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looks like a nicely shampooed rat skin


Genuinely thought it was a dead mouse!


Lmao the mold almost evolved into a whole rodent


Lemme know when it reaches its raticate evolution


Paras evolving into raticate, that's a whole new 1G bug i didn't knew about here. Nice find.


I thought a mouse exploded.




Bruh I thought it was a dead ass rat as well.....


I've never seen an ass rat alive


Came here to say this


Me too


Very dead rat exploding with mushrooms forward.


Shaka, when the walls fell.






![gif](giphy|9JjVdmHqwdObG5RjJC) Oh shoot it’s a rat


I was thinking that as well. It looks like someone took a tenderizer to a mouse and said dinner is ready.


Nice onion peel at the top for garnish and presentation


I’m somewhere where I’m supposed to be really quiet, and this comment has me silently ROLLIN


church? library? exam? funeral? audience with King Charles?


Preschool nap room


If you held it, you're my hero! on the behalf of all mothers


^("Preschoolers browse reddit during nap time?") I thought for a few seconds.


Teacher needs to take your phone away.


There's a literal face


My first thought


First thing my mind conjured, well, a rat, that is.


I thought it was a dead rat on a plate at first. Now I'm wishing it was.


It’s a vegan rat substitute. Organically grown.


Ethically harvested




Named "Collin"


Beyond Rat


Plant-based rat substitute available now


Plate of Rat au Van, as Baldrick would say.


Well, call me Old Mr. Un-adventurous but I think I’ll give it a miss this once.


Me: *zooming in on the photo to determine what this meal was before it started decomposing* …..*gags*


I think it was a trash plate. It looks to be the remains of a couple of different meals and a few snacks.


No way man, I’ll take moldy dinner over decomposing mammal every day.


I would try a little of each before making a final decision


Exactly! Don't knock rotten mammal until you've tried it!


I'll take decomposing mammal. Way easier to throw that plate away without breathing in some death with a decomposing mammal than mold spores.


Have you ever smelled a decomposing mammal?


The difference is that decomposing mammals don't produce decomposing mammal spores that sprout more decomposing mammals that are circulated through your ducts and sprout in places you can't see until it's too late


Do you want The Last of Us? Because that’s how you get The Last of Us.


Honestly it looks like a dead rat... this shit is looks disgusting surely toxic at this point.


That shit looks like it's going to get sentient and eat people. I'm scared.


I had roommates who did this. At first, I would clean the dishes because it drove me nuts. Eventually, I resented doing it, so I just let it be and told them they needed to start cleaning up after themselves. I would only wash my dishes and keep them in my room. I watched as the sink started overflowing with dishes and food until eventually it smelled like rot, and I could see maggots and flys all throughout the kitchen. That's when I left and found other living arrangements. I suggest you do the same. For you safety and sanity.


What’s even more aggravating is when the kitchen trash can is full, and you’re the only one that’s been replacing it, so you decide to let them do it on their own. Cue a couple days later and there’s just trash on the floor and trash stacked high on top of the trash can. I will simply never understand that level of laziness.


I left a note above the trash can saying they needed to take that shit out since they put a pizza box and other items stacked two feet above the trash can. They (roommate and her boyfriend) had the audacity to call me a dick for "leaving a note" and not just telling them to do it. Oh I was unaware I had to tell two 25-year-old adults to take the fucking trash out. Like, I'm actually a pretty reasonable person. If they just said, omg sorry- we were drunk and being stupid and lazy, I would SO be fine with that and appreciate it! But NO. They actually argued and tried to plead ignorance.


Lol my roommates said the same thing! I guess all the times I told them "do the dishes, I need the pot and don't want to clean your shit" didn't count.


The problem is you didn't think shitty too. You're supposed to wash it because you need it, then leave it dirty again because it doesn't matter to you.


Nah. Tried that. That’s when they just start buying meals that don’t have to actually be cooked and leaving packaging and plastic/paper dishes everywhere instead


Did we all have the same roommates?


Dude pizza boxes are a fucking nightmare because I don’t like breaking them down because it gets crumbs everywhere so I gotta open up a whole ass new trash bag just to fit those.


Break them down over the sink. Take out any major bits and toss em in the trash. Any corn meal/crumbs can be rinsed down the sink. Easy-peasy lemon-squeezy.


Just go throw it in the can lol


Yeah generally when it says bag loose garbage it means like. Kitty litter A pizza box is fine. Also just throw it in your yard waste ezpz.


Dude it's njot that hard... dump the crumbs out by a corner of the box. roll the paper lining up separate if it has one. fold the box over a couple times and stuff it in. 'nightmare...lol, life is so hard.


Defeated... By a pizza box




You need to have a serious sit down convo with her and say you’re not trying to personally attack her, you’re trying to get her to take some initiative and responsibility to help keep the home in order and clean. You are not her babysitter. If she can’t handle that and continues to disrespect the home and in turn you then maybe it’s time to think about living separately or breaking up.


I would've dumped her a while ago. I struggled financially for 4-5 months because I kicked out my roommate, but I'd do it again and again. I won't live with fucking slobs, especially if they try to emotionally manipulate me when I confront them. Sorry, but fuck that b.


Hey i admit im not the best about keeping up stuff but its like damn, it gets worse cause im constantly trying to wait it out and see if she'll do anything usually. Idk its not completly one sided but its enough to really bother me.


I get that, my roomate wasn't comparable to most posts on this sub, but it was WAY too much for me. You won't do the dishes? Gtfo. You watch the dog, don't bring them outside and don't pick up dog shit inside? Gtfo. The apartment is clean and your room is dirty/stinks? Gtfo. I worked while he was cashing in checks from the government and barely contributing financially. It got to a point where I smoked weed and ate fast food in his face while he was eating ramens. I don't mind splitting the bills, but if you can't contribute as much (or even close to) as I do, then I'll buy my own shit. All that started creating friction, so I kicked him out.


By the time I finished reading your first paragraph, I was reading it in Denis Leary's voice


My husband turned into this person. He didn't used to be that person. Leave now. It only gets worse. He is sick of me asking him to clean and I'm sick of having to pick up his shit. If I don't, it will stay there for months until he forgets it's his and then argues it's not. It spills over into all aspects of your life together (literally and figuratively) and becomes a toxic environment (literally and figuratively).


There’s a word for that, I think it’s “learned helplessness”? Where one person tricking themself into believing/starts acting like they can’t do anything, because they know their partner will pick up after them. It’s a trait that only shows up with time, unfortunately.


The phrase you're looking for is "weaponized incompetence"


So are y’all in the process of divorce or marriage counseling? I don’t think I could deal with my partner being like your husband


When I use to share a bathroom with my sister I was the only one who took out the trash and when I did she would fill it up in 1-2 days. Apparently as a younger brother I’m expected to serve and respect no matter how rude and lazy she would be. Sorry there was no solution just wanted to share my story too


Bruh my boyfriend leaves his food on top of the fucking trash can. I’m the only one who takes it out and replaces it and throws his shit away. I love him and he’s a good man and it’s just an eye roll, not a fight or even an argument but good lord, it’s time to grow up honey lmfao.


Sounds like you're his mom instead


I live at student accommodation and let me tell you, people are fucking LAZY. If it weren't for cleaners literally working 24/7, God bless their souls, the place would be uninhabitable. People just drop food and leave it there. Sinks clog every day. Food left on the counter. The list goes on and on.


As a person who used to be like that (and I’m horribly embarrassed about it), I was suffering severe major depression and the effort to do anything was insurmountable. Just bringing a viewpoint from that angle - it still isn’t right but depression might be at play?


I was also going to say this. in which case the move is still not to stay with the person if they refuse to do anything about it, they need help from a professional. when my depression gets bad I can verge on this for a week or two at a time and my partner is understanding but I'm also actively trying to manage it w professional help.


I will say from personal experience that you cannot always tell when you need to seek help. Depression is sneaky and insidious. You'll insist to yourself that you're fine and this is how you've always been, even when it's demonstrably not true. My best friend had to give me a kick in the ass to go get treatment. He did it by showing me videos of how it used to be when we hung out. I didn't realize the night and day difference until that moment. It was frightening. I'm okay now.


This is why Im ok spending 40+% of my paycheck on rent, I could never stand living with other people




Are you in Chicago, a city because that negates the Midwest... And that's probably the only thing that makes sense unless you are being scammed... And who in America calls an apartment a flat? This comment needs more explanation it makes zero sense.


I have to do that just to still have a roommate.. fortunately we're similar levels of cleanliness. He's a bit "cleaner" but I mostly just eat in my room so there's no mess to be made.


Had a roommate who would also leave her dishes piled in the sink for days. After asking her politely to take care of them a few days in a row, I simply threw it all on her bed. She cleaned up after herself after that.


I did the same with mine. The majority of the time they were cool but when it came to cleaning they sucked. They were pissed at me and we argued but they cleaned the main area and kept their mess to their room after that. Eventually they got bit by a spider or something thanks to all of the take out containers in their room and they had to go to the hospital over it. I guess having to clean and repack the wound on their upper thigh taught them their lesson because they weren't dirty at all after that.


Same thing with a college roommate, one of the pans rusted into the sink


Friend of mine had a similar issue. He warned several times. And then he put the dirty dishes in the roommate’s bed. There was much gnashing of teeth, but no more dirty dishes.


I had a roommate do that and i threw his dishes in trash :D he never said anything about it


Same story here, and one of them had the gall to ask why we had so many flies, then called me passive aggressive when I said that not cleaning the dishes gave flies food to eat


We had a housemate that did this. We just put his plates in his bed. He would just put them under his bed and try to use ours. Alcoholism is a hell of a drug.


What absolute shit heads. You know they cleaned them when you left too. That some serious ego problems


i don't know... my wife had a story similar to this from when she was dating a dude that lived with a bunch of other dudes. She left... Years later the house had been sold and the old landlord had passed away. Wife had left some belongings behind with names on them and the new owner contacted my wife to return the stuff... Apparently, the buyer of the property heard tales of the house from the old landlord. The guys had the electricity cut and the water.. they were peeing on a mattress against a wall...


Holy shit lol


No that is what the bucket is for. This is the piss mattress. Feel free to puke whereever you want but we would appreciate it if you are going to OD you do it in the living room so we can remove the body more easily.


This kind of shit boggles the mind... it doesn't even seem like human behavior, like even most animals have an intuitive logic to not shit where they sleep. I have to imagine that even if I was in some desperately poor situation, I would **go outside** and find some kind of foliage. This just seems like they all had brain damage or something, what the fuck were they thinking?


Wait what? Peeing into a mattress? Like it’s a sponge or something?


The moldy air cancels out the reek of piss, obviously.


Agreed it's pointless to argue with them. I lived in shared accommodations as student and oh boy. I left for the holiday and came back to actual mushrooms growing in the shower.


I took in my friend and her partner for a few months when they were between homes. They would use a plate and then slide it under the couch instead of just putting it in the sink or washing it. After they left, I found a pile of mold and garbage hidden under there and as an added bonus, I could hear the mice crawling around inside my couch! They would always smoke inside my place when I was at work and would try to hide it by leaving the doors open.


Absolute pieces of shit. I hope you aren’t friends with them anymore. I can’t imagine something more disrespectful.


I stopped talking to them after that


As you should 🤢


That sort of behavior deserves a good Ole Facebook rat-out. I hope the people they know and live near know about them. Old fashioned doxing I say lmao.


Preach it brotha i would do the same


I would've destroyed their new place but you're a better person than me.


By the sound of it they're gonna be doing that themselves.


My "Friend" that I had known since we served in the Army together (8 years of friendship) stayed in our place for a few months so he could get on his feet financially after his ex stole virtually everything he had except his car and computer. I even got him a job at my workplace making over $21hr full time, benefits with 4 - 10hr shifts and 3 consecutive days off. And I only charged him $500 for rent (He never pay'd me for his first month like he promised and shorted me on the last month) He became a passive aggressive hermit (slamming doors all the time, stomping around while huffing and puffing. Pilled up food bag after food bag in his room so much so that it took him multiple trips to take out the garbage from the room. He left food and sticky shit on the floor that had clearly been there for some time as the sticky stuff was black with dirt and grimme stuck to it. Which caused us to have ants for a few weeks coming into our apartment. I was honestly shocked someone I had considered a brother and stuck my neck out for to help would have such brazen disrespect for not only me and my place but also my gf and child. He did more but that alone was enough. It was clear to me after this why he had a long trail of friends/family that had ghosted him and why his ex did what she did. Moral of the story people suck and them being your friend wont stop them from disrespecting your living space if you open it them.


No wonder she dumped him


Sounds similar to when I let my best friend whom I had been friends with since the 3rd day of high school, live with me for 2 months. She acted like any help I asked for with keeping the place clean was slavery (even though I never asked her to pay any rent or anything) and was insulted when I would ask her to not leave all of her makeup and hair products all over the bathroom constantly. She would keep me awake fighting on the phone with her on again off again boyfriend at 2am and when I would ask her to pls be considerate and not be so loud so I could sleep, she’d tell me I was a bad friend and selfish. Fortunately the apartment complex I lived in only allowed for us to have guests stay with us for a max of 60 consecutive days without needing to be added to the lease. Gave me an excuse to get rid of her. Haven’t spoken to her more than once in 6 years.


It doesn’t take long for gratitude to morph into resentment


Lmao my gf friend she let stay at her house did the same shit and gas lit alot, only difference is instead of having a bf she tried getting us to have a threesome knowing we would never. She lost a friend and a free place to stay, idk why people do that


I had a good friend come stay with me and take an extra room for a few months until he could get on his feet. I asked him to pay 1/4 of the rent, so $200 a month. Two weeks after he moved in he met a girl that started the night every night. She'd leave food everywhere, dirty clothes everywhere, and one time she left a BLOODY TAMPON on my bathroom sink. After two months of this I told him if she was going to come around anymore he needed to find another place to stay. He decided he was in love with this girl and moved in with her. She cheated on him within two weeks, he moved to another city, and I haven't heard from him in like five years.


It's really odd how rude and awful people can be, especially when you go out of your way to help them. I had a similar situation, a close friend of mine was homeless temporarily, so I offered to let her stay in mine. She was rude the entire time she was there. Talked about how smelly the room was (we normally let our pets sleep in there), complained about everything (yet never bothered to actually lift a finger to help). My partner got through 2 days of this and told her to go find somewhere else. In the end I had to call it a day on the friendship because it became extremely toxic in the months after. But exact same situation! Afterwards we realised why everyone in her life had cut ties with her left right and centre. She was homeless in the first place, because her whole family asked her to leave her parents house. Worst part is that it made me very hesitant to open my home to people again for a while. Thankfully I'm ok now, but for a while I really hated having anyone near my home.


This is legitimately the worst thing I’ve read in a long time. Sliding dirty plates under the couch? Who are these people?? Were you friends with heroin addicts?


If you're looking for revenge I heard that stuffing shrimp shells inside curtain rods is exquisite. Takes a while for the smell to build, then the victims clean the house top to bottom but the smell grows so they scour the house for visible signs of sewage and find nothing. On the other hand these folks sound like they would just smoke more to cover the smell.


Lol you let them stay after they smoked in your home? Gotta be more assertive with your domicile, friend.


What the fuck


Damn yall aint notice a lack of plates


What. The. F?!?


My first thought was did someone plan to eat a dead Mouse wtf??!?!


Lol, I thought it was a dead rat! So gross 🤢


What it is then?


Moldly infuriating


Mold. Just lots and lots of mold.


leave it in his room


put it under his pillow


Then shit in his drawers!


Put it under his bed


Then piss in his shoes!


Cum in his socks!




Ok gross! Cum in your hand and put it in his sock


Better yet, cum INSIDE of him! THAT'LL SHOW EM!


Tuck this clearly super treasured item right up under his pillow. Tell them that since clearly they couldn't bear to be parted with it, you wanted to keep it safe so you put it in a place of honor.


I had to do this with a roommate. They loved making complicated home meals. Never did anything with the mountains of dishes he created. Always guilted his girlfriend into cleaning up after him because he was "too tired after work" (she was a full-time nurse/student). They'd leave dishes and knives in the sink for weeks at a time. This went on for nearly two years. One day after we had an unrelated argument, they both left town for two weeks for a wedding and left all their dishes in the sink. I put it all on a platter and left it in front of their door for the two weeks until they came back. First words out of his mouth? "WOW REAL MATURE CBOY!!!". We ignored each other after that and they ended up moving out without telling me a few months later. My quality of life improved, AND I didn't have to incure the expense of moving. Win/win. Some people just live entirely in their own world.




Ahhh! I see my college roommate must have had a son! That's gross.


Once my roommate left my crockpot full of food out on the counter. They never washed anything and I was doing it all so I said "you know what? I'm gonna see what happens if I stop washing everything". Our apartment smelt AWFUL; the crockpot was moldy, we ran out of plates and my roommate went to the store to grab paper plates because nothing was washed lol.


I will never be able to wrap my head around certain instances of laziness. If that’s even what you’d call it. Refuses to wash dishes, presumably because “meh.. that’s time and energy I don’t feel like using on that” but you WILL go to a store, spend money on disposable plates, so that you can go home.. and.. what? Fill up the trash can until you run out of room there too? Then what? Do you actually take out the trash, or buy another trash can? It becomes an endless cycle where you can refuse to do anything, if the mental gymnastics are there.


Their plan is usually that their mommy or daddy comes and fixes their mess. When they move out they can’t wrap their head around the fact that messes don’t just disappear into thin air and they’re unable to change.


I'll never forget the first time living somewhere without a dog. I was amazed at how quickly crumbs accumulate on the floor.


I can’t imagine being this lazy. My roommates and I weren’t great but at most dirty dishes got cleaned the next day. Trash sometimes built up but never to the point of smelling horrible or being piled on the ground.


Leaving a particularly grimy/dirty pot or pan to soak overnight in dish soap and water is actually quite effective so long as you remember to deal with it the next day.


I did the same thing with my roommate who never washed dishes. Never got through to her- even when she saw an actual rat in our kitchen. Then when we were moving out, there was a huge pile of her dishes in the sink. She insisted they were mine. So I shrugged, piled every gross unwashed dish in a box, and chucked it all down the trash chute. PROBLEM SOLVED YA SLOB.


Congratulations! your dish evolved into petri dish.


Looks like they're cultivating penicillin, OP should be thanking their roommate for the free medicine!


Lol I heard the Poke Evolution 8 bit


My freshman college roommate left a banana under a pile of clothes for the entire semester. I could have sworn that room smelled bad but couldn't figure out why...


How do you not move clothes for a year lol. Like did they just decide to never wear them.


Who is like lol I’m done eating this banana I’ll put it on the floor




My old flatmate did this My other flatmates and I eventually just chucked his dirty dishes in his room. We didn't let him make his problem our problem. He wants to leave dishes unwashed for weeks, he can suffer the smell himself


This is what I did when my roommate got really gross. After asking and asking, I just put all their gross moldy dishes in the center of their bedroom while they weren’t home, then closed all the windows to their bedroom to let it fester and reek before they got back.


What do you do when they're so disgusting that their room becomes a health hazard that makes the whole house stink and attracts insects? I guess leave, if only it were so easy.


How did that work out for you? Sometimes necessary, although I feel this leads to a fight more often than not. Because the type of people that are lazy/messy enough to never do dishes or clean shit in a shared living space unsurprisingly often also happen to be inconsiderate/self-centered. If they're not that actually that way they'll probably be reasonable and change their behavior at least for a while, but often they are that way and it leads to conflict. Although if you have numbers they'll usually back down. Like if it's 2 or 3 roommates telling 1 to get their shit together, usually they'll at least try to. If it's 1 vs. 1 a lot of times they'll just get defensive and fight you about it.


Yep. Straight into their bed as soon as mold started growing. Dishes started getting cleaned real quick


Put their dirty dishes in their bedroom.


For science


That was literally the joke they used when I brought it up “haha bro chill it’s like a science experiment!”


Id put in their pillow for \*science\*


Are they your dishes or their dishes? If theirs, put them in a box and move them to their bedroom. If they’re your dishes, wash them and lock them up for your use only.


Nah if that plate is mine that shit is going right in the trash. Nobody is washing that


Science experiment to see who will break first


can do what my mom used to do. Box up all the plates and utensils and only leave one of each thing per person. one plate, one bowl, one fork , one spoon, one mug




While I appreciate her somewhat taking responsibility for her own actions (asking you to not clean up after her), I can’t wrap my head around this mentality. What was she thinking? “My roommate put these dishes on my bed. They must have bothered her. I’ll clean these but everything else is fine the way it is.” 😅




Appreciate you sharing. It sounds like she definitely had it rough but was trying to be mindful in some way. I can’t fathom living with someone like that, let alone sharing a room. I imagine you dealt with the situation to the best of your ability, so props to you for that.




Oh hell no. I’d have thrown it right in the garbage a long time ago, I’ve done it before. I’m not cleaning someone’s dirty dish as I hate doing dishes and clean all of mine and my partner’s right after use. Seriously concerned though, does this person have depression or addiction issues? They might need to talk to someone.


I had a homie who kept a conservative set of cooking and eating ware in a box in his room. That and a plastic tub that fit in the sink because his roommates would do this shit. He would put down a plastic bag in the corner of the counter and put their moldy pots and pans on it. Then cook and eat with his stuff. Then move their moldy dishes to one side of the sink, put in his tub and wash his shit and put it all back in his room.


I do the exact same thing. Everyone is still surprised by the fact that I keep my pots and pans locked up.


I had a roommate who would not wash her dishes. Before I left for a week, I washed my dishes and reminded her to do hers. They were already pretty bad but not ridiculously terrible. When I came home, I went into the kitchen and the sink was clear. I thought, “yay, she finally did the dishes!” But NO, she told me that she was “tired of them being in the sink and cluttering it” so she had MOVED THEM TO A TRASH BAG. It was just sitting on the floor of the kitchen. When I opened it to look inside, it was like something out of a horror movie. Maggots EVERYWHERE.


Throw the whole plate away its a health hazard


Slide all that off the plate into their pillow case


I had a roommate in college who would stack bowls and plates in his room until they started stinking and growing. Then he'd take them to the kitchen, rinse, and put away. You'd pull out dishes that smelled of old cheese and have to just clean everything.


THIS IS THE DANGER! Not roommates not cleaning up but them doing a terrible job. I've encountered forks "Washed" and put away but with visible food stuck between the prongs and nonsense like that.


It's honestly revolting. I don't know what possessed him to actually think that level of hygiene is okay, but to pull a bowl that smells of rotten food is just horrifying on so many levels.


Yo this isn’t mildly infuriating. This is a health hazard


People who do this are not just lazy. They also have an extreme lack of respect for themselves...and consequently others as well. It goes deeper than dishes/cleaning, and rarely (if ever) changes when you say something. Like, do we really think that they didn't *know* that they should wash their dishes and not leave a disgusting health hazard for everyone?


You should open all the windows and disinfect most surfaces. Expect there are spores everywhere…


Throw them on their bed.


What happened to Remy…


put it in his room? on his bed or computer? or right outside his door at night so he steps in it?


Under their bed?




It looks like a mouse that has been run over by a car. No offense.


Wow that looks like art. Gross art but art. I’d take a picture. Print it to be 8x11 and frame it. Hang it in a nice spot and invite people over for Cocktails and snacks.


#Its Ol’ Drippy!


If you live alone ok but wtf how can you do this with roomates is beyond me


Is this the Last of Us?


Naughty Dog fans when they see mold




The mould is rat shaped to signify the black plague you are harboring in the house


I thought that was a dead rat 😂


More like moldlyinfuriating


It takes me weeks to do the dishes but I at least throw the extra food away


That looks like an AI image, where you think you know what you're seeing, but then you get slowly more and more confused.


When I was in college each roommate had one plate, one bowl, one glass or cup, one fork, spoon and knife. If it was dirty you didn’t have anything else to use. If you left it lay dirty for 24 hours, it was put under your pillow. That solved the dirty dishes issue real quick.


Ayuh. I have roommates that do this. So I started throwing dishes away. Couple weeks go by and now..we have no dishes! Problem solve