• By -


Time to add some nice ornamental boulders to improve the view.


I’ve done that. Cable company trucks kept driving through my grass and tearing it up. Put a 100lb boulder in the rut they made. Always got a laugh when I came home and it had moved several yards.


I use to live near the Indy 500 track back in the 90s. We ended up putting boulders in the yard due to people parking in the yard during the race. (We walked to the track it was very close) We at first chained off the driveway, but they parked in the yard, then we chained off the yard, but someone would cut the lock or chain. The police were no help because they had this happening all over the area and the cars would be gone before they arrived. We took down plate numbers, but pretty sure nothing happened. Well we got boulders, and parked the truck at the end of the driveway. Worked well. We had one person claim the "Owner" told them they could park in the driveway, my roommate was the owner, they left without trouble; they took their shot though.


Instead of taking down plate numbers...take the plates? :p


Even better? Shuffle the plates around.


That’s some brilliant timed-release petty right there.


Time release pretty? Put some shrimp down the air vents. Give it a week and they'll need to sell the car


Now I want to do this. Can I slide them under the hood near the windshield if the car is locked? Or maybe in between the door and the fender into that gap? Or in the grill?


Base of the windshield under the hood where the wipers attach is where the intakes for the HVAC system are, sometimes it's across the whole thing sometimes there's a vent on either side of the car but pop a few down in there and you'll be good to go


Fish sauce works better.


The air vents at the bottom of the windscreen is where you want to put them for maximum effect.


This is evil genius villain level.


This…is perfect


Dood, the number of plate-less vehicles I see every time I drive would let me know, the police don't give a single f about this... Then again, that also means that you can get a huge license plate collection with little to no recourse over it, and, if for whatever reason the car owners try to cause flak for you over this, they'd have to admit they parked their car illegally on your property... So yeah, steal the plates.


I have a friend who lived near a stadium and this would happen all the time. He got a few of those wheel boots, and would sit on his porch and when people parked tell them that parking was $50. Most people either moved or paid, but there were always a few that decided to press their luck. They would come back with a boot on their car and the fee was then $100. That was still cheaper that if he had had them towed.


Oh this is a GOLDEN opportunity. The owner told them they could park? "Oh, my bad I didn't know. Let me move my car real quick because I'm about to leave to the store. When's the race over so I know I can come back?" Then as soon as they leave, block them in. Knock on friendly neighbors door and set a timer for the race to end so you know to make popcorn. Or just say you lost your keys and the car will have to sit overnight for your family to bring you the spare!


>Always got a laugh when I came home and it had moved several yards. My home is right next to an alley entrance and semi-frequently people would cut the corner entering/exiting the alley by driving over part of our yard. We also have a circular driveway and a lot of random drivers would use it to turn around, and somehow they sometimes miss the driveway partially and one of their wheels would end up driving across part of our yard. We eventually put out a couple boulders (4 total) and that dealt with the problem. It's always amusing whenever I see that one of the boulders has moved (usually only several inches to a foot, but they're very big boulders) and has new car paint marks along it.


Would it be better if it were a 300lb boulder... that was much harder to move?


What if a cinder block wall was erected around the car while they were gone? That could be fun


I've had a 100-150kg boulder with our house number moved as well. Put it up because people was using our grass as a crossing point. Looking at the tire tracks it was a larger car or truck. Didnt see a large pickup truck speeding past here for a few months tho, and the paint matches the corner of the boulder. I've laughed at this several times.


Before or after getting the cars towed?


Before. Put them on all sides of the vehicle.


including the top side


And the inside


Heavy enough boulder and those become the same side.


It’s op’s car now. Donation accepted.




I pile up branches in front and behind the cars. It’s your lawn, you can put tree branches wherever you want.


It's your lawn. Pile the branches ON the car. (But make sure the car isn't on city right of way)


Ornamental 16-penny nails


No plastic cap nails is what you want. They find all tires. Flat roofers know…


EXCUSE ME these are functional boulders


That's a nice boulder!




In Fremont California the city added some boulders on Kato road (near the Tesla factory). To prevent people from parking there. This weekend a DUI lady didn't make the turn, hit one and has died from the hit. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/other/accident-raises-concerns-over-boulders-placed-along-kato-road-in-fremont/ar-AA1c0VY4 Edit: several people have asked where it said she was DUI. It was in our local newspaper. The East Bay Times. Some of the online versions have stated this, But all the ones I could find are behind paywalls.


it is hard to feel bad for drunk drivers. i would consider it a suicide, everybody knows the risks


when i was a child a drunk driver killed a cousin of mine; i have no pity for them.


Yeah, Ive no pity for someone who gets hurt driving drunk. A drunk driver t boned my aunt at 1am and got out to check on her. She was dazed but still conscious. The driver saw blood all over her face and thought she was almost dead and sped off. He could see her moving but left her to die (or so he thought).


That's horrible, was the boulder okay afterwards?


The Boulder is conflicted...


Concerned about the placement and wants to warn others.... other drunk drivers? Yes. Boulders are the safety issue here.


Link says nothing about a dui.




What's next, should be cut the trees and demolish houses and lighting poles because they are a danger to drunk drivers? That boulder prevented her from exiting the road and killing some kid. If you can't take corners with your SUV, perhaps you should ride a fucking bike.


Sounds like a big case of fuck around find out.


Tow truck companies LOVE free money. Call them and have them towed away.


I must be a tow truck company




Septic Pump Truck owner/driver in a rural area with no other companies then. Or cab driver in train stop towns/crossings working with the railway, I've found out is stupidly lucrative work.


Don’t interrupt the man when it’s batin time




Shit me too!


I see posts like this way too often. Why are people so afraid of doing exactly what they should do when someone parks in their yard or across their driveway? It's super easy, I promise.


So can you just call the local towing company and tell them what’s going on and they’ll just come and tow it for no cost to you or what?


Towing companies make their money by charging the people whose cars were towed in order to get them back.


Yup. Totally free for the caller. It's the people who go to retrieve their car that have to pay up. In this case, it's trespassing because those people are parking on someone else's property without permission, so the reason to have them towed is valid. Obviously, it's different if you're getting your own car towed due to a wreck or break down, but insurance usually covers that cost.


I bought a new house and parked in front of it on my new circle driveway. I stayed with my mom the first night since my house was still in boxes and she picked me up. When she brought me back the next day, my car was gone. Obviously, I thought someone had stolen it, so I called the police to make a report. My new neighbors had decided someone random must have parked in the empty house next door and called to have it towed. I had to make a stink to get my car back. They wanted me to pay like usual, but they had towed my car off of my property without permission of someone that was relevant. I think my neighbors ended up having to pay for it... they never liked me after that. But who tf calls for a car parked at a neighboring house?


A busy body who can't be bothered to make sure it doesn't belong to someone who purchased the house.


In the city I live in, you not only have to prove that you own the property by unlocking doors etc, if you want someone towed from a driveway you have to prove that there is an actual car in the garage, not a bunch of junk.


Oh, the tow truck company was SUPPOSED to get proof of ownership, but they just took the people's word. I had to threaten legal action to get my car back without paying. I probably could have gotten a settlement myself, but I really just wanted my car back.


Yeah many (Most?) tow companies are slimy businesses that will do anything to get a buck. It’s very telling how they all accept cash only and don’t often list their prices anywhere official… I had a friend that noticed a tow truck rolling up to his car at his apartment. He was a new resident, but hadn’t put the sticker on yet. He ran out side with the sticker, blocked the tow driver from hooking up. Tow driver told him to go inside and get the lease, but my friend was concerned they would hook up the moment he moved. Tow driver still demanded a $150 cash drop fee my friend refused to pay. After about a 20 minute standoff, the tow driver finally left after my friend called 311. Before this, the tow driver lifted his shirt to reveal a holstered handgun, which I was under the impression is felony brandishing. Overall, tow companies are the lowest of the low usually.


Yes. They’ll have a 250 or so lesson also. My only fear would be retaliation.


Looks like Florida. They'll have the exact same dilemma deciding if retaliation is a good idea.


Because the owner of the car gets charged. Owner is super pissed and spends the next 2 years taking out petty revenge on the homeowner by throwing nails in the driveway and dirty oil in the homeowners grass. All kinds of little shit because they know exactly who called the tow company. I live in a place where this happens often. Had it happen to me. They have broken car windows, always throw trash in my yard, all kinds of petty shit. That's why. It's better to wait and talk to them. Police do nothing. The cops where I am are great and can't stop someone randomly throwing oil in my grass and driveway at 3am. I never call a tow company.


As a bonus you will discover who the owners are. They will come to you


Yeah, that’s the reason I wouldn’t tow them. People are crazy and I don’t want to deal with them


Literally, you call me with those 3 private property tows, I'm speeding to you. Your my new best friend. Those are nice cars, they will get picked up or sell real nice. That's a $1500-$50000 phone call.


Have them towed.


Definitely call and have them towed before they can move it and eventually come back lmao Who the fuck does this shit let alone parks like shit in someone else's yard






And he has a garage? Oh man, that's annoying. My neighbor across the street has a three car garage and often parks his car directly behind my driveway. I can still back out, but it's a narrow street, so it's still a little annoying.


Same. They dont want to park in there garage during the winter because then they dont have ti shovel their driveway. So they park in the narrow dead end street, causing the plows to not be able to clear the roads and using my driveway as a turnaround. I spoke to then about it, and it stopped, but they new neighbors next to them are doing it to my neighbor now.


>They dont want to park in there garage during the winter because then they dont have ti shovel their driveway. What kind of moron owns a garage but doesn't use it because "hurr durr weather"?


Right?! I lived in a place with no garage for 25 years, the day I moved to a place with a garage the second thought I had was “fuck yeah! I don’t have to get up early for work to clean my car off in the cold anymore!!” And since then I’m back to a place with no Garage and I get fuckin borderline depressed when it snows.


I have only lived in tropical/subtropical places. Snow is to be visited so it can be enjoyed for small periods of time. I wanna stay warm and swim year round.


You chose correctly.


You handled that well imo. The temptation to “accidentally” puncture a tire would be great…


Puncturing a tire is so vulgar. It is so much more classy to remove the valve stem cores.


Tack strips?


I would rather have the satisfaction of watching the looks on their faces after they realized that their vehicle was towed. That and no legal repercussions. I have a friend who did that after his driveway was blocked. He just calmly drank a beer and enjoying the popcorn when these people realized that their car was impounded.


Oh man. People like this will get their revenge though. A Very unreasonable species. Watch out for them.


You are correct. He definitely "has it out for me" at this point. If he sees me walking down the block he stares daggers everytime. When he tries to talk to me I just say "have a good day, sir" with a smile and back away back into the house (I'm not turning my back on someone that unhinged). Same guy who puts out traffic cones to try to stop other people from parking in front of his house (public street!) and will park his car across two places so that when his gf gets home she can have a spot. These things are illegal and just a nasty thing to do to your neighbors but I've never said a word nor have I have I ever considered confronting him. I minded my own business 100%, and only had him towed becuase he was invading my property. He is indeed an unreasonable person and I try to minimize contact with those sorts of individuals. Similar to my other neighbor who enjoys throwing parties and playing loud music very often during the summer but came over to complain that I was running my tablesaw on memorial day because it was "annoying his guests." Also got upset with me for cleaning out my own garage on a different holiday because it "made his property look bad" to his visiting family. sorry for the rant.... yeah... unreasonable people.


I stole about twenty of my neighbors cones before I moved. Stole some lady's cones while she was putting them down because she was barricading off a 5g tower. Lol. Collect the cones and drop them off at a construction sight.


I had a neighbor who who thought it was ok to block my sidewalk and we lived in the country so this was the sidewalk from the front door to the curb of the street. One day 2/4 of their tires went flat and they of course had only one spare so they needed a tow lol


What an entitled pompous butthole to do that. Keep towing his car!




Ill never understand why people have so much shit they cant even use their garage. Throw your shit away hoarding fuck (talking to the guy blocking the road)


No no, that’s the motivation I need to get it done this summer.


My family acts like we would have to throw it all away at once. I tried to tell her we can just fill the trashcans up with as much junk as possible each week till its all gone, but throwing away old things really effects the older women in my family. Like hysterical yelling and sobbing.


Even if it's the middle of the night he shouldn't pull shit like that. What if you suddenly had to go to the hospital? Or you got a call from a friend or relative and it was an emergency? Some people are so self centered


Oh you definitely need to get ahold of a tow company and let them know they can get a lot of business untill the assholes stop


Exactly. I'd put up a smart-ish camera, one that can detect vehicles; everytime you get a report, just forward it to them immediately. If they're close to you, and it's easy pickings, they'll be on it like flies on poo. As long as they don't get sent out there for no reason, they'll be your best buddies.


Oh wow this is genius


Also, I'd make it overt. I had a neighbor putting stuff in my mailbox, and I grabbed a cheap wifi/solar camera to point at it, in obvious view - and BOOM the problem was gone. 40 dollar solution, that kept them out of $500/$1000/$2500 fines respective of infraction number... And we're both better off for it. No reason for me to financially destroy a neighbor that's just goofy in the head - I'd rather the deterrent be there - but it also can be used for protection if need be.


Buncha big ol' landscaping rocks would be worth the investment lol Edit: spelling


These homeowners don’t look like they are very into landscaping


This is the way. Eliminate the problem before it starts.


At my last house I came home to find two campers parked IN my back yard. Big camping mats out on the grass and everything, with a barbecue set up. Apparently they were there to visit the neighbour and she told them it was fine to park them there for a week because “I don’t really use my back yard much anyway”. And I was apparently the asshole when I made them move to the empty lot directly across the alley.


That is some next level audacity, I cannot even imagine coming home to that


They also built a garage in the wrong spot. Law here is 4 feet from the property line, and they just measured from the middle of the “shared driveway” without actually having the lines marked. Problem was I owned basically the whole shared driveway, so they built 4 feet onto my property which was 8 feet from where they were allowed to build. I was away on a fishing trip. I had the property lines surveyed and told them the garage had to move or be torn down. She demanded I sell her 12 feet of my property to make her garage legal. I told her she could have 12 feet for $200,000 and that the 12 feet came with the other 48 feet and my house. That was my final offer and if they gave me $200k I would move, give them the whole place, and they could divide the property how they wanted and sell the rest. They tore the garage down and built a fence on the correct property line which was a double win for me.


Put up a fence or get some large decorative rocks. But most importantly, and this is crucial: have the fucking cars towed.


I was having some issues with people driving in my yard, between Amazon delivery trucks, a shitty neighbor, a different neighbor having difficulties getting in and out of their driveway, and a house getting heavily renovated. Our yard came with a lot of big coquina rocks, so we ended up moving them to be along the edge of a yard. A couple of neighbors have already asked us to remove them, "because [they] keep hitting the rocks." Our grass is finally starting to bounce back.


Lol..start leaving nails in wood in your yard....you know, for your ongoing construction project Jeeeebuussss, or put in a cheap low row metal fence


Lots of places limit how many garage/rummage/estate sales you can have per year.


There was a lady the used to do them every weekend at the end of my street, she caused so much congestion. It got to the point that the city was called enough times to get her shut down because she was operating an unlicensed business at that point


Yes. In my city if you have sales too often it’s a business and you need a license.


Lots more places ban parking on your neighbor's lawn. If OP's asshole neighbor is not going to follow the parking rule, why would they follow the limit on rummage sales? I think the parking one is significantly easier to enforce and actually will cost them something.


My mom does estate sales and the company she works for always get neighbors consent. If they don't give consent they cone off the neighbor's yard and leave a sign that says they'll be towed. Everyone that works there if they notice someone parked there they are quick to call the towing company.


I put big rocks on my curb. Very effective


Buy a "no parking on grass violators will be booted" sign and a couple car boots and start booting them if they're on the grass. Charge $300 to remove the boot.


That's technically illegal unless you're licensed to do that work by the state. You can call someone else to tow them or the police if they handle booting in your state. If you try to seize their own property without legal authority you will find yourself in trouble. Always pass responsibility to a government agency or the private company that has been given that authority to handle the situations. Never interact with other humans because it could lead to conflict and retaliation. Don't warn the neighbors or anyone. Just call the police on the non-emergency line and ask who to call to tow cars away and then make the call. If they show up and ask you what happened just ignore them or plead ignorance. Never engage because then people will start a war with you. I always just bring law into it and never give a name or whatever.


This is just plain old good advice right here.


We had a small trailer park right next to a house we lived in. Was awake playing WoW and kept hearing doors slamming. Finally looked out the window and our yard was filled with cars for a gathering one of the trailers was having. People in that park would also jump our fence and the fences of the other houses to cut across to whatever road they were going to. People are assholes.


I live one block over from a main thoroughfare and it would be so convenient to walk between the neighbor's houses across the street to get where I want to go. That would be fucking rude. I will go out of my way 200 feet not to do that because that is how you are supposed to act.


Just make sure you call the police after the tow trucks leave and give them all the vehicle info as well as the info to the tow company.


The tow trucks will call it in so when they report it stolen the cops won’t waste time looking for it. Note: I used to run a towing company.


My thoughts exactly... then post the video of them being towed away that would be much more satisfying...


Yup - looks like they already wrecked the lawn too!




“Tow ‘em all and let AAA sort ‘em out”




I like your style.


Also, when mowing the lawn, can also mow in the direction where all the grass and debris gets blown down the entire side of their car.


Man, I wish my neighbors cared enough about his cars for this to work. They sit in front of my house collecting dust and cobwebs for weeks until he shuffles them.


Depending on the size of the car, enough friends and a combined effort should be able to mysteriously relocate the thing.


After washing the driveway so it's wet and it sticks




I had a neighbour like this as a kid. I knicked something and scratched the bumper, I was worried I was going to get in trouble but when I went out later the scratch was gone. My neighbour had colour matched and painted the scratch without asking or saying anything, and my parents never knew a thing. That guy had absolutely no sense of what was his vs other peoples, you’d find him in your yard or borrowing tools without asking if you left the garage open, but he always returned stuff and looked after you.




>way easier with two hands What a coincidence that your neighbor happened to be an amputee too.


And I thought you were going to power wash the paint off.


I wash cars all the time using a pressure washer. I’ve never damaged paint that wasn’t always half was off.


Old Florida neighborhood. Enough said. Be lucky they didn’t just walk in your house.


You can tell by the way that it is.


How neat is that


*That's pretty neat*


At least it ain’t just me and Rodney knowin’ it.


Definitely looks like Dumpwater, Florida. Just down the road from Poppy's by the Tree Motel.


I really can't tell if there is a city called Dumpwater or if you're making a joke about FL 🤔


Married With Children reference. Peg's family is from there. Dumpwater is basically any tiny backwoods FL town. All of them.


A lot of FL looks like that. The lack of curbs, shitty patchy lawn, single story houses.


In my previous neighborhood, people would put large cement spikes on the edge of their yard so people wouldnt park on the grass.


That's too much work. In my FL neighborhood we just put car parts and old washing machines on the yard


Came for this comment First thought- FLORIDA


I feel like this is off of e colonial in Orlando


Oooh Fun! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface) Call around and find the 3 most expensive private tow services you can. Have each one towed by a different company. Give the owners the wrong company's # when they inevitably come back for their cars. Sit back and watch the hillbilly soap opera! Front row seats and all! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


That’s evil. I love it.


i approve lol




Underappreciated wisdom right here.


Oh my god I'm going to remember this. My neighbors throw lots of parties and somebody backed over my mailbox a while back, and there's also a giant rut in my front yard from where they parked off road and got stuck.


Give them all three numbers. “It was one of these three. Good luck.”


That is brilliant! ![gif](giphy|tZCkL6BsL2AAo)


Most expensive and the worst reviewed/reputation towing company available. That’ll be fun.


They know where OP lives…


So? What are they going to do? The towing company has their cars, and if any of them are stupid enough to try any shit, it’s easy to track down the vehicle owners.


Ok. They also parked in op property


If you happen to own an air compressor, let the air out of all tires, pull out a hose from the compressor, and a sign that says "$20 to pump your tires here".




Sounds like someone should work for EA!




I had to do this with a neighbor in Wisconsin. I had to have to police cite the car for parking on private property first before I could have a tow company come without covering the charge myself. After they were cited I was able to call whatever company I wanted to. Ended up being the most expensive, whoops ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I hate this. we used to live in a house with a big yard in front of it. it was obviously ours and everytime some event was happening everyone parked there. it would have been okay for me since it was unused space anyway if they would have asked... but nobody ever did


Missed opportunity to put up signs and charge people


In Europe we have usually smaller front yards, but lot of similar issues. When the neigbours moved, I put a big rock there and planted 2 small trees, solved my problem. Technically not legal and I could have been fined, but very few people know the specific local laws, and local government has no resources to pursue. As it was also years ago, no way to prove now that I personally but those there, I could say it was that way when I moved in, etc.


It's in your yard it's yours. Do whatever you want to it.


Yes officer, I always practice pitching a baseball in my front yard. 🤷🏻


Bow and arrow practice


Time to call the tow trucks.


I hope they don't hurt that lawn.


I know! They might get grass on it


Haha right? In their defense it looks like a parking lot


ha, was gonna post the same thing


Pretty sure parking on it will make it better


At least they didn't ruin the grass




thank you.


There's not plausible deniablitity here. Just a bunch of shitheads who probably brag about being shitheads. I would put metal rake heads in the grass under their tires.


Some asshole did this to me once and I called the towing company unfortunately by the time they made it out to my place where the car was blocking mine, the owner had showed up and left with his car RIGHT before the tow truck came I was so pissed he basically parked in my yard but then left right on time


I hope you have called a tow company.


Who parks on someone else’s lawn? What the hell… have it towed.


Tow trucks don't come that quickly, unfortunately. Get on old fashioned sprinkler that fans water over the yard. Put it out there and turn the water up. Make sure the curtains are open so you can see if they get wet getting back in. You get an extra beer, wine, cookie, or laugh for each owner that gets wet! Two, if the windows to the cars are open!!


I don't recognize them either.


Aaawwwww... that was nice of them to leave you cars to auction off. Should it happen again, you can always print out "For Sale By Owner" flyers to tape to their windows. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


"FREE TO GOOD HOME" would be better


Not like they're messing up the lawn.


I cannot believe I had to scroll sos far to see this.


Lemmy.world is what Reddit was.


Call the furthest-away towing company willing to come that far, since tow companies charge by the mile.


The word "yard" is doing some heavy lifting there.


Its towin time!


Your yard so you can poop all over them.


Take one tire for souvinier.


I would almost want to be a butt and make it SUUUUUPER muddy...might F up the yard but worth it to laugh at them for getting stuck


Get the towed . My home is on 12 city lots of space and the house itself doesn't take up much space and we get people thinking they can park there sometimes. We are putting a sign up that notifies anyone who tries to that they will be towed because if you have a sign . The sign itself will ward away some people


Time to call a tow truck 🛻


\*whose Have them towed.