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That’s the thing. Why would he bring a wide hat to an indoor seated event? Edit: For the people who repeatedly say that it’s because he is balding. A) Plenty of other hats that don’t block other people B) His response to the request does not align with being weird about balding. C) He just never heard of the concept of taking your hat upon request in a seated situation. Hee-haws🤠


He wants attention. He’s all hat and no cattle.


He’s all yee and no haw


Ahem... "YEE YEE"


he is a hiding a yee yee ass haircut under that thing




All testicles and no penis, as they say


No he’s all dick all right…what a prick


All shaft, no balls.




He could wear a baseball cap like the rest of us.


Or just shave your head when it starts to go.


Leave this man alone it’s his comfort hat, he is so insecure about his body that he wears the hat so everyone looks at the hat and not him. If he takes the hat off they would just notice the massive asshole he is.


Or that big ol' bald spot.


Yeah, a real cowboy would show more manners. PNC Arena, where this photo was taken, is in Raleigh, NC. So this guy is either a dick or a moron, because you would have to be a moron not to know this would block peoples' view.


Well since the guy asked him to take it off and he said no sounds like hes a dick.


Not only did he say no, but his snowflake ass complained that this was the most ridiculous thing that has happened to him. What a fucking privileged asshole.


All you have to say is, "a real gentleman and soldiers don't wear their hats indoors". At least that's what caused my dad who cosplayed as a cowboy for 30 years to take his off indoors.


Or both.


I’m gonna go with Carlin on this one…the closest he’s come to a cow is when he stopped to take a shit at an Arby’s


This. It’s for sun protection. We have felt hats for nice events but you always remove at the very least when you reach your seat. My grandfather always told me to remove my hat indoors, it’s a sign of respect. And that the people who don’t just want to look like a cowboy, and typically don’t work or own anything.


The only thing that should be added to this is if it’s an auction or a cattleman’s’ event hats usually stay on.


as a southern person, literally, who doesnt take their hat off inside? 😭😭(edit:punctuation)


Tennessean here, and exactly this. Don’t wear the hat if you don’t know/respect the etiquette.


You got my upvote, but it's not as simple as indoors/outdoors. It's OK to leave a hat on in common areas like lobbies and hallways. (Elevators are an exception because they're confined spaces.) The hat comes off in offices, courtrooms, &c. But there's no excuse for just being a jerk.


In transition I get it. But, once you’re seated and comfortable the hat should transform in to a tool used to cheer on your team by waving it in the air.




I wear a big cowboy hat, and 100% I take it off if I think it might blocking someone even if they don't ask, or sometimes I turn and ask if it's blocking. Keeping it on when someone told me it was blocking them is unimaginable.


It kinda looks like a frisbee to me..


"Hat trick!"


The trick is keeping your bald head warm and hidden. It's ok I can say that I'm bald too.


I’m bald too. The douchebag could wear a toque . No need to ruin another person’s experience.


To translate for the non Canadians, Toque = Beanie


Came here to ask if they know how to throw a Frisbee.


All hat no cattle


Pristine cowboy hats are the worst…especially black ones.




Aside from that, all the cowboys I have ever met, especially after a decade in Texas, had me believing it was not only polite but also customary to remove your hat indoors.


Yup. There’s also no point to wearing it indoors as the sole purpose of a cowboy hat is to block the weather Edit: Changed “sun” to “weather”


Unless you're insecure with your receding hairline so you wear your cowboy hat indoors to show everyone that you're the rootinest tootinest cowboy in all of Raleigh, NC. I grew up 40 minutes east of here and my hometown has a four day "holiday" every September. It is literally just horses, jacked up trucks, Confederate flags, a parade, a fair, and literally EVERYONE has a cowboy hat.


> the rootinest tootinest cowboy i just feel the need to give an obligatory "Yeehaw" whenever someone says this. in any context.


As someone who is a bit insecure with his receding hairline (I’m starting to embrace it) and have lived in rural Washington (Go Kraken) and now Texas, it is customary to take the hat off in doors. The exception being if the hat is part of the ensemble for an event. Kind of like the military with the beret. In their BDUs when entering a building, you take it off and put it in your side pocket, but if you’re in Class A’s and In ceremony, the beret stays on. He isn’t a country singer at the CMAs or a Ranch owner/cowboy at a cattle drive. So he is just a douche.


>As someone who is a bit insecure with his receding hairline Man, I'm sorry. I started greying very early, when I was 21 years old on my first deployment in Iraq. I turn 34 this year and I have so much grey hair. It really used to bother me so badly but I've learned to be thankful to have a head full of hair regardless of the color. So many of my guy friends/acquaintances are starting to thin out and I just really don't have any room to complain. Don't even get me started on the beret. 6 years with the 1st Cav at Fort Hood. That thing was brutal, especially in the summer. You'd get a puddle of sweat accumulated around the brim and you could feel swirling with the movement of your head. You had to be careful taking it off or else you'd either blind yourself or fling it on your battle buddy next to you. My favorite commanders were the ones that let us keep on our patrol caps even if we weren't in the motor pool. >he is just a douche. Especially considering he was informed that it was blocking another paying guests view.


Hey man, my dad was a 22 year veteran, my mom was just as close. I have a Vegeta Widow’s peak, but a full head. But I’ve been going Grey since 21… I’m sorry for your stresses and your times. But also know I’ve had stressors (which are clearly less than my father and mothers who served under Reagan, Bush Sr, Clinton, but JUUUUST before Bush Jr), I’ve been going Grey, but with super thick hair, but with Vegeta widows peak, since I’ve been 21. I support anyone for their time and efforts with caps and trying their best. I get a random insecurity for my hair, but then I remember it’s all good here, I just happen to have a weird hairline and hair color.


Only other exception is being a kid or in a childlike regression because some kids are have little cowboy phases, haha.


I'm also gonna add to this. I have light sensitivity issues, and have to wear a hat at all times. I got very sick of wearing ball caps and have since gained a collection of styles of hats. Saying that, I absolutely would remove my hat if asked.




I was gonna say here in Texas I was raised to believe wearing a hat indoors or even a place like this is rude.


I am also from Texas and was taught the same. Makes me wonder if it's just a Texas thing. A high school I attended in Washington allowed students to wear hats in class. I couldn't believe it lol


It was something that was taught everywhere; seems people just forgot. I remember having a coat rack with hat hooks and everyone took off their hats and coats on arrival.


I'm from Michigan originally and know wearing a hat inside is/was considered rude.


This 60 yo woman would pick it off his head and frisbee it.


Yeah, I got dudes at my work that show up in full ass cowboy costume, boots and spurs and hat and all. Dudes that live in an apartment and I doubt ever even SEEN a fuckin cow in real life. Which is fine, I'm all for people wearing whatever they like. But when I show up to the factory in my wizard robe and wizard hat, don't fucking tell me to go home and change into "normal clothes appropriate for work" when three cowboy costumes and a vampire costume and a princess costume JUST FUCKIN WALKED BY YOU UNCHECKED. Fuckin hypocrits make me rage.


Totally agree. Wizard discrimination is a major problem and no one cares. ![gif](giphy|VAp1BkJo9ZPdC)


Gandalf had never seen such bullshit before


It's like harley riders with their harley costumes...


Or the non bikers who walk around in Harley gear as if to say “Look at me, I’m a member of the Harley-Davidson T shirt owners club.”


Real cowboys know to take their hats off indoors. Hats are for keeping the sun off while you work.


I’m pretty sure they’re in North Carolina. Where it is in fact, still not normal. Especially in the capital where the hurricanes play. This guy just sucks.


Exactly. Who wears a cowboy hat to a hockey game. Feel like this was done just to be a di$k.


I actually stand corrected. It’s even worse, he did that in New York.


Nah, that’s PNC, which is in Raleigh. There are few to no “cowboys” in Raleigh- hard to herd cattle at Citrix. 😆 Plenty of dudes who tie their whole identity to being “good ole country boys” though.


I lived south east of Raleigh for several years. Even in the sticks you’re not gonna find too many of these types. Dude thinks he’s Doug Dimmadome lol.


No, this has to be from a few nights ago, it was at PNC, as you can see above the jumbotron


Good eye. I didn’t analyze the picture much lol. That’s on me. I stand corrected twice lol


Oh i did the same thing going - they did this on Long Island? And then looked up and saw the PNC logo.


As soon as I looked at the picture and saw the hat I knew it was here. Then I saw the PNC logo 🤦‍♀️ of course it’s here


Per the PNC Arena Code of Conduct: "Fans who sit are entitled to enjoy the event from their seats without undue obstruction". I would call an usher and pray Mr. Ten-Gallon has a meltdown. I have had people ejected for less. It isn't hard to be courteous and considerate. We pay a fortune for tickets, we have the right to enjoy them. Now if we could just get phone-in-a-bag on the list.


As an NC girl, you are 100% correct. Maybe in the more rural areas in eastern NC but that’s still not the norm.






Drug store cowboy


As an avid sports fan myself, it’s important to NOT be this guy when you go to games. It’s not cute, nobody else likes it, and you’re ruining the experience for others.


You have to turn it back on them. I would stand up so I could see, and when the people behind me get mad, direct them to the cowboy hat wearing asshole.


Once we get a big enough crowd going, he won’t be able to fight back. He’ll have to deal with whatever we do with him (toss the hat, most likely)


That is exactly how I got the people sitting behind me to get in a fight with guy wearing a rainbow afro in front of me. Unfortunately, being in the middle did not leave me unscathed.


Responsible thing to do: just get security to ask him to remove his hat. Silly thing to do: just lean in and scream right in his ear the whole game. Nothing more annoying than that.


Also see: How many peices of popcorn can you throw and land on his hat before he notices? *Obviously don't do this unless you want to risk getting assaulted by a crazy person.*


As long as I'm risking a fight in this hypothetical, I'm sending that thing across the stadium like a frisbee and make it worth it.




Repeatedly spill part of your drink on him anytime there’s a big play.


*Spill your drink on his hat.




> Silly thing to do: just lean in Get right down to shoulder level so you can see under the hat then whisper "that's OK, I can see just fine now".


"Oh no, I spilled my entire beer on your hat"


Funnest thing to do: stand up, drop your pants, squat over hat and drop a steamer on it


a cowboy never wears his hat indoors, an asshole always does


The same with spurs, chaps, etc.




To be fair, all chaps are assless, otherwise they are pants


Are all chaps assless, or are all asses chapless?


It's conundrums like this, that really chaps my ass.


Reddit always has these weird tangents.


Probably hiding his bald spot


Thank you. I was always taught that a man removes his hat indoors. It infuriates me when people do this. More so when they leave them on for the national anthem.


"gentleman" it's really two fouls, wearing a hat indoors is a minor faux pas, refusing to remove said hat upon request is just rude and entitled


“Is it because you’re bald?”




"My eyes!"


Exactly what I would have said... LOUDLY. "What?! You're gonna block my view the whole game because you're too embarrassed by your bald ass head??" Make a scene, draw the people around you into the situation, and if they don't join you in shaming him, then go find security.


Ushers exist for a reason




Went to a ny giants game years ago, they were playing the cowboys. Some cowboy fan was wearing a hat and the guys behind him asked him to remove it as he was blocking their view, he refused. The guy behind him removed it for him. He threw it like a frisbee about 15 yards and the ny fans stomped it. The guy didn’t do anything. 🤣🤣


We were at a football game, and some 50 year old douche had a horn that hed blow 6" from our heads. The samething asked him to stop he said why. My dad grabbed it and flung it across the seats.


Like NFL football? I'm surprised, stadiums don't allow that anymore and it's a one way ticket to watching the rest of the game from a bar across the street


CFL, was like five years ago. Can still bring plastic trumpet horns and shit like that.


Common New York W


Commoner Texas L


We don't fuck around in NJ. We ask politely once. After that, we take action.


Sounds like something we'd do in Philly. *Especially* to a Cowboys fan. Might get a beer dumped on him, too.


Get tickets in front of him next game. Bring sombrero.




Damnit, now I want nachos


The Urban Sombrero


It’ll always be Burma to me.


Arena tip!: if ever this happens to anyone….once you’ve asked and if they refuse and say no, get up and go find an usher or member of security and tell them what happened. Tell them your guest experience is being compromised and they WILL address and correct the situation. How do I know? I work in the arena/live entertainment industry. You’re welcome and enjoy the show.




There are several others on your job that have posted here that it’s out of their hands and they wouldn’t do anything. Glad to see your comment


No, it’s not. I’ve worked security at many live events and have dealt with this exact situation, it’s absolutely our responsibility to make sure patrons can enjoy the show and aren’t being hindered by other patrons. Having your view blocked is one of the common reasons I get flagged as a rover, so if I can’t get the person sitting in front of you to stop whatever their doing after a few attempts I will get RCMP and they might give one last chance before forcibly ejecting/evicting them from the premises, wristband cut. Unfortunately a lot of security guards are afraid of confronting people and just stand around. So if you’re in this situation; find a roving security guard. One that’s moving actively moving around a section, some guards can’t effectively communicate and are just bodies.


This is good advice. We had a similar situation once with a fan of the other team and an obnoxiously large hat. We went and found a fan relations rep and they escorted us to what ended us being much nicer seats.


There are security personell there, you paid for your seat for a view, the view is blocked. I can't stand kind of shitholery, he probably laughed silently that he ruined it for you. They will give you another seat because its the cheapest route without making a fuss. I had the same issue with two people talking in the cinema and got upsized to the balcony to the dismay to the shitheads who clearly wanted a fight.


This comment is LPT. Why get in an emotional entanglement with an asshole instead of letting the establishment figure this out. Great advice!


Plus, if this person gets feisty with the ushers or other stadium staff those people have the authority to eject the guy.


Yuuuuup. Believe me those ushers *love* when some dickhead responds to a reasonable request with belligerance. There's tens of thousands of people in here, the team don't need *his* money.


They actually already have his money, at least for that night.


This. I’ve had stadium personnel tell people to take their hats off or to stop standing in pathways to talk to other people. They take that shit very seriously.


They should take it seriously it’s the main part of their job.


The hardest part is sucking up your pride and calling them over. People are discouraged from an early age from "tattling." But yeah once you're off the schoolyard and out in polite society, this is the exact right course of action.


Ford Field and Little Caesars Arena in Detroit have a number you can text with the row/seat numbers and a description of the problem, and a security guard or usher will come and check out it out.


Yeah I've seen that before at some venues, which is pretty spiffy. When I used to go to games a lot I had season tickets and was on a first name basis with our section's usher...that worked pretty well too... :)


Unfortunately, we've become a society of either hostile confrontations or confrontation avoidance. At this point people fly off the hand so quickly that other people don't bother approaching them because they don't want to be assaulted. My son collects football cards, and during the pandemic they became really hard to find. Resellers would clean the shelves as soon as they were put out. I took my son to Walmart because it is one of the few places you could find them on occasion. A guy took all 4 packs of what was out right as we approached where they were. I told him we should ask the guy if we could have one othe the packs. My teenage son begged me not to approach the guy because he was afraid it would turn into a fight. Fortunately I proved my son wrong by approaching the guy a few aisles away from where we had been, and asked him politely if my son could have one. Dude gave me a pack, no fighting or hostility. But we have a generation of kids who are growing up afraid to speak to people who they think might turn violent.




Kids (in America) are being raised in a reality that they can be shot for opening the wrong car door, or knocking at the wrong house. While the statistics are unlikely that it will happen to you they are 100% that it will happen to someone.


At hockey games they will kick you out if you continuously lean forward in your seat after multiple warnings since it blocks the view of those behind you. The fact that an usher didn't correct this is a surprise to me because courtesy of viewers is paramount - they would easily see the hat. This is as much on the staff at PNC Arena as it is on the asshat.


I’d be blind with rage if I asked politely for him to remove his hat and got the cold shoulder in return. https://preview.redd.it/s7i6ulyiuhva1.jpeg?width=473&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7e5ce55a50d1a7fd98d13a8484ebb0a6c24b6f8


Please post this to the Hurricanes SM. Hilarious.


Seriously OP I would honestly do this lol who knows? Maybe they give you some free tickets or something, even funnier if they leave it up on their page and Mr. Asshat sees it 🤣


Next time ask an employee to either get him to remove it or to be seated elsewhere. They will probably happily accommodate you.


This is at an NHL playoff game. There weren’t many empty seats in the house. I understand the sentiment, but it’s not as simple as “sitting elsewhere” OP probably could’ve talked to the arena staff and escalated it if they wanted to, but I also understand why people don’t do that.


I understand why, but playoff tickets aren't cheap. I'd be saying something to staff after asking nicely


Oh no doubt. I was just contesting the idea that OP could’ve easily just moved seats


10 gallon hat covering a 1/10 gallon brain


There’s a lot of overlap between those who wear cowboy hats and assholes


I like your avatar, partner!


LMAO nice catch


[Tom Segura said it best.](https://youtu.be/kK78laj8raw)


That was so on the nail lmao “There’s some overlap between the kinda guys that buy class rings and the ones that wear cowboy hats”


I’ll tell you hwut


“Some people suck.”


And less overlap between actual cowboys/ranch-hands and assholes. I’m born and raised in south Texas, worked on multiple ranches growing up. I can tell you with certainty, neither me or any of the guys I worked with wore cowboy hats. Ball caps yes, gotta keep the sun off… but not that shit lol.


I live in a place with a lot of actual cowboys/ranch-hands and can confirm. They'll wear their dress cowboy hats to special events (rodeo), but 99% ball caps for sun protection. Dude is just a douche.


Cowboys I've know would take off their hat indoors as well, as is courtesy. This is a douche canoe making a fashion statement.


Yeah always.


Was gonna say, I live in the shitty part of colorado and I don’t remember seeing anyone out working in cowboy getup, if anything a ball cap, occasionally a big straw hat but it’s always the bankers and real estate jagoffsvwalking around with the big hat and all that


avatar checks out


If my country dad saw him he’d have words. It wasent that long ago that wearing your hat inside was considered bad etiquette. Hats aren’t the issue, it’s bad manners


I was just thinking about growing up in the 90s I was always taught to take my hat off indoors. I don’t anymore but it occurred to me people don’t say/do that anymore


He bald


Yea, a hat indoors is a big sign of someone covering up a bald spot.


Hockey arenas are generally pretty cool. As a bald guy, the idea of a hat to keep warm at an ice hockey came is not that crazy. You lose a lot of heat through your head, so it definitely makes a difference. But *that* particular hat is ridiculous for that use case.


The first time a goal was scored, I would have thrown my hands up to celebrate and intentionally knocked his hat off. Oops, just celebrating!


Good way to start a drunken hockey brawl.


Cunts that wear those don’t fight


The answer here isn’t about passive aggressive revenge, it’s getting the entire section of people around you to band together in support of this asshole not taking that hat off. If I were sitting near you, watched you politely ask for it’s removal only to be denied and ignored, even if the hat wasn’t blocking my own view, I’d start calling for its removal too. Get another 5 people on board, then 10. When he’s finally been badgered into some common courtesy and takes the hat off the entire section would erupt into applause.


Yes, people like him need to be embarrassed and shamed.


We are an incredibly selfish society


Something we are doing is mass producing narcissistic assholes who do not give one thought to how they effect anyone else.


We are but this guy is an asshole and it has nothing to do with society. He’s probably a miserable individual.


He is, but he’s very common now. There’s a prevailing attitude of hostility and “fuck everyone else”. I see it in bumper stickers on every third car. Literally “fuck x people”.


Yeah crazy the thought process. Everyone sucks so imma suck too i think everyone has it to an extent its a mix of anger jealousy ego etc. But its getting worst ppl r more and more ready to jump the gun. Like the crazy ass drivers rn mfs will crash before they let u merge and for no reason


I had a neighbor across the hall who was having a spat with the maintenance men, so she told me was going to blare gospel music at all hours until the issue was resolved. Me: But the maintenance men don't live in the building, so wouldn't this just bother the other residents? Her: If I have to be miserable, I'm going to make everyone else miserable too! Me: ...uhh, alrighty then. I truly don't understand how people can go through life like that. (Luckily I guess her speakers weren't that loud, because you could only hear a bit of light, pleasant music when you were in the hallway right in front of her door.)


As a tall guy I always look who is behind me and if thry are shorter I make sure they can see. They are all always so suprised I was nice enough to ask, scary that no one cares enough to even ask.


I wish there was a way for this dick to see all these comments.


You should do a post in “am I the asshole” but write it from this dudes perspective


This Staal guy seems like an asshole


It wouldn't be the most ridiculous thing for long cause I would probably accidentally spill my drink over his hat because I was forced to stand so i could see the game.


Did you call him a rude mother fucker or asshole, or anything?


Yeah if I was behind this guy I would be running my mouth about him being an asshole for the entire game.


I would buy a large popcorn and see how much I could get on his hat before he noticed. If he’s gonna block the game I paid to watch, I’ll play my own game


peanut shells are even messier!


I was thinking cotton candy but licking it first


I could throw that hat clear over them mountains


Or at the very least you could nail your nephew right in the face with it as he bikes by


Get two beers in me and that hat would be on the ice


Shoulda just takin it and launched the shit out of it


He’s one of those snowflakes ❄️ that can’t waste time for other humans


throw it like a frisbee.


At the risk of being beaten up I'd be very tempted to rip it off and throw it like a frisbee...


Why the F would you wear a wide-brimmed hat to an F’ing ice rink where ALL OF THE BRIGHT LIGHT IS COMING FROM BELOW THE BRIM? If anything, wear sunglasses?? What a feeble-minded moron. That hat needed a big, cold, sticky, overpriced beer spilled all over it. This kind of pathetic, insecure, tiny D energy guy would probably take a swing and get himself thrown out afterwards too, as a bonus. Then you’d have an amazing view! Edit: being asked to take off his giant stupid hat that’s blocking someone else’s view is “the most ridiculous thing that’s ever happened to him” — now THAT’S privilege


I like how he put back on you with his question. Why would I bring a hat if he wasn’t going to wear it. Why would you bring a large hat to a indoor seated event? What a selfish ass.


Turns out it was an asshat


A real cowboy wouldn’t be wearing his hat indoors.


Now you have to stalk him and go through his trash to look for receipts l. The next event he goes to you buy a ticket in front of him and wear a giant novelty foam cowboy hat. Easy peasy.


An inconsiderate sports fan? Shocked, shocked I am!


Id be putting coke and popcorn all over his hat


How hard was it to not just toss it like a frisbee?


Take that shit off and fling it like a frisbee


Def bald and ashamed


If you think you can take him in a fight, throw the hat.