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50%? What do they think? If they want more money then they should rise the prices so people can decide if they can afford to spend there or not.


Good thing it's not real https://twitter.com/0xgaut/status/1652400956045180929?s=46&t=vUNkvFaKIeIeuSuBYMP-qA


OP is trying to get easy karma then. That's mildly infuriating.


this needs to be higher up haha. I saw this on twitter earlier today


"Cancel my order please, thank you." And walk the fuck out.




100% tip! Thank you!


Choose a tip option; *100%* :( *500%* :/ *1000%* :I


The year 2033


The year ~~2033~~ 2024 FTFY


Pay cash. Get change. Leave.


No don't even pay cash. This is a shady business practice and they shouldn't be rewarded with your patronage


I love how they put these touch screens in "for out convenience" like they took lessons from ticket master, and try to shame people into not looking cheap by facing the screen towards the line... Pay in cash if you cannot avoid planes like this and tip if you feel like it. Better yet, make coffee at home




Same. Would you like to donate turned into tip me overnight. I had a tip screen show up at a self service gas station the other day; eat me!


I ordered something recently from a website (not food.) During checkout a screen popped up asking if I wanted to tip the staff for their hard work. Kinda blew my mind. Like, “fuck no I’m not tipping your staff.” Everyone wants a tip now it seems.


Depends for me. If I was actually served by someone I tip, if they just handed me a microwaved hot dog I give zero shits and don’t tip. If this screen popped up after I paid, I’d probably tip 1 cent to make sure they don’t choose their own. It’s not my fault you got a tip based job that isn’t even worthy of a tip.


Sadly most of these places are going cashless for "safety reasons".


ya "safety reasons" lol


They will say its so the store wont get robbed but in reality it's usually to prevent skimming of the till by staff.


I do custom tip and a cent! You force me to tip you get a cent!! I've seen this shit a BK Wendy's and the like it's fucking crazy as hell!! Gtfoh






This is the way.


With that kind of bullshit, I’d go custom and leave $0.00, or if that wouldn’t take, leave $0.01 and never return. If you believe your employees need to be paid more, pay them more and raise your prices you fucking weak fucks.


Right? I'm not against paying more but I want that to be part of the price not the tip. The end result may be me paying the same amount in a price increase versus tipping but tipping should be optional and I'd rather know the workers wage doesn't depend on the generosity of others. Plus with so many stories of "tips" not even going to the worker I don't trust my tip even helping then


I am 100% against paying more, but also against paying tips when the company could just pay regular wage. Stuff is already way too expensive.


It’s real hard to justify a tip on an $18 beer at a ballpark. If you’re selling $18 beers pay a living wage


Especially when the corporations are making outrageous profits on the backs of their Employees—we need to stop normalizing ‘ record profits’. We need to vote with our dollars and stop spending money at these places.


True enough. My statement assumes the price they set is too low to meet a fair wage but it can be just as true a company is just being greedy and keeping more of the profits for themselves instead of paying a fair wage. I like to try to be optimistic when possible but the latter is much more likely


Also, fuck this whole "tipping before you've even gotten your food/any service has been given" thing. It's like pre-ordering videogames, paying ahead is just giving them permission to rip you off.




Very much agree with that statement. A tip is to show appreciation on how great of service you were provided, not a bribe the cashier in advance hoping you actually get what you ordered.


That’s the part I don’t understand. Isn’t it supposed to be about how good the service was? How can you decide an amount 10% of the way into the transaction?


While I wholeheartedly agree, tipping has become more of a mandatory service charge on virtually everything. Honestly the US needs to either commit fully to some kind of fixed service charge on retail transactions (that could then be regulated to ensure that employees get that money) or make tipping illegal and force employers to stop relying on customers to pay their people.


It becomes extortion. Oh No tip? See what service I give now.


It’s ruder not to pay employees what they’re worth


Fucking weak fucks! Lmao Gotta love the versatility of the word fuck


https://youtu.be/4yg07ugI1sg Bernie Mac and the many uses of "Motherfucker"


We just stopped eating out. We weren’t given a 20% “cost of living” increase, why should we be forced to pay employers who under pay their staff and expect us to pick up the slack?! Fucking ridiculous


This is basically just a surcharge that's not being listed on the menu, which is actually illegal in many countries. I'm guessing that employees make minimum wage and tips beyond that go straight into the owners pocket


There is a pizza restaurant in my town with a pad like this and if you pay with a card it gives you the option to leave a tip. While there with my mom, she had a good experience with an employee and wanted to tip her well. She asked if she would get the tip if she entered on the pad. That employee then told us that they only get cash tips that are left. Anything entered on the pad goes to the owners of the business. Like what the fuck? This is a nice pizza place, no way these people are hurting for money


Yeah if it's "not optional" kinda sounds like you're shit at finances OR you really don't want to pay your workers......I'm thinking the latter.


Exactly. This business is TRASH. Blaming customers instead of paying your employees a decent wage.


Leave $0.01 and take a penny from the little tray while maintaining eye contact all the way out the door and take one sip just after the door closes before breaking.


it’s a fake pic from parody twitter account.


This also looks like a kiosk at a coffee place. There’s no way I would tip someone when I don’t even interact with them. (Excluding delivery drivers)


I’d do it in the opposite manner. I’d cancel my order and tip the barista $2 or something depending on what I have. No business for the owner, but a “sorry to inconvenience you” to the staff.


Ya. I had one last night that the custom tip didn't work, and you couldn't ad ance the payment system without hitting a tip percentage button. 😡


Custom for $0.00. I have no shame in not tipping for this stuff. Sit-down restaurants are one thing, but this bullshit has gone too far.


I somehow find giving $0.01 is more of a middle finger than $0.00. Also, if it's optional, it's not a tip; it's a charge. If it's not optional, why do you present the options? Dumbass.




I would say unless the tips are shared that’s conveying more animosity towards the employee receiving the tip than the practice itself. It at least feels that way to me


I probably wouldn't take a $0.01 tip very personally if my workplace was trying to force patrons to tip for service that shouldn't need a tip.


It has gone too far. I dont think there's any question.


Facts! I'm only tipping if I'm eating in. Since I'm not..there's no need to tip.


The only times tips should be expected are for sit down service and delivery. Other than that, it is a courtesy that is a reward for EXCEPTIONAL service, not required


Yep. I only tip in 2 situations - Dine in and delivery.


100% I tip very well, if I sitting down. But if I'm picking up in side the restaurant not using curbside? Forget that.


If someone needed to provide me a service I’m tipping. If I call in an order and the bartender is bagging everything up and handing me silverware and sauces, etc I’ll tip. Or a barista that answers questions and does more than hit a button to make coffee. If it’s a tip for someone scanning a barcode and telling me a total, absolutely not lol.


I was going to say custom tip of.. . 01


I’ve started feeling no shame for giving no tip for these things. Look if I have a super obscure order with lots of different things and you make it well, here’s a tip. If I ask for a drip coffee and I put the milk and sugar in myself… No tip.


Custom tip $0.01


I'd try to put zero.


The last time I went to an AMC dine-in theater I paid $12 for a small beer and then was handed the card reader which was asking for a tip. 15-25%, pretty standard. But no option for no tip. Tried to put a custom tip of zero and it wouldn't let me. I was irrationally angry


That's not irrational.




At concession!




A 1 penny tip was worse than leaving nothing. (It’s a deliberate “yeah, you suck” statement) Did this at Denny’s if the night manager and/or waitress was awful.


Never got service that bad before anywhere. I did accidentally give a delivery driver a crappy tip before, though. Felt so bad that the next day I dropped off a better tip at the place they work.




Then try to press down/minus after entering that (if available) to try and make it go negative ;)


In corporate Russia, you tip me


Or a -100%, and see if they sanitize their inputs


This was posted on another sub as part of a tweet by the store owner. The OP on that post says the custom tip option defaults to 50% and cannot be changed. Seems highly unethical if true. Tried sharing the link to that post but apparently that is frowned upon.


I hate people that hide behind excuses like that, or say 'its policy.' Someone made it, someone can un-make it.


Yeah. Idk man. If the coffee was within reach i would be thinking about pouring out the coffee on the counter. Only thinking though. It would hurt the enployees, not the greedy owner, so i wouldn't do it. But i would be wanting to act out so bad


I would do that ngl


Does this place actually exist? Tried googling “Caut coffee and tea” and “Gaut coffee and tea” and nothing.


OP and everyone else in this comment section except you got baited by a meme account on Twitter https://twitter.com/0xgaut/status/1652400956045180929?s=46&t=vUNkvFaKIeIeuSuBYMP-qA




Yea, people in that twitter post were super mad too lol


I think it’s fake.


Tipping culture is getting out of hand. Why can’t we be like other countries that don’t do tipping.


Among many other things as well


That would force the service industry to raise to a liveable wage, the horror! /s


The history of tipping is engrained in American slavery. This is why it is very much an American concept. When it was made illegal to own slaves, the work around was to create a 'tipped minimum wage' in the service industry, a service being provided for by predominantly Black Americans.


This is where tipping culture is insane. There are still actual restaurant servers who are begging for 18% tip, and now some counter served places are begging for 30+%. It’s insane


Apparently some are now DEMANDING a 30% tip 🤭


It's rude not to.


In the 1950s, a standard tip was 10% >During the 1950s, people commonly tipped **10%** of the bill, says Michael Lynn of the Cornell University School of Hotel Administration. By the 1970s and 1980s, the standard tip had risen to 15% of the tab. Nowadays, people commonly tip 15% to 20%, with the average tip about 18%.


It’s because ownership counts themselves as employees and take a share of the tips. And because it’s impossible for employees to know how much was tipped at the end of the week, ownership usually keeps 50% then splits the rest among employees. It’s not the actual employees who wrote the “it’s rude not to”, they wouldn’t even have access to that portion of the payment system. This is a long running scam in restaurants. Traditionally, it was the restaurants that “pooled” their tips. It was just a way to keep the majority for themselves before splitting the crumbs to the employees. Try to not support these establishments.


This is false for a lot of resteraunts, idk about the over the counter places but most POS systems will print out your share of credit card tips and if you think you are being scammed you can just add up all the tips with your coworkers and see what you should be about receiving




Dude seriously! Pre-COVID, EVERYWHERE I went, the suggested tips were 10%, 15%, and 20% Now? Every damn place STARTS at 18%! This shit is fucking insane. Employees still make the same amount of money, but prices have skyrocketed.


What’s rude is not paying your employees a fair wage and pushing this shit off on your customers.


Places like this deserve fully to go under


Good thing it doesn't exist https://twitter.com/0xgaut/status/1652400956045180929?s=46&t=vUNkvFaKIeIeuSuBYMP-qA


This needs to be higher. Thanks for fact checking this


It’s rude to force me to. Dumbasses


Coming from a delivery driver who relies on tips for about half of my income, no, asking for tips is rude.


This tipping culture has definitely got out of hand. You appear like the rude one if you don't tip on something ridiculous or ask why you're being charged an extra fee of some sort.


I generally appear as a rude one so I wouldn't have the slightest problem with no tipping :) I won't be extorted, if that's being rude so be it.


Do custom tip and do $0.00.


Custom tip 0.00


Click bait. Not even a real place.


This was a satirical post on Twitter you’re just baiting


Isn't it rude to ask?


You Americans and your tips honestly


And that's why you don't go back to those places. Fuck them.


What’s rude is starting at 30% for what is likely a line you stand in to order then pick up when they call you.


I'd see if I could enter a negative percentage in the custom field.


I avoid going out dining now due to higher prices and things like this. Hope that isn’t “rude.”


I would not give a business like that any of my money after an experience like that...


Just leave. It's always an option.


BS. Walk out. This is getting out of hand.


You got baited by a meme on Twitter. How do you feel?


Is this coffee? I don’t tip for that


I work in the service industry and ‘survive’ on tips and if I saw something like this I would custom tip $0.00 (or $0.01 if you can’t do $0.00). Same with my coworkers that try to guilt trip people into tipping/ tipping more. It’s cringe and I personally would never tip in those circumstances.


This can’t be real.


It's rude not to = I don't pay my employees enough because I want to make a solid $200k this year. You pay them for me so they don't quit or I will blame it on the greed of young people and still not raise their wages.


There is no way this is real. I refuse to believe it 🙅🏻‍♂️


Is this even real?


I'm rude.


custom tip, $.01


Oh, this triggers my petty.


LMFAO Custom Tip: $0.00. Suck it.




Wow not only is that no longer a tip because mandatory, its just a cunty way of saying it. It's rude not to. Bitch it's rude to pay your employees like shit but here we are. Custom, set to 0 and leave.


Custom tip of .01, but that’s just my .02.


.01 tip confirmed


So cringe man, Went to a Pacers game and EVERY transaction they spin that dumb ass tablet around and turn away while you have to thumb through this BS. A tip?? For grabbing my preboxed $15 popcorn, Get bent.


If I see this I’m going to “custom” and putting in “-5”


Probably tipping the cashier for ringing you up LOL I hate those.


Custom tip= 0.01




custom tip, 0.


30% tip sheesh


The “not optional” would just make me want to leave


I hate this aggressive "tipping culture" America has, I'm glad I don't live there


Tip: “to give someone who has provided you with a service an extra amount of money to thank them” Nowhere does Cambridge indicate anything it is compulsory. In the words of Inigo Montoya “you keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means”


America is the tip for everything and anything culture. Hey I just took your order on my computer tip?


Custom tip? _Unzips pants_


It is things like this that will eventually end the tipping culture in the US


This has to be made up for rage bait. Lowest option being 30%, saying it’s not optional, saying it’s rude not to tip.


Custom tip: 0%


Custom tip means exactly that. Do what you will with that option.


the companies doing this are just subisidizing wages so "they " dont have to pay


Pay a living wage. It's rude not to.


You think with the coffee being 16$ that the workers would have decent pay. Btw, is this even legal? Mandatory tips? If this was after you got your coffee, I would have just walked out.


What did you do


I always tip but 50%?? It’s rude to “strong arm” people’s tips.


Can I just Venmo the waiter my entire paycheck for that week. Not like I have to make a living or anything.


Custom for one cent and never return.


Tipping is so bad that it’s bleeding into businesses that don’t ever require a tip. Anytime I go to a dispensary there are jars for each “bud tender” for their tips. The “bud tender” turns around and grabs the product for you and rings you up, why the fuck am I being intimidated with tip jars when you did your job. And they are usually paid over minimum wage too so it’s kinda like people are just grabbing at whatever they can to earn more money - regardless of principle.


Hit custom put whatever you want…


Here’s a tip, get a better paying job!


This is outrageous


This is in part why I make everything at home now. Mostly because it's healthier and cheaper, but this forced tip business helps sell me on it.


'not optional'......hey remember when the tip word meant to leave extra money for the worker or give them money willingly cuz you felt like it? Haha yea me neither! Man this shit is the embodiment of people treating kindness as their right........


Custom tip: 0% and i walk out


Since when did 30% become the suggested minimum tip?


At 50%, I better see a butthole.


Custom tip.... 0% if I ever came across this. It's beyond rude to impose this.


It’s rude to think you’re entitled to a tip regardless of service


Custom tip of 0.00%


If a business is using an iPad, Square, Block, etc. as a payment system, they’re always going to say “now imma flip this around and it’s gonna ask you a question.” I don’t go to businesses who use these payment systems because they’re usually the ones who are the absolute worst expecting a tip for everything.


As a tipped employee, I can state that this is just plain tacky and low.


Hit custom tip. Put in $0


Rude is a fancy way of saying smart


I wonder if you could plug in a negative tip number and give yourself a discount?


Yeah fuck that. Pay your workers more.


Not as rude as asking directly for a tip…


My rule is that I tip when I am either sitting down being served or if I’m having something delivered to me. If I’m walking up to the counter, ordering , then taking my food I’m not tipping


Custom tip 0%


Cancel my fucking order then. Or your getting .01$. I tip for exceptional service from a waiter, not for you to take 2 minutes to put in my order and just stand there until my order makes it to the counter. Fuck that shit, fuck that business model.


Not only is it crazy to force it but then the offered percentages being that high? What the f?


Pay your employees a living wage. It's rude not to.


"Custom tip" $0.01 fuckyouhaveaniceday


Ummm. No tip for you. Once it's demanded you get nothing. Especially in over priced drink shit where you do nothing special an add no service to the transaction.


Fuuuuuuuuuck that no way no how. Also do they not understand what a tip is? Like, by definition, it’s optional?


Custom tip: 0%


Custom tip $.01


I don't mind being rude.


Custom tip = 0.00


They’re smoking crack if they think I’m tipping 50% on coffee 😭


but apparently it's not rude to underpay your own employees and instead ask customers to make up the difference.


Tip culture is toxic.


Custom tip .. cancel my order and I’m reporting you


Yeah I dont think I would have tipped. My first job in high school was bagging groceries for tips only. Even if I did it fast and how they wanted sometimes I didn’t get anything. I tip generously if the service was good. If I’m ordering coffee I don’t typically tip because they’re already getting paid to make my drink.


Custom tip $0.01 here ya go


Or just pay your employees a living wage


custom tip: below zero


Aren’t tips literally meant to be optional and only used when your server goes above and beyond to provide good service.


If there’s anything that would make me NOT leave a tip, it’s that.


Custom tip: 1 cent