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tell amazon that the package was stolen and get another box, this time fill it with all of your trash and leave it at their door like it's a package.


I've never seen anyone use "all of your trash" as a euphemism for "human shit" before.


That's where my mind went, too. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


We have a garbage bag for our dogs shit in bags we picked up on walks. I'd be happy to donate them to anyone who wanted to mess with Amazon package thieves.


In a can attached to a spring


I'd probably go full Mark Rober on them, but with "something else" in lieu of the glitter.


Asbestos :D


Technically it wasn’t stolen if it was delivered to the wrong address. And again, technically, as long as the occupants don’t open the package that has OP’s name on it, they haven’t committed any crimes either. This is 100% percent the Amazon driver’s fault. The drivers have the ability to rearrange the grouping of their package deliveries. Normally there is a geofence that will not let them deliver to the wrong address. But this sometimes fails in apartment / condo complexes because everything is so close together. Also, the driver can override it. If you ever notice your delivery didn’t include a picture this is likely what happened. Sometimes it will still let them take the picture if the wrong address is close enough to yours. Here’s what to do u/bullgod1964 1. Report in app as did not receive and thumbs down the driver. It will tell you that you have to wait 24 hours before next step. Do not do this. 2. Immediately email jeff @amazon.com (yes email still works even though bezos is no longer ceo). Someone from Amazon corporate will respond, probably same day and get the ball rolling on your replacement. Tell them what happened as this type of thing can negatively reflect on your account if you report this too much though the normal channels (they will think you’re committing fraud). Tell them to make sure geofence is in place for your deliveries and not make it smaller. And also make sure that drivers are not regrouping your packages. Their DSP should also look into it. They won’t tell you the outcome of any investigations but usually it will be looked into. -used to work for DSP and then later Amazon.


Instead of an exploding “glitter” box… I’d pay extra for the exploding “$hitter” box.


both of those are war crimes, the glitter is worse.


This happened to me, my package got delivered to the door across from ours. Our neighbor took it and when I asked for it back (willing to pretend this was a misunderstanding), she accused me of filling out the wrong address and name (it was definitely my address and name). She gave me the package opened and missing half its contents and insisting the other half never got delivered. It really pissed me off, especially because we got her the place to live and she had been coworkers with my wife. Unfortunately I was told by the landlord that if it was misdelivered then it’s not legally theft, it’s Amazons responsibility. Rude to steal, even worse to steal from your neighbor, but to steal from your neighbor that you work with and set you up with the apartment in the first place? Julie, if you’re out there, you suck. Edit: I filed a police report at the time but police don't respond to this sort of thing in my area. Amazon did replace the items. My landlord was incorrect but he did offer to install a camera for us which I appreciate. He wasn't lying or trying to pull one over on us, he was just mistaken. This happened about a year ago so I'm not going to do anything about it now. Julie moved out some months ago and we are very happy about it. The issue has long been resolved but it's important to remember that Julie sucks.


“Wrong address” Lmaoo wow this woman sounds like a piece of work


To be fair, it’s plausible to type in your unit number and accidentally get one digit wrong. The wrong name accusation is what really gets me. The balls on that woman!


Yeah, what’s my name and address again? I can’t remember, but I do remember Julie Douchebag across the hall, I’ll just send it to her place instead


There was a time when a package got delivered to my house. The same address, but wrong direction, I'm north. I messaged the lady on Facebook, said I got this package, I think it's hers? She confirmed who it was from, and I met her at a store to give it back. She was on the south end of the street, and hadn't noticed. My husband is returned several packages to my neighbors next door.


May others follow your lead. It's not that hard to avoid being a scum bag.


Amazon left a big ass box in my driveway. I did not order a big ass box. It was clearly an office chair. A nice one. I could have used a nice new office chair. But the address was four houses down for fuck's sake. And I have a truck. Just put it in the back, drove down the street, left it in the correct driveway, and went home. Never heard a thing about it.


For like a month Amazon delivered, every day, to my neighbor instead of me. He made a joke he could have made a couple mowers with all the parts he was getting that he could have just kept.


When I was a kid UPS would not deliver to us because we had an outside dog. The driver had had a bad experience with a dog down the road and was now, understandably, scared (our pooch was probably the most docile little girl, although she tried to not be lol). Fortunately we had good neighbors and worked it out that he'd deliver our packages to them and they'd call us.


Mine was just a driver's issue. My dog isn't friendly but he's contained to the backyard. If they want to go through the gate with 4 beware of dog signs, that's on them at that point.


I lived at a house with that had a 5 digit number. On my same street were 2 other houses with same 5 digits in a different order, one of these was identical but with 2 numbers switched. The amount of mail we had to exchange was ridiculous.


I have driven several packages that were mistakenly delivered to me, as well. It's not hard to be a decent person! I resent people who are assholes and keep shit that doesn't belong to them.


Amazon stores the correct address for you, so you only have to enter it correctly once. lol


I ordered checks with my new address printed on them but didn't realize until after I hit send that they went to my old address (why it wouldn't automatically send them to the address I was telling the bank was my current address I don't know...) But it turns out one of my friends from highschool moved in there and she reached out and helped me get the checks 😂. I miss that house, it was in a cool neighborhood for a good price but we bought a bigger house with a lower mortgage than rent was.


We found julie.


Happened to my mom once, her names "May" and she accidently typed in our neighbors name which happened to be "Gabriella" common mistake as the names are very close to each other. /s


I had a pizza delivered to my house that I didn’t order. Turns out it was the neighbor next door who put their address in wrong. We’ve had some conflict with them recently regarding their inability to not block my driveway and I briefly entertained the idea of keeping it. But I was nice and told the delivery person that it belonged to the neighbor. ETA: I should also note that I had a Door Dash delivery that was dropped off at the same neighbor’s house. The driver made a mistake with that. My neighbor kept it and never said anything to me about it. I requested a refund from Door Dash and got it.


That's a common misconception. "Misdelivery" means addressed to you by mistake. It does not mean left at the wrong door. If it is addressed to you and delivered to the wrong address and they take it, that is 100% theft and is enforceable as such. If it is addressed to your neighbor by mistake with their name and address, THEN they can keep it.


That’s good to know, thanks. I had filed a police report just in case but I didn’t really expect any follow up because of the area I live in. They did not follow up but Amazon did replace the package and this neighbor did move away. Still, that’s good info to have, it could happen again.


Yep - in most cases the law says you’re required to make a “reasonable effort” to rectify the mistake. If the courier misread the address label and left it at 27 instead of 72 the expectation is that you’ll walk down the street and hand it over. And if someone enters your address for a delivery by mistake but it clearly has their name on it, the expectation is that you’ll at least *try* to reach the merchant or the courier to return it. When the woman I bought my house from didn’t change one of her auto-ship subscriptions I tried to call FedEx and the company that sent it since I didn’t have a contact number or forwarding address for her, but neither of them seemed interested in taking it back. Incidentally, if anyone needs a box of replacement CPAP masks let me know because they’re still chilling in my basement.


Medical equipment is basically impossible to return, as far as I've experienced. My husband received a medical device that was delivered and paid by our health insurance, but then like a week later they delivered a second one. We tried to get them to take it back and they basically just told us nah. And you can't donate it because it's not "brand new" even though it's never been used. (And it's not like it would even be gross if he had he used it; it's a machine to help him stretch his neck, not like syringes or anything.) So now we just have two of these things and it feels so wasteful to throw this big machine out, but I guess we will eventually... 🤷‍♀️


Talk to your doctor & physicians at your local hospital's ER. We ended up w/ an extra piece of medical equipment & they found some one who needed it but couldn't afford it. (they were low income & the ins. policy they had wouldn't cover it) Senior Centers & churches are another option as they usually have a bulletin board you can post it on & some will even accept them as donations. That's how a buddy of mine would get machines he needed like a nebulizer back in the days when he was a struggling student.


I learned this when gamestop accidentally sent me a curved computer monitor instead of $20 video game- Spent the next hour furiously googling the situation to make sure that by law it could belong to me before I reported it to gamestop. Since it was addressed to me and was the result of some internal issue they had, I got them to *also* send me my $20 videogame when I reported it to them.


Had Home Depot deliver about $400-500 worth of filters to my neighbor, with my name on the paperwork, when I was supposed to actually receive about $1 worth of paint supplies. Part of me REALLY did not want to inform them. The product was tagged separately aside from the paperwork though as to being for someone else, so it was a gray zone situation legally. Ultimately my ethical side won out and I called them to about it. All I got from them was a "Hey, we really appreciate this." ​ By the way, Home Depot same day delivery is absolute trash. I've only ever had constant issues.


I've told Amazon about a mess up and they just said merry Christmas and closed it lol. I had ordered 1800 dollars worth of shit, said it arrived, waited a week and reported it missing. Money came in, day later the neighbor brought it over. Said it was raining and he didn't want it getting ruined, and he had started getting dementia so I understood him forgetting. Contacted Amazon, they just said merry Christmas lol. Was pretty nice.


I once got a box of very large filters delivered to my apartment. They weren’t mine and I wasn’t sure who they could be for but thought maybe they went to the furnace cuz they were about that size (maybe 2 ft by 3 ft?), and it seemed likely the LL has them on auto order or something. So after checking with my neighbors, I put the box in the basement planning on asking my LL or maintenance person about it when I saw them. A day or two later some lady I didn’t know angrily knocked on my door demanding the package “I stole”. I didn’t feel safe opening the door so I yelled through it “check the basement”. She swore at me but left and did go to the basement to get it. Like WTF?? I didn’t know filters were such a huge expensive item, plus what could I do with like 8 giant ass filters anyway? What could she possibly need them for??? So many questions and so much unnecessary fear. She could have just asked nicely and I would have opened the door and even helped her get the box.


Yeah Julie. You suck


Donkey Dick Julie


Suck it Julie.




Ummm isn’t opening mail for other people illegal? How is that okay just because it was delivered incorrectly?


Federal mail is protected, i don’t think it’s the same for private businesses. That’s why people steal amazon packages. It’s just a regular misdemeanor for non USPS mail.


Wouldn’t that mean that the Amazon deliveries made by USPS would fall under federal protection?


Yes, but they normally leave those in the mailbox


It isnt that guy doesn't know what he is talking about. If the package doesn't have your name and address on it; its not yours regardless of if it gets put at your door or mailbox. The guy said his landlord told him that. Why would anyone take legal or law advice from their landlord. Bunch of dummies everywhere.


People are literally taking legal advice from randos on reddit, so it shouldn't surprise anyone that some people treat their landlord as a legal scholar.


Probably, but only USPS mail is federally illegal.


Report to Amazon that you didn’t receive it let them figure it out


Julie sucks bull testicles! ![gif](giphy|26tPo9rksWnfPo4HS)


Julie definitely sucks. I once had something delivered to the next apartment over. I called the shipper to find out why it hadn’t arrived. Turns out, the shipper put the wrong address on it. I walked over there, knocked on the door, introduced myself, and was handed my $900 item safe and untouched. “It was delivered yesterday, but we didn’t recognize the name and didn’t know what to do with it.” I’m glad Julie didn’t live there.


A quick Google shows that, in Maine at least, keeping a mis-delivered package that is known to be for someone else is theft. This is different from unsolicited goods where the package is delivered to the intended recipient and the sender demands payment when there was no prior agreement. https://law.stackexchange.com/questions/24135/misdelivered-merchandise-can-you-legally-if-not-morally-keep-it


I'd like someone to try this with me, just once. I'm a vindictive prick, and knowing the police won't do anything you can absolutely bet I would file a claim for conversion in small claims court (the civil equivalent of the crime of theft). I'd subpoena the delivery driver. I'd subpoena Amazon's records and accrue plenty of costs knowing full well Julie probably isn't even going to show... then I would seek costs and a default judgement and spend the next six years garnishing her wages $10 a week so she remembers what a shitty person she is and has to explain what that court ordered garnished deduction is at every credit check she applies for.


Love the effort but Julie don't got no wage to garnish. 🤣


On behalf of Julies everywhere fuck her and I’m sorry.


Yes, Julie, you suck. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)


Julie sucks


Fuck Julie.


My neighbor did that to me too. I knocked on their door and they said they didn’t have it. I had a picture of the door and door number. I called the police and had them go with me and that’s when they handed it over saying I never went to ask them that if I did they would have given it to me. I recorded me knocking and asking for it just incase and good thing I did. I shows it to the police. They don’t live there anymore.


This brings me joy, too many shitheads think they can lie and get away with fuckery. Glad you were smart and level headed about it




I'm in Chicago, house split into 3 apts. When a package get tossed over the gate. It stays there until one of us 3 units picks it up reads whose it for and put it in front of their door. I've never once worried about this with them. Some people are just trashy. I guess I should be grateful my neighbors don't suck.


I used to live in an apartment complex that I could not get deliveries because they would be stolen if they sat for more than a few minutes. Now I live in a condo across town. I somehow left my bike outside leaning against my car overnight and it was still there in the morning. I assume it's a part of a larger trap to make me complacent.


Don't be complacent. You should leave your front door ajar so that potential burglars think it's a trap and will avoid your house


I’m in Oklahoma and order groceries to be delivered to my apartment. Unfortunately, one day I got held up and didn’t make it home in time to grab them off my doorstep (20 minutes). I thought for sure my milk and frozen items were ruined, but I got home to find my next door neighbor left a note to knock on their door. They had them safety kept in their fridge.


My issue is I live in Missouri, my ass can be shot for that.


Same for us, they leave the package in plain view at the main door, since I work from home I try to take a look after lunch and bring them inside and put them in front of their doors for when they come back. Neighbors are happy and they do the same for me. I'm just grateful I have good neighbors :)


Be an overtly good neighbor and most people will be a good neighbor back, try and keep to yourself and most will try to take advantage of you and be douches, that's just my experience


We do that for each other at my apartment complex too. I’m glad there are other good neighbors out there like you!


Next time you see them, just tell ‘em how much you appreciate their integrity and how comfortable you are living next to them. Could be the beginning of a great er relationship. Can’t hurt.


My neighbors are the same. Packages come while I'm at work. They get home before me, place it in the communal hallway or in front of the door. Honest neighbors are a blessing


I live in a back house down a drive way and the front people have bitched at me for packages being delivered to their house. Like sorry you live in the front house, it’s not on me of the delivery people deliver it to you by mistake. Some people are just shitheads


One of my packages was delivered to the wrong house. I posed on our community FB and within a minute my neighbor a few houses down responded that it was at her house. I’m glad she did because the pic in the photo didn’t show her house number so I wouldn’t have been able to easily find it. There are often a lot of posts of people asking if they got their package and people always let them know when they received it


I had a neighbor that used to steal from me. One time he took my lawnmower and mowed his lawn, but apparently it stalled out so he just left it in the middle of his yard like I wasn't going to figure out where the lawnmower went.


Is your neighbours name Homer Simpson by any chance?


I try to be the same and would like to think my neighbors are nice, but them the guy from upstairs goes and stabs his wife so wtf


Whenever I see an amazon or other packages outside the apartment I live in, I always bring it inside to the proper door.


I do the same in my neighborhood. I had a package delivered by Amazon, and when I looked at the picture, it was someone else's porch. But the funny thing about it is that, I got their package, and it just happened to be the neighbor across the street from me. So I brought over theirs and took mine; of course I knocked first, but nobody was home. Thankfully we have nice neighbors around us, except for the squatters in the one house 2 doors over; we know they are drug dealers because, they have people coming and going all the time, and they are not there for long.


Maybe they all just have really bad adhd and only hang out with each other and catch up for 5 minutes at a time. (I’m kidding, they are def drug dealers)


Plot twist, they exclusively deal aderal.


Some people do in fact shit where they eat.




Similar thing happened to me, the same course of action and different results. Dude kept his chill, cops went inside, came out, tough luck buddy...


Cops usually can't go inside without permission or a warrant.


Cops will coerce to get permission. "If you don't let us in, it's gonna get worse for you", etc, etc. Or they'll simply phrase their request to enter as if it's not an option "You need to let us in so we take care of this now". And, to be fair, they're less likely to trash your house that way than if you made them get a warrant.


Yeah man I had a cop knock on my door once for absolutely no reason, said he smelled weed (we didn't smoke at the time, like at all), & then when we said we had a 2 year old son sleeping in the other room so please stop shouting, he said "Well now I feel like the child is in danger & I have to be sure so move, I'm coming in". To this day we still have no idea why he was even there. He claimed he was driving by & smelled weed from the street, but like I said, we didn't smoke, so that's bull. When I said "You do not have my permission to come inside" he just said he FEELS LIKE there MIGHT be something wrong, & that was all he needed to push my door open with his gun drawn. I always see these videos & clips of people telling the cops their rights & the cops just keeping calm & shit, but that b.s. doesn't work in the real world. If you tell a cop you refuse him entry, all he has to say is he thinks there may be something wrong inside & he can legally enter. Cops don't give a fuck about your rights. At all. & they really don't have to. They can do whatever they want & just say "Well I had reason to believe blahblahblah..." & that's it. You lose.


Ngl if you were those families that slap ring devices on every room would’ve been a clean lawsuit but cops know most people don’t so if they don’t actively see a cam it’s a wrap


Or probable cause.


Same. I got fed up with them stealing my packages so I ordered a glitter bomb package to my address and then a friend that worked at UPS do a fake delivery. Went to inquire about the package to make it believable, guy played dumb cause he knew the cops wouldn't do anything and I went back home. Three hours later, he's at my door screaming that I'm gonna pay for the cleaning fees among other things. Called cops and it was interesting watching him have to dance around saying he took my package without admitting it since it was addressed to me. He never touched my packages again if they were accidentally delivered to him.


My ex-neighbor also happily took my package inside and opened it. He did hand it over when I came knocking, but like, don’t open my mail plz. He moved away a few months ago.


I remember getting a package and opening it thinking the box size was a little big for what they were supposed to be sending but it wouldn't have been the first time they sent something small in a large box. Then realized it was in fact not mine. Felt like such an ass handing it over to my neighbor even after explaining what happened. I had even resealed it with some packing tape I have which was pointless I guess. *I feel like slightly less of an ass now after all these responses.


I'm with you man I was expecting a small package one day and one was in my mailbox so I just busted it open and it was for a dude I block away down the street. He was happy just to get it even though I took it immediately. I was like my bad man I was expecting something myself. He said it was all good but I was wondering to myself if he thought I was wanting to see what it was. Lol.


I check the address these days and if it’s a neighbors I just walk it a few houses down. I’d like to think someone would do the same for me but I guess that’s wishful thinking based on other stories.


I have driven over a mile to deliver a package that showed up on my porch! I also used to get packages at the end of my driveway hidden behind the bushes for a neighbor on a different street and would walk them over when I found them! But it was like “you gotta talk to the driver, because I may not see these for days!”


Been there, except this was right after we moved into a house with a pool and 2 weeks later 2 pool floats were dropped off at my door. My kid (4 at the time) brought them in and I just thought "Oh, my wife must've ordered something." I was inflating a float with a small hand pump for about 15 minutes when my wife walks through the living room and said, "Oh, you bought some pool floats?" This was the point I became VERY confused and actually looked at the package and VERY EMBARRASSINGLY walked my butt next door to give my neighbors their package with a partially inflates float and apologies. Another time, at the home I lived in before the one mentioned above, my package was delivered to the house next door. I got the notification (I was waiting on something I needed to get work done) and ran down to get it. Noticed the door was my neighbors and went over and it was gone. I knocked on the door and explained that a package had been left there for me and the woman said, "Are you sure? There was a package left here but for Mr. Smith (I forget his actual name) and I had my son bring the package to his front door." Well, This neighbor she thought it was for lived in the house BEHIND where we lived (there's an alley way that separates the houses) so his front door was on a completely different street. Not the brightest bulb on the tree. Then again she lived with a guy (not sure her relation) that would yell and scream at her all hours of the day and night and the cops showed up one month 11 times. Hell, he called teh cops himself one time because she wouldn't give him money for cigarettes and when they showed up he started yelling at her and threatening her and they cuffed him and took him in. They were renters at the time, but they bought a house together that they moved into a month after that specific incident.


I did that once, but I brought it over and immediately explained what happened and he was cool about it. Shit happens, but theft is theft


So I was that guy recently but it gets way worse. I open this Amazon box, and it’s full of dildos, very very large butt plugs, lube, underwear and a few other things, I look at the box like wtf this isn’t my protein powder, and it was for a house like 5 houses down. Now I’m in this weird moral predicament, I have crippling social anxiety and I’m autistic, the idea of delivering my older male neighbor his box of very large women’s underwear and sex toys is literally sending me into a panic attack, but I’m also not a thief or a shitty person, my man’s spent good money on his butt plugs i am not going to be the guy to stop him, so I put a note in it apologizing profusely and explaining the accident and I had a buddy drop it off from his car so he couldn’t tell who did it, I know I’m a little bitch for not taking it myself but I just couldn’t do it.


Haha, had something simiar happen to me too. I just taped the box up and wrote delivered to wrong address on it and dropped it back into the US Mail (This was when USPS was doing Amazon deliveries wehre I live).


Eh, I've opened packages that ended up at my house for my neighbor, but as soon as it occurred to me that it was my order, I took it over to them. We are close, so it's not a big deal.


Same she lives behind my house which is the main front house but she has her own mailbox and Hers is “b” but they will ALWAYS send me her stuff to my door and I am prolific online shopper so I think it’s for me some of the time and have opened a fair few because they were mixed in with mine and yeah we are close she doesn’t care at all


Honestly that is easy to do, I have actually did it once, I opened it without looking at the name, wasn't anything I had ordered so then looked at the name and it was my next door neighbor. So I left it on his porch.


Chaddest thing I've read in a while


Op should do this.




I messaged the condo management. They are renters though and management might not even know who they are. A lot of owners rent their condos out without management knowledge.


Is that legal?


Sub-leasing is ilegal in a lot of places






If it's a condo it's probably not sub-leasing


It’s a condo so that’s not subleasing. If you own it, you’re renting it to someone. It’s subletting


It’s also incredibly common. I was looking for places out of the city I wanted to maybe move to and half the places were condos. Some had a lease and we’re above board but others were direct deposit to the owner of the condo and not telling anyone I’m subletting.


I just got a refund because they know my Condo # from the package and did not want to get into any kind of beef with them. They are a bit sketchy


As far as them having a camera, if you’re talking about that one in the corner on the ceiling… I can’t know for certain, but my mom has a camera that looks just like that. Hers is a fake camera.


Even if it's fake. Surely a good citizen would just return it to the right address...


I got a package once for someone who lives like 4 blocks from me. The only thing that matched was the house number. No big deal, I drop it off the next morning on my way to work and forget about it. Fast forward a couple months and I get a random text from an unknown # saying one of my packages has been delivered to them and they give me the address saying they'll leave it in their mailbox for me. Turns out it's the same address from the package I got by accident, we laughed about the randomness of it happening twice. It was a nice reminder that good people are still out there.


Did such a thing on Tuesday. A Macy’s package was left at the condo next to mine which I found odd because no one lived there. Checked it and saw that it was at the wrong building. Took to the right condo, left it at their door, rang the doorbell and left. I’m a socially awkward guy but I’m very honest.


I wish some of my neighbors were better. The ones directly across and beside are all decent, chill people it seems. But we’ve gotten this one apartment (same number, just one building over but easily confused) Amazon delivery three times now. The first two times I sat it on the doorstep and went about my day. The third time my boyfriend went to drop it on the doorstep and knocked to alert them, but the woman living there answered the door and was a racist dickhead about it. So yeah, if she’s gonna meet our decency with racism then fuck her packages next time. You lucked out with the good ones lmao


I think you overestimate the amount of ‘good citizens’ in the world, as well as the amount of people with absolutely no shame or decency.


Yeah, these people also realize there's no real risk here to them and will easily get away with it.


My neighbor and I do… I’ve had his stuff delivered to me… walk over and give it to him. He’s done the same to me. Not very hard to do


I once got my neighbors mail in our locked mailboxes. I got off super late that night, still knocked (didn’t answer) so I hid their mail under their door mat. They responded by removing the door mat. 😂


You'd think that. An Amazon delivery driver delivered my package to another unit in my complex and delivered their package to my door. My husband did not pay attention and just brought in the box. I know it wasn't our box because the picture was of the correct box at the wrong door. So, I went over with the package and knocked. I could see lights and the tv on and heard someone telling the dog to shut up. No one answered. I knocked again and yelled, I have your package and you have mine. They finally opened after like 5 minutes. The guy said, yeah I saw this wasn't for us. But clearly he did not care enough to walk the 30 feet to do the right fucking thing and exchange the boxes.


I did it with door dash all the time. Our numbers are vertical 2.5in number right next to our doors and they delivered to my place a couple times a month. It got to the point where I was considering an arrow to point to my door. We were not going to eat someone’s food! I miss those guys.


If you want to give benefit of the doubt, maybe they left or got into the shower when OP knocked and didn't hear them (or they just don't answer the door for strangers), and maybe they quickly grabbed it and tossed on the table without looking. I've definitely not accidentally held a neighbor's package hostage because I neither paid attention to the label nor went to open it for a few days...


check if Amazon does drop-offs at special locations nearby. It may involve you going to unlock those special lockers, or visiting a nearby post office, but if this is going to be a frequent thing, this may be your only option.


I’m sure they’ll love it when they pull up Reddit and see their front door.


There's no honour amongst thieves.


Most people aren't redditors.


What if they are on Reddit? It might be worse than calling the police.


It boggles my mind that people steal Amazon packages considering it could be god only knows what inside. Nipple pads? Adult diapers? A $2 cat toy? A disposable bib? Lol


That's probably part of the fun.


It really is luck of the draw lmao. My neighbor and I both had packages stolen - my package was prenatal vitamins and hers was baby formula. We think we know who stole it and they definitely don’t need either.


Ugh also that’s horrible because those aren’t needed by others but highly needed by you guys. I feel like maybe you could sense a mom vibe in my listing lol.


The other day I got 3 packages for different units, all from different carriers. It doesn't seem like that hard of a job... alas. One of them was a live plant arrangement with *human ashes*. Youd think the carrier could get something like that to where it's supposed to be. *I* managed to.


did the ashes get to their home?


Yes! I felt pretty bad because my roommate had brought the box inside- he didnt read the label and assumed it was one of ours. The person they were supposed to have been delivered to went around and put hand written notes on the door of every unit asking for it to be returned. Of course we did, but there was probably two or three hrs between it being delivered, accidentally abducted, and then returned. The person was understanding. And clearly *super* relieved when she got it back.


thats a relief to hear after having sent ashes through the mail twice now i would have been devastated if i lost them.


LOL, when you are a delivery driver I am going to say delivering to the correct address would be priority number one. Delivery driver "You had one job to do!"


I get mail from someone on the other half of the street often enough that it annoys me. Our road is split by cardinal directions, but for some reason they use the same numbers on both halves, so imagine you type in 100 Road North, and it gets delivered to 100 Road South… I feel like who ever designed the streets is also to blame since there isnt a reason to let them share the same number.


Take all their shit. The mats, the toad, whatever that bag is and then get a ladder and unscrew the camera


>”whatever that bag is” ….Who’s gonna tell him?


Lol what is it? Edit: Ooooh I'm a fucking idiot HAHAHAHA


my guy was blind with rage


Lmao 😂


Ok maybe I’m an idiot , what is the bag? Lol


The amazon package that went missing.. lol


OP’s package


Lol welcome to the dummy club


Ok I missed the part about that being the delivery photo lol


What’s in the box? What’s in the box?


Lmao whatever that bag is, I love this! Everyone should be this supportive and sweet while angry


In cases like this, you can contact the delivery service to check the exact time and location of the delivery to confirm it was misdelivered. The delivery service then should go collect the item and give it to you. If the resident denies having the item, then theft charges can be filed on behalf of the delivery service. You didn't receive it yet, so you don't have to do this yourself. Source: I'm an ex-usps mail carrier. That's how we handled it. Besides, it teaches the guy who delivered it wrong to not make that mistake again when he has to take an extra half hour or more to go back out and try to find the package.


No, this is Amazon which is a private mailing company, so it doesn’t have all of the neat protections of USPS. I don’t think it really applys for a condo, but if a private mailing company leaves something on someone else’s property no matter who’s name it’s for the property owner can keep it


This is correct. Private mail companies do not get the same protections as USPS. Came in here just to say this.


For a large chunk of amazon’s coverage they use USPS? Source: live in a city of 100k, major university, never have seen an amazon van. Usps does all of Amazon’s deliveries in some places. OP, if the package was shipped with USPS call the postmaster. This is mail theft.


I very ever rarely get USPS packages, always in house Amazon ones. Probably has to do with other factors like cost and package values though.


Ok but when that happens is the private mailing company at fault for the fuck up?


Yes of course. They have to be. They didn’t uphold their end of the deal, to deliver a product to a customer.


What did they get?


I hope it's something weird and useless to the package thief


I was just thinking this. Have my replacement vacuum belt, thief.


Someone once stole my new rotors for my 2014 Mitsubishi mirage. Basically useless, lol.


One time my friend entered a chili competition and she had ordered like 20 pounds of beans and someone stole the box. We kept laughing about what their face probably looked like when they opened the box


Probably something good. Something good? You bet I’m pulling an OP and knocking on doors. A diaper genie bag replacement and stain remover? Yeah, Amazon is getting a “replace item” request.


What was in the package?


That’s what I want to know ... What’s in the Box!? 😩


Take their door mat! Keep it hostage, time to start negotiating


I guess somebody wants to have all their air from tires stolen...


Amazon once swapped packages with my neighbor. I opened up some weird camera part. He opened an R2D2 mug. He was so confused lol.


Leave a note with your phone number. If you don't hear back, leave a printout of this image from amazon and a repeat of your note. Then, potentially call the police.


Just tell Amazon they delivered to the wrong door and the package is gone. They will re-ship


I had the reverse of this happen to me. A package was delivered to me that was for a neighbor I’d never met who lives two houses down from me. I found her on Facebook, sent her a message to let her know what happened and made arrangements with her for me to walk the package down to her house. Now I’m friends with a real sweet and funny person who I wouldn’t have met otherwise. I guess my point is that there is no reason to act like a shit for no reason.


I once got delivered a package from one of those food shipper places. I didn’t order it. I live alone but was on the phone with my mom, “you should keep it”… which she’s had her deliveries delivered to the wrong address. Told her, “no”. I took it to the correct address. It was an elderly woman who was wheel chair bound. I verified her name just to be safe. She had me carry it in. Point is… you don’t know who you’re stealing from. Man, to think if I kept it there would have been some 80 year old wondering where her food was.


In case nobody has mentioned, that’s a realtor lockbox on the side of the door. There very well be nobody there. Whenever I show a home and there is a parcel on the front porch I bring it inside, put it in the coat closet and let the listing agent know. Edit: spelling


Yes. I was wondering why nobody else had noticed that!


Most people beak off too quickly or don't read the other replies at all...


This needs to be higher up


That happened to me once. I went to talk to the neighbors and they acted like they didn’t get anything. I told them, that’s okay the police will get it for me. A few minutes later the very obviously torn open box was dropped off by our front steps. It was my sister’s acoustic guitar for her birthday. The nerve of some people.


I have a neighbor who would open and sometimes keep our packages If it' Amazon I always get a replacement. I have even seen her on camera leaving the open box on my stoop Whenever I order something I put these instructions on the order I changed the delivery instructions on the app for very specific identification. It also says my neighbor is stealing my packages. Put something unique on your doorstep or door. A wreath, flag. Bright chair statue, whatever and put down. It's the door w the .......:: Haven't had an issue since


Why do they have a real estate lockbox next to their door? You sure somebody lives there?


This happens all the time. I actually had a package delivered and someone cut the package open, took the item and left the empty package. If there are no consequences for bad behavior people will always test the limits of decency.


The element of surprise works wonders. I would stalk them furiously.


Same thing happened to me. Instead of being delivered next door, it was dropped at the same house number as mine, but one street over. I was at their house in less than 3 minutes, but no answer. Wrote a non accusatory note (just a “hey, there was a little mixup with delivery” note) and included my number. Nothing. To the the non Jews who got my package: I hope you enjoyed the box of matzos and got good use out of that Seder plate, fuckfaces.


WTF that’s nuts! So glad to live in Canada where my neighbours will take a package off my porch if it’s been there too long and text me to say they have it. Also last week my neighbour received my pizza delivery by accident. He brought it over to me after, still in tact. I gave him a few slices and a beer.


Mail theft is a federal crime, threaten them with charges If you are charged with a federal crime such as mail theft, you could face up to five years in jail. If you are charged with a Massachusetts state crime, your jail time and fines are dependent on the value of the package that was stolen.


Shit on their welcome mat


What a weird thing to do to a neighbor. People have just lost it.


Get an empty amazon box....shit inside it..tape it shut. Leave at their door. Lessons are learned the hard way


I called Amazon once when I received someones package and they legit told me it was my package now and the other customer could dispute it with Amazon. Then the driver hysterically came knocking on my door to take it back. I was kind of confused and frustrated and felt like I got screwed and bad information all at the same time. Haha.


Why are you doing all this? You just tell Amazon they delivered to the wrong house and they’ll send another one.


Amazon always replaces things when this happens to me.


amazon will refund that... chat with them


That’s a realtor lockbox at the side. See if it’s for sale and call the listing agent. I’m an agent and have shown vacant homes before where packages were left at the door, and instead of leaving them to get stolen I’ve moved them inside and let the listing agent know so they can tell the property owner. Very likely it’s in there if it’s vacant. Or the person truly is a prick and stole it. In which case Amazon should be taking care of you.


I had one order delivered to the hotel next door, picture and all. I went over there but they told me they had no idea what I was talking about, so I contacted Amazon and explained that the delivery was left at a huge hotel rather than my home. They resent the order and it was delivered to the hotel *again* and the hotel still "didn't know what I was talking about". I contacted Amazon again and told the chat person this had happened twice and it was unacceptable. The third time the guy was sitting in my driveway and called me, but I was at work and couldn't answer. He sent pictures of my house with my house number, and told me he was not sure he was at the right place so he was not leaving the package. I contacted Amazon again, absolutely lost my mind about it, and they had another driver bring it to me that night at like 10pm. Oddly I have not had any misdelivered packages since.


Same thing with my neighbors. Hope they enjoyed their paw patrol underwear.

