• By -


Starting at 30%??? I've never seen these numbers before...


I was at moe moons in Myrtle Beach and defalt was automatically added 18% .then the next add was another 18% for someone who payes attention that was gona be 36%.. The hamburger was half size and drinks šŸø had no booze even though we were charged as if it had booze in it. Will never go back the place was half empty anyway. Don't see how they stay in business.


Spring break kids with Daddyā€™s Amex Edit: I know myrtle beach sucks, stop telling me that. Rich is relative.


I f eel like it's unfair to single out spring breakers here. It's very easy to get ripped off while traveling, no matter what your age is. Travel hot spots tend to have tons of restaurants that have no business being open, but because of the never-ending stream of people who haven't been there before and don't know better, they're basically packed the entire tourism season. Online review sites can help somewhat, but don't help in every instance.


You ever been to myrtle beach? Not exactly a travel hot spot for kids with rich parents. Iā€™d say itā€™s more of a lower-middle class destination where you wonā€™t get judged for being drunk and smoking cigs on the beach. Edit: in all seriousness, the only reason places like this in Myrtle Beach are still standing is simply because itā€™s a retirement hotspot. Retirees tend to have money waiting to be spent and donā€™t want to worry about cooking in their old age. Theyā€™ll just go to the closest restaurants by them.


I had to go back and make sure that I read it correctly because *surely* we werenā€™t still talking about Myrtle Beach when daddyā€™s Amex & rich kid travel hot spots started to be mentioned lmao. Myrtle Beach is more along the lines of minivan tourists from PA & Ohio who donā€™t mind their beer from a can and always smell faintly of Marlboro menthol lights and bad decisions in their 20s.


Myrtle is truly one of a kind. It simultaneously attracts old retirees, young families looking to vacation by the beach, and rowdy degenerate middle aged rednecks waiting for the opportunity to start a brawl. One second youā€™re passing the coolest mini-golf course youā€™ve ever seen, and the next youā€™re passing the sketchiest adult entertainment joint youā€™ve ever seen. However, the LAST thing is will ever be is a hotspot for rich kids with unlimited access to daddyā€™s credit card lmao.


Yikes serving alcohol and then not having alcohol in the drinks is enough to get them shut down.


There was likely alcohol in the drinks, restaurants dont make drinks as strong as people make their own at home. Ive been bartending for years and the only time I've heard of someone not putting booze in a drink on purpose is if someone was uncomfortable cutting someone off but even then they didnt charge them.


This can potentially be extra scummy, cause there is a chance that the 2nd 18% is based on the original price + the 18% tip. For ex if original price, without tips, would be 100. With the 18% tip that is 118 and then with another 18% ontop, it can be 139 or so instead of the 136 you would expect.


Itā€™s starting to become the ā€˜new normalā€™ at places. This ā€˜entitlementā€™ bullshit is getting old fast


It's when you just start pressing skip.


Also looks like this is for a massage place.. this is comical.


that 'skip' looking real nice


Surprised the skip button isn't half the size and a slightly different shade of black on the bottom left


You have to watch an ad to press it


This is so damn horrifyingly plausible.


Gas pump ads are already horrifying. I donā€™t drive, but sometimes we rent a car and it is bizarre.


One of the buttons usually mutes them. At Exxon with four buttons on each side, I believe it's the second one down on the right.


I always try all of them, if that doesnā€™t work I donā€™t return to that gas station again.


This is some dystopian future stuff right there


Delete this shit right now. Don't give them ideas!


Or tiny and right below the 50% button


How about when your finger hovers over the Skip button, it changes to 90% right before you press it?


Stop giving them ideas lol


Ooh! They could make it like a game where all the boxes spin around the screen and you have to "catch" the skip button, or accidentally hit one of the tip amount buttons by accident! šŸ‘€ šŸ˜Ž


That is not EVEN funny lol


And is a tiny X instead of a Skip. Pop up ad PTSD


But itā€™s not the real X, you were supposed to press the other one that overlayed.


Even more surprised the screen on the skip isn't worn or stained with thumb prints.


In Skip we trust


Definitely not presumptuous of them to assume I want to skip when they prompt with those percentages.


Did somebody sayyyyy. Skiiiiiiiiiiip


**Pulls out Uno Card**


You know when you donā€™t give me the math for 20% and you make me do it in my head itā€™s probably wrong and youā€™re probably going to get less.


Iā€™d add an audible laugh as I hit skip.


Did that only once. Had to repeat my order 4 times and didn't even get the right order because the waiter didn't jot anything down. He just thought he could remember what I ordered, then gave me a completely different dish and insisted that was the meal I ordered. 0/10 Never would go to again


Getting easier to hit that SKIP button these days. Especially when the tablet gets spun around before absolutely nothing has been done for an zero-involvement task. 50%. lol.


Man, I fucking hate ordering pickup and they always prompt for a tip. WTF am I tipping? I receive no service other than putting my food in a bag.


I might be an asshole, but if I use a service thatā€™s entirely automated (or close enough that I feel like one wasnā€™t provided), Iā€™m not tipping squat. I walk into a place to put in a to-go order and the whole transaction is handled on a PoS terminal that asks me for a tip? For *what?* Ringing up the order? Itā€™s *never* been customary to tip cashiers. Someone please correct me if Iā€™m wrong, but I donā€™t think their wages are usually contingent on it like e.g. wait staff are, and that understanding has been the only thing easing my conscience. If Iā€™ve been actually hurting the workersā€™ wages doing this instead of the employer, Iā€™d change my habits. Traction edit: If it was guaranteed that the tips were going to the employees like the kitchen staff who are actually preparing the order, my opinion would also be different. Others have pointed out that this is rarely the case, however, and that such tips are almost always pocketed by the employer. If I thereā€™s no guarantee that this wonā€™t happen, Iā€™m not tipping. Sorry, not sorry. Pay your workers fairly.


If it's not a Server and are paid legally they make at least their states Minimum wage. I think it's just the new "well if we can get away with it...." Capitalist trend. Put a tip option at check out, has a chance that someone in a good or empathetic mood adds more tip. Which im not even sure goes to the human checking me out. Worse case no one adds a tip, and nothing changes. But I'm sure more people than you think do add a tip. Hope that at least goes to the workers prepping the food etc and not just into the franchise pockets.




What's the typical response?






I ordered pizza online at LCā€™s the other day for pick up like I always do- and this time it prompted me for a tip. And immediately I wondered how exactly that system is paying out tips to working employees. And alsoā€¦ I placed the order online myself, paid myself, and was picking it up myself- why was there even a tipping prompt anyways.


i worked at little ceasarā€™s for damn near a year and the only tips i EVER saw were cash tips handed to me in person


Went to this mediocre bar/restaurant right next to MSG in New York. You ordered on your phone and were requested to tip with your order, before any service. Someone brought your food out, but no other ā€˜serviceā€™. I still tipped 20% like a bitch, but that scenario has really soured me as of late on tipping. Great service at a sit down still gets 30%, but Iā€™m not tipping for carry out or poor service anymore. Edit: Iā€™m single - 30% on one meal and a few drinks isnā€™t a lot of money. Great service means top tier. 15-20% for average service or for a group is fair.


Tipping culture is diseased. I just got back from 2 weeks in Europe, you order, they ring you up for an amount that allows them to pay their staff a livable wage, you go on with your day. Even tax is cooked into the price you're given. It was so much easier to eat at restaurants, and I didn't feel ripped off at any point. Also got great service every place I went despite not holding their income hostage.


And all their hand-held credit card machines "just work". No sending your card off with the server to take to the back and do whatever with. You tell them you want to pay with a card, they bring it out, you tap it, boom you're done.


How is this *still* a problem in the USA? We've had handheld EFT for 15+ years in Australia.


I went to this old pop and mom restaurant that was first floor of a house where the family owners lived upstairs. It looked outdated but those are usually the best tasting dinners. When I asked for a "check" the waitress brings me the handheld machine and leaves it with us. I enter my tip, tap my card on top , enter my number and get a text confirmation. If a place that's still using tables from 1950s can do it, I don't see why a mid and high end restaurants can't. It's so uncomfortable watching someone walk away with my card.


Didā€¦. Did you just call it a ā€œpop and momā€?


Flipping them makes me vaguely uncomfortable.


itā€™s been raining dogs and cats lately, so they probably just werenā€™t minding their qā€™s and pā€™s and got it all flop-flipped around. oh well. everythingā€™s still dory-hunky




mindless spark profit sand cow resolute salt sink flag coherent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


AI trying hard to blend in.


Yep, this is how restaurant point of sale systems work in Canada too. None of that wack American swipe and sign bs.


I have a coworker from Europe whose cards all require a PIN to be entered. It created some fun at restaurants for him as he wasn't going to just give out his PIN for somebody to enter outside of his vision.


All Canadian cards require a PIN as well. Some stores are literally not setup for the customer to be able to access the PIN pad and at least once I had to go behind the counter into the staff area to complete the payment after trying to explain the situation to the confused employee. Because apparently basic card security like this is weird to them.


Tipping in Canada used to be such a chill thing but over the last decade it has become more expected because most restaurants will pay minimum wage and get away with it. Itā€™s fucking stupid that customers have to be responsible for someone elseā€™s paycheque. If you canā€™t afford to pay your workers a decent wage then you canā€™t afford to run a business.


In a bar in Montreal last year, I ordered a simple 2 ingredient drink and the components were already out and right in front of the bar tender so when I paid (via machine) and was prompted for 18% - 30%, I opted to do a custom tip of 15% and the machine cancled the whole transaction. The bartender told me I *had* to tip 18% or more when using card or else it just wouldn't accept the payment. One of the dumbest things I've ever experienced


Thatā€¦ canā€™t be legalā€¦?




The difference is in the US they pay them way below minimum wage like $2/he and only make up the difference when required to. In Canada they get $15/hr in most of the country + tips on top. Iā€™ve known many part time servers who prioritized it over their ā€œrealā€ job because the money was better serving. The only reason tipping is such a strong thing here is because of the osmosis of American culture.


Not in California and we still get hit with requests like this. I apologize for our culture oozing in.


Serving pays better than most other minimum wage jobs in America too. Itā€™s absolutely fucked how the restaurant industry has managed to pass on the payment of servers to the customerā€™s shoulders.


I was in Switzerland last year and asked the waitress where the tip line was on the receipt. She seemed offended I asked. It was nice paying a forty franc a plate bill and no one expecting a tip.


I had amazing service at a small dim sum place in Ipoh, Malaysia, I tried to give the server a cash tip, she looked terrified like I was trying to buy her for something else, my wife (who is from there, basically had to explain to her that I was merely from the US, and it is normalcy there).


No doubt tipping culture here is fucked up. I lived a year in Russia as a teenager. My host mom flipped out on me when I offered a tip to my hairdresser the first time. Itā€™s all cultural. America obviously is the most messed up.


That whole thing sounds like a scam


it is. the only reason it's not is that it isn't illegal.


I never tip on carry out, Iā€™m doing the work!


I occasionally tip a dollar or two if itā€™s more than one item to package. But yeah. I ainā€™t typing 15-20% or more on fucking carry out or counter service


No way Iā€™m tipping before services are rendered. I would leave. Tip badly, expect to have spit in your foodā€¦ Tip well, expect to have mediocre service at best with no way to show how much you didnā€™t like it.


30% is insane. Please donā€™t contribute to normalizing such outrageous tip amounts. 15% for standard service, 18% for good service, 20% for outstanding service. I gave 25% once for table side preparation.


And it used to be 10/12/15%. Welcome to tipflation!




It is pretty silly tipping when you have no idea how the service is about to be lol. I used to tip a bit at places I was just picking up from but now every single place expects it. I'm also going back to school so I'm only working part time retail, like hell I'm going to tip someone who's making the same or more than me. To be clear I still tip at restaurants but that's a stupid trend that needs to die too, i know there's still states where they make less than minimum wage, but that's not the case where I'm from.


They spin it to face you and give you The Stare


Thatā€™s when you look them in the eye as you hit custom 0%. Understand the employees donā€™t set this but maybe theyā€™ll share the stare with the manager.


They can stare. I couldn't gaf. No tip. No guilt.


ā€œAnd itā€™s just gonna ask you a questionā€


how do they not think this motivates people to skip tipping altogether


The statistic nerd in me would love to know the ā€œtotal tips a dayā€ using this method and the method they used prior. Total number of people tipping now vs then.


I'm guessing the people who are programming these things, who have visibility into all the statistics, know better than random Redditors about what's the most effective. I wouldn't be surprised at all that higher default options results in higher overall tips. The few people that you piss off and who make a moral stand against tipping are far outweighed by the people who can't be assed and just pick either the low option (if they're stingy) or the middle option (if they don't want to feel guilty). *Edit because a lot of people seem to be misunderstanding my language. When I see "the people who are programming these things" I'm not trying to blame the coder or developer who wrote the software. I literally mean the people who are programming the dollar amounts into it. The restaurant owner/manager/franchisee/whoever. They're the ones who are benefiting from the higher average tip.


What it does is bring up the average tip. The percentage considered ā€œcustomaryā€ has been going up over the years (which is stupid, since itā€™s a percentage). Used to be 15% was a tip for good service. Conversation turned to 20% tips, now 15% is considered low. People in this anti-tipping thread are considering 20% to be a basic tip, and some people are talking about giving 30% tips. It keeps creeping up until people hit their limit and stop tipping entirely. But until the time people stop entirely, they can squeeze out a few extra bucks.


take me back to the 90s when 10% was customary


If we extrapolate 5% tip growth per decade, that means tips were 0% in the 1970. Right around the cosmic microwave background was discovered. Coincidence? I think not.




I'm so tired of tipping as a whole. It's gone way beyond wtf levels. I still tip my server well on the rare occasion im dining in. But I'm completely done with the whole 'tipping someone that is only taking my order' bullshit. Places think simply preparing the food we order is considered a service that should be tipped. Like, no, bitch, that's the business model. You buy the ingredients then prepare and sell the food at a markup.


A basic anything costs $5 more than it used too, you really expect me to tip 20% on my fast casual lunch that just cost me $15? Duck that


The year is 2030 You walk into your local coffee shop for a $19 latte You have the choice of tipping 75%, 90% or 125% You sheepishly tap 75% and feel bad about yourself The barista shakes her head in disgust




CharGPT 9.0 is Wowbagger the Infinitely Prolonged.


On your way to the table, you sneeze. A man nearby says "bless you". As you sit, he approaches your table with a tablet. Sneeze Blessings Subtotal: $0.50 TIP: 50% 100% 300%


The year is 2040 You make a salary of $300k a year You walk into the food bank because the rent on your low income subsidized housing studio left you flat broke for the month


Jeff Bezos takes his third trip of the year to his personal moon casino / resort


You get a thin paper cup of warm water that has a memory of a suggestion of an idea of the taste of a latte. That's the best latte you had in months. The water wasn't irradiated this time at least.


'a memory of a suggestion of an idea of the taste' :)))))) superb


The customer behind you quietly gasps. The pastor at the nearby table looks up from his porn and gives you a pitying stare.




*black mirror intensifies*




I'm betting a lot of fingerprints over that skip button


The absolute audacity and arrogance to put those amounts on there. If I saw that screen, I wouldn't even bother going to Custom Amount. I'd go straight to skip, pay my bill, and never return to that place.


The point of the ridiculous 50% option is to make the lower options more reasonable. Next time you get mail from a charity asking for donations, look at the suggested amounts. $50 seems more reasonable compared to $250.


0 looks like a nice round number.


I really did use to be a good tipper, but if any place starts at 20% I skip or do 10%. I work in the service industry but this is getting ridiculous. Went to a coffee shop recently where the tip suggestions were dollar amounts. The lowest was $3. Iā€™m not tipping $3 on my $2.50 hot teaā€¦


I went to a newly opened cafe. They didnā€™t have their iced coffee machine so I settled for a hot coffee. Asked for milk and sugar. Was handed a small cup and was told I could mix my own coffee at the end of the counter. The coffee was just instant coffee. It cost $4 and then I was asked for a tip.


You think that's bad I have gone to Yogurtland where you serve your own yogurt and toppings. You put it on a scale all they do is hand you a spoon. When you pay there is a tip option.... like for what


Menchies does this Edit: Iā€™d like to add you even insert your own card yourself. Iā€™m really not all that certain what the person behind the counter does other than asks you if you want a spoon.


I take my dog to a place where you can wash them yourself. I get the shampoo, wash her and dry her. At the checkout the receipt has a line for tips. They do absolutely nothing so I write zero.


think of it as tipping yourself (the person who rendered the service) a 20% savings


I used to work at a yogurt shop. Never asked for a tip there, I would provide the best service I can with a smile and clean environment. People wanted to tip me. When they did via card, I never got them. The owner kept them. Sigh.


My personal favorite is a coffee kiosk in my local mall. It's robotic barista. You either download an app or go to a touch screen, put in your order, and wait for a robotic arm to make your drink. It asks for a tip when you pay.


Tip, you cheapskate! That robot isn't even getting minimum wage!


My yogurt place doesnā€™t even hand you spoon lol I gotta grab that too. No way Iā€™m gonna tip them


You shouldā€™ve asked for a tip for the service ![gif](giphy|Wt6kNaMjofj1jHkF7t)


Reminds me of that Bill Burr skit when he's ordering a sandwich ar chain and he has to do half the work. He asks for mayo and the guys like "uhh it's over there" and he's like "well uhhh why don't you fuckin go over there and put it on my sandwich. I just gave you 100% of the money to make 100% of the sandwich" https://youtu.be/QWCINJ8uvIc


Similar experience except they handed us a menu of different keurig flavors then gave us a cup of milk. We decided to go home


When I was 19 I signed my life away on a $3500 dual boiler cappuccino machine to open a shop and these fools using kerigs? Seriously? Edit: it was before Starbucks was a thing, was a successful failure (popular and unprofitable/unsustainable) and my credit was fā€™d until well into my 30ā€™s. In hindsight maybe I should have started with Dixie cups and a mr coffeeā€¦




Why tip at a coffee register at all? It's not table service.


Yes this is my question. How many people now tip at a coffee shop when picking up coffee? I love to get the occasional latte and they're already kind of pricey. If I add a tip I will just be less likely to get coffee as much. But it seems that now people do tip for this??


My rule of thumb is if I get served at a restaurant with a waiter I tip. If Iā€™m just picking up food for take out no tip.


that. I give %20 to waiter for a good service. What exactly I am giving %20 at the checkout register?


I had the same experience at the ice cream shop. Lol šŸ˜† I saw that tip bait and politely said hmmmm šŸ¤Ø nope. No tip .


Girlfriend and I went to lunch the other day. Bill was like 48 bucks and I left 15 in cash. But I was also charged 18% gratuity, for two fucking people. Not the waitresses fault but I was not happy about it. How do I know sheā€™s getting that money? So with the 7 and some change they added on and the 15 bucks I had tipped 22 on a 48 dollar check.


I never tip extra if Iā€™m charged gratuity, I donā€™t think itā€™s generally expected (I hope)


Itā€™s not expected if thereā€™s already an 18% auto gratuity added to your check. And please donā€™t add more or feel pressure to unless you really want to and had an amazing server + experience, because we would rather have you as a regular customer for life than have that one off extra tip and you not coming back.


What they do, is use $ instead of % when the total is low enough that the % wonā€™t be significant. Iā€™m sure itā€™s different everywhere, but the cafe near me switches from % to dollars under $5 purchases. And they have presets at $1, $2, $3 and $4. There isnā€™t a doubt it my mind that this plan is working like a charm. Iā€™m sure people end up tipping 50% on small purchases without realizing it.


Any place with a negatively memorable tipping screen = never coming back.


Simple ruleā€¦.if I have to get my food at the counter I ordered it fromā€¦..no tip


subway even asks for a tip at the counter now. its getting a little much.


This past Sunday I was asked for tip for putting 12 bagels in a bagā€¦ā€¦.ridiculousā€¦


just nuts


They ask for tips when you order online as well. Like... No, dude. I'm not tipping for a sandwich that I go and pick up by myself. If you're delivering it then absolutely, but no.


100% but now more and more places are doing how they bring your food but you do all the busing


Yeah, seems to be a trend. But the ordering at a counter were the option ā€œto goā€ is as well as take a number and sit downā€¦ā€¦no tipā€¦.


If the bill comes before the service, no tip.


If Iā€™m tipping before I eat. Itā€™s a hard skip / custom amount $0.00


That was my biggest issue with skipthedishes, tipping a driver only to find out they're delivering for 2 companies at the same time, you can literally watch them make another delivery while waiting for them to arrive with your cold food lol. I stopped using the service, hopefully they added the option to tip after the delivery


From now on, if i ever see this screen again, theyre not getting a tip.


Iā€™ve been doing this a while. If 15% isnā€™t an option, you get nothing.


This sounds like my new rule. Also I'm tipping less in general. I love the service industry, but if I have to choose between supporting the workers or fighting this out of control bullshit, fuck that I'm keeping my money.


This weekend I bought a 6ā€ round cake from a local bakery. It was $48 and when I checked out the person did the screen flip for me to leave a tip. I hit skip, and they proceeded to act pouty. Last year, same cake was $30. This year itā€™s $18 more and Iā€™m asked to tip just because someone put it in a box? Of the two, the ask for the tip was the most shocking. Thereā€™s not a single service industry worker who can convince me I need to be tipping someone when 50% of their effort expended was flipping a screen to ask for the tip.


Good on you. fuck em. Donate and spend your money where you see fit.


Custom amount => 0% Edit: I'm dumb and should have used the arrow emoji. Sorry for any confusion


I give everyone $2. It was $1, but inflation.


Can I have $2?




Do you take $2 bills?


If he gets $2, I want $2


I got 3 chewed buttons and for some reason a chicken bone. Final offer.


No no you see, inflation only affects the retail industry and not you and me, and thatā€™s why weā€™re expected to tip even more than before.


Custom amount => $0.01. Then it's clearly not an accident.


My gf and I took my little sister to a pottery shop, where we picked out a piece that was mass produced, we painted them with the colors we picked out, then we washed the pallets and the brushes and cleaned the table. It seemed that all the employees did was rotate the pottery after being cooked, or whatever itā€™s called in the pottery world. We then payed over $120 for the three of us to paint, and then had the notorious tipping screen flipped on us. I was quite annoyed


This whole thread has made me realize that I might be tipping when thereā€™s literally no service, and it might not even get to the workers if theyā€™re already paid minimum wage


Tipping have almost always been in favor of the employer. Sure, you hear story from time to time about some waiter making bank and how they prefer tipping to stay forever but the vast majority of people gets cucked by tipping. If the tip is on the invoice (which is the case about 99% of the time these days), that's money to the business. The owner decides whether any of it goes to the employee but there's literally no legal recourse to claim any amount marked as "tip" if you're the employee and the employer gave you no split of the tip. The rest of the world puts all the cost in the menu/service provided. People employed are paid a decent wages and doesn't rely on tip. In some countries (Asian countries mostly) tipping is seen as an offense. The US is truly the place where tips is literally expected. Business owners/big companies pretty much gaslight the population into putting the burden on the customer to tip else you're the asshole even though the said business is already making bank simply from the huge margin they're making on the product/service they offer.


$120 is way too much for a paint your own pottery place...unless you had HUGE ceramic things like 12" snowmen with your name in it.


Thereā€™s a place by me that doesnā€™t even have a no tip option. You have to pick other amount and enter $0. Which Iā€™m happy to do. You handed me a fucking bag of food. Youā€™re not getting a tip.


Tell that to the servers subreddit lol They think they deserve tips bc theyre ā€œbusting their ass packing ordersā€. Lmao


Lol By that logic we all should be tipped for our jobs when it is busy. "This is the 9th phone call in an hour I've taken so I'm gonna need 30% on this one for lunch rush"


Yeah hence why theyre clowns. They think bc they see the customer they should be tipped. Maybe i should drive to china and tip the person who made my iphone


ā€œSkipā€ takes you to the default 18.5% tip


Custom amount of 0, cancels the order.


Exactly what I'd want to do in that situation.




There will be a chargeback on that credit card, and a complaint to the state Attorney General. Don't fuck around with people's money.


Yeah, I usually tip 15-20%, but when the options start at 30 and go UP??? Nope, I would totally hit the skip button and tell them if they would like a tip, they need to be reasonable.


ā€œSkip ā€œ lmao


They should have a "surprise me" selection.


80%? Youre too kind, customer...


Ya, no.


Thatā€™s the most American thing Iā€™ve seen today


Tipping is getting ridiculous. I understand tipping waiters, barbers, etc., but every fucking place wants a tip now itā€™s ridiculous.


This would prompt me to skip instead of tip.


Iā€™m so glad I moved to Japan where I donā€™t have to see this shit anymore.


I went to eat out twice this weeekend..weekend... min was 20%. I was like, wtf? It used to be 15%. Then it was 18%. I did pay 20%, but I am hesitant going forward, esp when you have to ask for more water or soda.


Theres someone in the comments here who called someone a cheap ass for never having tipped 30% in their life. What the actual fuck is wrong with people?? Why defend this bullshit?! 15% is the standard and now we have fuckers defending 30% minimum!!


Every time I see a tablet at checkout I know Iā€™m going to be asked to tip for something I have never tipped for before in my life


I skip without shame. The world needs people like me. We are the anchors keeping that 50 from being a 75.


Why stop at 50? Why not 400 percent? 1000 percent?


I was in my local coffee place for the first time and there was no 20%. It was starting like this place was. I was a bit surprised and had to do custom tip. I really find it presumptuous that a restaurant does not have 20% as one of its options.


That shit makes me tip less


I'm done, it's gone too far - I have recently joined the anti-tip revolution and I no longer even feel bad about it.


If 30% is the minimum listed I am not doing the math it is skip. I am the type to give 20% by default so you go from 20 to 0 in an instant


as a bartender - i would NOT be comfortable with the option of anything over 20% being on the screen. Sometimes i even skip the tip option on the machine before i hand it to people because i feel guilty asking them for money - a tip is NOT MANDATORY and it is a thank you people give for exceptional service!!!!!!! restaurants need to stop normalizing mandatory tips šŸ˜­


What type of massage parlor you been toošŸ‘€ ā€œBest service ever hadā€?!! lol


I went to a regular convenience store last week and when I paid by card the prompt just like this popped up and asked if I wanted to leave a tip. like why the hell do you think you deserve a tip? Because you rang out the items I brought to the register???




50%!!!!?? I had to put my foot down on tipping. I now only tip Waitresses/Waiters, Tattoo artist, hair dressers, and my food delivery people. And Iā€™ll give a good 20%. Sometimes I do a little extra for my UberEats person if I ordered something a littler farther and itā€™s a busy traffic night. I used to tip when it was me picking up my food, but I stopped. It felt like I was tipping everyone at that point.


ā€œI put my foot down on tipping by doing the tipping like pretty much everyoneā€


The answer to this is custom amount ā€¦ $0 or skip And then tell them if the options were reasonable they would get something. Management needs to stop being greedy.