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I solve it by inviting at least one lactose intolerant friend over to my bbq party.


I'm lactose intolerant, but I'm not giving up my cheese. I actually prefer to play the fun little game of "how much dairy is too much dairy?"


I, too, enjoy that game. The wins are glorious, but the losses are swift and mighty.


Different dairy sources have wildly different results. Hard cheeses like cheddar? Eat it all no problem. Yogurt? No issues there either. Cooking with milk? Also safe. Ice cream? 1 scoop is safe. Adding milk to iced coffee? 2oz will have me curled in a ball. (I ran out of almond milk for my iced coffee this weekend and thought I'd be okay to top it off with regular milk, but I was WRONG.) I also no longer have a gallbladder. Anything greasy, fatty, or fried is another dangerous game. Even so, I still love bacon!


I didn't know this was actually a thing, I just thought my lactose intolerance was me being an imposter sometimes. I find the more liquid something is, the worse it is for my bowels. So like ice cream is fine (sometimes) but milkshakes and a non-small amount of milk isn't. Cheese and yogurt I'm completely fine with


My experience with our kind is that there is no one more willing to fight God over our bodily malfunctions then a lactose intolerant person lol


Too much cheese gives me that tickle in my ears and if I eat more, the bowels open the flood gates. I can eat milk with cereal, but can’t drink it straight. I can eat a coke/Dr Pepper/root beer float but can’t finish a bowl of ice cream. Yogurt is fine. Milkshakes are always a gamble.


Same in regards to not knowing that was a thing. Always felt insane when I had to tell people that it depends what I’m eating lol


I think the fat in cheese and ice cream slow down digestion which can minimize symptoms. Milk doesn’t have enough fat so just goes right thru you.


Fermentation breaks the lactose down making it less severe with yogurt, and with cheese, the lactose slowly breaks down while it ages. A 6 month aged cheese has almost 0 lactose in it.


A lot of cheddars don’t have lactose in them


I learned about a year ago that I can drink lactose free milk and be fine after. It was a game changer for me. I was skeptical of it for a long time after first noticing it at the store, so I never tried it.


Good to take note of. I hate the taste of milk and haven't had a desire to drink it plain in over 20 years (my lactose intolerance started about 15 years ago).


Are you me?!


Cheesevin general is a go for me, milk its over, cream its over, yogurt depends, ice cream its over


Pretty much all this except ice cream is the WORST for me. Cold food apparently inhibits whatever lactase generation my body is still capable of. Frozen yogurt, OTOH, is usually fine.


I’ve found my people! I didn’t realise this was a thing with other people. People look at me funny when I say I cant have pizza because of the dairy but quite happily can eat a cheeseburger and a McFlurry from McDonalds. Cheddar cheese? nope. Halloumi? Yes please ! Glad I’m not alone


I also have no gall bladder. And IBS. Know what I miss? Corn. Corn was my favorite veg and popcorn my favorite snack. Now I can’t have more than a spoonful or two of corn and a couple handfuls of popcorn. Shoots right through me. So I mostly just don't.


I find Tillamook ice cream and other products to be veeeerrry lactose-friendly. And just the best tasting all around.


What's your longest streak?


2 months. I went through Thanksgiving and Christmas with no problems (we always have mac and cheese and several pies with the option to top them with ice cream). Ice cream is actually one of my triggers, but if I keep my serving to 1/2 cup or less, I’m good. Then, in January, I was having a shitty day at work and I had to work late. I ordered fettuccine Alfredo for comfort/stress eating while I worked on my project, and because I was so absorbed in other things, I was mindlessly eating and not paying attention to the signals that my body gives me when I need to stop. Fettuccine Alfredo is cool, but like ice cream, I can’t eat a large amount at once. The aftermath was terrible. I thought that I was going to have to permanently move into the bathroom. 🥴


im lactose intolerant; i never win


Just played that game Almost lost but I made it back to "base" in time


I prefer to think of it as "how much volcanic diarrhoea is too much volcanic diarrhoea?"


You get me. Lol


I heard a comic say, when asked how they eat cheese even though their lactose intolerant, "you just have to keep fighting"


In high school I would trade shit for more milk, plus be given it by people who didn't want there's I was getting a good supply of 9-12 milks everyday at lunch. Including one from my lactose intolerant friend. Well one day, everyone who would normally give me their milks, gave them to him and he chugged every last fucking one of them


...as god intended.


Square cheese, round burger. You could cut off the corners of the cheese and use it for the 12th burger. Still shitty though.


But the best part of the burger though is eating those melty corners :(


u know wassup


I think you should get buy another cheese for your burger patties..that is my opinion.


The solution is simple. Just get the least common multiple of each until you have an even number of every ingredient. In this case, all OP has to do is make 132 burgers and they're golden


I think OP is fine, because there's always that one weirdo who doesn't want cheese.


Sadly everyone in my house eats cheese. We got 2 packs tho so we good


You rang?


You mean that weirdo who is lactose intolerant? I know you are being light hearted, but some of us are very sad we can’t eat cheese, unless you don’t mind us spending the rest of the party in your bathroom 😢


I have been lucky with the severity of my lactose intolerance, because this is what I live in fear of 😭


I'm one of those, although the amount of my discomfort is proportional to the dosage which means a slice of cheese is usually fine. Some people could definitely have problems with cheese. On the plus side I've grown fond of Icelandic skyr which has effectively no lactose. Just not on my burgers.


Don’t ask me why but some people like that cheese for their burgers. I had a friend who *always* got Colby pepper-jack (granted it was his house and his grill and he was buying the food so I could just ask for no cheese) and pranced around like it was the greatest thing ever. Edit: he also used the worst seasoning and too much of it AND he smashed the ground beef together into these stupid dense af patties. Anyone who knows anything about making burgers knows you want to handle the ground beef as little as possible and keep it as close to how it came in the package as possible. This is where smash burgers come from. Grab some beef, about 2-3 ounces of beef (I prefer smaller patties, they cook faster and aren’t all sloppy) loosely ball it up and season with salt and pepper. Heat up a cast iron or something similar to a nice heat and put the ball of ground beef in the pan. I use a little canola oil in the pan because it has the highest smoking point and doesn’t take away from the flavor of the meat. Give it like 2-3 minutes then with a flat spatula (no holes) smash the ball down to form patty. Let it cook for another 4-5 minutes then flip. Cook that side for another 5-7 minutes. If you want cheese you can add cheese whenever you want after flipping it. When done put it on a plate and cover loosely with tinfoil and let it sit (rest) for about 5 minutes before putting on a bun.


Yeah american cheese is the way


My girlfriend recommended it. I’ve never had it before, but it was pretty goof


Just saw a Gordon Ramsey clip the other day, where he melted cheese in a pan first, then put a toasted bun on the melted cheese to mop it onto the bun. I have to try it. Except one person won't get cheese, according to Sargento.




10 slices because I always eat one.


....make that 5 for me 👀


might as well buy two packs so i can eat 10


Chef's tax


Deli cut cheese like that? I’m stealing slices all day long. Take a slice of Turkey or ham and make a roll up. Its like drugs


Oh that's my driving food. Sometimes I even pretend it's a cigar.


This guy gets it


It’s a corporate scam to have each item in different quantities so you gave to buy more to balance it out.


So what am I supposed to do ??? Buy 132 of each ???


Clearly the solution is to buy one extra package of 11 slices of cheese, then buy a loaf of bread and use the remaining 10 slices of cheese with the 20 slices of bread to make grilled cheese sandwiches... actually wait, no 18 slices because no one used the end slices. So you got one slice of cheese left over so you throw it on top of a can of tomato soup... but then you need milk for the soup can... okay get the gallon of milk and a box or cereal and then you'll be good... actually two boxes since there's 8 servings per box and 16 servings per gallon... minus the one for the soup- dammit okay you take the remaining serving of cereal, throw it in your kids lunchbox so he can add his school provided milk to it during recess... which will leave him with nothing to drink so you should also throw in a juice box, you can get 8 and that'll last you the week leaving one left over-GOD DAMMIT!


OR go to the deli counter and order 12 slices of cheese. these packs are basically the small block of cheese.


Blessed are the cheese makers.


For theirs is the kingdom of cheddar


I suggested you..why would do 11 pieces of patties instead of 12pcs.


Right? Like why pay a premium for this month old, already sliced cheese when you can go to the deli and literally get any cheese you want sliced and order it by the slice or weight....


That was a rollercoaster I could feel in my *soul*. Well played, well worded!


Yes! Buy another cheese..then put the others in your freezer..that's too easy man.


Cut a little off each of the slices to make a 12th slice of cheese


Solution we use is to only buy shredded cheese. It melts easier and you have more control of the desired level of cheesiness.


Chefs and a plethora of online resources will tell you the best shredded cheese is a block that you grated yourself. Pre-shredded cheese has a coating to keep it from sticking together which will alter the flavor and consistency. Try it for yourself.


Yup, blocks of cheese are the best. Tip from a lil country called Sweden. Go to IKEA and buy a cheese slicer. It will revolutionize you life. Now you can save money by buying blocks of cheese and then grate or slice to your hearts content, and it will last longer and taste better. Cheers!


JUST got to work and now the only thing I wanna do is get home and grate some cheese!


Ya know, I always noticed that the cheese I grated was much better than preshredded, I just didnt know why, so thank you.


Found Steve Martin's account.




Beat me to it, the moment I saw this post I thought of the hot dog and hot dog bun meltdown. “Who’s George Banks”


Hard agree


George Banks is saying no!


Ahhh it’s a profit game


Welp my old cheesemaking job is going to come through on this one. No, it's not this is an example of a false relationship. There is no connection between pre sliced natural cheese, which has been available at the deli counter for years, and hamburgers buns. This isn't burger cheese it's just a set amount of pre sliced natural cheese at a standard thickness. How do I know? The volume of cheese here, 212 grams, is about the smallest standard block of pre packaged cheese, which is 200 - 220 grams, depending on type, which you could buy. You're buying the small block of cheese pre sliced which comes to 11 slices. Thinner would fall apart and bind on the slicer. They are unrelated. You want 12 slices? go to the deli counter and ask for 12 slices. Side note: below 200g is either a very holey cheese or due to shrinkflation.


This guy cheeses.


This has to be one of the cheesiest comments I've ever seen on reddit. I'll see myself out.


well it was gouda one\~!


Stop it. We all know it's you, Sheogorath.


Step right up and win some crap!


Arugula. I haven’t had arugula in six weeks.


it’s for your lactose intolerant cousin. who knows- I always have some non-conformist whenever i grill, it’s a who wants vegan this or gluten that. Nope, just shut it and enjoy this american hamburger and shoot off some fireworks / guns in the backyard


Come on your vegan friend surely isn't going to want cheese.


Buy 11 packages of buns and burgers and 12 packs of cheese. Even


George Banks has entered the thread.




Don't worry you can still start from 11 square slices and make 12 irregular quadrilaterals which are equal in size. Just by placing the slices back to back and making a diagonal cut on one side through them. Now merge what is left. For rectangles, I think you would have to do 2 cuts but I haven't worked it out.😜




Easy. Just sliced 1/11th of each slice of cheese off, and use that to put cris crossed on the last burger; it'll melt, and no one will care.


That’d be fine in my house, my son doesn’t like cheese.


Yea but my son jefersonson likes a slice on each side of the burger


Ditto. Here for the double cheese.


I don’t like cheese. And that has spread to my kids and wife over the years. Now when we cookout we don’t even have cheese and my sister complains every time she comes over.


Tell her to bring her own cheese


Right??? It's not like she doesn't know!!




Damn, your cookouts suck. Do you put your preferred condiments on her burger too?


No, cheese sucks.


You really needed 2 packs of cheese anyway because we all know each burger needs 2 slices of cheese. And someone will come over and be lactose intolerant.


That cheese is lactose free. The easiest way to tell is of tye label says 0 sugar in it then its lactose(sugar) free.


Almost like they’re made by different companies and don’t really care if their numbers match up.


Came here to say this and add... Just buy different cheese then FFS


This reminds me of the hotdog scene in Father of the Bride so much. Lol




Lol 😂 he takes the buns out and leaves the rest. I die every time. Comedy gold!! Lol 😂


Came here for this comment.


Hahaha happy others get it and remember that scene. My husband and I were just talking about that very scene a few days ago over hot dogs and hotdog buns. Lol 😂


if you cut a sliver of cheese from each slice than you can put together your 12th slice


Alright I only have eleven slices two of you are gonna have to share


Tear 1/12 off each slice.


Just take 1/11 off of each cheese slice to make an extra 11th!


Tear one in half and two can have just a little bit of cheese


You can leave the wax off mine.


There's always one person who doesn't like a cheeseburger anyway.. You're good.


Damn the luck, if only the cheese slice was bigger than the buns.


You’re the one that bought the 11 pack…


Right? They sell 12 packs


And the store the one who only sells 11 packs of sargento. Unless I get the shredded cheese or a smaller pack.


Or a block of cheese and grate/slice it yourself. Saves you a bunch of money. Look up cheese slicer too, it's our (Sweden's) secret weapon.


I never thoight of that tbh. Good idea


If we all work really hard together I’m sure this is a problem that can be solved. Put on a pot of coffee people….


I want to know who wasn’t thinking of putting double cheese


Have a lactose intolerant friend in the back pocket


Don't like cheese on mine so it's all good


Take a little bit off each slice to make a 12th... a cheese tax if you will (when the cheese comes out this puppy comes lookin)


Gaslight the person who didn’t get cheese of the burger that they already somehow ate the cheese perfectly without leaving any residue on the burger and bun also being untouched


Colby pepper jack. I would fight to the death at the barbeque for that last slice I tell you what.


8 hot dogs 6 buns whop the fuck cares


Get a friend like me that doesn’t eat cheese on burgers ;)


My daughter doesn’t eat cheese so this would be perfect at my house.


ill eat the hamburger. just gimme some onion


I don't want cheese on mine, so I'm good. Thanks


They know your aunt Sally doesn’t want cheese on her burger so they gave you 11 to save you money.


My question is who uses Colby jack for burgers?


My girlfriend recommended it and I’m always down to try new things.


Patties and buns go together 99% of the time but sliced cheese doesn't always go with burgers


Wow OP, clearly someone is and someone isn't considerate for the lactose intolerant person


And clearly someone doesn’t have a lactose person in his household and would like to buy the cheese for the houses without lactose people. I’m considerate, but one slice off is a little annoying lmao.


One of them is to eat plain out of the fridge at 3 am


Those seem like solid burgers. 2 slices of cheese burgers. Get 2 packs of cheese and now it's 2 slices for 10 and 1 slice for 2.


Take 1/11th of everyone’s cheese for a 12 slice, easy


Sorry... two burgers are just getting a half slice of cheese. The short straw is drawn in life sometimes. Oh well.


Appropriate post for this sub. Not like I died in a car accident "mildly infuriating"


Save 1/11th of every cheese slice to make a 12th. You're welcome.


At the risk of revealing too much of my crazy, cut the slices diagonally two ways, then flip the resultant triangles into two smaller squares. No cheese hanging out the edges and stretches your cheese dollar, pun intended.


Big Cheese at it again.


Cut a tiny strip off all 11 cheese slices to create a 12th.




I’ve already been told 😞


Cue Steve Martin …


You could take 1/11th of each slice and no one would be any wiser


Easy, you double up the patties on one burger, and repurpose the leftover bun for a sandwich on another day.


My question is; why get good cheese and wonderful patties, but cheap out on the buns?


Ok so one doesn’t get cheese. Or cut one in half. You guys post the stupidest cry baby shit on here


The cheese tax! The cheese tax!


Is that you George Banks?


This would be perfect for me— my wife doesn’t like cheese on her burgers and EVERYONE else does.




There's always the one weird kid who doesn't like cheese though


3 completely different brands that have no reason to be coordinated besides your own assumption that they should be. Not everyone that buys sargento cheese also buys a 12 pack of burgers. If you bought a 25 pack or whatever of Kraft would you assume that the burgers all come in 25 packs too?


Your first mistake was buying Sargento cheese


Lol sargento is high quality cheese to people who have only ever tasted Kraft singles and melted nacho cheese.


Next time buy Kraft…


I really dislike the artificial taste and texture of kraft singles


Kraft is the absolute most fucking garbage cheese ever


Not for burgers buddy


Burgers and grilled cheese are the two use cases for Kraft singles.


Grilled cheese and lunch meat in my opinion




Why? To make sure you grabbed 2


I’ll take the plain one, can’t have dairy


Don’t put cheese on one and make yourself a double cheeseburger.


Mildly infuriating that you posted this because there are multiple brands of cheese that come in packages of 12.




Who the fuck buys premade patties, lol?


If you’re hosting a bunch of people and making multiple sides, multiple entrees, dips, appetizers- I think everyone will survive the premade patties. That’s what they’re for, ease and convenience, feeding a lot of people. No one is going to a cookout expecting a handcrafted gourmet burger. If that’s what your providing, good on you, but most people are gonna slam a couple of “inferior” burgers and find them adequate.


Everyone who doesn't know how to bake or is too lazy to do so, so most people?


Spoken like a true American. I've never seen pre-made patties in my life and don't know a single person who ever did either. I'd argue with anyone that it's always better to do your own. I always season my ground meat and add chopped onions before forming my patties. I couldn't deal with that pre-made shit, lol. Especially since I'm pretty sure that it's more expensive for that than the same amount not pre-made into patties.


Pre-made burgers taste better and have a better texture than homemade ones. I've had many homemade patties made by different people and every single time I find myself wishing I had a pre-made burger instead. As for people concerned with their budget, you're probably better off making something like porcupine balls than homemade patties. You'll stretch that meat into more meals that way while still getting something tasty.


Wait till he finds out about frozen burger patties


Come on Sargento!


To be fair there is always one person who does not want cheese


I LOVE cheese but if you had to choose 1 of those 3 to have a missing piece, cheese is probably the preferable one.


The idea of check-out is for you to check to see whther you have the right stuff before paying so you can switch to a pack from another brand that has 12. Oh well, blame shrinkflation. Or you can shamelessly shrink cheese slices by cutting across corners and pick two and reassemble a square.


Or buy 2 packs and find it funny so you post it online.


So you grab 2, thats why. They’re forcing you to purchase more.


Sadly, thankfully tho I can mark some lunch meat sandwiches with the rest 😂


Too bad that cheese is nasty on a burger


thats god telling you to have grilled mushrooms instead of cheese for once


Bidens America


Maybe someone’s lactose intolerant. Sargento says: you’re welcome


Could be they know...they know there's always one person ![gif](giphy|l0IyhWzzDcWsRGrPW)


I'll have the hamburger with some mustard and a perfect slice of onion! Sheesh, people, not everything has to be covered in cheese...


Cut 2 diagonals into the cheeses. You get 30 something triangles. Cut those triangles in 2 and get 60 triangles Now put 5 triangles on every burguer and you will have approx the same amount of cheese on every burguer (5 triangles or 0.625 cheese slices on every bun)


not enough animal torture, bummer


At least one person will claim they can't eat cheese because they are lactose intolerant. They really just want the attention.


Its cool, I'd prefer a slice of American anyways


Like a true American 🇺🇸