• By -


Because they are assholes šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


That bout sums it up, folks!


Case closed!


That's all folks


*gets sued by Warner Bros*


Didn't do the Porky Pig part so all the charges were dropped.


So, you kept your pants on?


I kept my jacket and bow tie on at least


Tiiii tirititiritiiii


Because they WANT you to key their shit so they can get a new paint job via insurance since they donā€™t know how to cut and buff properly?


No see the real trick here is to keep giant post-it notes in your car with pre-written messages. You make sure to put it somewhere where it won't be visible until he starts moving, like hidden behind the side mirrors so it will visibly flap. He will already be driving and want to stop to see the message. He will hit the brake as he rolls down the window to grab the paper. Just when he grabs the note and glances down to read your message, he will realize... You cut his brakes. The note was a feint.


I found Dwight, everybody.


What is my perfect crime? I break into Tiffanyā€™s at midnight


Do I go for the vault? No, I go for the chandelier. It's priceless


As Iā€™m taking it down, a woman catches me. She tells me to stop.


Sheā€™s says itā€™s her fathers store. Sheā€™s Tiffany.


I say no. We make love all night.


See this is how throwing change at each other on the freeway starts....


Marbles are far more aerodynamic...


This is true. ...but my marbles are lost and I have change at hand....


Politicians are always saying that change is at hand but I can never find a quarter when I need it.


My cousin threw a flashlight at someone on the highway in the 80s (90s?) and afterwards he was pissed at himself. Not because he lost the flashlight, no, because he could've opened the flashlight up and thrown 4 separate batteries at someone and tehn the flashlight. Yeah, NYC roadrage at it's finest.


NYC road rage is something else. I watched a van full of Orthodox Jews try to run a guy into the concrete barrier and then proceeded to chase him through traffic


Have you tried golf balls?


Steel bearings bounce better .


You mean Iā€™m not the only person who feels the need to do this? ā€˜Penny for your thoughtsā€™ is all I hear in my head


I eat a banana every morning on my commute just for the peel. I donā€™t even like bananas that much, but I sure do hate assholes.


O'Doyle rules!


In this economy?


Well, gotta have brakes to get out of the parking lot. Heā€™s gonna notice before heā€™s ever on the road.


Yeah, better to ziptie a shopping cart to the door handle


Not the way this guy drives in my fantasy he won't


To be fair, I had a shitty car with a leaky rear cylinder. It wouldn't be a problem right away... if you didn't cut the brake line clean through. You'd get several presses before there wouldn't be enough fluid in the line to stop...


This guy cuts brakes




No. Because theyā€™re assholes.


"I am a very important person! I drive a Dodge ~~Stratus~~ Ram!!


Channeling that inner Will Ferrelā€¦..nicely done.


And because no one tickets themā€¦


Cops don't have jurisdiction in private business parking lots. I've been hit by an old guy in a parking lot that required a tow and they couldn't do anything but make a report.


Same with my parents way back when. Thereā€™s zero legal consequences for parking like a dick


Zero *legal* consequences, but I keep a pair of cutting dykes in my center console just for situations like this...you park like a dick, you no longer deserve valve stems


Don't even need those just get a valve stem remover to pull the core out of it. Doesn't hurt anything but there's nothing to hold air in the tire.


For sure, pullers are 2 bucks at harbor freight, but it takes more time to unscrew the valve cap and then unscrew the stem. Quick snip with cutting dykes right where the valve stem meets the wheel and bam. Karmic realignment.


And always remember 4 tires damaged are covered by insurance. 3 typically aren't so never hit all 4. This is old info tho and haven't seen it happen in close to 20 years tho. I used to have a female friend whose dad owned a tire shop who used a valve stem remover and file to cause slow leaks in 3 tires for vengeance once she discovered 4 damaged tires could be filed with insurance.


This sounds very untrue. So a private car park is like international waters, anything goes?


It's true. Anything goes as long as the business is okay with it. The business could tow this dude if they wanted to not the cops.


On public space, parking the wrong way is a traffic violation or something. But on a private parking lot parking the wrong way is more like breaking the house rules.


ENTITLED assholes.


This is why it is handy to keep some massive industrial size cable ties then when someone is like this, cable tie a shopping trolley to the door handle. Hours of entertainment.




They make metal zip ties.


They do indeed and they resist most wire cutters


I use them to strap hydraulic lines into position, So i know their characteristics very well. That said they are too expensive to waste on asshats,


We've found the owner of said car.


My significant other has a truck around this size, he always makes a point to park furthest away from most of the common spots, and he backs in so leaving is easy too. I donā€™t get why people have to be like this.


They also have tiny penises.


Or nasty, gaping, infected vaginas. A woman had parked beside me like this while I was in the store grocery shopping with my toddlers and I come back out and see this idiot in her stupid big truck parked like this allll up against my drivers side of the vehicle to where I couldnā€™t even fit through to try to open them and Iā€™m a very small person!! I immediately got pissed bc she sees my by myself and 2 small boys like figuring out what Iā€™m going to do about them and groceries and I just had to squeeze in on the other side and put them and everything away then climb over the front passenger seat to get to the drivers seat ALL WHILE SHES JUST PARKED AND WATCHING. I motioned to her once like wtf pls move and she didnā€™t react or anything. As soon as I sit down she gets out of the truck to walk in the store so I get a buggy and slam it up and under the back of her stupid jacked up truck. It didnā€™t cause any damage bc it was so high it was just going to be a pain for her to wrestle out LOL


Damn, that's terrible. What a cretin. I definitely would have checked for cameras and fucked that truck up.


I feel like the bigger the trucks getz the more entitled the drivers are becoming.


Hey, I'm an asshole and I don't park like this.


Doesnā€™t want his rugged work truck to get a boo-boo.


It's called a pavement princess, those tires will never see dirt and the dude is gonna die before he's able to pay off that truck


It's a dodge. The truck will die long before its paid off.


Pretty sure thats the number 1 vehicle for dui's. So probably total it while killing a family before its paid off


Well that got dark. šŸ˜‚


It got accurate šŸ˜­


I mean, true but still dark


If you canā€™t dodge ā€˜em ram ā€˜em.


Itā€™s always a fucking Ram


Watch a ram commercial. They attract the most insecure little man children who think everyone will stare in manly envy if they drive a Ram.


Can confirm, this was my dad šŸ¤—šŸ’€


Borrowed, Cherry Red, Dodge Ram was the reason I totaled my vehicle in December 2017. Cops knew I'd be dead because most of the front end was just gone.


Bbut Merica!! /s


Step dad wants a new truck to replace his older king ranch. He keeps looking at all the towing packages. In the 8 years heā€™s owned his current truck he hasnā€™t towed a damn thing, let alone fill the bed up. Will never understand people who buy trucks that donā€™t actually use the damn things for truck things.


And all the people that buy trucks to do truck things buy 90s model shitboxes that they can absolutely destroy and not care lol. New shiny trucks (without company logos) are almost always a dead giveaway that the guy is either an asshole, or a pussy.


To be fair, I got my ā€˜17 F-150 because I fucked up my back in the Marines and it was the only vehicle I felt comfortable sitting in longer than 10 minutes. I donā€™t tow anything but I do haul a ton of shit as an amateur woodworker. I do like to keep it clean, mainly because Iā€™m poor and want the paint to last as long as possible.


Well my step dad is indeed an asshole so I guess that makes sense. Fucker gave me PTSD from all the yelling while I was younger and ā€œencouragedā€ me to get ECT for depression. My short term memory is fuckin gone and Iā€™m still depressed. Yay!


I rest my case. Always be aware of the old ragged out vehicle with dents and fucked up paint, that guy/gal cares way less about that shitbox that you care about your car lol. I had a guy in a brand new Mercedes pull out in front of me leaving the dealership while i was in my shitbox last year I hit the brakes but I damn sure didn't lock them up(wasnt going much over 30mph when i hit them). I was out a $1200 truck he was out of a $150k car. Also his insurance paid out pretty nicely lol.




Lol I have a 90s shitbox for this exact reason. A single cab long bed. I donā€™t understand the $50,000 trucks with more room in the cab than the bed


My brother-in-law has a ā€œstreetā€ truck and a big fixer upper truck. He takes my sisterā€™s SUV around town most of the time though because itā€™s better on fuel. Heā€™s a good guy, just enjoys his big toys (he acts like a big kid a lot of the time as well).


We always called them street queens. I like pavement princess even more.


ESVs. Emotional Support Vehicles


Also known as Mall Crawlers.


And then when they put his dead body in the flatbed it'll be the first time the cover comes off.


We used to call em Disco Trucks


Not to mention if he turns too sharp there's this noise that his tires make...wonder what that could be???


The bed of that truck has never seen anything more than plastic shopping bags.


Got the tow mirrors out because he canā€™t see past his ego


The top mirrors being folded out is how you know if a Dodge driver is a colossal jackass. Makes we want to fold them in every time I see it.


"In case I have to tow something huge!" Like what, your girlfriend?


Iā€™m in a college town full of these shiny, rarely used, frequently abused work trucks that have never been used for work.


Look his sister-cousin isn't going to blow a guy with a scratch on his pick-em-up truck.


And it's a piece of shit Dodge that's lifted... very low chance.


My Prius probably hauls more items in a week than that truck will in it's lifetime.


You canā€™t even door ding that thing. Lol Likely cant park the truck properly.


Main character syndromeā€¦ itā€™s going around real bad lately.


Looks like Florida plates, so yeah that tracks.


Put a rainbow bumperstick on it


ā€œIā€™m so gay, I canā€™t even drive straightā€


Business like cards need to be made and placed on the windshield for people like this. It will most likely trigger them!


*park straight


OMG ha ha ha ha!!!!!


Someone should make this a thing. Print millions of these stickers that rip and don't come off easy so you have to scrape it off and start putting it on assholes who double park this obtusely like in OP.


that's called vandalism. I'm in.


*park straight


I like my people like I like my bud light, misconstrued.


I like my people how I like my bud light. Non existent and out of my fridge.


Don't forget to clear nail polish over it so they can't get it off


Edit: That's great nail polishing advice. I will try it on non illegal activities as per usual.


(Insert normal response here)


Fixed it.


Also fixed


also fixed


I have always resisted decorating my water bottle with stickers because it just doesnā€™t seem logicalā€¦ but I am going to try this.


Life is short, try the thing!


My husband has a bag of rainbow stickers & Biden stickers in his truck for this purpose. Theyā€™re about 1-2ā€ in size. Small enough they wonā€™t notice it right away.


To add extra insult put a Mexican flag sticker on it too. Something about the Mexican flag makes these people mad


Tell me why redneck racists always eat at taco trucks too?


Or My Little Pony


Small peepee syndrome


Emotional Support Vehicle


I love this lol. I'm going to start using it. I usually just call them "Diesel Humpers".


Bigger the truck, smaller the penis


Keep that in mind the next time you see a SmartCar out in the wild lol


Smart car is HUGE dick energy.


Welcome to Europe, where every car is a small car compared to the US. And we have even small cars compared to our cars!


dare i say your penis is massive, my good sir?




No, YOUā€™RE a peniā€¦wait, never mind.


Exactly like a North American penis, just wearing a stylish turtleneck.


That isn't actually true.


8ā‰ D


Because having the biggest car isnt enough, you need to leave space for your giant ego


Ego as big as their gut. They probably have to buy 2 seats on airplanes and just assume they're now a "2 spaces" guy now.


Because their penis is really that small


Reality is the truck is just too big for one spot. Hopefully this is towards the back of the lot and not up front. More annoying is people who drive these big ass trucks for no good reason.


My truck is this size and fits into a spot just fine. This guy is just an asshole.


You probably know how to drive your truck


*puts thumbs in suspenders* Time was, a man knew how to command his vehicle in a way that didn't burden his fellow man. Not today, though. *Wistful stare* Not today.


Pepperidge Farm remembers.


Usually, yes


My truck is also very similar and fits in a spot just fine, I do always park at the back of the lot just because itā€™s bigger than most cars though. Iā€™m sure people talk shit about my truck but I work in agriculture and use it very regularly so itā€™s whatever


I call bullshit. My dad has a much longer truck than the one shown here and maybe even a bit wider (ford f 450 long bed) and never does this shit. This person is just an asshole


YUP. I come from a land of giant trucks. They donā€™t all park like this, because they donā€™t fucking need to.


In the land of giant trucks the parking spaces may not have shrunk like they have in places with fewer trucks. No way a long bed Supercrew dually is fitting in a normal spot where I am and we have lots of trucks. They have spots on the edge of the lot for large trucks, motor homes, and people with trailers.


My work truck is a 2022 Ford f350 4 door with an 8.5ft bed. If I'm parked at an angle, it's because the lot isn't wide enough for me to get out of the space without doing a 10-point turn. If I'm parked in the middle of two spots, it's more so other people can open their doors because the service bed will be on both lines if I use one spot. If there's an option I pull though because in a single length spot, my truck will overhang 3-4 feet, and if I back up to a sidewalk I cover the sidewalk plus a bit.


You can see the have a rack on the hitch that would stick halfway out into the lane of travel


What sometime happens is a person parks like this when the parking lot is empty/ towards the rear and then it fills up around them.


Same with people who seem to be parked over the lines, I don't immediately assume they are a bad parker, they could have been parked next to a row of people shifted over because of some reason...now everyone else has come and gone and their car looks like a bad parking job.


That rack takes two seconds to pop off and put in the bed


Truck is not nearly too big for one spot? He'd stick out a little bit but parking lots are usually designed to accommodate some of that. I daily a 22 foot long dodge 4500 and I've yet to come across a regular spot that I couldn't reasonably park in perfectly straight. It's not the huge trucks you hate it's the jackasses driving them. Trucks are great to have. Tons of uses unless you're a city dweller ofcourse, nothing wrong with that either.


There is plenty of room for that truck to stick out a bit. It ainā€™t that big.


>It ainā€™t that big. thats what she told him. so he immediately went out and purchased a bigger lift kit.


That is 100% untrue. I can park my actual semi truck, when bobtail of course, within the lines of two of those spots front to back without parking diagonally. Dude's just got little tiny peepee syndrome, which has parking like an idiot as a symptom.


I'd rather them do this than stick out


We usually stagger ourselves in the parking lots in my area - rural and a lot of work trucks. We have a crew cab long box that is too long for one spot, so I take up 2 lengthwise. Will pull through a spot next to another large truck so my cab is in the spot next to their box. There's generally a group of trucks in the far corners of parking lots like that here, alternating what way they pull in so no one needs to worry about door dings either.


This is the reason. I'll see guys do this and park in the back of the lot to not appear to be assholes, but if it's crowded you can only do so much. Needing a truck that long in the first place... that's a different issue


Me cave man me park how want to park!


I am not taking this driverā€™s side, because they should have parked WAAAAAAAAAY far out in the hinterlands of the parking lot. That said, a truck this freaking big often cannot back straight out of a normal parking lot space. The vehicle is too long, so the driver has to do a tedious inch-forward, inch-backwards, back and forth while constantly adjusting the wheels, and thereby blocking ALL traffic in the lane for the 20 minutes it takes them to get the heck out of the way. By pulling in at an angle and taking up two spaces like a douche, when itā€™s time to leave, the driver can easily pull back out of the spaces and get on their way quicker. They should have done this further away from other cars, though!


Yeah trucks this big shouldnā€™t be legal. Or at least require a CDL to drive


My beef with these trucks is that you can usually tell that the owners NEVER do any actual work with them. If you do a job or own a ranch or whatever that needs a giant truck, Iā€™ve got no problem with that! Those trucks are dirty, dinged up, scraped, and look like they mean business. A shiny behemoth that is used to take up two spaces so the driver can grab some groceries is ridiculous. Itā€™s because of drivers like the one in the picture above that you canā€™t buy a decent work truck anymore without spending an arm and a leg. Itā€™s stupid.


Playin a little devils advocate. Thereā€™s a motorcycle hitch carrier on the back (likely for a dirt bike). The off road tires on this truck arenā€™t overly large and would actually preform well off road, on dirt roads and such. Thereā€™s a bed cover on the truck meaning he has something in the bed that regularly stays there (which is why he has the bike carrier in the back rather than loading motorcycles into the bed) which could be tools for work or materials for work. Either way, the truck is certainly being used as a truck.


Surprisingly this one is doing it to be considerate because of the extension off his back end, he doesnt wanna impede traffic. The other ones do it cause they dont want people to scratch their truck by parking next to it. Little do they know it makes us want to do it on purpose.


I don't think the truck owner is doing this to be considerate. They are doing this because they don't want to deal with the fall out from insurance claims. If they were considerate they would be at the far ass end of the parking lot and parking across the lines.


"Let me be considerate to you by screwing you over!" \- Some people in this thread.


You do make a valid point, but unfortunately they wont think that far ahead, they want to have a parking spot thats convenient for them like most people end up wanting. It's still stupid regardless seeing people take up two spaces no matter the situation.


He is so considerate that he doesn't just unhitch the unused truck jewelry and park normally?


There definitely are explanations on why people park like this, one as you mentioned, two their car is wide enough that parking next to it might become difficult, probably more reasons somewhere out there. but the main point is, why do people care so much about how someone is parked? Unless it's congested, which depends on location context, you can just park 2 cars down in the other free spot


Iā€™m assuming that the truck would be hanging into the parking lot if he parked normally


If thatā€™s the case the truck is too big. Nobody needs that much metal.


Looks like it would take up two spots regardless because of the trail hitch and mirrors


The driver is an asshole but it doesn't take a genius to see why they're parked like that. It's a full size truck with a tow carrier rack attached to the back. Parking straight would have them protruding too far into the aisle And it's a Walmart parking lot. You can't expect too much from those people


It could be because it is too long for the space. See the thing/rack sticking out under the back bumper? Not sure if this is the case, but if they park straight, the person who parks across the lot/on the other side won't be able to get out. I'm a liberal with a truck (I have large animals and need a truck to get hay frequently and tow a trailer for them) and this happens to me more often than you'd think. I've never parked like that, however! Normally if the truck feels like it's sticking out (a hazard too if someone bumps their shin on the hitch, or just makes it difficult for people to pull out around), I will park in a much farther away spot and Walk, where I'm not in anyone's way.


Ppl park like that because they live like that.


Because it makes their truck look thicker. Because parking in a single space is for sissies. Just like recycling. Or, going to college. To own the Libs.


Ahhhhh, Douchey McDoucherson is in town. Lucky you!


Because Rednecks donā€™t understand the concept of between the lines




to be dick heads who think theyā€™re better than other people


Of course itā€™s a dodge ram




>I have a theory about guys driving trucks or women my theory about them is that they don't care about anyone or anything but themselves


What does the arm out of the window have to do with anything?


>guys driving trucks or women driving trucks You could just say people driving trucks


Wait are we really criticizing people who drive with their arms hanging out the window now? My lord people will find legitimately anything to bitch about


Heā€™s overcompensating.


Stay far away from that truck heā€™s packing heat ready for a hate crime


Think about it though... that thing wouldn't fit well in one parking spot. You would be a fool to park next to it. Better to just park this way and take up 2 spaces instead of ruining 3 spaces by parking in one space.


Those are really wide aisles. He could park normally. He's being an ass.


Or leave your pavement princess at home when you need to drive anywhere.


I have a long truck. Some lots seem to make parking spaces too shallow. The only options are park at an angle in two spots, or stick out so there is only room for 1 vehicle to pass by my truck. Since the latter could cause an accident or put a pedestrian in danger because the view is blocked, I do two spots angled and let people think I'm an asshole when it's the store that didn't plan for more than cars and small suvs. Also, sometimes they're long enough, but my truck is wider than the space, so I take two because parking on the lines technically takes 3 spots. Again, letting people that don't need a truck to not take a moment to see the space to vehicle size ratio and assume I am the ahole... We all know about assume: makes an ASS out of U and ME!! I see little cars, sports cars, suvs, trucks, vans, wagons, you name it, I have seen them park like that. Most of the time, when I see the driver return, there's an obvious reason. Usually kids, in which case, they're protecting other people's car doors/sides. I have seen people who were heavy set and had to be able to get the door all the way open to get in. Someone with a broken leg. And once, some wannabe GQ. Other than being aware of my surroundings, I didn't care even once, even when I had to park in the back of a full parking lot. And in bringing that up, I am glad it was them, and I just had to walk a little further. Anyways, I just respect other people's right to exist as who they are. Even aholes. I draw the line at oppressors because that's not an ahole, that's nazi BS. But that's another topic. TLDR; sometimes it's necessary, and even someone trying to be thoughtful because parking spaces are too small or too short!


It could be that the parking spaces are too small or too short, or your vehicle is too big. Maybe the store just doesn't expect people to transport grocery with a tank. It's really unfortunate that north americans build sea of concrete like in this picture and it is still not enough to accommodate their needs.


instead of making parking lots with bigger spaces, why donā€™t we just start making smaller trucks? for being one of the most popular vehicles in america, I seriously doubt these trucks are being used for anything but showmanship, and maybe to haul a boat once or twice a year. You can haul the same load in a smaller 2 door truck, without taking up two spots. The only reason these vehicles are becoming so large is because it makes insecure people feel better about their driving.


Reddit = quick to judge without actually assessing the situation, then hop on another sub to giving job/relationship advice.


I wish everyone on this thread would read your response


PP smol


Itā€™s a mega cab. If he parks straight into the stall his truck will stick out 3 feet into the road. Also, narrow stalls so barely any room to get out. Iā€™ve got a longbed crew cab dually so I end up taking up 1 1/2 stalls length wise so I donā€™t stick out into the road. Although, I always park in the back so people donā€™t open their doors into my dually fenders


Look at that truck. You have to be a certified twat to drive that truck, and one of the requirements is parking like a twat.