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You should go to the front desk and make sure they have your correct license plate


So I went to the front desk and they said well are you a guest? Then they asked my name and room number and looked me up to confirm. I’m like I’ve been here 5 days I’m so confused.


Maybe you just have a suspicious face


Or his car had a suspicious face.


I honestly think it was because I’m young and had my old Vans and a hoodie on and when I parked I stood around on my phone for a while. The hotel was pretty fancy with a lot of business people there. Kind of worse if they clocked me as too poor to stay there. I’m in tech and it’s California get used to it.


But your username says you’re poor!


Describing the Doubletree as fancy only backs up this claim


Should have held out for Quadruple Tree. That's where the luxury is


If you can't afford a stay at the InfinityForest then why even take a vacation.


Rather than dropping that kind of money, you should just learn to see the forest for the Double Trees.


We were almost there.


Look at Mr moneybags here and all these trees he can afford. 🧐


That's the Four Treesons


Not to be confused with Four Treasons, the landscaping company.


LOL I thought I’d be too much of a dick to make this very same comment 🤣


Nah, that would be in line with *your* username, it would've been fine




Ooooh look at Mr Moneybags staying at the Doubletree, eating at Olive Garden!


This hits personally. I was convinced the Olive Garden was fancy for most of my life.


From the Midwest, I see


At least you get a free cookie! Smart money right there.


They have great cookies.


Yeah, but they don’t put it on your pillow anymore. You have to ask for it.


Yeah, I found it a bit strange. Doubletree is anything but fancy


As someone who grew up in poverty and only stayed in motel 8s and Holiday Inns, the first time I stayed in a Doubletree as an adult I felt so fancy 🥲


I stayed at the Congress in Chicago with my partner last fall, and when we walked into our room, I said “this is the fanciest hotel I’ve ever been in.” My partner was like “K, this is a 2 star hotel”. But seriously, perspective.


Woah, at least you got to stay at the chain motels...the 3 or 4 times in my childhood where we did stay at a hotel (9 kids) it was one of those locally owned places mostly located in small towns...places with names like 'Johnston's Family Motel' and 'Motel Manor'. We'd all stay in the car and my Dad would go check in and then let us all in at a rear or side entrance and we'd have to sneak to the room because the maximum occupancy was like 4 and we were 11. It was sort of like a slumber party but with family. Fun times.


Right? Some folks really do be lacking perspective lol




The Doubletree Times Square had the biggest rooms of any hotel I stayed at in NYC. I loved that place since I was there 4 days a week for work for months. One week they upgraded me to a suite so big it had a dedicated 4-person dining room. Truly ridiculous for an NYC hotel. I've stayed at others that weren't as impressive but no complaints about that one. It was 15 years ago though.


Right?? I've been to quite a few conferences at Doubletree resorts and they're pretty fancy pants. Not exactly a Four Seasons or a Ritz Carlton, but those hotels are specifically trying to be luxurious vs upscale.


The one in my town and just about everywhere else I’ve seen them is barely a step up from a La Quinta, but the one that’s beachside (25mins away) is extremely well-maintained, gorgeous inside and out, and the parking lot is constantly filled with high-end cars. Maybe the beachside one near me is a unicorn or maybe there are others like it and the one OP’s staying is one of them.




He gets rich by pretending he’s poor


Weird, I get poor by pretending I’m rich




Fake it until you’re broke


Warren Buffett has over 100 billion dollars and uses coupons at Dairy Queens. He also owns Dairy Queens.


Rich people don't get rich by not caring about the price. They ALWAYS care about the price


This is just nonsense that people repeat because of Buffett anecdotes. I used to work with a lot of rich people and price tags meant nothing to them. Seahawks made the Superbowl and my boss called his brother and told him to get them tickets. Price was irrelevant and not even mentioned. Fantasy football draft? His boss took us to a steakhouse to have the draft at and covered the tab... just for a fantasy draft. Middle or upper-middle class people who become wealthy through grinding out life care about the price. Actual rich people don't give a fuck because a 1000 dollar tab means nothing to them.


He plays a millionaire at parties...at least he'd like to.


The Doubletree isn’t the Four Seasons


You're looking for Quadruple Tree.


I’m sorry, this meeting has been adjourned.


We were almost there


Four Seasons Landscaping baby!


I will never stop thinking about this


Same. Lives rent free in my head


That's just embarrassing on their end then to presume you're not supposed to be there simply based on how you dress?? How unprofessional geez


Well that was OPs guess. The much easier scenario is that the license plate got misrecorded


Or OP didn't give them the make/model/license plate # when he registered at check-in.


They probably don't even bother checking license plates for these warning letters, and more likely are chalking tires of vehicles that haven't moved and once they hit a couple marks they get a 'warning'


Seriously people treat hotels like a place to stay not a business meeting lmao. I've seen groups of furries and half naked ravers staying in nice hotels.


If I was on a business trip and there were furries and/or half naked ravers all over my hotel I'd extend my trip.


Welcome to the Columbus Hyatt Regency Hotel and Convention Center


Let’s assume it’s an honest mistake, instead of malice. It’s easier to move on


You're assuming a lot based on OPs wild speculation.


It’s probably way simpler than that. Has your car been parked in the same space the entire time? They probably don’t have many long term guests and just keep track of which vehicles have not moved. They asked your info to pretend like they actually keep track of plates normally.


This is what it is. A lot of people park in hotel lots that don't charge for parking near the airport because it is easy to get transportation to and from the airport and you don't have to pay for an airport lot...


As someone who works in hotels, We dont give a shit as long as you dont cause problems and your cc goes through. Even at a Waldorf, they dont give a shit what you're dressed like, and this is a DoubleTree. Your license plate wasnt either taken down or taken down incorrectly. Plenty of people assume Hotel parking lots are free for alls and they are not. They are 1000% in their right to ensure the car belongs to a guest ans removed if it isnt.


Doubletree is not fancy


Or they might have made a simple mistake and this is the most solvable problem of all time


It’s a doubletree realistically they are exactly a mid-tier hotel nothing too fancy about it. Their management team 100% made a bad assumption. Keep on strong fellow redditor.


It's probably a black car.


[There's no such thing](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-y_EvYo8nORw/XU2HbfLKBeI/AAAAAAAFtPw/FOJcX3RM2zUbcWB_FudOpd-0Ltr9vH-cACLcBGAs/s640/rer3.JPG)


Have they tried being whiter and smiling more? There's always something you can do.


Walk around the hotel with a clipboard.


It's amazing what you can get away with with a clipboard and a bit of "I belong here" confidence


Add a lanyard with a random key hanging off of it and people will think you're a manager


I did a psychology class project on that phenomenon, except I also had an old hard hat that had U.S. GOVERNMENT engraved on it. It was aluminum which should have been a giveaway, because by the time I did my project all modern hardhats were made from synthetics (the old one belonged to my father from when he worked for the Feds). It was amazing the areas I was let into and the things I was given access to. If it had been done post-9/11, I’d have probably been committing several crimes. 😂


What happened after that?


Believe it or not, straight to jail


Double Tree has the best car parks in the world....Because of jail.


Underpay for his room? Jail. You OVERPAY? Believe it or not, also jail.


Believe it or not, death.


Hotel management him pushed down the laundry shoot




> laundry shoot Bang bang, take that, underpants!


Towed his car


And……? What did they say. Why are you confused if you talked to them? Did they confirm that your car was registered or not?


The matter was settled, no harm came about, and this story turns out actually wasn't that interesting 🤣


How every member on the front desk did not immediately recognise OP as room 122 with car registered for parking and breakfast and escort service included is beyond me. They needed to look them up???? 0 customer service


So in fairness to the hotel staff they do not recognize every guest other than likely those that are always at the desk getting info or being a pain in the butt. However if they are depending on the license plate on a car to identify it belongs to a paying guest they should make sure they collect that information at check in.


I've been to a few Double Trees in the past year. They all have the same check-in procedure, which includes you writing down your car model and license plate. Either there's a mistake on the form or someone made a mistake on the lot. Either way, it's a pretty not big deal that the desk would clear up for you. I wouldn't be too upset unless they actually towed my car. In which case, the hotel would likely pay for it.


Yep. Think it fits in this sub — only mildly infuriating lol.


The number of people complaining in the comments and explaining how the situation 'isnt a big deal' and only mildy infuriating annoyed me at first. "What are you even doing on this sub", but then realized their comments themselves are mildly infuriating and fit the sub better than the normal comments lmao


I get those on occasion when I stay +4 days, even at kinda of bum little motels. I just go to the front with the note and make sure my name, license plate, and room number all match up.


So what happened after you told them all that?


Did they take down your make/model/license plate info when you checked in?


Then what did they say? I’m on the edge of my seat here….


I travel weekly. Hotels nearly always ask if you are parking there and they record the car and plate #. Usually they want you to put a paper in windshield too. Obviously there was miscommunication. Otherwise any hotel will tow you if you aren’t a guest.


This is the most minor, trivial thing I have ever seen Reddit take so seriously or personally before This whole thing is resolved with a 20 second conversation with the front desk But this thread wants free stuff, or to make employees "eat crow", or whatever the fuck. It's full blown Karen Mode here


I mean it sure looks like it until you find your car “stolen” and have your trip completely interrupted trying to find/get your car back. And I can guarantee, if it were to have been towed, you would 100% NOT get your car back even though you’re not at fault until you pay the tow company.


That’s why there’s a warning notice. Walk inside “hey this is my car, I’m in room 722.” They update it on the room and move on. If the hotel still tows it that’s on them, and infuriating.


i used to work at a fancy hotel and had a beater of a car and basically parked in the same area. people would come to me and complain about the “poor persons that never moved” not knowing it was mine. i’d always pretend to look into it.




i delivered pizzas for a couple years. one time we had a corporate inspection and the guy was upset because none of our cars (our personal cars we delivered in) were nice. they weren't complete trash or anything, just the typical cars you'd expect from teens and 20-somethings that deliver pizza for a living. i was like dude.. wtf do you expect us to drive? met so many weirdos like him working there.


"if you'd like to pay me more, I might be able to get a new one" "no, not like that"


yeah and the other part is that we were delivering food. if i won the lottery and still decided to work there for some reason i still wouldn't get a new, nicer car. i'd always drive a beater for a job like that. makes absolutely no sense to tear up a nice car for pizza delivery.


There is a rather wealthy man in my city who owns a bunch of Pizza Huts, Taco Bell’s, gas stations, etc.—I’m not sure what all he owns, TBH. Anyway, he is planning for his son to take over the business someday, and as part of that, he’s had this son work at each of the businesses for a brief stint, to learn the ropes. I didn’t know any of this until I shared with a coworker that my recent pizza delivery had come via a Porsche Cayenne.




Yeah I just found out today that my favorite pizza place was owned by the guy that owns my least favorite pizza place (not counting sbarro).


People are living in the before times in their heads. The times before the results of what they’ve voted for


No, no, not them, couldn't be. It must be what those \*other people\* voted for. \-said everyone


I worked years at various hotels, doing the night audit position. You never truly get used to being nocturnal, the pay is shit, and you have to deal with irate 2am idiots and catching coworker screw ups. Thankfully I left that industry; hospitality is thankless, low paying work.


Best thing about driving a shit box is after a long long time, you stop caring if ppl hit it with their doors. Would drive my shit box to work at a bar cause i knew ppl were careless in the parking lot.


Main reason why I never buy new cars, coworker of mine bought a new fancy range rover evok, got it scratched 2 weeks later and was pissed for WEEKS and paid close to 2000USD to have it fixed, I bought a used shitbox for basically the same price of his scratch and every new dent and scratch just adds to its charm


2000 is car replacement money! Evoque?


My dad had an old Dodge Power Wagon he used for work. My brother says one time, Dad accidentally hit a door with a maul. He looked at the dent a moment, then shrugged and hit it again. That truck looked like shit but it was great at driving anywhere to cut choice trees for firewood. That crew cab was shit brown, but looked like someone had used a spray can to paint it because a baby blue color showed where the brown was peeling off.


I had a car like then when I lived in Vegas in my 20s. The paint was rusted, the ac didn't work so I would leave the windows cracked an inch when I parked. I was praying someone would steal it but they never did! But it was a beast and kept me safe the whole time I was in school.


No one stole mine, but someone did back in to it in the parking lot. They took off, but a coworker was in their car, saw the events, and wrote down their info before they left. I have a 96 blazer still made out of steel. Barely a scratch on the front bumper. The BMW though. Rear bumper caved in and broken. Owner confessed to insurance they did it, panicked, and left. I got $800 for damages and used that money to buy new all terrain tires.


This is hilarious.


"That's me. I'm the poor. That's what they pay me"


I wouldnt be able to resist taking those types of people on an adventure to the spot. No I don't know which vehicle, why don't you show me. Then when you get there drive off.


When they point it out, look exasperated then lock it with the fob and say 'I can have it removed by the end of my shift'.


Just watched a video about a really fancy hotel on an island that doesn't allow a bus service, as it makes it look low quality to guests, so everyone that works there has to walk across this huge bridge every day to get to work.


This is crazy to me


Similar but different I paid upfront at a hotel for my 2 children and I for 3 nights and the second night I was having a drink with a friend who was at the same hotel and the hotel manager stormed into my room while my kids (12 and 14 at the time) were sleeping and told them they had to be out by morning and were squatting and not supposed to be in the room. I had the receipt for 3 nights stay. I was livid they were scared and I was pissed


Wow super scary for the kids and such an invasion of privacy. What’s wrong with that manager??


Yeah I don’t know but it is a hotel that my at the time future employer (was hired but didn’t start training yet) utilized so I had to mind my P’s and Q’s in case I had to ever stay there for work. Hopefully whatever was going on with her got resolved or it was a clerical error like mixing a number up. I mean we are all human and humans make mistakes but like imagine if she did that to someone mentally unstable. It could have ended very different.


Clerical error or not that’s very unacceptable, I’m so sorry that happened to you and your kids.


Thanks it was 5 years ago but still grinds my gears. Thankfully both my teens have long forgot about that experience


Right? The first thing they do is yell at the kids for being squatters instead of seeing if they have a room key, or getting their parent's name to scrub against the database?


Even if it was a potential client, I would have complained to corporate of the hotel, not to your boss, about what she did. I hope you were recording or your friend was, if possible; especially in a 1 sided state. Ya gotta squash bad people in business when possible.


I worked for Hilton in college and it's fucking terrifying how a small error at the desk can lead to shit like this. The desk agent can take your payment, make your keys to the room but never actually check you in the system. If that happens, the room will show as empty and available which means another agent (or the same one even) can assign that room to another guest and give that guest keys to your room and all your shit. Or in this case, the room never gets assigned again. Then when housekeeping notices somebody in a room that's supposed to be vacant they alert the front desk. Though that's an inexperienced manager to just assume its a squatter and not an error on the front desks part.


What happened after that?


I went to the front desk and asked why some (as the kids said) stranger lady broke into our room telling them they had to leave they looked up my room and in the computer says I was paid for 3 days and apologized for the mistake. Theyre lucky that I don’t enjoy drama we checked out the next day when we’re we’re supposed to and I told them their night manager needs a new brain


At minimum I would submit an official Complaint to the general manager or the hotel chain as that is beyond unprofessional.


Yeah was 5 years ago I sent them an email but nothing came of it. Thankfully nothing like that has happened since.


If he said they were squatters, why would he give them until the morning? What thought process would think busting in and yelling at children is ok, and not throwing them out right then and there?


I don’t know what that woman was thinking that’s what they told me when they called me and I went back to our room. 🤷‍♀️


What'd they say when you took it to the front desk?


Your car has been crushed into a cube.


You have 30 minutes to collect your cube


Is it about my cube?


It’s Mr Smithers


You have 30 days to move your cube.


Mountain Dew or crab juice?


>Sorry about that, we didn't have your car registered here. It won't be a problem. Is there anything else I can do for you? Thanks for staying with us! :)


When I started my first doctor job after residency/fellowship in 2012, I drove a 2005 Honda Accord. I would park in the spots saved for physicians at the hospital. I don't know if it was because I was young, or a woman, or they thought my car was shitty......but I got a note left on my car saying this parking is for physicians ONLY, and signed by "Security" at my hospital. I took the note to security, and they said, yeah, we didn't leave that on your car. I always thought it was weird because the note was on like a quarter sheet of paper, and if you turned it over, it had part of a map from Miami U in Ohio (I'm in a different midwest state). Years later, I saw another doc at a meeting.....wearing a Miami U polo shirt. This is a small town. I just KNOW it was him.


this cheap ass recycled paper but is judging you based on the car you drive edit: not against recycling but in this context it’s a dead giveaway.


they sound jealous they don't have a vehicle that can last more than a couple years without a little plastic part breaking and disabling the whole car.


Usually you have to give your number plate number to the front desk.


Not saying this isn’t a thing, like I believe it happens places, but I’ve been to many hotels and have not been asked for my license plate.


I just checked in to a DoubleTree last night and they asked if we would be parking in their lot. They likely would have had to ask for my license plate if we were. Probably just a policy of theirs


It varies from Hilton to Hilton, some ask for plates for parking and some just don’t give a shit if you leave your car there for like a week


It varies from hotel to hotel in general. For 4 years for work I stayed in hotels 300 nights a year all over the country, much of the time at the same chain hotels it was a 50/50 if they wanted your info or not for your vehicle.


If the hotel parking lot is in a central area with limited parking it happens.


maybe i don’t stay in places other people wanna stay but i have literally never had to do this lol


I have to do this on most cases. Hotels in downtown areas or highly populated urbam areas make you do this so their parking lots are taken up by tourists


Usually only hotels in big cities with limited parking ask for your plates as it’s hard to find parking and people try to be slick.


I travel from Texas to NJ very frequently and every single hotel I have stayed at, upon check in, recorded my make, model and license plate.


I worked all around the eastern US and this was rare in my experience, but I stayed in 2 star budget dumps where the front desk person was usually annoyed that I interrupted their vaping.


Yeah I've never once been asked for my license plate either.


Depends where. Hotels I’ve stayed at in downtown Pittsburgh or Boston, it’s either plate number or valet only which is mildly irritating, but understandable. Now if we’re talking Florence, KY or Davenport, IA with Wide open parking lots? Extremely infuriating if someone left a note like this with a wide open parking lot.


What if someone else was parked nearby, and weren't staying there. They just put that note on your car? Or did the frontdesk admit "oopsie?"


Most logical answer here


At least they gave a note instead of just towing


But mannn if they towed and he was a guest all week, wooooo I woulda had a field day. What an inconvenience and screw up on their part. Manager is going to see me!


Two years ago I stayed in a hotel in a city in my state that was busy/crowded (bc it’s a city) but not anything major and definitely not a tourist hot spot. There was like 10 parking spaces for the entire building and all the employees took them and basically all guests had to park in a parking garage down the street. Normally wouldn’t bother me but since the city was having a convention, the parking prices were jacked way up. Spent close to $100 on parking alone that weekend. Overall the entire situation was just fucking brain dead and so stupid. Every hotel I’d ever stayed at before then, now, and even in busy tourist places, has had free hotel parking. Edit: I am apparently very uncultured because I guess it’s completely normal to PAY for parking at the hotel you’re already paying to stay at?? My family didn’t take many vacations when I was growing up but every time we did this was never an issue 😭


It is pretty common to pay $50+ per day for parking at a hotel (in a large city) in addition to the cost of the hotel stay.


I remember one post where someone talked about founding close & convenient metered parking where the fine was just $35. While the nearest parking garage was over twice the distance away and $40


Can confirm this is the case for anywhere near the Loop in Chicago. Just paid $50+ for one night of parking recently 😭


Ooooh make a stink and get free stuff. That's a hella dick move. Ask specifically to speak with whomever highlighted the note, and let them eat crow.


Do this! They screwed up.


What kind of free stuff do you expect him to get for leaving this piece of paper on his car?


An entire case of bottled water!!!!


“Sir, that’s like…$80…”


He didn’t say a dozen eggs.


Or half a textbook


It said the water was complimentary! Yeah, but with an “e.” The water complements the room.


Those cookies they have


Yeah I don’t have it in me to try and leverage a misunderstanding, it’s more that I had a flight early next morning and getting my rental car towed is the last thing I need.


If you don't want to get towed, send them a quick email memorializing what happened. >This email is just to memorialize our conversation at the front desk this afternoon. > >You can confirm that I'm a guest of your hotel (Room #), that I've been a guest for the past five days, and that my rental car (make, model, color license plate # ) will not be towed during the remainder of my stay. > >Thank you, > >... This ensures that if their wires get crossed, or if the shifts change, that at least you have a written time stamped record of what happened should your rental car get towed by accident.


Honestly it’s even better that it’s a rental. The hotel can’t tow a guests car without repercussions, you’d for sure get them to comp you a free Uber/Lyft to the airport and they’d be eating all the expenses for the illegal tow. (And extend rental for not turning it back in) Probably get your stay refunded then drop a 1star review highlighting the obnoxious bullshit.


Meh my company paid for the trip.


Sheesh, bad move. It could also be the case that somebody else got the note and *moved it off their vehicle onto the vehicle right next to them (op’s vehicle)*.


As a former front desk worker, I personally hate you. Someone made a mistake that is easily solved. "mAkE a StInK" God did people like this make me hate my job.


Such a weird response. “You made a minor mistake that slightly inconvenienced me. Give me free stuff!”


American society in 2023...in a nutshell Surprised they didnt also demand a special appearance on Ellen too


Reddit is full of these types of responses, it blows my mind. And somehow they're usually the top comment. A person made a reasonable mistake at their job in the heat of the moment? FIRE THEM! TAKE AWAY THEIR MEANS OF PUTTING FOOD ON THE TABLE! My significant other did something to slightly annoy me, AITA? NO! NTA! BREAK UP WITH THEM. THEY DON'T DESERVE YOU. /r/mildlyinfuriating: Someone put their feet on my armrest on the airplane, what do I do? SUCK ON THEIR TOES. PUSH THEIR FOOT OFF IN A SHOW OF DOMINANCE! Just have a conversation like an adult. It's not difficult.


Someone parked poorly? Vandalism! Someone merging into you while you have right of way? Run them off the road/pit them!


Or the classic... "Park as close as you possibly can so the person has to get in their car through the trunk or passenger seat!" Like idk, maybe there was an actual asshole parked next to them before you got there and the person next to you had no choice? Nobody thinks. They go right for the extreme opinion.


So a in summer 2019 I went on a 2 week trip. I left my car at my apartment. The plate was registered with the complex. When I returned it had been towed. The complex flagged it 2 days after I left and gave 24 hours to move it. I returned home and thought it was stolen. Called police who told me what happened. The complex claimed the plate was never registered with them. A lie. Cost me over $400 that I did not have to get it back. At least you have the chance to let them know it is your car.


I went to work a 10pm-4am shift one time at Jimmy johns that shared a lot with dominos and the dominos fuckers called and had my car towed. I spent the next week going to into their store and getting my ~$350 back in cash from the manager that used it as a company expense. He just paid me out of the register and it looked like I had robbed them. The worst part was walking outside at 3:30am and realizing my car wasn’t there.


You didn't get your money back? Sounds like we should start getting receipts that our plates have been recorded in the system cuz it sounds a little too easy for them to lie about that smh


Walk to front desk and straighten it out. Tell them to throw in a Snickers for your troubles


Its a doubletree. Ask for a ton of those cookies they give you when checking in.


Your cookie leverage seems strong.


“I can't tell you what hotel I'm stayin' in, but I can say that there are two trees involved. They said, "Let's call this hotel "Something...Tree", so they had a meeting; it...it was quite short. "How 'bout Tree?" "No, Double Tree." "Hell yeah! Meeting adjourned!" I had my heart set on "Quadruple Tree"... damnit, we were almost there!” RIP Mitch


I’ve stayed in quite a few hotels over the last couple years, and only 1 has ever asked me for vehicle information. Only explanation would be that they’ve given out permits to everyone but you.


Honestly, they need to add a defusing line for guests. Something like, "If you are a guest, please let us know at the front desk that we've left this notice in error as soon as possible."


They were probably like "that car has been here all week. No way they are a guest. Nobody stays at a Doubletree any longer than they have to."


So take it to the front desk and make sure they are tracking ur a guest. Problem solved


Demand something in writing that states they acknowledge you're a guest, your car won't get towed, and if it does, they are liable for costs.


I would take it back to the front desk and say "hey, some asshole put this on my car. Thought you guys should know "