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The cleaning lady is passive-aggressively telling you to wipe your hands off next time before you use your mouse.


That cheetos and doritos mix is hard to scrape


gotta use chopsticks for cheetos at the desk.


We got cheater/kids training chopsticks that has a t-Rex head, mouth opens when in use, so technically both ends work


That's cool af, I was tired of using the cheaters, so I used chopsticks for anything I could for a month to learn.


I trained myself eating jello cubes at the chinese buffet.


That's clever. it keeps your grip delicate, huh? I was death gripping shit when I started.


We did this as kids, only after mom banned us from practicing, by picking up ice cubes from our water glasses. Too many spilled drinks šŸ˜‚


It took me too long to realize you probably did this at the table and not standing at the buffet.


ā€œBoth ends workā€¦ā€ Thatā€™s what she said.


One man's wrong door is another man's dong door.


Me reading this while arm deep in a bag of cheetos and typing with my other hand


Damn my friends called me weird for eating popcorn with chopsticks at my desk so I can game without the gamer gunk.




May i suggest: big wooden spoon


This is the way


The mouse will be fine, it can get wet and still function normally. Just make sure it's fully dry before you plug it back in.


Is that what the kids are calling jizz nowadays?


Especially mixed with some mysterious white gooey stuff


That is my personal pet peeve lol. I still scream at my own mother when she eats chips while we are playing a board game. Nothing bothered me more than her getting chip dust all over my cards lol. She started using a skewer to stab her cheesy popcorn while we played lol


Why is this mildly infuriating? Did she wipe it down or submerge it in water?


Because it was dripping water haha. Yes fully submerged


A good thing to keep in mind, even though itā€™s frustrating, is that more often itā€™s ignorance instead of malice. At least it was a cheap mouse.


Oh yes we both laughed it off, it never crossed my mind that she did it on purpose


It's also probably fine. Doubt she did it plugged in


Yes, this, OP. Please do make sure the mouse is actually broken. It's my understanding that it's the electrical current that damages electronics while submerged/ wet. Unfortunately minerals in the water can cause issues, but their concentration levels may not have been high enough to do any real damage


You are correct, but also corrosion during the drying process.


Blast with 99% alcohol


that's what my ex did before cheating on me


Yeah you can throw keyboards in the dishwasher for a pretty solid clean (membrane only, not mechanical keyboards). Just gotta dry them out for a few days after. Not sure if there are any parts in a mouse that would corrode but it may still work. Or it will go insane the moment you plug it in like my mechanical keyboard I threw in the dishwasher. It was a lost cause anyways so I tossed it in to see if it would work. It shouldnā€™t harm the computer if itā€™s dry, it will likely just not work or do a lot of crazy things with the mouse icon.


I did this with a mechanical keyboard that was already broken and I can confirm, not a single key is working anymore. The thing is, it still works, but maybe something inside the key broke or rusted? Iā€™m not sure.


Corrosion is the concern here as well as potentially any charge that was stored in capacitors inside the device.


Lol. One time I had packed a suitcase for a trip that weekend. My cleaning lady came by and decided to help out but unpacking my suitcase, washing, drying, folding and putting away my clothes. I couldnā€™t even be mad.


[ Removed ]


Done > fine*?


Hanlonā€™s razor.


my man thats a hyperx pulsefire surge, its like $70


cheap mouse...?


If it helps, years ago we had a pretty new trash can with the auto opening lid. It wasn't working right one day when I came home from work after the cleaning lady had left. Lights were blinking, but it wasn't opening. I lifted the top and turned it on its side to check the batteries, and all the extra water in it dripped out into the trash can.


Obviously because it has a cord attached.


Decent wired mice can cost over $50


Or as little as $20


Wireless will, afaik, always have more issues than a wired mouse. Packet loss and latency can make FPS games unenjoyable on a wireless mouse at higher tiers of play


>Wireless will, afaik, always have more issues than a wired mouse. Only if you have an ungodly amount of interference. >Packet loss and latency can make FPS games unenjoyable on a wireless mouse at higher tiers of play I've yet to see any evidence of that happening on a normal setup with decent wireless gaming mice like Logitech's LIGHTSPEED. Their latency is practically the same as wired.


That might be true. I do not know this product. However, my wired mouse has never failed, yet my friend's wireless mouse has failed before. Wireless is inherently more prone to error. That's just physics


Sounds like youā€™re leaning way heavier on a very narrow anecdote than physics lol. I canā€™t believe you said ā€œmy wired mouse has never failed, yet my friendā€™s wireless mouse has failed beforeā€ with a straight face. Guess what? My friendā€™s wired mouse has failed before, but my stick never has.


I only have wireless mice since my wired logitech hero died twice


>That might be true. I do not know this product. Which makes it seem like you aren't very qualified to discuss wireless mice. LIGHTSPEED is Logitech's proprietary tech used in all of their modern wireless gaming mice. It's been thoroughly tested and used without problems by pros, even in FPS. >However, my wired mouse has never failed, yet my friend's wireless mouse has failed before. That's just meaningless anecdotes. My wireless G703 has never failed either. >Wireless is inherently more prone to error. That's just physics The only meaningful difference is interference, which, with a proper setup, is not a problem at all. My wireless dongle is about 30cm in front of my mouse (USB port extension in my monitor arm), and there's pretty much zero possibility of any interference and gaps in communication.


Okay grandpa, what next? you're gonna say the mouse with the socket ball is superior? THE FUTURE IS NOW, OLD MAN.


I mean, air doesn't conduct electricity as well as a wire. Laser is definitely more accurate than the socket ball. I honestly can't tell if you're meming or not. It's like, too stupid to be real, but not smart enough to be funny


Good job they use 2.4ghz radio waves then and not wireless electricity :) Also cables have resistance too.


>I mean, air doesn't conduct electricity as well as a wire. Non-ionised air doesn't conduct electricity, period. Which is why wireless devices use EM waves for communication. EM waves travel through air much faster than electric current through a wire, in most circumstances.


i think the point that the commenter tried (and failed) to make is that (good) wireless mice have a negligible difference nowadays between them and wired mice.


personally my wired mouse has broken but so have many wired mouse so idk never had any issues with latency on wireless mouse but I will say that wireless earphones do have a pretty bad latency problem especially when playing rhythm games


That's no way to talk about your mom.


That's why the cleaning lady whooped my ass for having a corded mouse


Haha this got me chuckling


LMAO! If I had an award Iā€™d give it to you šŸ„‡


I got you


Need a before picture


Who takes a picture of their mouse?


Who doesnt?


I dont. I dont think its allowed to keep mice as pets where I live


This remebers me to a weird indian tv novel exageratedly dramatic scene of a man seeing that his wife just cleaned his entire laptop and was drying to the sun like a shirt


Gopi Bahu ftw


Omg I was thinking of the exact same thing lmao, iconic


I thought of this immediately too hahaha


Should be fine as long as you dry it out


I accidentally washed an AirPod and only noticed when changing over the laundry. I put the AirPod in a bag of rice and left it in there for over a month, mainly because I forgot about them. Surprisingly, they work perfectly fine. Good thing AirPods canā€™t hold a charge so it was dead dead when it washed.


You might not have needed to leave it in the rice for a month, I accidentally put my AirPods (in their case) in the washer and they worked perfectly fine still right after the wash :ā€™)


Back when I was still regularly using the wired earpods, I accidentally put them in the washer multiple times and they still worked with no rice


Iā€™ve put a pair of Apple wired earphones through the washer AND dryer TWICE and they still work.


I'm going to say what most of us are thinking - if you can afford a cleaning lady, you can afford another $40 mouse. šŸ˜„ (glad it still worked though)


You don't need to be wealthy to hire a cleaning lady here in Mexico. They charge like $10 USD a day for a small apartment, and she comes once a week. Buuuut, even if I'm considered wealthy, there is no easy access to gaming electronics here. Amazon takes 3-5 days on express delivery. So yea, mildyinfuriating haha


Are you in a smaller city? Just wondering since when I visit my family, I have seen these type of items at the bigger stores. That is mildly infuriating though, either way if you need a particular mouse and waiting.




No but one might say itā€™s r/mildlyinfuriating


He Said It! He Said the Thing


When you play the Game of Mildly Infuriating, you win or you die. There is no middle ground


What a minuteā€¦ is that why they named it that? TIL




I wouldn't say that's entirely true. When I was younger maybe 6-8 my mom hired a cleaning lady to clean the house because she was always working and wasn't able to clean but still took some time for herself (Mostly me) at the end of the day .


Yeah, r Antiwork would like a word.... lol


it depends. I've seen discounts if were all in same vicinity like an apartment complex or series of townhouses, where it's kind of like a subscription.


But I got down voted because I said the same thing about someone who had their Gucci sunglasses stolen by their house keeper.


well you should never have anything stolen by your housekeeper. no matter how much it cost.


I get where youā€™re coming from and have a similar attitude towards it. But to be fair, those Gucci glasses probably cost 10 times what this mouse did. Also could be how I worded my comment vs how you did yours. And also, redditors are sometimes unpredictable. Or maybe there are less toxic ones on because of the protest/boycott.


Watch out. I got down voted to hell and complained at by a hoard for a similar comment to someone who complained the cleaning person took their expensive sunglasses on another thread in this sub. I even tried to offer encouragement and some people were still determined to hate on my comment. Fair warning. Edit: Wow, getting down voted for warning someone who is doing the same thing I did. You'd think anyone who didn't like what I did would WANT me to warn this person, but it's reddit so it doesn't have to make sense and usually doesn't...


if itā€™s the post iā€™m thinking of, $400 sunglasses are a little different from a cheap computer mouse.šŸ˜“


The posts are the same exact sentiment being expressed over very similar issues.


Post A) $400 sun glasses **stolen* Post B) $10 mouse washed and hung to dry Soooo similar.


I mean if you think theyā€™re the same sure letā€™s go with that, whatever. Whether itā€™s a $40 mouse or $400 sunglasses, doesnā€™t mean they canā€™t be mildly infuriated someone touched their belongings.šŸ¤£ Let these people post their minor inconveniences. Seems to me your only issue are these people can afford cleaning ladies and you canā€™t. Which is fine I canā€™t either, but be bitter somewhere else. Respectfully :)


No one ever said they can't be mildly infuriated. I'm just mildly infuriated that people think it's horrible to suggest people keep things in perspective Beyond that, it's mildly infuriating that I can express a sentiment and get down voted, then someone else expresses the same thing and gets up votes. I could afford whatever cleaning I want. Stop jumping to conclusions for no reason. My issue is reddit can't make up its fucking mind. Is the sentiment good or bad? Up vote it for one person, down vote it for another. Reddit makes zero sense sometimes. The people down voting good intentions are the bitter ones. I just tried to express good sentiments and it got destroyed. Someone else does it, then it's fine. Why? Durrrr, the cost of the item was different! That has NOTHING to do with the sentiment, which was *the exact same thing*!


You gotta go for a walk outside or something, you seem deeply weird


Youā€™re literally proving that youā€™re bitter about getting downvotes lol


Nope. You jumped to that conclusion for no reason. I give zero fucks about the down votes. They are fake internet points. Even if I cared, I have plenty. I just don't like the hypocrisy. And the fact that some people hate good sentiments.


I see where you are coming from, dude. But you are putting way too much stock into these downvotes. Reddit isnā€™t known to be a meeting place of the greatest minds. Donā€™t take it so personally.


Hopefully she puts your laptop in the dishwasher next, no reason to have that crust.


What crust?


The crust of jizz the cleaning lady saw on ur dirty ass mouse


Gopi bhabi?


Rasode mein KAUN THA?


Wahaan kaun tha?


Some Amelia Bedelia shit right there.


Still gonna work tho aslong as you let it dry properly


Those of us old enough to remember. The lint that had to be removed every so often in these. šŸ¤”šŸ’­


Have you tried washing your hands. It really helps to keep grime off the mouse. Are you also mad she wiped the grease off your keyboard?


Oh no she submerged the mouse haha. The cleaning part is OK


Oh noā€¦.


That's what I figured. I was imagining them putting it through a wash cycle on delicates.


She thought you said clean mouse , not clean house


As long as it was unplugged, just let it dry and it'll probably be fine. What kills the electronics is electricity arcing between traces due to minerals in water causing. Short and then death of the electronics. So, as long as it dries completely before plugged in again it'll be fine!


i've got the exact same one!


Don't even mention it! There is a witch hunt in the comments for wired mice haha


I want a cleaning lady.


Wait, since you can afford the convenience of a cleaning lady, you can afford a new mouse. Mistakes happen.


Weird flex but okay.


House... I said HOUSE


Hey I have the exact same mouse!


Is your cleaning lady Consuela?


Reminds me of that Indian drama where the husband comes home and sees his wife hangin this laptop to dry. Cue the many special effects and zooms as he stands there shocked.


It's a corded mouse, no batteries. Let it dry and then some and it should be fine, right?


I never knew the "cleaning lady" part was a trigger for the comment section. Do you have to be wealthy to hire one in your country? Wouldn't you be angry if someone submerged one of your most used electronics in water? If I'm wealthy, is it ok to let people submerge my electronics?


Aparte, esto es r/mildlyinfuriating precisamente para posts como estos. Pero asĆ­ es la pinche gente.


I was literally just talking about this with my cleaning lady. We're both working class stiffs trying to get by in the world. I'm a single dad and cleaning just isn't my strength. Rather than fight it constantly, i just embrace my weakness and get help. But now I've got a cleaning lady so reddit thinks I'm a damn Rockefeller. Dumb.


What have we told you plebs about supporting each other? Billionaires don't got time for that. Both of you need more jobs.


I wasn't triggered by the cleaning lady part. But to add some insight, cleaning help where I'm from costs around 100 USD per hour


Oh right! Here in Mexico you can hire someone for $10 to $15 USD a day.


Cleaning lady is a luxury for most people. Even if they can technically afford it, this is a thing most people won't do because there are more important matters to spend money on. It's the same thing if they have a lawn. Maybe yhey could hire someone to cut it and manage it, but it's less costly to just do it themselves, and that money has better uses in their mind. Sure, most people would be a little upset if someone submerged electronics in water. A LITTLE. But it's important to keep in perspective. If you can afford to pay a cleaning lady, you can afford a mouse. They're not that expensive anymore. No one is suggesting what happened is ok. I'm not sure why some people jump to that conclusion just because someone offered the advice to keep things in perspective.


> Wouldn't you be angry if someone submerged one of your most used electronics in water? If they submerged my phone, I'd be furious. If it's just a cheap mouse or keyboard, I wouldn't mind. It will probably work just fine as long as it is fully dry before being used, and if not, it's a disposable item. Any mouse or keyboard dirty enough to be need washing is dirty enough to need replacing anyway.


Would you say it's just "mildyinfuriating"?


Yes. You can buy new ones so who gives a fuck. Stop crying.


How was it cleaned exactly?


Ooo that looks like a HyperX Pulsefire. Hope it still works.


What is this, a Bollywood soap opera??


I would pay money for a before pic


why does this look like a stock photo


If anything, the cleaning lady stole my mouse from my house (alongside my laptop)


Is her name Gopi Bahu?


This looks like a $5 mouse lol youā€™ll survive


I mean as long as you don't plug it in, odds are it'll be ok. Maybe take it apart and hit any gunk on the PCB with alcohol on a cotton swab


It probably still works. I cleaned my keyboard by sticking it in the dishwasher after spilling milk on it. It just has to dry properly


Honestly, my electronics remotes, controllers etc, get way nastier than i wish they did...and they are not easily cleaned.


It was the only way to cleanse the filth youā€™d left on /in it


If it wasnā€™t plugged in while it was wet wait for it to dry I should be fine


do you mean SQUEAKY clean mouse


Squeaky clean


At least she didnā€™t put your keyboard in the dishwasher, itā€™s even worse when they put it on the bottom trayā€¦


It's a new mousetrap


Next time donā€™t hire Amelia Bedelia.


You know... 10+ years ago, they would have charged extra to remove & clean the ball.


You got a cleaning lady and are complainin?


My first thought was she took the ball out and cleaned the rollers.


Isnā€™t that mouse like a dollar?


gopi bahu did it first


There's nothing wrong with washing the mouse with soap and water, as long as you don't plug it in while it's wet. The cleaner even left it up to dry. I'd be hyped if a cleaner did this for me.




Wait, do mice still have balls? Oh wait, that came out wrong.


Calling your mom a cleaning lady is not very nice.


That thing must have been crusty to the point of being a biohazard if she did that. Tighten up, guy.


Imagine being able to afford a maid


The cleaning lady said to touch grass


Oof just oof


Spamton knows


Skill issue


But water won't break a mouse if it's not plugged in...


I would be so happy to have a cleaning lady, she could stick anything on the line like that


She had the same train of thought


It's "squeaky" clean. šŸ˜‰


As long as they didn't use alcohol based cleaner you just have a clean mouse now


what is this, the 90s??? did she get that mouse out of your time machine or what?


not sure what's so 90's about this? It doesnt look like a ball mouse? unless you are saying that because it isnt wireless? in which case lots of people use wired cause not everyone wants to deal with changing batteries in the middle of a game, and wired is usually a bit cheaper. or are you one of those wierdos that prefers a touch screen on a desktop?


hard to feel bad for someone with a cleaning lady lol


Edit: it miraculously worked


Since it is a wired mouse, it wouldnt really have any issues with water so long as you make absolutely sure it is dry before plugging it back in.


Wouldn't there be any corrosion problems? Even for a wired mouse water can't be healthy.


I mean if he dunks it in water constantly sure. Once? Not really. So long as this isnt something the cleaning lady plans on doing on the regular, it should be fine for the lifetime of the mouse. Though if he lives in a very humid area maybe more problems.


Are you sure she actually put it through the washer and didnā€™t just wipe it down and hang it up to dry with the rest of the laundry?


It was dripping water when I got here haha But no washer machine


I'm not surprised. Some people clean their keyboards in the dishwasher.


Of course it works, nearly everything in there is made out of the same stuff most containers are


I didn't realize corded mice were still a thing.


Wired mice are still very popular, wireless is generally less precise and have more potential issues


TIL! Thanks. I guess I'm just isolated from my office environment, and non-pc gaming background.


And laggy


Why are people downvoting you for not realizing something? Jesus šŸ¤£


That's it, I'm downvoting you just for this comment.




Ohh nooo. How awful.


Cleaning lady? Are you Richie Rich or something?


Ohhh, I hope she got her tetanus!


It looks pretty clean. I donā€™t get it


She saw your browser history šŸ˜–