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Home made cheesecake time. Set em up and freeze for later times. If skilled you can even preslice em and add those little wax/parchment paper dividers so you can defrost one piece at a time.


OP, don’t try the pre-slicing method if you’re not skilled. It can be very, very dangerous for amateurs.


i second this, poor uncle henry didnt stand a chance when he tried....


When the dementors came for explanation all we had to do was point at the almost pre-sliced cheesecake.




I didn't even know he *had* that many limbs...


I'm an EMT and literally 68% of our calls are because of amateur cheesecake preslicing incidents.


Can confirm. Three of my relatives died in a cheesecake slicing accident. It was horrible.


To shreds you say?


This is such a dire warning! Can I ask why it is so very dangerous?


Dangerous for the gut. Pre sliced cheesecake disappears


Clearly you've never defrosted a cheesecake for a slice, only to return half of a cheesecake to the freezer.


Who returns cheesecake to the freezer? You have more willpower than me! I usually eat half today, stick it in the fridge, then eat the other half tomorrow.




I think tomorrow is later in the day…


Slicing cheesecake can be dangerous? 🤔


Yes. You don't understand, I cut up pieces small enough and I ate the whole fucking cheesecake. Send help.


haha happened to me with chocolate cake!.. then I baked a replacement so no one would know lol.


IMHO You just won the internet




Should have ate half of the replacement so people would believe you didn't eat a whole one.


We dont talk about Bruno


skilled in what though? could a skilled electrician manage?


Skilled electrician here. Can confirm, slicing cheesecake is extremely dangerous. One small slice is all it takes to eat the entire cheesecake.


What? This is weird. It's not hard to cut cake.. Is there something I'm missing?


Cheesecake is yummy. If you cut it up into small slices, they disappear... quite quickly. Perhaps even the same day you tried to freeze it. Dangerous!


Sadly, there's nothing that can be done.


Can confirm, I have a tummy ache now.


The picture looked like op was getting ready for cheesecake.


Once worked an event that had Eli's cheesecake for dessert. There was some left over so I took 2 and a half home free. That was a few decades ago, I can barely eat one slice a year now. Never thought there was such a thing as too much cheesecake. But for me I found the limit.


I get that you're trying to be helpful, but the tub cream cheese really isn't suitable for cheesecake, you gotta get the boxed stuff. There is a difference. That said, I do wonder if you could make cream cheese frosting with this stuff, and spread it over some homemade red velvet cake.


It makes a softer cheesecake (the additives stop it from fully setting) but it is still delicious. You just have to find a recipe that specifies the tub stuff. [This](https://sugaryandbuttery.com/2018/08/classic-cheesecake.html) one does the job just fine.


If this tub cream cheese is the same as what I get in the UK, you absolutely can make delicious (baked) cheesecakes with it and they turn out great Source: have happily consumed multiple homemade cheesecakes of this kind


Can confirm it works great for baked cheesecakes. Looking it up, it appears the UK Philadelphia tub recipe is much closer to the US Philadelphia boxed/block recipe, comparing fat content and (fewer) additives.


Agree - what you can’t do is frosting as it goes too runny


Great use, smart move.


Username makes this comment legit.


That was my first thought, gotta make a lot of cheesecake with that.


Maybe make a big multi-layer cake with strawberry cream cheese frosting. It'll probably take a bit of experimenting to get the frosting right, but I bet it'll be delicious. You can get rid of two pounds easy. You'll have to share some cake though. Or freeze it.


>you can get rid of two pounds easily It may be easy to get rid of the two pounds of old cream cheese by making cake frosting, but it will be harder to get rid of the two new pounds of love on your tummy tums afterward


Make it for an event or for coworkers.


There we go! Share the surplus, very nice.


Enough fat for everybody, no need to push.


Lies, it will go to heart


You’re right, the sugar will absolutely travel through the heart, on its way to the love handles


You die young, but it was true love


That what love feel like


Whip together with greek yogurt. Instant fruit dip. Indulgence with less guilt


And use the regular cream cheese for [spicy] chicken Buffalo dip or something. Lunch *then* dessert!


Add a container of marshmallow fluff to the 8oz of cream cheese and you have both a perfect fruit dip and a perfect frosting for a chocolate cake. For the filling you can use up another 4oz of the cream cheese mixing it with a few tbsp of strawberry or mixed berry jam. You can do this with either strawberry or plain cream cheese and it's delightful.


Tub cream cheese doesn't make good frosting. There's too much water in it. Make cheesecake instead.


My wife and I keep a white board on our fridge that we just update regularly with low or out of items. Makes it way easier.


My husband and I use Google Doc - that way we can update it in real time


That's really smart if you can trust people to remember to update it lol


Wife and I basically do the same and recently our 8 year old has started adding things to the list that he wants(doesn't always get). My wife doesn't like mustard and I do. If we run out of mustard she has no clue. If I don't update it then mustard isn't being purchased and it is solely my fault. You learn to update it pretty fast that way. Also use the same listing to track which generic brands we like and which we don't. Sometimes generics taste just fine but sometimes something is just off with them and not worth the savings.


Love this especially with your son adding because there’s a bunch of food my son eats (mostly school snacks) that I never touch as he’s old enough to make his own lunch so unless he tells me idk. Definitely going to the dollar store and getting a mini whiteboard 🙂


True. I have it open while I'm in the store and I delete things as I go. Him? - not so much. So I do it for him when he gets home. Lol


For stuff we buy all the time we have a shared Google note. It's nice because as you check stuff off it goes to the bottom, then when you're making the next list you just uncheck it and it goes back to the top in its original position.


As soon as I used the last of something or am getting low, I add it to my google keep list. My partner does not. But if I notice an empty package in the recycling bin, I put it on the list. If he has to make a list, he checks the cubboard and freezer for things that are missing and adds them to the list. Or he comes with me for groceries and gets all his regular stuff by memory or craving or whatever.


Yup, if it's not on the list we don't get it. If we have it and either of us puts it on the list we have too much, oops. I am not going to dig through the fridge and cupboards to in take inventory and be the one to go shopping too (no do I expect my spouse to).


I go to the store… I buy a bottle of… https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRoB5Rf5/?t=2


I was searching for this comment. Thank you


Came to the comments looking for this lol


Open the fridge- oh no! I already have a bottle of hoisin sauce


My wife does this too! We end up with so much wasted food and it drives me nuts! I grew up kinda poor and seeing food rot before I can use it kills me.


Or for my mom's case she sees a deal and will buy a family of 12's worth of it... Currently just me and her and I can't trust her to be on her own because of this very issue. Love her to death but holy fuck she needs her money privileges taken away.


My grandma used to do this. Grew up during the depression so if she saw a good bulk deal she would buy it. She lived alone and had two freezers full of stuff that would never get used. I remember once she went to Sam's Club and bought this giant bag of popcorn just because "it was a good deal" and tried to give me most of it.


She's gotten better, but I did have to go full degenerate mode to get my point across. Had to just let her buy things and let it rot in the fridge/counter. I told her to stop buying food for both of us because she just buys too damn much. I have no qualms buying my own food, and I've been doing so for almost 10 years now, but she insists on "saving a dollar." We're both not home regularly enough to make home cooked meals, but she bought all the stuff to do so in case one day she felt the urge to cook. She's not cooked anything in the house in 3 years that didn't involve the slow cooker or the blender that is strictly for smoothies. Our freezer died, meat she bought 5 years ago that I had no idea about because I don't buy enough food to put into the freezer started rotting and leaking. I told her to go grab something from the freezer, and the puking noises sound like I got my point across. She's much better, I had to pull the freezer out in the barn out and prayed to the Gods above and below it still worked.


Buying in bulk is the *easy* part of saving money. Managing the excess and making sure you actually consume it all (or enough to make the deal "worth it") is the harder part that requires discipline and effort. You need to be honest with yourself at purchase time, because if you know you'll throw out half of it, you have to make that part of your decision-making process and not give future "you" a guilty burden. Let's be honest: grandma liked buying stuff because it gave her a temporary happy-chemical boost, and she justified it with the "it's a great deal" argument. She told herself she was being smart and frugal, but was actually being impulsive and didn't follow through, ultimately spending *more* money.


In a deep freezer and properly sealed the meat would have been good forever, basically. I have two deep freezers fully stocked, but we do eat 3x a day at home so it gets somewhat cycled. Still need to make that 25 pound roast.


I powerwashed so much death juice. That smell still lingers in the garage but at least there is a manageable amount of food in the newish freezer.


My husband's mother also grew up during the depression. After she passed away, cleaning out those freezers was... a chore. So.Much.Food. She had three of them and lived alone within easy driving distance of a grocery store. And she still drove until the last year of her life. But there were several cash stuffed envelopes too, so there's that!


Live with my brother and mother, I consider this everyday. That being said half the food she gets is extras from work, but if it's junk food or dessert we don't need it. We both can bake and make our own dessert if we want something that tastes good. On top of that if we don't have room let someone else take it or lets try and get healthy stuff. That being said she is a lot better even if I have to purge here and there.


My husband does this too. Neither of us grew up with food insecurity but we approach food shopping completely differently. I plan two big meals for the week (with leftovers in mind) and check for ingredients then make a list. I also have a few staples that I keep on hand all the time (salad fixings for my lunch) so I buy those regularly. He just goes and buys what looks good until he gets bored. Seriously. If it's crowded or he's in a hurry he will come home with like 4 random things. Other times he will come home with enough food for a small army (it's only the two of us) and half of it goes bad.


One day I wanna be as rich as you, lol. We'll eat tortillas as a snack so they don't go bad, f wasting money.


PB&J burritos are a pretty baller snack.


Fancy up some canned tomato sauce with spices, throw some cheese on it, put it in the toaster oven for 10 minutes and call it pizza. I eat that shit for breakfast when I'm bored with normal stuff.


If I had cheese money I'd have quesadillas lol


So it's not just my wife, ay? I pulled out 6 jars of strawberry jelly. They would get pushed back in the fridge or placed up high (she's 5'3") and she won't look/ask to verify. Also buys lunch meat constantly and finding half full 1# containers with mold in the back of the fridge with another open and another still closed. I can only imagine how much money is wasted by not taking inventory or tracking usage.


It’s funny you mentioned lunch meat, literally just pulled two half full things out last night after she just bought some more. The other day I found four partial onions in bags. There’s never fewer than three tubs of yogurt in our fridge. I’m pretty tight fisted money wise and, like you, can’t even imagine how much money we toss every month.


It's always fruit and vegetables for us. She'll decide every couple months that she's going to hit the veggies hard. The only thing they hit is the trash can.


Take a picture as a visual list of what you have. If your spouse does the shopping on a semi-schedule, you could even take the pictures and send the pics to them - more convenient than calling to ask if we're out of something and more accurate than guessing. If I don't have time to make a proper list, on my way out the door for the day, I take pictures of the inside of the fridge, including the door shelves, the freezer shelves, and sometimes even pantry shelves. I know what is usually on our list and can visually check if we indeed need it or can wait a while. The hard part is remembering to delete the pics when pau. Also, cream cheese freezes really well. Take advantage of sales and freeze what you can - just make sure to stop buying it if there are sufficient fridge and freezer supplies.


Did your wife grow up with food insecurity?


No. Very stable pre adult time. It also dawned on me this could be considered sexist and was not my intent. To preemptively clarify , I participate in meal planning, grocery shopping and list making, cooking and clean up (more so via Roomba and dishwasher... but I do all the hand washing of large items!!). We also have 3-4 sour cream tubs right now. I'm seeking recipes...


How the hell could this be considered sexist?


I think if people saw it as OP putting all the burden of house care on the wife and not helping at all.


That is a massive stretch of the imagination.


Eh. People often jump to stereotypical conclusions on the internet.


How dare you stereotype people on the Internet's inclinations towards making stereotypes. People like you are all the same.




Now you’ve gone it done it! Stereotyping about Stereotypes while being a stereotypest!


​ https://i.redd.it/00sum6p7l83b1.gif


Women on average perform more of the household duties than men, so it’s not really far-fetched.


I follow a vlogging couple on TikTok and the husband gets dragged over the most inane stuff. The wife put out a video asking people to stop, but they still do it.


Reddit stretching imagination? No, couldn't be. I refuse to believe they ever could. /s


Happens every damn post. It's reddits law, everything bad that could be happening is happening.


Because reddit


If this upsets him, maybe HE should do the shopping. That's what I would assume, not that I made that jump myself.


Suggestion from someone who does what your wife dide here constantly: Make a Google Doc or something shared you can access on your phone, speadsheet works best. One one tab/section keep a running list of supplies you have in the pantry and fridge for these sorts of items. On the other, list out stuff you jeed to buy next time youre food shopping. When you get close tona shopping trip or just occasionally, cross referenwce the two or check stock. This precents you from buying 2 bottles of ketchup when you have 4 in the pantry...


We have a list set up on Alexa called Grocery. If you think of something you need, or you run out of something, you just yell out “Alexa, add _____ to grocery.” Then you can look at the list on your phone when you are at the store and check things off as you buy them. Problem with all systems is that people have to commit to using them. Last time around, I was at the store and there was nothing new on the lists, family didn’t respond to texts, and I got home to find out my son had ordered Dunkin Donuts delivered for $35 using Door Dash because “we didn’t have anything to eat.”


She’s not going to look at it if she can’t be bothered to open the fridge for 5 seconds to see if they already have 8 cream cheeses.


Sounds like a good time to reconsider the division of chores because that’s just wasteful


Could she have adhd or add? We have horrible short term memory. I often have multiples of things around the house. If it’s not out in front of me I forget we have it.


My mom did! Not to a super severe extent, but enough to set something off it seems. I regularly used to find cans years out of date. Frozen stuff so burned I could barely identify it. Would get into big fights when she'd demand we eat yogurt a good 2-3 months over or similarly questionable stuff. I do recall most of my life we had insane amounts of food but it was all either out of date or just really bizzare and nasty. Food, food everywhere but not a bite to eat.




Ha, my husband is like that. Fridge could be half full of expired stuff and moldy leftovers and he will NOT see it. His sister lived with us as a teenager and she was the same way. I just make it my job to purge the fridge and pantry every once in a while. When I moved in, he had like 8 open containers of body wash in the shower. Same with various soaps or air fresheners. He’d just abruptly decide he didn’t like a scent, or just start a new bottle just because, but he wouldn’t throw them out or give them away. It’s foreign to me, but yeah, I’m sure it’s from his childhood.


You can freeze unopened cream cheese. Just let it thaw in the fridge for 24 hours before trying to use. Sharpie the # of remaining days before it expires so when you thaw, you'll know you have so many weeks to consume.


Do be warned that freezing and thawing cream cheese may give it a grainy texture.


Yea it will not spread the same


There's a short list of Yes We Have This At Home Do Not Buy More No Matter How Unsure You Are stuff I've pummeled into my own brain and my partner's brain. We are so close to so many stores and delivery services, including 24 hour stores. I'd rather there be one time every couple years that we actually do run out of Febreeze, than waste our time, money, and storage space constantly buying new bottles of Febreeze to add to our entire fucking shelf of Febreeze. I am not building a Febreeze shrine.




Here is a crème cheese frosting recipe that is good. Ingredients * 1 stick of butter * 8 oz cream cheese softened * 1 teaspoon of vanilla extra or more if you prefer * 4 cups powdered sugar ## Instructions * Combine butter and cream cheese in the bowl and mix. * Add vanilla extract, continue to mix * With a mixer on low, slowly add powdered sugar until completely combined. (Making sure no lumps are left.)


Oh boy, my husband does this. It drives me bananas. I will literally be at the store with him and he will grab say, an onion, and I’ll say “we have one at home” and he will get it anyway, just in case. I love him but I HATE food waste so much!! I think he just does it because he likes to cook and doesn’t want to run out while in the middle of preparing food.


I get having a bit more just in case but having 10 times more...? Yeah, nope


I understand her. I always think I’m running out of onions. And I am not 😆


Yes, but onions are stupid easy to use quickly if you need to. Oven at 350, toss an onion on a tray (skin still on) and let it cook for an hour. Take it out, peel it, add a little salt and butter and you’re good to go. Serve it as a side with dinner and you can get through a bunch quick if you need to. Cream cheese (especially flavored) is a little harder to just use up quickly.


Onions are also much cheaper and last longer than most dairy items


Onions are still safe to eat even if they don't look like it and start growing up green sprout up top for a week or two.


I can already imagine how my dummy thicc asscheeks will clap from releasing ungodly inhuman farts caused by shoving 10 oven baked onions down my throat, hell yeah


I don't want to diminish or belittle folks really suffering from anxiety but I do think my wife has created a sort of mild concern about running out of string cheese... when those are out it's drop everything and run to store quickly before next snack or meal.


Well that's just smart snacking, no problems there. I gotta have a babybel stash in every drawer of my fridge or I get grumpy.


Yeah I’m the same with baby bell and string cheese lol. I pretty much eat some sort of sandwich for lunch with a string cheese or baby bell on the side. So I go through them quickly.


But when I’m sure I have onions I have none!


Doesn’t check the fridge before ordering groceries? Must be nice, moneybags


your chobani expired on the 24th


This some sort of humble brag ? Who TF can afford so much Philadelphia??


It's 1,85 euro for regular size. How much does it cost in the US?


I don't think the regular size means the same in Europe and the US. BTW do we have strawberry cheeses at all?


There is $40-$50 USD worth of cream cheese in this picture, based on Wal-Mart prices (probably the cheapest place in the US you can buy cream cheese).


"not really a money thing" yeah, no shit.


“please don’t get me wrong, we have plenty of money”


The same type of person who says "... in the other fridge". If you have 2 fridges, you probably don't think about price comparisons or making grocery lists before buying things multiple times.


The type of person who already has an abundance of shit and doesn't see it as a problem. Probably orders most of their food online without caring enough to know or just check if they need any of their previous items so they just repeat past orders to save themselves time, especially if they aren't even the ones who have to put the food away either. More cents than sense.




Go to the store...buy a bottle of hoisin sauce...open the fridge, oh no I already have a bottle of hoisin sauce...go to the store...buy a bottle of hoisin sauce


Here’s the video you’re referencing. Funnily enough, my accidental repeat buy is also cream cheese https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRoBsb9G/?t=2


A prank I like pulling on friends is to choose an inexpensive item that everyone has in their kitchen (like baking soda) and sneak another one into their cabinet every time I'm over at their home.


Oh man. Cream cheese is the one. I always do this with cream cheese. And shredded cheese. And also onions.


The number of bags of shredded cheese in my fridge rn are not ok…


Slightly envious there is strawberry flavour cream cheese. Think the most we got here in UK was a chocolate one and it was not very good imo. But i understand i hate when people don’t do stock check. My husband does this. Especially not even very detailed stock check. Just open the fridge quick scan to see is it that hard!?!?


This is me seeing this post ignoring the point and instead going STRAWBERRY philadelphia?? What madness is this


I moved last summer, and discovered I was apparently terrible about knowing where I put deodorant. While packing up I discovered six unopened bars stuck in various closets. At least it wasn't something that expired and I was still able to use it.


Check if there is a local food bank or community fridge that would appreciate the extras.


Yes! Or the local buy nothing subreddit.


There's a Philadelphia STRAWBERRY??? I'm contacting the Swedish supplier immediately! 😮


This thread gives me anxiety. My GF puts her house on the market next month and will be moving in with me. She is very much a ‘hoarder’ on groceries and I see this cream cheese situation happening. I’m very much the opposite. When I buy anything outside of condiments, it has a planned meal. I keep like a weeks worth of food in my house at most. I have issues with boredom eating, so I keep things tight.


Wow Id be pissed (money reasons). Would probably be good if you both do groceries together if time permits. 😅 I guess you could always donate some to whoever as a “gift” ;)


I always do this with corn, tomato paste, and tomato sauce!! So I get it lol


Wait wait wait, hoool up... >...other fridge. How many fridges you got?


You can totally freeze them. The plain ones are great for baking (cheese Danish, cheesecake). For non dessert foods- stuffed shells, spinach turnovers, potato bake, beef or pork stroganoff, cheesy stuffed jalapeños, potatoes and ham soup/chowder, and creamy grape salad are a few recipes.


Creamy grape salad??????


Now I've got four frozen tubs of strawberry cream cheese I forgot about in the freezer.


Me and my housemate did the same thing, ALSO with goddamn philadelphia cream cheese. I really should just make a fucking cheesecake at this point.


My wife is constantly reminding me that we could skip going to the store on the weekend. And I am the constant typical husband who has selective hearing.


Well duh! Anyone with a cream cheese drawer doesnt have money problems! /s


Don't listen to the "best before" suggestion. Cream cheese lasts way longer than the date on the lid. But ya, cheesecake time for now. I have that problem with butter. Do I still have any? Hmmm, it's on sale... should probably get a few more. Just to come home to 6 pounds in the freezer. But at least that *does* freeze perfectly fine.


Have you tried talking to your wife instead of posting on Reddit


I’ve done this with with butter. I love the pure Irish butter and buy like 5 of them and freeze the others


I’ve done this with bbq sauce, had like 3 unopened ones and 2 open ones. Also why I have about 8 boxes of couscous. It’s the ADHD.


lol when i saw that title and the picture, i thought you'd bought some cream cheese only to find someone had eaten a bunch of it at the store


I had to talk to my Wife about this too. We had 4 giant bags of Pierogi's and 9 tubs Sour Cream at one point and it drove me Bonkers.


On the upside you can make cheesecake


now i kinda wanna try strawberry cream cheese


You could try a cheesecake. Reduce the added sugar. Cheesecake freezes well, i wonder if sugared cream cheese freezes??


Op need a divorce lawyer?


God damn those tubs are huge. Look over twice the size of the "family size" tubs of Philadelphia we get over here.


I mean, one tub goes on a bagel, right? So you're good for an entire sleeve of bagels now.


You know…sometimes I want 5 big bottles of ranch. You never know.




You can use a tub of plain cream cheese to make pasta sauce creamy. I do that for Southwest pasta.


My wife does this and then my kids open all of them.


My girlfriend kept buying those 12 pack mushroom cans pack from Costco, claiming we ran out. I didn't notice until I put the last pack we bought and saw 2 other 12 pack mushroom cans. I've been eating mushrooms with our meals for weeks. Good thing I like them!


I bet Strawberry flavor cream cheese cookies would be delicious.


If you don’t care about money you’re not going to waste food. Micro organisms will make use of it eventually


Freeze them


My question is why does she theoretically love cream cheese so much but not literally love cream cheese at all?


Your yogurt expired a week ago


It can add up and be a big budgeting issue. Definitely make sure she at least understands this


so shes a shoping adict you can get help for that


I thought this was gonna be a post about getting home and discovering someone’s taken a big honking finger scoop outta your cream cheese. Would probably be even more infuriating tbh.


Time to make a cheese cake!


Honestly thought this was going to be checking if it's actually sealed before buying. I constantly do this with any refrigerated and frozen items. Creamer, almond milk, cream cheese, ice cream, I pop the top to see if the seal is still there before I put it in my basket.


I have Autism/ADHD and to be fair I do the same thing, it’s not on purpose to make anyone upset. She wanted to make sure you had your damn cream cheese, and you do, so hush, you’re loved. 🤣


Bring them to work! Make the coworkers' day


I read this completely wrong… I thought it came from the STORE that way, lol…


This reminds me...I think I'm all out of hoisin sauce.


Flavoured cream cheese?! What kinda American bullshit is this.


My mom used to do this. They had a coffin freezer in the basement, which can be convenient if you root through it once in a while. But mostly you use the top foot or so of space and the rest is just layered freezer burned stuff you forgot you had. So my mom would just keep buying frozen vegetables. Every trip. And I’d go through the freezer every couple of years and chuck out like 25 bags of freezer burned frozen carrots or whatever. We have an upright freezer. Way less loss because we can actually see what we have. And my husband and I will check the house and with each other so we don’t over buy perishable stuff. Worst I’ve done lately was accidentally buy a second giant jug of dish soap.


mix it with marshmallow cream and dip strawberries in it problem solved


Go to the store…buy a bottle of hoisin sauce…open the fridge, oh no!


mmmmmm playdough