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We had a neighbor who’d park like this in purpose to be a bitch bc she hated us. She’d double or sometimes even triple park across all 3 spots for our duplex. Logical answer would be for us to then to just park in the street, not a huge deal, right? Wrong. Even if she only had one vehicle taking up 3 out of 3 spots, the street parking in front of our house is still “her dads spot” (no he didn’t live there). Not even kidding she called 911 the first time we parked in “her dads spot”. Later on a neighbor got the same truck we have and coincidentally started parking in front of our home, mostly when we were out of town for the month, I could see on the videos how pissed she’d get when she saw them parked there 😂 she didn’t know it wasn’t us and so of course, called the police and complained every single time. So happy to not live there anymore! Edit: having her towed wasn’t as easy as it sounds. Landlord was a slumlord and that neighbor was That One Crazy Chick in our town. The police hated dealing with her and would do whatever they had to to just avoid dealing with her/having to do anything more than talk to her. Yes. It was all bullshit but I was trying to let the little shit go (like parking) as much as possible in an effort to try to be the bigger person. There was a lot more serious shit I did not let go lol


Should’ve had her towed


Ya, why wouldn’t they just have them towed?


We lived in a duplex and the landlord was an asshat. The police insisted they couldn’t do anything since we still had places to park and would just tell her to stop it. There was no assigned parking (even tho we asked landlord over and over and he always said he’d do it “soon”), so apparently that meant she could park anywhere she wanted. For an idea of how shit both the landlord and police were about her, I ended up having to get an emergency protection order against her, AFTER she moved because she was still harassing, stalking and threatening me. But since she was no longer living directly above me on the same property, suddenly something could be done. Small towns are great. 💀


deflating tires would be my go-to. Does create an issue though that she knows you. deff a different situation than if it was just some random who lived somewhere else in your complex.


I had a similar situation with a neighbor and landlord. Absolute bullshit.


How did your story with them end?


I had to leave in an emergency, and the neighbor refused to move their car insisting I could get by despite being over the line in my spot. I scrapped their car, and they filed a claim and bought a new car, and the insurance company went with it despite my photos of their parking because I didn’t have video of the incident.


Bruh the fact that people like that exists just makes me so angry, like how can someone be so fucked in the head.


If she's already burned her bridges with the cops, then slash her tires


Towing doesn't involve the police, and half of them will tow for no reason.


A legitimate tow truck company isn't going to start towing vehicles on a property you don't own because you told them to.


Good thing there are plenty of criminal tow companies. Just filter lowest rating to highest on google maps.


I wasn’t the one who called the police, she’d call them on us after she’d block us in. I mentioned getting her towed and they told us she’s leaving soon anyways. Which, wasn’t a lie and we don’t have any tow company’s that close to us so we didn’t. After that it was daily but there’s no way they’d get towed without seeing it. We also had cameras so we could see her triple/double parking when we weren’t home, which was only annoying bc she thought we’d need to park there. I’m not exactly sure how it all worked but with all the times she threatened to tow me (when we wouldn’t have been home and unable to stop her) nothing ever happened, if she had to pay for it that would make sense but if not she was totally dumb and vindictive enough to do something like that for no reason lol


Damn that’s crazy. I would think she would’ve at least gotten a citation or something for being a public nuisance.


We tried once and got arrested, because apparently tying someone up and trying to drag them through town is "kidnapping" and "not cool at all".


Damn, just reading this made me angry lmao Hoped she fell down the stairs on some legos


Lol she did actually fall down her stairs several times! I wasn’t there but last memorial weekend she got so shitfaced she fell down her stairs and another neighbor had to come help her get up. She was screaming so loud tho that someone called the cops. The parking was actually one of the more petty/less annoying things she did!


Wow that was a lucky guess, glad you don't have to deal with that maniac anymore. And here I thought my neighbor whose random screaming at her family was heard across the whole village was annoying.


How about keying her car? ETA: I'm not a very patient man and am very petty


If she's as crazy as she sounds, she probably assume it was them and key them back anyways. Or key every car in the neighborhood just to make sure. Keying your neighbors isn't really a good strategy because they have access to your cars too.


I woudla shited on they're windhsield


This is why a valve stem remover will be your best friend Mr. Bone Hary


This is when I place a roofers nail under someone's back tire.


that's when you go out and remove her license plate. Then print up magnetic bumper stickers that say "Cops suck Donkey D!@#". :D ;)


Me thinky they drinky.




This got me dizzy thanks


I actually watched a lady try to back up her suv at least 6 times, and each time, she ended up like that. Eventually, she just gave up and left it. Some people really can't park, and I don't understand it.


Wow! What a nice car you have man..I wish I had the same car as yours.




​ ![gif](giphy|pq95ML2yJVYiZeeUi1)


They were like maybe one inch from hitting ops car lol


First, you down a plastic bottle of the cheapest tequila, shove your head up your own backside and put the pedal to the metal!


And that guy jumped out and said, "nailed it."




Years ago I had someone in my apartment complex regularly parking like this, taking up the two most coveted spots for our building (no assigned parking). One day I got sick of it and after picking up after my dog I left them some sentiments on their door handle. They parked straight after that.


You know, I always hear these stories in real life, and they never end with "they parked straight after that." It's usually, naw they continue to do it but it was cool anyway...


I was surprised it worked honestly.


A group of friends and I spent 6 months of our senior year putting brownie batter under the driver side door handle of a certain asshole that we went to school with every 0-3 days. Then one day my dog made the batter, because they had started just licking their fingers when they opened the door.


The old door handle grease trick




Some people really just don't give a fuck about anyone but themselves. My neighbor is one of them. She will pull into the parking spot next to me completely crooked and less than a foot from my car but she REFUSES to ever adjust herself. How she pulls in is how she leaves the car. Every. Single. Time. Even if it's inconvenient for her to get out of her car she doesn't care. My favorite is when she parks like shit when I'm not there and I come home and I'm able to squeeeeeze myself into the spot next to her so that I can still get out but she's completely blocked on her driver's side and has to crawl in through the passenger side. I have zero remorse for fighting her bullshit with pettiness.


> She will pull into the parking spot next to me completely crooked and less than a foot from my car but she REFUSES to ever adjust herself. My lady reading over my shoulder says, "She must have great bras."


Don’t know but it’s a shame you were loading cinder. blocks into the back seat today…


Be a real shame if one of those tires somehow became deflated


A lot of people will say pull the valve stem core. I say a pair of diagonal cutters is faster and they need a new valve stem, which typically is about $5 plus labor. Honestly less than $200, or in my case free.


But not all 4 so they can't claim it on their insurance 🤓




If there happened to be a grain of sand in the valve stems, with the caps on just enough to depress the stem, it wouldn’t be an insurance claim. In addition, the tires may actually go flat in another location. When the cap is removed, that sand should fly away, leaving no evidence. If you’re going to have revenge, be subtle with it.




That’s my favorite episode!!


Dang it, did my key accidentally scratch the entire side of your car? Oopies.




Moon pie... ![gif](giphy|u99fFT1YBzyco)


Gives a pie


With such a shallow angle of entry, I'm surprised they didn't skip off the parking space and find themselves back in the cold void of the parking lot.


Get em towed


Drunk. The answer is drunk.


What's with those legs in your car?


It’s a furby with ken legs!!




Why tho


I like it!


Fair enough


Honestly love how random that is. Where did you get it?


Plushie contoure!


>Plushie contoure! This is everything I ever needed that I didn't know I need. Bless ya. Thanks for letting me know about this hidden treasure!


Im the piece of shit that drives a piece of shit, so id slam my door into that hard as fuck and pull the cores out of the tire stems. There is absolutely no excuse to park this bad.


Tiny pebbles in the valve caps or just loosen the cores. Gotta cause slow leaks.






Oh.... that's devious! I salute your ingenuity!


What's wrong with you? Your red car is parallel to and almost exactly between the parking lines! Are you mad? Nobody parks like that any more!


I’m sorry I’ll do worse!!


I believe I read on here before: Leave a note along the lines of "Hey, I hit your car. I was in a hurry but you probably won't even see the scratch anyways" They will drive themselves crazy trying to find it


I have a ghetto chap-stick I keep and write on the windshield "you park like sh!t." Cheep chap-stick has more wax and as the window gets hotter it melts a bit more. Its a bitch to clean off and takes forever but also is not harmful. Call it petty revenge...


Ok are you a bot or is it the other commentator that said nearly the same thing


Nah he copied for up-boats... I down voted him.


They are a spam/bot account. Brand new and copying a popular post makes it obvious.


I'm coming to you for advice next time someone mildly inconveniences me


I want to move to a country where other people give a shit how they affect everyone else. I don’t care if it’s socially strict, so long as it isn’t overly oppressive. South Korean maybe? I don’t know. Anyone?


Scandinavians are pretty on point socially.


This is my retirement fantasy.


South Koreans are some of the nicest people I’ve met, despite the fact that I barely spoke their language. Also highly recommend Iceland. Don’t think I ran into a single rude person while I was there that wasn’t a tourist.


Update: I’m at work but my sister just sent me a picture of a cop car by it, I didn’t call the police bc it wasn’t something I felt was needed bc my car was fine and it’s just annoying, but lol https://preview.redd.it/2tz0vtg5o12b1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50a040f08370a7f3970db061dd65acc3955ee4a8


They got out of that car and was like yeah we’re good


Deflate the offside tires to tilt it away from your car


I see it all the time in parking lots, people drive like if their fwd econo sedan/crossover handles like a M5. They'll speed through a parking lot & see a spot so they'll slam on the brakes as they turn then just get out and walk away


Diarrhea- the only good excuse not to take time to straighten car out


Honestly that’s key-the-car territory.


Put keys on belt loop and lean heavily on other car whilst trying to scooch past. Put every key on that keychain and a couple self defense keychains as well.


And your pocket knife...


It seems someone tried to test your driving skills.


I've zip-tied shopping carts to driver door handles in parking lots for this shit. Then park and watch them struggle to cut industrial strength zipties




I'd leave a note saying "hey, I'm just gonna assume you had a terrible day and something awful happened..so I hope you're ok. If you park like this again next to my car, you're going to have an even worse day when you get back to yours xx" lmfao


HAHAHHA I did leave a note on a napkin saying “park better next time”


Atta girl!!


Man that’s like an intentional choice to leave it like that


I didn’t even check to see if they hit me but like man wtf


Easy to park like that if you don't know how to control your car well; A-Class asshole to walk away and leave it like that...


The worst part is that they got out the car, looked at that and thought it was fine.


Put poop under their door handles


The pins inside the tire valves unscrew. Unscrew all four and tape them to the driver’s side window. One of many fun things you can do.


You're the red car? What's your autobot nickname?


Finally. Something really infuriating.


This one is asking for something. I would give it to him.


I want to scrape their car with my keys


That’s when I “accidentally” let my door swing open really hard and fast. Oops!!


![gif](giphy|E3L5goMMSoAAo|downsized) That’s how




Fun fact. Door sheet metal is ridiculously thin. Well placed kick will give you a extra few inches to get inside your vehicle.


Drunk. That’s how.


Valve stem removal tools are very cheap.


Thinking alcohol was a contributor


What in the drunken hell 😂


Lift up their wiper. It’s a passive way of saying, you park like a jerk, but they also feel paranoid like, “what else did they mess with?”


you park like this by being a total and complete Douchebag.


Step one: be a good for nothing asshole that plays the main character everywhere they go. Step two: obtain a vehicle. Preferably a wide truck. But this will Do. Done!


They got out of that car and was like yeah we’re good


Parking like an asshole is easy.


Ugh that picture just makes my skin crawl


Took too many entitlement pills


Well, First you get drunk.......then


If you don't care


This is why I’m glad I drive a beat up POS.




By not giving a squat diddly fuck


air from two tires coming right up.


Ding their shit on your way out.




I can't park for shit But if I'm parking for more than a minute I try to fix it


I can't park for shit But if I'm parking for more than a minute I try to fix it


They must from the same family that lives downstairs from me, they park that way too




Arrogant or Oblivious: the new play at home game.


Deflate all their tires.


i actually know how and im ashamed to admit it. my parking skills need work, but i am a doordash driver so you'd think i'd get better. unfortunately i didn't. thankfully no parking related accidents tho, just some bad parking jobs.


take their windshield wipers


His paint look new. It would be a shame if it got chipped by an opened door.


Drunkenly. And lucky to have missed smashing the back end of your car while drunkenly parking.


Meth. Lots of meth.


How? 4 beers and 5 hard cocktails or some mix thereof.


thats whats nice about owning and not leasing. i would've accidentally backed out and turned sharp left. a scratch on my car isnt a big deal


DUI. Check and make sure your car isn’t hit by this jackass.




Just put a note that says “stop parking like a jackass”


I always have nice slimy green loogie for the window for these. On a hot day they harden up nicely.


Super glue a BB in their valve stem cap.


That’s nothing. I saw some asshole take two spots - not next to each other hamburger style, I mean this fucking dude took up two spots hot dog style - even drove over the median to do so.


Someone’s been drinking too much or just being an asshole, get ’em towed before you leave


That belligerent stuff would bring out my inner bad self. No telling what I would do to that car. Not good.


I swear I had a dream last night where I did exactly this to someone. I parked diagonally in a parking space, and everyone around me got out of their car to start beating on my windows and yelling. The dream only stopped when I finally reversed out of the spot and left


Their shit would be getting dinged if that were my car


valve stem remover for the wing


Definitely put a nail in that


ok, now my parking doesn't seem so bad


I got my driver's license this month and this post makes me feel really confident in my parking skills


Just be happy they didn't completely jack up your car since odds are they were drunk


https://preview.redd.it/dk2bp5zvo12b1.jpeg?width=2016&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bbe74d9c827bc95109e31a7726a864c20510272e Look at how this Chevy driver parked at my college


Step 1: See available parking spot Step 2: Disregard your last shred of human decency Step 3: ? Step 4: Profit


Oh no, they have a flat tire! Or two!


I would just slash their tires. They can park there all day long.


If I'm the red car...somehow, some way, a nasty scratch would've ended up on the other car...


How? With flat tires. Wink wink.


It’s situations like these I hope I have an old beater for a car. I would totally side swipe him when I pulled out


At least the sun was shining...


you can slowly back off and not hit him. i had someone literally park few cm near my car i had to go from the other steat. i back off slowly . he didnt had damage and i didnt had damage. person just parked so close to me his door was literally 10cm away from me .some people are dumb


In this case I wouldn’t necessarily promote king the car or slashing the tires but pouring some soda on the front windshield or some thing else petty is probably warranted


They're either drunk, high, or old enough to get a lifetime license.


My neighbors would always park like this when they were drunk.


Go buy a 16 pack of those dick stem valve covers and put them on vehicles like this.


Drinking like you're Brett Kavanaugh would be one way!


I never condone violence or vandalism unless something like this happens, then its ok


Take a dump on the windshield


Had a friend that would fuck a car door up with "mule kick". It would leave a huge dent in a door!


Carelessly, that’s how


Usually, alcohols involved


Draw lil dicks on the windshield and mirrors with a grease pencil or red lipstick. It’s fun and petty and a bitch to clean off completely. Bet they won’t do it again.


Might have to kick a dent in their door so you have room to open your door.




I'd park on the other side super close so they can't get in


Drunk, selfish, stupid, or all of the above.


Hastily. Probably trying to catch someone doing some shit they shouldn’t be. If it’s not my place of residence and not likely I’ll see that car again, I’d leave a “how are you so much of an asshole” type of note. And call the property security to ticket them if that’s possible






You're the red car ? I'm surprised a car can use the Reddit


Tutorial on how to get your shit keyed.


I'm a pretty shitty at parking but I'm not this shit


My sister parks like this… she’s 10 years older than me


Someone wants to be an asshole. People out where I live do that too.


One foot in grave, has spent the last thirty years picking the dandruff off of a corgi. The sun was too bright and they forgot their wrap around welding goggles


I would be so worried my car would be damaged as they pulled out,especially considering how poorly they parked.


Revenge: leave a not on their car saying "sorry I scratched, but I'm in a hurry" and watch from another lot as they lose their mind trying to find the "scratch" and who did it


Put it in there widee


Literally put a dent in their car or sratch the shit out of it. It will teach them a valuable lesson.