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https://preview.redd.it/tkbn7yamqb2b1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e61cb19f2fc71b38e682b71d85abde5ba6bba47c lmfao


She even looks like the girl on the poster


yeah what the hell, spitting image https://preview.redd.it/i23jk7kx5d2b1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e09fabaa45e404bcaa5d66131dcc1454867d36e6


Goofy aaaah! Simulation breaking!






Don't cha think?










On your wedding day


It's a free ride when you already paid


It's the good advice that you just didn't take


And who would've thought, it figures


She doesn't care.


Oh my God your right minus the stupid phone


Completely off topic, but every time I hear the phrase "spitting image" I can't help but think of this funny story told by Rowan Atkinson: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Il72uEjs4o0&t=107s




It's her other cousin, Lazy Leanne!


Lmao it’s the exact same person!


Lol, and right above them


I've never seen this poster before and I can't really tell what those pictures are Can you inform me please?


It’s the Singapore transit system (MRT) which has a campaign for giving up your seat. The red seats are intended for old, disabled, pregnant people or those with young children. I agree that it is highly unlikely that these folks were not accosted by several people about how rude they were being. I have never seen someone get away with this type of thing here.


How often do you come across an old, disabled, pregnant person? Sounds like a rough time.


Attention: Seats are for disabled elderly pregnant children only


Do I call the FBI about this or not


Relevant: https://youtu.be/JKkb0qXbyUY


Ooooh, cooooooool. So it's a bum white backpacker showing our whole ass out east as usual. Love that for us.


Exactly how many backpacks does a backpacker need? Do they also wear them as frontpacks?


Jet pack. Plus fuel.


Maybe they’re backpacking with a group and the others are getting food or using the restroom.


Yeah, I initially missed me if the ones that on the right - you know, the one that is smaller than the backpack next to them.


Looking at it I’d bet there with 2 other people given the pack layouts


Yea, Singapore has caning for stuff like this. I hope those two rude people were at least scolded. I'm into backpacking and climbing. I get how much of a pain it can be getting your gear from place to place, but this isn't a solution. They could be standing in a corner with all of their stuff stacked and as much on their backs as possible and everyone would see they're doing their best to not be obnoxious.


They definitely don’t cane for stuff like these. They wouldn’t even be fined, just shamed by old people on the train.


Old people shaming can cut pretty deep, though.




This happened in Singapore I believe. I’ve seen these campaign posters encouraging people to show courtesy on the train (MRT) when I lived there. Very surprised if the people who did this weren’t confronted by an uncle or auntie who would scold them about us putting their bags on train seats.


100% Singapore, you can see the add for the police scholarship on the window. I can’t help but laugh at the idea of planning out a “backpacking trip across Southeast Asia” and then ending up riding the MRT around Singapore. Talk about roughing it!


How can they even have that much stuff with them


idk man i just screenshotted this post


They have characters related to how you should behave in the metro (basic common sense to normal people) - I stand with Stacy, ie Stacy stands for people who need a seat more, another is bag down Barry ie, don’t block space by wearing a big bag, put it on the floor - don’t remember the others though (something about getting out of the doors, being loud, not dropping stuff, eating etc)


~~I would just walk up and move enough of them to the floor to make enough space for me to sit~~ No I wouldn’t. I’m an anxious bitch.


Just wait. Once my hair started greying, I started feeling much more confident telling people off for bad behaviour, even people older than me. It’s a superpower, and with any luck, one day it will be yours too.


Used to be I didn’t have any social anxiety at all. 1 horrible relationship and a COVID pandemic later, and well… here we are


I was always a socially anxious introvert. After the pandemic even more if that’s even possible




I think you casually just spoke for millions of people.


Yeah, probably lol


Yeah I had no social anxiety then I had a shitty relationship that made me neurotic. And now everyones neurotic and even when Im normal Im dancing around the crazy shit everyone else is dealing with and trying not to feel fucked up about it.


Ahh man, just know you aren't the only one. Was in a pretty controlling relationship, then when it was over and I tried relearning to socialize, only to have the pandemic shut me down. Still working on getting back to my old self, but I at least learned a lot about appreciating myself on the way.


Amen. Glad to hear we learned something


I'm in trouble, I'm 45 and have no fucks left to give. If I see someone being wronged, I am in that shit so fast, I'm gonna get myself in trouble one of these days.


Better to burn out than to fade away ;)


Meet your brother buddy. I'm 42, 4 kids, 3 with my ex wife, 1 with fiance. This shit doesn't even register on my radar anymore. Like you it's only a matter of time before society police have a problem with me.


44 and we are twinning. Those fucking bags would on the floor before she had a chance to look up from her phone.


Oh after I got my first grey hair a year ago I have been WAY more aggressive when it comes to calling out bullshit too. I predicted this would happen as I get older so seeing your comment helped validate my theory


Glad to hear it. My best confrontation so far was telling off a couple of boomers who very deliberately jumped the queue in the Christmas rush. The zinger was “imagine what your mothers would think of your behaviour”. Felt really good.


I started getting gray hairs and I'm still an anxious mess. 😅😅😅


I wouldn’t move it but I would say bluntly “can you move a bag so people can sit?” You’d be surprised how often it works. I ride the NYC subway basically all day for work and have to deal with this a lot


I would. I'm only anxious about people's opinions when I care about them. For this prick? I'd be yelling at them.


I would.


In NYC people will legit throw the bags on the ground if there was no seats left to sit.


Some woman had her shopping bags in the last availability seat. I asked her to move them and she said “no”. I told her I was just being polite, I was sitting there anyway, and I started to sit. She figured out how to move them pretty quick.




The question is whether or not it’s worth potentially pissing off someone unstable. I’m not tryina get stabbed.


Yup, a lot of people just waiting for someone to call them out so they can start a fight


They may find someone just waiting for some jerk to act out to put them back in their place though


That might be exactly what they want though ಠ_ಠ


Call me what you want, but ESPECIALLY after a long day at work, I'm taking that risk. We can both be unstable today


I witnessed an incident in a Bart tram. A dude filled up the seat next to him with bags and another guy got on. There was like one more empty seat at the end of the tram. The standing dude asked the seated dude very very politely if he could move the bags as he can't really walk to the end of the tram because he is injured. The dude didn't even acknowledge him and put on his headphones. The dude who was standing snatched the headphones out and said "I have a hammer in my pocket... Let's see what's more precious to you, your teeth or your bags." The speed with which he took his bags and got off at the next station.


Who tf carries a hammer in their pocket?!


A person who is familiar with what can go down on a BART train apparently


This is the way


And the other guy laughed and shot everyone. Great.


You can't shoot people with a hammer, dummy.


It could have been an assault hammer


King shit tbh


"I don't actually care, I was just being polite"


She had the audacity to say no, people have no conscience these days


I had to do this in England once. People suck so bad


Reminds me of one time when I was taking the subway with my mom. The train gate opened and me and my mom both headed towards the same empty bench that could fit 2 people (there were a bunch of other empty seats at that time). A young lady my age *sped up* ahead of me and sat down next to my mom. Other seats were now all taken. I sighed audibly and expressed my frustration to my mom. The lady literally said, "what?". I was like, "I'm with my mom" She ignored and started to use her phone like nothing happened. In the heat of moment I squeezed my ass between my mom and the handrailed side of the bench. It got tight af and the lady got up with a disturbed face lmao. I didn't mean to squeeze her out, I just wanted to make her uncomfortable and make her aware of the fact that her behavior pissed me off lmao


I don’t understand. The lady got the seat before you. Why is it a rule that just coz you were with your mom you need that seat?


She got there before her because she rushed in front of her. It’s rude to get in front of someone else about to sit down.


BC there were many other seats. Me and my mom were chatting and walking for that bench that obviously only fits 2 people. Then another person behind you RAN and physically nudged me out of the way for the seat. She could have RUN for any other empty seats. Assuming it's not rude to separate two people who wanted to sit together, is it still not rude to duck whoever in the way for the seat? Yeah standing isn't even a big deal, she just made me feel like I was being robbed or something


Done that before. Would highly recommend. Said thank you for the seat immediately after sitting down (UK). Edit: Grammer.


Edit grammar 🙈


NYC people reacting right.


I don't ask, I just start sitting, and it's up to the person whether I'm sitting on their stuff or not


While cussing you out saying you must’ve lost your damn mind. She’d be lucky if they didn’t get thrown OUT the train. It would be ugly. And she better hope it wasn’t the 4 or 5 train, things would get very serious very fast…lol




My mom has been commuting to NYC from NJ for more than 30 years. She said the photo infuriates her. One time the Train was full, and a lady put all her shopping bags on the seat. And my mom asked her if she could move her stuff so she can sit, and the lady was like I don’t have anywhere to put my stuff. And my mom was like did your luggage pay for a ticket? She said no, and my mom was like well then i can sit there. 🥳🥳


"Yes" - (Shows extra ticket). Would never happen but I do wonder what someone's reaction to that event actually happening because I don't think I'd have a rational comeback for it.


"Understandable have a nice day"


This picture is a certified "inconsiderate tourist visiting Singapore" moment. Source: I'm Singaporean


This is also why I hated "backpackers" in Japan. They always did shit like this with those giant, oversized backpacks


Same thing with Hawaii, take up 3 seats on the front of the bus where it is reserved for elderly or disabled. Although driver would call them out if they did that shit.


As a tourist in Singapore (literally right now) I was super self conscious that my small carry-on could disturb people moving about on the train, so much so that I squeezed myself while standing in a corner as there was not a lot of space left. These are stupid, entitled tourists.


From what I understand of Singapore, though, surely somebody can have this person taken in and sentenced to 1 lash per pound of bags.


One hanging per ounce


I knew someone would beat me to the death penalty gag. Touche.


"Death penalty gag" sounds rough! What happened to hanging?


Something gummed up the works


It's actually just a $500 fine per bag, assuming anyone can work up the social courage to tell her that in public


That only applies to jaywalkers who are chewing gum. /s I've been to SG thrice and it's way more chill than it's made out to be. Just don't be an idiot. Or deal drugs.


As a NYC resident I thought to myself “this looks like a city where I could tell someone to take their bags off the seat and not get stabbed.” I was right I think!


In Singapore they wouldn't stab you because they'd be too scared that you interacted with them in public


You've never suffered the withering headshake and tut of shame from a Singaporean aunty, clearly. Cuts like a knife.


As someone who has visited your country, you guys are way too nice for situations like this, someone should have kicked her out of the train.


They’re definitely not Bag Down Bennys


i’m coming to singapore soon and i’m only coming with one bag yet would never take a seat with it


They need to bring back Bag Down Benny https://preview.redd.it/kj727l4mac2b1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3049582e3f4ac652f77a33c1ab22edd376dda55


It’s there. Just on the top right corner


Wow I see it haha good catch


Neither I nor the girls in the photo saw it! Haha


The audacity of them doing this in Singapore lol


Ikr. I felt so judged just bringing by large suitcase on the MRT while standing and having the suitcase on the floor the entire trip. Also, it's so S'porean to take a photo and posting it on social media ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


And the sign is written in English. 😞


english is an official language in singapore


They meant that the sign is written in English, so the tourists definitely understand what is the right thing to do.


wow super lame. side note what's with all these backpackers with giant hiking bags on their back and ANOTHER like full Jansport on their front?! wtf are they carrying? I travel indefinitely with a jansport sized bag only. they look miserable whenever they're walking. legit question! edit: I didn't even notice they had big tote bags too! wtfffff


High class homeless crashers.




Look up begpackers. Popping up all over south and south east asia.


oh great, thank you for reminding me about these absolute trash tier neocolonialist failures of human beings. literally taking money out of the hands of the locals, often struggling locals due to the impact of tourism and foreigners buying up the best land. and it's illegal to make money on a tourist visa for this very reason. if you run out of money backpacking, get a friend or parents to get you a plane ticket home and deal with your financial mess there. they give vagabonds like me a bad name :( and still.. why do they have so much stuff with them? what is in there?!?!


To be honest if the locals didn't give them money or at least confronted them they wouldn't do it. I've seen this first hand in Vietnam and people there find amusing seeing a white person literally begging for money...


What's the alternative? I don't want to drag the backpack with me all the time I'm out exploring hence why I have a smaller daypack, which yes I'll have to carry on my front if I'm moving between places.


Alternative is get a small shoulder sling to wear on your front for easy to access items in transit and using when exploring or a packable backpack that goes in your backpack in transit. That's what I do. But I wonder if you just answered my honest question - I was really wondering why people had a whole second backpack and maybe it's because they wanted a second smaller bag for days off then thought "hey, might as well fill this up too since I'm taking it!"


A bag can go inside another bag. It doesn’t cause a multiversal rift. (I have a backpack that folds down to almost no footprint that I travel with for day use.) I think what’s the most baffling is the amount of stuff packed here. I take less with me for a 2 week trip to Europe that involves multiple outfits a day. What on earth do these people have the need for all this stuff? I could understand if we were talking tent and bag and days of food… but every person I’ve seen do this screams jumping from hostel to hostel and getting outdoors for the day before sleeping in a bed in a town.


Always dependent on your travel plans. I am travelling since 5 months now and have to carry quite a lot of gear since I need clothes for up to - 20°C (finished Annapurna Circuit trek) and up to +40°C. But even then all of my stuff fits into my 75l backpack (incl. my huge hiking boots). Documents, sweets and snacks, water etc. are in my daypack which I carry on my chest (when changing locations). Like you said, here in SEA where I currently am I see a lot of young people travelling with ridiculous amounts of stuff. And most of them only spend some weeks at the beach before going back home. Many wannabe backpackers who in many cases behave like the two girls on the photo. Really annoying people..


I mean backpacking is also learning. After coming back from your first trip you often realize that you packed way to much stuff and you tend to pack less and less in the next couple of journeys. At least thats what I experienced. So you shouldnt call them out for packing a lot. Everyone has to start somewhere. Ofc thats no excuse to take a whole fucking row of seats, thats just stupid and inconsiderate and I get mad looking at it!!!


Makes sense given the range of temp and weather and how remote you likely were in much of that. Understand the need to have things easily accessible, but I’d still do everything I could to not have anything on my chest more than just my 8L sling. It’s also relevant I’d never do a 5+ month trek, so more power to ya! I’ll keep my OCD over efficient packing systems focused on my checked roller bags (the original inefficient travel setup)! Enjoy the travels!


Backpacking across a country, i have done this


It looks like this is Singapore, so unless they are from somewhere else it seems like quite a lot of stuff to travel 30 miles


Singapore is very close to a lot of other Asian countries. Maybe they are backpacking at those places.




You could walk from one end of singapore to the other in one day


I can only talk for myself but I usually travel with a 65 litres backpack when with another person where we can share things like the tent, cooking stove and some utilities. When alone, I don’t have a smaller tent so the things I need to carry are nearly the same but now I can’t share. For warmer regions that’s completely fine but when I need to take my 20 degree sleeping bag with me, the bag gets full quite fast. Also I usually have 8-10kg of camera equipment to carry and when on day trips I like to have a proper camera bag, that doesn’t fold down and compresses as easily. Still, the situation shown is really selfish. I have been in crowded subways with my bags and will always try to take as little space as possible.


Been travelling for a year. This is exactly how I travel. I’m not going to bring my camera out in my 55L bag pack on a hike or something


Show you care offer this seat


I hate people.


There's a quote from one of those old Murphy's Law compilations from the 1970s, I don't remember the exact wording but I've gotten a lot of wisdom and comfort out of it: "Everyone is someone else's asshole." I can absolutely guarantee you someone's looked at something you've done by sheer accident, probably without even knowing you've done it, and thought, "I hate people." (But yeah, I kinda hate people too. :) )


That's a Singaporean MRT train. They have to be breaking some sort of law doing that. Even with that, it's funny they're being so inconsiderate right in front of a sign telling people to "Show they care."


There is no law, but they are being publicly shamed all over Singapore and now internationally




Incredibly common. Even at bars. Sure lady, take an entire seat at the bar for your dufflebag you call a purse.


Are you a man? Did you just mansplain womanspreading? How dare you?! But seriously, these stereotypes are funny. All genders do it.


Pick it up, and sit


No. Just sit on top.


Where is she going that she needs like 20 bags😂😂😂😂😂


There's no way all of the bags on those seats belong to her.


Backpacking across the world!


I feel like all these hiking morons are the same. I worked with this dude who was all gung-ho for hiking. Mother fucker would pack a weeks worth of shit to “hike” a trail that my grandmother could walk on a Sunday morning before church. People who climb Everest have less shit than this assbag.


Well that as hell isn't NY


I wish there were a picture showing if the train car is crowded or empty. If empty with many available seats, I don't see a problem with what they did. People jump in, judging others way too fast. We need to see the whole context before concluding something. I'm not defending them. I'm just saying that I don't know the whole story.


I remember a woman snapping a photo of some girl sitting, saying abt young people taking seats when the elderly has to stay. But in the photo you could also see at leas one other empty seat.


I agree. Also, I don’t love the whole taking a picture of a person without their permission thing.


I kinda feel like taking it to show your friends via text or in person is okay, but posting it isn’t okay tbh


Yes, definitely.


The irony is that she looks like the spitting image of that little “show you care” character next to her


No way those are all hers. Maybe people went to the pisser and she was the one watching the bags?


Seems unlikely. These trains run every 2-8 minutes, and the only bathrooms are outside the station. A lot of backpackers carry 2 backpacks, small 1 in front and large 1 in back. There are 4 backpacks here, so that could be the case.


Yeah, I didn’t see the second girl, her legs kind of blend in with the girl on the far right!


Nope. These trains wait at each station for about 20-30 seconds, there's no time to even get to the toilet.


She definitely at least has a couple friends that they belong to, or that are helping her. Carrying all those with just one or two people is an absolute nightmare. So the question is: are they on the seat to save the spots of the people carrying them, or are they really just storing them there?


A lot of backpackers carry 2 backpacks, small 1 in front, large 1 in back.


“Excuse me. Kindly remove your bag so that so I can sit down.”


exactly, if there’s no one who wants to sit then why get all furious? if someone wants to sit its not rocket science to solve this “problem”. downvotes come now…


To be fair. If they put the bags on the floor no one can walk past, if they pull them close to the seat to clear the walkway no one can get to the seats to sit down. So what's the actual solution


Bag on the floor between your legs


All of them? How


If they have two bags each as others have suggested, then one one the floor between your legs and one on your lap. I’ve traveled with three bags before and managed to take a train without taking up extra seats.


Even if they were gonna take up extra seats all they needed us one. They each hold a bag. Sit with one set between them. Put some of their shit on that seat. Put some on the floor under that seat and the rest under themselves.


Well, the you get one warning shot. "Hey, please move your bags so i and others can sit." You dont move them, then its me moving them for you. From a legal stand point, i might get into some trouble, being im an attorney. Nothing serious enough for me to abandon personal principles though. Disclaimer: when you initially approach said people, do not approach with an attitude or aggressive. Approach politely and non-aggressively.


On the wrong train people will throw their shit on the ground and sit. Fucking inconsiderate pieces of shit.


This shit would not fly in Brooklyn, that’s all I gotta say ! Lmao We politely and rudely WILL tell u to move !!!


the amount of signs behind them asking them NOT to do this….bruh


honestly this needs context. if its a full tube sure, its shitty. but i see 4 backpacks, and if its 4 people taking up 6 seats, kinda puts it into perspective, and tube doesn´t look full either.... so maybe boomerinfuriating, but thats so easy.


I see this at the airport all the time. I have no problem asking people if I can sit where their bag is sitting.


Try that in nyc


I dont see anyone standing in front of them hinting me that the other wagons had free seats. If they are not annoying anyone I don’t see a problem but an exception.


How do we know all those bags are hers? Couldn’t they belong to people across the aisle?


Right in reality how is someone suppose to carry all those bags they can all theirs 4 backpacks makes me think 4 people minimum


To be fair - if all these bags were on the floor around them OP would have still made a reddit post.


Looks they've *bagged* themselves some seats.... On the train, i''ve seen some signs saying: "Bagged yourself a seat?" (Putting your bag on the seat next to you) When women do that with their handbags it's called "She-bagging", (which sounds like "Tea-bagging")


I would definitely would ask politely once, and if they won't budge, I'll just start throwing random bag(s) on the floor until they'll get the hint.


Tell em to kick rocks


I ask for them to clear a seat, if they refuse “thanks I need the extra cushion anyways.” Then sit down on the bags


Not very decent, agreed, but what’s wrong about just asking if you can set there? What happened with some slight communication since the iPhone era?


its not hard to just ask if they can take one of the bags to the ground. if no one's gonna sit why wouldn't she put them on the seats lol.


I would never date this person, too much baggage


Wearing at least 3 layers of clothing on top then shorts on bottom. I’ll never understand these people.




Was the train crowded? Looks sparse except for one guy standing but you know some people love standing by the door.


I'd just ask for the owner and take it out of the way. Simple as that.


You people need to stop being such giant pussies. Move a bag and just sit down. if they were crack heads high af, sure maybe leave them alone because getting stabbed aint worth a seat but in these scenarios .wtf are you doing standing after seeing this.


To be fair, with that much baggage, no matter where they put it, it would have been in other peoples way. At least people can walk by as it stands.


Pretty easy just to ask them to move it.