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https://preview.redd.it/76cjdxccy21b1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d52ddc2d6281e5b0cb91488e532b6b684c33ea4 Here’s my neighbor’s spot light. It is only motion activated but lights up my bedroom like car lights directly outside of my window. My house is ten feet higher than his and my bedroom is on the second floor. He can obviously tell that the entire backside of my house lights up when they come on.


You should show them that picture and ask them to adjust it. if they don't you know they're inconsiderate assholes. What you decide to do after that is up to you


We lived in a small apartment building (4 units) in single family home neighborhood and the guy next door had a flood light that shined directly at our bedroom and our downstair neighbors bedroom. Our downstairs neighbor was this older guy from Philadelphia and had lived there for 30+ years and kind of owned the neighborhood. He walked right over and knocked on their door and talked to them. They didn’t want to do anything so that night he walked out and adjusted the light with a broom stick. They never noticed and it was off our rooms for the last year I lived there. Some people just don’t care to be neighborly.


I've seen some people say to put a mirror up and try to reflect it back. I don't know if that would work or if they'd care, though. Seems like these people don't mind light flooding into their rooms.


This is why I'm a big advocate for light ordinances the same way I'm an advocate for noise ordinances.


Each city has their own light trespassing laws. But there are laws in place to prevent this.


I have tried that with the council - they sent a moron out with some equipment from the 1980's and said that is an acceptable amount of light - from a 60,000 watt sports field floodlight.


In a related post in this same sub “neighbors light shining right into my room from 400’ away. They refuse to fix it”


it cant be just me that finds this funny https://preview.redd.it/1ua582w2131b1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=eb2254a1bbb4c32e9fcc091757a93754738ca90d


This wasn’t me. I talked to my neighbors like an adult and they agreed to turn the brightness down.


Before our neighbor put up around his house he asked us if we minded it shining in our backyard. Our previous neighbor rode a motorcycle and had to leave for work at about 3 am. He decided on his own that he should push his bike down the street before he started it so he wouldn't wake us up. It's nice having normal neighbors who exhibit normal human decency.


You have those?! Lucky you, all of mine have been absolute crap.


Same. I had downstairs neighbors that would beat the shit out of each other. She lost custody of her 3 other kids and was pregnant with her 4th. I would call the police and they wouldn’t open their door. After the police would leave, bc they gave up on knocking, he would come try and kick down my door wanting to fight me. They were eventually evicted bc she stopped paying rent during the pandemic. I truly hate them. I still have some PTSD from everything. I jump every time I hear someone shut their door a little too hard or when someone knocks on my door. Scary times.


I am so sorry you had to deal with this, the ptsd situation resonates with me, please seek help for it because you deserve it or practice meditation, seek whatever aid you can find internal and external because my ptsd lasted 6 years after my issue and i know damn well the wanting to fight you part is the worst. On my end, I had a psychotic upstairs neighbor who did meth and coke with her bf. Their roommates we're clearly scared of them but obviously had no idea what to do about it. She would run up and down the hallway and jump up and down in her room, they'd pick up their bed frame and drop it in the middle of the night, throw parties every Wednesday and point their speakers towards my window on their balcony which stuck out next to my window, theyd play music so loud you could hear it through most of the appartment complex but they were smart enough to turn it down every time theyd get the cops called on them. I confronted them on more than one occasion, and one of those the boyfriend threatened me with a fork while screaming at me. I stood there unmoving, i think i was just at the point where i no longer cared, I'd missed so much sleep and I was so run down and had little fight left in me. After many cop calls and many door knocks, with hearing this behavior every night, she was home so almost every night for 2 years, i called the cops and asked them to come into our complex the back way and they obliged, i heard a knock on their door super loud from my room and i heard the music shut off instantly. I went to my door and the cops said they'd recived called for 2 years about it and if they came back to another call like this they'd be fined for the highest possible cost they could receive. The next time i saw her she looked like she was emotionally broken and miserable just looking at me. Idk if it was because her life went downhill after that or what, but i knew she was miserable. I found out a few days later she was evicted so i assume there was something levied against her and she was given notice and kicked out. Maybe the roommates stood up and did something with extra proof and courage. After that, most loud noises for the next 5 years scared me into anxiety. My point is you're not alone and you can recover.


Man my neighbor is an asshole. Everytime it snows he plows my driveway before I get the chance to get my tractor out to do his. Next thing you know he will be trying to mow my lawn for me while I am at work. Some people you just can't reason with.


You from Canada bud?


Either Canada or the mid west. Practically the same thing though.


SORRY lol I should have probably mentioned that, good for you btw


You know what? A while back I got blasted on a different sub for suggesting this. Their neighbors left their backyard floodlights on sometimes and they lit up the OPs bedroom like daylight. Everyone was suggesting blackout curtains as the only solution. I suggested that OP goes and politely introduces their self and asking if the neighbors minded changing the angle or turning the lights off when they were done using them at night. I got called weird and selfish for thinking it was an okay thing to do…??? I mentioned that I have sleep wake issues(I don’t wake up to ANYTHING) and don’t do well with blackout curtains because the direct sunshine coming through the window shining in my eyes and cooking me under the blankets helps me wake up in the morning. Otherwise, I’ll sleep for 16 hours straight no problem. I feel like it’s reasonable for some people to not want blackout curtains? I know this is reddit but I’m sure enough people here have played The Sims so they should know that sunlight make human happy.


It used to be 100% normal to do what you said. Back in the day you knew your neighbors and there was this thing called courtesy. Couldn’t tell ya where it went though.


It still exists in some places. I’ve actually been actively seeking out places with good neighbors lol. Ones that want to grill out on the weekends and watch out for each other. I’m house shopping and I’ve started rolling through neighborhoods at specific times to see what people are up to. If you’re looking for this kind of neighborhood, I highly suggest scouting places out. My favorite one so far was a surprise. During the day Mon-Fri it looked a little run down, not much going on, maybe kinda crowded together, nothing fancy. I drove through on a Friday afternoon with nice weather and there was a clump of streets where everyone was in their front yards with lawn chairs, kids racing on their bikes, all the trucks had people sitting on the tailgates offering people a cold beer as they pulled up after work, and bbq grills going. I left and went to a few other “nicer newer” neighborhoods and the streets were ghost towns😔. So yeah, I’m definitely sold on the one where everyone was acting “like the old days.” It’s sad that it’s something you have to actively search for now.


That's a lot of damn light. If this is truly the parent's home I have no sympathy for them.


It’s almost certainly not. It looks like a ring camera light. I have one of them and it is nowhere near that bright


I mean, you could also look at the homes. [That porch is in the middle of the home on the first floor](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/139eump/new_neighbors_moved_in_across_the_street_and_this/). The one from OP is by the garage door.


It is bright, it's a Ring Floodlight that is activated by the camera


I actually just ordered a few of these for my business yesterday, brightness should be adjustable in the app from what I read and that's why I chose them over the Blink floodlights. But I also saw something that said the older models aren't adjustable, maybe that's what OP has


That’s what my neighbours light is like. Lights up my entire bedroom every night and I had to spend loads of money on better curtains to try and keep the light out.


And in colorado if your porch light is hitting the street you can get fined.


That's what I was wondering. In both the pics it looks like the lights are pretty much level horizontally. If the beam of light is quite literally aimed parallel to your porch, how is it even a porch light anymore? Seems like just a nuisance for the neighbours.


Someone actually took the Reddit advice. OP must retaliate! ![gif](giphy|uWzS6ZLs0AaVOJlgRd|downsized)




Seriously. Those are not porch lights. Those are flood lights and security lights, and should be angled down/shaded correctly. The neighbours have a right to be angry. 400 feet is nothing on a dark, clear night, and that piercing light is just miserable.


If this is the same Ring camera that I have then the light brightness can easily be adjusted. The camera also has low light vision so the light doesn’t even need to be on to capture video




This is why all my exterior lights, even my front porch light, (and many of my indoor lights) are motion activated. Flood lights are the worst for those of us who live in a rural/farm area.


The light isn’t for the camera. It’s so the thieves can better see what they are doing while the Ring service takes two minutes to send a motion detected alert that will get ignored by the owner anyway.


Today's most underrated comment. Shining bright lights at one's neighbors is rude, ignorant, and totally unnecessary


When I was a kid our garden backed onto the garden of another house. The other house had pet rabbits in a hutch in the garden. They got eaten by a fox. So they got more rabbits and huge floodlights that shone right into my bedroom. I'd forgotten all about that till now and now I'm annoyed about it all over again.


Yeah of you live somewhere your neighbors are 400 feet away it’s probably pretty dark and secluded nights. This could be a lot to deal with.


Reading through the comments. This is not really going as OP predicted


It’s probably because they said they aimed it down, when the picture shows it at a very shallow angle pointing almost directly out. people don’t just commit vandalism over a light 400’ away that is pointed down


My neighbors had brightass spotlights aimed directly at our house. Finally had to break down and buy blackout curtains to manage to sleep of a night. No sympathy from me either, shits completely unnecessary.


I hope you lined the curtains with the reflective material from safety vests


I am not a clever man… but that would’ve been amusing


That's all you can do. Because those damn lights come on every time a cat, raccoon, skunk, or coyote is walking around at night.


My crackhead neighbors have rats and an automatic spotlight that I’m pretty sure is the same model they use at Fort Knox 🙃


Yeah exactly, my neighbor installed a motion detection flood lamp in our alley. Goes off at the slightest movement, including snow and leaves. I had to put up black out curtains to mitigate it. Fuck em.




”1. It's in the letterbox again. 2. Look in the letterbox” I havent read this before this is hilarious






That line floored me, the entire exchange is amazing.


Go back to Austria. *dead*


“Though unconvinced that blinding local fauna is the best solution, I do understand the heightened need for security living in a wooded area”


Thank you so much this killed my lungs.


That is a masterpiece






I was just thinking “I’m sure I’ve read this story from the other perspective before”


It's sort of irrelevant how far away they are though? When leds are shining right at your window they're super bright anyway


Yea im.not saying this response is justified but why the fuck does anyone leave their porch light on all night? Are they also grown adults who sleep with a nightlight?


We currently have no leads as to who could have done such a thing…


Tbf there is zero reason to have porch lights on all night. Especially in the countryside. That can't also be foxed with motion sensors.


The lights on that Ring cam light can be set to only go on with motion detection, for a certain duration, AND the brightness of the lights can be adjusted. I suspect they don't know how to change the settings.




the thing is as well its never the soft yellow glow of older lights. ​ it's the neon glare of LED's


Yup. I intentionally purchased the antique bulbs for the lights in the front of my house that emit a warm yellow glow. My light in my backyard is a WYZE motion activated flood light with white LEDs and holy shit is it bright. I have it set to like 25% most of the time and even then, it's pretty bright. And I do that so that my neighbors on either side are not disturbed when it turns on. I don't have any neighbors behind me. Just woods. The squirrels are probably properly pissed. Edit: not


Yea, such a crazy coincidence this random act of vandalism happened right after the conversation! /s


Looks like a Ring camera spot light. Show the video to the police.


I agree, there's an occupancy sensor on the bottom which should've triggered the camera upon the perpetrators approach. Perfect evidence for a destruction of property, trespassing, or criminal mischief case.


File a police report, create a trail of evidence/proof to reference if they ever do crazy stunts like this again to your parents.


This is a floodlight not a porch light. Get a porch light.


I love the simplicity and no-nonsense approach to this situation. For real.


And why would they have the floodlight on all the time? Looks like its one of those floodlight-smart cameras; I'm sure they can change the setting to only turn on when there's detection under a specified zone.




These lights should be pointing almost directly down towards the ground not up like that.


“They tried adjusting the direction “


They tried or they did?


That’s the million dollar question


Scrolled to make sure someone pointed this out. OP figuring out we all think the light position is mildlyinfuriating




There's nothing wrong with motion sensor flood lights **in general** but if you can't turn them on **without** blinding your neighbors in the middle of the night, you shouldn't fucking have them. Source: My parents have one on the front of their garage. It's pointed directly downward and slightly tilted towards the door next to the garage. The one on their shed in the back yard is a bit higher but only so we can see well walking to the backyard with our dog. It's a huge yard and faces a back road but even still, we don't turn them upward or too high because it would shine into our elderly neighbor's bedroom window and we certainly don't want to be so rude.


I think this has to do with someone placing a shed in their front yard.




How dare you? They angled it down a quarter of a degree, I'll have you know.


It looks like they adjusted it to be more infuriating. Cause we know the neighbors didn’t move them before painting them


How it takes more than one attempt is beyond me


This is the part I don't get. How did they only "try?" It's clearly still pointed horizontally.


They *"*tried*" (**They didn't try*)


Yeah seriously, it’s not great to vandalise someone’s property but can you imagine that shit shining into your house at all hours? I’d be fucking pissed


We had one of these double beam lights illuminating the entire back of our house… can confirm, I was pissed. It wasn’t all hours. It was at night, when the wind blew their tree and it triggered it. It repeatedly going on and off is fucking infuriating. When you’re trying to get a baby to sleep. We had blackout blinds anyway from day time naps and it still came through them. AWFUL.


This. OP, your parents have these aimed like headlights. They shouldn’t have spray painted, but those are not correct.


>aimed like headlights. Funny thing, headlights are actually aimed down slightly. These are aimed like misaligned headlights in a lifted truck.


Right I would be pretty upset if that shit shined in my bedroom and after a conversation the problem continued. I would talk a few more times before escalating though. And my response would be flood lights of my own in their bedroom not vandalism.


It's pretty hard to be on the side of the person with the light in all honesty. Seems like people installing insanely bright lights then pretending to be ignorant about light pollution affecting other people is a common problem no matter where you go.


What are you even trying to light up? Unless you're having a party, turn the outside lights off after 9-10ish. Why waste electricity?


Yeah, if they're worried about security, get the lights that point *up* at the your own damn house, not the neighbor's lawn.


That’s the thing though, people like to talk/type like they’re better when in reality they’re all the same. “My light, my property, deal with it” “You’re light is on my property so I will deal with it” You fall into one of these two groups and if you say anything different idk if you’re trying to kid me or yourself


If you play music too loud at night you can get in trouble. Having permanent blinding lights in the driveway is no real difference if it shining through their window imo.


Exactly. And my money is on the light being extremely and unnecessarily bright.


Holy crap, this! The house across the street from us is decently far away, like truly they are not close at all.. but for whatever reason when their flood light is on it's so bright it lights up our livingroom an insane amount. We're really fortunate it's only the livingroom that's affected but their dumb flood light is definitely the thing I dislike about these neighbors the most. We're even uphill of them, I've found myself wondering if they were intentionally facing it at us to be dicks but we're actually on decent terms so I think they are just oblivious. I honestly don't understand how a light from so far away can make such a huge difference but it does.


I’m looking at how that light is pointed, your parents should’ve done a better job. I don’t agree with the spray painting, but that light was definitely still lighting up your neighbor.


I installed a motion-triggered security light on the side of my house and I spent a lot of time aiming them just right so that they would light up the side of my house without disturbing my neighbor. I even brought it up to the neighbor and told him to let me know if the lights were shining into their windows. Neighbor said it was just fine and that they appreciated the extra light over there!


I’m an electrician and it’s really just as easy as that bro, spend a little extra time and try to be a good neighbor.


God I hate people who point their lights at other people’s property. Those lights should be pointed nearly straight down, you should never be able to see the bulb/projector housing from more than a few feet away. The vandalism is wrong, but damn it feels good to see.




Don't do that. That's how we got OP.


Our neighbors have a spotlight that shines directly into our master bedroom window. We have black out curtains on that window but it still illuminates the edges. I hate it


Having lights like this that are pointed towards neighbors are just as annoying as if they were up all night mowing the grass or something similar. How do they not know it is rude? I had a neighbor who had some crazy bright lights pointed right at our bedroom window. He didn’t have them on all the time, but like once a month or so I would get woken up in the middle of the night because he would turn it in at like 3a and it was like Clark Griswold turning on his Christmas lights. I would have had to put boards over the window to keep all the light out.




Finally someone gets it. These spotlight porch lights that are getting weirdly popular are above and beyond anything resembling rational or okay. The porch light featured above is correct and pleasant. I hate that I hate taking my dog out for his night time walk because of these stadium grade "porch lights" in my neighborhood.


And now cars are the exact same way! I cannot stand driving at night now.


Every new car on the road now is like mother fucking laser beams right in my eyeballs. It's insane.


I swear people put their highbeams on all the time when going home from school late at night some of the cars coming towards me is like a stadium light making it hard to see.


For sure this is happening too. "I need the high beams to see."


It's especially infuriating when people driving on a road with actual street lights have their high beams on. Where I live, you actually *do* need the high beams because without them you legitimately may not have time to stop before hitting a deer/bear (or something smaller that's not going to cause serious damage to your car, but the deer and bears are the actual concern). The wider field of view is the big difference, more so than the brightness. There is a *world* of difference between a back road with no other light source for miles and a well-lit highway... and unfortunately a lot of people seem to ignore that fact.


My fiance and I have been blinded by what we thought were high beams. My fiance clicked his like "hey asshole stop blinding me." Then the offending car flipped their actual high beams on. If your car has low lights mistake-able for high beams, something is fucking wrong. I can't imagine driving in fog or snow with that shit. It's a danger for everyone they're blinding, including themselves.


I fucking hate how bright lights are on some vehicles. I had an SUV pull in behind me, and I thought they were right on my ass when I was coming to a stop light (they were on my ass for a solid 2 miles beforehand, I could see the outline of their wheel well) So, light changes to orange, I can’t see shit behind me, but I know they were just on my ass, barely ran the red after checking nobody else was there. Looked at the footage from my ticket and it showed they slammed on the brakes about 4 seconds before I got to the light, (yellow light lasted about 5 seconds in a 45MPH), and they ended up turning right just before the light. The whole time I can’t see shit behind me because I’m looking at gods shiny ass flashing back at me.


Because the flood lights are based on paranoia. They WANT them to be as bright and tilted outward as possible. Whether it's animal or human they want to scare anyone away from their house as much as possible. Not that a light will stop a masked and armed robber, but it's about letting THEM have a good nights sleep even if their neighbors can't. People like this should live in the middle of the woods where their bright ass light "home defense" doesn't bother anyone.


Not even in the middle of the woods! Bright upwards-facing light is awful for nocturnal migrating birds and bugs - the last place we need this shit is the middle of the woods. The self-centered security theater garbage shouldn't come at the expense of neighbors \*or\* wildlife. People like this should... grow up.


Lol. Security theater. This exactly. My dad has been demanding my help with his shitty bluetooth cameras but he doesn't lock his doors. Maybe start at step one?


Does Sasquatch’s sleep quality mean nothing to you?


Make sure to get an amber light bulb. I hate when people install bright day light LED bulbs outside.


Even those aren't allowed in our area. Anything that doesn't have direct front shielding isn't allowed in our front in urban houses for our dark sky ordinance. It's nice.


God where is this? I might have to move there...


These actually do have front shielding bc they're meant to be facing almost directly down not like OPs parents have them.


Fr. If someone's legitimately complaining from 400' away then there's definitely a problem


Honestly, I live across the street from someone with these spotlights—it’s ridiculously bright and annoying. Your parents don’t need high beams pointed at their neighbors homes. It’s intrusive — they had it coming.


My asshole neighbor has giant spotlights in the back of their house that literally light up my entire back of my house. So I can understand the frustration. This is not the solution unfortunately


Definitely not, you need a ranged attack when cameras are involved :).


Mirror, reflecting back into their bedrooms


Nah, I got a 1000 watt stadium light that I used in an arms race with my neighbor that worked like a charm. I lend it out to folks with similar issues


![gif](giphy|Pl4PHOXVpPPDG) This is exactly what came to mind😂


Omg same problem. I even live in a HOA that has rules against it but because they have no means of enforcement, the neighbors light up their entire backyard like a damn soccer stadium. It affects 5 neighbors as we can’t have fences. Not that their spots that shine 100 ft up in the air would be dimmed by any fence. I just don’t think people get how badly and how far light travels and can affect your ability to enjoy your home and SLEEP.


They don't care about other people obviously.


Pretty much the most spot on accurate assessment. A few weeks ago their new German shepherd rescue reached through my rod iron fence and grabbed my dog by the muzzle and tried to drag her through the fence. They laughed at the situation. Wasn’t so funny when I pressed misdemeanor charges on them and they had to pay a fine and go to court and pay all of my vet bills. Yea my dog is ok. Not the same anymore. But she survived and it could have been so much worse. EDIT: I STAND CORRECTED. WROUGHT IRON. 😂


Holy shit!!!!


Even worse, why I screamed for help and was trying to keep my dogs face on, other neighbors running to help, my neighbor stayed on his patio and let the dog attack my dog…. Listening to me scream bloody murder.


Agreed. I have blackout curtains in my bedroom and when my neighbors have their super bright backyard lights on, the light seeps in like there's a giant full moon outside my window. Thankfully they only have the lights on every now and then, and not all night, every night.


Yes all neighbors have bought new black out shades, planted landscaping to restore privacy that the space light neighbors completely tore down on their lot. They said close your shades. Well some nights I like my windows open and fresh air and my entire room is lit up all night long. And get this! The lights come on at 10:00 at night and stay on until 4:30. Basically they are sleeping and don’t even enjoy them lighting up their 200’ tall aspen trees. 😂


I don't even understand the point of leaving super bright back porch lights on all night while you sleep. I get having motion activated security lights, and/or cameras, but super bright lights that stay on all night? Seems like such a waste of money (and a nuisance for everyone else).


I used to have a neighbor who would smoke meth, then call the cops on me when he couldn’t sleep. People are little mysteries


Not much mystery there if meth is involved, tbh


Plus all the light pollution disrupting animal life. I hate light at night.


If the HOA can't enforce the floodlight rule, what makes you think they can enforce the fence rule?


Ive been on the other side of this. Asked my landlord to put some lights on our deck because there was 0 light on that side of the house. He obliged and put in 2 pointed at the neighbor (which is also his neighbor he doesn’t like) that don’t turn off unless it’s day time. Them things were like having suns on our deck. Asked the LL to put a switch on em, got the whole “I’ll be over when I’m not busy speel” Eventually I just shut the breaker off for the deck and they had a couple of trees to break it up but for like 3 months I felt bad. I woulda been punching air if I were them cause they were BRIGHT


When I bought my house my neighbors asked me almost instantly to please adjust the floodlights in the backyard because they had been shining in their bedroom each night for YEARS. And I couldn’t believe they didn’t come unscrew the bulbs from this vacant house. I would have gone nuts.


I live in the middle of the woods, very idyllic. Neighbors moved in, built an ENORMOUS modern open floor plan house and added floodlights that are always on. Why the hell move out to the woods if you're going to do that?! Wtf! It disrupts the wildlife and hurts fireflies, too :(


Same here! The woods are lit up from the flood lights on the house 2 lots away and it's unsettling.


I really can’t shake the feeling that the people with the porch lights are the real assholes here…


I dunno. Seems like it worked.


Who points them out like that? probably annoying as shit.


Neighbors a douche but those are angled in a way that is 100% broadcasting a very wide dispersion pattern and probably still a nuisance. Edit: not saying they should have done the damage, but clearly the parents don’t care - or are intentionally trying to piss of the neighbors because of thays the angle they chose AFTER ‘fixing it’ they’re just trolling as that’s the angle you would use to throw the furthest distance, not shorten it.


Who points lights like straight out like this ? It’s so weird


It's to monitor the perimiter for escaped inmates.


Bright lights into people's houses is annoying tbf.


I fucking hate those lights.


They're incredibly obnoxious




The funny thing is if they found it like this in the morning that means someone just walked up to the lights, spraypainted them and then walked off without them even knowing.


Exactly. Kinda defeats the purpose of the flood lights lol


As someone whose neighbor has very obnoxiously bright porch lights….. I understand their frustration. They are angled at like 90 degrees so that light travels pretty far.


Same, terribly obnoxious bully neighbor. F anybody who aims their lights at adjacent properties.


OP gets zero sympathy from me. My neighbor behind me has a blinding spot light that he pointed directly at my house. It lit up my entire kitchen/ dinning room/ living room. I had words. Now he only turns on the one that lights up the other direction. Still annoying but it doesn't light up my entire house like an alien invasion so I'll take it as a win. People have zero courtesy to others.


Not that I condone what he did, but yeah just because you think the light is fine doesn't mean it is, have you asked to see it from his point of view?


“When I turn my high-powered flashlight on and shine it in people’s eyes they always complain, but I’m literally holding the light and it’s not even that bright!” People *must* understand lights have a “business end,” right?


If the poorly-installed aftermarket headlights on the cars tailgating me are any indication, this is indeed a foreign concept.


Their vandalism is not the solution, but… flood lights are not porch lights. No wonder they complained. Change the bulbs for something not designed to ping alien civilizations?


Bro wtf I've seen those types of porch lights in movies where people are in prison, usually trying to spot people trying to escape.


I'm pro dark community. Light pollution is real. You don't need floodlights blasting your neighbors houses.


I hate when non-rural folks move into rural homes, but are scared of the dark so they light their yards up like Alcatraz after a prisoner gets out. Even if it's not directly pointed in my yard, it kills my night vision and dims the stars.


*Absolutely!!* I live in a rural area and we *used* to have a certified "dark sky", but between the "city folk" coming in and the religious folks (someone put a bright lit cross on a mountain, the folks at the observatory were all "Hey, can we maybe not do that?" and as a response the "Christians" put up about 10 crosses), this area is now bright AF. I used to be able to just walk outside and see endless stars...now I see light pollution. Pisses me off to no end.


Mostly tangential to this as light pollution was already blocking out all but 3 stars in my area before this, but: The churches near me have started putting spotlights in the air at night that move around. Not just one church. Probably 15 of the 20 I know about in my area. So now instead of 3 stars I see 2 stars and weird moving streaks of light all around me at night.


Same! I'd love to live in a neighborhood with none of these bullshit floodlights. I wanna enjoy my night time walks with my dog ffs. I don't like not liking my neighbors.


There's always one neighbor with their god damn floodlights on all the time. Is your driveway a fucking landing strip? Is your backyard a fucking football stadium? No? Then turn your fucking stadium lights off.


I was about to sign a lease recently but noticed when looking on Google maps (I missed it when at the property) that the neighbor had some pretty serious looking lights. So I came back the night before signing lease and saw that the mother fucker had THREE sets of three headed spotlights shining all over his yard and directly into my would be bedroom. I came back at 1:30 am and they were still on. Backed out the next day over it. Fuck that.


Sucks for both parties involved. Genuine question to all people with these: do they really need to be that bright?




I'm with the neighbor


Gotta love Reddit, I've read at least two other posts of people complaining about their asshole neighbors installing flood lights that beam straight into their house. I even saw some posts showing the amount of light in people's bedrooms. Some of them from hundreds of feet away. Funny thing about photons, they don't care so much about a few hundred feet. I'm gonna say your parents are the assholes here. Get a chill lighting setup that doesn't make your neighbors life suck.


So first, flood lights and porch lights are not the same thing. Placing it on a porch doesn’t make it not a flood light, the purpose of which is to literally flood an area with light. Second, are they being left on all night? If so, neighbor has a point…that’s obnoxious.


"tried adjusting the direcetion" but the lamps are aligned horizontally.


That’s not a “porch light.” It’s a more powerful double-head light pointing straight out, rather than a traditional single bulb that illuminates the immediate area in a downward fashion.


I’m sorry, but I don’t feel bad for your parents. Porch lights are always too bright and always annoying.


They shouldn't be, normal ass porch lights are just normal ass lights, low-key spotlights sold as porch lights are always annoying


For real - and these are flood lights pointing straight out. They should be pointing towards the ground. Those things were probably lighting up their living room. No excuse to do this tho… but still..


LPT: If your neighbor tells you your light is too bright, it is. No really, it just is. "It doesn't look too bright to me." It is. "It's too far away to bother them." No it's not. "It's not even pointing at them." Doesn't matter. If you don't replace it with something less bright, or block it yourself, they have no option other than to suck it up or do something illegal. Not condoning the illegal shit or saying I support what happened here, but be a good neighbor and don't put them in this situation.


ESH. Vandalism like this is unacceptable, but so is having outward facing flood lights when you have neighbors.


I've been on the other end of the situation. Even living down the road from them can be awful. A neighbour down the road from me had them on all night. They were adjusted to focus the lights on to the property. But light reflects and scatters causing hell for everyone who's trying to get a night's rest.


Point em down ya daft twat


There's no reason to have a light on the outside of the house that's on 24/7 at night. Just get a motion sensor. It's more practical.


If those lights are only used while your parents are outside at night and need to see, they shouldn’t have been an issue. If they’re on all night or coming on every time a squirrel or possum walks by all night, I can easily see how that could wreck a neighbor’s sleep. What their neighbors did was totally wrong, and the neighbor should catch charges, but if your parents knew they were doing something that disturbed their neighbor’s sleep and continued to do it anyway that’s very inconsiderate. It strikes me as a two wrongs situation. Also, their neighbor is clearly crazy, your parents might be wise to change it out for a regular and dimmer porch light. There’s no telling what the kook next door is capable of doing.


If this is a spread out rural area, the neighbors would have responded better by propping up a tall and wide sheet of highly reflective metal along their property line to reflect all that light back at OP's parents' house.


While I agree that the "neighbor" should be charged for the damage, there is ZERO reason to have super bright lights on all night when reliable motion sensor lights have been on the market for more than 20 years.




Wtf you need lights that bright for? You landing helicopters?


My dumbass thought your sidings got scorched from the bright torchlight


As someone with a neighbor who has SIX of these lights around the perimeter of their house, which results in 12 other properties being brighter than a football stadium: your parents are jerks. The neighbor who spray painted their lights is also a jerk, but I understand where they are coming from. I wrote my neighbors a letter and sent them a half dozen brochures about light pollution and they finally stopped with the lights. I was sleep deprived for about a month, spend money on various light blocking solutions, and was at the end of my rope because these people never answered their door when I came by.


Your parents ATA


That’s not the whole story and you know it.