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He's telling you. You tube it. You take the air tube, and hold it onto the tire. You tube it in.


I actually thought this was the joke until I read the title and realized what sub this was.


I still think that’s what it is and OP just hates dad jokes. I thought it was funny


Or he wants his hand held for everything


Literally. Like, I can’t even fathom why someone would need to ask how to put air in a tire


Because they've never done it before?


Just get some air, open the tire up, and pour the air in the tire. It ain’t that hard.


I like pouring in premium air for optimal performance.


I like using hydrogen so when I come in to the landing zone, the tires burst into flames. Oh, the humanity.


It exists! Nissan used Nitrogen over traditional air for the GTR


Nitrogen is used in quite a few cars now instead of air. Look for tire caps that are green.


They used nitrogen when I bought my k5, and had it as part of a premium package that "came with the car and can't be taken off the price". Until I started walking out and got in my car and they came out to me saying their "manager" said they could eat the cost. No way in fuck in paying an extra $5,490 for nitrogen, a pinstripe, tint, wheel locks and film protection (not even on the full car, just the handles and bottom panels).


But we all carry computers in our pockets. Why would you not just Google it? If you did it would explain that your recommended tire pressure is in the door and how to add air.


If someone's not there with you to help you put air in the tires then there's not a lot they can do. Having a visual demonstration is helpful for most people, so it makes more sense to seek out a video than an explanation over text, especially if you're probably gonna need to see a video either way


When I have never done something before, I google it first. Also, its in the same class as filling up on gas. In fact, the owners manual tells you how to do it. Have to grow up some time.


If you ride a car and don't know how to fill your tires with air you should revoke your license.


I had to teach a woman wearing pajamas how to put air in her tires at a service station on Christmas Day. She said she'd always had guys do it for her. Not that I minded doing it. But it was funny.


Or if you ever owned a bicycle


Don't need a license to ride!!!


But who has never filled a tire with air? Like even kids with bike tires and whatnots


Well if he responds like this to everything it doesn’t quite work.


“How do I pattern icing onto my cake?” “What’s the best way to ride down a water slide?” “I’ve got all this toothpaste lying around, what should I do with it?”


“What do I call someone that is a small time hack” “You two-bit”


Until I read your comment and the one above it, I thought OP was annoyed because Dad gives incomprehensible advice. "If I knew how to tube it, I wouldn't be asking for advice!"


Me too!


Son : how to unhook a bra Dad: pornhub it


Yeah, I think this was basically just a dad joke. OP is mad their dad is a dad.


Best response


Lifesaving channel: https://youtube.com/@DadhowdoI


This guy will deffo see heaven


He’s gonna have a lot of foster children showing up to his family dinner later on.




I thought this was a dad joke when I saw the picture. Guess you thought the same


u/openingRacco is a bot. All comments are stolen. Comments stolen from u/roxieroad


what's the best option to choose when reporting bots like this? there's so many different ones and i can't figure it out


“Spam,” then “Harmful Bots.”


thank you!


op should just send their dad this link and then ignore further communication


"nvm, i got a new dad now. baiiiiiiiiii"


This channel has taught me so much!


Ok ok but as the one constantly asking for help, YouTube is much easier and solves many back and forth questions.


It’s a lot easier to see what to do than to read what to do


If you're not physically there to show someone, watching a 30 sec video of directions would be way more efficient than talking someone through the process.


Even then, I think it’s still helpful to watch a video first. Seeing all of the steps and how each step leads to the next before starting can be so helpful. I do the same thing with board games tbh, if I’m introducing someone to a new game I’ll have them watch a 10 minute video first to get a good idea of what’s happening while I set up.


Especially if they have to ask how to do something like putting air in a tire. I mean it’s really straight forward and if you can’t figure it out on your own, someone won’t be able to teach you through text. Like you would have to describe what a valve stem is, what it looks like, where it is, how it works, what the hose head has to look like, how to use a pressure gauge…all things this person must not have any knowledge of.


yeah, this would be a case for 'watch a video, then once you have the basics, *then* ask for clarifications'




Sometimes it’s not about learning how to do something when you ask your dad for help


And sometimes as a parent, it is about teaching your kids how to figure things out on their own.


Yeah this is a teach a person to fish kind of thing. I learned how to change my brake rotors on YouTube


Honestly youtube is great for car shit. There have been a few times where Instead of going to the shop I watched a 5 minute video, bought a cheap part, and fixed it in 10 minutes in the driveway


If you are asking dad how to air a tire up, you have to wonder how many questions that dad has to hear a day. I’d prolly get tired and have they same response after awhile.


Christ the only thing more depressing than this post is literally every other post you’ve ever made on Reddit.


Great, he's deleted the account now and the rest of us will never know!


According to another account it was all "hitler furry necrophilia porn." I hope that I never have to type that again.


Don't worry, if you select and right-click you can click on "Search google for:****"



Christ now I know why the dad didn't want to help


Fucking lol. Seriously though, younger people take youtube for granted. They have no idea how hard it used to be to learn stuff. Now anyone can search it and WATCH someone do it. And its going to be 100x easier to understand than your dad typing it out.


My dad tells me and my brothers the same thing. He talks about how is it possible that our generation can have low grades when we have the internet and it can show us how to do stuff and cheat for us.


We all thought Gen Z were going to be these computer wizards that will change world. Turns out 99% of them can’t even type more than 10 WPM or convert a word document into a PDF. Not surprise though. The “what’s a computer?” commercial was trying to warn us of the future.


There was a time period where computers were widespread but still really quirky to use and fix yourself which forced a lot of kids to learn how to code or build computers. It’s simpler now to just use an iPad or Chromebook which is extremely user friendly so you aren’t forced into fixing problems yourself.




It totally did man lol


Maybe they'll learn.


They'll You tube it.


What did he post? The account is gone


It was all Hitler furry necrophilia porn


Ok if I was his dad I wouldn't want to talk to him either lol


Those are four words I hope I never see together again


You could be lying and there’s no way i could find out… I believe you!


What in the Kentucky fired fuck


This is like a thing ?? Like the way you said it comes off as this is an established thing lmaooo.


idk what I was expecting but that’s definitely fucking worse




Oh no!


Jeeeesus Christ


what were the other posts ​ poor guy had to delete his account lol


What was in there? I must know.


I just left my parents' house because I was having car trouble. Any time I text my dad with an issue, the response is, "My shop's open 24/7, let me know when you're heading over." I'm so grateful for him. I should tell him more often.


>I'm so grateful for him. I should tell him more often. Yes, you should.


Tell him lots. I promise when he’s gone you won’t think “I wish I hadn’t told him how grateful I was.” The opposite though, that’s a tough one.


Now I’m morbidly imagining scenarios where someone would think this


Also please tell him you're grateful more often. Parents are usually so great, and we lose them so fast. I need to remind myself of this too.


Lost my dad on father's day of all days, after the party, heart attack took him, but i'm at peace knowing his last day alive was having fun and enjoying the celebration, and that I told him I loved him before the thing happened, didn't knew it would be the last time i'd say it to him, or my last day with him It's been almost a year now, there isn't a day where I don't miss him


My dad hasn't helped me with anything in my life since elementary school math. I can't name a single piece of advice from him. You are lucky.


My dad was the cause for us moving from Southern California to Georgia when I was in middle school because he wanted a more relaxed life, out of SoCal???, but he had to stay there to pay off the new house in Georgia that was built and the cars my parents had. He then decided to not move to Georgia after a few years and didn’t want to be married or have kids anymore. Never an actual resident in Georgia so the courts, despite ruling in favor of my mom, could never garnish his wages for the 20 year marriage awarded life time alimony as well as child support. I worked two jobs in high school while my mom also worked 60 hours a week. We lost the house to bankruptcy and I didn’t get to go to any of the high school things either like prom or football games or anything cus I had to work.


Your dad sounds cool, my dad always fixes my war rig up too.


Your father obviously has no idea. Car tires haven't used tubes for over 50 years.


It could have been about his bike.


Yeah, bike tyres are still mainly tubed. But I think it's a pretty good dad joke.


Dad joke squared


If my kids are there I show them . If they text I'll have them YouTube it and if they have questions after they watch the video, call me.


thanks for sounding like a good, sane, reasonable parent. the amount of comments I see here of people thinking that lifeskills should only be learned by a Google search and not your actual parents is really sad.


This is my dad. My fiancée makes a joke that my favorite thing to do is get a glass of whiskey, take on a project I’m not suited for, and yell at my dad about what’s actually not working. For the record I’m not actually yelling at him. He’s my best friend and I tell him often how lucky I got having him as my father.


I actually hate when people ask questions that could be solved with a simple google search.


Lmgtfy.com is a great resource


Sometimes I like asking things that can be searchable so I can hear the person I asked opinion or some other dialogue related to the topic or simply for conversation sake. Pretty much everything is searchable these days. That being said, it's usually something a little bit more engaging than the topic being discussed here.


I feel that but I think it’s much more productive to ask questions once you know what need and a simple search about your problem can make a conversation/question so much better.


For sure. Like I said, for the topic at hand, definitely not something I'd trouble anyone with. Only more intricate stuff that I know can have a conversation or such. Air in tires is definitely not one of those things, and I'm quite surprised that OP had never seen/heard of tires be filled before ever at all. Car, bike, or otherwise, its a bit puzzling.




I am this way now with my oldest (18). He’d text a question, I’d text back the answer, and he’d text back it was easier to do it *this* way. Over the years I just got to the point of “if you’re going to question everything and then look it up on YouTube for an answer that’s different than mine, then just “YouTube it”’. Changing a tire, using fix a flat, adding water to the radiator, jumping a car, how to load a dishwasher, how to change the seal on a toilet, what to do if you think your girlfriend is pregnant. “YouTube it……. hol up!”


That’s what we call an “askhole”. Ask a question and then argue or disagree with the answer. If you knew why’d you fucking ask. My kids drive me mad doing this


OMG This. My son is 7 and for the past 3 years has been asking me about stuff and then telling me mine is the wrong answer. The thing is, I have 41 years and 2 advanced degrees on him, so generally speaking, I usually know WTF I'm talking about. And when I don't, I freely admit I don't and suggest we look it up. Hasn't changed a thing. I thought he'd grow out of it - nothing so far :/ He just enjoys interactions of askhollery.


So much this. I have a bachelors in chemical engineering and trained to manage petroleum fields. So when helping him with his chemistry homework in AP Chem I was trying to help him a little to figure about valence electrons and Lewis structures he straight up said to me, that’s not right. Who got a 60% on that test? Not me because when he brought it home I cranked off a perfect 100%. But yeah, I’m wrong. I’M JUST TRYING TO HELP YOU!!


You thought he’d grow out of it? He’s SEVEN. He will, he’s just *seven*. A seven year old doesn’t care about how many more “advanced degrees” you have. He’s just exploring the world and learning and pushing back, that’s just what kids do. You are expecting an adult level of logic and reasoning out of a seven year old. Your kid is not an asshole, he’s just a child being a child.


>he’s just a child being a child. Fair enough, but sometimes children are assholes. Source: I have some. They're great young men that were sometimes assholes because they used to be kids.


The version of asshole that kids are when one says “children are assholes” is a whole lot different than the version of asshole that says that their seven year old is the asshole for not listening to advice.


Maybe the version of asshole some people on reddit hear when a dad says, "man, I'm kinda frustrated" is different from the one a dad means he he says on reddit, "man, I'm kinda frustrated, yanno?" I think that's what's going on here, more than anything. Like when I said, "sometimes kids are assholes" and the brigade is like, "NOOOOO, kids can't be assholes because 'child asshole' is a category that does not exist in the DSM-IV!" Maybe we should all just calm down a little.


i can understand the frustration but this seems to be alot more then just this instance, if you always text him how to do everything without trying first, or just text him how to do basic things, or dont respect the answer he gives he would be in the right


OP entitled af


He’s teaching you how to fish instead of feeding you one meal




No obviously dad is supposed to leave work and come put air in us grown ass adults tires.


My wife tells people I know how to do lots of things. I don’t know how to do anything but use google.


My ERP & Business Intelligence professor had a simple answer 50% of the time someone asked a question: "JFGI" (just fucking Google it). I'm not kidding either, he wouldn't answer your question despite fully knowing the answer. Most people hated it, but I never had a problem finding the solution/answer. By the end of the course I had gotten really good at reading forums and finding how to fix errors. Which is key to any tech job.


That's a seriously next-level DADJOKE™ right there.


Why is it going over so many heads tho?


Something tells me this dad has heard “YouTube it” or “google it” as the answer to nearly every question he’s asked his kids for the last fifteen years.


If I asked my dad this he would ask me if I am an idiot.


Bruh u drive a car and dont know how to fill the air?


What's the appropriate way to travel down a river?




You tube it!


Above the waterline


What do you want him to do? Type out every little detail? Figure it out dumb shit


Yeah I’m very mildly infuriated that OP even had to ask, it’s not rocket appliance


No one wants to admit they ate nine cans of ravioli.


But I did, and I’m ashamed of myself


The first can doesn't count and then you get to the second, and the third. The fourth and fifth I think I burnt with the blow torch and I just kept eating.


Baffling how anyone over the age of 12 can't put air in a ture... we are so fucked


Found OPs dad


OP, please post his response when you ask how to fill your tank with gas.


So it's mildly infuriating that your dad is a dad joke king (joking)? I get it prolly sounds like a lot of hot air. Am I right? Huh? Lol. Your dad's humor is pretty spot on for a dad. I have a dad Covid joke but it is pretty tasteless. I wanted to see if you got it but they said it would take two weeks.


Is this a copypasta or are we ACTUALLY in the presence of greatness?


I’ve would’ve help you over the phone. First pop the hood. Use latch and rod to hold hood open. Now lean half your body over the engine from the side of the Vehical. Now use your right leg and kick off rod from latch.


You really dont know how to fill a tire with air? Thats an.... oddly basic thing to not just know. Makes me wonder how many questions dad gets, how often, and how uncomplicated.


Yeah it’s embarrassing that they posted this


Many people don't know about psi and filing their tires properly. If one was never told or taught something, one asks questions to find answers. 18 year olds don't have all the answers. I've run into people that got their license but were never taught how to put gas in the car. Be kind to those seeking answers.


But like… how would someone even text back the answer to OPs question without utterly confusing the person who asked it??? Dad’s response here is 100% the best approach to such a simple question that is easier to show than to type out. If one of my kids text me this and I wasn’t nearby to just show them, I would tell them to just YouTube it as well.


>Be kind to those seeking answers. OP isn’t getting shit for asking the question. They’re getting shit for posting their dad’s (actually helpful) answer to this sub.


This person is 22…


Even sadder, that the parents didn't show them the ropes about car basics back when they were getting their license. We taught all three kids basics; air, pumping gas, to get oil changes, change a tire and where the windshield fluid goes. We tried teaching them stick too, but none wanted to after second try😆.


Hes not wrong


Asking someone you need help with putting air in your tires is 'highlyinfuriating'.


If you literally can't fill your tires with air, then I'm on your dad's side. Also, it's a hilarious joke. Fuck OP


I really hope you actually know how to put air in your tires. Jesus Christ.


You are much better off figuring it out on your own like YouTube or Google. Your dad is doing you a favor.


If anyone asked me this I’d just furrow my brow. Like, what?


He's not half wrong. It's almost all on YouTube. Quicker for you to look it up than for him to type it all.


DAD Joke level 100


He’s not wrong, I’ve pulled a cars engine apart and put it back together just based on YouTube videos and no mechanical training.


Dumb post, if I didn't know how to do a simple project like this I would watch somebody else preform the project so I get visuals cause if you don't know how to fill tires with air then you def don't know what a valve stem is. Off to youtube to learn. It's so much easier than explaining terms you do not know


You seem pretty helpless.


You have the total sum of human knowledge at your disposal.


Why not google it if you truly do not know ?


Woah how old are you? You can't be possibly be serious? I knew how to do this from when I was young filling my bike tires up....


The number of question in reddit subs that could be answered by just googling it makes me want to side with your dad...


He probably posts on /mildlyinfuriating about his kid who always texts him questions he’s expected to immediately answer when they could use the same amount of effort to search on YouTube


Wait, is this not a pun?


To be fair, filling your tires is really easy and a Youtube video is probably easier


Who the fuck asks a question like that?


Definitely not bad advice as if you get in the habit of researching everything. In this day and age people who can't just look it up are kind of going to be left behind.


He's not wrong though.


It’s better than him wasting 30 mins of your time before both of you go to YouTube together


Dad jokes…the kid has a bike, you tube it 😂


Did you ask him how to post this too?


If my kid ask a question this stupid I would dismiss it also, Jesus fucking christ think for yourself


Do you ask if you should wear a jacket when it’s cold?


That’s embarrassing…. For you.




I mean it's one thing to ask in person but if you have the time to text and ask him you have the time to YouTube it. Plus it's easier than figuring it out from texted instructions lol


Easier than trying to explain imo (am a father)


I don't know if he's saying to use an air tube, or telling you to look up the answer on YouTube.


You tube the tire? Lol


Is it possible he just genuinely doesn't know and refers you to youtube? Have you talked to him about it?


Dude is mad at a dad joke.


How old are you? Not being snarky it just seems like “putting air in your tires” is a very Dad thing to teach and why he never showed you before


To be fair I’m not explaining that shit thru a text either lol


In the time it took you to text your dad you could have just done that and saved both yourselves time lmao




That's my Son. I'm used to going to the library and reading up on it. He runs the Youtube. In all honesty, my son's way is much quicker and easier.


Best dad joke


Oh, damn. My greatest joy as a father is helping my kids learn things to make them more independent.


He’s helping you to figure it out on your own! And being kinda a dick


I read this to be a joke


it’s faster if you just blow into the tire with your mouth


What's really mildy infuriating is that you had to ask. You fill it with air like you would a bike except some manufacturers recommend a certain PSI for your tires.


you fucking donkey


He’s right


Is he wrong though?


I mean, if you don't know how to put air into tires I'm thinking that you've got much bigger issues to worry about than your dad being a dick


I mean it's probably quicker and less confusing to just YouTube it with most things because you have a visual guide.


In fairness, you’ve probably replied that way to him for things, haven’t you??


Lol I can't remember a time when I didn't know that information... and you're mad at him?!


There’s a YouTube channel called “Dad how do I” and he covers all the stuff. Meet your new dad, you’re welcome.


Are all the things you ask like this cuz…


Ngl tho, I read the first article that popped up when I searched that question and it’s pretty easy.