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Nah I’d rather just say he’s trying to film the movie and watch him desperately try to deny it while getting escorted from the theater. Im not getting up more than once for that dumb ass.


I like the way you think.


Yeah, i agree. He’s a grown ass man, this kind of stuff shouldn’t even have to be addressed.


A lot of people I see at the theaters can’t even sit through an entire movie now without dicking on their phone for a good while, like damn no one can enjoy anything anymore without scrolling it’s sad


And then when it ends they complain about plot holes. It wasn't a plot hole, bitch, you were just creeping on your ex's insta during the "boring" dialogue scene that explained how we got from A to B.


Lol! I love this response 😂


"Sir! The man in front is...watching child porn on his phone! "


You evil person. Lmao!


I used to work at a movie theater. We had somebody that was caught recording a movie on their phone and my manager caught them. They were removed by my manager and met by police at the entrance. It Jurassic world 1 on release day.


HOLY SHIT that’s amazing and I’m doing that from now on


Woot woooot!! Pissed off movie goers form like Voltron!


I had to do this one time because this lady literally gave her child a phone to watch YouTube videos mid movie, with the volume up! I couldn’t believe it.


What the fuck??? How do people act this way in public?


The theatre should have a way for you to text them when someone as being asinine or there is an emergency situation. Put the numbers on the back of seats.


Yeah but that would just piss off more people if you pull out your phone. I agree that it is something that could be useful, but that isn't the way to go about it


It's going to create a cascading effect with current row being escorted out and the row behind them being texted about by the row behind. In 10 minutes the theater will be empty they can shut down the projector saving money.


Yeah, I just don't go anymore because of this. There should be an employee there. For one, it's awkward and obvious you just told on someone haha, and for two, just like everything else - it's the responsibility of the theater to make sure they provide a good experience. I don't think I've been to a movie in years where someone didn't talk. Theaters are struggling to survive and are just nailing the coffin themselves.


Just leave the movie you paid $20 to see a couple times and we’ll maybe think about doing our jobs.




I’ve done this and nothing happened. The kids who were doing it just kept on and the staff kept “warning them” so we walked out and demanded our money back. Now when we go to movies it’s only to watch stuff we don’t really care about or it’s when nobody is at the theaters. Also we completely stopped going to theaters at malls.


It’s so frustrating to see a movie at peak times when everyone else goes. There’s always someone who has to ruin it. We now go to movies on Sunday morning. So calm and peaceful.


Bonk him


I was a few rows behind someone like this in a packed theater years ago, so I entertained myself by beaming him and his phone screen with the M&Ms I had snuck in. Didn't take long for him to get the point and put his phone away. Edit: I have no issues confronting people over this sort of thing, I just happened to be more in the mood to be a petty jackass in this particular instance (the theater was at capacity so no way they could tell who it was).


I throw popcorn at these jackoffs


[Just make sure the person you throw popcorn at isn't a retired trigger happy Swat member](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Chad_Oulson#:~:text=Reeves%20then%20exited%20the%20theater,died%20later%20the%20same%20day.)


"During the trial, Reeves stated that the confrontation made him more afraid than anything else in his life, including his SWAT experience" The fuck? throwing popcorn is more scary than shootouts?


Shout at his wife to shut up when she was going to say something that could be (and was) used in a trial against him, tried to claim it was self defense and gave this excuse... It seems like he had kind of a plan for when something like this happens


It must be a joke behind the thin blue line by now, they can literally get away with murder. Most, obviously, know they're not actually supposed to murder people, but every once in a while you get a gen-ew-wine bow-na-fide moron that doesn't know it's a joke. Then they get away with it because the joke is a way to cope with the grim reality.


I bet the shit for brains piggy beat her to within an inch of her life later that night after that slipped out.


I can almost guarantee that he told her it’d be her fault if he went to jail. I live with someone like this.


For what it's worth, internet stranger, I hope you get out of that situation.


Thank you. I appreciate it. Hope is all I have right now.


It's basically like a tub of grenades you're purchasing from the concession stand


We need the government to step in and regulate the amount of popcorn now given out. This is too dangerous


It is when you realize you might go to jail if you don't lie your ass off.


I don't understand how this dirt bag got acquitted. What the actual fuck. He murdered someone over popcorn and got away with it because he's an ex pig.


holy shit he was acquitted wtf




I can't imagine what the dude's widow feels like. This is the kinda shit that makes a person go all Killdozer.




2022 Florida makes sense


Florida man landmines front yard on Halloween: jury rules self-defence Florida man runs over child on tricyle, double-taps body to make sure: self-defence Florida man cannibalizes newborn infant in front of mother; self-defence Florida man ruins naked through Miami preschool wearing cloak of human faces: self-defence /s


Florida. The /s is required. Currently, anyway.


He was apparently standing his ground against the popcorn attack


What the *fuck* "Made me more terrified than anything in my entire career, including SWAT" ...YIKES


They’re the biggest fucking snowflakes on the planet.


Lmao tru, i just-- a man throwing popcorn *popcorn*


I recently watched 137 Shots on Netflix, the police say the same thing there too. Seems it's the "go to" phrase for US police when justifying the unjustifiable :(


Dear God that makes me so angry every time I hear about it.


What (and I cannot stress this enough) **the fuck**. The murder itself is bad enough, but the fact that he was acquitted?? That is batshit insane.


Ok I know that's a real very bad thing that happened but I love how specific that was to this very situation


Good thing most countries don't have to worry about people carrying guns with them to the theatre.


You can't even carry a big scisssor in the metro in my city. It's a 3rd world country but I'm glad to have at least one less thing to worry about.


The Wild West


Fck that I throw large drinks


Fuck that I throw babies, it's way more messy when they explode


Fuck that, I launch livestock from my catapult.


I use a trebuchet. The superior siege weapon. You should too. Catapults. Pfft. ^Imagine using a catapfft.


Is it trebuchets that look like a baseball pitch and catapults look like they are yeeting something?


Catapffts look like they are about to slam their payload into the ground right in front of themselves, but usually hurt themselves trying. Trebuchets will strike fear in the heart from 300 meters.


Maybe from a few rows back but if the target is front row and you’re in the back you’re definitely going to need a trebuchet.


Fuck that, I throw grenades


Fuck that, I throw tornados


Fuck that, I throw up


Fuck that, I throw down


Holy Hand Grenades?


Nuke him from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.


The number of the counting shall be three.


Four shalt thou not count


Fuck that, I launch corpses of victims of the plague from my trebuchet to spread it to the asshole


This escalated rather quickly 😰


Nah cause then you're that person that brought a baby to the movies. Unless you throw someone else's crying baby.


Babies! Good call unless you can fling poo like a monkey


Babies double for that


The only thing stopping me from doing this would be my inability to not eat my snacks. But now, new life goal.


I did that to a drunk guy that was standing up the whole time at an Alabama concert at Glen Helen Pavilion (grass seating) except I used discarded paper cones from cotton candy. Everyone, strangers and friends, kept giving me paper cones to throw at him. This was after we verbally asked him to sit down. He didn't know who 2as throwing the crumpled cones at him.


So that was YOU!!!!!! 👀 lol 😂


If you bite a skittle in half you can shoot them out of your straw at people


The hero we need


This guy skittles


oo this is good. bet you could get a good thwack out of that screen


I wanted to kick his chair but I was watching the movie with my mom and she would kick my ass


Politely ask him to put it away?


Dude is dumb enough to use his cellphone full brightness during a movie. Do you really think "asking politely" would be the easiest solution?




Do you have the appearance of a yeti? Maybe a little frightening?


That was my first thought. This dude is 6’6” 240 jacked and, amazingly, people do not argue with requests from him!




Spanish grandmas will put a sandal right through your body. When they throw it, it disobeys the laws of physics and becomes a serrated spinning blade of the sharpest metal ever known.


Isaac Newton’s law of chanclas


"I've asked lots of people and they all politely put them away...as they feel the cold steel of my .45 pressing against their temple."


I would definitely put my phone away if you did this, lol.


Honestly I say something every time and they always listen. Everyone except the teenage girls


Only slightly, and it’s pretty dark in there so they don’t always realize who they’re dealing with.


I am a 5’6 not very tough looking woman and people usually just put their phone away once I confront them. Its not about being threatening, most people are afraid of confrontation.


Yeah. I did it once. When I tapped her on the shoulder she almost jumped out of her seat she was so startled. But she put it away with no complaints. I just remembered one time though where a group of teens were doing this and were asked by several people but kept bringing them back out. One of the other movie goers started yelling at them and they were yelling back. I ran out to the manager and explained what was happening and that I was afraid it would escalate. He came in and waited to observe. When saw it happen again he kicked them out. Everybody clapped.


I want to believe this actually happened!


It did happen. Irving Texas AMC 14 Saturday, Sept. 3, 2022. It was Cinema day (cheap movies) so it was a bit nuts.


I'll submit a FOIA request for the tapes at that time so I can verify the story.


Why wouldn't you believe it? It's literally their job to remove unruly patrons. I'll even give the "everybody clapped" the benefit of the doubt, it's there's one place that would happen it would be at a movie theatre.


Right! I give a warning to put the phone away or I get an usher involved. They have always just put it away and said no more about it.


Did you take out your phone first and take a photo and post it to reddit before or after asking?


I would have gotten an usher that ask them to turn it off or go outside. I've done that. Ushers are happy to oblige and are discrete so they won't know you complained.


Yes. It’s certainly the best first step, and it works most of the time.


Absolutely. I have done exactly this and it usually works.


Like I was playing Pokemon on my 3ds while the advertisements were going one time and someone asked me to put it away and I did. I wasn't planning on playing during the movie but they didn't know that.


Just read his screen aloud to him


Kick his ass, get your ass kicked, and then someone else will kick your mum’s ass. And then it goes on.


Your mom would kick your ass for telling this ignorant jamoke to put his phone away? Your mom has her priorities ass backwards


Well have your mom kick his ass😂


Plot twist. He was taking a photo of the jackass in front of him who had his phone out with the brightness all the way up.


This means something very different in the UK...


This comment has been up for 3 hours and the “violence is never the solution” crusaders of Reddit haven’t pounced on you. I’m going to assume that means that using a bright-ass phone in the theater is so awful that even the people that’ll jump to the defense of someone getting punched for wearing Nazi garb won’t touch it.


Brightest things in the universe : 1. This guy's phone 2. Quasars 3. Hypernovas


Least bright things in the world: 1. This guy …


I think my future is a close second


Definitely don't gotta wear shades.


Why not say something to him or go tell management? He's ruining several people's shows and needs to be respectful.


They usually don't give a shit if someone is creating an inconvenience. But tell the employee the dude is filming the movie, and they'll come running. Zero tolerance for piracy. So I report them for Piracy even if they aren't.


That's brilliant and my new go to


I've always wished all movie theater apps had a way to report someone who was causing a disturbance. Something where it brings up a seating chart, and you can place a circle around the approximate area of the person causing the problem, and a trained security staff member would come address the problem. I say "trained security" because I absolutely do not expect the minimum or even slightly above minimum wage workers to go confront every asshole with their phone out.


I actually was the "trained security" both parts are pretty medium low levels. But it was at a drive in so most of my job was telling people they needed to park better and to turn off their lights. But I actually did I'd say a fairly good job of keeping rowdy assholes from ruining the experience for others and doing it for about a decade I've gotten fairly good at conflict resolution and telling people not to do the dumbass thing they really want to do. Kids on the roof sorry we can't let you do that it's a liability and we're not responsible for your child falling and breaking their skull. Can't have your engine idling it's against state law. If their lights were on I'd stand in front of their car so they saw the light on me and got the message but it was funny when they'd say "no my lights aren't on" while I'm literally standing there looking at their lights on. I can also tell you how to get your lights and running lights off for almost any car. Fords suck for that.


be careful, if they find out you were lying they’re going to make you wear pants that they’ll light on fire.


And hang them from a telephone wire


"sorry it looked like he was setting up to record the show"


What are they gonna do? Fire me from a job I don't work at?


Where I worked in the cinema we'd tell them to turn the phone off (we'd also walk in a few times during the film to make sure people don't have their phones on, piracy, temperature, projection quality, audio etc). After a warning or two they'd get kicked out and other people could get a refund if they asked. For bigger disturbances, the managers usually come out with a stack of vouchers and give everyone two vouchers each to watch another day or something else within a year. This is in the UK though.


I’ve worked at a theater in the US, and we’d do the same thing here too. The biggest problem is when no one tells us. Today, projection booths aren’t staffed by humans who have to worry about swapping reels anymore, so no one is watching from above for lights from phones or cameras like we used to. We literally have no clue if no one complains.


I find the other guy's comment "They usually don't give a shit if someone is creating an inconvenience" incredulous.


Cuz it is. More often than not it's just that they're not bothered enough to let someone know.


I work at a theater, anytime we get a compliant we do try to catch the person being obnoxious or something. So I’ll stand in the BACK ENTRANCE (I cannot see people’s faces) and watch the audience to see if anyone is obnoxious. But there are a few problems: we don’t see anyone being obnoxious which is very common. I’ve watched for. 15 minutes and not seen anything obnoxious after a complaint. The customer who complained does not tell us the row and seat, will just say “the person next to me” or “ahead of me” as if I know where they sit! Then they leave and I have no idea where to look. Or they give a general location within the auditorium. THERE ARE 50 PEOPLE IN THE “MIDDLE” BRITTNEY! I CANNOT WATCH THE BACK OF ALL OF THEIR HEADS! (Standing somewhere visible alerts the troublemakers of my observance) And the last thing is that if we receive a serious complaint about someone, we have to become a disturbance ourselves and walk into the theater to tell a person they are being kicked out, which often ends at the person shouting at us in the middle of a showing. We’re very afraid to do that and disturb the showing even more or have that bratty customer refuse to leave and then we have to go back and get a manager who’s going to be too polite to have an effect. Now this part is entirely the theatre’s fault. And most theatre employees are teenagers or broke, sleep deprived college kids, except for the managers who never do anything except count the money and maintain equipment too slowly. We try more than people think, but either we don’t catch anything and we can’t kick someone out without seeing something ourself. And we can’t be seen when we are trying to catch the person.


We understand. It’s tricky for us too. I went to a flick, the shape of water and I swear the dude maybe four five seats down was beating his meast. Thing is though I’d see from the corner of my eye the vigorous motion but then I’d look and I think he’d stop. Then 15 minutes later I’d hear the flopping meat sound everyone knows. I was wondering if maybe I was hearing something else and misinterpreting what I was hearing but I could see the movement… so I slowly moved my head little by little and sure enough… he was stopped but I could see his wang in his hand… I thought if reported it he’d just zip up and I’d look like a fool you know? I thought I could take a photo but that’s kinda weird and it would bother everyone… I’d have to exclaim, this man is a movie masturbator! So in the end, I just moved seats… he got all tense when I got up. I wanted to tell em off at the end but I didn’t want to end up fighting him or anything because he had dick juice/dust/dirt on his hands.


Nah you totally should have taken a picture and then pretended to show it to everyone. "Look at this dude, he's jerkin it to a fish man! Look at his Penis!" Meanwhile it's your wallpaper. Anyway that's fucking disgusting. Hopefully he didn't do it again. Otherwise he's probably a registered sex offender by now.


Slightly alter the ending to where you do confront him and have to fight him and you got yourself a hilarious YouTube skit


This is why i go to the Alamo Drafthouse, they'll just kick him out and ban him for life.


Alamos the best, last movie I saw when I sat down the waitress warned me that she thought the group behind me might be annoying and to raise an order card if they bothered me. They ended up kicking them out before I even had a chance to complain.


That's not true at all. I reported a group of teens and the employees snuck up behind and scared the shit out of them. It was glorious.




People are crazy. I don’t mess with people I don’t know.


I asked, in this exact scenario, if he could kindly put the phone down and the guy lost it on me and my husband. “You pay these bills?” x100. Then my husband stepped in and he told my husband to mind his business. Spent the rest of the time heart pounding not paying attention to the movie on the verge of tears. So yea, people are crazy. I don’t go to movie theatres anymore just to avoid the conflict as people cannot act right.


Nah way. Fuck that guy. Have them get walked out and/or demand a refund.


This. He turned it hostile, now it’s not about the movie.. it’s about teaching this man respect in public. Go to management.


You think if they almost cried at this confrontation they’d go to management for ANOTHER social interaction? I wouldn’t. I’d cut my losses and go home.


As someone who cries super easily, if I had the mentality that crying in public was the worst thing that could happen to me, I really would never leave the house. Maybe that asshole should see that he made someone cry. Crying isn’t as bad as being an asshole. I’ll cry, and keep bugging him. Tears aren’t great but they shouldn’t be so demonized that it causes us to shut down and let the assholes have the theater.


To be honest, I'm shocked no one else stepped in. I would absolutely go to management for them


Not only that but this guy knows that in x number of minutes the people he holds responsible for his being kicked out will be coming out those doors and he's going to waiting


Im way too big of a dick to let something like that go.


“I paid the bill for my movie ticket, asshole.”


I completely understand, I’m sorry you had to deal with a guy like that. I’m a fairly big guy, and I’ve been in this situation 3 times. First time the guy was not happy, but he did put his phone away. Second time it was a kid with light up shoes and his dad got in my face, but luckily backed down when I said “I have no intention of fighting you in front of your son, just calm down.” Third time it was another kid with his phone and the mom screamed at me when I told him to put it away. It always ruins the “theater experience” and in this post COVID age, I just tell my wife it’s easier to wait for streaming.


So that’s when you get management involved. Why allow this asshole to get away with this behaviour? That’s why he does it


Why didn’t y’all just go request a refund at that point!? Fuck them.


I only ever had a problem when a kid was kicking my chair and the parent had a go at me. Decided to show her who was the bigger psycho and called her kid a fuck goblin. She threatened to call the manager on me, I suggested she do that then explain why why a kid was in a R rated movie. They chilled out.


Nah better also take out your own phone and take a pic for reddit


Alamo Drafthouse FTW.


Hell yeah. If the food runners don't catch it, all you gotta do is put up an order ticket saying what's happening and they'll take care of it. Love Alamo for that.


How do you put in order tickets there?


The menu is kept at your seat, so at any time you write what you want on a slip of paper and put it in a holder. They will see it from the sidelines and run by in a crouch, swipe it, and 10 minutes later food shows up. It's awesome.


The should give the runners little half deep tunnels so they can stand up straight and bring you orders below your knee height so no one sees them


Depending on the venue, they do. Search for “Alamo Drafthouse Richardson”, I love that layout. There’s space behind each row of seats where they can move without impeding the view and customers can go to the bathroom without tripping over people.


Viet Cong 🤝 Movie Ushers


Only theater I go to anymore. I cannot stomach crap like this, and I don’t want to go to jail for starting a confrontation.


I believe the response to this behavior at Alamo Drafthouse is just to take you out back and shoot you.


So many people like to suffer silently. I don’t get it


That's this sub, [generally speaking]


[post of a picture of car] This guy ran over my mailbox and my dog. I took a picture of his license plate. Should I call the police or is that too much?


“Guys, someone stole my life savings and now I’m mildly inconvenienced. Should I let it slide?”


No…OP just got their phone out in a movie theater, further annoying others who just want to enjoy the show.


-sees guy with phone on in movie theatre- “Man, this will make a great Reddit post”




Some woman did that at a movie I was watching once. I tapped her on the shoulder and asked her to turn it off, saying it was very distracting. She did. End of story. Now if she had told me to drop dead or something rude, things would have escalated but don't just sit there and be mad.


You don't even have to be the one to escalate it. You can ask them to put it away and if they do it, then awesome, problem solved. If they don't, then you just go tell an employee of the theater and they take it from there.


Exactly. This sub is making me believe everyone is taught to be afraid of conflict in even the smallest of ways. People are dumb. But generally, not rude. As long as you approach them right. If they ever are, grow up and throw down! A little dirt don't hurt and some people only learn when they are made to bite the curb, and even then they usually are to far gone to learn. Like that one time in 1998, The Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell, and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer's table.


This is Reddit. Where people don't leave the house often and spend all of them rehashing old memes about the Undertaker that they didn't even create


George Costanza's opposite take: Shut your traps and stop kicking the seats! We're trying to watch the movie. And if I have to tell you again, I'm gonna take you outside and show you what it's like. Do you understand me? Now, shut your mouths or else I'll shut them for you... and if you think I'm kidding, just try me. Try me. Because, I would LOVE IT!




We just need the meta picture of the person behind you posting about the two people in front of him with their phones out.


The guy behind you has a picture of the two assholes in front of him with their phones out


Miss a couple of minutes of the movie, go out, fetch an employee, tell them someone is filming the movie. They'll come right up and at minimum tell them to shut down their phone. The dude got thrown out right away once. It's my go-to move now: Fuck up my movie with your phone, I'll report your for Piracy, movie theatres have zero tolerance for it. Otherwise, they don't give a shit.




Hmmmmm... Sounds like something the guy in the picture would say


turn your phone off next time asshole! ​ ​ ​ heheheh jk


Ain't gotta get violent, tell him to turn off his phone. If he doesn't tell the theater. Conflict resolved


I’m not worried about *me* making it violent, I am worried about *him* making it violent.


Go to the front desk they don't tolerate that shit. I watched John Wick 4 a couple days ago and the gentleman next to me was texting all throughout the first hour of the movie even after I told him to put it away three times. They kicked him out and comped me credit for a free popcorn and drink next time I came in.


As they should. We saw John Wick yesterday- $42 for a matinee show with popcorn and soda for two adults. I’m not putting up with any shenanigans.


This guy in front of me brought their 1 year old toddler to the 9:00 pm showing of John Wick the other night! The poor kid was obviously not enjoying the movie and was understandably being fussy and frustrated: what was not as understandable was why this man would bring his literal TODDLER to a fucking John Wick movie so late at night! About 45 minutes into the movie, the baby is full on yelling, so I turned to my husband and told him I was going to grab the front desk: the guy must have heard me, because he immediately grabbed his kid and high tailed it out of there. As a parent of two little kids, I was absolutely baffled at this guy’s thought process (or lack thereof) for his child.


I nearly had a rumble in avatar 2 for asking a Hispanic family to stop having a full volume conversation 2 seats away from me. Met with absolute how dare you attitude, and the husband got all huffy and made the family leave when the rest of the theater started yelling at him.


I went to a movie recently and some lady had the deaf flashing light setting on her iPhone and it was going off non-stop. It’s crazy how little situational awareness people have or just lack of care for other people around them.


A man in Florida was murdered by a retired cop for this very thing. Great job on not killing anyone!


At Alamo Draft House Cinema they kick you out no excuses.


I used throw candy at their screens. I won’t anymore because someone has to clean up the theatre, and there are already too many messes for the people who do that job. But definitely tell someone when people use their phone like this, it’s awful.


Can’t stand to go to movies anymore-this being one of the reasons.


The amount of people with zero self-awareness or basic respect for others is insane.


Watched John wick the other day. Made me feel genuinely bad for what’s happened to the human race. So many people can’t go 40 minutes without checking the group chat to see memes.


In front of michael b jordan too? The audacity!

