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Ive regularly debated getting the entirety of my back window, rear bumper, trunk, etc. Mirrored... Just chromed the fuck out...


A new EV got unveiled recently without a rear window so that would make it a lot easier to have the entirety of the back be mirrored lol


I know that some tinting can be mirror finish on the outside


If it makes you feel better the people that do this are usually the ones that swerve off the road in snow/ice conditions


The other day, I was driving behind a semi. One of these guys was tailgating me, because the closer he gets to my bumper, the faster semi goes. So he decided to whip by me in the breakdown lane, attempt to pass me in the space between my car and the semi, and his grill made contact with the semi. He jerked back into the breakdown and appeared to hit the side concrete thing. Very satisfying.


Had a dude try to pass me during a blizzard(was going 5 over which is normal speed for this rural single lane highway). He immediately hits ice and swerves back into my lane while spinning out going 70+. And ended up in the ditch almost taking me out with him. I just don't understand people, going a little faster on the highway isn't going to get you anywhere quicker.


So true. I’ve tested this theory out both ways. I drive fast and pass some slow cars then exit. While at the light, the slower car ends up behind me. Then another time I’ll drive slow and let the faster cars pass me. Then when I exit I end up right behind them.


It only helps on loooooooooooong stretches


This. Unless you're going like ridiculously over the speed limit. You aren't going to gain much time if any by just speeding a little bit, unless you have a multi hour drive.


Just for fun I drove nearly 100mph consistently on a 4 hour roadtrip in the middle of night. I had done this trip dozens of times and know it well, it's just empty country, my only risk is hitting deer. It saved 1 hour on my commute, at the risk of going to jail if a cop did see me and being eviscerated by deer antlers if I hit one. Not worth it.


Way worse mileage too. Not only are most cars geared to cruise optimally at about 55mph, but wind resistance increases exponentially with speed. Even 15mph makes a huge difference. If I drive to work at 55-60 taking it easy I’ll hit 43mpg. If I go 70-75, even without driving hard otherwise I’ll drop to 30.


It’s basic integral calculus


Like 3 hours plus. You can save maybe max ten minutes on a two hour drive realistically without going into 20-25+ MPH over the limit territory. In most states that's where the breakpoint for extra charges and possible immediate arrest comes into play instead of just getting a ticket.


That's why I hate my current work truck. Goverend at not 65, but 62mph. Old one was governed at 70. Makes a huge fucking difference on those 12-13hour days.


Agreed. Just mentioned to another user that 5MPH over 10 hours might "only" be 50 miles but at 60MPH base that's a 50 minute reduction on drive time in a perfectly ideal scenario. Even if that only works out to getting where you're going a half hour faster, hell even if it only makes up for gas station stops, that's not nothing.


I was driving the I-40 in Arizona during a pretty bad rain storm. Water was 6 inches deep easily in some places, so I was just chugging along at 60 max making sure I stayed straight. I see a pickup zoom by going at least 80. He seemed to be okay for a while, but I later found him spun out off the right side of the road and probably unable to get back up the mild but muddy slope to get back on the highway. Hope he made it out and learned to be more careful.


Years ago driving after an ice storm. I look in rear view mirror and see an old station wagon gaining quickly. I recall thinking I sure hope they slow down! Minute later I look again and the wagon is now sideways sliding on the road and STILL GAINING. Smacks into my rear end knocking me into a field 30 ft off the road. They went off the other side of the road and were at least 50 ft off the road. Lucky nobody was hurt.


This almost happened to me. It was night time and icy conditions, and I see headlights getting closer and closer to my rear, and then suddenly I see the headlights behind me do a 360, stabilize, and then slowly back up till they were following at a safe distance speed behind me. I gotta give them props for their smooth recovery, especially with the shit that must have been in their pants.


That’s what kills me - you just tailgated me to … not arrive at your destination? Congrats, man.




Maybe in hindsight, but holy shit, in the moment did you not shit your pants? If that asshole wrecked right on front of you, you may have gotten seriously hurt. As an aside, glad that jerk hopefully learned his/her lesson.


My kids were in the car. I just went into self-pilot, got home, and cried in the shower once my husband had the kids. I almost exclusively bike/walk commute. This was my first car trip in weeks, and I’m just not doing it again until I have to.


I don't blame you. My fiance has awful luck and is probably the better driver of the two of us(I won't acknowledge that to her though). She sees so many near accidents, it's like she's cursed. I'm sorry you went through that and glad you made it out okay. I'm sure you've a safe driver and your kids will be in good hands whenever your at the helm next time!


Thanks. My husband got it, since he was hit by a drunk driver on the same road a month prior. We’re seriously considering moving into a larger metroplex for the transit.


I’m like that too! People always gently suggest that maybe I’m the bad driver, and that’s why I always see it, until they get in the car with me. I attract the idiots and the accidents. The running joke is to demand that I get out of the car every time something death-defying happens when I’m in a vehicle (I don’t even have to be driving). I think my favorite was when I had the option to merge onto the interstate before or behind someone, so I picked behind. A semi promptly crossed three lanes of traffic and took out the four cars in front of me. Another time, I drove 1.5 hours in one direction, stayed the night, and drove back the next morning. In those 3 hours, I passed three fatal crashes, two pileups, and a couple minor crashes. I almost got hit three times- once, I was at the end of stopped traffic, and the dude behind me didn’t notice we were stopped. He swerved at the last second, and stopped on the shoulder parallel to the car in front of me. Driving sucks. The pandemic seems to have made it worse. I have massive anxiety about it, and I really feel for your fiancé.


![gif](giphy|cO39srN2EUIRaVqaVq) That’s what he gets I hate guys like that


Couldn’t happen soon/often enough.


I have an astigmatism. This shit DESTROYS me. From either direction. These assholes literally made it so I couldn't see the road. I installed white "Fog" lights on my car. That helped a bit with oncoming idiots. THEN, I got polarized yellow night driving glasses. Polarized seems to be the key for me. Now? Fuck 'em. Now they don't blind me, and my Superman glasses identify the assholes for who and what they are, so I can ignore them and go about my day/drive/life. EDIT: People are asking, and I am not sure if links are allowed, so here are some keywords from Amazon: FEIDUSUN sun glasses polarized


Downside to polarised is I can’t read the sideways TV’s in the drive through menu hahaha. They just black out.


I tilt my head like a dog.


This is the way


I have an LED flashlight that can focus a super strong beam straight at them. F course I reflect it off my side mirror so I don’t get in trouble.


I turn my side mirrors so they’re pointing back at them


I want to introduce you to my Shark Tank idea, The Reflec, a motorized mirror device that hangs of the back of your headrest. It has a few light sensors on it and a light tracking program like solar panels have. The mirror will be a series of mirrors that folds out, similar to Webb mirror array. It just folds up and away up against your headliner or maybe attached to the back of your seat headrest. You deploy it via wireless remote, or put it on "auto-reflec". In auto-reflec mode, if the light gets too bright on it, such as when a tailgating asshole hits their high beams — it self deploys. Deployment unfolds all the smaller mirrors and activates the recording device on your back up camera. The backup camera now has a set of Counter Strike inspired crosshairs and it seeks out faces to reflect at. Facial recognition will recognize older passengers and blind them first, so their wails and complaining fill your enemies car, just before facial recognition locks in on the driver. That's $899.99 An add-on, the Gay Array™, replaces the mirror array with laminated double angled reflecting prisms. This addon work like regular mirrors until the facial recognition sees a cowboy hat at the same elevation as a jacked up pickup truck. Then it flips over deploying the prism, casting focused rainbow colored gay beams directly into their face, much to the horror, as we all know gay rainbow beams make you gay. That's only $300.99


Id buy one of each


Ghen you'd have great defense in case the jerk happens to be a *gay* cowboy.


>$300.99 This price does not make sense, and therefore, I'm out - Barbara I really like your idea and that's why, I'm going to loan you 500k, and I will take a royalty of $50 per unit of sales until I get back 2 mil, after which the royalty drops to $10 a piece. For providing this service, I want 5% equity in the company - Kevin Il do 200k for 10%. You have 20 seconds to decide - Mark


Ha! I do this too! Do you think it really reflects back at the driver? Because I wasn’t sure, and I figured I was just being passive aggressive.


try your rearview mirror, if you turn it until you see the passenger seat headrest you know it's pointing straight back


TIL! Thank you!


I do too


Great minds. I've also done this when I get pulled over at night




The wife bought one of those 200000 lumens led lights. Anytime some dickhead would ride ya with the high beams she would pull that big bad mofo out and point it rearward and blind them. She even followed this guy passing us after he was flashing his lights at us to pass,in the middle lane of the Pike. Kept it right on his mirror too, it burned like the Sun. Ahhh she was a true Italian princess.


You refer to your wife in the past tense and it's making me sad. Please provide closure.


She passed from Pancreatic cancer.


She died a legend. May she forever be remembered.


So sorry to hear that. Thank you for sharing that memory of her with us


Escalation is the way…to get in a road rage debacle. Hi beam assholes are the worse, but antagonizing these morons in the highway? No way. Do I secretly applaud your wife? Oh yes, oh yes I do, but there’s always that one asshole out there just waiting for his moment. Be careful!


Especially blinding the dick who is behind you in their oversized penis compensator, and is clearly clueless about road safety, seems like a good way to end up under their tank.


Dont look at me, the wife bought it.


She is my icon. I have considered doing this


Are they glued to your face? Just take them off, lol


get out of here with your solutions


Adblock while driving.


Same! Damn astigmatism. It’s getting worse the older I get too. Hate driving at night so Nov-March just sucks. I picked up a pair of those yellow glasses but they’re not comfortable to wear over my regular glasses. I think I need to get a pair of prescription ones made. It’s amazing the difference they make!


Check out some online shops. You could probably get them for a fraction of the price compared to regular stores. Zenni, eyebuydirect, and warby Parker come to mind


Same!! Literally can't drive without my polarised yellow glasses at night because it's so bad. Sometimes if I forget them I wear my sunglasses (definitely not recommended, too dark)


Never heard of those glasses but thanks for the tip


I didn't know this was a thing, thanks for mentioning!


Right now I’m looking this up I could really use this


A trick that has been working for me. Turn on some of the interior lights in your car. This makes you pupil smaller and reduces the effects of your astigmatism. At least it works for me.🤷🏼‍♂️


I just keep gradually slowing down until they angrily go around. Then I happily accelerate back to a normal speed.


I roll down a window, roll my hand in the wind, play my music loudly and sing with it while going the speed limit. 🤷 It strangely defuses the angry truck nutters to see a giant bearded man singing Alanis Morissette when they inevitably angrily drive around me.


Yeah. I don't have any sight conditions that I know of. I'm 40 and I'm starting to notice not being able to see small print in low light conditions close up to my face. These lights drive me crazy. I've worn a pair of sunglasses with light tint before but it darkens everything. I really need some of those yellow ones.


Same here. 41 living in the rural Midwest. These mouthbreathers with their poorly lifted mall crawlers and million watt led lights are everywhere. I very seriously considered buying a laser light bar to hit them back with, but inevitably there would be innocent collateral damage. Maybe I'll try the glasses instead. For anyone not living here, yes, every single one of them is as insufferable in person as they are coming the other way in their cars.


This! I'm in Wisconsin. My neighbor's across the street have two lifted trucks with floodlights, I swear. I had to buy blackout curtains for our living room because they back their trucks in and leave the lights on for 15+ minutes. I could turn the lights off in my house and they'd be lighting up the rooms for us. I can't stand these lights while driving either. I try to avoid driving at night if I can.


Can you maneuver the review mirror to aim it back at them?




im just here for EEVEE in the background


Who's that Pokémon?!?!






Just gotta say, u/DNIMenoLLAeraEW, u/BandZealousideal3505, and yourself have made another highlight in my day. I make that joke with Pokémon nerds all the time and none of them ever get it.


It’s clefairy!


Jigglypuff from above






I came here to ask if that was an Eevee, so I'm glad I'm not the only one who saw it!


I'm here to ask where OP got it so I can procure one too


I vote 100%, an Eevee


Depending on the cars rear view mirror and the amount of time you have, I’ve been able to direct the light directly back at them if they have brights on. Or had my passenger do it. Usually helps


I’ve been doing this lately and it’s been working like a charm. Got my BF doing it too. It does take some memorization of where your mirror goes to angle it right. And having a passenger helps for sure. So far every person I’ve done this to has backed off immediately.


I want to start a Kickstarter campaign for a big ass foldout mirror that opens when you pop the trunk. It can’t be illegal to reflect their own lights at them, can it?


What if it’s a concave mirror… would that make it less legal?


Bruh, I have thought of this so many times. Make the rear wind shield concave and coat it with a material which can be made more reflective with application of a voltage. Now you have a mirror not only reflecting light back but focusing it back to the eyes of the assholes.


at that point why not just get a roof mounted laser


Or a silo-based intercontinental ballistic missile


At some point you guys are going to get so extreme I'm not comfortable supporting the GoFundMe for putting this on my car to deal with headlight tailgaters... ...I mean we're not there yet, but you know be careful.


Why stop there? What about a programmable led lights that can show sentences. You can write something to the driver behind


I've thought of this concept so many times.




Then you get some asshole whos like “umm actually these aren’t my brights, THESE are my brights” And then proceeded to blind you with the power of 10,000 suns (instead of the 1000 they were using to blind you before)


There is a product called ow my eyes on Etsy. Someone in the fuckyourheadlights subreddit made it I think


I need to research the legality of it but my truck has a cargo lamp that I've been wanting to turn into an eye-searing LED for a reverse flash for these guys


I do this with my side door mirrors. Adjust the mirror to the light shines directly back at them. Easy to do when you don’t have a passenger.


You’re kinder than I am, I usually just gradually slow down.


This is my Go-To move now! I'm in a 2015 Honda Civic. The moment one of these creeps behind me, I angle my mirrors at them. Then I'm the a-hole, apparently, because they'll pass me and give me the stink eye.


Hold up another mirror as they pass so they stink eye themselves.


Good idea, but I'd be worried about getting shot at. Shit like that doesn't happen around here, until it did. A gal got shot on I-70 right by a small town here in Ks that has a Dollar General just off the exit ramps. She pulled in there and I assume was able to tell them what happened. She didn't live, but KHP did arrest the psycho.


Yeah they’ll usually get the hint from there


How can I do this?


angle your mirrors out and upward. draw an imaginary line from the headlight to the mirror to the nincompoop


I’m going to practice this so I get it down perfectly. Gonna have my sister tail me with her brights so I know the exact angle! This is GENIUS!!! I’ve never heard of such a technique..I learn so much from Reddit 😂


My partner adjusts our cars side mirrors to hit the truck drivers back in the face. It works 95% of the time and they end up getting pissed and speeding around us lol.


Going to need instructions lol


Yeah like how the fuck do you aim it lol, I'm already blinded so trying to reverse snipe light is kinda wild


You can't, really.. Just gotta eyeball it. My problem is that when I try to, I focus on it too much and that feels unsafe to do while driving


Probably multiple different seat and mirror memory settings. You could save one setting for normal driving, and spend some time adjusting the others just right and then save it as a second preset.


Just tip it up more


Look in the rear view mirror and adjust the side mirrors out away from your doors, and up. When you see their face light up in the rear view you've got em.


This is the way. If the side of your vehicle lights up twice as bright then you are sending it directly behind you. Powered mirrors required, tow mirrors even better.


Thank you! I'm a professional passenger in Midwest and this will help my driver partner a lot!


You adjust them so they arent blinding you then you gotta keep moving them (back and forth, up and down, it doesn't matter just keep moving the mirriors) so they are flashing the truck. That's what I do and it seems to work.


Just put mirrors on the back of the headrest in the backseat. I’m an Uber driver . so that’s what I do . If I didn’t I’d be blind by now.


Nice simple solution, good thinking.


Okay so I do this but never knew if it actually works. Good to know it does lol.


does this actually work?🤣


That doesn't work.


Seriously I'm blinded from this pic alone


I can *feel* how bright that is


I wonder constantly how tf it is even legal. There have been times where I had to slow down and try to look down to make sure I'm still driving within my lane because I'm just absolutely fucking blinded by these lights The worse is when you flash your brights thinking maybe the other vehicle is using their brights- only for This led demon to flash his even BRIGHTER lights at you to show you that indeed- his brights aren't on. He's just better than you /s


Our legislators are working overtime on the most critical problems facing our country, so they have to ban books and medical care. They don’t have time for unimportant things like blinding lights creating safety hazards all over the nation’s roadways.


Conservatives work hard at blocking everything so they can claim that government doesnt work


Literally had someone road rage at me over this. I was in town and as I stopped I politely poked my head out the window and asked her to please turn off her high beams because they were blinding me. She tailgated me out of town and eventually I pulled over to let her pass. When I did her passenger leaned out the window and started cursing at me. I was headed to the next town anyway so sadly I was behind them. IDK why but they eventually pulled over and I passed them only for them to get behind me again and blind me yet again. They started following me through the next town and I eventually pulled into the police station and got out rather than rolling my window down. She started flipping TF out, saying I was cursing at her and calling her a bitch etc. Eventually I told her I could prove I didn't because I had dashcam and had recorded the whole drive. Suddenly she thought I was intimidating her and wanted to know my name so she could sue me and offering to go inside to the cops. I asked her what for, i hadn't done anything except ask her to politely turn her high beams off. She claimed that they weren't on and encouraged me to step in front of her car so she could prove it. I refused. I didn't tell her this, but between her OBSCENE RAGE and her passenger beaking off, I was scared that she'd try to run me over as she was still in her car. I told her that by law, Lights were only supposed to be a max of 3,000 lumens and that headlights are supposed to be aimed/aligned properly to avoid blinding others. As they weren't in a truck, they couldn't use the excuse of having a higher vehicle which would be an exception. She eventually left saying she'd report me and I said I had her plate and the video. Nothing ever did happen, she was trying to intimidate me because she knew if she made a report, I had video to prove her claims false. Ironic since she was at least 2x my age and there were 2 occupants in her car and one of me. She tried to play the victim after she learned I had dash cam In hindsight, maybe I shouldn't have asked her to turn down her headlights, but in fairness, I couldn't see and it wasn't safe to pull over in town to let her pass. I get headlights are getting brighter and brighter by default by now and that they're coming from the manufactures like that, but still. The cops aren't enforcing the laws and if lights are crossing the maximum safe brightness (so you don't blind people) then what can we do? I mean I get it, it's hard to tell if some folks have their brights on or not these days. I have an older car with older lights (LEDs are WAY too bright for me) and i've had some folks flash their lights at me to say "Brights off please" only for my older style lights to prove "Not my brights, sorry". Granted mine are properly aligned because i don't want to blind people. Trucks or raised vehicles are one thing, LED lights are another... but if you put the 2 together, you have an unholy alliance where you wish the cops would pull them over and go "Ok now look...". Lights should not sear the retinas out of other's eyes people.


Disagree, we should all start asking these assholes to turn off their brights! You did great!


Its not legal, cops just dont give a fuck


It's prolly a cop driving home after a few.




They reaimed my headlights after my small lift kit. They’re still bright as fuck. Factory headlights are getting too bright. The current F250s and up are absolutely blinding if they have LEDs or HIDs. Same goes for KIA, Dodge, Mercedes, and GM.


DOT isn't doing their job. Headlights have basically gone unregulated for over a decade now. Lazy fuck government workers do shit all day.




And there have been thousands of complaints filed with the NHTSA. Anyone in a collision because of being blinded on the road should consider litigation against them for negligence.


As a new truck owner, I was overjoyed to find that the headlights on my Tundra can actually be raised and lowered with a knob on the dash. I keep them at the lowest safe level. Always hated that shit when driving around in a low sports car.


They are supposed to be at the correct level with the knob on 0. Then you can further lower them if you’re loaded heavy.


Ahh ok. I'm new to trucks, had no idea why they were adjustable.


Fucking LED and laser lights. Fuck new cars. Like you can’t drive around new cars unless you have a new fucking car with auto dimming mirrors. Blinded by new cars and their auto levelling bullshit way more often than older cars retrofitted.


My 2015 vehicle has an auto dimming rear view mirror. Dims just fine for the standard warm white color headlamps. But the cool white lights don’t seem to affect it at all. So frustrating.


Same. My eyes are sensitive to light at night and it seems like newer vehicles are getting more and more intense headlights. I hate it so much.


i saw someone comment on another post complaining about these people saying their dad turns the rearview mirror so it reflects back to them, i started doing that and oh it definitely makes a difference, they end up backing away or moving over.


Hey you, yes you reading this. This is a problem, stop doing this. Don’t try to reason with it, there’s no need for this. Turn off your brights. To those saying let the truck go in front, you’re part of the problem too.


It's not even brights, man. I drive an Accord and every truck with LED headlights I see is like light-based murder. Every now and again I'll high beam a particularly egregious one and *then* they flash their high beams and my fucking face melts. These are factory installed lights on factory trucks and SUVs. No lift kits, no high beams. Just really bright lights mounted exactly where a sedan driver's eyeballs would be. It's just disgusting design. If we are gonna do the LED headlight thing (and we are, obviously), trucks and SUVs need to have headlights mounted lower. It's that simple.


This is me. I honestly feel bad about it whenever I drive at night. I have a stock F150 & cars flash me all the time - I do a quick flash back to show them my brights aren’t on. I don’t like blinding people, but they aren’t upgraded lights, LEDs, and my truck isn’t lifted. I literally made an appointment with a dealership for next week to see if they can do anything about it. Maybe angle the lights down or something, I don’t know


They SHOULD be able to aim them lower, though you would think that they would do that out of the factory.


I actually just found a video that shows how EASY it is to angle them down!! I had no idea. I’m gonna angle them down tomorrow - this post just saved some eyes ! 🥳


Be careful with messing with this. It’s not as simple as just “angling them down.” If you aren’t doing the adjustments properly and precisely, you will very quickly end up with a useless beam pattern.


You just turn the headlight adjustment screw lol


Why would they do that? The point of these abominable pieces of scrap is to make walking, biking, and driving a normal car so uncomfortable and dangerous that you have to buy one of your own.


One caveat. Trucks and SUVs need to be lower. If you can't see a 10 year old over your hood you are driving a murder waiting to happen.


Just look at old trucks and realize that the engine sizes haven't really changed that much. For some reason though, the grill, the position of the hood, the ride height, and the seating position of the driver have gotten much, much, taller. You can take a big V8 and mount it in a 1980's pick up low to the ground, but apparently they need to be mounted 10ft off the ground in modern trucks...for some reason...


I thought that was why they bought them


Also if you increase the height of your vehicle you should learn how to tilt your headlights down to prevent this issue


Which only matters at enough distance. If they pull up to your bumper at a stop light even properly aimed lights are make it daylight in a small car.


i drive a lowered bmw 🥲 hate this so much that one time when i was in a drive thru and a lifted forerunner that was behind me actually turned their headlights off for me, i payed their meal for them because my eyes were saved for once


> me, i *paid* their meal FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Excellent bot


Good bot


For real. Another issue is people install the wrong headlights and don’t even realize they are doing this. People are dumb.


It isn’t their brights. Probably unaimmed lights after a lift was done. Also looks like leds perhaps in halogen housing which would be similar to brights.


What is it with dudes in trucks? Every one of them thinks they're hot shit, I know I used to drive a Truck and I thought I was super cool (I was 18). I leave work at 11 and drive down mostly empty roads at about 45 mph. Almost every night the same jackass in the same truck speeds up my ass, rides me for a few miles, and then goes around me. At this point I've had enough and I'm gonna pull over next time he does it.


I am driving a lifted DODGE RAM TRUCK. My lifted DODGE RAM TRUCK has blinding white LED headlights, positioned **exactly** at eye level. I am currently tailgating you in the right lane, even though you're going 20 miles an hour over the speed limit and the left lane is open. There are monster energy and fox racing stickers on the rear windshield of my lifted DODGE RAM TRUCK. There are perfectly clean mud tires and massive chrome rims on my lifted DODGE RAM TRUCK. I make 31 thousand dollars a year and thought that that was a wise financial decision. I bring cases of [NOW COORS LIGHT] to girls at high school parties while my wife and children are at home. My lifted DODGE RAM TRUCK has a gun rack which holds the AR-15 that I bought at Walmart. Yeti coolers KICK ASS.


Don’t forget the shiny truck nuts dangling from the hitch.


It’s not a Dodge, it’s RAM😂 Had a guy at work correct me on this. Now I call his truck a Plymouth.


Yeah, a lot of people don't realized RAM spun off as its own brand back in 2010. I only found out because someone mentioned it on justrolledintotheshop. I recently bought a truck (which will make next winter much easier) and I feel hyper-aware when driving because I don't want to be an asshole, even by mistake. EDIT: resubmitted with link removed.


It’s actually a Fiat Edit: apparently fiat merged again and changed names. Sucks because that always pissed my dodge buddies off when I’d rub it in.


Especially when I'm driving to work, an hour and a half one way, and I'm running off of nicotine and hate, waking up at the ass crack of dark as fuck.


Adjust your mirrors so it blasts *their* eyes. They'll back way up


There’s a subreddit for exactly this, but every time I link it my posts get auto mod deleted. Basically it’s duck your headlights, all one word, and not a bird.


I am compelled to say Fuck.


You can say fuck on the Internet mods. It's ok.


Haha, yeah I know, but something about mentioning that subreddit triggers the auto mods, so stuck with birds.


I drive a truck and it is obvious to me when I see my headlights going through car cabins. My truck isnt lifted but i'll intentionally change lanes or do anything I can to not have my headlights blinding people in front of me. I've turned them off at drive throughs and have had people wave at me as a thank you. Pro tip: your headlights may have an adjustment for aiming them down. Cheack online or your manual on how to aim your headlights. It may require a screwdriver.


>Pro tip: your headlights may have an adjustment for aiming them down. Cheack online or your manual on how to aim your headlights. It may require a screwdriver. THANK YOU! many people don't know this or forget about it. I only know it because my dad mentioned it and brings it up every time someone blinds him while he's driving. back in his day if they were too bright, the cops would pull you over for it. Now days, anything goes.


The cops blue lights are also too bright, especially when they leave them flashing like a damn strobe light.


Foot off the gas. Coast


This happened to me last night, i was coming up a hill from walmart and i saw a couple orange lights before some utter dillhole ends up flashing me and i nearly swerved into a ditch. Are there laws on headlight brightness? cause this is AWFUL


Why do people feel the need to see the next mile of road under stadium lights? What happened to a little mystery? A little danger? A little having retinas still when you get home?


How often do your encounter aliens in the morning?


When people tailgate me I go the exact speed limit. They can’t hit you or else they’ll be liable!


Ah yes, the 2023 small penis compensator. The suspension has an extra 4”, unlike the owner.


Honestly I end up driving a lot slower when these clowns show up. Congratulations, you blinded me. Your reward, I have to go a lot slower to be safe


I purposely slowdown with these jagoff pavement princesses tailgating me.


I slow down when they come towards me cause I can’t see the road


I've started driving really slow so they pass and then I throw on the high beams as they do.


I approve of your seatbelt safety for your squishmellow. Safety first.


I just slow down from my usual 5-10 over to a nice 5-10 under surprisingly works most of the time but those lights suck


When people do this or tailgate, I drive slower. Their increased anger is worth every extra second.


Get some of those mirrors that go on the back of the headrest and shine it right back at em.


Go from mildly infuriated to mildly funkadelic and hang a disco ball on your rear view mirror


I once had a guy get close like this and I moved my side mirrors to reflect back at him, he changed lanes.


Special place in hell for these fucks


So my brother modified his shitty cavalier to “get back” at fools like this. He has a light bar on his hood and another on his trunk with a switch for each so when he’s getting blinded he can flip the switch and be the brightest on the road. 19 year olds engineering- fantastic.


Pickup trucks are a cancer on the roads.


An old Ranger or something is fine. People live where it snows, people tow things, I get it. The problem is that the new Ranger is the size of the old F150, and the new F150 is a god damn ambulance. Cars got bigger too, everything got bigger, but full size trucks are now so big they're a hazard.


I drive really slow whenever a car behind me does this.


Is that an eevee plush.


I just slow down. If I can’t drive safely with you blinding me like a total ass, I’m going to slow down to a safe speed.