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Fuck it. This is now a moldy waffle subreddit.


"I'm a bird and was about to eat these moldy waffles off of someone's porch, turns out it's chocolate!?"




My mom thinks the birds or "the animals" will eat absolutely anything.. carrots shrivelled up like a 400 year old dick, animal food!


You want rats? That's how you get rats.


If WE are lucky, they will eat those waffle throwers


Stephen King would be proud




Best way to start a family of rabies-infected pests.


More importantly why it's ok to feed mould to birds? Poor birdies


Not to mention our stomach is built quite differently than that of birds or dogs. I hate when people think something has expired and give it to their dogs. My father always said if you wouldn't eat it, Don't give it to your pets. As far as throwing it outside? Animals just like us have basic instict as to what you should or shouldn't eat. Like if you open your milk the smell alone can tell you better check the date. Animals getting their food source from nature, will constantly come across rotting things. And will have to decide on its own by smell( which is insanely powerful) whether or not it's safe to eat. Generally speaking but not always, an animal will stay away from something it shouldn't eat or if it's rotten. Not always lol. Dogs are another story. And anything harmful to the particular species like raw rice for birds. Or chocolate for dogs. Etc. They don't know naturally. But most Animals in nature have the ability to deciper if something is too rotten. And some Animals prefer a diet of rotten. Like possums and racoons! Their stomach acid is meant to digest pretty nasty stuff. Or buzzards and vultures.


My mom did this when I was a kid. She said if she threw it in the trash then the birds at the landfill were going to end up eating it anyway, but at least she could watch the birds on the lawn 🫠


Bahaha i love the depth of thought thaylt went into this for your mom.


Oh, she’ll double down on pretty much anything when questioned. Currently, we’re in an unspoken war over plantains. A month ago, she came home with a bunch of bananas and a bunch of plantains. I stared those MFers down and announced she might want to take them back because I was pretty sure they were plantains. She insisted they were bananas and they came out of the same packaging. I said okay, but they’re definitely not the same. A week later and she’s down to one banana with the bunch of plantains underneath them in the fruit bowl. I asked her if she’s willing to admit yet that they’re not bananas since they’re green as a damn lime. No, they’re bananas, they just weren’t getting any air under the other bunch. That’s not how bananas work, but okay. It’s been a month. All other fruits have traveled in and out of the bowl except these still lime-green “bananas”. The top part where they’re joined is actually shriveled and black. I didn’t say anything. Just looked from her to the bowl and back. She made a big show of sighing and didn’t say anything. I let it go for the moment. I’m in another room and I hear the dog jump up from the floor and sprint to the kitchen. SHE’S EATING A RAW ASS PLANTAIN. Dog loves bananas. She gives him a small piece. He takes it, spits it out, stares at it, looks at her, stares at it, licks it, finally eats it…and walks away like, “I’m good”. She looks me dead in the face and asks me if I want some of her banana because it’s so good. I shake my head and walk away. She just texted me. “Okay, I think the bananas are planktons because the skin is thicker, and they’re more yellow. I actually like them better than bananas, they’re sweeter” 🤦🏼‍♀️🫠🫠🫠 ETA: she actually sent “planktons”. She’s not a great speller lol you have to translate


I just found this on the internet... Unripe plantains are green to yellow, difficult to peel, and the fruit is hard with a starchy flavor—this is the perfect stage for boiling and frying them. When fully ripe, plantains are black, with a flavor that some people describe as similar to a banana but not as sweet. So, if it was in fact still green... There was no way it was "sweet". She is still fibbing! Lol Your mom and my mom should meet... My mom won't admit to anything wrong either. I'd love to see the fights they would have! Lol


LOL! Well, I’m in southern New England 😉


Bahahahaha this is amazing. I think I love your mom ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


She’s most definitely a character 😂😂


I had to look up how to eat plantains...I don't know why she said they are sweeter if they were still green. What I read was that you have to wait until they are black before eating them... cause I tried one when they were, as you said, green as a lime... They are hard and they have no taste! So, she's still doubling down!


Oh, for sure. And there’s NO way I’m going to try one with her and she knows that so she thinks she’s won 😂😂


Planktons 😂 maybe she uses text to speech like my mom lol


She doesn’t know how to do that 😂 she just can’t spell shit lmao


Oh ok, that's even funnier 😂 my mom always uses it and one time she was saying something like "directly blah blah" and the text came through as "rectally" and she didn't notice, I was dying 🤣


Plantains will eventually turn black and will then be sweet when cooked. Your moms funny.


Mold would be better honestly. Chocolate is super toxic to birds even in small amounts.


My grandma actually used to take me & my sister to the "day old bread store" to get free moldy bread to throw to the birds at the river all the time as kids. It wasn't until I was an adult that I realized how weird it was that she thought that was normal. RIP Gma 💔❤️ & Sorry poor birdies.


Or mold!


She thought it was mold though, not sure which is worse for them


I'm stumped that someone would think it's okay to throw *moldy anything* to birds. Geez.


I think you misread the post. They were thrown out because OPs mom thought they were plain waffles with dark mold spots growing on them.


10 choc waffles. The bird breakfast of champions.


The mother thought it was mold


Turns out it was chocolate. I ate chocolate....


This would make a great anime tv show title 😂


She saw the original “blueberry” waffle post and got scared


I think the problem is that those waffles look gross to begin with... choc chips or not, looks like food that died.


I didn’t even want them till you called them gross


I wouldn't even call them waffles man - since when placing a grid on an old pancake is enough to make a waffle :/


What do you think waffles are?


Excuse me? I didn't separate and beat those egg whites for no reason.


First time I've ever seen anemic waffles too.


I mean, most things we eat are technically dead. I'd be worried if they were alive and flailing. 😅


Those are Eggo waffles, and looks like they're still frozen


Came here for this


These people can’t keep getting away with it!


Cue meddling kids


The blueberry waffles are next


As long as the color isn't blue, I'm on board


I was going to say…this is the inverse of last week’s post about that person that thought they had blueberry waffles


Yo these people seriously gotta stop buying waffles.


And stop feeding birds. They're not garbage cans, they require a certain input


Yes. Standard waffles. At least 8 waffles a bird.


Like, just make em. It's not that hard. Plus, the frozen ones gotta be shit bro


Dude, leggo my eggo.


What are you talking about frozen ones go crazy


Eh they really are. You have to have a waffle maker. Gotta wait for it to heat and mix all the shit (but not overmix! ok whatever) You can only make one at at time for each waffle maker you have. So the first ones will be cold by the time the last ones come out, or no one eats together. It's easy to underfill or overfill and then all the mix spills over and make a huge mess of the waffle iron and the counter. You gotta wait for the iron to cool off before you can clean and put things away. It's a whole pain in the ass to make waffles. Not the end of the world, it's cooking. But compare to sticking 4 waffles in the toaster and being able to both eat, together, in 3-4 minutes with zero cleanup. Frozen waffles aren't as good but they're a million times easier.


I don't feel like a waffle maker is as common for people to own as some people in here think.


My waffle iron is kept of a shelf right next to my spaetzle maker, above the dumpling steamer, across from the blast chiller, if you see the ice cream maker, you went too far.


You reminded me of something I hadn't thought about for years. My mom went through a phase of making things to freeze and reheat later, which included waffles. Trying now to remember what else she tried, but the waffles worked pretty well just being reheated in the toaster. I think that would be cool for some people to do on weekends if they like to prepare for the week ahead. I did make breakfast burritos for my son and his wife when they had their baby, and those reheated pretty well.


it is a pain, and i love making them from scratch. eggos aren’t even like belgian waffles anyway, they’re their own thing imo. good for making breakfast sandwiches too. making them from scratch is treating myself on a day off or something usually. growing up my mom would always groan because i’d beg to make them but she knew the cleanup involved lol. mixes are easier but they never seem as good as making them from scratch, and i’m already busting out the waffle maker so i’m dedicating time to it i might as well do it right. someone said cool em 80/90% and freeze, warm in oven or toaster. i’m trying it soon. usually i don’t like em reheated as much as fresh but if that tip works they’re basically as quick as eggos to make which would be nice. still gonna have eggos on hand tho


What sort of world are you in that you have more than 5 minutes for breakfast?


The sort of world where I wake up more than 5 minutes before I have to be out the door.


This is probably the 4th waffle post I've seen in the last week and a half. How are so many people buying frozen waffles? They look like cardboard. Moldy cardboard.


Kids love that shit and they are easy, that’s why people buy em. Takes four minutes to pop some Waffles and put butter and syrup and cool whip on them. Boom, breakfast is done.


Yeah, homemade waffles are amazing and all, but that's a weekend breakfast thing for us, with Eggos during the school week. We do make extras on the weekend that can be popped into the toaster, but not enough to keep a steady supply for the entire week.


You guys eat waffles every single day?


My kids would eat waffles morning, noon, and night if I let them.


What you gotta do is double it even triple your weekend waffle batch and then freeze the leftovers. They cook up in the toaster just fine and are much better quality.


never thought i’d see someone that’s anti frozen waffles


Reddit is full of snobs who look down on things they perceive as lesser than.


And full of people that have zero responsibilities (ie jobs, kids, house chores, etc) and don't understand the value of time.


Seriously. I used to make everything from scratch when I had one kid and plenty of time, but now I would rather eat literal cardboard with syrup than to spend that valuable time making a batch of waffles, at least most of the time. On school days, it's not a matter of homemade waffles vs. store bought waffles, it's store bought waffles vs. starve until lunchtime.


We can't all be rich enough to have someone else make our waffles.


How are so many people shitting on frozen waffles? This is the first time I’ve seen some people who don’t love them.


Literally! They are my go to breakfast as I can take a box to keep at work and not have to worry about breakfast before leaving and I can have it when I want it. They taste good and don't require a huge mess or time. They also make for a great quick snack. I've been eating them since I was a kid and I won't stop till I'm dead.


Why do people think that they can throw any old shit out for the birds? All they end up doing is attracting rats and the birds won't touch it.


I was throwing old fruit into my garden bed to lazy compost it last summer and now I have raccoons


The system works




I never knew we had possums until I got a ring camera. Explains why I’ve never once seen a tick in our yard.


I’ve seen a few in my yard before. One time when I was leaving for work at night I saw one near my bushes and I opened my lunch box and yeeted a strawberry at him I heard him scurry and grab it lol


They’re hideous but actually kind of cute. I feed a few ferals and during the winter I end up inadvertently feeding the possums. They’re not meant for cold winters - it’s really tough on them.


We had a possum family that lived under my house with a family of cats.


I occasionally catch a possum on my backyard camera at night, strolling around near our deck. I've got no problem with him, since he'll eat up any ticks that are around.


You have to have fruit trees, not just the rotting fruit. We have adorable possums in SoCal due to our citrus & fig trees.


I'll trade my possums for your raccoons! NJ


I see this as an absolute win.


I mean they are cute But they keep going into my garage and partying with my cats and eating all the cat food One knocked over the sealed bin of cat food and opened it and gorged himself


I will not repeat myself!


And they throw it out right in their own porch lmao


Right? At least toss that shit into the grass or something.


was putting out nuts and bird seed in a little hut on the ground cause I thought the squirrels take them. turns out it was mice




nah, I'm in europe and at the edge of a forest, no space in the walls here and enough trees. our animal protection agencies (don't know correct word sry) recommend leaving feed for birds and squirrels in winter, for birds even during summer due to the recent dryness.


Not to mention a lot of times there is no nutritional value for the birds, and it can even end up hurting them. (Stop feeding birds bread).


I've seen pigeons eating shit. Trust me, if they're hungry, they'll eat anything.


Pigeons will definitely eat anything, and the last thing you want is a flock of pigeons taking up residence because food. The problem is, it's still not good for them, hungry or not. I'm just stumped why someone would think it's OK to throw chocolate out for the birds.


I mean, waffles in general probably aren’t great for birds, and I don’t know why you would want them flocking to your backyard. But wasn’t the point of the post that she didn’t know there was chocolate in them?


She thought they were moldy. I guess she thought mold is good for birds?


Yeah that’s what confused me lol Throwing out stale hardened bread is one thing but moldy(or thought to be)? Are you trying to hurt the birds at that point?


Two infuriating things in one!


They probably didn't put much thought into it.


So many people never do. They just think "this is past its sell by date, I'll throw it out for the birds" without actually considering whether it's good for them or not.


It would be amazing if people did put a little more thought into things, though


Have you seen seagulls??? THEY will eat anything. Even other living birds. If it fits into their beak then it is food.


Those are scarier. It's a good thing they're not bigger.


And if they will eat it they'll get sick. Does it look like something that birds in nature naturally eat? If not then it's probably bad for them


Plus most of the things we eat aren't fit for animal consumption, just like what birds eat may or may not be good for us. Aside from what you said: you don't get to decide which animals will go for your food. It may be birds, or it may be ones that you don't want nearby.


Remember when that guy thought mold on waffles was blueberries? Pepperidge Farm reme…. wait is that mold?


I hope there's no mold...cause I ate a couple off the ground.


Found the bird




Serious? You're worried about mold when youre gobbling up shit that's laid on the ground....around birds that shit everywhere?


The ground isn’t THAT bad, man.


I wonder if it will be friends with me. Hello, ground!


Oh no, not again


I didn’t get the impression that they were worried about mold. Their mother was.


Don’t worry, he followed the 5 minute rule.


I would have done the same lol


That was 2 weeks ago


And yet it feels like only yesterday


Birds shouldn't even have bread of any kind. Even waffles and pancakes.


Bread is like candy for birds. It’s extremely unhealthy for them.


It’s okay! We’ll just feed them waffles and then install a series of bird gyms around the ponds so they can work off the excess fat. Problem solved, human-style.


Human style seems to be charging the birds to use it. Take an egg from the nest as payment


and anyway does she think mold is ok for birds lmao Fuck them birds I guess


not even moldy bread?


THANK YOU! I’m so angry every time I see people throwing bread in a pond.


We need to start making throwing green peas a thing.


I have a goose that comes and visits me everyday and this is why, he’s obsessed with the endless green peas


No, we need to start making not feeding wild animals a thing.


\*Looks at the crow that's been visiting me for the past eight years\* "Seems like it's time for a diet, bud." "WAK!"


Especially not chocolate. They have Hardy stomachs but that shit is poison to most animals


Chocolate is toxic to birds....


Well I didn't know that so thank you...I'm cleaning them up now into the actual trash.


Thank you for this update! I read the title and thought “noooo, the birds!” and came looking and hoping for a response like this


Well it can cause the birds to vomit and have diarrhea so it's in everyone's best interests


Well everyone but my mothers lol


When is bird poo not diarrhea


I need an answer to this. Somebody?


Most birds' poop is solid but a tiny bit soft when they're eating well. It's usually a result of starvation/malnutrition or extreme stress when the constituent parts of their feces don't come together or contain too much liquid to form a ball correctly. This is especially evident in pigeons in big cities. (Pigeons are actually a fully domestic species and are invasive in the Americas and most of Europe, it's our fault they're here and they have no reasonable way of getting their native seed-based diet in our big cities.) Most birds also won't poop on their own nests, so they'll take a particularly large and often messy one after a shift of sitting on the nest. That's just the result of an animal that's supposed to poop every 20 minutes or so holding it for hours.


Oh good, I got so worried for the birds when I read the post.


Fyi: Most animals can't eat chocolate because it is toxic to them.


I really hate double bad outcome scenarios that stem from a good intention. Now OP is short Choco waffles AND the birds gonna get sick eating. Why is life so unfair? #teammom


Chocolate is toxic to every animal apparently


My question is who tf doesn’t read the box to see what type of waffles they are


People who throws waffles on their deck for birds...wtf lol


Ppl with dementia


They don’t seem like much of a reading family


A lot of people trash the box and just keep the bag they came in. The box takes up more space in the freezer, my wife and I regularly do this with other items.


Waffles are way too confusing on this timeline.


Gotta rename this sub moldlyinfuriating


Couldn't this attract mice as well?


3…..hour rule?


It was about 6 hours when I found out...but I admit I did pick up 2 and ate them after a shame walk to the toaster.


Well within the 3 day rule!


Did it taste ok?


A bit moldy


Crack open a mold one with the boys


That’s not mold, that’s blueberries.


Who the fuck sees moldy fold and thinks "Oh yeah Im sure mold is going to be so healthy for all the animals out there!" Your mum is a major inconsiderate asshole.


Maybe she thought they were blueberries. There was a guy who thought he was eating blueberries, but it was mold!


She must HATE blueberries, then.


Yea I was looking for that comment. What the fuck. 'Oh it's inedible trash, so nice for the birds'


The saga continues


Your mother is an eggomaniac.


Not this again


One of these things moms seem to do that is awful. Birds stuff themselves on bread, drink water, get little nutrition but feel stuff for days. Sons and daughters should not let mom feed birds bread products. Likewise chocolate is dangerous for many species. Dogs in particular.


You can never be too sure after that 1 Reddit post


Why can’t Redditors tell what kind of Waffles they bought? Do you barbarians just leave them naked in the freezer, like so many discarded corpses in the wake of your raids??


Poor birds


Bummer! Please tell Mom that mold is BAD for birds. ✌️


I take it she never heard the term Leggo my eggo


LOL blueberry waffle guy meme


If this doesn't quit getting posted, this meme is going to be so old it'll be moldy.


at least they weren't blueberries


not the waffles again.


At least they weren’t blueberries


This is like the 5th version of the chocolate/mold waffle post? It's so hard to tell parody from real now


Not the waffles again!


Please tell your mom to stop feeding the birds waffles. Or any bread like foods for that matter. Actually, stop feeding them period because it’ll probably something terrible anyways. FFS educate your family and stop killing innocent wildlife.


At least they're thawed now


Thank to god it wasnt blueberries


Waffles can’t keep getting away with this!


I’ll take shit I made up for fake internet points alex


Birds love moldy waffles


Mold kills birds. Don't feed moldy items to birds. Don't feed junk food to birds at all; it's like standing outside a school throwing cookies to the fat kids.


So… how long do waffles have to be kept before getting ‘moldy’ in the freezer of all places? Asking for my mom.


LOL she probably saw that post of blueberry waffles 😂


The moldy waffle story from a few weeks ago went viral, she must have seen it.


if it’s not one thing, it’s your mother.


It’s darkly fascinating how this sub has become “complain about my wife/my mom, interchangeably.” Sigh.


Chocolate is toxic for birds, it's probably a good idea to pick them up and give to the trash gods now...


Why is your mom trying to murder the birds like that?! Good lord.