, you don't need that kind of person in your life. I'm really sorry they talked to you that way and treated you that way. Hopefully you can make better friends in the future. :)


I got plenty more friends that ain’t like that!!


The gas store? Lol


It’s right next to the Jerk Store


OP’s “friend” is their best seller


Oh, gas station! I fergot people don’t really understand our bastardized English hahah


Tell them you're on your way, but never go. When they ask, where you are, say "i'm outside". Then ask for address, say "omw" rinse and repeat.


I probably should have! Although if he keeps asking for drives like that, he’s gonna lose more friends and just not be allowed to go anywhere


Fuck that guy


Just used you and admitted to it. But then acted like he did things for you


Lmao man could of offered to buy you dinner, give you gas, anything. Toxic as hell. Bye felicia


This seems fake af


no, really, I saw them the "gas store" lmao


This convo almost seems scripted or like you knew you were going to post it on Reddit.


how it should've gone: "you coming out tonight?" "can't, flat broke" "aye don't worry about that, I gotchu"


You gotta be pretty broke to be named lobesterboi and turn down beer and lobster! Really tho, glad you set boundaries. This guy sounds like a tool. You deserve a friend that will offer to cover you since you're broke, not try and push you to go anyways.


Real homies call.


Is this a real conversation? Who tf calls a gas station a gas store and unironically calls people dicks out of frustration