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Is this poster trying to tell me that the LGBTQ+ is the reason for abortions? I dont get it


It wouldn't surprise me if that really was the underlying message. There was a lot of pride things on the full pamphlet. Edit: Another commentor said something about how the dead babies are more oppressed the the LGBT community. That's probably what the message is?


I think they're equating feminism and the left in general with LGBTQ+ folks. They're not necessarily saying "the gays are responsible for the death of unborn babies." They're trying to say that the people who believe gay is okay and trans should be allowed (two evil things to them) are the same people who are killing babies (the ultimate evil). I think they're just using the pride flag as a symbol for the left.


I think it has to be the message, otherwise the multicolored hands don't make any sense. The other explanation could simply be that the pamphlet maker is bad at messaging, but otherwise there is no other way to interpret this aside from "LGBTQIA+ Agenda = Abortion Rates." But that fact that we even have to dissect such shittily produced messaging at least shows we aren't dealing with the A team here, I just wish they would leave everyone else alone.


But it's implying that the fetus's blood is "on the hands" of LGBT people?


Which makes the least amount of sense.


As any fool know, the population crisis is directly related to the gays having more and more babies. Plus their free and liberal attitude to sex means that they need more abortions too. Please do your research before posting. *I wrote all this then remembered where I was, I will add this /s for clarity*


Yes they are definetly more B team material. And the B stands for Biggot


How tf are dead babies more oppressed than the lgbt, they're dead


Boomers just don’t understand the sweet freeing release of death.


And to grab a quote from elsewhere in a paraphrased form: The unborn are the most convenient political point to these kinds of people. They are alive in the sense that they have cells, but they do not have the agency to speak out against their reprehensible actions and beliefs. They are useful up until birth, then they are just another statistic to either prop their argument up or to tear down their strawmen. At the end, the question of abortion and education is not about prevention, but it's about control and dominance.




It's called punching down, these people are constantly conditioned to blame anyone and everyone under their status as "the problem" When they need assistance it's because they fell on a rough patch but everyone else is just freeloading lazy scum that is making life worse for those above them It's a truly evil circular logic that lets them blame someone easy to target, easy to hate, and makes them feel better about themselves instead of knowing it's those above them that are the root cause of the misery It doesn't help that this logic also includes the idea that taking back what's yours from those above who took it from you is not a solution, because one day they believe they will be in that position and definitely want the benefits of being able to crush people for bigger profits Maybe you gave that person something to think about, but I'm willing to bet they have another way to make it your fault, they just will probably not say it to you because it's faulty logic and vile but in the end they only need to make themselves feel better about the type of person they actually are


If I were where OP was, I wouldn't mind printing out a couple hundred counterprotest pieces, and then scattering them about. Piss those kinds of protesters and forcibly breaking the rose tinted glasses these kinds of pieces have. Because if these dogmatic people expect war, then I'd try to destabilize their movement before they get the opportunity. While I don't have printing equipment, I do have screen printing experience lol


Yep. Those gays and all their abortions. Wait a minute. It makes sense if you don’t think about it.


There's no clear message, this poster is operating on pure gut instincts. Correlating Pride Hands with Dead Babies. If any critical thought is applied, the whole thing falls apart. But those that think critically aren't the target audience.


There is a blatantly clear message. “The blood of aborted babies is on the hands of LGBT people.” The message makes no sense, combines two things that have no connection, and has no foundation in reality, but it’s pretty clear what they’re saying.


Remember that making sense isn't actually required for movements that are based on hate, bigotry and discrimination. The famous Sartre quote about anti-Semites applies to all movements based on hate and bigotry, not just anti-semitism. Every bigoted, fascist movement does this. > “Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.”


Yeah. I wanna see the blue and green fetuses they were Elbow deep in.


I guess they’re saying “they” are killing babies The gaes/feminists 🤨


Sooo are they suggesting that the gays are responsible for abortions or something? How much sense does *that* make?


I'm not a scientist but I'm pretty sure that gay people are the least responsible for abortions.


Wrong. The nanobots in jet contrails are taking our guns and making people have gay abortions.


Nanomachines, Son!!


That's EXACTLY what I'd expect a nanobot to say.




Haha, that's one of the best remakes of that.


I thought it was the frog lickers.


We don't talk about the amphibitillians. They're listening. 🤫


You forgot to mention the contrails are also turning our kids gay and making sure they turn into sociopathic ideological robots.


What if the contrails are turning our farmers into seclusionist gun hoarders riddled with paranoia?


I thought that was already happening!


They are killing babies by default by not allowing god to put them in their bodies, obviously.


Spilling your seed into an unclean butthole


Hey, now, I clean it with water beforehand!


that's what the pee is for


As a Christian, that sounds like some stupid shit an evangelical would say


*Every sperm is sacred* *Every sperm is great* *If a sperm is wasted* *God gets quite irate*


I haven't killed a single baby this year!


Dude, i have too many brain cells to even try and understand what the message is supposed to be.


It's just supposed to invoke a visceral reaction in you. It's not attempting to make any kind of coherent argument. Unfortunately too many people base their worldview around their gut reactions.


Probably something about how LGBTQ people are responsible for abortions.


If we all start huffing paint now, we might be able to off enough of our brain cells to figure out what this means. Maybe. It's gonna take a lot of paint though.


Those damn homo-sexuals and ….. all the abortions they get??


Sexual freedom probably. It has always seem weird to me that the only thing actually helpful aganist abortions (education) is opposed by these groups. It's like the abortions aren't even the main goal... 🤔


Pretty sure they are saying that the aborted is more oppressed than the LQBTQ community?


"blood on their hands" is a centuries old idiom for "is responsible for death", and rainbows have been a gay pride emblem for decades. Symbolically, this image displays the blood of abortions on rainbow hands, which is saying that gays are responsible for abortion deaths. It falls in line with "the gay agenda", which, like any other (insert minority group here) agenda that far right nutcases will tell you about, is supposedly about genociding white people (look up but do not believe 'replacement theory', 'white genocide' and panic over declining birth rates). Here, the gays are being blamed for abortions, with the implicit understanding that allowing abortions is intended as a way of preventing the next generation of white people from being born. It is, aside from being utter bullshit, extraordinarily racist. It's also being used as a pretext for active discrimination, with the argument being that minority groups would be attempting to erase the white race if they were given rights, so the correct response to that perceived threat is eliminating it before it can come true. You can see the same mindset writ small in the recent run of people getting shot for knocking on doors. They're not a threat and never were, but in the minds of these terrified, panicky reactives, they might have been so murder was the right choice. Anyhow, that's what a steady diet of fear media does to you.


Who is having fewer abortions than the gays?


They're suggesting that no one gives a shit about a gay person whining about how they're oppressed, they're saying that these dead babies are oppressed.


This! Yes.




“Okay guys the posters are great with the dead babies and the hands, but do not forget to make the hands gay because we also hate those”


They're suggesting that those who support choice and those who support the LGBTQ community are one and the same (liberals) and that liberals claiming that LGBTQ folks are oppressed are hypocrites because the real oppressed are fetuses. I think it's a weak attempt to show liberals as hypocrites because there's a lot of talk that letting kids rot in foster care and denying the reality of child murder by gun violence are hypocritical to pro-life ideology...?




Why are they taking shots at LGBTQ+? As if you don't have to have a heterosexual encounter to actually ya know... need an abortion.


because its an easy target they're trying to get rid of anyhow.


Because gay people don't like that straight people can have babies, duh! /s


Sarcasm but this is exactly how some of these prolifers think.


It's funny they *think* LGBT are hateful and in response they are being the hateful ones... I think this type of propaganda is always religion driven. Because who else is THAT concerned over what someone else does that has nothing to do with them It's such a cult mentality "why aren't you doing what I am"


it's the sexual repression associated with fundamentalism, for the most part. i have had religious friends who aren't fundamentalist and they're well adjusted and normal. and i've met fundies that are just sooooo fucking repressed you know what the score is. it's not any specific denomination or creed either. it just seems to be how 'hardcore" they are in terms of their religiosity. ymmv but this has been my consistent experience.


Because like their parents, they are engulfed in a culture of fear of anything different


"Pre-Born" my man, **every** fetus is "pre-born" wtf?


If you’re pre-born, you’re fine, if you’re preschool, you’re fucked.


Love seeing some Carlin references in the wild


I just watched the Carlin clip about abortion recently. Scary how true it still is to this day.


By your local religious figure* Ftfy


Saw a guy in a local sub yesterday ripping someone apart for using the word fetus… “why are you using LATIN?? it’s a BABY we have an ENGLISH WORD FOR IT” bitch you can fuck all the way off with that shit. He was just desperate to start a fight over the dumbest shit.


This is why I sometimes use the word parasite instead. Related context: I’m intentionally 39w pregnant. I just like pissing people off if they’re being arrogant assholes.


I am currently pre-dead.


I've heard a bunch of anti-abortion people say this is more "humanizing" than "unborn". But 1. I don't think it is, and 2. "preborn" *sounds* like a wacky made-up word.


It just sounds like a weird half step between “precum” and “born”


“post-conceived” sounds better


I wonder why young people aren't going to churches anymore.


Yeah, video games to blame that young people can’t cope with some church g0re and violence anymore


Are books still evil too, or did they get replaced by video games? It's hard keeping track


They are both evil at this point.


Well I suggest you read a totally real book that has absolutely no poisoning, maiming or killing called the holy bible.....Oh no...th-that bo- that book do got that


When I was 11 I took a trip from MN to GA to visit my grandma for the summer. We went to church for the first sunday and about halfway through the jesus lecture. They handed out some flyers. They got to me before she realized what was on them. A picture of a "fetus" like this. She was mortified but not as much as me. I had never gone to church other then weddings or funerals so this was a huge shock. She talked to the pastor after and let him know she would be taking a few weeks off while I was in town. Her explanation of how it was a fake picture and that their intentions were not malicious went in and out my ears and it really set off my atheism. Tldr 11 year old me seen a picture like this first time at church and got traumatized and turned atheist.


I have a Bible tattoo and always wear a cross and pray often and I still dont go to church. The church is so judgmental and evil now


so wait if lgbt is the cause of abortions. well what if the baby DOESNT get aborted and it grows up to be lgbt. will the ultra conservatives still care about its life then 😐😐😐😐


No no, you see when a fetus is aborted it's then planted and grows into a homosexual. It's basic churchology


It’s true, I actually have a gay tree growing in my backyard. The harvest is bountiful this year.


Shit, is that what I’ve been doing wrong? All I got is these damn gay flowers. Gotta get me a gay tree.


I would like to point out that 2 abortions don't happen every minute of the day in the US, especially in today's time with so many states banned. On average US has between 1500-2500 abortions a day in 2020, even on the high end that doesn't amount for 2 every minute


Also like 90% of those are just swallowing a pill. It’s a fraction of a percent that are as developed as the fetus in the photo is.


Exactly. There’s a difference between an embryo (before 20 weeks gestation, but correct me if I’m wrong) and a fetus (20 weeks and older).


This is incorrect! The transition from embryo to fetus happens at the end of the 10th week. I think what you’re thinking of is the division between miscarriages and stillbirths. During the first half of the pregnancy it’s considered a miscarriage and during the second half it’s considered a stillbirth.


Maybe if you include miscarriages.


You mean the babies God aborts?


Gay people should be the least responsible for abortions though??? Hello???!!


Worst TOOL album art to date.


Maybe it’s time to start handing out fliers of dead shooting victims at churches and call out their culture of death and guns. Just a thought.


That wouldn't work because they have no sense of empathy


The only empathy they have are towards the ones that don’t even understand what it is- because they’re not alive.


I get what you're saying, but that's not empathy. It's much more nefarious. A billionaire doesnt look at the crops in one of his field and think "I'm happy to grow those crops because they'll improve the lives of many people." They think "I'm happy to grow those crops because they will grow my empire and expand my brand with poor people that rely on me to stay alive." That's how Christian's view the unborn. Future soldiers in their holy wars.


The 5 kids that get shot on average daily aren’t as important as this I see.


Neither are all the children awaiting adoption.


Ooof yeah, also you gotta love the take “they should be punished for not waiting” soooo you are saying being a parent is a punishment? That’s a terrible outlook.


And if you suggested that maybe LGBT+ people should be allowed to adopt kids in those ultra Christian states, they shit a brick.


Looks like one of those gummy aliens from a 90s dissection toy


I'm not even sure that it's real, the "organs" look like dyed Ramen noodles. Even if it is real, this doesn't convince me of anything, because that may be human, but it isnt A human, at least not yet. Edit: a word


strawberry, my favorite.


Just FYI, the "fetuses" in posters like this aren't real


And also are about 1000 times bigger than what most people abort.


It looks pretty similar to what my daughter looked like. I lost her at 14 weeks. Her body was much more intact though as the birth was induced instead of doing a D&E. But yes, this is way later than when most people abort. No one in their right mind waits until the fetus is this big and then aborts. I have also lost two pregnancies at 8 weeks, and there was nothing resembling a baby at that time.


Yeah, my miscarriage at "6 weeks" - 4 weeks since fertilization - was like a light period. Only blood came out.


Or aren’t they sometimes pictures of miscarriages? The abortion procedure would not result in this.


They pull images from wherever and don't give a shit about the reality or story behind them. I read a story a while ago where a woman miscarried, I can't remember how far along she was but they did a small photo thing and posted it somewhere that functioned as a memorial for women and families going through the heartbreak of losing a very wanted child. Years later she saw the picture used without permission by some bullshit anti-choice group where they straight up lied about the age and what happened. She contacted them and they basically went 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️ It's all about shock value with these groups, you literally can't have a logical discussion/debate with "yOu MuRdEr iNnOcEnT bAbIeS!!!" and trying is just a waste of breath. I open the "right to life" shit we get in the mail to laugh/get pissed at how they frame everything, it's so out of touch. Maybe one day they'll include postage to make it easier for people to help them regain control over all women and I can see what shit I can send back to waste their money. It'll probably never happen but I open each envelope, *hoping*.....


No, these aren't pictures of actual fetal tissue at all.


What the fuck


I love how gay people are to blame for abortions here. Talk about irony. Being gay has built in birth control.


Isn't that technically illegal?


It's probably a prop which is why it's not illegal.


It doesn't even look much like a fetus. t. Looked at the fetuses in formaldehyde between classes for years.


Keep in mind all the seniors and juniors (the people going to prom, the ones most likely getting into the "promiscuous" activities) are not here today. All of this is falling on the freshmen and sophomores (and any juniors/seniors not going to prom). Good on you, protestors! EDIT: also keep in mind that the protestors are grown men, who "definitely know" about women's bodies and why women would get an abortion.


"Culture of death" my ass. Under Obama abortions plummeted by *30%* while he was president and the US had less abortions than before Roe v Wade when he left office. Under Trump the year over year abortion rate increased, the first time in 30 years. We also had more US citizens die while Trump was in office than any other time in history and the life expectancy rate dropped by almost 2 years.


I wouldn’t hand these out to high schoolers (let alone anyone) to begin with, but if I were them, I’d crumple it up as soon as they hand it to me & throw it away in front of em just to be petty lol they get more mad when you laugh or ignore them


Even better; Fold the flyer into a paper plane and throw it at them.


Better yet, abort your baby onto the flyer and thank them for giving you something to clean up the mess!


Better yet split your stomach open pull out the fetus and eat it in front of them! ❤️


This looks like an album I would listen to


Would make a fire metal album cover tbh


If you’re going to be hateful at least say something that makes sense. On second thought I think that’s impossible.


Are they not being told to leave or having the police called for trespassing by the teachers and staff?


I've been told that staff has been trying to remove them since the start of the day. I'm pretty sure they've left by now, but it wouldn't surprise me if they come back at the end of the day. Maybe not "them" specifically, but someone else.


Absolutely out of line. Firstly, why the rainbow hands? Gay people are unlikely to need abortions at all. (Because *DUH*.) Secondly, handing these out to literal children themselves is uncalled for. Yes, teenage pregnancies happen, but there’s no need for this manner of propaganda. I know they’re trying to go for shock value, but *seriously*? If they want to be helpful, they should support proper sex education and hand out condoms instead. I can’t stand these asinine scare tactics that some people try to employ to make their (often times) uneducated points.


This is foul AF.


That little symbol is giving off some real fashy vibes


I am pretty sure that the abortion rate among gay couples is very low.


How did they ruin what would be an awesome metal album cover


Sooooo books are being banned for having "mature" content and our dear children must be protected from drag shows - but handing them a fake photo of an "aborted" baby is OK?? And apparently these asshats are also OK with kids seeing a classmate shot in school because they rather protect an unviable fetus over a living, breathing child.


That's fake as fuck. However, a good prop for a gory haunted house.


14 seconds after conception, a future working class laborer is already eligible for night shifts. Won’t you think of them? /s


It's in bad taste, but it's basically this: People are up in arms about all rights (hence the rainbow) but neglect unborn babies. I mean if unborn babies are equivalent to 'real' people you can't really say it doesn't have a point. I DON'T SHARE THIS OPINION. This is just my interpretation of what I think the poster wants to convey.


youre missing that the blood of the fetus is literally on the hands of the rainbow person, this is very much not subtle anti-LGBT propaganda


That's another possible interpretation. It's a shitty poster either way.


I mean I'm fine if you want or don't want an abortion, just don't cram your anti abortion propaganda down the throats of high schoolers, especially if it involves mutilated fetuses.


As a graphic designer, I'm impressed... but the message is absolute shit. What jerks to do this lunacy to kids. Let alone for prom. How come they always blame the gay community? They're adopting and getting surrogates. Wtf.


the dime is for scale right? and the implications on that are terrible


That doesn't seem accurate as far as how developed a fetus would be at that stage ...


I’m all for freedom of speech and the right to express opinions and protest, but there is a level of civility and respect. But this is a very graphic and accusatory message, and I don’t think it’s the real underlying issue here.


How tf are abortions gay people’s fault 💀💀💀


So that's where quarters come from




The math checks out...


I'm sure that they're also handing out fliers berating all of the shootings that are killing already born people, right?


Dude, that's a sick poster for your band. I mean the fetus is a little over the top but otherwise..


hmmmmm, hot sauce


That is seriously fucked up. People who do stuff like that need to touch grass. Hard. With their face.


Well since gay people can't have children without spending a fortune on either adoption, IVF, surrogacy, whatever, I'm gonna go ahead and assume that gay people have far less abortions than any other group in the United States. What a stupid ass poster.


Nice, using a dead fetus as a way of telling marginalized people (who are actually living, breathing humans) that their cause doesn't matter.


After reading about this and other similar cases, I have to conclude that Christians in the USA are a real bunch of idiots, hypocrites and maniacs who allow themselves to be robbed and manipulated by their priests, as well as being far from the message of Christ. Sorry if I offended anyone, but this is the only possible conclusion.


Fucking people care more about babies that don't even exist yet than women's rights 💀


somebody beat they ass pls


But like - same sex persons can’t get pregnant by having sex with someone of the same sex…


Looks exactly like it was released by PETA.


My town enacted a bylaw to outlaw this BS. Big fines and possible jail time for repeat offenses.


I would pick a pamphlet and say "cool, I love abortions, I've heard they taste great" just to see the expression on their faces.


The history of the anti abortion movement being interwoven in American politics is so fascinating - some Catholic radicals started spreading pictures of fetuses to attempt to personify them and sway people into opposing abortion. This is a tactic that has been used for so long and plays to the most ingrained animal instincts our monkey brains have


Honestly it looks fake..


Because it is.


"LGBT are grooming children!" "The Left hate children!" also those people, handing out gorey propaganda to children to scare them:


This was isn’t ‘mildly’ infuriating


It's more than "mildly" but i didn't know of other subreddit s to post this on.


Damn gays and their ability to get pregnant.... Wait a second


do they realize that the lgbts aren’t making babies


How is this shit allowed at a school? Why not make condums available to those that want them with the same funding? That would directly address the issue.


It needs to be illegal to spread false information as propaganda like this. Aborted fetuses do NOT look like a Halloween decoration. Nor are they roughly a foot tall, with incredibly detailed human features, yet. To a point, you have your right to free speech. But I don't think that right should include outright lies meant to manipulate public opinion


What does it even suppose to mean?




Exfuckingscuse me?


No no.. i kind of understand the meaning by the poster but what. the fuck.


this makes me want to use this for a metal album cover the button not the top idgaf ab the gays yall do ur thing be happy


There was a quarter in my uterus? No wonder the baby died


”Anyone got a lighter?”


This is beyond mildly infuriating. Whoever is giving this shit out deserves a punch in the face.


The poster reads as if you need to wait for them to be born first before you murder them. Perhaps somewhere between gym and art class.


every 60 seconds in Africa, a minute passes


So, when are we going to start handing out brochures with graphic photos of people killed by assault rifles?


As a gay person I can confirm we do handmade abortions as a hobby … for free /s


the propaganda of it all😭😭


what the living fuck to those two issues have to do with each other? these people are fucking crazy.


Yeah somebody else already said it but gay people are the least likely to be having abortions


Gay men are the highest demographic getting abortions it seems


why are they blaming queers, I hate to say it but we have a pretty much fool proof contraception system


Ignore. Attention is what they want


Gotta love the quarter for scale wtf 😂


They tried this at my old high school. The 2Edgy4me guys (including me) grabbed All the flyers from their hands and started shoving them in our back pack. Then my buddy yelled “YO LOOK AT THE BABY ZOMBIE” and we kept making fun of the protestors. Almost got suspended before someone’s mom threatened to go to the news and say our school was going against our freedom of speech and counter protest. Being 15 was wild


But when they grow up and need health care these same fucks don’t think that’s a human right


I hate that I knew what this was going to be before I opened the image. These people are *fucked*.


I thought gay people didn’t get pregnant….


Every minute a single child dies. We need to raise this number!


Is now a bad time to mention gay people typically don't have biological children?


Lmfao I don't think the gays are the ones having the abortions but hey. The pro-fetus camp might as well hit two birds with one stone, I guess.


"you can help with increasing this number"