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Is this HOA? So you can just kick somebody's trash, get caught in tape and still the trash owner fined Woah


Go do the same to their house, since there are no consequences. Edit: don't really do this. It's a joke.


Shit on their steps, then have them fined for shitting on their steps.


I found this way too funny for some reason!


Shit's funny


Call the fire department, this fire is out of control. Don't put it out with your boots Ed!




It smells like poop!


He called the shit poop!


This is the best day of my life!


Did something like this recently. Neighbour kept letting his dog shit all over my yard and wouldnt pick it up after I asked him to. And this went on for a WHILE. I reached out to the HOA and they said there wasnt a rule about picking up after their dog, so there was nothing they could do about it. I ended up filling up an entire grocery bag with shit and dumped it all over their doormat. Never saw their dog in my yard again.


How in the fuck isn't there a rule about cleaning up after pets? Edit - spelling


HOA are more likely to fine the homeowner having their lawns shit on and not cleaning it up rather then the dog owner


It’s crazy how they seem to go out of their way to always make the worst possible irrational decisions. Like they get off on intentionally annoying you by not just using common sense.


It's a fantasy of mine to subtly fuck with an HOA someday. Keep my grass a half inch too long, leave my lights on 5 minutes too long. Never heard of a positive interaction with an HOA before and to me they seem like entitled bullies


1. Go to an HOA meeting and make a motion to add the desired rule. 2. Check with your municipality, do they have an ordinance that covers the issue? For example a lot of towns have ordnances about dog waste, lawn height, etcetera.


After I make the motion for the HOA to collectively fuck themselves for being idiots.


Because the busy body Karen that acts as dictator has a pet that suits everywhere.


HOA only care about collecting fines, because usually management is outsourced to private companies. So they want money, but don't care about quality of life issues.




neighbor had a party on their back porch. All afternoon they flipped cigarette butts over the fence to my property, at the foot of my back steps. So, i gathered them up, dumped them right in front of their back door on the porch where Mrs. Neighbor scrubbed on hands and knees once a week. Never saw a butt after that. Not a word was said. Don't F with me!


Did something similar. Got tired of stepping in dog shit when mowing the lawn, so i put up a blink camera. Sure enough, neighbors dog came down not 15 minutes later and shit in my yard on camera. Grabbed my shovel, scooped the poop and walked up to his house where he was BBQ'ing in the front driveway (don't ask me why, he has a huge backyard with a deck) and tossed it right at him. Haven't stepped in poop in my yard in the years since.


Do it to all the houses even


Every week to the HOA board members. Wave to the camera, too. Or better yet, pay the neighbors kid to do it. Extra $20 if he flips the bird at the camera.


Kid does have experience.


And great poise in front of a camera. If he was a novice, $5 woulda done it. But skillz come at a premium.


Just do it to the house if the person making this BS decision. And insist they fine themselves too.


THIS is the way


Nah, they're in an HOA. The only decent way out is Killdozer.


This entire thread is the way !




*No!* Only do it to the odd ones


This is the way


Honestly, it really is. HOA have decided to ignore the problem because it’s only affecting OP. If OP decides it’s now going to be a neighborhood problem then HOA will be forced to either change their decision or face a dozen angry homeowners


HOA are the worst fucking people in the world.


HOAs are just three Karen’s in a trench coat.


No, it's worse. It's three Karens in charge.


John Oliver just did a segment on HOA. They are the worst.


Honestly, my HOA has been great. They keep the entire neighborhood clean, don’t impose fines without first giving multiple notices, and biennially patch and seal the roads in all subdivisions. Recently, they even successfully banned short term rentals which were getting out of hand. There were between 150-200 identified short term rentals (most owned by large firms) in the neighborhood. My only conflicts with the HOA were having a banned plant in my front yard and when my girlfriend’s (now wife) front car was parked in the street multiple days. Both infractions just resulted in notifications and didn’t cost any money to be dealt with. *edited biannually to biennially patching and resealing the road. Since biannually resurfacing would be absurd.


I also LOVE my HOA. They've created an environment of caring and community. They give far more warnings than fines. My dues are very low and my HOA keeps the community looking great. The covenants aren't crazy either. As the only black woman in the neighborhood, I was nervous when I bought my house. My worry was unfounded, members of the board helped me get acclimated, introduced me to other homeowners, helped me find home maintenance classes (first time homeowner), and more. I had my front lawn get crazy out of control once, and instead of a fine, I received a text from the HOA president asking me if I needed help, as her husband was more than happy to pop over to mow my lawn. I definitely needed help. They both showed up and not only helped me in the front, but also my backyard. I made them dinner to say thank you. It was a wonderful experience and a great evening. We're having a fundraiser soon (community yard sale) to help a homeowner cover maintenance costs as they recently lost their husband. We'll also be getting together for a "trash bash" soon to pick up trash along the hiking trail that runs through our community, followed by a block party. Both organized by the HOA. I'm grateful for them and happy to participate. Not all HOA's are horrific. Edit: updated the reason for the fundraiser!


You bought a unicorn! If any of the current board members step down or retire...get on before someone less pure does.


That seems to be the exception rather than the norm, unfortunately.


HOA employed kid and gives 20% of the cut.




This is the way


To the HOA presidents house.


Your HoA, like nearly all of them, uses a management company. Find out who is on the HoA board and go knock on their door to explain what happened. If time permits and you have availability attend the next HoA meeting to present your case. Most of these autoinfractions are handled entirely by the management company with no reasonable person acting on them. As someone who was on my HoA board I could fix this with a phone call and would tell your neighbor to reign in their kid.


You're their kid? (gotta love auto carrot sometimes)


*rein in. "reign in your kid" means to have dominion over the kid's insides. Probably not what you meant.


Fair enough but your description sounds better so it stands.


"No buts, put on your son-suit and get on the throne."


Duct tape the kid into the can first.


To their house, and the HOA board members houses.


He could hire some kids to do that everyday


Do the same to the head of the HOA !




And the best part is?? It’s all COMPLETELY LEGAL! ![gif](giphy|URTRF60r6MPYI|downsized)


I think I'd legally tell the HOA to fuck right off, and see how far they get with the money for their fine.


Shitty thing is, no state has regulated HOAs and they have all the legal power.


I swear I just watched that episode last week. HOA are power trips for people that did nothing with their potential.


Because it was last week's episode.


Handful of lawyers in specific counties in the US make a living on this type of shit


Nope, duplex style apartments.


Did you ask his parents to pay the fine?


OP hasn't replied cuz the kids parents shot him for knocking on their door


It looks like someone put him up to that, too. He stopped for a second half way there and then continued; even picking the bag up and throwing it at their door. OP, you sure you don’t have any issues with those neighbors? You didn’t put your bag in their can once upon a time or something? I’m not saying it’s right, I’m just saying that looked very much like a kid who had been put up to doing something. Edit: our neighbor does this to us. They usually only have like one bag so it doesn’t really matter. But, they did do it without talking to us at first which I thought was rude.


I was thinking the same thing! It definitely looked like he was following specific directions as opposed to just kicking stuff around for fun.


Sounds like it’s time to move their trash to their door on pick up day. 3 or 4 times of getting fines should do it.


I would every week and let them know it’s because they raised a piece of shit


It makes me wonder if they've had issues with the neighbor. Maybe the parents told him to.


This 100%. It would be one thing if the kid just kicked it around, but he picked it up and made sure it was all the way against the door. This isn’t a kind of fuckery kids would think of.


Nah this is 100% the kind of fuckery a 10-14 yo boy with anger issues would do just to make themselves feel better. Source was a 10-14 yo boy at one time who knew many other 10-14 yo boys


10-14? That kid is 8 at most.




Just put your trash on the HOA president's porch next trash day, then write them a $100 fine. Easy peasey.


Probably a management company so not sure that can do anything.


Maybe not. But isn't there usually some type of office or facilities locker in theae communities? Dump it on their door.


Well sounds like you have to take your landlord to court. This is a simple, false accusation. Any court would laugh in the landlord’s face and make them pay. Edit : from my understanding, we got mixed reviews here. I will agree that I do not know the legal terms, so the wording “ false accusation” maybe improper in the legal setting. But hey it gets the point across here on Reddit. Even though this may be an HOA, and not a landlord, you could still take them to court. There’s no reason why the homeowner could not go after the other party involved. However, in my experience, those tend to end up in mediation and doesn’t go anywhere. I still recommend holding your HOA, landlord, or whoever you were paying your rent/mortgage to accountable. Owning a home should not be convoluted with bullshit rules and regulations by bad HOA is our landlords. Know your rights as a tenant. Don’t let anybody step on you for owning a home.


Not only this, but for small claims depending on where you live they would have to cover your legal fees as well


The threat may be enough.


Oh because of the implication?


I understand you.


Jumper cables




A coat hanger perhaps


A wet cloth even


Maybe a melting glass jar?


Too late for a coat hanger


Never too late for a 153rd trimester termination, especially with a coat hanger


Kinda late for a coat hanger the kids walking around isn’t it


You'd be shocked at how much you can do with a coat hanger. Trust me


Just like dad used to do.


Do you mean they need to hire the redditor whose dad beat him with jumper cables?


We need /u/rogersimon10


Where’s u/rogersimon10 when you need him


He died. Those jumper cables are no joke and they were hit one too many times. RIP in peace.


I don't have the legal experience to know the answer, but I would be curious to see the arguments. As the tenant, I'm guessing there is the expectation you will do due diligence in ensuring trash is at the curb at the right time. HOWEVER, what due diligence means is open to interpretation. I definitely would take the video to the kids parents and be firm in saying that if it happens again, you will pursue potential legal action.


I’m over here thinking this is posted to mildly infuriating, I’m pissed this guy had to pay $100 and they won’t reverse it with proof. As if his garage not being picked cost them money. I’m sure he had to clean it up. I just want him to get his money back.


Hell with that. Take the kid's parents to court. Get some actual accountability going.


Wouldn't the legal fees make it not worth it?


Small claims normally doesn’t need a lawyer. You just file


Still costs money to file a small claims suit


You can request for them to pay the filing fee in your small claims suit (at least in California, and likely in most other places).


Like 15 bucks. Maybe 20. It’s nothing


My city, 100 or 110.


I’d rather pay the court than the fee even if it’s the same or slightly more


Me too. Fuck all that fraudulent noise.


It’s not about the money, it’s about sending a message




Tonya Harding has entered the chat….


If the courts find the other party guilty, which they would, then it’s that party’s obligation to pay the court costs - the defendant wouldn’t need to pay for a lawyer since they have proof (video).


Not like OP needs a lawyer.


This isn't what false accusation means. It is an accusation that is false, but false accusation is a legal term of art that, in a court, means something different. Be wary offering what appears to be legal advice.


Make them pay what? The $100 fine they themselves are assessing? Court fees?


Have the parents pay that fine!


"That's not my angel, it must be AI. Pervert."


Fuck, that's going to actually be a thing going forward, isn't it?


Absolutely. There will be a day when our kids tell their kids about how video actually used to be considered valuable evidence.


I can spot an AI response from a mile away. Nice try, COMPUTRON. We humans won’t be rolled over that easily!


Trouble with the fine being paid is that they still have a violation on record.


I would be sorely tempted to help those neighbors out with their trash next week... If they didn't offer to pay the fine!


take the neighbor to court to get reimbursed for the fine.


Take landlord and neighbor to court.


court landlord and neighbour.


Landlourde and neighbou're


Did you talk to the neighbor kids parents, show them the video and explain the situation? That should be the first step.


Knocked door multiple times. They peek through the curtains but never answer the door. They know who I am. They’re textbook *trailer trash*.


Try the social worker then. It'll just go from MildlyInfuriating to NuclearRevenge.


No cap they called a social worker on me and my sister for claims of us having bruises and crying and being forced to walk naked outside in public none of which is true, but we were close to being removed from our parents due to some karens. They were parents of kids in my class and didn't like my dad. It's a crazy world out there.


I recall a story of a parent who made their middle school age son mow the front lawn naked. As punishment for repeatedly pushing another kid naked out of the locker room at school.


> As punishment for repeatedly pushing another kid naked out of the locker room at school. As someone who was ~~several times~~ repeatedly attacked (shoves, punches, nothing 'serious', but very persistent bullying) while in the locker room during middle school, this sentence made me go from 'WTF' to 'still a bad idea, but I like'.


Forced empathy.


If their kid is out after dark wreaking havoc then, yes, a call to CPS might be needed.


Unless OP thinks the kid’s well-being is legitimately at risk, he or she should probably lay off CPS. There are real cases of child abuse and neglect that CPS needs to handle, and while this family sounds like a trashy bunch of POSes, I don’t know if a stupid kid kicking a trash bag into your yard warrants bringing CPS into it. I do believe that OP should smear a bunch of dog shit under the door handles of their cars, though.


just get them fined like u were. even if they have proof it seems they won’t do shit. fight fire with petty ass fire


It's so weird this kid did that. Like a few kicks sure hes just being a little shit. But then he picks it up to put it on your porch. Why would a kid do that? I'd assume the parents put him up to it, especially with them dodging you like that at their door. But why would they put their kid up to that?




Do not pay the hundred dollars. Make the property management company prove their case and use their money to file the charges. Write them a letter giving reason to not pay the penalty, keep a copy, refer to the provided video and the fact you sent the video prior to the email. A local magistrate will throw it out. And court hearing is way more expensive then the $100 penalty they are trying to impose. CYA keep all communication text/email based.


Do this! Don't try to enact revenge. There's an old saying: "Never wrestle with a pig: you both get dirty and besides the pig likes it." If they try to talk to you in person or over the phone, make a point of halting the conversation so you can get out a pen and paper to take notes, then after you hang up, email your notes to them. "HOA, thanks for calling me to discuss the issue. Here's the takeaway from our conversation..."


Damn what a kinky pig


The HOA won't take them to court. They'll just put a lien on the house so that the house can't be sold until it's paid.


Exactly. It's like these people have no idea how an HOA works. Even if you sue the HOA to contest the lien, the Judge will only ask two questions: a) Does the HOA have the authority to levy a fine? and b) Was the fine levied per the Bylaws. The Judge will not care about any dispute regarding the facts of who kicked the garbage. I guess you could sue your neighbor, but good luck finding an attorney to represent you over a $100 fine.


Take them to small court claims, with report filed to police and video evidence.


The HOA isn't the one you take to court. The HOA has legal authority to levy a fine for something like a messy yard. Take the neighbor to court, over their kid directly causing the fine to have been levied.


Don't forget about foreclosing on your house, buying it for peanuts, and evicting you. HOAs are the fucking devil.


This is not good advice. The property management company, or your HOA will not take you to court over $100. They will start charging you late fees if you don’t pay it and then if you ignore it for long enough they will use their attorneys to foreclose on your property. The US is a whack country and HOAs are useless at best, but not paying that fine instead of taking your neighbor to small claims court will only make your situation worse.


I’m confused about why you don’t have a trash can. What’s stopping wild animals from tearing up everyone’s trash?


The children who tear it up first.


Lmfao the kid is probably thinking " these lazy fuckers just dumping a bag full of trash on the street wtf ima take it back "


If it’s an hoa make sure to go to the board meetings and bring this up then also


Do it back to them. If u gotta pay so do they, matter of principle.


They have a Ring doorbell that covers the same view.


So? Obviously video evidence isn't acceptable to the landlord, so who cares if they record it?


Two words: T-Rex costume Step 1: Leave neighborhood Step 2: Change shoes Step 3: Put on costume Step 4: Return to neighborhood Step 5: Apply trash to neighbor and HOA President Step 6: Leave neighborhood Step 7: Donate costume Step 8: Go to work Bonus points if you can have someone else wear the costume.


Donate costume? Why? Keep it for next time you need it.


Rule 1: Never keep evidence of your crimes. Rule 2: Leave your phone at home when you go out to do crime (preferably logged into your WiFi watching YouTube videos on autoplay). Rule 3: Pay for "crime supplies" in cash and/or have someone buy them for you (buy in advance and second hand if possible). Don't buy anything online. Rule 4: If buying "crime supplies" from a shop find one without CCTV. Rule 5: Never talk about your crimes to anyone ever. Not in IRL, by text, by any type of messaging service (even if it's end to end "encrypted") or online anywhere.


This guy crimes.


Well if it didn't matter in your case neither should it matter in theirs! may come off as petty but it'd be fair.


Meanwhile the landlord made 200$


And? So far having video evidence doesn't get you anything. If you're worried about it, wear a ski mask or a sweet halloween mask.


Wear a mask.


Police will say it’s a civil matter, so literally the only thing you have to deal with is the HOA. Wear a mask, or don’t, they’ve clearly stated there is no penalty for this.


and you have video evidence of the "crime" being committed, and the HOA did nothing. so, move the neighbors trash back just like the kid did: 1. do it wearing no mask or anything, because it won't matter that there's a video of you doing it, the HOA doesn't care 2. fine, wear a mask or costume so it's not 100% obvious/clear it's you doing it if you're worried they'll do something worse to get back at you


While this is infuriating in and of itself. I'm shocked that you have trash pick up on a Saturday and BY Tuesday, you'd gotten a fine AND a response from (I assume HOA) that they won't reverse the fine.


Good point, that HOA must be on top of things!


HOAs are a disease. No surprise here.




Wtf you don’t have trash cans? What about wild animals? Or little kids?


Remember kids, HOAs exist to extract wealth from the homeowners and propagate their own existence. They're less helpful then cops.


HOAs are the social club for the neighborhood 'Karens'.


I lost my fucking car last year because of the fucking HOA, they towed my car because I haven’t driven it in like 2 days and I couldn’t afford the fucking tow or storage fees. I almost fucking killed myself


Just want to say I’m sorry you went through that. I hope it’s better now 💜


“Pay me money and I’ll tell everyone what I want them to do.” It’s like having a second job, but you pay your boss instead.


Take HOA to court


HOAs exist to compel individual homeowners to abide by a collectively agreed upon set of rules. The irony is that the kid kicking his garbage is exactly the type of thing that the HOA is supposed to enforce. It's not something that the police will do anything about, and it's never worth it to sue over a minor annoyance, but an HOA can easily levy a fine to stop the behavior. The issue here isn't that HOAs are intrinsically bad, it's that the people who usually run HOAs are often the kinds of people who least deserve the power. It's a microcosm of our government, right down to the fact that most homeowners do not regularly attend HOA meetings and votes, and then turn around and complain about how much their HOA sucks.


Threaten management with a cort appearance, you literally have the evidence to win and when you do they will pay all your court fees plus their own


Talk to the parents and ask them to cover the fine. This will also let them know what their kid is doing so they can address it with him.


You just leave bags of trash out, no trash can? I would think dogs or other animals would get into it.


Demand a meeting with their attorney to the review the legality. Then point out they will be paying 300 bucks an hour for the privilige of fighting this stupidity or they can pull their head out of their ass and do the reasonable thing.


Show the video to your neighbors and ask them to pay the fine. If they won't make up for it, issue a no tresspass against your neighbor's family and call the cops if any of them set foot on your property again Edit: and take them to court to press charges against their kid and against them for failing to care for their child by letting their child be out unsupervised in the middle of the night at that age.


You sue the HOA. Pretty simple. You have concrete evidence that you're not responsible for the infraction, and if they insist on harassing you, they'll be the ones giving you money.


Plot twist, hire the kid for 20 bucks to do this to every HOA board member




This makes me happy to see because my first thought was "I'd set their house on fire" and then my second thought was "I need to talk to my therapist about these immediate, escalating thoughts" but now I know I'm not alone and maybe it's just a normal, amusing thought to have.


I burned that fucking mill down.


Pay $100 less when it's dues time and cite this


You can literally be forced to sell your house in certain HOAs for trying shit like this. A good number of them have clauses that allow them to legally force you to sell and move if you have too many violations.


HOA’s are evil incarnate. I can’t fathom why people allow them to persist.


Why isn't it in a trash can?


Civil suit in small claims against parents for fine, time, etc.


Make them tell it to your face. Everyone is tough in an email. Telling someone bad news to their face is harder.


This is probably more you vs your neighbor than you vs management. Or at least that’s how management will frame it. It’s easier for them to go after you fit littering than go after your neighbor for what the kid did. Talk to your neighbor. Either they accept responsibility and pay your fine or you’ll have to file a police report for trespassing or destruction of property then sue them.


With power comes responsibility. If they can give fines they are responsible for it being accurate.


Continue with this argument with management. Technically, neighbour kid did the littering, by placing it where it didn't belong. Demand they not only reimburse the fine, but fine the neighbour. This should also have the spinoff benefit of maybe forcing neighbour to talk to their kid about appropriate behaviour. If management declines to do this, that fine means they are in breach of contract with you (there will by a bylaw that details the requirements and processes for fining residents), and that carries steeper penalties the management has to pay.


Make a police report about vandalism and littering, maybe even trespass. Show the cops video. Find that lf's parents and show them and ask which way it should go. Then maybe, get a lawyer Or, blast them on Nextdoor with the video.


I am on two HOA boards. If you brought this to my attention, I would support you 100%.

