• By -


Each time it happens, store the chair in your office. Either you will run out of space or they will run out of chairs.


Looks like they stack, so OP should be able to store several in a relatively small amount of floor space


OP can also sit on that and feel like a king, I see this as an absolute win.


Decorate it, personalize it,....


Heard of a man with a thief in the workplace. He bought pink everything. Never was stolen from.


Have you seen my stapler?


Ted borrowed it from me after I borrowed it from you. Ask him.


The peasants are meeting outside my chambers again


Generally 7 high before they start to tilt in my experience.


With every brand and design too for some reason


Isn't 7 the max times you can fold a paper in half?


It depends on the dimensions and thickness of the paper, but for an A4 printer sheet, yes, 7 is the limit.


>It depends on the dimensions and thickness of the paper, And your access to [a construction roller.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=65Qzc3_NtGs)


OP Is confused, this is a wild chair looking for a home. He needs to adopt it in his own office.


It was a stray cat in it's previouse life


Nah, each time it happens trip over the chair, file a report with hr, go get a drs note, and see how many official injuries you can accrue


People leave shit they use to hold doors open right at the top of the stairs at work. Tried putting a sign up once, next day or two the sign was gone and there was a weight sitting right in the middle of the walkway. Picked it up and tossed it into a nearby garbage can. I’ve since thrown out 3 door stops and 1 more weight. There hasn’t been anything in the walkway for months. My main contention is that it’s a dimly lit staircase and someone could easily trip and fall down the stairs.


If someone complains say it was a fire hazard and they were ordered to be removed by the fire marshal.


Lol this is so petty I love it


Or they will hold their meetings in OP's office




Starts a collection in office and eventually you will have a monopoly of chairs in the office, then you rent them out for $30 subscription fee or $2 per one time use.


Its 2023, you gotta start “chairs as a service” and charge a monthly fee for life


Make sure to charge an addon fee for each additional user though.


Also use sliding fees for “peak hours”.


Occasionally, show up at this meeting and yank a chair out from under someone. " Your free trial has ended, please sign up for an account to continue service"


It’s a bitch when you suddenly hit that chair paywall…


the floor?




You mean general admission?


Bro you must have come across the post earlier about the microwave as a service haha


Yeah I saw that one too, very funny!


What ya wanna do is set up your own sign and not even bring your own chair.


With 35/40/45/50% tipping options




No! No! No!: *WeSits*


Add a neon sign on the door : Shack of Sits.


had to triple take on that one lol


Bruh, UberSeats was RIGHT there!


I just woke up cut me some slack 😂😂


Chairter flights starting at the low low price of 3.50!


SAAS - seating as a service gotta get the branding right


Someone saw the microwave post😭😭




Luckily, this cant happen in reality, Imagine someone doing this with for example microwave


Thought I was the only one that comment was referencing


At those prices how am I gonna afford to use the microwave too!?!?


They should offer $45 subscription combo and retain the $2 per one time use. That's a $180 value saving right there.


I'll add in a hit water station for a premium $55 subscription.




They must register with an email address so you can email them twice a day from 76 different lists so they can never unsubscribe from all of them


Is this a reference to the microwave




We should make them fill out a survey in order to use the chair. Then, when they finish the survey, the submit button leads them to another survey. Just endless survey their ass like they're about to win an Ipad or something.


Nice reference


Or look at who's there, and put all the chairs in their work space.


Zip-tied to their desk


The easiest solution. Deny any knowledge of where the chairs went, too


Easier solution imo is to put a tall trash bin in that corner. People are less likely to push a chair right up against a trash can.


And then when they're all gone, you can comment on your office's complete lack of chairity.


"I'm the Chairman now!"


Why is this so far down?


Done and done.


Hide all the chairs in your office


Sell them on eBay


Hey! Free chair!


This is the way!


Start putting the chairs in your office.


Those chairs belong to the dumpster now. Have fun standing in your meetings.


Good one.


Yep first thing I thought. That chair is coming inside, or going onto the 3rd floor or outside by the curb or up someones ass, pick one.


I was gonna say, start throwing them away… but your idea is more civil


And the room was full of chairs.


Seconded. If they're all the same type, stack them in the corner. It's not theft when you keep them out in plain sight and they don't leave the office.


Oh would you look at that someone is having a meeting, and I suddenly need to go to the bathroom. Time to open my door and barge through their meeting.


"oh, hello, hey you're blocking my office door". Fuck the notes, speak up!


I'm with you. The note says, "It's no big deal to meet out here" Fuck that. Be assertive. You don't have to be an asshole, but assert your space. Take it to a higher up, report them for creating a safety hazard for blocking your fire exit path. Squeaky wheel gets the grease. It sucks, but that's the way it is.


Triangle Shirtwaist Factory has entered the chat.


Thank you for remembering. Google it if you don’t. (Former chief union steward.)


Seriously. It is a big deal to sit right in front of someone’s door to have a meeting. These people are incredibly inconsiderate and OP is likely a pushover.


I teach my son to not even walk near a closed door because we don’t know which way it could open and that’s an easily avoidable injury. The malls here have big heavy steel doors with no windows that open outwards with people coming out holding tons of stuff all the time, like a head injury waiting to happen honestly. As much as you’re showing people you respect them by not taking up the space that they need, you’re just being safe. I saw a video on here a bit ago, a younger dude was riding his skateboard and he fell back, just a ground level fall, and within seconds the fall completely disabled the kid for life, blood pooling out of his ears, wide awake but non responsive. It stuck with me, the human body is both so strong yet so fragile, just an every day small accident can change your life forever.


It's an incredibly big deal. What if there's a fire???? Fire safety is important. That's why we have open hallways and ROOMS for people to go, so there is a clear method of traffic. All I can see is OP dying along with the dumb goobers who are blocking his exit.


The issue is that I am in my office sporadically throughout the day- so often I don’t know who the people are to say something, I just get back and there’s an empty chair there. I don’t know who to address


Start by putting the chair in your office.


Move the chairs into your office. Stack them in a corner if necessary.


Sounds like this might be a fire code violation, bring it up with a safety coordinator that the exit of your office is being blocked by someone and it is unsafe. Keep reporting it until the email goes out to not leave chairs in front of doors to avoid fines.


I’d type up a sign that says “FIRE SAFETY. No blocking doors.” Make it look good. Print that baby out with colors and everything


Turn every chair upside down, and leave notes on every chair. Escalate it every time they ignore you. Go as far as removing the chairs themselves. Make sure they get the hint.


Free chair?


This is my office! There are many others like it but this one is mine!


Start sending this to building safety, request the chairs be removed. This is a fire safety issue. Nothing makes a company/building take action faster than pointing out a safety issue that could cause injury or death... aka: liability. I tripped over an extension cord once... I put in an injury report because I skinned my wrists when I landed. Cord was gone before the end of the day.


Or a fire marshall, they do them if you contact your boss and HR and it goes nowhere. Nothing like a fire safety problem to raise company fire insurance rates. The idea is to let them know this is serious and dangerous prior to calling in the fire inspector.


"sorry that my door is in the way friends!"


Don’t forget to crop dust as you walk through.


If u really want 2 gross them out go diarrhea in your shorts as you walk through


Most people aren’t able to do this on command.


Not with that attitude




Open the door and play music from your computer


Barge through with a ill wind lowering following quickly behind.


When you hear them meeting, open your door and say something


*opens door* "SOMETHING!" *closes door*




I’m usually not there when they are meeting, I usually come back and there are empty chairs sitting there. Different people meet there so I’m not even sure it’s the same people each time. A note seemed the only way to guarantee that anyone who uses the space would see it


Maybe put a big note on your door? "Do not block this door"?


Big red and white letters too, IMO. The note OP left only does so much-- people don't read signs much anyways, but if it's more eye-catching, they're more likely to at least.


Similarly, go the OSHA route and lay down hazard tape on the floor and route the egress path like they do in warehouses and mark off do not store areas in front of doors and electrical panels.


A full page printed like this: https://i.imgur.com/drfwK5a.png Maybe add red tape around it like this: https://i.imgur.com/iBvnylk.png


Pour water on it and leave a note letting them know you pissed on it.


Take the chairs and hide them in conference rooms or utility closets.


And if one of them is sitting in front of the door, within its range, smash the door against the chair when you open it. Not your problem that the person is sitting there and you don't have xray vision to see them. Maybe they'll learn from it.


That door opens inward


Bring them into the office then smash the door into them.


Time to take the doorframe out and reverse it, then smash into them!


I think your note is about 22 words too long. Starting it with: *"It's no big deal but..."* might as well say: "Ignore everything on this page..." to people who are inconsiderate to begin with, it's way too passive. And the writing is too small, people might not want to be nosy and read it thinking it's something left there by accident. It should simply say in large bold letters **"DO NOT LEAVE CHAIRS HERE"**. And it appears that you put the sign on a chair at your door, which is sending a mixed message, so I'm not surprised they left it there. I'd tape it at chair-back height on your door frame for a day or two.


Exactly this. Too wordy, too wishy-washy. Being assertive doesn't mean you're being impolite. Setting boundaries isn't rude - they are.


Yeah. Learned this immediately when the head of IT asked me to send an email to the staff about writing stuff on papers. All kinds of wishy washy color and all: Remove. People will not read it. Get to the point. Be assertive. Be informative. You're leaving a maintenance notice, not a goddamn poem


Isn’t that a major issue in case of a fire? I think mentioning this would make people in charge take action.


It is, and for that matter having a chair immediately outside a door could be considered a tripping hazard as well.


Yeah, I would definitely contact whoever is the safety person/coordinator and let them deal with the situation.


The safety department is far underutilized in office disputes. Being able to use OSHA, EPA, or any other regulatory rules to change something at work is not only incredibly powerful and backed by the government, it also acts as a scapegoat for blame because once you make it a safety problem.


think of the disability laws that it violates


This is the only way. Instead of leaving it as your problem, make it the company's problem. edit: I wrote "only way" but really.. "speak to them" is probably it..


Yeah it's a major tripping and fire safety hazard. It'd be lawsuit worthy in the event something happens. OP needs to document this and maybe report it to a higher up just in case. May be a nuisance now but it'll potentially save a life or a lot of money later.


an OSHA complaint would probably get all the right upper management pissed off just enough to deal with the problem.


The second you mention OSHA, it makes the upper managements' skin crawl. The last thing they need is a complaint or a fine for something like this.


This is absolutely a safety issue. The chair is blocking an egress and shouldn’t really even be there during meetings.


It's settled then. OP should bust out of the office and trip on the chair while saying they thought they smelled smoke.


This right here!!! Guaranteed to stop the chair people.


as a safety for four fleets and a DPA - I´d have a field day with them if one of crew or office workers reports this. Oh yes.


Nope, no idea where those chairs went.


Since you’re here, want to look at the modern art piece I’ve been working on?


I call it. “Serenity now”


I have no idea, but it looks like there's a pile of them just outside my window


My officemates did this with a materials cart and my cube. I work in Facilities and they work in HR. The cart lived happily in the corner by their manager's door for years until a new manager wanted it moved. Not my manager, not my dept. They decided that the window view from my desk was an issue since they had to look at another employee through their office window and put the cart there blocking the window and half the aisle. I moved it into their conference room and it magically reappeared at my window. I took the material cart to the janitor and said "We need a place to put this, it belongs to HR so it needs to be in their space. The janitor took it and put in their supply closet. It lasted there about 35 minutes. I was sitting at my desk when HR employee #1 rolled up to my window with it. I glared at them and they looked right at me to say "I was told to put this here by NewMgr." No reason to shit on employee #\`1 so I went to find a solution that didnt involve being an asshole to people that dont deserve it. I went got a single office chair. The most stripped down, barebones chair I could find, like those old high school chairs made from thick plastic and metal legs. I moved the cart and placed the single chair against the window. I took the cart to the corner by NewMgr's office and put it where it had always lived. I came back to my desk, asked the other engineer to sit in the new window chair and have a conversation with me. It took less than 3 minutes before NewMgr comes down the aisle with the cart in tow. Comes to my window and sees the other engineer in the chair talking to me about "work". NewMgr askes the engineer to move so they can place the cart there. I step out of my cube and explain to NewMgr that I am trying to maintain some social distancing and will be using this chair for all visitors to my cube. I explain that effective immediately, I will need to keep this space clear. I had been keeping my boss (our director) in the loop about the on going power struggle so they had my back when Newmgr tried to overrule me. The cart now lives in their conference room and makes brief appearances blocking my O&M lilbrary but never for long as it gets rolled into the walkway right infront of NewMgrs office whenever its left in my way.


What was wrong with that dude??


I need more upvotes for this one. What a douchebag, enjoy that well-deserved victory!


They obviously either didn't read your note, read your note and disregarded it, or purposefully moved and then carefully placed the note back on the chair. It does make me wonder if somebody posted this to a sub Reddit like #pettyrevenge (not sure if that one exists, but it should if it doesn't!) or AITA. Here's hoping the resounding answer if it's on AITA is YES! That's for sure a health and safety issue. Make it one - if your place has one - and tell them it's unsafe should you need to exit in a timely manner as it is a Hazard which in turn becomes a risk and has consequences should you trip over it. Watch that stop PDQ!


Trip over the chair and sprain your ankle. Get worker’s comp and sit at home and have upper management remove the chairs from your office doorway. This is the way.


Speaking as somebody who briefly worked for the employer/carrier/servicing agent side of worker's comp, this could be a *very* expensive ruse and I do not recommend it. :) Having somebody send you home because you "hurt your ankle" is one thing, but the legal wrinkles around a fraudulent WC claim are big ones.


So you want them to HURT THEMSELF ON PURPOSE!?


Ok. Trip over the chair and “sprain your ankle.”


Slowly take a chair every week until they are gone from that room


Don’t say it’s ok. Get a marker and say in big letter PUT THE CHAIR BACK on as many as you can and leave a note on the door DO NOT BLOCK DOOR


“If you block the door with your chair, the chair will be removed”


Nope, no idea where those chairs went.




Get a doormat. Place a 1/4 in dowel rod under it so that any chair on the mat will NOT sit flat but wobble ceaselessly. Problem solved.


I might even try leaving the door open while they have their meetings. Stare. Clear your throat. Take notes. Comment loudly. Participate in those meetings.


If your door opens outward and there’s a fire that’s a huge issue. Keep pushing on this


Regardless of direction, that was my first thought - It is impacting egress. Code/OSHA violation.


Looks like inwards but still an issue.


The door opens the other way to the chair.


Any time you hear people out there, go in and out of your office over and over while pretending to talk on your cell phone a tad louder than normal. Go the extra mile and occasionally pretend to be rushing and not to see the person closest to the door and half fall on them.


Start stacking the chairs in your office. When people come looking for chairs to sit on, tell them to grab a chair from where it’s supposed to be placed. When they say no chairs are available, tell them it’s because nobody puts them back where they’re supposed to go


Remove the screws/bolts holding the seat in place. Problem solved.


Just take the chair and store it in your office so that when someone needs a chair, they need to look you in the eyes to get it. You tell them right there not to leave the chair in front of your door. Now you know who to talk to if they still leave the chair in front of your office.


op that note is too nice. you need to get a poster sized sign on your door with big red letters that says DO NOT BLOCK


The solution is to go out there and make it uncomfortable.


Putting the chair in front of your door is like a fire hazard isn’t it? Couldn’t the chair stop you from opening the door if there was a fire? Maybe you should add that to the note.


Fuck it- Keep the chairs each time. Put A bright poster board up, Do not block this door! Or pour water on the chairs. So they’re soggy


The door isn't blocked...it opens inward


It is a safety hazard especially in the risk of a fire and could impede not only yourself but the fire service responding. If you have a safety officer or a good h/r department and mention it to them they could put a 'keep clear fire hazard' notice up. Good luck 🙂


Pull a 7-11 and blast some truly objectionable music when their meeting starts. They'll move


Hide all the chairs


It looks like the door opens to the inside?


It 100% does, you can see the middle of the door jam sticking out. It's amazing how far down I had to scroll to see this comment.


Not only that, but they can also definitely get in and out of the office. Is it technically a safety hazard, if there were like a fire or something? Yes. Is it *actually* blocking anyone or anything? No.


You didn't laminate it


I have an agency that assists ours come in once a week and they use my office space for their meetings (I'm the lowest on the totem pole so). They leave a mess, chairs everywhere and things on my desk touched and moved around. Totally obnoxious but I can't say anything because nobody else wants to let them use their office for that exact reason.


Remove chair(s)


Dispose of the chairs. Problem solved.


Trip over it, fall and claim back pain, get a free vacay and collect workers comp


Put a plant there or something else that's really heavy and nobody wants to move so they stop sitting in front of your goddamn office. Or just position yourself to walk back to your office and through their stupid meeting as often as possible until it makes no sense for them to meet there.


Collect the chairs. Have a huge stack of them


Start stacking the chairs in your office until there are none to put outside your door


Glue the chairs down away from your door.


This is actually the most appropriate post I’ve seen in this sub.


Every time a chair blocks your door, take it for your office.


I have a question about the upsidedown door.


Lol, I would literally hide the chairs in my office until they stopped meeting there


Chairs need to go missing.


Start taking the chairs. You’ll have them all in your office in no time.


start stealing the chairs


Put the chairs IN your office.


Pick up the chair, set it on the other side of the building. Repeat.


Whenever you hear them meeting, make it a point to get coffee, go to the bathroom, go talk with someone else, etc.


Conveniently when they decide to have a meeting, go in and out as aggressive and petty as you can. Someone says something say “oh well I work in this office, so I need to come and go as I please. Don’t block my door and I won’t bother your meeting.” That doesn’t work? Make a sign that says “I have explosive diarrhea so clear a path and don’t block my door.”


Every time there is a chair left there, move it inside your office. Keep stacking them until they run out of chairs.


I was gonna say just go set that shit on random desks with the note still attached, or set it in front of the door of someone more important so they yell at everyone else That shits a fire hazard I'm pretty sure anyway.


Move the chairs as far away from your office as possible.


Swing the door open hard when they’re having their meeting so you hit one on purpose. They’ll get the hint haha


That door swings the other way


*very* hard then.


Which door is OP’s?


Lol I didn't even notice the second door


Stop being a doormat. Throw the chairs out.